ZX NOC Alarm and other Technincal Information

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Alarms and other technical information of ZTE. Good documents, explaining RF /NOC technicalities...


ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 Indoor GSM&UMTS Dual Mode Macro Node B

Quick Troubleshooting Guide Version 4.00.21

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First edition




Serial Number: SJ-20100324105902-006


Preface.............................................................. I Introduction to ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 ..............1 Fan Unit Alarm ..................................................3 FCE Board Reports Application Monitoring Alarm (198084117) ......................................................... 3 Fan Alarm for BS8800 Macro-BTS Cabinet (198084075) ........ 4

B8200 Alarm .....................................................7 CC Alarm....................................................................... 7 E1/T1 Link Alarms ...................................................... 7 SCTP Disconnection Alarm (198084030) .......................12 Loss of clock reference source alarm (198084004) .........17 SNTP Time Synchronization Fault (198084109)..............21 FS Alarm ......................................................................23 Ir loss of optical (electrical) signal (198084013) ............23 UBPG Alarm..................................................................24 Baseband Data Link Error Alarm (198084325) ...............24 PM Alarm .....................................................................25 External power undervoltage (198084284) ...................25 SA Alarm......................................................................25 High Ambient Temperature Alarm (198084068) .............25 High Equipment Temperature Alarm (198084070) ..........26 Board Alarms ................................................................27 Board Communication Link is Interrupted (198084123) (BBU) ..............................................................27

RU Alarm ......................................................... 29 Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Alarm ...................................29 Board Communication Link is Interrupted (198084123) ........................................................30 Downlink digital IF predistortion alarm (198084056) ..........33 60ms Clock Signal Alarm ................................................34

Description of Jumpers on SA Board................ 37

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CC Indicator Description ................................. 43 RU02 Indicator Description ............................. 45 RU60/R8860 Indicator Description ................. 47 Figures ............................................................ 49 Tables ............................................................. 51 Glossary .......................................................... 53


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Preface About this Manual

This manual introduces the common troubleshooting methods for BS8800 GU360 BTS. This can direct the field maintenance staff to quickly find the fault reason and solve it as soon as possible. Where, the troubleshooting methods for the RU module is also applicable to outdoor R8860 unit.



Troubleshooting Principles

System Engineer

Commissioning Engineer

Maintenance Engineer

This manual has the following chapters. Chapter Name


Chapter 1 Introduction to ZXSDR BS8800 GU360

Introduces the architecture and composition of ZXSDR BS8800 GU360.

Chapter 2 Fan Unit Alarm

Introduces the methods to find the reason of fan unit alarms.

Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm

Introduces the methods to find the reason of B8200 faults.

Chapter 4 RU Alarm

Introduces the methods to find the reason of RU faults.

Appendix A Description of Jumpers on SA Board

Introduces the description of jumpers on SA board.

Appendix B CC Indicator Description

Describes the CC indicators.

Appendix C RU02 Indicator Description

Describes the RU02 indicators.

Appendix D RU60 Indicator Description

Describes the RU60 indicators.

1. The main reasons that cause the field alarm and fault Most hardware return and alarms are related to the following reasons: i. ii.

Poor fiber connection (including optical/electrical module or fiber damaged). Poor antenna feeder connection (including not tightened and poor waterproof).

iii. Poor heat radiation (including fan damaged and air conditioner failed for a long time). iv. E1 (main reason is transmission failure, also including bad engineering quality and poor contact at BNC connector).

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2. General troubleshooting steps For other faults, it is recommended that you can use the following troubleshooting steps: i.

Check optical/electrical connection, fasten the loosen fiber/cable, and replace the damaged fiber and optical/electrical modules.


Check if the air conditioner is running properly in the equipment room, the fan can work properly, and dummy module is inserted in the unconfigured slot.

iii. If the fault remains after the steps above are performed, you can do the troubleshooting according to the details section. iv. If the fault remains, contact the hotline number. Customer Support Center Hotline: (+86-0755) 26770800, (+86)8008301118.


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Introduction to ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 is an indoor macro BTS product with new platform. It uses the UTCA platform technology, SDR technology, and separated BBU & RRU architecture. ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 comprises of BBU(B8200), RRU, BS8800 cabinet (including fan unit and PDU). Where, RRU contains RU60/RSU60 and RU02. RU60/RSU60 module supports GSM/EDGE/enhanced EDGE and WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+ protocols. RU02 supports GSM/EDGE protocol. BS8800 GU360 indoor macro BTS system composition is shown in Figure 1. A BS8800 cabinet can support up to two B8200s and six RU modules. FIGURE 1 ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 STRUCTURE

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cabling troughs Fan frame BBU RRU PDU Cooling frame

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Fan Unit Alarm The heat radiation is mainly implemented by fan unit. The fan unit and fan control board form the fan subrack, as shown in Figure 2. FIGURE 2 FAN


Fan unit alarm prompts the fan fault. Table of Contents FCE Board Reports Application Monitoring Alarm (198084117) ..................................................................... 3 Fan Alarm for BS8800 Macro-BTS Cabinet (198084075)........... 4

FCE Board Reports Application Monitoring Alarm (198084117) Probable Cause

The communication fails between the board and active master board.

