Zohar Workbook

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Table of contents Introduction to the Zohar Brief History of the Zohar The Greatest Tool of Our Generation Using the Zohar: Awakening the Light Understanding the Zohar The Zohar’s Language and Letters The Effects of the Zohar The Ladder

Preparation for Using the Zohar Appreciating the Benefits of the Zohar Prerequisites for Using the Zohar Recommended Consciousness and Intentions While Using the Zohar

Methods of Using the Zohar 3 Methods of Connecting 5 Ways of Studying Timing Additional Information

How To Use The Zohar Workbook Zohar Workbook Day 1: Activating Desire Day 2: Purifying Agenda Day 3: Awe and Love Day 4: Strengthening Our Soul and Feeling Whole Day 5: How the Opponent Operates Day 6: Forgiveness

Day 7: Full Effort and Assisting Others Day 8: Thoughts Day 9: Embracing Difficulty Day 10: Humility
 Day 11: Letting the Light In Day 12: Gradual Progress Day 13: Grabbing Opportunities to Give Day 14: Everything Has a Right to Exist Day 15: Diffusing Anger Day 16: Words Have Power Day 17: Judging Favorably Day 18: Praying for Others Day 19: Protecting the Soul Day 20: Our Environment Day 21: Poverty and Wealth Day 22: Giving Freely Day 23: Beginnings Day 24: Desire to Learn Day 25: Unconditional Support Day 26: Overcoming Fears Day 27: Beyond the Superficial Day 28: Awakening Peace Day 29: Soul Mates
 Day 30: Sharing Your Blessings

Index Glossary (Zohar Terms) Structure of the Zohar References for Continued Study

introduction to the zohar Brief History of the Zohar

The Zohar has existed forever, although not in its present form as a book. The Zohar began as an oral tradition of secrets. Adam possessed the Zohar, as did the patriarchs of the Bible. At Mount Sinai, Moses received the Torah (spiritual wisdom) and the secrets of the Zohar in spoken form. These were passed from one generation to the next, but they were not written down until Rav Shimon bar Yochai was granted divine permission to give the ancient secrets in written form. The Zohar was originally composed in Aramaic, a language widely spoken in the ancient world but now largely forgotten. It was first written down approximately two thousand years ago, although the exact date is uncertain. But more than being written, the Zohar was revealed. Although secular scholars have disagreed about the Zohar’s authorship, from a spiritual perspective this is a meaningless debate. Once we appreciate the greatness of the Zohar’s wisdom, it becomes clear that the author—whoever this may have been—was a truly exalted soul. Still, whenever the Zohar’s authorship has been discussed by kabbalists throughout history, it has been agreed that the author must have been Rav Shimon bar Yochai. No lesser soul could have been a channel for this revelation. As Rav Yehuda Ashlag, the great twentieth century kabbalist, expressed it: “From the day that I have been enabled, by means of the Light of the Almighty, to peruse this holy book, it never entered my mind to investigate its authorship. The reason for this is simple. The contents of the book caused my mind to conjure up the cherished excellence of the authority of Rav Shimon bar Yochai incalculably more than any of the other holy masters.” During Rav Shimon’s lifetime, the text of the Zohar was written down by his student, Rabbi Abba. But, in the centuries that followed, and as the Zohar itself had predicted, the Zohar was largely hidden from the world. The sages of Kabbalah realized that the revelation of the Zohar must await the day when humanity as a whole was ready to receive it. The Zohar reemerged in the thirteenth century through the efforts of Rav Moses deLeon in Spain. But it was not until 1540 that a prominent kabbalist of the era, Rav Abraham Azulai, declared that the time had come for the Zohar to be disseminated to all of humanity. “From now on,” he wrote, “the basic levels of Kabbalah must be taught to everyone young and old. Only through Kabbalah will we forever eliminate war, destruction, and man’s inhumanity to his fellow man.” Rav Azulai invoked passages in the Zohar depicting a future in which even small children would come to know the teachings of Kabbalah. The next great development in kabbalistic revelation came from Rav Isaac Luria, known as the Ari, who was born in Jerusalem in 1534. After moving from Jerusalem to Egypt as a young man, he adopted the existence of a hermit scholar, isolating


himself with the Zohar in a cottage by the Nile. According to Kabbalah, Elijah the Prophet and a whole host of angels joined him in his study, and there Rav Luria attained a supremely powerful connection to the Light of the Creator. At age thirty-six, the Ari was told by Elijah to go to the Holy Land, to the town of Safed, a spiritual community located in what is now Israel. There he was to meet a scholar, Chaim Vital, and instruct him. At that time, Rav Vital was struggling with a challenging section of the Zohar. He had spent weeks praying, meditating, begging for the revelation of the wisdom, trying to decipher its code. At the time, Rav Luria was earning his living as a humble shopkeeper. After they met, Rav Vital asked himself, How can I learn spiritual wisdom from a man who does nothing but work in a shop? Then he began to have a recurring dream. In the dream, Rav Luria was effortlessly explaining the Zohar to him. Compelled by the power of this dream, Rav Vital sought out Rav Luria, but again his doubt overcame him. As Rav Vital turned to leave, Rav Luria asked him if he was familiar with a certain section of the Zohar. Rav Vital turned in astonishment; it was precisely the passage with which he was struggling. Rav Luria did indeed open up the wisdom of the text to him, and once the Light contained in that passage was revealed to Rav Vital, he knew Rav Luria was meant to be his teacher from that moment on. Like Rav Shimon bar Yochai, Rav Luria never wrote a word. His wisdom was passed orally to his students, who recorded his teachings.

The Greatest Tool of Generation

Before time, before space, before a single atom came into being, the thought of creation was already a reality in the mind of the Creator. This thought was, and is, the vision of a perfect world—without pain, without suffering, without death— bringing unlimited abundance and fulfillment to every soul. This perfect world is much more than a mere vision. It is a reality. It exists. It is a parallel universe right here, right now, concealed only until we achieve our purpose in this world. Why is the perfect world concealed? Because nothing can be given to us unearned. We have come into this world in search of the Light—but the Light is already here if only we can make ourselves fit to receive it through spiritual work and transformation. To make this possible, the Creator has given us a great gift—a portal into the perfect world. That portal is the Zohar; the most powerful tool for our transformation. The Zohar is a wellspring of spiritual energy, a fountainhead of metaphysical power that not only reveals and explains, but literally brings blessing, protection, and well-being into the lives of all those who read or peruse its sacred texts. All that is required is worthy desire, the certainty of a trusting heart, and an open and receptive mind. The Zohar is written in a kind of code, through which metaphors, parables, and cryptic language at first conceal but ultimately reveal the forces of creation. As electrical current is concealed in wire and cable before disclosing itself as an illuminated light bulb, the spiritual Light of the Creator is wrapped in allegory and


symbolism throughout the Aramaic text of the Zohar. And while many books contain information and knowledge, the Zohar both expresses and embodies spiritual Light. The very letters on its pages have the power to bring spiritual wisdom and positive energy into every area of our lives. As our hearts awaken to the Zohar, we literally step through a supernal gateway into the perfect world and the reality of our perfected selves. The more we connect to the Zohar, the more our world merges with the Creator’s vision. Michael Berg shares a teaching that the ultimate state of spiritual existence is “utmunat hashem yabit,” which translates as “he sees the picture of the Creator.” Expanding on this, he explains that Moses’ supreme level of prophecy, his success and perseverance in the face of continuous challenges and his ultimate ability to rise above the influence of the physical world was a result of his ability to see the world through the eyes of the Creator. Our goal as human beings is to reach this state; a state where we are able to see beyond the present moment connecting past, present and future; understanding the totality of every situation. This is a state where we are able to constantly perceive cause and effect; order beneath chaos; mercy within judgement; light within darkness. This is what it means to ‘see the picture of the Creator’ and this is the gift of engaging with the Zohar; our perception is aligned with the perception of the Creator. Moreover, kabbalists teaches that as greater and greater numbers of people also begin this study, we will achieve the ultimate transformation of the physical world. For those who approach the Zohar with sincerity and an open heart, it is the greatest gift that can be received or given. And as Rav Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar, explains in the Zohar’s pages; only by bringing the Light of the Zohar to the world will the perfected world will be achieved—a world set free from pain, suffering, and death. This is the reason that the kabbalists were so passionately committed to revealing the Zohar.

Using the Zohar: Awakening the Light

Our teacher and founder of the Kabbalah Centre Rav Ashlag has a profound teaching that the one area of our lives where we can truly exert our free will is our environment, which includes the place we live, people we surround ourselves with and information we expose ourselves to. He explains that, “We do have the freedom of will to choose an environment from the start, through books and guides that which influence us with good ideas,” and that a wise man will choose his environment intentionally and change his environmental conditions to make sure they are always “conducive to growth” (Wisdom of Truth, pg.189). The information we allow ourselves to be exposed to directly influences our thoughts and feelings. By choosing to connect to the Zohar we choose to connect to stories and lessons that are intended to help our soul elevate. Imagine that you


read a magazine article full of judgement or pessimism. According to Rav Ashlag, this would make you more vulnerable to falling into judgement and pessimism during your interactions throughout the rest of your day because your mind is already attuned to that frequency. Reading the Zohar has the reverse effect. When you read the Zohar, you read about pursuing unconditional love, tolerance, and human dignity, and you are encouraged through profound stories and teachings to temper your ego, persevere through challenges, and constantly seek more growth and more unity with the Light of the Creator. This type of information puts your mind, body, heart, and soul in the highest frequency possible; pre-programming you to have the best possible chance at living each and every day from the highest state of consciousness. Exercising our free will and choosing to engage with the Zohar, choosing to make it a part of our environment, is an act of selflove and love for humanity as you are choosing to expose yourself to pure energy that serves everyone’s best interest. Furthermore, the experience of reading an ordinary book or article is exactly what it seems: We’re just reading. When studying and reading the Zohar, we connect to the Aramaic language, the DNA of this universe that has an affinity with the spark of the Light of the Creator within our own soul and therefore, we actually awaken the very energies we’re reading about. When we study a passage concerning mercy, for example, that aspect of the Creator’s Light is awakened in ourselves and even in the world as a whole. We become more merciful and more forgiving, which in turn elicits the quality of mercy from others. When we scan the Zohar’s passages dealing with judgment, we gain the power to remove judgments placed upon us, while also erasing our own judgmental tendencies. Open yourself to this power, and it will be there for you. The Creator’s Light is like a bottomless well unlimited in the amount of water it can provide. Our consciousness is like a vessel; a receiving entity that is also boundless. The larger this vessel becomes, the more water we can draw from the well. The higher our level of consciousness, the more Light we receive. Our task is to open ourselves more and more to the Light by expanding the volume of our spiritual vessel.

