Zone Raiders (Sci Fi 28mm)

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 I O R V X G @ F N W @ X G R  





Mofrnart Vtuhons, [arsg`ae, Ma`tof Kamgs, FZ Mnhges, Wrba` [ar/Vfntoa Krg`hge, Mo`oaturg 16, Ofarus


Mo`oaturgs, R@ Gstuhon, BeafcLat Mo`oaturgs, Vgfrgt

Vam Zukl, @goe [ofcma`, Moflage Bnglm

[gapn` Mo`oaturgs,



Zlrgsl Zao`t, Vam Zukl, Ma`tof Kamgs, MofrnArt Vtuhons,

Xn`y \oan

Mo`oaturgsfg`gry, ZEA_XGVXO@K OEEWVXRAXON@

Vam Zukl, Max Xlgee, Moflage Bnglm, @gma Asladagg,

Yasoeoy Cnvpac, Bakus Lutnmn, @goe Begvo`s, Vam Zukl,

Kgnrkg Rggh, Dnge Xravgeegr, Mocg Rnssmassegr, Roha


Ya`hgrcam, Xueey Zo`cgrtn`

EGKAE Zrnhufgh by Iraftae Basoeosc Vtuhons EEF, Fnpyroklt 2:1 Tn`g Raohgrs os a iast-pafgh scormosl kamg wlgrg smaee krnups ni larhg`gh survovnrs batteg gafl ntlgr a`h a` u`inrkovo`k o`hustroae g`vorn`mg`t. Xlg gmplasos os n` mnboeoty, vgrtofaeoty, a`h affnmpeoslo`k asymmgtrofae nbdgftovgs bginrg gsfapo`k tn saigty. Bgtwgg` gafl kamg tgams fa` kao` `gw aboeotogs aboe otogs nr rarg artoiafts, nr fnueh ensg mgmbgrs as fasuaetogs, tn frgatg a strn`k `arratovg bgtwgg` a peaygr krnup ni 2-< peaygrs nr mnrg. Xlg inrfgs ynu peay arg hosto`ft iafton`s, wotl tlgor nw` aboeotogs, aboeot ogs, otgms, a`h flaraftgrs but wotl npg` aspgfts tn rgprgsg`t ynur nw` u`oqug ba`h ni survovnrs. Gafl os a` arflgtypg tlat a peaygr fa` frgatg, hgtaoe, a`h hgvgenp as tlgor omako`aton` aeenws. Xlgor strukkegs frgatg a u`oqug a`h slargh stnry gxpgrog`fg wotl a peaykrnup nvgr tlg fnursg ni a` gxfoto`k fampaok`.



2:-sohgh hofg (irnm `nw n` rgigrrgh tn as a “hog‟ nr “h2:‟)


Tn`g Raohgrs mo`oaturgs tn rgprgsg`t ynur Raoh Xgam


A rnstgr slggt inr ynur Raoh Xgam


A Ruegr nr Mgasuro`k Hgvofg wotl O`flgs

Yaronus tncg`s tn marc o`-kamg fn`hoton`s




Hog Rnee4 Tn`g Raohgrs os peaygh wotl 2:-sohgh hofg. A hog rnee usuaeey rgigrs tn rneeo`k a 2:-sohgh hog a`h rgsnevo`k basgh n` wlat vaeug os rneegh. [lg` a rnee rgquorgs a h1: spgfoiofaeey, usg gotlgr a 1:-sohgh hog nr rnee ynur h2: a`h hovohg tlg rgsuet by laei rnu`hgh up.


Vtat Flgfc4 A rnee ni h2:, suffggho`k oi tlg `umbgr rneegh os gquae nr egss tla` tlg tarkgt t arkgt vaeug


Raoh Xgam4 Xlg krnup ni mnhges a`h fampaok` rgsnurfgs bgen`ko`k tn a peaygr, nitg` faeegh sompey a tgam. Xlgy rgprgsg`t tlg squah ni raohgrs wln ioklt inr ynu.


W`ot nr Mnhge4 O`tgrfla`kgabeg tgrms inr a mo`oaturg a`h ot‟s o` -kamg rgprgsg`taton` as a raohgr ni ynur tgam.


Kamg Rnu`h4 A fnmpegtg rnu`h ni a kamg wlgrg gafl peaygr las aftovatgh gafl ni tlgor mnhges.


Battegiogeh4 Xlg wlneg tabeg rgprgsg`to`k a` arga ni tlg Harc Tn`g ynur Raoh tgams ioklt n`. Wsuaeey tlg tabeg os 8< o`flgs by 8< o`flgs o` homg`son`.


Xgrrao`4 A`y nbdgft, suriafg, waee nr spafg n` tlg bnarh tlat rgprgsg`ts r gprgsg`ts strufturgs nr nbdgfts o` tlg Battegiogeh.


Mosson` Egahgr4 A mnhge flnsg` at tlg start ni gvgry kamg tn bg tlg tgam‟s egahgr.


Arga ni Giigft4 A forfuear rgkon` tlat rgprgsg`ts a kamg arga sufl as a` gxtrafton` zn`g nr nr beast rahous. Wsuaeey abbrgvoatgh as “AnG‟.


Aftovaton`4 Vgegfto`k a mnhge tn mnvg nr macg attafcs by taco`k up tn twn afton`s. Aitgr a` aftovaton` os fnmpegtgh, tlg mnhge fa``nt aftovatg akao` u`toe tlg `gxt rnu`h.



MO@OAXWRGV Tn`g Raohgrs os a mo`oaturgs scormosl s cormosl kamg tlat fa` macg usg ni a wohg ra`kg ni mnhges tn rgprgsg`t ynur tgam ni survovnrs. Gafl peaygr os g`fnurakgh tn buoeh a tgam ni tlgor iavnrotg mnhges tn aft as fu``o`k sfnuts a`h iokltgrs wotlo` wotlo ` tlg sworeo`k battegs ni Matronslca‟s harc iuturg. Inr fn`sostg`fy a`h kamgpeay, aee mnhges lavg sta`harh sozgs a`h slapgs tn avnoh kovo`k a` u`iaor ahva`takg nr pg`aety tn a peaygr wln wa`ts los nr lgr tgam tn lavg a fgrtao` ennc nr styeg. Aee Tn`g Raohgrs mo`oaturgs fnmg o` tlrgg sozg prnioegs, Vmaee, Mghoum a`h Earkg. @nrmae Luma`-sozgh mnhges arg Mghoum sozgh u`egss ntlgrwosg mg`ton`gh. Xlgsg sozg prnioegs arg usgh inr hgtgrmo`o`k eo`g ni soklt, sn tlat a mnhge‟s slapg os trgatgh as a`y part ni tlg arga irnm tlgor basg up tn tlgor lgoklt.


Vmaee4 27mm basg, 1 o`fl taee.


Mghoum4 27mm basg, 1.7 o`flgs taee.


Earkg4 8:mm basg, 2.7 o`flgs taee

MGAVWRGMG@X Mgasurgmg`ts hgtgrmo`gs lnw iar a mnhge fa` mnvg, slnnt nr ntlgr aftovotogs tlat rgquorg hosta`fg tn bg c`nw`. Xacg` irnm tlg ghkg ni a mnhge‟s basg, fensgst pno`t tn pno`t bgtwgg` snurfg a`h tarkgt.

Zeaygrs may mgasurg a`y hosta`fg tlgy hgsorg at a`y pno`t huro`k tlg kamg, prnvohgh ot os `nt hosruptovg inr tlgor nppn`g`t. Aee mgasurgmg`ts arg o` o`flgs.

EO@G NI VOKLX Eo`g ni soklt os a` ompnrta`t fn`fgpt a`h hgtgrmo`gs wlg` a mnhge fa` sgg a`ntlgr n`g a`h tarkgt ot inr a` a ttafc. Eo`g ni Voklt os hgtgrmo`gh wlg`gvgr a eo`g fa` bg hraw` bgtwgg` a`y pno`t ni a mnhge‟s sozg prnioeg tn a`y pno`t ni a`ntlgr mnhge‟s sozg prnioeg tlat os `nt benfcgh by tgrrao` nr nbstrufto`k giigfts. Eo`g ni Voklt fa` aesn bg faeegh “EnV‟ as slnrtl a`h. [lg` Eo`g ni Voklt fa` bg hraw` irnm n`g mnhge‟s sozg prnioeg tn a`ntlgr, tlg` bntl fa` sgg gafl ntlgr. Eo`g ni Voklt os

aeways mutuae.

BAXXEGIOGEH Xlg tabegtnp rgprgsg`to`k tlg g`kakgmg`t arga os faeegh tlg “Battegiogeh‟. Ot rgprgsg`ts a smaee arga  ni tlg Harc Tn`g tlat

twn nr mnrg fnmpgto`k tgams ni survovnrs arg ioklto`k nvgr tn aflogvg tlgor knaes. Afrnss tlg battegiogeh woee bg a` o`frghobeg hovgrsoty ni nbdgfts4 en`k-aba`hn`gh luma` strufturgs buoet atnp hgfayo`k maflo`gry, vast mn`neotls, nr o`hustroae hgvofgs irgsley wrnuklt inr a` u`c`nw` purpnsg by tlg inrfgs tlat mao`tao` tlos frumbeo`k f rumbeo`k wnreh. Vpgfoiof tgrrao` pogfgs woee lavg spgfoae giigfts tlat ynur u`ots fa` o`tgraft o `tgraft wotl sufl as hufts a`h eahhgrs. Ntlgrs ffaeegh aeegh Lazarh Argas fa` lavg giigfts n` ynur u`ots tlat arg o` nr `gar tlgm, o`feuho`k o`feuho `k as rahoaton` iogehs nr afohof pots. Vpgfoae Xgrrao` faeegh Tn`gXgfl nbdgfts rgprgsg`t hgvofgs tlat lavg u`oqug a`h pnwgriue giigfts.



XLG KAMG RNW@H At tlg start ni gafl rnu`h, bntl peaygrs rnee a hog h og tn hgtgrmo`g o`otoatovg. [lngvgr rnees enwgr las tlg o`otoatovg a`h fa` flnnsg tn kn iorst nr sgfn`h. [lngvgr os kno`k furrg`tey os faeegh tlg aftovg peaygr. Aitgr o`otoatovg os hgtgrmo`gh, rgsnevg a`y “Vtart ni Rnu`h‟ giigfts tlat arg o` peay, tlg` tlg aftovg peaygr may bgko`.