The board parameter configuration is wrong.

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Handling Suggestion

1. check if the "Board communication link is interrupted (198084123)" alarm occurs on the board. In the fault management interface, check if the "Board communication link is interrupted (198084123)" alarm occurs on the board. If any, solve the fault according to the relevant troubleshooting suggestions. 2. check if the power of fan subrack is switched on or the power cable is properly connected. 3. check if the monitoring cable between FCE and RSU is properly inserted or the cable is damaged. 4. check if the board slot configured currently is compliant with the actual slot. If not, insert it into the proper slot. 5. check if the failed board is properly inserted and alarm disappears. 6. check if the alarm disappears 2 minutes after resetting the failed board.

Fan Alarm for BS8800 Macro-BTS Cabinet (198084075) Probable Cause

The fan alarm is reported if the fan speed is too slow or the fan stops.

Handling Suggestion

1. check if the cable to connect the fan is OK in the fan subrack, such as disconnection, poor contact, or cable broken. The fan wiring is shown in Figure 3. FIGURE 3 FAN WIRING


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Chapter 2 Fan Unit Alarm

2. check if the fan leaf is blocked or locked, leading to the slow speed or damage. 3. check if the control board is OK for the fan, change the fan plug or socket. If the fault is solved, the fault is caused by the socket and relevant devices on FCE board, and you shall replace the control board for the fan.

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B8200 Alarm Table of Contents CC Alarm........................................................................... 7 FS Alarm ..........................................................................23 UBPG Alarm......................................................................24 PM Alarm .........................................................................25 SA Alarm..........................................................................25 Board Alarms ....................................................................27

CC Alarm E1/T1 Link Alarms Alarm Items

Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

E1/T1 remote receiving fault (198084024);

E1/T1 link loss of frame alarm (198084020);

PPP link disconnection alarm (198084034);

PPP link set unavailable alarm (198084035);

E1/T1 LOS (Loss Of Signal) alarm (198084019);

E1/T1 loss of cell delineation alarm (198084021)

E1/T1 transmission link fails. (the probability for this case is high)

The clock source is not synchronized at two sides and the clock reference forms a loop. (the probability for this case is high)

PPP related configuration error at BTS or BSC side. (the probability for this case is high)

The PPP software module is exceptional at remote or local side. (the probability for this case is low)

Remote or local equipment fails. (the probability for this case is very low)

1. check if there is slip code alarm at BSC side, that is, trunk slip (198000576) occurred in notification query. Check if the clock source setting is correct at SDR site (as shown in Figure 4), and check if the clock connection at BSC side is correct (the clock is lock at BSC side if the TRACE indicator is always ON on BSC CLKG/ICM board.)

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2. Keep the consistent frame format at two ends of the line. It is the default multi-frame format at the SDR site, so the format of BSC frame shall be multi-frame. If the wiring at two ends is correct and the frame format is matched, the indicator flashes every a second at the proper interface on DTB board at BSC side. If the wiring is incorrect or frame format is unmached, the indicator is ON for a long time. The PCM configuration information is shown in Figure 5 on DTB board at BSC side. The PCM type shall be EUIP and the frame format shall be multi-frame format. FIGURE 5 PCM



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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm

Meanwhile, the timeslot configuration shall be consistent, as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. FIGURE 6 HDLC TIMESLOT CONFIGURATION







PPP encapsulation type at BSC and SDR shall be consistent, such as PPP or ML-PPP. It is configured in p2p protocol for SDR side, as shown in Figure 8.

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PPP encapsulation type and SDR IP address configured by PPP at BSC side, as shown in Figure 9. It is ML-PPP encapsulation type if MP sign is valid and PPP encapsulation type if invalid, corresponding to the SDR side. Peer IP address is the IP address of the SDR site. FIGURE 9 PPP CONFIGURED BY



3. Loopback diagnosis, as shown in Figure 10.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm



DDF at BSC side does the BSC self-loop for failed E1 link (such as 2 in Figure 10), along with BBU self-loop (such as 3 in Figure 10). If the fault at BSC side disappears but there is alarm at BBU, it indicates the fault source is not at BSC and transmission cable a & h, but at certain loop from BSC DDF to BBU (including the intermediate transmission equipment, transmission cable b, c, d, e, f, g, and remote equipment), and go to step b; if the BSC alarm still occurs, go to step c.