Understanding the Zohar

Studying and meditating upon the pages of the Zohar is vitally important. What’s more, this should be done not only in translation but in the original language as well, even if you don’t “understand” a single word. Since the kabbalists teach that simply having the Zohar in your home brings connection with the Creator’s Light, reading, meditating, or scanning the pages can be even more powerful—even if you encounter something outside your comprehension. Here are a few quotes from the kabbalists regarding this idea:

“How do we make connections with the upper worlds? With the Hebrew letters. When the book is closed, that energy is in potential. The minute I see


it with my eyes I have activated it. The Hebrew language is not just a language. The letters encase the Light of God. How to activate it? Studying it, verbalizing the words, and even if you can’t read Hebrew, scanning the letters activates the energy. Just scanning the Zohar creates the arousal in the letters. What arousal? The arousal of the Light of God.” – Kabbalist Rav Berg “It was already established that the words of the Zohar are beneficial to the soul, even if one does not understand any of what he is reciting. This is similar to someone who goes into a perfume shop. Even if he does not buy anything, still he takes the good scents away with him.” – Kabbalist Degel Machaneh Efrayim “The study of the Zohar is magnificent for purifying and for sanctifying the spirit, even if one does not understand what he is reading, and even if one makes many reading mistakes, nevertheless it is important to the Creator. This is similar to the case of a small child who does not know how to speak, and only says half words in a funny manner. His father and his mother will still laugh and rejoice with the sounds that he makes. Similarly, He sits in the Heavens, and is happy that he has this love for the Torah and wants to learn, yet his intelligence is not enough or because he has no one to teach him, yet still he studies with what is available to him.” – Kabbalist Rav Eliezer Papo “There is an immeasurably great benefit awaiting those who occupy themselves with the Wisdom of Kabbalah. And even though they may not understand what they are studying, because by their great desire and yearn ing to understand what they are studying, they awaken upon themselves those encircling Lights of their souls.” – Kabbalist and Founder of the Kabbalah Centre Rav Yehuda Ashlag There are many times throughout the Zohar when we read about people physically traveling; moving from one place to another. The kabbalists explain every story involving a physical journey is really a code for the journey a certain soul or group of souls are embarking on; moving from one level to another. For example, when the Zohar speaks about friends traveling along a road or climbing up a mountain, this is a code for the transformation and elevation their souls are experiencing, such as overcoming a challenge and or revealing new Light. Every time we read about physical journeys in the Zohar, our souls also have the opportunity to elevate as well. The same holds true for names of people and places. Each person and place is a conduit to specific forms of Light. For example, anytime the Zohar speaks about Moses, we are not just connecting to the physical character Moses; we are


connecting to all the attributes and the energy Moses represented during his lifetime; activating and strengthening these attributes within ourselves. Every Rabbi that is referred to in the Zohar is a spiritual master with unique virtues. Every time different Rabbis are mentioned, we connect our souls to the energy of mastery over certain virtues. We plug ourselves into an outlet of infinite energy. Even if we are completely confused by the story or teaching we are reading about, having certainty in our soul’s ability to elevate through our study is enough to activate this elevation itself. The kabbalists teach that having a consciousness of certainty is always more powerful than any intellectual understanding, and this is particularly true when it comes to reaping the benefits of the Zohar.

The Zohar’s Language and Letters

The Zohar is written in the ancient language of Aramaic, a sister language to Hebrew that employs Hebrew letters. While Hebrew was the language of the upper classes, Aramaic was the language of the common people. The Zohar’s revelation in Aramaic is a message that this tool of Light can and should be used by all people. In our everyday lives, we’re used to thinking of the letters of the English alphabet in purely functional terms. The letters are units we put together to create words, just as bricks are the units we use to create a wall. We think of both the letters and the bricks in practical rather than spiritual terms: they’re small, inert objects we use to create larger objects. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet (used for both Aramaic and Hebrew) should be understood in an entirely different way. In addition to its functional importance as the component of a word, each Hebrew letter is also a conduit of spiritual energy— and this is true whether or not we know what the letter sounds like or how it fits into a given word. The actual word for Hebrew is ivrit which comes from the word leha’avir which means to transfer, signifying the power of the Hebrew language to transfer energy to us. Focused concentration on the Aramaic text is a powerful form of kabbalistic meditation. Just letting your eyes pass over the letters opens a channel to the Light. This is something anyone can do, and it’s something everyone should do to make best use of the Creator’s gift. The more we know about the combination and sequence of letters, the richer our connection through them becomes. As the kabbalists make clear, the Hebrew alphabet, the Hebrew language, and the Aramaic language are universal tools intended for all humankind. The ultimate purpose of these tools is spiritual connection; a transfer of energy to our soul.


The Effects of the Zohar

The effects of engaging with the Zohar are not always felt immediately; it takes time for the energy to be internalized or for you to even recognize how it has affected you. The Zohar connects us to the 99% reality, the metaphysical realm, and the changes on that level are not observable with our physical eyes. You cannot expect to grasp the effect of the Zohar necessarily with your five senses, as they are connected to the 1% physical reality. Making a connection to the Zohar creates effects in our lives that show up as concealed, yet profound energetic shifts.

The Ladder

Rav Ashlag’s translation and commentary on the Zohar is entitled HaSulam, or The Ladder. As Rav Ashlag explained:

I called this commentary ‘The Ladder’ to demonstrate that the function of my commentary is the same as that of a ladder. When there is a high-level room, full of all manner of good things, all that is needed is a ladder to climb up to it and then all the goodness of the world will be within one’s reach. However, a ladder serves no end in itself. That is to say, if one should simply rest upon a rung of the ladder and not enter into the room, one’s intentions will not be fulfilled.

The same is true of my commentary on the Zohar. The words have not yet been invented that completely convey the deep meanings of the text. So what I have done is to provide a path and an introduction for any person who should wish, by means of it, to delve into the holy Zohar itself. Only then will my intention have been achieved.

The explanations and commentary of Rav Ashlag are interwoven into the translation. It appears as CAPITAL TIMES NEW ROMAN font in the English edition of the Zohar.


preparation for using the zohar Appreciating the Benefits of the Zohar

Appreciation for the Zohar is the vessel for receiving the Light of the Zohar. • Aramaic letters are not just for communication, they are channels of Light. • The Zohar is like the Noah’s Ark of this generation, providing protection for all. • We are accessing the Tree of Life reality (99% realm) where there is no darkness nor chaos when we engage with the Zohar. • The Zohar awakens merciful protection and opportunities to transform as opposed to transforming through judgement. • With every page of Zohar you read, you are helping to tilt the scales of the world a little more to the side of mercy. • The ‘Kabbalah Centre Zohar’ is the only one of its kind and took over a decade to translate. It also has the energy of the lineage of kabbalists going back 4000 years. Our possession of and ability to make use of this Zohar is a huge advantage.

Helpful Prerequisites for Using the Zohar • • • •

I have an open mind, heart, and soul, and have no agenda. I will avoid being too intellectual or academic. The more effort I put in to connect to the Zohar, the more I will get out of it. The kabbalists explain that, without human dignity, we can read Zohar all day and get nothing. • I let go of the chatter in the mind and avoid any distractions to the best of my ability. • I am setting aside sacred time and space solely for the purpose of engaging with the Zohar. Before I use the Zohar, I am imagining that I am about to have a meeting with the Creator. I am focusing on how I want to prepare for this – prepare my environment and my consciousness.

Recommended Consciousness and Intentions While Using the Zohar

• The purpose of my connection is to reveal the Light of the Creator in this physical reality. I want to be of service to the Light of the Creator. • I know I need help in my spiritual work and I am open to receiving any assistance the Light of the Zohar can offer me. • I ask the Light of the Zohar to help me see aspects of my negativity that I am blind to and need to transform, as well as gifts I am blind to and how to start sharing them with the world.


• I ask the Light of the Zohar to help me build strength and perseverance to always continue in my spiritual work. • I want to see the world the way the Creator sees the world with help from the Zohar. • I want to make a connection with Rav Shimon Bar Yochai and increase my surrounding Light (my potential). I am visualizing myself and all of my loved ones at our full potential, basking in Light. The connection I make today will help myself and all my loved ones get closer to our potential. • I am sending Light to (insert specific area of the world, situation or person) that needs a lot of Light.


methods of using the zohar Three Methods of Connecting

• Visually Connecting with the Aramaic Letters + consciously meditating (intention) • Trying to pronounce the Aramaic words aloud • Reading and studying the English translation

Five Ways of Studying the Zohar

• • • • •

Starting From the beginning to the end Using the weekly portion (see the scanning chart) Choosing specific topics (see the Zohar scanning chart) Randomly opening a volume to get a message/ answer Completing the 30 for 30 workbook exercise (30 consistent days of 30 minutes of study, reflection and meditation)


• Kabbalists explain that any engagement with the Zohar is beneficial, but the optimal amount of time for reading The Zohar is 30 minutes.

