

Phonology / Language Acquisition / Human Communication / Semiotics / Cognition

Types of Stylistics

Linguistics / Feminism / Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Phonology / Ideologies

Types of Stylistics

Linguistics / Phonology / Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Feminism / Ideologies


Stress (Linguistics) / Linguistics / Phonology / Semiotics / Human Communication

Intervención Nivel fonológic 2

Syllable / Word / Speech Language Pathology / Phonology / Phoneme

Manuale di Pronuncia-LINCOM(2007).pdf

Phonetics / Phonology / Phoneme / Consonant / Human Voice

The acquisition of English intonation by Polish adult learners

Stress (Linguistics) / Phonology / Philology / Interpersonal Communication / Phonetics

ILARI, Rodolfo - Linguística Românica

Latin / Phonology / Natural Language / Linguistics / Vowel

Deutsche Phonetik Buch

German Language / Phonology / Dialect / Theoretical Physics / Semiotics

A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology

Phonology / Linguistics / Vowel / Philology / Oral Communication


Phonetics / Linguistics / Phonology / Human Voice / Oral Communication

examenes UDEP.docx

Phonology / Lepidoptera / Syntax / Word / Adverb

Lerdahl - 2 Ways in Which Music Relates to World

Stress (Linguistics) / Phonology / Pop Culture / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science

La lectura adquisición, dificultades e inervención Mercedes Rueda, 2003

Word / Learning To Read / Dyslexia / Reading (Process) / Phonology

Manual de Locucion 1

Sound / Vowel / Breathing / Phonology / Semiotics

Lectures 6-Stress in Complex Words Prefixes 1

Stress (Linguistics) / Languages / Semiotics / Phonology / Philology
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