Do software loopback for BSC on intermediate transmission equipment (such as 4 in Figure 10), if BSC side has not alarm and BBU side has alarm, it indicates it is not caused by transmission cable b & g fault. At this time, the user shall focus on the problems from intermediate transmission equipment to BBU equipment, and the ZTE staff can still do BSC & BBU self-loop (such as 5 in Figure 10) for failed E1 link on DDF to do further troubleshooting. If the alarm occurs at BSC, it indicates transmission cable b & g fails, the user shall focus on the inspection of this cable segment. If it is impossible to repair, the user can consider to replace the cable.

iii. Do self-loop on RDTB backplane by using E1 self-loop cable (such as 1 in Figure 10), if the alarm disappears, it indicates it is caused by transmission cable a & h fault, the user shall focus on inspection of this cable segment. If it cannot be repaired, the user can replace it. If the alarm still occurs, it indicates it is caused by BSC fault, the user shall check the connection of board, backplane, and shelf backplane. 4. Check the E1/T1 link at BBU side, to keep the connection proper, connector in good state, pins intact, and cable perfect. i.

check if the SA board is inserted properly.


check if E1 connector is loosened. If yes, insert it again.

iii. check if the connector pins are intact, without any bent pin or broken pin. If any, replace the connector. iv. check if the E1/T1 transmission wiring is compliant with the project specification, without any external force. If any, replace the wiring. 5. Check the mode and impedance jumpers on the SA board (corresponding to three modes and three jumper methods, such as E1 75 ohms, E1 120 ohms, and T1). For the negative end of twisted pair, it can not connect the protective ground. The jumper for impedance is X5. For descriptions about the jumpers on the SA board, refer to "SA jumper description".

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SCTP Disconnection Alarm (198084030) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

Local transmission configuration is wrong.

The lower layer cannot communicate with peer side.

The configured port number conflicts.

1. In alarm management interface, check if relevant alarm occurs. If any, handle it according to proper suggestions. Relevant alarms: �

E1/T1 LOS (Loss Of Signal) alarm (198084019)

E1/T1 link loss of frame (LOF) alarm (198084020)

E1/T1 loss of cell delineation alarm (198084021)

E1/T1 remote receiving fault (198084024)

PPP link disconnection alarm (198084034)

PPP link set unavailable alarm (198084035)

Ethernet loss (198084271)






2. Re-configure SCTP. 3. In the SCTP configuration interface, delete this faulty SCTP and add SCTP. Where, the peer IP is BSC RPU IP and peer port number shall be consistent with that at peer side. Check if the alarm disappears after the configuration. For details, refer to Figure 11 and Figure 12. Where, remote port number is the module number + 14592 at site and remote IP address shall be that of peer RPU.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm









4. For E1/T1 access mode, check if "PPP link disconnection alarm (198084034)" and "PPP link set unavailable alarm (198084035)" occur. If yes, first keep the consistent frame format at two ends of the cable. It is the default multi-frame

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format at site, so BSC frame format shall be multi-frame format. If the wiring at two ends is correct and the frame format is matched, the indicator flashes every a second at the proper interface on DTB board at BSC side. If the wiring is incorrect or frame format is unmached, the indicator is ON for a long time. The PCM configuration information is shown in Figure 13 on DTB board at BSC side. The PCM type shall be EUIP and the frame format shall be multi-frame format. FIGURE 13 PCM






Meanwhile, the timeslot configuration shall be consistent, as shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm








PPP encapsulation type at BSC and SDR shall be consistent, such as PPP or ML-PPP. It is configured in p2p protocol for SDR side, as shown in Figure 16.

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PPP encapsulation type and SDR IP address configured by PPP at BSC side, as shown in Figure 17. It is ML-PPP encapsulation type if MP sign is valid and PPP encapsulation type if invalid, corresponding to the SDR side. Peer IP address is the IP address of the SDR site. FIGURE 17 PPP ENCAPSULATION TYPE AND CONFIGURED BY PPP AT BSC SIDE



5. For FE access mode, check if relevant configuration is correct. The IP address shall be located in the same network segment as the gateway address. Depending on network connection, consider if you shall add static route. View the IP configuration and check if there is conflict of IP address, as shown in Figure 18.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm






6. Press the RST key to reset the CC board.

Loss of clock reference source alarm (198084004) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

The configured clock reference source does not exist.

External reference clock fails.

The cable fails.

1. In alarm management interface, view the alarm details. In the alarm details, it gives out the specific information about loss of clock reference source. 2. Check if the reference source that is not provided by the system is configured improperly (for instance, GPS clock reference source is configured but there is no the GPS clock reference source in the system). If any, in the clock priority configuration in configuration management interface, modify the clock reference source configuration and enable it consistent with that in actual system. 3. Reference source is line clock: If active/standby master board is configured in the system and there is no the same alarm on remote board, reset the board. If there is the same alarm on remote board, check if phyical link fails at E1 interface. Check if all connectors are tightened, all connections are ok, and you can replace the cables. 4. Reference source is GPS clock: Currently, CC0 board supports GPS and CC2 board does not support GPS. Check if CC board supports GPS. There is the CC2 mark at the left lower corner of CC2 board, as shown in Figure 19.