“It is advisable that one should make a habit of reading 30 minutes of Zohar every day. This will bring a great benefit and a serious corre ction of his spirit. It will enlighten and cleanse and correct it. This reading can rid one of the remnants of bad attributes and lusts, and allows one to see the tenderness of the Creator. It is a remedy to the wickedness and to the reactivity of the spirit. This is why our teacher, the Ari of blessed Memory prescribed this correction to anyone who wants to transform, and said that he should read 30 minutes of the Zohar.” - Nativ Mitsvotecha, The Path of the Torah, sec 1, token 31

• Just as any amount of time spent reading the Zohar is powerful, any time of day you choose to engage with the Zohar is powerful. However, there is also an ideal time of day just as there is an ideal amount of time. Kabbalists teach that the most powerful time to read is between cosmic midnight and dawn.

“Specific judgments come to our world when the sun sets and night descends. At the stroke of midnight, another transformation occurs as the awesome and compassionate Light of mercy appears in the


cosmos. According to the wisdom of the Zohar, whoever delves into the study of Torah during this time of Mercy, after midnight, shall merit a portion in the World to Come” (Lech Lecha Section 34 Synopsis).

“…at midnight, the Holy One, blessed be He, enters the Garden of Eden with the righteous and delights Himself with them. Blessed is he who studies Torah at that time” (Terumah v.878).

•  The Zohar also discusses a very unique benefit of midnight study, explaiing that through this time of study we are awakened in a loving way to the areas we need to transform. Unlike when we are awakened harshly, through judgment, this type of awakening allows us to truly follow through and do our work of transformation. Studying at midnight can be used as a tool for proactively confronting your negativity from a place of self-love and tolerance. “…Whoever rises up at night to study the Torah, the Torah informs him of his sin. It is not harshly punishment, but as a mother who tells her child with soothing words. And he does not forget but repents before his Master” (Vayikra v. 405). This time period is not always easy or realistic for people, so again, we recommend being flexible with yourself and doing what works best for you.

Additional Information

•  Names of Angels - you can only pronounce the names of the Archangels (for example: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael). All other angels you just scan silently.

• Any room is fine for studying Zohar except the bathroom. Better not to leave the Zohar books open or on the floor when not in use. If at some point you decide not to keep the Zohar at home, it should be returned to a Kabbalah Centre to look after.

For more information on the Zohar, A Zohar Key, As well as articles, videos and books recommended for continued study, please see the index at the back of this workbook (page __)


the zohar workbook This workbook was created to enhance student’s connection to the Zohar. The workbook is set up so that each day features a unique topic and section of the Zohar for students to study, learn from, reflect on, and internalize. The Zohar is complex, so we chose sections that we believe will be the most digestible to readers and topics that are practical and relatable to all, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. The topics do not follow any specific order. The 30 minutes of Zohar isn’t just a study, it’s an experience. To fully benefit from the experience, we offer you the opportunity to engage with the Zohar on all levels: body, mind, heart, and soul. Your physical environment is the vessel or “body” for the Light you will connect to during your experience. It is important to consciously choose a physical environment that serves as a sacred space for you. This sacred space may be a room in your work or home space, or even somewhere outside in nature. Choosing a quiet and comfortable place and putting your phone on silent are some ways to begin to help you focus. If possible, you may also light a candle as a way to enhance the experience, since the candle is a tool to draw down energy from the upper worlds. The most important preparation is simply carving out time in your day that you designate solely to the use of this workbook. Reading and studying the English translation of the Zohar is an intellectual connection. The Zohar is no ordinary book. It has many secrets, hints, codes, meanings and interpretations. It says in the Zohar that “There is no word in the Torah that does not have many secrets, many senses, many sources, and many branches” (Beshalach verse 251), and the same holds true for the Zohar. Reading the text isn’t just about understanding what is being said since it is sometimes it is difficult to grasp everything. The purpose is to take whatever gems we can find in the Zohar and appreciate them. When you contemplate words of the Zohar you refine your mind and thoughts even if you don’t fully grasp a section, the mere fact that you are making an effort to understand it already cleanses and strengthens your mind. To make some of the complex ideas more understandable, we inserted a Zohar word key for each day. This key gives definitions to some of the terms found in that specific section. The reflection portion of each day is designed to help you connect to the Zohar with your heart as you internalize the lessons of each given day. Following every section, you will be given a list of questions and ideas to reflect on and answer. This personalizes the teachings by transferring them from our mind to our hearts, making them a part of us.


The final and most important part of the Zohar experience is nurturing your soul. Although the body gives us life, it is the soul that gives life to the body. We feed and nurture our souls by making the metaphysical connection to the Zohar, and this is done by reading it aloud, if you know how to read Aramaic, or by making a visual connection to the letters with a specific intention in mind. The eyes are the windows to the soul, so by gazing with our eyes from right to left we extract the Light trapped in the words and not only download it directly to our souls, but also help send this Light to the entire world. Kabbalistically, we learn that the more consistently we practice a tool, the more Light we will reveal. When we are lax or inconsistent, our connection to the Light is interrupted. It is written in the Zohar itself, “If you forsake Me one day, I will forsake you two” (Shmini v.4). The intention behind 30 minutes of Zohar for 30 days is to allow you to experience profound changes in your day-to-day life by maintaining a constant connection to the Light of the Zohar. If 30 days in a row is too overwhelming, be flexible with yourself and go at your own pace! Additionally, whenever we are making a change in our lives or starting something new, we may find it challenging to stick with it. We recommend finding someone to commit to speaking to once a week about your journey with this workbook. It could be a friend, mentor, teacher, anyone! If you are accountable to another person, it will help you to be accountable to yourself and it will likely increase the overall amount of joy you experience during this process.


the structure of each day Below are instructions for the stages of each day. Feel free to refer back to these instructions as often as needed.


The most important preparation is simply carving out time in your day that you designate solely to the use of this workbook. Do what you can to create a sacred space for yourself as the physical space you settle into becomes the vessel for the spiritual work you will do. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 11) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Ask the Light to help you open your eyes and heart to receive the immense Light of the Zohar and manifest all of your intentions. As King David wrote, “Open my eyes so I may see the wonders of your Torah” (Psalms 119:18).

Study - 10 Minutes

There are profound, yet practical lessons in every line of the Zohar, but they are concealed behind carefully crafted metaphors and intricate language. Feel free to read the assigned sections more than once. The more effort you exert in trying to understand the Zohar, the more clarity will emerge.

Reflection - 10 Minutes

After you have read and studied the English text, review the questions. The goal of this section is to take time to truly look inward, to see how the wisdom of the Zohar relates to your own life. Sincere introspection yields greater self-awareness. With enhanced self-awareness, one can deepen and expand their spiritual work.

Active Meditation - 10 Minutes

The goal of this stage is to connect to the energy of the Zohar on a soul level. Your answers from the reflection questions will help guide your intentions for the meditation. Keeping your intentions in mind while consciously scanning the Zohar is what activates the energy for your soul.


Day 1 Activating desire Volume 3 | Vayera | Verses 76-87

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Hashem, or Holy One, blessed be He – God, the Light, the Creator, the source of all fulfillment. Other Side – The forces of impurity, selfishness and darkness that work tirelessly to lower our consciousness. These forces challenge us and give us the opportunity to rise above our reactive, ego-driven nature and act from our soul. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, we are told that people experience certain blockages in their consciousness and these blockages keep them pre-occupied with the physical world, preventing them from seeking their soul’s true purpose. The Zohar also states that the nature of our desire determines the quality of energy we draw in our lives. Human beings are born with desire and it is our driving force in life, but without consciousness our desire becomes passive. The energy of this section activates the deepest desires of our soul, and the inclination towards spiritual work. What area of your life has become stagnant? In this area, is your desire coming from your soul? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What are some ways you can start pursuing the desires of your soul? (I.e. try something you’ve never done before that serves your spiritual growth, pursue a hidden passion, express your love to others in new ways).


__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you begin to scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Ask for the assistance to awaken the desires of your soul. Desire for growth, purpose, love and a lasting connection to the Light of the Creator. What you desire is what you inevitably connect to in life. Send this Light to the world and meditate to assist humanity in awakening the desire for more Light, and the true desires of their souls. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Day 2 Purifying agenda Volume 3 | Lech Lecha | Verses 280-287

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: World to Come – Refers to a state of lasting, inner fulfilment of the soul. This state can be experienced while we are in this world, but in its full capacity only after the soul leaves the body. This term can also refer to the level of Binah, as opposed to this world, which is Malchut. Torah – Refers to the Old Testament, the Torah Scroll, and the Zohar (soul of the Torah). The kabbalists teach that the Torah is a code for the universal spiritual laws governing our world. Torah study is a code for any type of spiritual action; actions stemming from an understanding of cause and effect and a Desire to Receive for the Sake of Sharing. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar expounds on a story that teaches us to rethink the agenda behind our actions. Rabbi Aba helps his student, Rabbi Yosi, transform his Torah study from a selfish, ego-driven pursuit into a process of learning that involves care and compassion for the rest of the world. The Zohar explains that “our motivation for study should not be selfish desire for knowledge and scholarship. Our purpose should be to reveal and impart Light to others” (Zohar; Lech Lecha synopsis). The same lesson holds true for all of our pursuits in life; the goal is to be motivated by spiritual rewards more so than physical rewards. Where in your spiritual work are you motivated by physical rewards? (I.e. going to a spiritual gathering more for social purposes, giving to someone so they will give you something in return, working overtime for the money not the cause). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What can you do to refine your agenda, shifting your focus more towards the spiritual rewards? (I.e. going to a spiritual gathering with the desire to enhance your consciousness, helping someone when it’s not convenient or they have nothing to offer you in return). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended reading: The Essential Zohar, pages 43-48. Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Meditate to transform your agenda in the area you chose to focus on. Ask the Creator to assist all souls in purifying their agendas. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Day 3 Awe and love Volume 1 | Prologue | Verses 189-203

