Children's Mystery Novels

Carlos Garcia Gual - Historia Del Rey Arturo

King Arthur / Novels / Courtship

Carlos García Gual - Historia, novela y tragedia

Novels / Historiography / Herodotus / Thucydides / Ancient Literature

Silvia Molloy Homosexualidad

Lesbian / Homosexuality / Autobiographies / Reading (Process) / Novels

Peonía - Manuel Vicente García

Literary Criticism / Novels / Venezuela / Truth / Ideologies

Harry Potter

Harry Potter / Musical Instruments / Contemporary Fantasy Novels / Harry Potter Universe / Pop Culture


Henry James / Novels / Novelists / Consciousness / Truth

The Philosophy of the Short Story - Brander Matthews

The Murders In The Rue Morgue / Short Stories / C. Auguste Dupin / Novels / Poetry

Sartre Situaciones I El hombre y las cosas 1960.pdf

Edmund Husserl / Novels / Conspiracy (Criminal) / Love / Youth

Bourdieu, Pierre - Campo Intelectual y Proyecto Creador

Author / Intellectual / William Shakespeare / Truth / Novels

Alfred Hitchcock 00 Les Trois détectives Présentation et Biographie

Serials (Publishing) / Children's Mystery Novels / Series Of Books / Mysteries / Crimes

Lazarillo de Tormes Adaptado

Chivalric Romance / Novels

Brandon Sanderson - Nacidos de La Bruma - El Imperio Final

Fantasy / J. R. R. Tolkien / Novels / Sun
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