ZTVE-StB 94 Hinweise Zur Arbeit Mit Dem LFG in Englisch
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Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen Earthworks and Foundation Engineering Task Force
Supplementary Technical Terms and Conditions of Contract and Guidelines for Earthworks in oad Construction
!TVE-St" #$
Issue 1994 as amended in 1997
%$&'&( %$&'&( )ndire )ndirect ct testin testing g method methods s Where it is difficult diff icult or excessively time-consuming to perform compaction measurements and standard Proctor tests pursuant to Sections 14.2.2 and 14.2.3, e.g. ecause of the material properties, or such measurements and tests cannot e conducted to the re!uired extent ecause of the specified laying performance, the follo"ing test methods "hich indirectly characterise the compaction status may e adopted# $1% Static Static plate pressure pressure test test to &'( 1)134* 1)134* $2% &ynamic &ynamic plate plate pressur pressure e test to to +P- +P- Part ).3 $3% Susidenc Susidence e test using using enelman/ enelman/s s eam to +P- +P- Part 0* $4% Penetration Penetration resistan resistance ce tests using using ramming ramming or pressure pressure penetration penetration to &'( 404, "hile special viratory sounding rods too may e employed for services trenches* $% +esting +esting y settlement settlement measureme measurements nts follo"ing follo"ing the individual individual compacting compacting passes for rocfills and soils "ith stones in excess of 2 mm or those containing a maor percentage of gravel gr avel and stones* $% &ynamic &ynamic measurem measurement ent of the acceleration acceleration performa performance nce of the "or roller roller used for compacting, or of a special gauge roller. +he test methods to e adopted in the particular case shall e indicated in the specification. 5sually, test methods $2% and $4% can e !uicly employed. +herefore, "hen these methods are used, the minimum scope of testing can e increased "hen compared to test methods pursuant to Sections 14.2.2 or 14.2.3, thus adding to the statistical meaningfulness and reliaility of the test results. +he scope shall e indicated in the specification. On commencement of testing, calibration tests shall be conducted to determine the relationship between the outcome of the test method chosen and the reuired !alue indicated in the specification" #here this is not reuired or impractical, the owner and the contractor ma$ agree and resort to indicati!e figures based on own e%perience or accepted e%perience of others, for the test method chosen, as a reference for the tests"
+he follo"ing tests are recommended r ecommended for testing in service trenches and in confined "orplaces# $1% +he dynamic dynamic plate plate pressure pressure test test to +P- Part Part ).3 for placemen placementt in layers of acfill materials of all ind, or for shallo" service trenches* $2% Penetration Penetration resistance resistance testing testing for preferaly preferaly non-cohesiv non-cohesive e acfill materials, using special service-trench sounding rods, for placement in layers or for shallo" service trenches $.6 $ .6 metres deep%* $3% Penetration Penetration resistan resistance ce testing y means means of ramming ramming penetrat penetration ion to &'( 404, for preferaly non-cohesive acfill materials and deep service trenches.
Testing the modulus of resilience on the formation To test the bearing and deformation performance of the formation as a supporting medium for the pa!ement, compliance with the reuirements applicable to the modulus of resilience E ν& pursuant to 'ection ("4"7"& shall be demonstrated" To this end, the methods ) 1, ) & or ) ( as per 'ection 14"1 shall be adopted b$ analog$" Testing shall be conducted b$ emplo$ing the static plat e pressure test to *I+ 11(4 or, alternati!el$, b$ means of the following test methods.1/ *$namic plate pressure test to T02F 0art 2 "( .&/ 'ubsidence test using 2enkelman3s beam to T02F 0art 9 .(/ *$namic measurement of the acceleration performance of the work roller used for compacting, or of a special gauge roller" The d$namic moduli or subsidence deri!ed from the alternati!e test methods call for prior calibration using the modulus of resilience E ν&, or reference to e%isting and accepted empirical !alues" 5pplication of these test methods shall be sub6ect to prior agreement between the owner and the contractor" 7eference to alternative test methods called for or to e ruled out shall e included in the specification. +esting the modulus of resilience on the formation shall not e re!uired "here $1% the foundation or the sustructure is consolidated y means of inders, or $2% it is ensured on the grounds of local experience or through compaction tests that the re!uired moduli of resilience are achieved.
Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen ocal 8oad onstruction #orking ommittee
Supplementary Technical Terms and Conditions of Contract and Guidelines for E+ca,ations and igging-up in Traffic .reas
!TV.-St" #/
Issue 1997
Testing the compaction in earthworks
%&/&'&% Test methods The test method to be emplo$ed to !erif$ the compaction shall be coordinated 6ointl$ with the contracting bod$ and the rele!ant transport department or authorit$"
%&/&'&%&* ynamic plate pressure test as an indirect test method Instead of performing a static plate pressure test, an in!estigation ma$ be conducted using the d$namic plate pressure test to T0 2F't2 0art 2 "(" +he setup is particularly suited for service-trench construction as the test can e !uicly performed y an operator. +he scope of testing can e increased as necessary* also, tests of the individual layers placed $thicness not greater than 3 cm% can e readily performed. 5ssessment of the E!d !alue measured is a function of the backfill material" orrelation !alues relating to the static plate pressure test for the soil pre!ailing or intended to be backfilled shall be determined b$ wa$ of attempt" +o this end, one may resort to correlation values regionally availale "ith road construction offices, civil engineering offices, pulic utility undertaings, or earth"ors testing institutes. or non-cohesive acfill materials, correlation values can e readily determined $8nnex 14%. or cohesive soils, checing the moisture content is an additional re!uirement. %&/&'&%&$ 0enetration resistance tests as an indirect test method 8ssessment of trench acfilling is also possile y penetration resistance tests using ramming or pressure penetration to &'( 404 or other e!uipment developed for this purpose. The minimum reuired number of impacts shall be determined for the reuired degree of compaction for the t$pes of soils in!ol!ed" +o this end, empirical values availale "ith the relevant transport department or pulic utility undertaing may e used as a asis. When the light"eight sounding rod is driven displacement of soil causes the top 9one to loosen. +herefore, the numers of impacts "ithin the upper cm are not suited for comparison. 't is recommended to load the ottom plate y means of an appropriate e!uivalent load $concrete rings or the lie% so that comparale figures are achieved at from the top edge of trench acfill.
.nne+ %$ etermination of correlation ,alues using the 1ightweight rop2eight Tester 3to T0 "F-St" 0art " 4&*5 1" The d$namic plate pressure test using the ightweight *rop#eight Tester is a rapid test method emplo$ed to determine the d$namic modulus of resilience E νd" This approach is ad!antageous o!er the static plate pressure test in that a load abutment is not reuired for performing the test" The test is conducted within minutes b$ a single person, e!en under confined site conditions if necessar$" ompared to the static plate pressure test, performing the d$namic test is !er$ economic" The ightweight *rop#eight Tester consists of the following components and assemblies oad plate 'ettlement measuring instrument ph$sicall$ arranged in the centre of the load plate and normal to the loaded surface oading mechanism consisting of drop weight, spring element, guide tube or guide rod with release mechanism"
.1/ oad plate .&/ :andles .(/ 'ettlement measuring instrument .4/ *rop weight .;/ 'pring element .
h c n e r T 1 e p i 0
Test seuence w& )oisturecontent determination
ightweight dropweight tester
*imensions in cm
0 late pressure tester
$lindrical core specimen collector 2alloon instrument
!TV-St" 1.S ST #7 1and of Sa+ony-.nhalt *&%&*&*
0a,ement Su6-6ases
Sheet %( 8*9#7
Testing 'ection &"("("< CTDT shall be amended as follows+he plate pressure testers employed shall e calirated y authorised caliration oards at least once a year. +he :ontractor shall furnish the Principal "ith evidence of the caliration performed. 0ursuant to the reuirements laid down in *I+ 1 1(4, the singlegauge method shall be adopted" 'ection &"("4 CTDT shall be amended as followsThe static modulus of resilience E & shall be demonstrated as reuired, at least for e!er$ started >> m @ of subbase" ν
To determine the bearing resistance the dynamic plate pressure test using the Lightweight Drop-Weight Tester to TP BF-StB Part B 8. may be agreed upon as an alternati!e to the static plate pressure test. The d$namic modulus of resilience E νd shall be demonstrated as reuired, at least for e!er$ started > m@ of subbase" The following pro!ision shall appl$ to widening ? sectionwise constructionPre"erably# the dynamic plate pressure test shall be employed to determine the bearing resistance.