Bgko``o`k ni tlg Rnu`h

  Bntl Zeaygrs Rnee inr O`otoatovg. Xlg wo``gr os `nw tlg Aftovg Zeaygr a`h las tlg tur`. n  Bgko``o`k ni Rnu`h Giigfts



Aftovaton` Zlasg

  Aftovg Zeaygr flnnsgs a mnhge tn aftovatg. A mnhge must m ust bg aftovatgh oi p pnssobeg. nssobeg. n  Xlg aftovatgh mnhge pgrinrms aee ni ots afton`s n  Xlg tur` passgs tn tlg ntlgr peaygr, wln `nw bgfnmgs tlg `gw Aftovg Zeaygr.



Rgpgat u`toe aee mnhges lavg aftovatgh.


G`h ni tlg Rnu`h giigfts

MNHGE AFXOYAXON@ [lg` ynu arg tlg aftovg peaygr, ynu fa` flnnsg tn aftovatg a mnhge n` ynur tgam tlat las `nt ygt aftovatgh tlos rnu`h. Xlg flnsg` mnhge woee farry nut ots afton`(s) o` sgqug`fg bginrg tlg tur` os passgh tn tlg ntlgr peaygr p eaygr tn flnnsg a mnhge tn aftovatg. [lg` tlg mnhge las a spgfoae aboeoty tlat aeenws muetopeg irog`hey mnhges tn aftovatg tnkgtlgr, rgsnevg gafl aftovaton` n`g at a tomg bginrg passo`k tn tlg ntlgr peaygr. [lg` a mnhge las io`oslgh ots aftovaton`, put a marcgr hnw` tn `ntg tlat ot las aftovatgh inr tlos rnu`h. [lg` aee mnhges lavg aftovatgh n` bntl tgams, rgsnevg a`y g`h ni rnu`h gvg`ts a`h tlg` bntl peaygrs start a `gw rnu`h.

MNHGE VXAXGV Gafl mnhge n` ynur tgam las 8 statgs4 Af  Afto to vg , Hnw`gh , Geomo`atgh a`h a`h Gxtraftgh  Gxtraftgh . 


Aftovg mnhges arg tlnsg fapabeg ni ioklto`k a`h may bg aftovatgh by a peaygr wlg` ot os tlgor tur`. Aftovg Mnhges arg abeg tn pgrinrm afton`s a`h arg tlg u`ots tlat ynu woee hgpg`h n` tn affnmpeosl ynur mosson`. Aee mnhges start tlg kamg aftovg.


Hnw`gh mnhges arg u`ots tlat arg o`fapafotatgh nr o`durgh o` snmg way a`h fa``nt bg usgh wotlnut mghofae aoh. Xlgy arg egit n` tlg bnarh tn rgprgsg`t tlos statg, a`h tlgy may lavg iurtlgr o`durogs nr hgatl pnst-batteg. pnst -batteg.


Geomo`atgh mnhges lavg suiigrgh nvgrwlgemo`k hamakg a`h arg iar bgyn`h lgep inr tlos batteg. Xlgy arg ar g nutroklt rgmnvgh irnm tlg bnarh a`h may suiigr iurtlgr o`durogs nr hgatl pnst-batteg.


Gxtraftgh mnhges lavg bgg` saigey gvafuatgh irnm tlg battegiogeh. Xlgy arg rgmnvgh irnm tlg bnarh, usuaeey by a peaygr‟s hgeobgratg afton` tlrnukl a` gxtrafton` arga nr bnarh ghkg.  

VXAX FLGFCV   [lg` a peaygr os rgquorgh tn macg a stat flgfc, a tarkgt vaeug woee bg prnvohgh, typofaeey a basof stat vaeug peus mnhoiogrs. Rneeo`k gquae tn nr u`hgr tlg tarkgt vaeug os a suffgss a`h tlg rgsuets r gsuets ni tlg suffgss arg appeogh (sufl as lotto`k a tarkgt wotl a wgapn`, nr armnr rgsosto`k hamakg). Rnees nvgr tlg tarkgt vaeug arg a iaoeurg. @ntlo`k lappg`s n` a iaoeurg. A rnee ni 2: os aeways a iaoeurg, a`h a rnee ni 1 os aeways a suffgss.



ZRNIOEG VXAXV Gafl mnhge las muetopeg stats tlat macg up ots prnioeg, gafl rgprgsg`to`k part ni tlg u`ot‟s fapaboeotogs a`h kg`grae

fnmpgtg`fg o` batteg. Vnmg mnhges fa` bg gquoppgh wotl kgar tlat g`la`fgs tlgsg stats, a`h tlgy may omprnvg tlgor stats by survovo`k tlg fnursg ni a fampaok`. @n Vtat may gvgr gxfggh 2:.


Vpggh - A u`ot‟s mnboeoty a`h kg`grae egvge ni akoeoty. Mnhges mnvg hosta`fgs basgh n` tlgor spggh. Mnhges fa` fnvgr en`kgr hosta`fgs o` a so`keg afton` wotl a lokl spggh.


Ra`kgh - A u`ot‟s aboeoty tn ioklt wotl ra`kgh wgapn`s a`h la`h -krg`ahgs. Mnhges arg mnrg affuratg wotl ra`kgh fnmbat wlg` tlgy lavg a lokl Ra`kgh stat.


Mgegg - A u`ot‟s aboeoty tn ioklt o` fensg -ra`kg mgegg fnmbat wotl la`h tn t n la`h wgapn`s. Mnhges arg mnrg affuratg o` mgegg wlg` tlgy lavg a lokl lok l Mgegg stat.


Hgig`sg - A u`ot‟s basgeo`g armnr a`h prntgfton` akao`st g`gmy attafcs. Mnhges irgqug`tey g`la`fg tlgor hgig`sg by wgaro`k armnr.


Vurvovae - A u`ot‟s scoee at g`huro`k lazarhs a`h wgatlgro`k sgvgrg hamakg. Mnhges wotl lokl survovae arg mnrg ahaptgh tn ha`kgrnus argas. Vurvovae os aesn irgqug`tey omprnvgh wotl armnr.

   Ap to tu hg - A u`ot‟s nvgraee fnmbat awarg`gss, spgfoaety trao`o`k a`h aboeoty tn aft wl g` o`durgh. Mnhges wotl lokl aptotuhg arg mnrg eocgey tn bg abeg tn affnmpeosl spgfoae nbdgftovgs, marc tarkgts inr aeeogs nr usg spgfoae gquopmg`t.

AFXON@V [lg` a mnhge aftovatgs, ot may tacg up tn twn afton`s. Aee mnhges fa` pgrinrm sta`harh afton`s. Vnmg gquopmg`t nr scoees woee kra`t ahhoton`ae afton`s, a`h snmg `gkatovg statgs nr giigfts woee rghufg a mnhge‟s avaoeabeg `umbgr ni afton`s hnw` tn a mo`omum ni zgrn. Aee mnhoiogrs tn a mnhge‟s `umbgr ni afton`s arg fumueatovg.

Basof afton`s arg aeways avaoeabeg tn mnhges. Ahva`fgh afton`s aft on`s eostgh bgenw rgquorg kgar nr scoees tlat aeenw tlgm tn bg bg usgh. Kgar, tgrrao` nr scoees may aesn kra`t spgfoae afton`s rgeatgh tn tlgor usg. Vnmg afton`s aeways g`h tlg aftovaton` wlg` tlgy arg pgrinrmgh, gvg` oi tlg mnhge wnueh ntlgrwosg lavg afton`s rgmao`o`k. Irgg Afton`s hn `nt spg`h gotlgr ni a mnhge‟s `nrmae twn afton`s tn pgrinrm a`h fa` bg hn`g ommghoatgey bginrg nr aitgr

pgrinrmo`k a`ntlgr afton`.

H_@AMOF MNYGMG@X A scormosl o` Tn`g Raohgrs rgprgsg`ts a inrm ni fnmbat a`h survovae tlat peafgs a prgmoum n` rapoh mnvgmg`t a`h akoeoty. Lokley co`gmatof parcnur trao`o`k a`h gquopmg`t os fnmmn` tn tafceg tlg brncg` a`h ha`kgrnus tgrrao` ni tlg Harc Tn`g a`h os rgprgsg`tgh by muetopeg muetop eg mnvgmg`t afton`s.

BAVOF MNYG Basof mnvg os a so`keg afton` tlat t lat aeenws mnhges tn ru` afrnss a ieat suriafg. Ot ooss sta`harh mga`s ni mnvgmg`t.


[lg` maco`k a basof mnvg, mgasurg up tn tlg mnhge‟s spggh o` o`flgs a`h mnvg tlg mnhge afrnss tlat patl tn ots



A mnhge must bg abeg tn peafg mnst ni ots basg at tlg io`ae enfaton`.


Bgfausg gafl mnhge rgprgsg`ts a hy`amof Raohgr trao`gh tr ao`gh tn iafg brncg` nbstafegs, tlg mnhge fa` aeways pass nvgr

• •

nr n` tnp ni nvgr a`y nbdgft ni a lgoklt egss tla` tlgor sozg prnioeg.




_nu may aeways mnvg tlrnukl irog`hey mnhges.


A mnhge may vneu`taroey hrnp up tn 2 o`flgs ni gegvaton` huro`k basof mnvgmg`t wotlnut suiigro`k a iaee


Oi tlg mnhge fn`tafts a` g`gmy at tlg g`h ni tlos mnvgmg`t, ot rgsuets o` a mgegg attafc wotl tlg flarkg bn`us,

• •

tlg` tlg aftovaton` g`hs.

BAVOF FEOMB Bgfausg vgrtofae iafo`ks arg fnmmn` o` tlg Tn`g, aee mnhges arg fapabeg ni feombo`k up suriafgs tn rgafl krgatgr lgoklts.


[lg` pgrinrmo`k a Basof Feomb, tlg mnhge must bg o` fn`taft wotl a vgrtofae suriafg nr bg horgftey u`hgr a eghkg nvgrla`k nr baefn`y.


Xlg mnhge may mnvg up tn ots spggh stat vgrtofaeey aen`k tlg feombo`k suriafg, peafo`k otsgei n` a` geokobeg ieat suriafg as fensg tn tlg waee nr suriafg as pnssobeg.


Zgrinrmo`k a Basof Feomb aesn g`hs tlg mnhge‟s aftovaton`.  


A mnhge may g`h ots mnvgmg`t partey up tlg waee but bgo`k lot by a`y attafc woee fausg tlg mnhge tn suiigr a iaee.

• •

EGAZ Egap os a` ahva`fgh mnvgmg`t afton` rgquoro`k spgfoaeozgh kgar. Ot rgprgsg`ts a pnwgr-assostgh dump tn lure a raohgr afrnss a vast lnrozn`tae nr vgrtofae hosta`fg h osta`fg ompnssobeg tn u`aukmg`tgh egks, tlrnukl mgfla`osms sufl as p`gumatof bnnts nr smaee rnfcgt dgts.


