Poetics (Aristotle)

Tarea VI

Socrates / Plato / Aristotle / Knowledge / Epistemology

Coseriu Eugenio - Tradicion Y Novedad en La Ciencia Del Lenguaje (Gredos)

Aristotle / Linguistics / Translations / Plato / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz


State (Polity) / Morality / Sovereignty / Aristotle / Democracy

Estetica - Filosofia Passo a Passo Vol 63 - Kathrin H. Rosenfield

Aesthetics / Immanuel Kant / Beauty / Metaphysics / Aristotle

0128314_Historia Do Pensamento Filosofico Resumo Para Prova P1 2012

Socrates / Aristotle / Thomas Aquinas / Existence Of God / Ciência

Filosofia e Poesia - Maria Zambrano

Plato / Materialism / Aristotle / Martin Heidegger / Metaphysics

Rosewood Blues

Poetics / Classical Music / Musicology / Rhythm And Meter / Musical Forms

Resumen de Filosofía Medieval

Thomas Aquinas / Soul / Neoplatonism / Truth / Aristotle

LaínEntralgo P - Alma Cuerpo Persona 1a

Plato / Soul / Matter / Aristotle / Socrates

Pitagoras e os Caminhos da Alma

Pythagoras / Reincarnation / Aristotle / Ciência / Plato

el amor en el derecho.pdf

Aristotle / Love / Felicidad y autoayuda / Dignity / Justice

Poética de Aristóteles Aplicada a Antígona

Tragedy / Poetics (Aristotle) / Arts (General) / Poetry / Philosophical Science

Nomen, Omen

Comedy / Novels / Aristotle / Rhetoric / Languages

Danza Hungara.pdf

Music Theory / Performing Arts / Notation / Poetics / Rhythm And Meter

Time Signatures

Poetics / Notation / Rhythm And Meter / Musical Compositions / Musical Notation
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