Tamil Language

Glosario de Termines de Programacion

Java (Programming Language) / Computer Program / Object (Computer Science) / Compiler / Java Virtual Machine

concordância verval e nominal

Subject (Grammar) / Pronoun / Plural / Rules / Language Mechanics


Html Element / Xml Schema / Extensible Application Markup Language / Xml / Web Service

How Slang Affects the English Language

Slang / English Language / Idiom / Languages

Implementação de Linguagens de Programação - Compiladores. Price e Toscani (2001, 103p)

Compiler / Programming Language / Parsing / Computer Program / Formalism (Deductive)


C++ / Data Type / String (Computer Science) / Quotation Mark / Programming Language

Gramatica Griega.pdf

Morphology / Style (Fiction) / Linguistic Morphology / Language Mechanics / Syntactic Relationships

Resúmen de Griego

Verb / Noun / Object (Grammar) / Adjective / Greek Language

Global Pre Intermediate Coursebook

Identity Theft / Identity Document / English Language / Noun / Drink

Sic and SIC/XE

Instruction Set / Integer (Computer Science) / Software / Assembly Language / 64 Bit Computing

FERGUSON - Diglosia (Retipiado)

Arabic / Dialect / German Language / Linguistics / Latin

Curso de Noruego Internet

Vowel / Spanish Language / Adjective / Love / Norway

Curso de Noruego Internet Segunda Parte

Adverb / Spanish Language / Languages

1. El alfabeto

Spanish Language / Alphabet / Languages / Linguistics / Semiotics

2. Pronombres Personales

Spanish Language / Linguistic Typology / Linguistics / Languages / Semiotics

Jetstream Elem Tb

English Language / Noun / Vocabulary / Adverb / Languages
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