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Faith (“Emunah”) - Trust and certainty in how the Light governs this world; the spiritual laws of cause and effect. This term also refers to the sephirah Malchut, which is our physical world. Malchut translates literally as ‘governance’ or ‘kingdom.’ Elohim – “God” or specifically the level of God that represents judgment (strength, boundaries, and discernment). Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar speaks about “fear” (awe) as the beginning of all wisdom and the gateway to faith. It explains there are two types of fear of the Creator. One type of fear stems from the desire for personal reward and the fear of punishment. Another type of fear stems from a person’s acknowledgment of the greatness of the Creator; an understanding of the perfect system of cause and effect that governs our Universe. This understanding awakens true awe and in turn motivates a person toward spiritual work out of genuine love and appreciation for the Creator. This section of the Zohar awakens us to the understanding that when the Zohar discusses fear, it is referring to awe, and awe is a state that awakens love. Being in awe for the Creator means feeling overwhelming appreciation for how powerful the Light is. Write down things in your life or in the world that you are truly in awe of. Jot down moments where you’ve felt a tremendous awe for the Creator and for life. (I.e. a birth of a child, a breathtaking view of nature, a miracle, a piece of art). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Loving the Creator means loving the Godly spark within you, others, and the world. Recognize the Godly beauty that is within your soul and acknowledge that it all comes from one source. What are some things you love about yourself and about your life? (I.e. a specific talent, an accomplishment, a loving relationship, beautiful family). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended reading: The Essential Zohar, pages 33-42. Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. The Creator is limitless. As you scan the paragraphs, ask to open your heart to feel the Light even in the little things in life. Awaken love, gratitude, and awe towards life and towards the Creator, knowing that both the good and the bad have one powerful source—the Light. Send this Light to the entire world specifically places in the world you feel need more of this Light. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Day 4 Strengtehning our soul AND Feeling whole Volume 6 | Vayeshev | Verses 25-36 Volume 7 | Vayechi | Verses 114-117

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Shechinah – The Creator’s revelation to us in this world. Also known as the protective mother and the female (or vessel) aspect of the Creator (Malchut). Zeir Anpin – Comprises the six Sefirot (Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod and Yesod). This realm represents ‘masculine’ energy giving, potential, fulfillment, the sun. It can also be known as the process or the cause. Nukva/Malchut – Feminine energy; the vessel, receiver, and the moon. Also known as the final result or the effect. Malchut is the Sefira that translates literally as ‘kingdom’ or ‘governance.’ It is the Sefira that represents our physical world. Yesod – This Sefira translates literally as “foundation.” This Sefira sits under eight Sefirot, like a great reservoir or funnel feeding spiritual Light in a balanced way into our physical world (Malchut, the 10th Sefira). Yesod is the Sefirah that unites Zeir Anpin and Malchut. This Sefira also contains the energy of blessings, abundance and creation. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In the first section of the Zohar, we read about the breaking of the body and strenghthening of the soul. The kabbalists teach that body and ego are interchagable terms and when the Zohar speaks about breaking the body, it is referring to breaking the ego. The more effort we exert to transform our negativity, the easier it is to access and strengthen the Light of our soul. In both sections of the


Zohar, another great secret is revealed to us: the Shechinah does not dwell in a place of sorrow only in a place of joy. The Zohar explains that sorrow represents lack, and the Shechinah only dwells in a wholesome place, which is also a place of joy. Our ultimate potential is accessed when our soul is in complete harmony with our body. In this state, the consciousness of our soul drives the actions of our body; our thoughts and actions are completely aligned when we operate from our soul as opposed to our ego. What are some simple things you can do to strengthen your soul? (I.e. spiritual study, sharing, being kind when it is difficult, meditation and prayer). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Where in your life are you experiencing sadness? What small step can you take to awaken more joy in this area, with the consciousness that your joy draws the Light of the Creator (For example, if you are experiencing sadness because of the loss of someone close to you, or even just missing someone you have physical distance from, try remembering the things that make you smile about that person every time you begin to think about their absence and start to fall into sadness)? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Feel your soul being strengthened. Ask to make a stronger connection to your soul to be able to conquer the aspects of your ego or body consciousness. Ask to awaken more joy in your life, especially in the areas where you experience sadness. Meditate that every soul in the world is strengthened and awakened with more joy, in order to manifest their full potential. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember!


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 5 HOW THE OPPONENT OPERATES Volume 6 | Vayeshev | Verses 1-11 Volume 22 | Vaetchanan | Verses 148-153

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Good Inclination – The voice of the soul joins us when we turn 12 (for a girl) or 13 (for a boy). This voice pushes us to respond to our reality as Creators, not victims, to think beyond ourselves, and to take positive actions which bring long-term fulfillment. Evil Inclination – The voice of the opponent that joins us at birth; pushing us to perform selfish acts that satisfy us temporarily. Holy Spirit – Also known as “divine inspiration,” which is the guidance and protection of the Light. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: These two sections of the Zohar educate us on the nature of our opponent (evil inclination). We are told that the voice of the opponenet joins us at birth, while the voice of our soul is awakened much later; thus, making it difficult for us to discern the voice of our soul and vulnerable to the trappings of our opponenet (the ego). The Zohar also explains how negative thoughts enter our mind similar to the way a foreign guest enters a house. If we give energy to negative thoughts, they grow, gain power, and eventually start driving the actions we take. This is similar to the way a guest, if given too much liberty, could eventually take over a household and become the landlord of it. The lesson is to be mindful of the negativity that comes into your mind, to be mindful of the guests that enter your house, recognize negative thoughts as a foreign entities, and to dismiss them before they gain more power. The Good Inclination, the voice of our soul, is always speaking to us but we don’t always hear it because of how loud and strong the Evil Inclination, the voice of our


opponent, is. The voice of our soul is the voice rooted in unconditional love, no matter what it is whispering to you. In the moments you are in touch with and can hear the voice of your soul, what does it tell you? Do you listen? If not, why don’t you listen? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ The opponent always starts small. Today he pushes us to roll our eyes, tomorrow to complain and gossip, and sometimes, God forbid, to hate. What is one “small” action that your opponent pushes you to do (or not do) that you can become more mindful of? (I.e. ignoring someone’s text when they ask for a favor, being passive aggressive, snoozing for “just 5 minutes”). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Ask for the ability to hear the voice of your soul and to listen to it. Ask for the strength and mindfulness to catch the opponenet’s tricks; to catch the negative thoughts that enter your mind and not give them power. Meditate to send this Light and these abilities to all souls in this world. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 6 Forgiveness

Volume 6 | Miketz | Verses 178-189 Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section, the Zohar speaks about the concept of not responding to evil with more evil. We learn about the mercy Joseph extended to his brothers; despite their evil actions towards him, Joseph was kind and truthful to his brothers. We also read about a story in which Rabbi Abba watches two miracles performed for a man, and when he asks this man what he could have possibly done to merit these miracles from the Creator, the man answers that in all his days he always practiced forgiveness before going to sleep at night. The Zohar makes it clear that there is no Light in revenge, but the action of sincere forgiveness reveals immense Light. Who do you have trouble forgiving? What pain did they cause you (If the person is you, what do you not forgive yourself for)? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Even if forgiveness is too difficult for you, kindness is always within reach. In what ways can you be kinder to this individual (Or how can you be kinder to yourself)? Write down some simple ideas. (I.e. not being passive-aggressive, greeting the person with a smile, asking how they are, being kinder to yourself by giving yourself a break and making time for self-care). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Focus on the person you have trouble forgiving. Send the Light of this Zohar reading to their soul. Ask for the strength to be kind to the people that have hurt you in the past. Send this Light to the entire world, and specifically places in the world you feel need more of this Light. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 7

Full effort AND assisting others Volume 11 | Terumah | Verses 34-41

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Precept – “Mitzvah,” which is a spiritual deed that connects us to the Light, either by the act of doing or abstaining from doing. Righteous – Sometimes refers to the wholly righteous; souls who reached a level of complete affinity with the Light of the Creator. This term can also refer to the righteous parts within our own soul; the unique sparks of the Light within. Wicked – Sometimes refers to the wholly wicked; souls who are completely disconnected from the Light. This term can also refer to the wicked (selfish) parts within our own soul. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar speaks about the concept of making a “full” effort; putting your heart and your soul into what you do with a pure intention. We learn that the Creator asks us to make efforts befitting and according to our strength. Effort is not something we can measure in comparison to what others are doing, it is something we measure by being honest with ourselves; knowing what we are capable of and if we are operating at that level or not. The Zohar also explains the merit of helping others do their spiritual work. Where in your life are you not putting in the maximum effort that’s required or that you are capable of? (I.e. investing in your health, going to the next level in your career and/or craft, making or keeping important commitments in your relationships). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Write down a practical step you can take to break out of doing the “bare minimum” and operate from a whole-hearted place? (I.e. joining a gym, coming to work earlier, making time to catch up with your friend and truly listen to them when they share about their life). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Helping another person isn’t always as simple as solving their problem by having the right answer. It requires patience, tolerance, and unconditional love. Pick one person in your life that you support but have been lax about really making the effort to help them. What can you do more of, and what can you do less of to support that person? (I.e. listening instead of giving advice, showing love and acceptance even when they make a mistake, setting a healthy boundary to benefit you both). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Meditate to draw the strength from this passage to persevere with full effort in all your endeavors. Focus on your physical and spiritual goals. Send this Light to the person you are committed to assisting in their spiritual growth. Send them mercy, acceptance and unconditional love. Send this Light to the entire world and specifically places in the world you feel need more of this Light. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________



