Ancient Semitic Religions

Bezalel Porten -The Elephantine Papyri in English

Papyrus / Thebes / Ancient Egypt / Languages

HISTORIA DEL DERECHO I Profesor Oscar Dávila Campusano.docx

Hannibal / Ancient Carthage / Scipio Africanus / Roman Empire / Punic Wars

Preguntas HISTORIA Por Temas Examen Admision (Prof Francisco Ramos)

Feudalism / Late Middle Ages / Ancient Carthage / Roman Empire / Byzantine Empire

Sri Yantra Pranapratistha and Puja- Simplified Procedure

Buddhism And Sexuality / Hindu Worship / Indian Religions / Tantra / Hindu Behaviour And Experience

Gold_Fate of Householder Nath

Yoga / Burial / Asceticism / Indian Religions / Religious Behaviour And Experience

López & Pociña - Comedia romana

Comedy / Theatre / Latin / Ancient Rome / Philology

Literatura clásica - Alvarez Bravo, Armando

Greek Tragedy / Ancient Literature / Greek Mythology / Achilles / Homer


Ancient Greece / Historian / Concept / Sparta / Tyrant

Alejandro Conquista Persia

Alexander The Great / Macedonia (Ancient Kingdom) / Achaemenid Empire / Darius I / Ancient Greece

Neron Dossier

Nero / Claudius / Caligula / Roman Emperors / Ancient Roman Government

Mitos Griegos, Cuaderno de Lecturas, Actividades y Pasatiempos)

Ancient Greek Literature / Demigods Of Classical Mythology / Zeus / Greek Gods / European Mythology

Jean DELUMEAU La Reforma

Martin Luther / Western Christianity / Abrahamic Religions / Protestant Denominational Families / Ancient Mediterranean Religions

Sajra Qadria Chahal kaaf Amliyat

Sahabah / Sin / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Religious Behaviour And Experience / Abrahamic Religions

Los Remotos Origenes de Egipto-Albert Slosman

Osiris / Isis / Ancient Egypt / Morocco / Egypt

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait - Sakti - The Power in Tantra

Tantra / Indian Religions / Hindu Philosophy / Nondualism / Spirituality

Gudrun Bühnemann - Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu Traditions

Mandala / Tantra / Mantra / Indian Religions / Religious Behaviour And Experience
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