Modern Portfolio Theory

Epoch-Modeling and Simulation of an All

Telecommunications / Electrical Circuits / Electromagnetism / Systems Theory / Electrical Engineering

Negociacion en Accion

Trench Warfare / Negotiation / Formula One / Game Theory / Cooperation

Tarea 1 Unidad I MetodologĂ­a de Investigacion (UAPA) 04-07-2016

Scientific Method / Hypothesis / Science / Methodology / Theory

TeorĂ­a del Caos: Efecto Mariposa

Chaos Theory / Attractor / Physics & Mathematics / Physics / Motion (Physics)

Technical Theatre -A Practical Introduction

Theatre / Creativity / Lighting / Aesthetics / Theory

Sara Ahmed-Differences That Matter_ Feminist Theory and Postmodernism (1999)

Postmodernism / Feminism / Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Discourse / Feminist Theory

Ahmed_thinking Through Skin

Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Feminism / Embodied Cognition / Feminist Theory / Thought

On Touching

Electron / Field (Physics) / Photon / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Mechanics

Control Systems Engineering

Control Theory / Control System / Feedback / Servomechanism / Throttle

Lesson Planning

Behaviorism / Learning / Theory / Curriculum / Lesson Plan

Certified Black Belt Handbook Chapter

Design For Six Sigma / Factor Analysis / Statistical Analysis / Statistics / Statistical Theory

Arabic maqam (1).pdf

Pitch (Music) / Elements Of Music / Music Theory / Musical Scales / Pop Culture

Stern, Daniel - [1985] El Mundo Interpersonal Del Infante (1a. Ed. 1991)

Subjectivity / Theory / Psychoanalysis / Life / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Los sacrificios en el Ajedrez.pdf

Chess Theory / Board Games / Traditional Games / Competitive Games / Traditional Board Games

Laestrategiaenelajedrezakarpovamatsukevich 150430125700 Conversion Gate02

Chess / Chess Openings / Chess Strategy / Chess Theory / Game Theory

TPs Psicologia Social

Social Psychology / Behavior / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Attachment Theory / Prejudices
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