Volume 14 | Vayikra | Verses 70-74 Volume 6 | Vayeshev | Verses 219-226 Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Chochmah – The Sefira that translates literally as “wisdom.” The energy of this Sefira is the wisdom that comes from the brain.. Binah – The Sefirah that translates as “understanding.” The energy of this Sefirah is understanding that comes from the heart. Torah for its own sake (Lishma) – Doing positive and spiritual actions without expecting a physical reward or benefit in return. The motivation is to be in affinity with the Light of the Creator to reveal Light for yourself and the world. Torah not for its own sake (Lo Lishma) – Doing positive and spiritual actions with expectations of receiving physical rewards and benefits in return. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In these sections of the Zohar we are reminded of the power of thoughts. The Zohar tells us that “thought is the beginning of everything,” and kabbalists explain that the root of all negativity lies in our consciousness: our thoughts and beliefs (Vayirka v.71). We are also told that one of the many purposes and gifts of spiritual study is that it helps to purify our thoughts and download our consciousness with positive thoughts. The wisdom of the Zohar is wisdom of pure truth. The more your mind is exposed to this truth, the more your perception begins to expand. Thoughts manifest as beliefs and our belief systems drive our behavior. Identify a few limited belief systems you want to transform. (I.e. people are out to get me, I am unworthy of true love and happiness, bad things always happen to me). __________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Write a few positive affirmations you can use to replace these negative beliefs. (I.e. the Light is always with me, I am protected and supported by the Light, I am worthy of true love and happiness, everything that happens in my life is to serve the growth of my soul). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. As the Zohar teaches, these words can shed Light on even our darkest thoughts, allowing us to recognize and transform them with love rather than judgement. Send this Light to someone you know who needs extra strength in overcoming negative thoughts or belief systems. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 9 embracing difficulty Volume 1 | Prologue | Verses 185-188

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Abraham – Represents the Sefirah of Chesed; the energy of unconditional kindness, mercy, and sharing. Isaac – Represents the Sefirah of Gevurah; the energy of judgment, strength, boundaries, discernment, discipline, and receiving. Jacob – Represents the Sefirah of Tiferet; the energy of balance, regulating kindness and judgment, sharing and receiving. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai emerges from the cave where he and his students studied and revealed the Light of the Zohar for thirteen years. Although Rabbi Shimon’s physical body is not in good condition, his spirit is strong and he credits this to the power of the Zohar. The kabbalists explain that there are two ways we can respond to any form of difficulty: run away from it, or face it proactively. Facing difficulty proactively means looking at the situation and asking “what is this here to teach me and what am I being asked to transform?” Each challenge we face serves a specific purpose for our soul and once we find this purpose, we gain the strength to overcome the challenge. Rabbi Shimon was able to withstand the physical conditions of his environment because he knew the work he was doing was aligned with his soul. Write down a something or someone you are struggling with right now. What about this person or situation is difficult for you? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Behind every challenge there is great Light. Simply by looking for the concealed Light within the dark, we enable it to shine brighter. Write a list of the potential good that can come out of your current situation. (I.e. increased self-awareness in a specific area or a new lesson learned). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Ask the Light to give you the strength you need to overcome your current challenge, and to be able to see the Light behind the struggle. Meditate to awaken the Light of all the souls in the world as well. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________



Volume 4 | Chayei Sarah | Verses 21-22 Volume 16 | Emor | Verses 129 Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: These two sections of the Zohar speak about humility. We are told that Sarah’s life is written as a code for an important spiritual truth: those who lessen their ego in the physical world, the Creator elevates in the upper worlds. The Zohar also states that the Creator wants us to create an opening for him “as thin as a needle” (Emor, v.129) and the kabbalists explain that this opening happens when we humble ourselves in our consciousness and our hearts. Humility involves recognizing and actively making an effort to shrink ones own ego. One of the beautiful ways we can reduce our ego is by acknowledging and appreciating the Light in others – valuing their Light as much as our own. Whose Light can you start valuing more (a family member, friend co-worker, partner)? What Light do you see in them? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Any time we ask for help, acknowledging we cannot do it alone, we humble ourselves and the Light of the Creator comes to assist us. Where in your life are you resistant to asking for help or too prideful to acknowledge the role of the Creator in what you are doing? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask the Light for help in reducing your ego and valuing the Light in others. Meditate to open your heart to receiving help from others and the Creator. When we allow ourselves to be helped, we become better equipped to help others and the world. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 11 letting the light in Volume 3 | Vayera | Verses 151-158

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section, the Zohar tells us how the soul is perceived through the body and often times is unknown even to itself. The same is true of the Creator. Because we are physical beings, our nature is to perceive the Creator through physicality, which is limited. The ultimate goal is to perceive the concealed Light of the Creator through our soul; to experience the Creator in every moment, regardless of what is happening in the physical world. Most importantly, the Zohar teaches us that “the Light of the Creator manifests itself in direct proportion to a person’s degree of certainty in the reality of the Creator” (Vayera, section 10 synopsis). Certainty involves trusting the existence of the Creator when things appear both good and bad; knowing all is truly good. Kabbalist Rav Ashlag explains that the Creator is a force of infinite goodness, and it is the nature of good to do good; thus, everything in existence serves a positive purpose. We all have areas of our lives where it is easier for us to feel the Light of the Creator, and areas where it is more difficult. Where in your life is it difficult for you to feel the Light right now? (i.e. relationships, your career, health, spiritual work, your environment.) For instance, when we experience a health challenge or we simply can’t manifest a desire to change our unhealthy habits, we may not feel the Light in the area of health. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Specifically, what spiritual actions have become difficult to feel the Light in and have become robotic. (I.e. prayers, blessings, volunteering, or charity).


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your mind, heart, and soul. Meditate to gain more trust in the Creator in the area you are not feeling the Creator, and to increase your mindfulness in the area you have become robotic. Also, think of one person in your life who is having a hard time feeling the Light in his or her life and ask the Zohar to send this person more trust as well. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 12 gradual progress Volume 5 | Vayishlach | Verses 90-98 Volume 19 | Balak | Verses 271-275

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Exile – Refers to any time the Creator’s supervision is not obvious to us and we need to exert a lot more effort to see and reveal the Light. Exile is a state of consciousness. Esau – The evil brother of Jacob who represents the ultimate Desire to Receive for the Self Alone. Yisrael – Refers to the people of the world who consciously desire to connect to the Light of the Creator and their own soul. Also, people who are actively working to transform their Desire to Receive for the Self alone into a Desire to Receive for the Sake of Sharing. Samael – The name of the Angel of Death, who represents the energy of finite consciousness, endings and limitation. Do not pronounce this name aloud. Instead you can say “Samakel” or “Samech-Mem.” Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: The Zohar teaches us a powerful secret in these two sections: real spiritual change happens gradually through consistent efforts to confront our internal negativity. Change does not happen all at once, and that is not what is expected of us. Also, we are told that the Creator presents us with challenges only so we can overcome them, and through this overcoming become enlightened to our own power and Light. The Creator is our greatest cheerleader; always looking for ways to help us appreciate and embrace our Light. What is a goal you want to accomplish? Detail how you can achieve it gradually.


(I.e. I want to get a promotion at work. Start brainstorming the next steps you need to take. Does this involve learning new skills, working more hours, taking on different projects, speaking up to let your desire be known?). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Make a list of some of the reoccurring things that annoy you throughout the day or week (a certain individual, situation, when things don’t go your way). Next time you encounter these triggers, embrace them with love, knowing that these moments were designed by the Creator to help you see the Light you are capable of generating. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Envision one of your triggers arising, and ask for the strength to embrace this moment, knowing that its purpose is to help to cleanse you little by little. Think of the goal you set for yourself and ask the Light to be involved in the process. Send this energy to the world, so humanity can progress gradually with mercy and not with judgment. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 13

Grabbing opportunites to give Volume 3 | Vayera | Verses 166-176

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Chassadim – The Light that comes from sharing and acts of kindness. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, we learn about the power giving beyond our comfort zone. The Zohar explains that the Creator sent three angels (disgusised as strangers) to Abraham the day after his circumsion, and this gave Abraham the opportunity to share despite his own pain. We learn that Abraham was able to put aside his own needs and welcome the strangers as guests in his home, and this act of sharing saved the life of Abrahams’s nephew, Lot, when the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed. The kabbalists often cite this story as a reminder not to underestimate the power of true giving; it causes profound shifts in energy on a metaphysical level and we never know what miracles may result from this. What acts of sharing are a little more difficult for you? (I.e. hosting, giving charity, giving to the homeless, giving time to someone who needs a favor). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ The Zohar teaches that every opportunity to give is actually a gift to us from the Light. Choose one way you can express your selfless giving nature. Write down how that opportunity to give usually presents itself in your life. (I.e. a specific person or type of person who often asks for help, a specific charity you are involved in). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Ask to have your heart opened to feel other people and to recognize opportunities to give. Meditate to awaken the Light of your soul to express its nature of giving without agenda; expressing more generosity and kindness to all people. Send this Light to the world and meditate that humanity is awakened to opportunities for true sharing. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 14

Everything has a right to exist Volume 10 | Yitro | Verses 29-33 Volume 16 | Emor | Verses 320-329

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: El – Another name of God. “Foreign El” refers to other Gods, or idol worship. What we worship is considered our God, or what rules us. Idol worship is when we are ruled by our reactive tendencies instead of being ruled by the Light in our soul. It is when we give away our power to something external and it ends up controlling the way we think, feel and act. Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei – The most powerful name of God, called the Tetragrammaton. This name represents mercy, unity and peace. This name also represents the unification of our physical world and the upper spiritual worlds. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In these sections, we are told by the Zohar that everything that exists in this world is true and has a purpose because it is rooted in the world above. If the Creator allows something to exist, that means it has a purpose, even if that purpose is very concealed from us. The Zohar says that “there is nothing in the world that man needs to reject or find despicable” and “one must not treat with contempt whatever serves the Holy One, blessed be He, EVEN IF IT IS HARMFUL” (Yitro v.29 and Emor v.327). We are reminded here to trust the Creator and to have respect for all works of Creation, even if they are displeasing or harmful. We all look at certain things in the world and wonder - what is their purpose? We judge certain people, cultures or systems as negative/evil and want to completely reject them. Yet the Zohar says there is a purpose for everything that exists in creation. What is one thing in existence you can practice more tolerance for, trusting the Creator has given he/she/it a purpose? (I.e. political figures, a specific law, certain animals or insects).


