Zooplankton are organisms that have animallike traits They float, drift or weakly swim in i n the water comes from the Greek word ‘planktos’ which means ‘wanderer’ or ‘drifter’ encompass a wide range of both unicellular and multicellular animals most are ‘heterotrophs’ Some may also be fully or partially photosynthetic - gaining their energy as plants do, from sunlight eg dinoflagellates
Zooplankton are organisms that have animallike traits They float, drift or weakly swim in i n the water comes from the Greek word ‘planktos’ which means ‘wanderer’ or ‘drifter’ encompass a wide range of both unicellular and multicellular animals most are ‘heterotrophs’ Some may also be fully or partially photosynthetic - gaining their energy as plants do, from sunlight eg dinoflagellates
!rganisms that live in a"uatic environments face certain challenges that their terrestrial counterparts do not differences is the motion of the fluid medium, which presents opportunities and drawbacks that are uni"ue to animals and plants that live suspended in the water column enhanced dispersal of the population achieved at a relatively low energy cost high gene flow among dispersed populations readily e#pand into new habitats
'elative length of life cycle (oloplankton &eroplankton
)*! +S '!& )*!!G. which means interaction between organism and their environments $(.S+!!G. means branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter /as organs, tissues, or cells0 and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved
Study of the functioning of living organisms or their constituent tissues or cells $hysiology was usually considered separately from anatomy until the development of highpowered microscopes made it clear that structure and function were inseparable at the cellular and molecular level $hysiological processes are dynamic1 cells change their function in response to changes in the composition of their local environment, and the organism responds to alterations in both its internal and e#ternal environment
Ecophysioloy m!a"s
$hysiological condition that related to the ecological state +n term of 2 feeding, reproduction, 3ertical migration
imited $ower !f ocomotions Suspended +n The 4at)' 5enser Than 4ater, 6nd *onstantly Sink 7y Gravity To ower 5epths 5ominated 7y our &a8or Groups !f 6nimals2 $roto%oa, 'otifers, 6nd Two Subclasses !f The *rustacea, The *ladocerans 6nd *opepods !ften &ove )#tensively +n 9uiescent 4ater the rotifers, cladoceran and copepod microcrustaceans, insect larvae
iltration of particles is the dominant means of food collection by rotifers and cladocerans iltering rates tend to increase with both increasing body length and increasing temperatures Si%e of particles ingested is generally proportional to body si%e 6mong cladocerans, the feeding rates commonly stabili%e or decrease as concentrations of food particles increase
The effectiveness of %ooplankton gra%ing varies greatly seasonally Throughout much of the year, %ooplankton gra%ing only filters a small proportion of the water volume /:;
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