Poetics (Aristotle)

Bueno, Gustavo - La Metafisica Presocratica

Metaphysics / Ideologies / Aristotle / Philology / Theory

Avicenna Latinus - Liber de Philosophia Prima [I-IV]

Metaphysics / Aristotle / Morality / Plato / Science

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Philosophy Of Science / Aristotle / Science / Metaphysics / Theory

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Ontology / Hermeneutics / Aristotle / Gianni Vattimo / Metaphysics

Linea de Tiempo - Etica

Morality / Aristotle / Metaphysics / Epistemology / Truth

Acerca de La Tesis de Marx en Torno a Democrito y Epicuro

Truth / Certainty / Karl Marx / Reality / Aristotle

texto tesis sobre la justicia.pdf

Aristotle / Justice / Crime & Justice / Plato / Morality


Aristotle / Logic / Metaphysics / Ontology / Reason

barroco - métrica

Metre (Poetry) / Poetic Form / Poetics / Poetry / Phonaesthetics

VELLA,J.a. Aristotle - A Guide for the Perplexed

Aristotle / Axiom / Rationalism / Science / Reason

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Pythagoras / Universe / Time / Aristotle / Matter

Tragedia Griega-Albin Lesky

Tragedy / Greek Tragedy / Aristotle / Homer / Author

The History and Philosophy of Astronomy Lecture 7: Middle Ages. Islam. Presentation

Aristotle / Astronomy / Science / Cosmology / Philosophical Science

Even in the Odds by Ralph Humphrey PDF

Drum Kit / Rhythm And Meter / African American Music / Poetics / Music Of The African Diaspora

Breve Introducción Al Tomismo - Cornelio Fabro

Thomas Aquinas / Plato / Metaphysics / Aristotle / Neoplatonism
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