Pushkar Navmansh
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Pushkar Navmansh
Brihaspati, The Myth of Pushkara and the Pushkara Navamsha Part One by Komilla Sutton posted on 3 october !!" Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the #uality of the planet$ Pushkara bha%as are special de%rees, &hich brin% %ood luck and auspicious ener%y to the chart$ Push means to nourish and kara means &ho does or &hat causes$ So pushkara navamsha nourishes the #uality of the planet p lanet placed &ithin it$ This can take the #uality of the planet from ordinary to e'tra(ordinary$ Pushkara are not %iven in many te'ts$ They form the secret part of )edic )edic astrolo%y in &hich &hen you di% deep, you come c ome up &ith %ems of analysis$ The secret part &as essential to %ive serious astrolo%ers insi%ht &here the amateurs could fail$ *handra Kala Nadi, +ataka Pariata have a fe& shlokas that mention them$ Their importance is understood throu%h understandin% the myth of pushkara and its relationship &ith the creator Brahma and Brihaspati -+upiter.$ -+upiter.$ Myth of Pushkara /fter a prolon%ed penance a Brahmin called Tundila &as %ranted a boon that he &ould remain permanently &ith Shiva in form of +alamayatva Siddhi$ Shiva has ei%ht forms and one of them is +alamayatva Siddhi, the ability to live in &ater$ Tundila Tundila became kno&n as Pushkara, the one &ho nourishes the &orld as this penance %ave him the po&er to purify all the holy rivers for the benefit for all$ Brahma &anted &ater for creation and Pushkara0s ability ability to purify it$ 1e pleaded &ith Shiva to allo& Pushkara to live in his kamandal -the &ater pot that Brahma keeps by his side.$ Shiv %ranted this re#uest$ Brihaspati -+upiter. asked Brahma that Pushkara shou ld be &ith him, as &ater &as essential for mankind and Pushkara0s Pushkara0s ability to purify uni#ue$ Pushkara refused, as he did not &ant to leave Brahma$ Brahma resolved the situation by askin% Pushkara to stay &ith Brihaspati for 2 days &hen the latter &as enterin% a ne& ashi and 2 days &hen he &as leavin% it$ On a daily basis, Pushkara &ould stay &ith Brihaspati for a len%th of t&o Muhurta -45 minutes minutes is one muhurta. in the afternoon$ Brahma, accompanied by all the other %ods, &ould %o &ith Pushkara to the holy river bein% blessed$ Thus, Pushkara could be &ith Brahma as &ell as &ith Brihaspati at the same time$ Brihaspati stays in one rashi for a year and takes 2 years to complete one cycle of the 6odiac$ 7hen Brihaspati comes into a ashi then the Pushkara &ould be &ith him in the first 2 days -/adi Pushkara. and the last 2 days -/ntya Pushkara. as Brihaspati e'its the rashi$ 7hen people bathe in a holy river at the time of Pushkaram, they take the blessin%s of +upiter into the ne't t&elve(year cycle of Brihaspati$ The t&elve main rivers &ere blessed by Pushkara and purified once every t&elve years$ Pushkaram si%nifies the entry of Pushkara into the river &ater alon% &ith all %ods and %oddesses, &hich makes the &ater of that river pure for another 2 years$ The en tire year is considered holy to have the dip because earthly one(year amounts to only one divine day$ 8urin% Pushkaram, the old sins can be &ashed a&a y and the souls leave the &ater purified$ People also pay homa%e to their departed ancestors durin% this time as &ell$ /ll can e'perience the blessin%s of Pushkara t&ice a day &hen the pushkara muhurta is on by
takin% a dip the holy &aters$ The temple to&n of Pushkar in aasthan is blessed, as its lake is the livin% kamandal of Brahma$ There is a rare Brahma temple there as &ell$ This is one of the holiest place and people thron% there to find absolution for ne%ative past karma$ 8aily there are t&o Pushkaram &hen the holy &aters %et ener%i9ed &ith the %odly presence and these are the special times to take a dip in the holy &aters as they are specially ener%i9ed and purified$ /ll the %ods are residin% &ith Brahma to %ive their blessin% to the aspirants$ Brihaspati - +upiter. transits and Pushkara of the 1oly ivers There are t&elve holy rivers in ancient :ndia and these rivers are not al&ays easy to trace in the present times$ The rivers blessed by Pushkar durin% Brihaspati ashi transits are ashi iver Mesha ;an%a )rishibha e&a Mithuna Saras&ati Kartaka 6odiac.