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There is no the mark at the left lower corner of CC0 board, as shown in Figure 20. FIGURE 20 CC0

You also can query the board type at site, as shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22. FIGURE 21 QUERY CC BOARD TYPE 1


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm


If active/standby master board is configured in the system and there is no the same alarm on remote board, reset the faulty CC board. If there is the same alarm on remote board, check power divider and connection cables. Check the connectors for GPS antennas, GPS antenna feeders, and GPS jumpers are tightened. If lightning arrestor is installed, check if the lightning arrestor is damaged and the SMA connector for GPS jumper is properly connected to the REF interface on master board. BS8800 GPS antenna installation is shown in Figure 23 and Figure 24. FIGURE 23 BS8800 GPS ANTENNA INSTALLATION 1

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Installation of BS8800 lightning arrestor is shown in Figure 25. FIGURE 25 INSTALLATION




GPS Feeder Connector (SMA)


GPS Jumper Connector (SMA)

Figure 26 shows the installation of GPS antenna.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm


5. Reference source is BITS-2MHz clock: Currently, only CC2 board supports BITS 2MHz and CC0 board does not support BITS 2MHz. First check if CC board supports BITS 2MHz. If active/standby master board is configured in the system and there is no the same alarm on remote board, reset the faulty master board. If there is the same alarm on remote board, check if physical link fault exists at BITS-2MHz clock connector. For instance, check if SMA connector is properly connected at REF interface on the master board, all connectors are tightened, and BITS-2MHz reference source is OK and outputs the reference source clock onto the board. 6. Reference source is BITS-2Mbit clock: If active/standby master board is configured in the system and there is no the same alarm on remote board, reset the faulty master board. If there is the same alarm on remote board, check if physical link fails at BITS-2Mbps connector. Check if all connectors are tightened, all connections are OK, and you can use the loopback mode (directly connect the Rx/Tx end of the link). BITS-2Mbps occupies the channel 8 in E1 channel. For the troubleshooting in this channel, refer to the case that reference source is line clock.

SNTP Time Synchronization Fault (198084109) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

SNTP sever is not enabled.

Link fails.

1. Check the link problem. After the link is ok, check if SNTP Server IP address is correct and properly set the SNTP Server address. Keep the proper setting of time zone. The timezone

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shall be selected depending on local conditions. The period of clock synchronization shall be set based on actual conditions. By default, do the time synchronization between SDR and background every 24 hours, as shown in Figure 27. FIGURE 27 SNTP SERVER IP ADDRESS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT



2. Check if SNTP Service is enabled. The specific steps: input command ">netstat -an" in the console of OMM server, to view if there is UDP If yes, it indicates that SNTP Service is enabled, as shown in Figure 28. If it can not be enabled, you can dial the hotline for consultation. FIGURE 28 SNTP SERVICE IP ADDRESS



3. After modifying the system time of OMCB server, do the time synchronization after 24 hours. If you want to view the modified time as soon as possible, you can synchronize the modified time to foreground by using mandatory SNTP synchronization. Refer to Figure 29.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm


FS Alarm Ir loss of optical (electrical) signal (198084013) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

The I/O fiber interface is reverse.

The optical module is damaged or contact is poor.

The configuration of RU topology structure is incorrect.

RU is not started.

1. In the fault management interface, check if the "Board communication link is interrupted (198084123)" alarm occurs on the RU board connected with the faulty board. If any, the RU board may restart repeatedly, this may be caused by loss of relevant RU versions in the specification package. You shall check if there are relevant DTR or TTR version in the specification package. For troubleshooting steps, refer to "Board communication link is interrupted (198084123) (RU)". 2. In the NetNumen configuration interface, check if this RU is configured for topology. If this RU is not configured, configure it. If the topology has configured this RU connected to an optical FS port but it is disconnected actually, connect the RU to the proper optical port. If there is cascade configuration, check if the actual connection on this RU board is consistent with the cascade configuration, check if the upper and lower RU boards are properly configured and it is connected to the proper optical FS port. Figure 30 shows the configuration query.

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3. check if the RU powers on. 4. Check the fiber at RU side is connected to optical port 1 instead of optical port 2. For RU, the optical port 2 can not be connected to BBU. 5. Interchange the Rx and Tx fibers at optical port on FS interface board for BBU. If the fault disappears, it indicates the fiber connection is reverse. If the anti-reverse fiber is used, there is no probability for reverse fiber. You can skip this step. 6. Reset the lower RU. 7. Replace the optical fiber. 8. Replace the optical module.

UBPG Alarm Baseband Data Link Error Alarm (198084325) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

RU is not started.

RU parameter configuration is wrong.

Fiber or cable connection fails.

FS or RU optical/electrical module fails.