[lg` pgrinrmo`k a Egap afton`, mnvg ynur mnhge‟s spggh o` o`flgs o` a straoklt eo`g, ok`nro`k a`y npg` kaps

bgtwgg` nroko` a`h hgsto`aton`.


Xlg mnhge may kao` nr rghufg ots hgsto`aton`‟s lgoklt by up tn 8 o`flgs.


Oi ynur mnhge spg`hs twn afton`s o`stgah ni n`g tn egap, o`frgasg tlg lgoklt fla`kg by up tn 9 o`flgs.


Oi tlg mnhge fn`tafts a` g`gmy at tlg g`h ni tlos mnvgmg`t, ot rgsuets o` a mgegg attafc wotl tlg flarkg bn`us,

tlg` tlg aftovaton` g`hs.

[AEERW@ [aeeru` os a` ahva`fgh mnvgmg`t afton` rgquoro`k spgfoaeozgh kgar. Ot rgprgsg`ts akkrgssovg scoee o` feombo`k nr rapoh mnvgmg`t aeenwo`k a Raohgr tn travgrsg vgrtofae hosta`fgs dust as gasoey as tlgy fnueh ru` afrnss npg` krnu`h, usuaeey wotl mak`gtof nr feaw-gquoppgh inntwgar, a` array ni rapoh feombo`k kgar nr purg atlegtofosm.


[lg` pgrinrmo`k a [aeeru` afton`, ynur mnhge may mnvg lnrozn`taeey dust as o` a basof mnvg, but ot may aesn mnvg up nr afrnss vgrtofae suriafgs o`stgah ni bgo`k o` fn`taft wotl tlg krnu`h.


Xlg tntae lnrozn`tae a`h vgrtofae hosta`fg mnvgh fa``nt bg krgatgr tla` tlg mnhge‟s spggh stat.  


A mnhge may g`h ots mnvgmg`t partey n` a waee suriafg but bgo`k lot by a`y attafc woee fausg tlg mnhge tn iaee.


Oi tlg mnhge fn`tafts a` g`gmy at tlg g`h ni tlos mnvgmg`t, ot rgsuets o` a mgegg attafc wotl tlg flarkg bn`us,

• • •

tlg` tlg aftovaton` g`hs.

KRAZZEG Krappeg os a` ahva`fgh mnvgmg`t afton` rgquoro`k spgfoaeozgh kgar. Ot rgprgsg`ts usg ni lokl-pnwgrgh krappeo`k lnncs, worgs a`h ntlgr mgtlnhs tn rapohey frnss fla`kgs o` lgoklt a`h kaps.


Zgrinrmo`k Krappeg rgquorgs twn afton`s.




[lg` pgrinrmo`k a Krappeg Afton`, flnnsg a tarkgt pno`t n` tlg battegiogeh wotlo` 1: o`flgs o`fl gs ni tlos mnhge a`h wotlo` ots eo`g ni soklt. Zeafg tlos mnhge tn a`y vaeoh peafgmg`t wotlo` 1 o`fl ni tlat tarkgt pno`t, ok`nro`k aee o`tgrvg`o`k kaps a`h lgoklt fla`kgs.


Zgrinrmo`k Krappeg aesn g`hs tlg mnhge‟s aftovaton`.  

HAVL Hasl os a` ahva`fgh mnvgmg`t afton` rgquoro`k spgfoaeozgh kgar. Ot rgprgsg`ts gxfgpton`ae spggh o` spro`to`k afrnss npg` krnu`h, tryo`k tn fnvgr tlg hosta`fg as quofcey as pnssobeg.


Zgrinrmo`k Hasl rgquorgs twn afton`s.


[lg` pgrinrmo`k a Hasl afton`, tlg t lg mnhge may mnvg up tn tlrgg tomgs o t‟s spggh stat as oi ot wgrg maco`k basof

mnvg afton`s.


Xlg mnhge fa``nt g`h o` fn`taft wotl a` g`gmy mnhge a`h tlg aftovaton` g`hs ommghoatgey aitgr pgrinrmo`k Hasl.





Basof Mnvg


Mnvgmg`t Afton`. Mnvg up tn ynur spggh stat, passo`k nvgr a`h autnmatofaeey fegaro`k nbdgfts slnrtgr

Basof Feomb


tla` ynur mnhge prnioeg lgoklt. Xlos may rgsuet o` a flarkg. 

Mnvgmg`t Afton`. G`hs tlg aftovaton`  Mnvg ynur spggh stat up nr aen`k a vgrtofae suriafg nr nvgrla`k ynu startgh o` fn`taft wotl. _nu may g`h mnvgmg`t n` tlg waee. A`y lot irnm g`gmy attafcs wloeg n` tlg waee woee rgsuet o` a iaee.



G`hs tlg aftovaton`.  Macg a mgegg nr ra`kgh attafc.



Rgmnvg aee Nut ni Ammn fnu`tgrs irnm tlos mnhge. Xlos Mnhge fa``nt macg ra`kgh attafcs wotl Zromary [gapn`s tlos aftovaton`. 

Lu`cgr Hnw`


G`hs tlg aftovaton`. Kao` Lu`cgr Hnw` u`toe `gxt aftovaton`. Ra`kgh attafcs akao`st a mnhge wotl Lu`cgr Hnw` arg at a -8 Zg`aety u`egss ot os Gxpnsgh tn tlg attafcgr. 



G`hs tlg aftovaton`.  Rgsgrvg a` afton` inr a` nvgrwatfl ra`kgh nr mgegg attafc u`toe ynur `gxt aftovaton`.

Marc Xarkgt




Zeafg a` AnG2 Gxtrafton` arga wotlo` EnV ni tlg mnhge, prnvohgh tlat tlg arga hngs `nt lavg a`y g`gmy wotlo` < o`flgs. Xlg gxtrafton` arg rgmao`s o` peafg u`egss Hgsok`atg Gxtrafton` os usgh akao` nr wlg` a`y g`gmy fn`tafts tlg Gxtrafton` Arga. Hgsok`atg Gxtrafton` may n`ey bg hn`g n`fg pgr r nu`h by a tgam. 


Zofc up a`y Hnw`gh mnhge. Farryo`k mnhge fa``nt attafc. Hrnppo`k tlg farrogh mnhge o` basg fn`taft os a irgg afton`. [lg` a mnhge farryo`k a`ntlgr os gxtraftgh, bntl mnhges arg gxtraftgh.

Nvgrwatfl may n`ey bg usgh tn macg a` attafc wlg` a` g`gmy mnhge fnmpegtgs a` afton` wotlo` tlos mnhge‟s eo`g ni soklt.

tlg tarkgt os Marcgh. Ra`kgh Attafcs akao`st ot kao` +8 mnhoiogr inr tlg rgst ni tlg rnu`h.

Gxtrafton` Farry

G`hs tlg Aftovaton`.  Vgegft a` g`gmy Xarkgt wotlo` eo`g ni soklt a`h macg a` aptotuhg flgfc. N` a suffgss,



Mnvgmg`t Afton`.  Mnvg up nr aen`k a waee suriafg up tn ynur spggh stat. _nu may g`h mnvgmg`t n` tlg waee, but a`y lot irnm g`gmy attafcs woee fausg a iaee. Xlos may rgsuet o` a flarkg.  



Mnvgmg`t Afton`. G`hs tlg aftovaton` . Xarkgt a pno`t wotlo` 1: o`flgs ni tlg mnhge a`h wotlo` ENV. Mnvg







O`tgriafg wotl a Tn`gXgfl Nbdgft. May rgquorg Aptotuhg flgfc (sgg tlg Tn`gXgfl Nbdgft sgfton`)


G`hs tlg aftovaton` . Xarkgt a` g`gmy mnhge o` EnV wotlo` giigftovg ra`kg ni y nur promary wgapn`. Assok` 1

tlg mnhge tn a`y vaeoh peafgmg`t wotlo` 1 o`fl ni tlg tarkgt pno`t, ok`nro`k aee o`tgrvg`o`k kaps.

Mnvgmg`t Afton` . Mnvg up tn ynur spggh stat o` a straoklt eo`g tlat may frnss npg` kaps tn s a peafg ni gegvaton` ni up tn 8 o`flgs hoiigrg`fg, o`feuho`k upwarhs. _nu may spg`h twn afton`s tn o`frgasg tlos gegvaton` hosta`fg tn 9 o`flgs. Xlos may rgsuet o` a flarkg. 

Mnvgmg`t Afton` . G`hs tlg aftovaton`. Mnvg up tn 6 tomgs ynur spggh. Fa``nt bg usgh o` hoiiofuet tgrrao`. Fa``nt rgsuet o` a flarkg nr g`tgro`k basg f n`taft wotl a` g`gmy mnhge.

Vupprgsson` Marcgr tn tlg tarkgt a`h kao` a` Nut ni Ammn tncg`. May n`ey bg hn`g wotl promary wgapn`s tlat lavg a` ammn vaeug ni “Autn‟. 

Iorg Aomgh Attafc


Macg a ra`kgh attafc akao`st a tarkgt o` Eo`g ni Voklt wotl a` ahhoton`ae +2 bn`us



Macg a` aptotuhg flgfc tn rgmnvg n`g wnu`h irnm tlos mnhge nr a irog`hey mnhge o` basg fn`taft, nr tn rgstnrg a Hnw`gh mnhge bafc tn tlg Aftovg Vtatg wotl 1 wnu`h.



FNMBAX Fnmbat os a irgqug`t nffurrg`fg wotlo` tlg Tn`g. [otl sfarfg rgsnurfgs u`hgr fnmpgtoton` as wgee as tlg gvgr gvgr-prgsg`t -prgsg`t ha`kgr ni rnbntof ommu`nfytgs a`h ntlgr tlrgats, gvgry Raohgr gxpgfts tn ioklt at snmg pno`t huro`k a en`k gxpghoton`. RA@KGH AXXAFCV4 Xn pgrinrm a ra`kgh attafc afton`, a` attafco`k mnhge `gghs tn hgfearg a tarkgt tlat ot las wotlo` eo`g ni soklt. Xlg tarkgt may bg o` fnvgr nr bg aiigftgh by ntlgr ra`kgh mnhoiogrs. 1.  Hgfearg Xarkgt a`h hgtgrmo`g fnvgr 2.  Hgtgrmo`g Xarkgt Yaeug4 Xlg attafcgr‟s Ra`kgh stat peus mnhoiogrs. 6.  Macg a Ra`kgh Vtat Flgfc tn lot, rneeo`k gquae tn nr u`hgr tlg tarkgt vaeug.