$ These positions have been transposed into the natal chart to sho& de%rees or navamshas, &hich become special placement for the planets$ The planets in these positions take a virtual dip in the holy &aters and re%ardless of their previous karma or &eaknesses they have the ability to %et redeemed and be stren%thened$ 7hile humans can %et rid of their sins by takin% a dip in the holy &aters durin% Pushkaram, the planets in the natal chart %ets similarly blessed and lose all their ne%ative #ualities$ 7hat is important to remember is that the individuals in &hose chart &here the la%na or planets in the pushkara navamshas and bha%as should &ant to make the chan%es, to find the blessin%s$ Other&ise these positions can ust remain unreali9ed blessin%s$ Brihaspati -+upiter. has a special relationship &ith Pushkara and its position in Pushkara is especially beneficial$ The rishis and spiritualist &ait for pushkara time to rise before they take a dip in the holy &aters, similarly &e can %et the same blessin%s by cho osin% a pushkara la%na risin% in our muhurta$ Note? Part t&o of this article on Pushkara Navamsha and Bha%a &ill be published in November !!"$
Pushkara? Navamsha and Bha%a Part T&o Komilla Sutton click here for part one posted on 2 Nov !!" Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the #uality of the planet$ Pushkara bha%as are special de%rees, &hich brin% %ood luck and auspicious ener%y to the chart$ Push means to nourish and kara means &ho does or &hat causes$ So pushkara navamsha nourishes the #uality of the planet placed &ithin it$ This can take the #uality of the planet from ordinary to e'tra(ordinary$ Pushkara are not %iven in many te'ts$ They form the secret part of )edic astrolo%y in &hich &hen you di% deep@ you come up &ith %ems of analysis$ The secret part &as essential to %ive serious astrolo%ers insi%ht &here the amateurs could fail$ *handra Kala Nadi, +ataka Pariata have a fe& shlokas that mention them$ : read about Pushkara in * S Patel0s book Navamsha and Nadi /strolo%y, +ataka Pariata and *handra Kala Nadi, but the final analysis is my o&n research and e'perience$ Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the #uality of the planet$ Pushkara bha%as are special de%rees, &hich brin% %ood luck and auspicious ener%y to the
chart$ Push means to nourish and kara means &ho does or &hat causes$ So pushkara navamsha nourishes the #uality of the planet placed &ithin it$ This can take the #uality of the planet from ordinary to e'tra(ordinary$ Pushkara are not %iven in many te'ts$ They form the secret part of )edic astrolo%y in &hich &hen you di% deep@ you come up &ith %ems of analysis$ The secret part &as essential to %ive serious astrolo%ers insi%ht &here the amateurs could fail$ *handra Kala Nadi, +ataka Pariata have a fe& shlokas that mention them$ : read about Pushkara in * S Patel0s book Navamsha and Nadi /strolo%y, +ataka Pariata and *handra Kala Nadi, but the final analysis is my o&n research and e'perience$ Pushkara Navamsha Navamsha is the most important var%a$ Planet positions in their navamsha finally decide &hether they are stron% or &eak in the chart$ 8o they feel supported or not$ Therefore Pushkara navamshas become very important$ They are specific areas in charts that nourish &hich %ive planets the capacity to heal and re%enerate themselves$ This special navamsha allo& the personality to flourish$ e%ardless of the situation of the planet, its #ualities become replenished$ :t is al&ays the navamsha ruled by the same si%ns &ithin the same elements that become pushkara$ Study the table belo& for further clarification$ Pushkara navamsha table by si%ns and elements Alements Si%ns pushkara de%rees Pushkara navamsha ire( /ries, Ceo, Sa%ittarius ! de% to 3 de%! Cibra " de% to 3! de% !! Sa%ittarius Aarth( Taurus, )ir%o, *apricorn !" de%4! to 2! de% !! Pisces 23 de% ! to 2" de% 4! Taurus /ir( ;emini, Cibra, /#uarius 2" de% 4! to ! de% !! Pisces 3 de% ! to " de% 4! Taurus 7ater( *ancer, Scorpio, Pisces !! de% !!to !3 de% ! *ancer !" de% 4! to 2! de% !! )ir%o 7hile there are t&o Pushkara in each si%n, they do not fall in /ries, ;emini, Ceo, Scorpio, *apricorn, and /#uarius navamshas$ These navamshas can be taken as points of personal development, &here individual learns from their o&n mistakes$ /ries, ;emini, Ceo and /#uarius are male si%ns and their navamsha may use up all the ener%y available
