
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum--African Negro Sculpture (1948)

Sculpture / Shape / Magic (Paranormal) / Mask / Arts (General)

02- História Da Arte Africana Dentro e Fora Do Continente

Africa / Sculpture / Library And Museum / Further Education


Maya Civilization / Mesoamerica / Sculpture / Evidence / Baroque

Venus de Milo

Sculpture / Science / Philosophical Science


Sculpture / Knife / Butter / Relief / Color

Boletin Informativo Anual 2007..pdf

Sculpture / Bronze / Egypt / Temple / Copper

C. Aldred, Old kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt, 1949

Ancient Egypt / Sculpture / Arts (General) / Paintings

Aldred, Middle kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt / Ancient Egyptian Religion / Osiris / Thebes / Sculpture

Antiquity and Photography. Early Views of Ancient Mediterranean Sites

Archaeology / Library And Museum / Sculpture / Paintings

The Story of Art Deel 1 H1 H8

Sculpture / Hellenistic Period / Middle Ages / Roman Empire / Egypt

9789088905230 - Miniaci et al. (eds.) 2018 - The Arts of Making in Ancient Egypt - Ebook

Sculpture / Ancient Egypt / Archaeology / Statue / Bronze Age

1969 - Earth Art Exhibition - Catalogue

Aesthetics / Museum / Sculpture / Perception / Paintings

Manual de Dinámicas

Rhythm / Pop Culture / Sculpture / Self-Improvement / Emotions

1.El templo griego

Temple / Column / Architectural Design / Ancient Greece / Sculpture

CineMagic #06 (1980)

Plaster / Paint / Acrylic Paint / Sculpture / Paintings
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