1. In fault management interface, check if "Ir loss of optical/electrical alarm (198084013)" occurs. If yes, refer to the troubleshooting steps in "Ir loss of optical/electrical alarm (198084013)". 2. Reset the RU. 3. Reset the FS board.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm

PM Alarm External power undervoltage (198084284) Probable Cause Handling Suggestion

The primary power output voltage is too low. 1. check if the power cable is properly connected. Select a non-configured input power connector for the RU module and remove it from the dummy panel. Measure the voltage at two input terminals. Check if it is higher than -40V or less than -57V, as shown in Figure 31. FIGURE 31 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT

2. Check if there is relevant alarm on the power equipment supplied by the user. 3. If the input power voltage is OK, reset the power module.

SA Alarm High Ambient Temperature Alarm (198084068) Probable Cause

Fan fails.

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Handling Suggestion

The ambient temperature is out of the allowed range if there is no air conditioner in the room.

The ambient temperature for the rack is lower than the lower limit configured in the system.

1. If the site is installed in an equipment room, check if the air conditioner system is running properly. 2. As shown in Figure 32, click Configuration Resource Tree > Base Station Equipment Resource Management > Environment Monitoring Configuration, check if Upper limit is set to 50℃. If not, change Upper limit to 50℃. FIGURE 32 QUERY TEMPERATURE SETTING

3. Plug/unplug the fan control module (FA).

High Equipment Temperature Alarm (198084070) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

The air filter is blocked.

Fan fails.

The ambient temperature is out of the allowed range.

1. In fault management interface, check if "High Ambient Temperature Alarm (198084068)" occurs. If any, refer to the troubleshooting steps in "High Ambient Temperature Alarm (198084068)". 2. In fault management interface, check if "Fan Alarm (198084075)" or "Temperature Sensor Exception Alarm (198084073)" occurs. If any, plug/unplug the FA.


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Chapter 3 B8200 Alarm

Board Alarms Board Communication Link is Interrupted (198084123) (BBU) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

Fiber connection is defective.

The communication fails between the board and active CC board.

The board parameter configuration is wrong.

1. Check if the BBU version package contains the version of DTR board and the version number is correct (if the version number is wrong, this alarm will be reported and removed repeatedly). 2. If the faulty board is BBU board, check if the slot number configured at background is matched with actual position. If the faulty board is RU board, refer to the troubleshooting steps in "Board Communication Link is Interrupted (198084123) (RU)". 3. Plug/unplug the proper board.

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RU Alarm Table of Contents Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Alarm.......................................29 Board Communication Link is Interrupted (198084123) ..........30 Downlink digital IF predistortion alarm (198084056) ..............33 60ms Clock Signal Alarm ....................................................34

Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Alarm Alarm Items

Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

Remote antenna over SWR alarm (198084093)

Remote antenna SWR alarm (198084094)

Antenna SWR alarm (198084045) (RU02)

Antenna over SWR alarm (198084046) (RU02)

The connection of antenna feeder system is faulty.

RU is unmatched.

1. Check minor and major SWR alarm threshold at background and query method is shown in Figure 33. FIGURE 33 QUERY MINOR



2. Check if the connection of antenna feeder cables is tightened on the RU module. If loosened, fasten it and reset this RU module.

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3. Use SWR tester, SITEMASTER, to measure the jumper SWR between the feeder connector and antenna feeder. Check if the SWR exceeds the threshold. Based on test results and antenna system path, do the inspection segment by segment, find the fault location, replace the proper antenna feeder, tighten the antenna feeder, and do the waterproof treatment for it. Reset the relevant carrier. 4. Power off and reset the RU. Check if the phone is seized after RU is OK.

Board Communication Link is Interrupted (198084123) Probable Cause

Handling Suggestion

The communication link with active CC board is interrupted and you can not do the normal communication.

If the fault does not disappear for a long time, it may be caused by improper fiber connection or wrong configuration.

1. In the fault management interface, check if the "Ir loss of optical (electrical) signal alarm (198084013)" occurs at the proper optical port on FS board connected with this RU board. If any, refer to the troubleshooting steps in "Ir loss of optical (electrical) signal alarm (198084013)". 2. If the fault is reported and disappears repeatedly and the alarm interval is very short, it may be cause by version downloading failure. Check if the BBU version package contains the version of DTR board. The contents in red mark indicate the DTR version, as shown in Figure 34. FIGURE 34 DTR VERSION


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Chapter 4 RU Alarm

3. Check if the topology has configured this RU in the NetNumen configuration interface. If this RU is not configured, configure it. If an optical port that connects to FS for this RU has been configured, connect this RU to a proper optical port. If cascade configuration exists, check if the actual connection on this RU board is consistent with the cascade configuration. Check if the upper and lower RU boards are properly configured and it is connected to the proper optical FS port. As shown in Figure 35, the site rack configuration contains the rack topology relationship. FIGURE 35 RACK TOPOLOGY RELATIONSHIP


Figure 36 shows the star instance. It shows the position of optical port on the FS board (optical port 0 at rack 1 shelf 1 slot 4 on the FS board) and the position of RU/R8860 optical port (optical port 0 at rack 2 shelf 1 slot 1 on RU/R8860). The connection mode is star. FIGURE 36 RU/R8860 STAR CONNECTION INSTANCE