to them not try to re%enerate the planetary #ualities$ Scorpio and *apricorn are female si%ns but these are comple' areas &ithin si%ns$ Scorpio creates sudden transformation and *apricorn makes planet feel very burdened, even if they are &ell placed$ /s *apricorn makes us face up to our karmic responsibilities and therefore &e are not able to nurture the soul$:f planets are placed in these navamshas, it should not be taken as minus points$ 7hat needs to be understood that these planets have to be self(motivated, their ob in this life uses up some of the positive ener%y saved from previous lives, and therefore pushkara does not nourish them$ That may not be ne%ative, ust the &ay life is$ Not everythin% can be saved up or nurtured$ But by bein% a&are of these #ualities, &e can make sure that &e learn to nourish them throu%h our actions$ Pushkara navamsha can be classified throu%h nakshatras padas as follo&s Ketu Nakshatras -/sh&ini, Ma%ha, and Mula. do not have any pushkara navamsha$ 3rd pada -Cibra. of )enus nakshatras( Bharani, Purva Phal%uni, Purva /shadha 2st pada, Sa%ittarius and 4th pada, Pisces of Sun nakshatras( Krittika, Dttara Phal%uni, Dttara /shadha nd pada Taurus of Moon nakshatras( ohini, 1asta, Shravana Mars -Mri%asira, *hitra, and 8hanishta. do not have an y pushkara navamsha$ 4th pada Pisces of ahu nakshatra( /rdra, S&ati and Shatabhishak nd pada -Taurus. and 4th pada -*ancer. of +upiter nakshatras( Punarvasu, )ishakha, Purva Bhadra nd pada -)ir%o. of Saturn nakshatra( Pushya, /nuradha, Dttara BhadraMercury -/shlesha, +yeshta, and evati. do not have any pushkara navamsha$ Ketu nakshatra are be%innin% sta%es for the development for the soul$ These sta%es can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the stru%%le of the soul to live a material life is there$ :n Ketu nakshatras, the soul is takin% a ne& step in its development, so it uses up some of its accumulated nourishment$ So &hile they are aspirin% for moksha, their very action depletes their collected %ood karma and planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances$ That does not make it &ron% or brin% &eakness but pushkara cannot thrive$ The soul cannot chan%e the situation and in its pursuit for the ne't level of development, they have to use up some of their e#uity$ :t is like takin% a loan for present development, &hich &ill brin% future re&ards$ But the present &ill make them feel burdened$ Ketu nakshatra are be%innin% sta%es for the development for the soul$ These sta%es can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the stru%%le of the soul to live a material life is there$ :n Ketu nakshatras, the soul is takin% a ne& step in its development, so it uses up some of its accumulated nourishment$ So &hile they are aspirin% for moksha, their very action depletes their collected %ood karma and planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances$ That does not make it &ron% or brin% &eakness but pushkara cannot thrive$ The soul cannot chan%e the situation and in its pursuit for the ne't level of development, they have to use up some of their e#uity$ :t is like takin% a loan for present development, &hich &ill brin% future re&ards$ But the present &ill make them feel burdened$ Mercury nakshatras are areas of transformation &here the debris of all soul0s ne%ativity %ets collected, the soul stru%%les to make the chan%es, the mind is active tryin% to make sense of their circumstances$ The planets stru%%le to transcend, therefore there is no calmness and stillness provided by Pushkara$ Planets use up their ener%y and do not
al&ays feel nourished$ The pushkara navamshas thro& up some interestin% points$ The rulerships of the navamshas are by benefic planets$ +upiter and )enus ruler nine pushkara each, one in fire, earth and air elements, &hereas Moon and Mercury rule one each in 7ater elements$ 7ater si%ns are kno&n as moksha houses as &ell$ Moksha houses are about self( realisation and the rulership of Moon and Mercury( the t&o planets of the mind should that &e have to nourish our mind before &e can aspire to realise ourselves$ /nother &ay of lookin% at it is that a nourished and #uiet mind helps us to %o to&ards self(reali9ation$ The planets that are not placed in pushkara need to be ener%i9ed, as they do not have the capacity to nourish themselves$ Pushkara Bha%a Pushkara bha%a are specific de%rees &here planets become especially auspicious to do %ood$ The e'act de%ree is becomes very po&erful a%ent for bein% positive, &hereas the navamsha is still po&erful but not as intense as the de%ree$ Pushkara de%rees are used for Muhurta$ *hoosin% the muhurta la%na on a pushkara bha%a makes that a very auspicious moment$ +ataka Pariata( /dhyaya 2 Shloka E5 %ives the follo&in% de%rees? 2> /ries -Cibra Navamsha. 