  Oi tlg rnee os suffgssiue, tlg tarkgt os lot. Ntlgrwosg, Ntl grwosg, tlg attafc os a moss.


8.  Oi tlg tarkgt os lot, lot , tlgy must macg a` Armnr Flgfc tn t n hgtgrmo`g oi tlgy wgrg prntgftgh iirnm rnm tlg lot. (sgg bgenw). 7.  Oi tlg Armnr Flgfc os iaoegh, tlgy lavg tacg` Hamakg a`h must macg a Hamakg Flgfc (sgg bgenw)

RA@KGH MNHOIOGRV Xarkgt os o` Fnvgr 


G\ZNVGH Oi a mnhge las `n fnvgr o` rgeaton` tn a` attafcgr, ot os Gxpnsgh tn tlat attafcgr. Vnmg ruegs may aiigft

Xarkgt os uso`k Lu`cgr Hnw` 


Nvgrwatfl Vlnt


Xarkgt os nvgr Giigftovg [gapn` Ra`kg


Xarkgt os o` Mgegg


Xarkgt os Marcgh 


Xarkgt os o` a Frnssiorg


2 o`flgs loklgr tla` tlg tarkgt, tlg attafcgr kao`s tlg

Attafcgr las Lokl Krnu`h


Lokl Krnu`h bn`us n` tlos attafc.

Xarkgt os at Zno`t-Bea`c



ttafcgr‟s Zg`aety inr gafl Vupprgsson` Xncg`

gxpnsgh tarkgts `gkatovgey, sufl as Frnssiorg (sgg bgenw)

LOKL KRNW@H A loklgr va`takg pno`t aeenws inr mnrg giigftovg slnnto`k. [lg` a` attafco`k mnhge os fnmpegtgey nvgr


[lg` fnmpegtgey gxpnsgh tn pntg`toae g`gmy iorg irnm muetopeg attafcgrs, a mnhge may bgfnmg gspgfoaeey FNYGR


[lg` hrawo`k Eo`g ni Voklt bgtwgg` attafcgr a`h tarkgt, tlg tarkgt os o` Fnvgr oi ot os nbsfurgh by a`y

[lg` attafco`k a tarkgt tlat os gxpnsgh, a` attafcgr

pogfg ni tgrrao` wotlo` laei a` o`fl ni ot.

fa` kao` tlg Frnssiorg bn`us oi tlg tarkgt os aesn gxpnsgh tn a`y ntlgr Aftovg mnhges n` tlg attafcgr‟s

Mnhges o` Fnvgr arg larhgr tn lot by ra`kgh attafcs.

tgam wln arg wotlo` tlg giigftovg ra`kg ni tlgor wgapn`s. Nvgrwatfl attafcs `gvgr kao` tlg Frnssiorg Bn`us





Vlnnto`k at vgry fensg ra`kg akao`st fnmpegtgey

[lg` gquoppgh wotl rapoh ioro`k ra`kgh wgapn`s a`h

gxpnsgh tarkgts os a` ohgae sotuaton` inr tlg attafcgr,

ampeg ammn, slnts spraygh o` tlg horgfton` ni a tarkgt

wlgrg sufl Zno`t-Bea`c slnts arg aemnst ompnssobeg tn

fa` o`tgrigrg wotl tlgor slnnto`k a`h inrfg tlgm tn

moss! [lg` a tarkgt os attafcgh by a ra`kgh wgapn`

cggp tlgor lgahs hnw`.

wotlo` 8 o`flgs a`h os Gxpnsgh, tlg attafcgr kao`s tlg A mnhge wotl a Zromary [gapn` tlat tl at las tlg ammn Zno`t-Bea`c bn`us. Nvgrwatfl attafcs `gvgr kao` tlg Zno`t-Bea`c bn`us.

traot ni “autn‟ may flnnsg tn usg wotl Vupprgsson` Iorg.

Xarkgt a`y g`gmy wotlo` giigftovg ra`kg a`h o` Eo`g ni Voklt. Vupprgsson` Iorg hngs `nt rgquorg a rnee a`h os

MARCGH XARKGX Xgamwnrc fa` macg a votae hoiigrg`fg o` a fensg iorgioklt, wlgrg tgammatgs fa` spnt nr horgft iorg inr krgatgr giigftovg`gss. A mnhge may tacg tlg Marc

autnmatofaeey suffgssiue a`h prnvohgs a Vupprgsson` tncg` tn tlg tarkgt. Gafl Vupprgsson` Xncg` tlat a mnhge las kra`ts a fumueatovg -8 pg`aety tn ots ra`kgh nr mgegg attafcs u`toe g`h ni ots aftovaton`.

Xarkgt afton` akao`st a`y g`gmy o` tlgor Eo`g ni Voklt.

Xlg mnhge pgrinrmo`k Vupprgsson` Iorg bgfnmgs Nut

By passo`k a` aptotuhg rnee, tlg tarkgt os Marcgh.

ni Ammn u`toe ot rgenahs.

Aee ra`kgh attafcs mahg akao`st tlg tarkgt kao` tlg Xarkgt os Marcgh bn`us. Marcgh Xarkgt easts u`toe tlg g`h ni tlg rnu`h.

XACO@K IORG! [lg` a tarkgt mnhge os iorgh upn` by a ra`kgh attafc but `nt hnw`gh irnm ot, ot may macg a basof mnvg 1

LW@CGR HN[@ A mnhge fa` macg bgttgr usg ni fnvgr oi ot luks a`y prntgfton` fensgey a`h kg`graeey cggps tlgor lgah

o`fl o` a`y horgfton` aitgr tlg attafc os rgsnevgh, r gsnevgh, as ot attgmpts tn iuronusey sframbeg inr fnvgr nr a bgttgr pnsoton`!

hnw`. NWX NI AMMN [lg` a mnhge tacgs tlg Lu`cgr Hnw` afton`, aft on`, ot kao`s

Vnmg Zromary Ra`kgh [gapn`s lavg eomotgh ammu`oton`

krgatgr prntgfton` akao`st o`fnmo`k iorg. As en`k as tlg

a`h may bgfnmg Nut ni Ammn huro`k tlg kamg. A

mnhge uso`k Lu`cgr Hnw` os bg`gioto`k irnm Fnvgr, aee

wgapn` wotl tlg ammn stat ni “Autn‟ hngs `nt bgfnmg

ra`kgh attafcs akao`st ot kao` a iurtlgr -8 pg`aety tn lot

nut ni ammn aitgr maco`k a sta`harh attafc but may

u`toe tlg mnhge‟s `gxt aftovaton`.

bgfnmg sn irnm ntlgr ruegs. [gapn`s wotl ammn `umbgrs sufl as “1‟ nr “2‟ kao` a Nut ni Ammn fnu`tgr

wlg` tlgy macg a ra`kgh attafc wotl tlat wgapn`. A mnhge wotl Nut ni Ammn fnu`tgrs gquae tn nr krgatgr tla` ots ammn stat fa``nt usg ots promary wgapn` u`toe ot pgrinrms tlg Rgenah afton` tn rgmnvg tlgm aee.



MGEGG AXXAFCV Mgegg attafcs may bg mahg wlg` twn mnhges arg o` basg tn basg fn`taft, wlofl fn`sohgrs bntl mnhges “O` Mgegg‟. A u`ot

wotl a mgegg wgapn` sgegfts n`g g`gmy mnhge o` mgegg as tlg tarkgt. Mnvo`k o`tn basg ffn`taft n`taft wotl a` g`gmy mnhge uso`k a Basof Mnvg Afton` os a “flarkg‟ a`h fa` aeways kg`gratg a irgg mgegg attafc wotl a +2 bn`us. Ntlgr mnvgmg`t

afton`s tlat g`tgr basg tn basg arg `nt flarkgs. Mnhges fa``nt mnvg nut ni mgegg u`egss aee mgegg nppn`g`ts arg hnw` nr wlg` tlgy arg mossgh by a` g`gmy mgegg attafc. 1.  Hgfearg tarkgt o` basg fn`taft a`h flnnsg gotlgr a mgegg wgapn` tlat tlg mnhge las gquoppgh nr usg tlg Basl mgegg attafc aee mnhges may pgrinrm. (sgg wgapn`s eost). 2.  Hgtgrmo`g Xarkgt Yaeug inr tlg Attafcgr4 Attafcgr‟s mgegg stat peus mnhoiogrs.

  Rnee tn lot. Oi tlg rnee os suffgssiue, tlg tarkgt os lot. Ntlgrwosg, tlg tarkgt os mossgh.


  Oi tlg tarkgt os mossgh a`h os n`ey o` fn`taft wotl a so`keg nppn`g`t, tlg tarkgt may flnnsg tn ommghoatgey hosg`kakg as a basof mnvg up tn 2 o`flgs o` a`y horgfton`. Xlos may mnvg tlgm nut ni basg fn`taft.


6.  Oi tlg tarkgt os lot, lot , tlgy must macg a` Armnr Flgfc tn t n hgtgrmo`g oi tlgy wgrg prntgftgh iirnm rnm tlg lot. (sgg bgenw). 8.  Oi tlg Armnr Flgfc os iaoegh, tlgy lavg tacg` Hamakg a`h must macg a Hamakg Flgfc (sgg bgenw) Mgegg Mnhoiogrs4 Attafcgr flarkgh o`tn mgegg tlos afton`


Xarkgt was bglo`h nr wotlo` hoiiofuet tgrrao` n` tlg flarkg.


Attafcgr os o` fn`taft wotl muetopeg nppn`g`ts pgr ahhoton`ae


nppn`g`t) Attafcgr las muetopeg irog`hey mnhges o` fn`taft wotl wotl nppn`g`t pgr ahhoton`ae irog`hey)


Nvgrwatfl Attafc


Xarkgt os a` Nbdgft

 Aut n

ttafcgr‟s Zg`aety inr gafl Vupprgsson` Xncg` 


ttafcgr‟s Zg`aety inr gafl wnu`h wnu`h


NYGR[AXFL O`stgah ni horgftey attafco`k a vosobeg g`gmy, a mnhge may spg`h a` afton` a`h g`h ots aftovaton` tn kn o`tn Nvgrwatfl. Xlos rgprgsg`ts tlg mnhge eayo`k fnvgro`k iorg nr waoto`k inr a` nppnrtu`oty tn attafc o`stgah. Zeafg a` Nvgrwatfl marcgr `gxt tn tlg mnhge. Aitgr a` g`gmy mnhge o` Eo`g ni Voklt fnmpegtgs a` afton`, ynu may tlg` flnnsg tn rgmnvg tlg Nvgrwatfl marcgr a`h macg a ra`kgh nr mgegg attafc at a -2 pg`aety. _nu may tarkgt a mnhge at a`y pno`t huro`k ots afton` ‟s mnvgmg`t. Xlos hngs mga` tlat a mnhge n` Nvgrwatfl bgo`k flarkgh may macg ots nvgrwatfl attafc aitgr tlg tarkgt io`oslgs ots mnvgmg`t but bginrg ot pgrinrms tlg irgg afton` mgegg attafc.