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For link connection, FS connects rack 2 on RU/R8860 and rack 2 on RU/R8860 cascades rack 3. Figure 37 shows the position of optical port on the FS board (optical port 5 at rack 1 shelf 1 slot 4 on FS) and the position of optical port on RU/R8860 (optical port 0 at rack 2 shelf 1 slot 1 on RU/R8860). The connection mode is a link. FIGURE 37 RU/R8860 LINK CONNECTION INSTANCE

Figure 38 shows the position of optical port on upper RU/R8860 (optical port 1 at rack 1 shelf 1 slot 2) and the position of optical port on lower RU/R8860 (optical port 0 at rack 3 shelf 1 slot 1 on RU/R8860). The connection mode is invalid (there is no the lower part for rack 3). FIGURE 38 RU/R8860 CONNECTION INVALIDATION INSTANCE

4. Check if the uplink and downlink fibers are connected reversely. Interchange the uplink and downlink fibers and do more ob-


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Chapter 4 RU Alarm

servation. For the engineering fiber that is fixed at uplink and downlink, you can skip this step. 5. Check if the optical module for RU is at the proper position (including the LC2 optical module that cascades the upper RU). 6. Replace the optical fiber. 7. Replace the optical module (including the LC2 optical module for FS/RU local/cascaded upper RU). 8. Check if the input voltage of RU module meets the requirements. As shown in Figure 39, unplug the proper power connector from the POWER position on the RU module and do the test by using a multimeter (DC range). For the RSU60 module, the test result shall be -52V~-54V and the typical value is -53V. For the R8860 module, the test result shall be -37V~-62V. FIGURE 39 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT



Multimeter anode (red pen)



Multimeter pen)



Downlink digital IF predistortion alarm (198084056) Probable Cause

The alarm is reported if error occurs while DPD is initializing, training, or starting.

Handling Suggestion

1. In fault management interface, check if other alarms occurs. If yes, do the troubleshooting according to other alarms. Relevant alarms: �

60ms loss alarm (198084296)

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Downlink IQ channel check block alarm (198084295)

RRU LOS alarm (198084263)

RRU LOF alarm (198084264)

Remote antenna over SWR alarm (198084093)

Remote antenna SWR alarm (198084094)

Antenna SWR alarm (198084045) (RU02)

Antenna over SWR alarm (198084046) (RU02)

2. As shown in Figure 40, enable the power amplifier at background and wait 5 minutes. FIGURE 40 ENABLE POWER AMPLIFIER

3. Power off and reset RU, wait 5 minutes.

60ms Clock Signal Alarm Alarm Items

Probable Cause Handling Suggestion

60ms loss alarm (198084296)

Downlink IQ channel check block alarm (198084295)

RU cannot properly get the 60ms clock signal. 1. Check if UBPG board is resetting or starting. If yes, wait for its completion. 2. Interchange the Rx and Tx fibers at optical port on FS interface board for BBU. If the fault disappears, it indicates the fiber connection is reverse. If the anti-reverse fiber is used, there is no probability for reverse fiber. You can skip this step. 3. Replace the optical fiber.


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Chapter 4 RU Alarm

4. Replace the optical module or cables.

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Description of Jumpers on SA Board There are six jumpers on SA. You can set the transmission mode of uplink & downlink E1/T1 and cascaded BDS_ID. The jumper layout on SA is shown in Figure 41. FIGURE 41 LAYOUT



Jumper X1~X4 are used to set if the shell of E1 cable shall be grounded. If the system is set to E1 75 ohms unbalanced mode, insert the proper jumper cap depending on actual E1 link. For instance, if you use the E1 in channel 0, you only need insert the jumper cap at jumper 1 & 2 for X1. If you use the E1 in all eight channels, you shall insert the jumper caps for jumper X1~X4.

Note: If the system is set to E1 120 ohms balanced mode or T1 100 ohms mode, you can not insert the jumper cap at jumper X1~X4. Jumper X5 is used to set the long & short mode and E1/T1 mode at uplink and downlink. For ZXSDR B8200 system, do not distinguish the long or short mode. Directly use the short mode, that is, do not insert the jumper cap at two higher bits, MODE_ABIS, for X5. The lower 2 bits, MODE_ABIS, for X5 are used to set E1/T1 working mode. The description of jumper X5 is shown in Table 1.

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Description Jumper 1 is used to set TRING_0 for E1/T1 in channel 0. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 2 is used to set RRING_0 for E1/T1 in channel 0. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 3 is used to set TRING_1 for E1/T1 in channel 1. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended.


RRING and TRING setting for E1/T1 in channel 0/1

Jumper 4 is used to set RRING_1 for E1/T1 in channel 1. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 1 is used to set TRING_2 for E1/T1 in channel 2. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 2 is used to set RRING_2 for E1/T1 in channel 2. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 3 is used to set TRING_3 for E1/T1 in channel 3. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended.


