Feminist Philosophy

Paradigmas Psicopedagogicos-matriz Resumen

Learning / Evaluation / Emergence / Educational Psychology / Action (Philosophy)

Theory of PLE Spectroscopy in Semiconductors

Molecular Physics / Theoretical Physics / Electromagnetism / Modern Physics / Natural Philosophy

Ihde, Don - Listening & Voice - Phenomenologies of Sound (2nd Ed, 2007)

Phenomenology (Philosophy) / Object (Philosophy) / Metaphysics / Perception / Reason


Eastern Orthodox Church / Eastern Christianity / Catholic Church / Religious Comparison / Western Philosophy

CE Board Problems in Physics

Acceleration / Speed / Velocity / Natural Philosophy / Physics & Mathematics

Problemas de optica fisica medicina

Vision / Ophthalmology / Senses / Natural Philosophy / Medical Specialties

The Hermeneutic Motion by George Steiner

Martin Heidegger / Hermeneutics / Philosophical Theories / Western Philosophy / Philosophical Movements

Modelo de Proyecto de Investigacion Matematica

Constructivism (Philosophy Of Education) / Learning / Physics & Mathematics / Mathematics / Primary Education


Constructivism (Philosophy Of Education) / Learning / Knowledge / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Mind


Sufism / Sharia / Prophets And Messengers In Islam / Quran / Western Philosophy

Varieties of Presence

Phenomenology (Philosophy) / Perception / Consciousness / Existentialism / Thought

Currículo 6 Matemáticas

Constructivism (Philosophy Of Education) / Physics & Mathematics / Mathematics / Truth / Learning

coachingdevida-coachingpersonal-120529150049-phpapp01 (1).docx

Personal Development / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Behavioural Sciences / Action (Philosophy) / Psychological Concepts

Procliana. Spätantikes Denken und seine Spuren - Werner Beierwaltes.pdf

Neoplatonism / Plato / Metaphysics / Western Philosophy / Truth

Bilbeny, Norbert - Filosofía política.pdf

Political Science / Science / Political Philosophy / Ideologies / Politics


Hindu Astrology / Hindu Philosophy / Astrology / Hindu Mythology / Indian Religions
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