Machine Learning


Spanish Language / Teachers / Curriculum / Primary Education / Learning

FS5 ep 1and 2 final (1).docx

Educational Assessment / Teachers / Test (Assessment) / Learning / Motivation

Brainy Ways to Teach Kids

Memory / Neuron / Axon / Creativity / Learning

Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course

Kanji / Learning / Communication / Linguistics / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Conversation in Action - Let's Talk - 112p

Housewife / Teachers / Teaching And Learning / Leisure

Conversation in Action - Let_s Talk

Housewife / Marriage / Sports / Leisure / Teaching And Learning

Guia Huellas

Reading (Process) / Word / Writing / Reading Comprehension / Learning

Operaciones de Maquinado y Maquinas Herramienta

Drill / Machine Tool / Tools / Numerical Control / Manufactured Goods

Los procesos de la lectura y la escritura. Propuestas de intervención pedagógica.pdf

Learning / Evidence / Knowledge / Understanding / Reading (Process)

Piaget, Vygotsky y la psicología cognitiva.pdf

Psychology & Cognitive Science / Adults / Empiricism / Learning / Knowledge

4 Presentacion Producto VMware

V Mware / Virtual Machine / Office Equipment / Computer Engineering / Operating System Technology

Neural Network in MATLAB

Artificial Neural Network / Machine Learning / Computational Science / Mathematical Concepts / Computational Neuroscience

Aprender a Dibujar. Un Metodo Garantizado - Betty Edwards (Completo).pdf

Cerebral Hemisphere / Brain / Creativity / Learning / Drawing

FS 6 Episode 3 and 4 (1)

Field Research / Teachers / Classroom / Learning / Teaching And Learning


Curriculum / Learning / Reading (Process) / Primary Education / Communication

Proyecto de Tesis Ucv

Intellectual Disability / Disability / Learning / Special Education / Rhythm
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