Psychology & Cognitive Science

Starcraft d20 System [Gdr Ita]

D20 System / Dungeons & Dragons / Role Playing Games / Leisure / Nature

Personal Fitness Trainer Mod III

Flexibility (Anatomy) / Sports / Nature / Biology / Science

1 2 3 Cthulhu Gdr

Role Playing Games / Dice / Internet / Email / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Levantamiento topografico

Topography / Geography / Nature / Science / Engineering


Electrode / Physical Chemistry / Physical Sciences / Science / Materials

PMP Primavera.pdf

Projects / Product Development / Leadership & Mentoring / Leadership / Project Management

The Aesthetic of Our Anger. Anarcho-Punk, Politics and Music

Punk Rock / Entertainment (General) / Politics (General) / Science / Philosophical Science

Cosmonauts of the Future: Texts from the Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere

Situationist International / Aesthetics / Empiricism / Science / Philosophical Movements


Chakra / Unconscious Mind / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Homo Sapiens / Happiness & Self-Help

Levantamiento Topográfico - Ensayos Para Estudiantes

Topography / Geometry / Space / Nature / Science

Geologia General de Cerro de Pasco

Fault (Geology) / Rock (Geology) / Geology / Nature / Earth & Life Sciences

Dittmar&All(2008) - Consumer Culture Identity & WellBeing

Well Being / Identity (Social Science) / Happiness & Self-Help / Body Image / Consumerism

Tipos de Levantamientos Topográficos

Topography / Map / Earth / Civil Engineering / Science

Fading Suns 3rd Edition Life Paths

Guild / Folklore / Leadership / Leadership & Mentoring / Monk

Boudon Lazarsfeld - Metodologia de Las Ciencias Sociales

Hypothesis / Social Sciences / Proposition / Science / Sociology

Teoria de la Difusión de Innovaciones (Rogers)

Innovation / Adoption / Leadership / Leadership & Mentoring / Decision Making
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