!TV-St" 1.S ST #7 1and of Sa+ony-.nhalt *&%&*&*
0a,ement Su6-6ases
Sheet %( 8*9#7
Testing 'ection &"("("< CTDT shall be amended as follows+he plate pressure testers employed shall e calirated y authorised caliration oards at least once a year. +he :ontractor shall furnish the Principal "ith evidence of the caliration performed. 0ursuant to the reuirements laid down in *I+ 1 1(4, the singlegauge method shall be adopted" 'ection &"("4 CTDT shall be amended as followsThe static modulus of resilience E & shall be demonstrated as reuired, at least for e!er$ started >> m @ of subbase" ν
To determine the bearing resistance the dynamic plate pressure test using the Lightweight Drop-Weight Tester to TP BF-StB Part B 8. may be agreed upon as an alternati!e to the static plate pressure test. The d$namic modulus of resilience E νd shall be demonstrated as reuired, at least for e!er$ started > m@ of subbase" The following pro!ision shall appl$ to widening ? sectionwise constructionPre"erably# the dynamic plate pressure test shall be employed to determine the bearing resistance. Irrespecti!e of the t$pe of plate pressure test chosen, a test shall be conducted as reuired, at least for e!er$ started &>> meters length of construction" The "ollowing e$ui!alent "igures shall apply% & ' in ()*m+
& d in ()*m+
1> 1;> 1&> 1>> > 4; &>
> 7> ;> 4> (> &; 1;
+he e!uivalence et"een the static modulus of resilience ; ν2 and the dynamic modulus of resilience ; νd is a function of the type of soil, the moisture content, and the degree of compaction achieved. 'n case of ade!uate compaction $; ν2 < ; ν1 ≤ 2.% the calculated ; νd values are expected to conform to the e!uivalent ; ν2 values. 'n the event of inade!uate compaction $; ν2 < ; ν1 ≥ 2.% the ; νd values "hich "ould e e!uivalent to the ; ν2 value are not reached. Where the re!uired ratio of ; ν2 < ; ν1 or the re!uired ; νd value is not reached, re-compacting is essential. 't is only in the latter case that the afore-mentioned e!uivalence values should e included in the contract arrangement.
:ESS).; 1.; "> mm dia" weighing 1> kg weighing ; kg up springs
'ettlement measuring instrument .elastic settlement/
8elease mechanism =uide rod
*rop weight
*amping s$stem oad plate
Figure %D
'ketch of ightweight *rop#eight tester
?easuring principle
This test method measures elastic deformation resulting from a specified d$namic load application .α A >"1 +?mm@/" 5 drop weight is used to appl$ through the damping s$stem an impact load of the range to be tested" The elastic deformation so produced .settlement amplitude s of the load plate/ is recorded b$ means of the settlement measuring instrument, and related to the recorded load" The d$namic modulus of resilience E νd in +?mm@ .A )+?m@/ is indicati!e of the e%isting bearing resistance" The depth of action is about 1"; times the diameter of the load plate .appro%" 4>>;>> mm/" (
euirements to 6e met 6y test euipment
The d$namic modulus of resilience is determined at a stress α A >"1 +?mm@ under the load plate" This stress is roughl$ eui!alent to load e%erted b$ running trains at the formation top" In order to guarantee this !alue each tester is supplied b$ the manufacturer is a calibrated condition" alibration ma$ onl$ be performed b$ authoriBed inspection boards" Thus, a height of drop results which is specific of the particular tester and is indicated on the euipment" The tester ma$ onl$ be used with manufacturer3s genuine parts which were emplo$ed for the calibration" The test euipment is reuired to be recalibrated at inter!als of two $ears if the results are intended to be used as a basis for acceptance of railwa$ structures" The test euipment is reuired to be inspected annuall$ at the manufacturer3s such inspections also include calibrating" #hene!er !ariations compared to pre!ious settings are noted recalibration becomes necessar$" 7
Test procedure