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Write down some possible reasons for the existence of what you chose in the previous question. Consider that some things exist purely to bring joy and inspire goodness in us, while some exist to teach us tolerance and how not to act. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask to awaken more tolerance and clarity in the area you chose to focus on. Think of an area in the world where people are experiencing intolerance, and send them the Light of this reading. Also, meditate to awaken a global shift in the level of human dignity all souls express. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 15

Diffusing anger Volume 12 | Tetzave | Verses 51-61

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Nefesh – the first level of our soul. This level connects to our physical actions. Ruach – The second level of our soul. This level connects to our words and speech. Neshamah – The third level of our soul. This level connects to our thoughts. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar we learn about the process our soul goes through when we get angry. The Zohar explains that there are three levels to our soul: Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama. When we are angry, the highest level of our soul, the Neshama, literally leaves us and a foreign entity enters in its place and takes over control. We learn that there are many ways we cause harm to our soul, but anger is the most dangerous. When a person gets angry, “his whole body becomes defiled inside and out. . . other impurities in the world only defile the body on the outside” (Tetzaveh v.60). In which areas of your life, or with which people, do you get the most angry? What about this situation or person triggers your anger? (I.e. work, when I play sports or people on the subway, other drivers, my spouse). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ All the answers we need exist within our own soul. When we get angry, upset or frustrated, the answers that come from the soul leave us. When we focus on our


soul and the Light, we can tap into those answers. What are some things you can do to keep your soul in its place next time you get angry? (I.e. focus on breathing deeply, ask the Light for help, focus on the good in the other person, move into a different physical space until you calm down). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage entering your body, mind, heart, and soul; softening any current or past anger or stubbornness. Ask the Light for the strength to overcome any reactive moments when your anger is triggered in the upcoming day. Feed your soul with Light so it can be strong enough to handle these moments. Meditate to help diffuse the collective anger that exists in the world right now. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 16 words have power Volume 15 | Tazria | Verses 80-91

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Serpent – Refers to the original manifestation of the Other Side, or Satan. The first time the opponent is mentioned in the Bible it is mentioned in the form of a serpent who convinced Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar discusses the implications speech has on our Soul. We learn that depending on the nature of our speech, we can draw positive or negative energy into our lives. Interestingly, the Zohar teaches us that our soul not only suffers when we speak negatively, but it also suffers when we have positive things to say and we refrain from them. There are many forms of negative speech, including: evil speech, lies, flattery, nonsense, arguments, words of anger, pride, manipulation, embarrassing others and many more. Which form of negative speech have you been falling into the most recently? What triggers this negative speech and what does the voice of the opponenet say to you when you are triggered (how does it trick you)? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Which form of positive speech can you practice more of and who specifically can you practice with more? (I.e. words of encouragement, genuine compliments, expressing your unique ideas, sharing wisdom or advice). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask the Light to assist you in purifying your words and embracing opportunities to speak positively. Also, think of one person you have spoken negatively about recently, or one person you know your words have harmed. Send this person Light with a pure intention to elevate the words you use with them in the future. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 17 Judging favorably Volume 6 | Miketz | Verses 259-265

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Tzitzit/Talit – The prayer shawl that is wrapped around one who prays. It is one of the physical instruments we use to subdue the evil inclination and to draw down surrounding Light (the Light of our potential) during prayer. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, Rabbi Chiya and Rabbi Yosi teach us, through their encounter with a man in the wilderness, the power of judging favorably. In a situation in which they were unsure, they gave the man the benefit of the doubt rather than jumping to a negative conclusion. The Zohar says that this decision to focus on the potential good is in fact, what enabled them to eventually see this man’s goodness. We are awakened to the understanding that how we choose to perceive people, what in them we choose to focus on, determines what they will show us and how we will experience them. Who are two people in your life you find yourself judging quite often? If you can’t think of any, think of a specific type of person you are prone to judging. (I.e. people who are very loud and/or people who don’t speak up). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Review the people or type of people you listed above and make a list of all of their positive traits. Focus on the good, so you can awaken and experience the good within them. ___________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Open your heart to accept people as they are, and understand that you never really know what another person has been through, and why they are who they are today. Ask for the strength to focus on people’s positive qualities, even when their negative traits stand out more. As you see the good in others, you awaken the good within them and within yourself. Send the Light of this reading to the people you chose to focus on. Send the energy of acceptance and tolerance to the entire world. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 18 Praying for others Volume 2 | Noach | Verses 179-193

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Chesed (Right Column) – The Sefirah that translates literally as “mercy.” The energy of this Sefirah is unconditional kindness, mercy, and sharing. Gevurah (Left Column) – The Sefirah that translates literally as “judgement.” The energy of this Sefirah is strength, boundaries, discernment, discipline, and receiving. Tiferet (Central Column) – The Sefirah that translates literally as “beauty.” The energy of this Sefirah is balance; kindness and judgment, sharing and receiving. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, we learn how Moses was different from everyone else in the world, including the rest of the prophets. Moses’ love for humanity was completely selfless. The Zohar explains how during Moses’ generation, the people were stubborn, unappreciative, doubtful; there was constant negativity. In spite of this, Moses still pleaded with the Creator on the peoples’ behalf, even to the point of offering his own life in place of theirs. From this section we are inspired to grow our own capacity to consider others before ourselves. The kabbalists explain that when we are busy caring for others, the Light takes care of us. Noach lived in a generation of wicked people. Even though he built an ark and tried to save people, he failed to plead to the Creator on their behalf. Who in your life have you tried to help but to no avail? What do they need help with and have you asked the Creator to assist them? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ Write down three things going on in the world right now that you would like to see changed. What would you like to see changed in order to benefit humanity? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of these passages enter your body, mind, heart, and soul. Think of the person or people you mentioned before, and ask the Creator to assist them. Send this Light to the current world issues you are passionate about, and ask to draw down mercy to the world with the merit of this Zohar reading. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 19 protecting the soul Volume 10 | Mishpatim | Verses 50-60

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Repentance (Teshuva) - The process of sincere inner reflection and change. Through this process we can uproot negative seeds we have planted in the past by feeling the pain of our negative actions, visualizing how we commit to changing in this area moving forward and sending Light to any person or place we may have negatively impacted. In doing this, we transform what was once negative energy into positive energy and re-write our destiny. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section the Zohar teaches us that none of us are random. The Creator looked at every single soul before coming into the world, and together with each soul, picked the perfect body to serve as a vehicle for the soul to do it’s work. Our responsibility is to take care of that soul and not blemish it with our selfish consciousness. We must cultivate, nurture, and protect our soul. If we don’t, our soul will require a process of cleansing. When we appreciate this concept we can awaken a bigger awe for the power of our soul and the responsibility we have to nurture and express it’s Light. The Zohar tells us that the Creator “sold for free the good gem He had, NAMELY THE SOUL, so that you will cultivate it in this world” (Mishpatim v.53). Write down some things that you can do to protect your inner gem, which is your soul. (I.e. not wasting energy or time, nurturing your mind with positive consciousness, setting boundaries with energy vampires). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Choose one new habit to start consistently practicing to further cultivate the Light of your soul. (I.e. meditation, study, giving or volunteering). How will you keep yourself accountable to this new habit? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your mind, heart, and soul. Feel your soul being nurtured. Ask for the strength to protect and grow your soul so it can shine brightly. Meditate to awaken the Light of all the souls in the world as well. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 20 our envirONMENT Volume 9 | Bo | Verses 136-139 Volume 20 | Pinchas | Verses 86-92

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: These two sections of the Zohar touch on the power of our environment. The Zohar advises us to live in a place where ‘men of action live’ and warns against living in a place where wicked people live because we will be ‘caught in their sins’ (Bo v.138). The Zohar says when we are living in a place where people are unable to keep the commandments of the Torah, we should move to a place with people who keep the precepts, and clarifies that keeping the precepts specifically means ‘not expounding of the Torah…but the doing of it’ (Pinchas v.91-92). The kabbalists explain there is a profound difference between studying or teaching spirituality, and truly living it. Also, when the Zohar speaks about the Torah it is a code for the spiritual laws that govern this universe, and keeping the commandments of Torah refers to living with a consciousness of these spiritual laws. We learn here that the people we surround ourselves with and the environment we live in, can either enhance or diminish our ability to connect to spirituality and it is our job to be conscious of this truth. Rav Ashlag, the founder of the Kabbalah Centre, teaches that our environment exerts the strongest influence on our lives. Environment includes physical location, the people we surround ourselves with, teachers we learn from, and things we read. What are some aspects of your environment that may negatively influence your consciousness and/or growth? (I.e. Facebook news feed, depressing TV show, coworker you fall into gossip with). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


What are some ways in which you can enhance your personal environment? (I.e. reading an inspiriting book, surrounding yourself with optimistic people, spending time in nature). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask to find the clarity and strength to transform an aspect of your environment that is not serving your growth. Think of one person who is in a negative environment and lacks the awareness necessary to make a change. Send them the Light they need to be awakened. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 21 poverty and wealth Volume 9 | Beshalach | Verses 364-371

