
Livro Professor POR PROF 1-4

Poetry / Love / Sonnets / Portugal

Elucidations Of Hölderlin's Poetry ThePoet006118

Martin Heidegger / Being And Time / Translations / Aesthetics / Poetry

Aforyzmy, przysłowia polskie i staropolskie

Man / Soul / Love / Woman / Poetry


Poetry / Truth / Liberty / Love / Soul

Gabriel Celaya - Operaciones Poéticas

Love / Truth / Birds / Poetry / Laughter

Tarea 3 de Español II

Prose / Narration / Poetry


Narration / Poetry / Science / Philosophical Science

‘Abd Al-Qâdir al-Jazâ'irî, Livre Des Haltes Tome 1 - trad. Max Giraud

Poetry / Sufism / Muhammad / Religion And Belief / Languages

Walter F Otto Las Musas

Muse / Plato / Pythagoras / Greek Mythology / Poetry


Phoneme / Poetry / Information / Science / Linguistics


Narration / Poetry / Communication / Languages / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Análise do poema ceifeira

Poetry / Grammatical Tense / Thought / Linguistics / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Fernando Pessoa - análise de poemas

Poetry / Thought / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science / Science

Análise do poema ela canta pobre ceifeira

Rhyme / Poetry / Linguistics / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science

S+¡nteseF. Pessoa Ort+¦nimo

Poetry / Thought / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts / Cognitive Science
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