Nvgrwatfl easts u`toe tlg start ni tlg mnhge‟s `gxt aftovaton`, wlg` tlg mnhge ma cgs a` Nvgrwatfl attafc nr wlg` tlg mnhge n` Nvgrwatfl os lot by a` g`gmy attafc nr wlg` ot kao`s a supprgsson` tncg`.



ARMNR FLGFC4 [lg` lot by a wgapn`, tlg tarkgt lot must macg a` armnr flgfc tn hgtgrmo`g oi ot‟s pgrsn`ae prntgfton` fa` fnmpegtgey

stnp tlg attafc. Xlg armnr flgfc rnee las a Xarkgt Yaeug ni tlg tarkgt‟s hgig`sg stat mnhoiogh by tlgor armnr, subtrafto`k tlg strg`ktl ni tlg wgapn` tlat lot ot.


N` a suffgss, tlg tarkgt‟s armnr las prntgftgh ot irnm tlg g`gmy attafc, a`h ot suiigrs `n hama kg.


N` a iaoeurg, tlg attafc rops tlrnukl tlg armnr, hamako`k tlg tarkgt. Xlg tarkgt tlg` must rnee r nee a Hamakg Flgfc tn hgtgrmo`g tlg gxtg`t ni tlg mnhge‟s o`durogs.

HAMAKG FLGFC4 Aitgr iaoeo`k a` armnr flgfc, tlg tarkgt must macg a Hamakg flgfc tn hgtgrmo`g oi ot las bgg` bahey o`durgh nr o`fapafotatgh nutroklt. Xlg Hamakg flgfc rnee las a Xarkgt Yaeug ni tlg mnhge‟s survovae stat, peus a`y bn`usgs irnm

armnr. A`y bn`usgs tn survovae kra`tgh by armnr stoee appey n` tlg hamakg flgfc u`toe tlg attafc tlat fausgh f ausgh Armnr Iaoeurg os iueey rgsnevgh.


N` a suffgss, tlg mnhge las suiigrgh a` o`dury but may stoee bg abeg tn ioklt. Xlg mnhge suiigrs n`g wnu`h.


N` a iaoeurg, tlg mnhge las suiigrgh a` o`dury tnn sgvgrg tn cggp n` ioklto`k. Ot suiigrs n`g wnu`h a`h os hnw`gh ommghoatgey.

XACG@ NWX [lg` a Rueg rgigrs tn wlg` a mnhge Xacgs Nut a` g`gmy, ot mga`s tlat mnhge las la s fausgh a` g`gmy tn kn Hnw` nr bg Geomo`atgh. A mnhge os Xacg` Nut wlg` ot os Hnw` nr Geomo`atgh. Oi tlat mnhge wnueh bg lgaegh lnwgvgr bafc tn Aftovg statg, ot `n en`kgr fnu`ts as Xacg` Nut.

[NW@HV A wnu`h rgprgsg`ts o`durogs a`h hamakg tlat rghufg a mnhge‟s aboeoty tn ioklt. Inr gafl wnu`h a mnhge las suiigrgh, at

tlg bgko``o`k ni ots aftovaton` macg a` aptotuhg flgfc. N` a iaoeurg, tlg t lg mnhge ensgs 1 pnssobeg afton` tlos aftovaton`. A mnhge os hnw`gh wlg` ot las rgfgovgh a tlorh wnu`h as gvg` tlg tnuklgst ni iokltgrs fa` bg brnuklt enw irnm o`durogs. A`y gxfgss wnu`hs lavg `n giigft. Egavg tlg hnw`gh mnhge n` tlg tabeg, as ot may stoee bg gxtraftgh by a`ntlgr mnhge nr lgaegh eatgr. ARMNR IAOEWRG Vnmg attafcs arg Armnr Zogrfo`k (AZ), a`h fausg armnr iaoeurg wlg` tlgy hamakg a tarkgt. Xlgsg wgapn`s lavg “AZ‟ o`

tlgor Vtrg`ktl Vtat tn o`hofatg tlg attafcs arg Armnr Zogrfo`k. [lg` a` attafc irnm tlos wgapn` hamakgs a tarkgt, ot suiigrs Armnr Iaoeurg at tlg g`h ni tlg attafc rgsneuton`. [lg` a mnhge suiigrs armnr iaoeurg, tlg tarkgt mnhge ensgs aee aboeotogs kra`tgh by tlg armnr ot os wgaro`k inr tlg rgst ni tlg kamg. Ot `n en`kgr bg`giots irnm mnvgmg`t afton`s nr spgfoae ruegs prnvohgh pr nvohgh by armnr, nr a`y bn`usgs tn hgig`sg nr survovae u`toe tlg armnr os rgpaorgh.



ZWVLO@K Vnmg giigfts may pusl mnhges. [lg` puslgh, a mnhge mnvgs horgftey o` tlg horgfton` ni tlg pusl, fegaro`k nbstafegs slnrtgr tla` tlg puslgh mnhge‟s lgoklt sufl as barrofahgs nr enw nbdgfts o` tlg samg ma``gr as oi ot lah mahg a Basof Mnvg. Oi puslgh nvgr a` ghkg, tlg mnhge woee suiigr a iaee.

IAEEO@K [lg` a u`ot iaees, ot mnvgs vgrtofaeey u`toe bgo`k peafgh n` a suriafg suri afg wlgrg tlg mnhge‟s basg fnueh `nrmaeey bg peafgh. Xlg hosta`fg mnvgh os tlg iaeeo`k hosta`fg. A`y vneu`tary nr o`vneu`tary iaee ni krgatgr tla` 2 o`flgs ni iaeeo`k hosta`fg woee rgsuet o` iaeeo`k hamakg. Iaeeo`k hamakg os la`hegh as a` armnr flgfc akao`st a strg`ktl gquae tn tlg `umbgr ni o`flgs iaeeg`, trgatgh gxaftey as oi lot by a wgapn`. G\XRAFXON@V A@H BWKKO@K NWX Nitg`, aitgr a mosson` os fnmpegtgh n`g nr bntl sohgs `ggh tn gxtraft tn puee tlgor u`ots nut ni tlg Battegiogeh tn ioklt a`ntlgr, hay wo` nr ensg. Xlos fnueh bg rgqugsto`k a vglofeg pofcup, gsfapo`k tlrnukl a lohhg` l ohhg` tu``ge nr a`y `umbgr ni o`vg`tovg ways tn gvafuatg irnm a battegiogeh.

G\XRAFXON@ A mnhge pgrinrmo`k a “Hgsok`atg Gxtrafton`‟ afton` fa` peafg a` AnG2 gxtrafton` arga tgmpeatg tn frga tg a` gxtrafton`

arga n` npg` krnu`h. A`y mnhge wotlo` tlg arga may flnnsg tn gxtraft at tlg g`h ni tlgor aftovaton` a`h arg rgmnvgh irnm tlg bnarh. Hnw`gh mnhges bgo`k farrogh arg gxtraftgh aen`k wotl tlg n`g farryo`k tlgm. Xlg Gxtrafton` Arga rgmao`s o` peay u`toe a mnhge n` tlg tgam pgrinrms tlg Hgsok`atg Gxtrafton` afton` akao`, nr wlg` a` g`gmy mnhge tnuflgs tlg arga. Xlg Gxtrafton` Arga os rgmnvgh irnm tlg bnarh oi at a`y tomg tlgrg arg g`gmogs wotlo` ot.

BWKKO@K NWX [lg` iafo`k fasuaetogs a`h wotl igw npton`s egit, a tgam may hgfohg fut tlgor enssgs a`h attgmpt tn kgt tn saigty, wotl gvgry raohgr ig`ho`k inr tlgmsgevgs o` a kg`grae rnut! [lg` u`hgr lgavy prgssurg nr o` a enso`k sotuaton` wotl `n sgfurg way tn affnmpeosl tlgor knaes, ot may bg tlg n`ey npton` tn Buk Nut. [lg` a rnu`h g`hs a`h a peaygr las egss tla` laei tlg `umbgr ni Aftovg mnhges as tlgor nppn`g`t, tlgy may flnnsg tn Buk Nut. Gafl mnhge mnrg tla` tl a` < o`flgs away irnm a`y g`gmy mnhge os rgmnvgh irnm tlg kamg a`h fnu`ts as Gxtraftgh. [lg` a mnhge os gxtraftgh o` tlos way, tlgy hrnp a`y mosson`-spgfoiof fnu`tgrs tlgy may lavg bgg` farryo`k. FNMMA@H ZNO@XV At tlg bgko``o`k ni gafl rnu`h, a tgam kao`s a `umbgr ni fnmma`h pno`ts tlgy may spg`h huro`k tlg tur` inr spgfoae giigfts. Xlgsg rgprgsg`t gxfgeeg`t egahgrslop a`h tgamwnrc tlat lgeps a Xgam pgrinrm bgttgr. A Xgam kao`s 1 fnmma`h pno`t inr lavo`k a` Aftovg Mosson` Egahgr. Vnmg scoees may o`frgasg lnw ma`y fnmma`h pno`ts ttlg lg tgam kao`s irnm tlgor Mosson` Egahgr. A`y u`usgh Fnmma`h Zno`ts arg enst at tlg g`h ni tlg rnu`h



Fnmma`h Zno`ts may bg usgh o` tlg ineenwo`k ways4


Fnnrho`aton`4 A fnmma`h pno`t may bg usgh tn aftovatg a `gw mnhge bafc tn bafc wotlnut passo`k tlg tur` tn ynur

nppn`g`t. Gafl mnhge aftovatgh tlos way must fnmpegtg aee ni ots afton`s bginrg mnvo`k n` tn a`y ntlgr. A peaygr may aftovatg a`y `umbgr ni mnhges o` tlos t los iaslon` as en`k as tlgy t lgy lavg fnmma`h pno`ts tn spg`h.


G`hura`fg4 A fnmma`h pno`t may bg usgh tn autnmatofaeey pass a` aptotuhg flgfc mahg at tlg bgko``o`k ni a wnu`hgh mnhge‟s aftovaton`, prgvg`to`k tlg enss ni a` afton` irnm wnu`hs. Xlos may bg hn`g aitgr rneeo`k tlg hofg.  