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, we are taught many beautiful secrets about ‘poverty.’ The Zohar tells us that poor people are closer to the Creator because their bodies are broken, they are all soul, and the Creator is closer to the soul than the body. Kabbalsits explain that this state of poverty is not connected to our monetary status, it is a state when our ego (our body consciousness) is weakened and we are truly open to assistance from the Creator; we know we can’t do it alone. This form of poverty reveals a secret about humility: knowing you need help is what actually draws you the help you seek. Honest self-awareness, a true desire to change your reality and the acknowledgement that you cannot do anything without the help of the Light; these are the pre-requisites for drawing the assistance of the Creator. Finally, the Zohar speaks about the blessings that come to those who consider and assist the poor. Poverty is defined kabbalistically as a lack, and lack can be experienced in every area of our lives: the physical, emotional and spiritual. The Zohar teaches that the ultimate lack is a lack of consciousness. Wealth is the fulfilment of that lack; an elevation in consciousness. What kind of poverty are you experiencing in your life? How can you elevate your consciousness to plant new seeds of wealth? (I.e. poverty in the area of physical health). Examine the beliefs you hold about your physical body and identify the beliefs that come from lack. Do you respect and love your body? Do you view your body as strong and capable? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Of the people closest to you, choose one person you see experiencing a form of poverty. What can you do to assist them in filling their lack? For example, your friend is going through a specific emotional challenge. Can you make an effort to spend more quality time with them or find activities to do with them that help them release or express their emotions in a healthy way? (I.e. art, physical activity, spending time with animals). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask for the strength to elevate your consciousness in the area you are experiencing lack. Also, meditate on the one person in your life you chose to focus on, sending them a wealth of consciousness in the area they are currently experiencing lack. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 22 giving freely

Volume 16 | Beha’alotcha | 95-99, 140-144 Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar speaks about the the power of charity and what it means to give ‘freely.’ The Zohar explains that when a person gives charity, he or she causes unification between the physical and spiritual worlds and as a result, blessings manifest in both worlds. It also says when a person gives, he or she receives an increase in wealth and life. However, this is only true for one who gives ‘freely,’ which means without concern for what he or she is loosing or what he or she may gain. Giving freely is giving for the sake of giving, not receiving and this is the consciousness that brings abundance into a persons life. The Zohar elaborates on charity, explaining that the capital people receive from their charity is capital that goes to the soul. Practically there are benefits we can experience in the physical world as a result of our giving, but the main benefits go directly to our soul and are stored for us in the ‘world to come,’ for the time when our soul elevates beyond the body consciousness. Charity can be monetary but it can also mean giving of one’s time, energy, love, and care. We learn that giving freely means giving without concern for what you may lose or what you will receive in return. In what area of your life can you give more freely – time, energy, love or money? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ What would you give more of if you knew you would not lose anything by virtue of that giving? (I.e. donating money, making more time to help others or volunteer on a consistent basis, simple acts of kindness). ___________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask the Light to help you give more freely in the area you chose to focus on. Meditate to open your heart to be more generous and to eradicate any fear of loss. Think of people or places in the world you can give more to, and start by sending the Light of this reading to them. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 23 Beginnings

Volume 5 | Vayishlach | Paragraphs 173-178 Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, we learn about the beginning of all manifestations. The Zohar tells us beginnings are the seed, and often involve a period of difficulty or ‘judgement’ that is later followed by relief and ease. The Zohar uses the story of Rachel’s death and Benjamin’s birth, as well as the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to explain this process from judgement to mercy. The kabbalists teach that in the story of Creation, we chose to be the creators of our own fulfillment, and therefore, anything we desire in life we must go through a process of earning. Any difficulty we may experience at the beginning of a journey is only an opportunity to transform something in our nature, and thus, earn whatever we are seeking. The Zohar also tells us that the reverse is true for “idolatrous” people of the world, which is a code for people who are ruled by their ego and give depend on external, physical things for power, rather than the Light of the Creator. When we live our lives ruled by our ego, things may start out seemingly pleasant or merciful, but the eventual outcome will involve judgement because at the seed level – our consciousness is not in affinity with the Light of the Creator. Here we are told that beginnings that start as difficult follow with mercy. Where in your life are you starting something new or have you started something new and experienced difficulty? What types of negative, limited thoughts does this difficulty trigger for you, making you doubt yourself or your endeavor? What thoughts can you replace these negative thoughts with, in order to help you persevere? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Where in your life are you experiencing something that’s easy and smooth. What can you proactively do to put in more effort. (I.e. relationship going smooth, so it can feel like you don’t need to put effort, but instead you surprise your loved one with something they cherish). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your mind, heart, and soul. Think of the difficulty you are experiencing in your new endeavor. It can be a new position at work, a new relationship, or even a new habit you are trying to adopt. Ask for the strength to persevere past the challenges that may come up. See the Light of the Zohar sweeten the judgment at the beginning of the process. Send this Light to specific people you know that are starting something new. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 24 desire to learn Volume 16 | Kedoshim | 92-96

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Mochin - Energy packets. Mo’ach literally means brain, so it’s the level of attaining higher understanding and connection. Spiritual structures without Mochin are considered to be lacking. Mochin usually refer to the Upper Three Sefirot of a spiritual structure. Angels - Manifested supernal, energy-intelligent beings of Light dedicated to a specific purpose not subjected to free will. Kabbalists explain we create positive and negative angels through our thoughts, words, and actions. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar speaks about engaging in the study of Torah, and the kabbalists explain Torah is a code for spiritual work or spiritual study. The Zohar explains that those who have a pure desire to learn will eventually be led in the right way. The Zohar says that if you have a true love for learning Torah (spiritual work or study), but don’t know how to properly go about it or have a teacher, don’t worry your efforts will not be in vain! If there is persistent effort on your end, you will be able to learn Torah (spiritual work or study) from all, and a teacher will eventually appear for you. The Zohar even says that a person can start studying initially not from a place of pure desire and love, but if they persist, they will eventually grow a pure desire and love for spiritual work and study. This is a powerful understanding that translates into all aspects of life. There are many things we inherently know are good for us, yet we don’t have a true desire to do them. According to the Zohar, if we pursue learning and/or doing these things, eventually we will manifest a true desire for them and truly enjoy them. Where in your life do you have a desire to learn more, but don’t persevere because you aren’t progressing fast enough or don’t feel you have a someone to truly teach


you? Persevere with a new certainty that your unyielding desire to learn will eventually draw a teacher to you. (I.e. learning a new instrument, learning a new language, learning to meditate, studying the Zohar). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Often in life we think we can only learn from certain people, and we decide some people have nothing to offer us. Where in your life – work, family, friends, society, etc. - have you closed yourself off from learning from certain people? Open your mind and heart to the possibility that everyone has something to teach you. What could you potentially learn from these people? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask for the strength to continue pursuing learning even if you don’t see immediate results, and open your heart to learn something from everyone. Meditate to awaken the hearts of all people to learn from one another, and to awaken a desire to expand their wisdom. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 25 unconditional support Volume 3 | Lech Lecha | Paragraphs 49-61

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section, the Zohar teaches us about the importance of supporting others in getting closer to spirituality; including even the most stubborn individuals who completely reject spirituality. If we abandon helping these types of individuals, the chances of them doing harm to themselves and/or others only increases. There is also a powerful secret revelaed by the Zohar: “he who leads his friend to meritorious conduct benefits always from that conduct and the benefit never leaves him” (Lech Lecha v.61). The kabbalists explain that if you help to create a positive shift in someones consciousness, the Light this person manifests as a result of your help is Light that also goes back to you. It is impossible to ever measure the effect of our positive deeds. Even when we don’t believe we are getting through to someone, any seemingly minor shift in consciousness is a true miracle that creates lasting Light for them, us and the world. Who are two people in your life you can be more patient with in their spiritual progression? What specifically triggers impatience within you and how can you show more mercy in these moments? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ “The righteous man should hold him tight by the hand and not leave him alone” (Lech Lecha v.55). Sometimes when we try to help someone we feel superior to them, especially regarding spiritual matters. Holding someone’s hand means you meet the person on their level, and are patient with their growth. It means being there for them through thick and thin, even if they disappoint you. What are some


ways you can show unconditional love and support to those who you are trying to support? (I.e. take time to listen more, let go of expectations, reach out and show simple care). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your mind, heart, and soul. Awaken your heart to be more merciful and patient with others. Ask for the strength to show unconditional love and to let go of expectations. Send this Light to the two people you want to support spiritually. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 26 overcoming fears Volume 7 | Vayechi | 423-430

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section the Zohar reveals the root of all fears: a lack of spiritual connection. The Zohar instructs us to always invite the Shechinah, the female aspect of the Light of the Creator, into our lives. Before every journey, whether it’s up a mountain or at the start of a new day, we are encouraged to invite the Light into our lives. Making this effort in our consciousness is what makes us ultimately feel protected, no matter what we are facing. The Zohar also compares the story of three men facing a difficult mountain to the story of the prophet Samuel when he was asked to find a replacement for King Saul. The three men were able to overcome any fears they had because they were confident in their spiritual work and they were unified. Samuel’s fear stemmed from the fact that he was sent on a difficult mission alone. We learn not to underestimate the power of our bonds with others; with support we have the power to face and overcome the fears we may avoid if we were alone. What is something you are worried about right now? In this area of your life, are you unified with others or have you isolated yourself? How can you create more unity? (I.e. a project at work). Are you working in unision with your co-workers? Even if it is a solo project, have you consulted your co-workers to get their input and help? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ The Zohar says that when we invite the Light to be with us, we have nothing to be afraid of. What spiritual work do you need to do or do more of in the area you are


worried? Invite the Light into your process with the certainty that this will already begin transforming the fear. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Meditate to draw the protection of the Shechinah (the Light) to your life, knowing that when you are with the Light nothing can harm you. Ask for the strength to overcome all nervousness, worry, doubts and fears. Think of the people you will invite to join your process, and draw strength from this unity. Send this Light to someone in your life you know is battling a specific fear. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 27 beyond the superficial Volume 16 | Beha’alotcha | 12-16, 58-64

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar urges us not to take the Torah literally, and to search for depth. We are told that even seemingly ‘simple’ stories have many layers of lofty secrets. The Zohar explains that the stories in the Torah are garments for deeper truths, the same way human souls are concealed within bodies. The kabbalists explain that our spiritual work involves making a conscious effort to see past the exteriror clothing, whether it’s the physicality of another human beings or the literal stories in the Torah. Our job is to constantly seek out a connection to the interior, concealed aspet of all things because this is the aspect that has the strongest affinity with the Light of the Creator. When we connect to the interior of something or someone, we make a lasting connection to it and the reverse is true when we connect to the exterior. The Torah is not a book of literal stories we take at face value; it is a book of infinite depth - full of secrets, mysteries, metaphors, and codes waiting to be revealed. Humans are the same – they are full of depth. Who in your life do you have a superficial relationship with? How can you deepen your connection with them? (I.e. asking them deeper questions, listening more with true care, or being more vulernable and revealing more about yourself). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Think about the times in your life that you revert to superficial conversation or behavior. What triggers your resistance to going deeper? What environments, situations or people do you find yourself focusing more on the exterior than the interior?


