
Silbantes Tema 10 Alcora Alonso Deniz

Vowel / Greek Language / Mycenaean Greece / Philology / Oral Communication

2-El Dialecto Micénico

Semiotics / Philology / Linguistics / Oral Communication / Phonology

J.R.R. Tolkien - La Leyenda de Sigurd y Gudrun.pdf

Vikings / Poetry / Runes / Philology / Books

Antonio Tovar, Vida de Sócrates

Socrates / Plato / Philology / Truth / Author

Transformational Grammar of English

Phrase / Philology / Human Communication / Linguistics / Rules

Go Dutch for Beginners

Philology / Onomastics / Linguistic Morphology / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science


Morphology (Linguistics) / Linguistics / Semiotics / Philology / Human Communication

My Japanese Notes

Japanese Language / Pronoun / Adverb / Adjective / Philology

Japanese Simplifiedgrammar

Syntactic Relationships / Style (Fiction) / Philology / Semantics / Morphology

El Comentario de Texto Filológico

Latin / Spanish Language / Verb / Grammatical Conjugation / Philology

J. CH. WOLF - Prosistas griegas. Testimonios y fragmentos

Plato / Philology / Woman / Science / Philosophical Science

Ludovico Ariosto - Satire

Italian Literature / Satire / Niccolò Machiavelli / Philology / Poetry

Comentario filológico de textos

Philology / Latin / Linguistics / Semiotics / Human Communication

A Simplified Grammar of the Jappanese Language

Lexical Semantics / Vocabulary / Philology / Morphology / Semantics

Procesos fonéticos más comunes en el español en Venezuela

Phonology / Philology / Linguistics / Human Voice / Oral Communication
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