Hellenistic Period

D_Yatsuhashi_Akira, In the Bird Cage of the Muses Archiving, Erudition, And Empire in Ptolemaic Egypt

Hellenistic Period / Imperialism / Ptolemaic Kingdom / Epistemology / Libraries

[Carlos García Gual] Epicuro

Aristotle / Alexander The Great / Hellenistic Period / Plato / Macedonia (Ancient Kingdom)

An Integrated Taxonomy of Musical Meaning

Musicology / Pop Culture / Classical Period (Music) / Plato / Friedrich Nietzsche


Ethical Theories / Ethical Schools And Movements / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Hellenistic Philosophy / Pantheism

André - El mundo judio en tiempos de Jesús.pdf

Hasmonean Dynasty / Maccabees / Alexander The Great / Achaemenid Empire / Hellenistic Period

Francois Hartog - Regímenes de historicidad.pdf

Historiography / Michel Foucault / Justice / Crime & Justice / Early Modern Period

01-La Transmisión de Los Textos Griegos en La Antigüedad Tardía y El Mundo Bizantino

Byzantine Empire / Hellenistic Period / Libraries / Roman Empire / Late Middle Ages

38-La Literatura Helenística e Imperial

Hellenistic Period / Poetry / Comedy / Historiography / Roman Empire

42-El Epigrama Helenístico

Poetry / Hellenistic Period / Homer / People

Second Periodical Test in Mapeh Grade 9

Substance Abuse / Classical Period (Music) / Stimulant / Substance Dependence / Opera


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Romantic Music / Classical Period (Music) / Blues / Opera

Aprecición Musical

Baroque Music / Classical Period (Music) / Sonata / Baroque / Musicology


Classical Period (Music) / Frédéric Chopin / Romantic Music / Rhythm / Musical Compositions


Frédéric Chopin / Romantic Music / Classical Period (Music) / Piano / Rhythm

Broneer Lamps

Ancient Rome / Classical Antiquity / Hellenistic Period / Relief / Roman Empire

Piñero, Antonio - Biblia y Helenismo

Biblical Canon / Septuagint / Hellenistic Period / Bible / Religion And Belief
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