RRING and TRING setting for E1/T1 in channel 2/3

Jumper 4 is used to set RRING_3 for E1/T1 in channel 3. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 1 is used to set TRING_4 for E1/T1 in channel 4. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 2 is used to set RRING_4 for E1/T1 in channel 4. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 3 is used to set TRING_5 for E1/T1 in channel 5. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended.



RRING and TRING setting for E1/T1 in channel 4/5

Jumper 4 is used to set RRING_5 for E1/T1 in channel 5. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended.

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Appendix A Description of Jumpers on SA Board



Description Jumper 1 is used to set TRING_6 for E1/T1 in channel 6. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 2 is used to set RRING_6 for E1/T1 in channel 6. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Jumper 3 is used to set TRING_7 for E1/T1 in channel 7. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended.


RRING and TRING setting for E1/T1 in channel 6/7

Jumper 4 is used to set RRING_7 for E1/T1 in channel 7. ON indicates that the cable shell is grounded through capacitor. OFF indicates that the cable shell is suspended. Set uplink & downlink long & short line mode for higher 2 bits, MODE_ABIS: 00xx: indicates uplink short line and downlink short line. 01xx: indicates uplink short line and downlink long line. 10xx: indicates uplink long line and downlink short line. 11xx: indicates uplink long line and downlink long line. Set E1/T1 mode for lower 2 bits, MODE_ABIS, of the jumper.


Uplink & downlink Abis (an interface between BSC and BTS) mode setting

xx00: indicates E1 75 ohms xx01: indicates E1 - 120 ohms xx10: indicates T1 - 100 ohms xx11: reserved Set the BDS (baseband digital subsystem) rack id.


BDS_ID setting

BDS_ID of master BDS rack is 000; BDS_ID of BDS rack is 001

Jumper X6 is used to set the BDS (baseband digital subsystem) rack id. BDS_ID of master rack shall be set to 000 and jumper X6 on the SA board shall be set to 000, that is, BDS_ID shall be set to 000. The jumper cap shall be removed for jumper X6. The description of setting jumper X6 is shown in Table 1. The description of the jumper setting on SA is shown in Table 1. The default configuration for SA jumper is shown in Table 2.

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Jumper setting mothods according to the requirements on site contract Jumper position

E1 - 75 ohms

E1 ohms


X1, X2, X3, X4

Plug jumper

Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)


Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)


Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)

Plug jumper


Unplug the jumper (by default)

Plug jumper


Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)

Unplug the jumper (by default)




T1 ohms



The correct jumper setting of X1, X2, X3, and X4 is shown in Figure 42. FIGURE 42 THE


X1, X2, X3,


The correct X5 jumper setting is shown in Figure 43.


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Appendix A Description of Jumpers on SA Board


The correct X6 jumper setting is shown in Figure 44. FIGURE 44 CORRECT X6 JUMPER SETTING

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CC Indicator Description Name






Plug/unplug indicator

ON: indicates the board can be unplugged; Flash: indicates the board is activating or deactivating; OFF: indicates the board cannot be unplugged;



Running indicator

Always ON: the board is in reset status; Flash at 1 Hz: indicates the board is operating under normal state; OFF: indicates the self-test is failed.



Red Alarm Indicator

ON: indicates there is alarm on the board; OFF: indicates there is no alarm on the board.



E1/T1 indicator in channel 0~3



E1/T1 indicator in channel 4~7



E1/T1 indicator in channel 8~11



E1/T1 indicator in channel 12~15

Flash in order, 4 times each second, and flashes at the frequency of 5 Hz. In the first second, flash one time indicates the channel 0 is ok. OFF indicates it is unavailable. In the third second, flash two times indicates the channel 1 is ok. OFF indicates it is unavailable. In the fifth second, flash three times indicates the channel 2 is ok. OFF indicates it is unavailable. In the seventh second, flash four times indicates the channel 3 is ok. OFF indicates it is unavailable. As so on, a cycle requires 8 seconds.



Active/standby status indicator

ON: the board is in the active status; OFF: the board is in the standby status.

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GPS antenna status or 2 MHz status. It shows the different connection conditions at SMA interface on the proper panel.

Always ON: indicates the antenna feeder is ok; Always OFF: indicates the antenna feeder and the satellite is initializing; Slowly flash: indicates the antenna feeder is disconnected and flashing at the frequency of 1 Hz; Quickly flash: the antenna feeder is ok but cannot receive satellite signal, flashing in 2 Hz; Very slowly flash: antenna is in short circuit, flashing in 0.5 Hz; Very quickly flash: do not receive the message on initialization, flashing in 5 Hz.



Link state ABIS/Iub


ON: the physical link is OK at network port (electrical or optical port) at Abis/Iub; OFF: physical link disconnected at Abis/Iub; Flash: there is received/transmitted data at Abis/Iub.



Link state at ETH1

ON: the physical link is ok at network port (electrical or optical port) at DBG/CAS/OMC; OFF: physical link disconnected at DBG/CAS/OMC; Flash: there is received/transmitted data at DBG/CAS/OMC.