2F> Ceo -)ir%o navamsha. 3> Sa%ittarius -Cibra Navamsha. These three in )enus nakshatras and ire si%ns 24> Taurus -Taurus navamsha and var%otamma( Moon nakshatra.,F> )ir%o -Pisces navamsha( Sun nakshatra., 24> *apricorn -Taurus Navamsha( Moon nakshatra./bove Three in Aarth si%ns 25> ;emini -Pisces navamsha( ahu nakshatra.,4> Cibra -Taurus Navamsha( +upiter nakshatra., 2F> /#uarius -Pisces Navamsha( ahu nak shatra./bove three in /ir si%ns 5> *ancer -)ir%o Navamsha. 22> Scorpio -Cibra Navamsha., F> Pisces -)ir%o Navamsha./bove three in Saturn nakshatras and 7ater si%ns Pushkara de%rees %iven by *S Patel in his book Nadi and Navamsha astrolo%y are?2> of ire si%ns? 2> /ries, 2> Ceo, and 2> Sa%ittarius -)enus nakshatras.24> in Aarth si%ns? 24> Taurus, 24> )ir%o, and 24> *apricorn -Moon nakshatras.4> in /ir si%ns? 4> ;emini, 4> Cibra, and 4> /#uarius -+upiter Nakshatras.G> in 7ater si%ns? G> *ancer, G> Scorpio, G> Pisces -Saturn nakshatras. /ccordin% to the *S Patel, Bha%as are not found in Ketu, Sun, Mars, ahu and Mercury nakshatras &hile +ataka Pariata has pushkara bha%a in ahu and Sun nakshatras but not in Ketu, Mars and Mercury nakshatras$ Mostly the +ataka Pariata pushkara bha%a de%rees are used$ : am also usin% +ataka Pariata bha%as as it %ives these actual de%rees in the te't$ Plus it resonates &ith my research$ : have been infomred by one of his students that *S PateHls information is from Purva Kalamrita$ 8o research both sets of de%rees and come up &ith your o&n conclusions$ 1o& to use Pushkara Bha%a and Navamsha$ +ataka Pariata says that pushkara should be used in muhurta, natal and any other factor under consideration$ Other factors under consideration are in prashna and maybe relationship compatibility$
Muhurta? There are 4 pushkara navamsha and 2 pushkara therefore every hour a pushkara navamsha rises and every t&o hours a pushkara de%ree rises$ Therefore &hen you need to find an auspicious time in a hurry, you can chose a pushkara navamsha or a pushkara de%ree$ Some de%rees reflect both the navamsha and de%ree of pushkara$ :n Taurus, the pushkara navamsha and the de%ree are var%otamma@ therefore that particular position is e'tremely stron%$ ;enerally &hen plannin% a muhurta, it &ould be %ood to choose a pushkara de%ree or navamsha risin%$ This protects the chart and %ives it a benefic #uality$ To have the benefic planets, la%na lord, Fth lord, Eth lord as &ell as the lord of the house for &hich you are performin% the muhurta -2!th career, 4th( home. to be in pushkara navamsha &ill further fortify the chart$ Natal? emember pushkara is added on kno&led%e$ *ancer$ But Saturn is combust and Saturn is spoilin% Sun$ Therefore the ability of these planets to do %ood is limited$ But their bein% in pushkara position, it su%%ests that despite their limitations and the pain that this conunction has %enerated is there, but also there is hope and capacity for improvement$ Prashna? :f the prashna ascendant falls in pushkara or the karaka falls in pushkara, there &ill be a %ood endin%$ Cets suppose the #uestion &as about buyin% a ne& home$ 4th lord is Mercury and is placed in the 5th house in Taurus navamsha in Cibra$ The immediate
ans&er &ould be that there is difficulty in buyin% the house$ But this is a pushkara navamsha@ therefore there are some underlyin% factors that &ill make this ne%ative aspect positive$ :t may be that not buyin% the house saved you from a bi% loss or there may be a better property ahead so not buyin% this property &ill be for your %ood in the lon% run$ elationships? if )enus, the karaka of relationships is placed in 24> )ir%o$ No& )enus in )ir%o &ould usually create problems &ith relationships but the pushkara aspect &ill nourish )enus, make it feel supported and that &ould have %ood effect for relationships$
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