Kevin Boyd Head Coach; Ofensive Coordinat Coordinator or Crocus Plains Plainsmen
What is Zone Blocking? Zone blocking is simly a style o! blocking that allo"s !or those blocking to block an area and not be seci#cally tied to a articular de!ender$ %"o % "o or three layers "ork in unison to block an area !or the t he ball carrier& rather than "orking alone$
Why Zone Blocking? Outnumbers the de!ense at the oint o! attack 'ou ' ou don(t need hysically suerior su erior athletes )asily adated to many ofensive styles )fectively neutrali*es slanting + stunting de!enders
.irst %"o /tes %he initial movement o! the lineman begins "ith t"o stes$ ,! a lineman is covered& there is a -ab ste and a gather ste ,! a lineman is uncovered& there there is a scoo ste and a gather ste
Covered Cover ed 0ineman 1st ste is a si2 inch layside -ab ste& dra"ing elbo"s back 3nd ste brings the trailing !oot u #eld in bet"een de!enders !eet& e2lode arms !or"ard at P/ 4 /houlders s5uare to 0O/
6ncovered 6ncover ed 0ineman 1st ste is a layside scoo ste& dra"ing elbo"s back 3nd ste brings the trailing !oot u #eld in a s"eeing manner& e2lode arms !or"ard /houlders s5uare to 0O/
Zone Zon e %ec echn hni5 i5ue ues s Zone /coo Combo 7o /lide
.old Crossover Cut %ra % ra
Zone /coo 6sed !or both inside + outside *one run )ach lineman *one scoo stes layside Blocking an area& not a set de!ender
Combo Basis !or all *one blocking Covered man osts u 6ncovered scoo stes to"ards 80
7o 6sed "ith Combo block 6se double team to 0B 0et the de!enders decide "ho you "ill block
/lide 6sed backside "hen 8% lines u in ga 9 !orm o! a cross block
.old 6sed backside "hen 8% lines u in 1 techni5ue on Centre or : techni5ue on 7uard 6sed "ith Crossover Cut
Crossover Cut 6sed in combo "ith .old Cut man stes to"ard de!ender& then cuts + rolls three times
%ra % ra 1 Call
6sed obviously !or a tra lay& but can be used !or other lays such as an inside lead 9
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