Infus4 A fnmma`h pno`t may bg usgh tn prnvohg tlg furrg`tey aftovato`k mnhge a +2 bn`us tn a` attafc nr stat

flgfc bginrg tlg rnee os mahg. FNMMN@ GIIGFXV RGFAZ Mnhges may bg aiieoftgh wotl ma`y hoiigrg`t giigfts, wlofl arg hgsfrobgh gesgwlgrg. ge sgwlgrg. Inr rgigrg`fg, mnst arg eostgh lgrg inr fn`vg`og`fg4


[nu`h - Xlos mnhge must macg a` aptotuhg tgst nr ensg a` afton` at tlg bgko``o`k ni ots aftovaton` inr gafl wnu`h ot las suiigrgh. Xlos mnhge os hnw`gh wlg` ot gvgr las 6 nr mnrg wnu`hs.

   Ar mn r Iao eu rg - Xlos mnhge `n en`kgr kao`s a`y bg`giot nr giigfts irnm ots armnr.


Nut ni Ammn  - Xlos mnhge fa``nt macg a Zromary [gapn` attafc u`toe ot las pgrinrmgh tlg Rgenah afton`.


Marcgh - Xlos mnhge las bgg` Marcgh as a tarkgt. G`gmy ra`kgh attafcs arg at +8 tn lot u`toe g`h ni rnu`h.


Nvgrwatfl - Xlos mnhge may tacg a` Nvgrwatfl attafc at tlg g`h ni a` g`gmy‟s afton` tlat tacgs peafg o` ots EnV. Nvgrwatfl os enst at tlg start ni tlg `gxt aftovaton`, wlg` ot os usgh, nr wlg` tlg mnhge os lot l ot by a` attafc


Vupprgsson` - Xlos mnhge suiigrs a -8 pg`aety tn ots Ra`kgh a`h Mgegg attafcs inr gafl Vupprgsson` Fnu`tgr ot las. Rgmnvg aee supprgsson` fnu`tgrs aitgr ots ot s aftovaton`.


Lu`cgr Hnw` - Xlos mnhge prnvohgs a -8 pg`aety tn g`gmogs attgmpto`k tn attafc ot wotl ra`kgh attafcs wloeg ot os bg`giotto`k irnm Fnvgr. Lu`cgr Hnw` os rgmnvgh at tlg start ni ots aftovaton`.




Zeafg tgrrao` a`h sgt up tabeg


Gafl Zeaygr rnees nii-inr O`otoatovg


Vgt up tlg Mosson` (sgg bgenw)


Zeaygrs flnnsg tlgor hgpenymg`t arga o` O`otoatovg Nrhgr.


Hgpeny tgams, starto`k wotl tlg iorst peaygr.


Iorst rnu`h bgko`s.

1. VGX WZ XLG XABEG Vgtto`k up a battegiogeh tabeg slnueh lavg a moxturg ni tgrrao` gegmg`ts tlat bntl peaygrs akrgg upn`. Xlgrg slnueh bg g`nukl tgrrao` tn g`surg muetopeg gegvaton`s gxost wlgrg mnhges fa` ioklt n`, a`h suiiofog`t fnvgr wlgrg a mnhge fa` mnvg bgtwgg` 8 tn < o`flgs n` mnst parts ni tlg bnarh a`h io`h fnvgr. A`y spgfoae tgrrao` nbdgfts sufl as lazarhs, hufts nr hoiiofuet tgrrao` slnueh aesn bg fegarey hgsok`atgh. [lg` suiiofog`t tgrrao` os peafgh a`h bntl peaygrs arg satosiogh, sgt up tlg tabeg os `nw sgt up.

2. HGXGRMO@G O@OXOAXOYG A@H HGZEN_ Bntl peaygrs macg a rnee inr hgpenymg`t o`otoatovg, wotl tlg peaygr tlat rneegh enwgr wo``o`k tlg rnee-nii. Rgr Rgrnee nee a`y togs. Xlg wo``gr ni tlos rnee os fn`sohgrgh tlg Iorst Zeaygr.


Aitgr O`otoatovg os hgtgrmo`gh, tlg Iorst Zeaygr flnnsgs a hgpenymg`t arga. Xlg` tlg Vgfn`h V gfn`h Zeaygr flnnsgs a hgpenymg`t arga. Vgt up a`y mosson`-spgfoiof tgrrao` as horgftgh by tlg mosson`.


Xlg Iorst Zeaygr tlg` hgpenys tlgor mnhges, peafo`k gafl n`g wotlo` tlgor hgpenymg`t arga. [lg` tlos os io`oslgh, tlg Vgfn`h Zeaygr hngs tlg samg


[lg` bntl peaygrs arg io`oslgh, tlgy arg hn`g hgpenyo`k.

Xlg knae ni gafl mosson` os tn affnmpeosl tlgor nbdgftovgs wlofl prnvohg Yoftnry Zno`ts (YZ). Xlg wo``gr ni tlg kamg woee bg peaygr wln aflogvgh mnrg Yoftnry Zno`ts, up tn a max ni 1:. Zeaygrs may n`ey affnmpeosl nbdgftovgs eostgh n` tlgor nw` mosson`. Hgpenymg`t4 Xlgrg arg tlrgg typgs ni hgpenymg`t hgtaoegh bgenw. Bntl peaygrs may bg uso`k hoiigrg`t hgpenyo`k typgs hgpg`ho`k n` tlgor pgrsn`ae mosson`s. Hgpenymg`t nffurs aitgr mosson`s arg a rg rgvgaegh a`h aitgr battegiogeh fn`hoton`s arg kg`gratgh.


Arga Hgpenymg`t - Flnnsg a` ghkg ni tlg tabeg a`h hgpeny aee mnhges wotlo` < o`flgs irnm tlg ghkg.


Ghkg Hgpenymg`t - Flnnsg a` ghkg ni tlg tabeg a`h hgpeny aee mnhges o` fn`taft wotl tlg ghkg.


O`sgrton` Hgpenymg`t - Flnnsg a pno`t a`ywlgrg n` tlg tabeg a`h hgpeny aee mnhges wotlo` 8 o`flgs ni tlos pno`t. Xlg pno`t may `nt bg wotlo` wotl o` 12 o`flgs ni a` g`gmy Hgpenymg`t Arga. A Zeaygr may aeways flnnsg tn usg Ghkg Hgpenymg`t o`stgah.



6. G@HKAMG Xlg knae ni gafl peaygr os tn affnmpeosl tlgor nbdgftovgs wlofl prnvohg Yoftnry Zno`ts (YZ), wotl tlg wo``gr bgo`k tlg peaygr wln aflogvgh mnrg Yoftnry Zno`ts. Xlg kamg g`hs oi a peaygr las wn` 1: YZ, nr oi n`g sohg las `n mnrg Aftovg mnhges egit n` tlg battegiogeh. As snn` as tlg kamg g`hs, fnu`t up tlg Yoftnry Zno`ts a`h hgtgrmo`g a wo``gr. _nu may `nt lavg mnrg tla` 1: YZ. Oi YZs arg togh, tlg` tlg matfl os a hraw a`h `gotlgr peaygr wo`s. Oi tlg kamg os part ni a fampaok`, bntl peaygrs rgsnevg ZnstMosson` rgsuets. 



IORVX G@FNW@XGR MOVVON@V EOVX   MOVVON@ 14 VFAYG@KO@K RW@ [otlafraslsgg`inrtg`snicoenmgtgrs,a`o`vgrtghs [otlafraslsgg`inrtg`snicoen mgtgrs,a`o`vgrtghsporgfraslgshnw porgfraslgshnw`irnmtlgfgoeo`k `irnmtlgfgoeo`kabnvginrrgas abnvginrrgasn`su`c`nw` n`su`c`nw`.[lg` .[lg` tlgsmncgfegars,keottgro`kiogehsnivaeu tlgsmncgfegars, keottgro`kiogehsnivaeuabega`hprgvo  abega`hprgvo nuseyu`attao`abegsaevakghn nuseyu`attao`abegsaevakghnttlgea`hsfapg.O ttlgea`hsfapg.Ot‟sn`eyamattgrni t‟sn`eyamattgrni tomgbginrgsfavg`kgrsfnmginrtl tomgbginrgsfavg` kgrsfnmginrtlgbgstpofco`ks…yn gbgstpofco`ks…ynu‟hbgttgrkgttlg u‟hbgttgrkgttlgrgiorst! rgiorst!

HGZEN_MG@X Ghkg Hgpenymg`t MOVVON@ VGXWZ Vtarto`k wotl tlg peaygr wotl Hgpenymg`t O`otoatovg, bntl peaygrs aetgr`atg peafo`k peafo `k ? (27mm) sfavg`kg fnu`tgrs arnu`h tlg Battegiogeh at egast 8 o`flgs apart irnm gafl ntlgr a`h wotlo` 12 o`flgs ni tlg bnarh b narh fg`tgr. Vfavg`kg Fnu`tgrs may bg pofcgh up by a mnhge o` fn`taft as a Irgg Afton`.


Xacg` Nut nr Bukkgh Nut mnhges autnmatofaeey hrnp aee fnu`tgrs o` basg fn`taft.


Vfavg`kg Fnu`tgrs may bg passgh bgtwgg` irog`hey mnhges o` basg fn`taft as a so`keg afton`.


Vfavg`kg Fnu`tgrs may bg gxtraftgh as a` afton` pgr fnu`tgr wlg` a mnhge farryo`k n`g os o` fn`taft a` gxtrafton` arga.



Gxtraft Vfavg`kg - Kao` 2 YZ inr gafl Vfavg`kg Fnu`tgr gxtraftgh.


Lneh ynur krnu`h - Kao` 6 YZ oi ynur tgam os tlg east egit n` tlg battegiogeh.



Zeafg a 9-o`fl rahous (AnG9) Rahoaton` Lazarh o` tlg fg`tgr ni tlg bnarh. b narh.



MOVVON@ 24 HAXA MO@O@K O`taftHataenrgosaewayslokleyfnvgtgh,a`h O`taftHataenrgosaeways lokleyfnvgtgh,a`hiu`fton`o`k@nhg iu`fton`o`k@nhgsargtlgormnst sargtlgormnstiruotiuesnurfg.[otlo`tlg iruotiuesnurfg.[otlo`tlgiaeeg`tnwgr‟s iaeeg`tnwgr‟s mnsto`taftsgkmg`tieaslgstlgieofcgro`k mnsto`taftsgkm g`tieaslgstlgieofcgro`kklnst-inrmniln klnst-inrmnilnenkraploftgrmo`ae enkraploftgrmo`aestatof,asurgsok` statof,asurgsok`tlattlgrgmaybg tlattlgrgmaybg  iu`fton`ae@nhgswotlo`.Hostnrtghwnrh iu`fton`ae@nhg swotlo`.Hostnrtghwnrh-`nosga`hgtlgrg `nosga`hgtlgrgaegflngsioeetlgsl aegflngsioeetlgslattgrghlaeeways,n attgrghlaeeways,ntlgrwnreheybgfcn` tlgrwnreheybgfcn`o`kinr o`kinr sggcgrsnitlgo`in-trgasurgstoeewotlo`.

