Ancient Germanic Peoples

Terra Brasilis (F.Marconi)

Brazil / Africa / Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas / Slavery / People

Realidad Linguistica en El Peru

Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas / Language Families / Languages / Human Communication / Semiotics

Alejandro Magno - Roger Caratini

Macedonia (Ancient Kingdom) / Alexander The Great / Cyrus The Great / Achaemenid Empire / Sparta

Tercer Viaje Misioneroapostol Pablo

Paul The Apostle / Ancient Mediterranean Religions / Abrahamic Religions / Religious Texts / Bible

Pushkar Navmansh

Astrology / Esoteric Cosmology / Ancient Astronomy / Hindu Astrology / Science

Santos Yanguas, Juan, “Comunidades Indígenas y Centros Urbanos en Hispania en El Proceso de Conquista y Organización de Los Territorios Conquistados

Ancient Rome / European Colonization Of The Americas / Indigenous Peoples / Colonization / Roman Empire

Guru, Palana Devata

Hindu Astrology / Hindu Mythology / Ancient Astronomy / Hindu Literature / Indian Religions

Moola Dasa

Planets In Astrology / Astrology / Esoteric Cosmology / Divination / Ancient Astronomy

Egyptian Art

Jewellery / Ancient Egypt / Art Media / Fashion / Jewelry

Bp - Culturas Preincas - Examenes Una

Archaeology Of The Americas / Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas / South America / Pre Columbian Era / Andes

Módulo 2_Turismo Conceitos

Tourism / Ancient Greece


Planetary Science / Ancient Astronomy / Outer Space / Physical Sciences / Science


Inuit / First Nations / Canada / Vancouver / Indigenous Peoples

myths and stereotypes about natives

Native Americans In The United States / Race And Ethnicity In The United States Census / Indian Reservation / Stereotypes / Indigenous Peoples

Historia Universal Del Derecho

Ancient Rome / Late Middle Ages / French Revolution / France / Roman Empire


Colombia / Panama / Police / Indigenous Peoples / Felony
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