German People

simón bolibar.

Venezuela / Colombia / Unrest / Armed Conflict / People

Simón Bolívar

Venezuela / Colombia / Unrest / Armed Conflict / People

Teach Yourself German

German Language / Vocabulary / Adjective / Verb / Syntax

Cuando Acaba de Llover - Guastavino

People / Classical Music / Entertainment (General) / Astronomy / Science

Y DA KHOA (25.10.16)

Works / Vietnam / Vietnamese People / Violence

Habanera from George Bizet's Opera Carmen arranged for Solo Classical Guitar

Carmen / Fictional Representations Of Romani People / Guitar Family Instruments / Prosper Mérimée / Opera


German Reunification / East Germany / West Germany / Germany / International Politics


International Politics / Soviet Union / East Germany / Germany / German Reunification

La Reunificacion Alemana

German Reunification / Cold War / East Germany / Soviet Union / International Politics

monografia puno

People / Nature

TRIPTICO Atahualpa y Huascar

Inca Empire / Unrest / Armed Conflict / People / Violence

ATHALÍA - Jean Racine

Jean Racine / David / Love / People / Bible

Deutsche Phonetik Buch

German Language / Phonology / Dialect / Theoretical Physics / Semiotics

Mark Anthony Speech

Mark Antony / Marcus Junius Brutus The Younger / Roman People / Julius Caesar / Biographers Of Ancient People


Andes / People
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