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RU02 Indicator Description Name






Normal RU02 working indicator

Always ON: RU02 is in resetting or starting state; Flash at 1 Hz: RU02 state is ok; Flash in 5 Hz: downloading the version; OFF: indicates the self-test is failed.



RU02 alarm indicator

OFF: indicates no fault or resetting, starting or downloading the version; Flash in 5 Hz: major or critical alarm; Flash in 1 Hz: warning or minor alarm



link indicator at optical port

Always ON: the fiber connection is ok; OFF: the fiber is disconnected; Flash in 5 Hz: take this link as a clock reference source and the phase locked loop (PLL) is in fast capture mode; Flash in 0.25 Hz: take this link as a clock reference source and the phase locked loop (PLL) is in tracing mode;



RF working mode indicator

OFF: No RF output; ON: with RF output.

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RU60/R8860 Indicator Description Name






RU60/R8860 Running indicator

Always ON: RU60/R8860 is in resetting or starting state; Flash at 1 Hz: RU60/R8860 state is ok; Flash in 5 Hz: downloading the version; OFF: indicates the self-test is failed.



RU60/R8860 alarm indicator

OFF: indicates no fault or resetting, starting or downloading the version; Flash in 5 Hz: major or critical alarm; Flash in 1 Hz: warning or minor alarm



link indicator at optical port

Always ON: the fiber connection is ok; OFF: the fiber is disconnected; Flash in 5 Hz: take this link as a clock reference source and the phase locked loop (PLL) is in fast capture mode; Flash in 0.25 Hz: take this link as a clock reference source and the phase locked loop (PLL) is in tracing mode;



RF working mode indicator

OFF: No RF output; ON: with RF output.

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Figure 1 ZXSDR BS8800 GU360 Structure.............................. 1 Figure 2 Fan subrack........................................................... 3 Figure 3 Fan Wiring............................................................. 4 Figure 4 Check if the setting of clock reference source at site is correct ........................................................... 8 Figure 5 PCM type and frame format on DTB board at BSC side .. 8 Figure 6 HDLC Timeslot Configuration at Site ......................... 9 Figure 7 IPOverE1 Timeslot Configuraiton at BSC side ............. 9 Figure 8 PPP Encapsulation Type Configured in P2P Items at Site .................................................................10 Figure 9 PPP encapsulation type and Site IP address configured by PPP at BSC side .............................10 Figure 10 Loopback Diagnosis .............................................11 Figure 11 Remote Port Number and Remote IP Address for SCTP at Site .....................................................13 Figure 12 Module number at BSC side ..................................13 Figure 13 PCM type and frame format on DTB board at BSC side .................................................................14 Figure 14 HDLC Timeslot Configuration at Site.......................15 Figure 15 IPOverE1 Timeslot Configuraiton at BSC side...........15 Figure 16 PPP Encapsulation Type Configured in P2P Items at Site .................................................................16 Figure 17 PPP encapsulation type and SDR IP address configured by PPP at BSC side .............................16 Figure 18 IP Address and Gateway Address for IP Property Item at Site ......................................................17 Figure 19 CC2 ...................................................................18 Figure 20 CC0 ...................................................................18 Figure 21 Query CC Board Type 1 ........................................18 Figure 22 Query CC Board Type 2 ........................................19 Figure 23 BS8800 GPS Antenna Installation 1........................19 Figure 24 BS8800 GPS Antenna Installation 2........................20 Figure 25 Installation of BS8800 Arrestor..............................20 Figure 26 GPS Antenna Installation ......................................21

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Figure 27 SNTP Server IP Address for Base Station Equipment Resource Management .......................................22 Figure 28 SNTP Service IP Address and Port Number ..............22 Figure 29 Forced SNTP Synchronization Icon .........................23 Figure 30 RU Configuration .................................................24 Figure 31 Voltage Measurement...........................................25 Figure 32 Query Temperature Setting ...................................26 Figure 33 Query Minor and Major SWR Alarm Threshold..........29 Figure 34 DTR Version........................................................30 Figure 35 Rack Topology Relationship ...................................31 Figure 36 RU/R8860 Star Connection Instance ......................31 Figure 37 RU/R8860 Link Connection Instance.......................32 Figure 38 RU/R8860 Connection Invalidation Instance ............32 Figure 39 Voltage Measurement of RU Module .......................33 Figure 40 Enable Power Amplifier.........................................34 Figure 41 Layout of SA Jumper............................................37 Figure 42 The correct jumper setting of X1, X2, X3, and X4.....40 Figure 43 Correct X5 Jumper Setting ....................................41 Figure 44 Correct X6 Jumper Setting ....................................41


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Table 1 Description of SA Jumper Setting ..............................38 Table 2 Description of Default SA Jumper Setting ...................40

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Glossary BBU - BaseBand Unit GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication RRU - Remote Radio Unit UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System

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