Greenwich Mean Time

I Ching - Interpretação Dos Hexagramas

Currency / Time / Philosophical Science / Science / Religion And Belief

IEEE 1159 Update Collins T&D 2008

Root Mean Square / Electronics / Engineering / Electricity / Electromagnetism


Cent (Music) / Interval (Music) / Pitch (Music) / Scale (Music) / Time Complexity

BOAL, Augusto - O arco-íris do desejo

Actor / Time / Theatre / Aesthetics / Psychotherapy

MetE13 Sampling 1

Standard Deviation / Sampling (Statistics) / Errors And Residuals / Mean / Experiment

WindCatcher Manual Basic

Tab (Gui) / Icon (Computing) / Global Positioning System / Portable Document Format / Time Series

Manual de Medicina Basada en Evidencias

Mean / Evidence Based Medicine / Statistical Dispersion / Skewness / Statistics

TESDA TM Pre test

Student's T Test / Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient / Arithmetic Mean / Statistics / Variance

Project Planning tasks

Project Management / Time Management / Goal / Leadership / Leadership & Mentoring

Livro Cartas do Gervásio ao seu umbigo - Pedro Rosário, José Carlos Nuñez e outros.pdf

Learning / Time / Information / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Sociology

Catalog Simeas q en Sr10.2.5 2003

Ac Power / Programmable Logic Controller / Power Supply / Root Mean Square / Alternating Current

Derecho Del Trabajo y de La Seguridad Social

Labour Law / Salary / Retirement / Working Time / Unemployment

Guia Practica Promedio Movil

Confidence Interval / Moving Average / Mean Squared Error / Table (Database) / Physics & Mathematics

PALS Labor Law

Overtime / Working Time / Employment / Salary / United States Labor Law
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