CineMagic #06 (1980)

April 6, 2018 | Author: Vinnie Rattolle | Category: Plaster, Paint, Acrylic Paint, Sculpture, Paintings
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Descripción: Sixth issue of the glossy revival of the magazine, which instructed readers on how to create movie effects....



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a otlde._

with a 5 • of his Iau:lI - " cre. u - . Bndy b u " ' some w ort!. f..-TV . He cre.t.e.d _ of the .Ue_ ...... t were s een on Pr.jec! U . F.O . Ki rk Is currently busy producing his own f ilm , As tronaut, w h ic h will f es tu re bls talents wrikr director. as &rt:ist... wtU_-tleup



'es;p!or .... ilt."..,pMr.

Tim P.ce of Fillls Church, Vlrglnl., con· s tructed this full · s lae repllc. of the St.r Trek. shuttle cr.ft for Trelclcleil , • mo"le by Tim D."I • . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ It'. the best St.r


Trek. prop we' ve e"er s een. Mr. Pac e h.s .Is o c on. OUcted the robot c hiln.cte ... for .n aU · robot roc:k ·and · roll b.nd, which will be s een ht. future Isaue of CINEJIIIAGIC.

Kenneth Anthony's Producer. ' Bulletin Board entry, Winners ' Moon, features many Interes Ung s pecla' effec .... Here, .n ar· bltrary nYtte is uaed to matte· out the day -time . ky a.d,. . the roc:k plies bilckground .ppear.s dl.t.ilnt 1.,,00m,ou,,· taln •. It Is evident from thla photo thilt • great de.l of c re.Uve energy went into m.klng thi. film.




Editor's Bench _ _


The Invhilble Wino Returns _


All the Clrc:ults Money CanBuy _




Easy, inexpensive les that can add

that special magic to your an "invisible man" to move objects on a set? Try this method used by a pro filmmaker.

electronic special effects.


Producers' BuUetin Board An effective alternative to full makeup and facial appliances is explored in this detailed how-to

_ 32

Books for filmmakers-valuable sources of information and

techniques for the filmmaker.

Cinemagic Marketplace _ __



Classified advertising and announcements.

FUmmakers'1 8 Forum ;;;;;;;;:::';~~

Close-up _ 3 4

Transitions: Bastc A regular department devoted,to


readers' comments about filmmaking, their problems and

The art of getting your films from here to there, with a look at some of the classic examples of Hitchcock


and others.

Foreground miniatures are one of the most powerful tools available to the low-budget filmmaker_ C!NEMAGIC'6




(c;;/liJl.i:W Issue - 6

PubU.hedby: O'QUINN STUDIOS, INC. 475 P2Irk Avenue South




New York, N.V:l0016 : Norman Jacobs/Kerry O'Quinn

Founder of CINEMAGIC and Editorial Con.ultant: Don Dahler

Editor-In-Chief: David Hutchison

De.lgn Director: Cheh N, Low

De.lgner: Robert Sefcik

A••oclate Editor:

It's Contest Time!


any of you have written asking about the annual CINEMAGIC Short Film Search. Last April, STARLOG and CINEMAGIC j udged entrants from our first competition and announced the winners at Balticon in Maryland . This year, we are pleased to announce that the second annual Short Film Search will be conducted in association with the prestigious School of Visual Arts in New York City. Full details will be discussed in the nellt issue ofClNEMAGIC, but for the mo· ment you should kn ow that all amateur and semi·pro films in Super·8 or 16mm of not more than 15 minutes in length will be accepted for judging. All entries should feature science fiction, horror or fantasy themes and can utilize live·action, animation and any special·effects technique desired.

John Clayton

JIIlanaglng Editor: Bob Woods

It is not necessary to create a film just for this contest; it can be a film you are working on now or have recently completed. However, if you are just starting a film , you should prepare to have it finished by early September in order to qualify for the judging. Awards and cash prizes will be presented to the winners at a gala theatrical screening of the finalists in New York City under the auspices of CINEMAGIC and The School of Visual Arts.

Editorial Contributor.: Kirk Brady Bob Heath Britt McDonough Kenneth Walker

For a copy of the official rules and entry form, send a self·addressed, stamped envelope (large "'10 size) to: CINEMAGIC/SVA Short Film Search-1980 475 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 Return information will be sent in May. Remember, more details and helpful tips will be included in the next issue of CINEMAGIC, as well as another look at last year's winners.

Art8taff: Laura O'Brien Leigh Grau

Aa.oclate PuhU.her: Ira Friedman

A•• latant PubU.her: Rita Eisenstein for Adv!< animation for home or school beginner's worl
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