Codification (Law)

Lei 1762-86 Estatuto dos Funcionários públicos Civis do Estado do Amazonas

Annual Leave / Conscription / Statutory Law / Retirement / Salary


Labour Law / State (Polity) / Private Law / Public Law / Constitution

Note 1 Commercial Contracts

Offer And Acceptance / Liquidated Damages / Law Of Agency / Indemnity / Negotiable Instrument

Case Digest

Employment / Layoff / Salary / Statute Of Limitations / Labour Law

National Mines and Allied Workers Union v Vera

Injunction / Foreclosure / Lawsuit / Judgment (Law) / Social Institutions

Labor Standards Digests 1

Strike Action / Employment / Trade Union / Salary / Labour Law

Labor Standards Digests 3

Ex Post Facto Law / Burden Of Proof (Law) / Crime & Justice / Crimes / Reasonable Doubt

Property Case Digest

Foreclosure / Mortgage Law / Real Property / Property / Taxes


Lawyer / Confidentiality / Judgment (Law) / Legal Concepts / Virtue

Succession Digests Part 1

Will And Testament / Legal Documents / Kinship And Descent / Legal Communication / Civil Law (Legal System)

Tan vs Northwest Airlines digest

Legal Concepts / Civil Law (Legal System) / Justice / Crime & Justice / Private Law

Fallo Daray resumen

Police / Criminal Law / Evidence (Law) / Judge / Politics

Deed of Waiver of Rights

Common Law / Philippines / Government / Politics

Caso Práctico Para Desarrollo Del Taller 3

Labour Law / Occupational Safety And Health / Safety / Accounting / Wage And Pension

Sahil Kahol Penology

Punishments / Sentence (Law) / Crime & Justice / Crimes / Discretion

Derecho Civil II. Auoevaluacion

Subrogation / Payments / Common Law / Justice / Crime & Justice
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