HGZEN_MG@X Arga Hgpenymg`t MOVVON@ VGXWZ Zeafg 7 Nbdgftovg @nhgs afrnss tlg Battegiogeh, wotl 8 gxaftey 12 o`flgs irnm gafl tabeg ghkg a`h o` tlg fg`tgr ni tlgor tabeg quartgrs, a`h 1 o` tlg fg`tgr ni tlg bnarh. Vgt V gt up n`ey n`fg gvg` oi bntl peaygrs lavg sgegftgh Hata Mo`o`k.


Nbdgftovg @nhgs may bg Feaomgh by maco`k a` aptotuhg flgfc wlg` o` basg fn`taft. Bntl peaygrs may Feaom Nbdgftovg @nhgs, but n`ey tlg peaygr wotl Hata Mo`o`k as tlgor t lgor mosson` may sfnrg tlgm as nbdgftovgs.

  Feaomo`k a` Nbdgftovg @nhg rgmnvgs a`y g`gmy feaoms n` ot.


  Nbdgftovg @nhgs fnu`t as Hata@nhg Nbdgfts.




Hata Vgarfl  - Kao` 1 YZ inr gafl Nbdgftovg Hata@nhg feaomgh at tlg g`h ni tlg kamg, tn a maxomum ni 6. O`in Fn`huot  - Kao` 6 YZ oi ynu lavg feaomgh tlrgg Nbdgftovg @nhgs at tlg g`h ni a rnu`h.


Hataenrg Hataenrg Hnw `enah  - Kao` 1 YZ oi O`in Fn`huot Nbdgftovg os affnmpeoslgh, a`h ynu suffgssiueey pgrinrm tlg O`tgriafg Afton` wotl tlg Fg`tgr @nhg. Xlg mnhge affnmpeoslo`k tlos nbdgftovg `nw las tlg Hataenrg Fnu`tgr. Oi tlat mnhge os Xacg` Nut, ot woee hrnp tlg Hataenrg Fnu`tgr, wlofl may bg pofcgh up as a irgg afton` by a`y mnhge.


Vaig Rgtur Rgtur `  - Kao` 6 YZ oi ynu gxtraft tlg mnhge wotl tlg Hataenrg Fnu`tgr.



Vtarto`k wotl tlg peaygr wotl hgpenymg`t o`otoatovg, Gafl Zeaygr aetgr`atgs putto`k Yneatoeg Fn`tao`grs tgrrao` n` tlg bnarh u`toe tlgrg arg a tntae ni 8 peafgh.


Xlgsg fn`tao`grs lavg a 2-o`fl (AnG2) rahous arga a`h may bg trokkgrgh by slnts passo`k tlrnukl tlg arga.



MOVVON@ 64 VGEGFXOYG XGRMO@AXON@ Xlgsfattgro`kmnvgmg`tsniTn`gRaohgrsscormoslo` Xlgsfattgro`kmnvgmg`tsniTn` gRaohgrsscormoslo`ko`tlgtnwgrs ko`tlgtnwgrswas`ntmossghb was`ntmossghbytlgmaflo`gmo`hs ytlgmaflo`gmo`hso`tg`tn` o`tg`tn` fega`so`ksapog`tvgrmo`.Xlgigarsn fega`so`ksap og`tvgrmo`.XlgigarsnmgOmmu`nfytgsa mgOmmu`nfytgsargfenso`ko`,a`h rgfenso`ko`,a`htlgn`eywaynu tlgn`eywaynutostlrnukla`a tostlrnukla`arrnwslait rrnwslait u`gartlghegaho`khggpgro`tntl u`gartlghega ho`khggpgro`tntlgstrata.But`n gstrata.But`nRaohXgamwnu RaohXgamwnuehwa`ttniegggmp ehwa`ttniegggmptyla`hgh! tyla`hgh! Xlgprozgnia`o`taftFryn-Yauetossaohtnbghggpw Xlgprozgnia`o`taftFryn-Yauetossa ohtnbghggpwotlo`tlgtnwgrbasgh otlo`tlgtnwgrbasghn`tlgprgvonu n`tlgprgvonuseyrgtrogvghHataenrg,Vgozo`ktlg seyrgtrogvghHataenrg,Vgozo`ktlg Fryn-Yauetwnuehbgsompeg,oi`ntinr Fryn-Yauetwnueh bgsompeg,oi`ntinrtlgpgscypursu tlgpgscypursuotnintlgrkrnup otnintlgrkrnups.G`nuklosg s.G`nuklosg`nukl4Futn `nukl4Futniitlglgaha`h iitlglgaha`htacgtlg tacgtlg vauetasynurprozg!



Fut nii tlg Lgah Lgah  - Kao` 8 YZ oi tlg g`gmy Egahgr os hnw` at tlg g`h ni a`y rnu`h. Xlos may bg sfnrgh n`fg.


Vtay Hnw` Hnw` !   - Kao` 2 YZ oi tlg g`gmy Egahgr os Xacg` Nut a`h was `nt gxtraftgh by tlgor tgam by tlg g`h ni tlg kamg.


Vfnrg tn Vgtteg - Kao` 6 YZ oi ynur egahgr las wnu`hgh tlg g`gmy Egahgr at egast n`fg huro`k tlos kamg. Lneh ynur krnu`h  - Kao` 6 YZ oi ynur tgam os tlg east egit n` tlg battegiogeh.


Fnwarh!  - Kao` 8 YZ Oi gotlgr tlg g`gmy Egahgr hoh `nt o`ieoft at egast e gast n`g wnu`h n` ynur tgam by tlg g`h ni tlg kamg a`h tlg Fut nii tlg Lgah nbdgftovg was `nt affnmpeoslgh.



A Fryn Yauet os p peafgh eafgh o` tlg fg`tgr ni tlg bnarh. @n mnhges may bg hgpenygh wotlo` 12 o`flgs ni ot.  



IORVX G@FNW@XGR XGRRAO@ RWEGV RAHOAXON@ LATARH Rahoaton` zn`gs arg marcgh as gotlgr a` AnG6 arga fg`tgrgh n` a pno`t, nr as a spgfoiof rgkon` ni a tgrrao` pogfg. W`ots wotlo` a rahoaton` zn`g must macg a survovae flgfc at tlg g`h ni gafl aftovaton` tlgy lavg a`y spg`t tomg o` wotlo` tlg tl g lazarh arga. Gafl iaoeurg ahhs a rah fnu`tgr tn tlg u`ot. Gvgry rah fnu`tgr rghufgs tlg u`ot‟s survovae by 2 inr tlg rgst ni tlg batteg. [lg` survovae rgaflgs :, tlg u`ot os Geomo`atgh. FR_N-YAWEX A` a`fog`t Fryn-Yauet lnehs a suspg`hgh bgo`k nr nbdgft wotlo`. A mnhge wotl a` O`tgriafg O`tgr iafg Hgfc fa` spg`h a` afton` a`h g`h tlgor aftovaton` tn attgmpt tn npg` ot. N` a suffgssiue Aptotuhg Aptotu hg Rnee, ot os `nw npg`gh. Rnee tn hgtgrmo`g wlat was o`sohg4 1-18 ‖ A pnwgriue artoiaft! Rnee inr Artoiaft Kg`graton` (sgg Artoiafts). Xlg Raohgr tlat npg` gh tlg Fryn-Yauet kao`s tlos otgm. 17-2: ‖ Gxpenson`! Gvgrytlo`k wotlo` 6 o`flgs ni tlg Fryn-Yauet suiigrs a Vtrg`ktl 6 Fn`fussovg lot. Xlg vauet os o s hgstrnygh. HOIIOFWEX XGRRAO@ Hoiiofuet tgrrao` fa` bg a`y arga benfcgh partey by rubbeg nr nbstafegs, watgr nr gvg` artoiofoae brusl. Mnvgmg`t tlrnukl a hoiiofuet tgrrao` arga os rghufgh by 2 o`flgs. o` flgs. FEOMBABEG NBDGFX A feombabeg nbdgft os a eahhgr, eg`ktl ni popg, tlofc fabeg fab eg nr somoear nbdgft tlat a trnnpgr fnueh usg tn sfaeg a vgrtofae suriafg sur iafg gasoey. [lg` o` fn`taft, a`y mnhge may feomb tlos wotl n`g afton` tn tlg tnp nr bnttnm ni tlg nbdgft. HWFXV Hufts arg pa`ges o` tlg iennr nr sohg ni strufturgs tlat egah tn t n a mazg ni tu``ges u`hgr`gatl nr tlrnukl tlg Battegiogeh. Ot tacgs n`g afton` tn g`tgr a huft o` basg fn`taft a`h g`hs tlg tl g aftovaton`. N` tlg ineenwo`k rnu`h, tlg mnhge may spg`h aee ni tlgor afton`s tn fnmg nut ni a`y ntlgr huft n` tlg tabeg. A mnhge must egavg tlg huft4 Ot‟s ha`kgrnus tn stay o` tlg tu``ges inr tnn en`k!  

Aetgr`atovgey, tlg mnhge may spg`h aee ni tlgor afton`s wloeg o` a huft tn macg a` aptotuhg flgfc. Oi suffgssiue, tlg mnhge os `nw o` mgegg wotl a` g`gmy mnhge tlat aesn g`tgrgh a huft. Xlos os trgatgh as flarko`k. YNEAXOEG FN@XAO@GRV Yneatoeg Fn`tao`grs rgprgsg`ts a rgkon` iuee ni popgs nr barrges fn`tao`o`k vneatoeg nr ha`kgrnus matgroaes. A`y mossgh attafc tlat rneegh a 19+ a`h passgh wotlo` tlg arga ni tlg Yneatoeg Fn`tao`grs tgrrao` rgsuets o` a fn`tao`gr bgo`k rupturgh. Zeafg a Rahoaton` Lazarh Arga fg`tgrgh ot n` tlg tgrrao` pogfg. Xlos giigft fa` n`ey bg trokkgrgh n`fg pgr Yneatoeg Fn`tao`grs tgrrao`. Aee mnhges wotlo` tlg Xgrrao` suiigr a strg`ktl 8 lot. A peaygr may hgeobgratgey attgmpt tn hgtn`atg tlg fn`tao`grs as wgee, by maco`k a suffgssiue ra`kgh attafc n` tlgm wotl a` ahhoton`ae -8 pg`aety tn lot.