mm from the load plate from a depth of about 1;> mm/ of the soil to obtain meaningful data for classification of the soil be tested and determine its moisture content" The moisture content and the soil identification in compliance with *I+ 1 19< must be indicated in the test report along with the E νd !alue" 'oil specimens collected from the immediate !icinit$ for densit$ determinations ma$ also be used to determine the moisture content" #here a test lot is belie!ed to ha!e an in!ariable moisture content the scope of specimen collection should be reduced" /
The d$namic modulus of resilience E νd is calculated b$ the following formula1"; ⋅ r ⋅ σ E νd A s wherer σ
s 1";
A 8adius of the load plate, in mm A 'tress under the load plate, in +?mm@ A *eformation amplitude, in mm .mean !alue/ A Factor including a multitude of laws which must be taken into account when loading the soil b$ a circular plate
The local computer printout pro!ides e!idence that the bearingresistance test has been conducted" It must reflect the following information 'tation I* *ate E νd !alues T$pe of structure 0h$sical location :eight 'oil group as per specification or screening characteristic"
#hen assessing the test results the following must be taken into account 5n$ !ariation of the moisture content from the optimal !alue For cohesi!e soils with Ic !alues ≥ 1, the E νd !alues are onl$ acceptable in con6unction with densit$ records .dr$ branch of the 0roctor cur!e/" )easurements performed immediatel$ upon completion of compacting work that produces pore water pressure ma$ $ield data which are too low, and ma$ ha!e to be complemented b$ followup measurements" hanges to the reuirements of the minimum figures gi!en in Table 1 are sub6ect to prior appro!al of the e%pert ser!ice" To this end, comparati!e tests would ha!e to be conducted for reference" 4
"earing resistance reuirements in uality testing
Nualit$ testing within the meaning of this =uideline calls for application of the reuirements detailed in Table 1 .according to *' (>
Track Formation *ependencies E ν& K+?mm@L
M 1;
M 1;
Formation *0r
E ν& K+?mm@L
=E,=I,=#,= 'I?'#
5ll other soil groups =E,=I,=#,= 'I?'#
M 1;
4" >"97
M 1;
! M 1 kmph E%isting railwa$ routes
Ta6le %
;" >"9;
M 1;
E νd K+?mm@ L
E νd K+?mm@L
4> (;
5ll other soil groups =E,=I,=#,= 'I?'# 5ll other soil groups =E,=I,=#,= 'I?'#
5ll other soil groups
=E,=I,=#,= 'I?'#
(> &; (>
! ≤ 1 kmph 5ll other soil groups
2earingresistance reuirements
Formation protection la$ers prepared continuousl$ with material 1; must satisf$ the !alues for 0'' M 1;" #hen broken grain M (>H is added to natural mineral materials of cubic grain siBe, different !alues ha!e to be specified b$ geotechnical e%perts as a function of the material and the percentage added" It ma$ be necessar$ to conduct comparati!e test bed in!estigations prior to commencement of construction" This euall$ applies when 0'' .F''/ materials with la$er thicknesses >"( meters are used" The following bearingresistance reuirements appl$ to formation treated with h$drated lime or uicklimeFor t$pe of route refer to 1" &" (" 4" ;" Table 1 E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L 'oil ≤ 4 h after stabiliBed 4> (; (> (> &; compacting with lime M 4 h after compacting 4; 4> (; (; (> ohesi!e soil impro!ed with uicklime
Formation protection la$ers prepared continuousl$ with material 1; must satisf$ the !alues for 0'' M 1;" #hen broken grain M (>H is added to natural mineral materials of cubic grain siBe, different !alues ha!e to be specified b$ geotechnical e%perts as a function of the material and the percentage added" It ma$ be necessar$ to conduct comparati!e test bed in!estigations prior to commencement of construction" This euall$ applies when 0'' .F''/ materials with la$er thicknesses >"( meters are used" The following bearingresistance reuirements appl$ to formation treated with h$drated lime or uicklimeFor t$pe of route refer to 1" &" (" 4" ;" Table 1 E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L E νd K+?mm@L 'oil ≤ 4 h after stabiliBed 4> (; (> (> &; compacting with lime M 4 h after compacting 4; 4> (; (; (> ohesi!e soil impro!ed with uicklime
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