British Empire

Há 2000 Anos - Emmanuel - Chico Xavier

Roman Empire / Jesus / Love / Slavery / Greek Mythology

Historia Sumeria,Hebrea

Sumer / Mesopotamia / Assyria / Babylon / Achaemenid Empire

Modulo de Historia

Inca Empire / Ice Age / Science / Polynesia / Americas

Historia II

Ancient Rome / Roman Empire / Augustus / Pontius Pilate / Rome

Derecho romano

Roman Empire / Ancient Rome / Roman Law / Constantine The Great / Justinian I

1º ESO. Tema 15: La fragmentación del mundo antiguo

Byzantine Empire / Charlemagne / Emperor / Justinian I / Roman Empire

1º ESO. Tema 11: El mundo griego

Ancient Greece / Alexander The Great / Greece / Athens / Achaemenid Empire

1º ESO. Tema 13: Hispania romana

Ancient Carthage / Celts / Roman Empire / Ancient History / Europe

1º ESO. Tema 12: El imperio romano

Roman Empire / Ancient Rome / Rome / Agriculture / Byzantine Empire

Pensamientos Politicos en La Edad Antigua y Edad Media

Late Middle Ages / Roman Empire / Ancient History / Late Antiquity / Ancient Rome

Rock SongBook 1

David Bowie / Rock Songs / Songs / Singles (Music) / British Rock Songs

Don't Stop Fleetwood Mac - Vocal & piano

Pop Rock / Songs Written / American Musical Groups / British Rock Music / British Musical Groups

Jose Fabio Rodrigues Maciel - Historia do Direito - 4º Edição - Ano 2010

Sociology / Anthropology / State (Polity) / Evolution / Roman Empire
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