IORVX G@FNW@XGR [GAZN@V, ARMNR A@H GQWOZMG@X Xlg Harc Tn`gs arg ioeegh wotl wgapn`s a`h hgvofgs gssg`toae tn tlg survovae ni Tn`g Raohgrs o` tlgor battegs wotl gafl ntlgr a`h u`c`nwabeg mgfla`ofae lnrrnrs. Vnmg ni tlg mnst fnmmn` typgs ni kgar arg eostgh lgrg. O` tlg sta`harh ghoton` ni Tn`g Raohgrs, gafl iafton` aesn las affgss tn iafton`-gxfeusovg kgar. Xlg fnst eostgh o` gafl g`try os tlg otgm‟s vaeug o` Rgsnurfg W`ots (RW), wlofl fa` bg gar`gh tlrnukl pe ayo`k mosson`s tn

upkrahg nr gquop `gw kgar. Gafl mnhge may lavg up tn tlrgg wgapn`s a`h tlrgg gquopmg`t otgms. A mnhge may n`ey bg gquoppgh wotl n`g Zromary [gapn`. [gapn`s wotlnut Ammn vaeugs eostgh `gvgr ru` nut ni ammn.








Fn`fussovg, mnhges may aeways usg tlos attafc.


Vfrap Feub





Mak Futtgr


8 AZ 



8 AZ 



Co`gtof Kau`tegt


8 AZ 



Zrnkrgssovg Ghkg


9 AZ 

Kra`ts Fnu`tgr-Attafc Vcoee 








Veuk Ku`




Vfrap Vlntku`




Vlnrt Ra`kg


Autn Farbo`g




Rapoh [gapn`, Burst(2) 


Mgfla`ofae Bnw





Z`gumatof Dgzaoe


: AZ 




8 AZ 



Lgavy Mak-Hrovgr


9 AZ 

Buecy, Fn`fussovg, Rupturo`k


Iegflgttg Roieg




Iegflgttg Vlntku`


Beast(1). Vlnrt-Ra`kg


Iegflgttg Laoegr




Buecy, Vustao`gh Burst(2), Burst(6)


Fa`ostgr Eau`flgr


9 AZ 

Beast(2), Buecy 











Vfrap Zostne



Vawgh-Nii Veukkgr


Vlnrt-Ra`kg, Fn`fussovg


Iegflgttg Zostne



Rapoh [gapn` 


Mak Zuesgr


2 AZ





Rapoh [gapn` - Attafcs mahg wotl tlos wgapn` hn `nt g`h tlg aftovaton`  


Buecy- Xlos wgapn` fa``nt macg ra`kgh attafcs, aomgh attafcs nr bg usgh o` nvgrwatfl n` tur`s o` wlofl tlg mnhge las tacg` a mnvgmg`t afton`.


Vlnrt Ra`kg - Fa``nt attafc bgyn`h giigftovg ra`kg.


Beast (x) - N` Lot4 frgatgs beast rahous ni AnG(x), aee u`ots wotlo` tlg beast arg aiigftgh.


Bgam4 [lg` maco`k a ra`kgh attafc, macg a sgparatg attafc rnee akao`st gafl mnhge aen`k a straoklt eo`g tn tlg tarkgt a`h wotlo` eo`g ni soklt.


Vtu``o`k - N` Hamakg4 Xarkgt wnu`hgh by tlos wgapn` ensg a` afton` irnm tlgor `gxt aftovaton`


Fn`fussovg - N` Lot4 Xarkgt os puslgh horgftey bafc 2 o`flgs. May pntg`toaeey trokkgr iaees.


Rupturo`k  ‖ ‖ N` Hamakg4 Xarkgt tlat os hamakgh by tlos wgapn` suiigrs 2 wnu`hs o`stgah ni 1.


Burst (x) - Xlos wgapn` may macg (x) attafcs wlg` usgh. Burst Attafcs may bg speot amn`kst g`gmy tarkgts wotlo` 2 o`flgs ni gafl ntlgr. Aitgr maco`k a Burst attafc, tlg wgapn` kao`s a` Nut ni Ammn fnu`tgr.


Vustao`gh Burst (x) ‖ Xlos [gapn` may macg a Burst attafc but hngs `nt bgfnmg Nut ni Ammn aitgrwarhs.

VXA@HARH ARMNR Armnr prnvohgs bn`usgs tn Hgig`sg a`h Vurvovae tn tlg wgargr, omprnvo`k prntgfton` pr ntgfton` irnm g`gmy iorg nr g`vorn`mg`tae lazarhs. Armnr aesn os gquoppgh wotl ma`guvgr kgar tlat aeenws tlg wgargr tn usg tlg eostgh ahva`fgh mnvgmg`t afton`s. Aee bn`usgs, spgfoaes a`h ma`guvgr kgar arg enst wlg` tlg armnr suiigrs Armnr Iaoeurg. Hgig`sg




Ma`guvgr Afton`s


Gxfurson` Rok



[aeeru`, Egap 


Vcormoslgr Iramg



Krappeg, [aeeru` 


Mnboeoty Iramg


Krappeg, [aeeru`, Egap

Armnrgh Farapafg


Armnrgh Lazarh Vuot




+2 Vurvovae vs Lazarhs


Mgfla`ozgh Gxnscgegtn`




-1 Vpggh. Vozg Zrnioeg os `nw Earkg


+1 Vpggh


6: 6:

[gapn`s ensg “Buecy‟





Vparg Battgry

Gafl Battgry farrogh kra`ts tlg farrogr 1 Ba ttgry Xncg` pgr kamg. A Battgry Xncg` may bg fn`sumgh tn g`la`fg a Znwgrgh gquopmg`t otgm nr prnvohg a mnhge wotl a irgg so`keg afton` mnvg pgr aftovaton`.


Baeeostof Nptofs

Aeenws Aomgh Attafc Afton`


Hgig`sg Matrox

Afton`4 Kovg a irog`hey mnhge wotlo` < o`flgs tlg Lu`cgr Hnw` status. Oi tlg flnsg` irog`hey mnhge las `nt ygt aftovatgh tlos rnu`h, Lu`cgr Hnw` os `nt rgmnvgh by ots aftovaton` tlos rnu`h.


Gxfgss Znwgr4   May spg`h a battgry tncg` tn gxtg`h ra`kg tn 19 o`flgs. Vmncg Fa`ostgr

Xlg mnhge may spg`h n`g afton` tn peafg a` A nG2 Fenuh tgmpeatg fg`tgrgh wotlo` < o`flgs. Xlg Fenuh fnu`ts as a` Npaqug a`h Fnvgro`k arga ni Xgrrao`. Xlg fenuh hosappgars at tlg g`h ni tlg rnu`h n` a rnee ni 16+.


Vo`keg Wsg4 May bg usgh n`ey n`fg Zgr Batteg. O`tgriafg Hgfc

Aeenws O`tgriafg Afton` wotl a +8 Bn`us tn Aptotuhg inr tlg rnee.


Futtgr Xnnes

Afton`4 Futs npg` a Mghoum Zrnioeg-sozgh lneg o` a waee nr iennr tlat os up tn 1 o`fl tlofc. Egavg a Lneg tncg` tn rgprgsg`t tlg arga rgmnvgh. A Vmaee nr Mghoum mnhge may mnvg tlrnukl tlg lneg.


Vo`keg Wsg4 May bg usgh n`ey n`fg Zgr Batteg. Znwgrgh4 May spg`h a Battgry Xncg` inr a` ahhoton`ae usg. Xrauma Cot

Aeenws Lgae Afton`


Vo`keg Wsg4 May bg usgh n`ey n`fg Zgr Batteg. @a`n-O`iuson`

Irgg afton`4 Autnmatofaeey pass aee survovae stat flgfcs u`toe g`h ni tlg rnu`h.


Vo`keg Wsg4 May bg usgh n`ey n`fg Zgr Batteg. Mak`gtof Bnnts

Aptotuhg flgfc tn prgvg`t a` o`vneu`tary iaee, stnppo`k tlg mnhge irnm bgo`k mnvgh.


Gxfgss Znwgr4 May spg`h a battgry tncg` tn autnmatofaeey pass tlos tgst. Fnmprgssgh Raton`s

Kao` 1 Rgrnee n` a`y Vurvovae, Ra`kgh, Mgegg nr Aptotuhg Flgfc mahg by tlos Mnhge.


Vo`keg Wsg4 May bg usgh n`ey n`fg Zgr Batteg. Lazarh O`nfueaton`

May rgrnee a survovae f lgfc irnm Lazarh Argas nr spg`h n`g afton` tn rgmnvg tlg giigfts ni Rahoaton` a`h @a`nFn`tamo`aton` n` otsgei nr a irog`hey mnhge o` basg fn`taft.


Vo`keg Wsg4 May bg usgh n`ey n`fg Zgr Batteg. Hgsfg`t Lar`gss

Xlg mnhge may iaee a`y hosta`fg as part ni ots aftovaton` wotlnut pg`aety nr larm




ARXOIAFXV Artoiafts arg pnwgriue a`h a`fog`t hgvofgs, snmg ni wlofl may lavg gxostgh o` tlg gra bafc wlg` tlg pnstluma`s wgrg tlg u`hosputgh mastgrs ni tlg Matronslca. Xlgy arg aee u`spgacabey ahva`fgh a`h fnvgtgh pogfgs ni tgfl`nenky tlat fa` fa``nt bg `nrmaeey afquorgh a`h arg inu`h n`ey o` tlg Harc Tn`gs. [lg` kg`grato`k a` artoiaft, rnee tn sgg wlat co`h ni artoiaft os prnhufgh n` tlg tabeg bgenw. Iorst G`fnu`tgr igaturgs n`ey a smaee sampeg ni tlg pnwgriue Artoiafts tlat fa` bg inu`h o` tlg fampaok`. fampaok` . ARXOIAFX [GAZN@V Ra`kg





Kravotn` Lammgr


< AZ 


Rupturo`k, Brutae, Fn`fussovg


Iraftae Krav-Hrovgr


7 AZ 


Zromary [gapn`, Rapoh [gapn`


Xgegco`gtof Zrndgftnr


8 AZ 


Vtu``o`k, Fn`fussovg


Kravotn` Gmottgr


< AZ 


Zromary [gapn`, Rupturo`k, Bgam, Fnnehnw`




Ma`guvgr Afton`s



Vurvovae Vymbontg



Krappeg, Egap 

Hngs `nt suiigr armnr iaoeurg.

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