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask the Light to help you deepen your superficial relationship and to move from the exterior to the interior in all areas of your life. Meditate for all souls to have the ability to move beyond the superficial in every aspect of their life. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 28 awakening peace Volume 18 | Korach | 1-8 Volume 9 | Beshalach | 251-255

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Chesed (Right Column) – the energy of kindness, mercy, and sharing. Gevurah (Left Column) - the energy of strength, judgment, discipline, and receiving. Tiferet (Central Column) - the energy of balancing and regulating kindness and judgment, sharing and receiving. Aba and Ima – Literally translates to father and mother. Also referred to as Chochmah and Binah, whose unification never ceases, thus always producing light and energy. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In these two sections of the Zohar we learn powerful lessons about the necessity and power of peace. The Zohar proclaims that, “the world does not exist except through peace,” and that we should only wage war in the Torah (Korach v.6). The Kabbalists explain that this type of war does not involve violence or pain, but rather a consistent effort to pursue spiritual work. This is the only type of war that results in peace. Through the story of Korach, we learn about the danger of conflict. Korach did not value his own unique Light and instead was chasing after a position meant for someone else. The Zohar explains that the position Korach desired to obtain would have created a distance between right and left column energy (judgement and mercy). This distance is is referred to as a “distancing of peace” because peace is the energy of central column, the energy of balance between right and left column (judgement and mercy).


Kabbalistically we learn that if something belongs to us it has an affinity with our soul. What is one thing you are chasing after right now, believing it belongs to you? Let go and inject certainty that if it has affinity with your soul, it will eventually come to you. (I.e. soulmate relationship, a business deal, money, the ‘right’ apartment). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Peace is when two seemingly opposite or different entities come together in harmony. The Kabbalists explain that a distancing of peace is when one person clings to their point of view and is unwilling to compromise. Who are you experiencing conflict with and what can you do to create peace? (I.e. proactively confronting the situation, letting go of being right, listening to the other person with an open heart). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Ask for the strength to let go of the expectations you have for the things you are chasing after, and/or to let go in the area you are stubbornly clinging to your point of view – distancing peace. Think of the person you are currently having conflict with, and send them this positive, peaceful energy. Send this Light to an area in the world that is currently experiencing conflict. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 29 soul mates

Volume 3 | Lech Lecha | 204-210 Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Zohar Word Key: Nefesh/Nefashot – The first part of our soul. This level connects to our physical actions. Male – The energy of giving, sharing, cause, and potential. Female – The energy of desire, receiving, effect, and manifestation. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: This section of the Zohar enlightens us on the formation and evolution of soul mates. We are told that in the Upper Worlds, a soul is one unified whole, then the Creator splits the soul in half, creating male and female souls from the original source. When these two souls descend into the physical world they are separated. The condition for these two souls to reunite and become one again is their individual efforts to spiritually evolve. Spiritual work is most powerful tool we have to merit our true soul mate. What reactive tendencies do you have surrounding a soulmate connection, whether in maintaining one or pursuing one? (I.e. for those in a relationship: not listening to your partner’s point of view, communicating from a place of anger. For those pursuing one: obsessively checking dating apps). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


When we are proactive we activate the Light force of the Creator within us, and when we are in alignment with the Light we draw our soulmate closer. As the Zohar says, the Creator holds the key to all soulmate relationships. What is one proactive thing you can do to connect stronger with your godly nature? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. Meditate to attract your soulmate by awakening the Light of your own soul. As you strengthen your connection to your soul, you in effect strengthen your connection to your soulmate. Ask for the strength to continue becoming a more sharing being. Send the Light of this reading to the entire world, so more people connect to their soul and to their soulmate. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Day 30 sharing your blessings Volume 4 | Chayei | Verses 37-44

Preparation Before you start, choose your sacred space and settle into it. You may review the specific prerequisites and intentions (page 10) before reading the Zohar. Before you begin your study, ask the Light for the ability, through your connection, to see the world through the lens of the Creator – “utmunat hashem yabit.” Study – 10 Minutes Read the synopsis and the English paragraphs of the Zohar section. Reflection – 10 Minutes After reading the section, please reflect on the following thoughts: In this section of the Zohar, we are reminded that our soul is a gift and any additional blessings we receive in life are meant for our soul not our ego. Our ego has the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone, while our soul has the Desire to Share endlessly. The Zohar tells us that the Creator gives us gifts for the purpose of “sustaining the world and performing His commandments” (Chayei Sarah v.41). The gifts we are given are for the Sake of Sharing and serve to help us in our spiritual work. Write a list of 5 things you are blessed to have and why you consider them a blessing. (I.e. a talent, people in your life, status, money, wisdom). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Review your blessings from the list above. Try and uncover any ego that might be attached to any of your blessings. In what ways can you transform this form of ego, allowing you to use your blessing more as a tool for sharing. (I.e. if having status makes you feel superior to others, instead focus on using your status as a platform to bring awareness to an important cause). ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


Active Meditation – 10 Minutes Please review the following instructions to help set an intention, then make a visual connection with the Aramaic verses in this section of the Zohar; scanning the letters with your intention in mind. As you scan the words from right to left, envision the Light coming out of the letters and words. See the Light of this passage enter your mind, heart, and soul. Think of the blessings in your life and see how they are full of Light. Appreciate that you were given this Light, and recognize that it is yours to share. Understand the responsibility you have to use these blessings and talents for the sake of others. You can also meditate to send this sense of responsibility to all souls; awakening all of humanity to the true purpose of their blessings. Over the next 24 hours, be mindful of any changes you experience in your consciousness and/or your physical reality. Before moving on to the exercises of the next day, feel free to jot down any powerful moments you want to remember! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


INDEX Glossary (Zohar Terms)

Aba and Ima – Literally translates to father and mother. Also referred to as Chochmah and Binah, whose unification never ceases, thus always producing light and energy. Abraham – Represents the Sefirah of Chesed; the energy of unconditional kindness, mercy, and sharing. Angels - Manifested supernal, energy-intelligent beings of Light dedicated to a specific purpose not subjected to free will. Kabbalists explain we create positive and negative angels through our thoughts, words, and actions. Binah – The Sefirah that translates as “Understanding.” The energy of this Sefirah is understanding that comes from the heart. Chassadim – The Light that comes from sharing and acts of kindness. Chesed (Right Column) – The Sefirah that translates literally as “mercy.” The energy of this Sefirah is unconditional kindness, mercy, and sharing. Chochmah – The Sefira that translates literally as “wisdom.” The energy of this Sefira is the wisdom that comes from the brain. El – Another name of God. “Foreign El” refers to other Gods, or idol worship. What we worship is considered our God, or what rules us. Idol worship is when we are ruled by our reactive tendencies, instead of being ruled by the Light in our soul. It is when we give away our power to something external and it ends up controlling the way we think, feel and act. Elohim – “God,” or specifically, the level of God that represents judgment (strength, boundaries and discernment). Esau – The evil brother of Jacob who represents the ultimate Desire to Receive for the Self Alone. Evil Inclination – The voice of the opponent that joins us at birth, pushing us to perform selfish acts that satisfy us temporarily. Exile – Refers to any time the Creator’s supervision is not obvious to us and we need to exert a lot more effort to see and reveal the Light. Exile is a state of consciousness.


Faith (“Emunah”) - Trust and certainty in how the Light governs this world; the spiritual laws of cause and effect. This term also refers to the sephirah Malchut, which is our physical world. Malchut translates literally as ‘governance’ or ‘kingdom.’ Female – The energy of desire, receiving, effect, and manifestation. Gevurah (Left Column) – The Sefirah that translates literally as “judgement.” The energy of this Sefirah is strength, boundaries, discernment, discipline, and receiving. Good Inclination – The voice of the soul that joins us when we turn 12 (for a girl) or 13 (for a boy). This voice pushes us to respond to our reality as Creators not victims, to think beyond ourselves, and to take positive actions which bring long-term fulfillment. Hashem, or Holy One, blessed be He – God, the Light, the Creator, the source of all fulfillment. Holy Spirit – Also known as “divine inspiration,” which is the guidance and protection of the Light. Isaac – Represents the Sefirah of Gevurah; the energy of judgment, strength, boundaries, discernment, discipline and receiving. Jacob – Represents the Sefirah of Tiferet; the energy of balance, regulating kindness and judgment, sharing and receiving. Male – The energy of giving, sharing, cause, and potential. Mochin - Energy packets. Mo’ach literally means brain, so it’s the level of attaining higher understanding and connection. Spiritual structures without Mochin are considered to be lacking. Mochin usually refer to the Upper Three Sefirot of a spiritual structure. Nefesh/Nefashot – The first part of our soul. This level connects to our physical actions. Neshamah – The third level of our soul. This level connects to our thoughts. Nukva/Malchut – Feminine energy; the vessel, receiver and the moon. Also known as the final result or the effect. Malchut is the Sefira that translates literally as ‘kingdom’ or ‘governance.’ It is the Sefira that represents our physical world. Other Side – The forces of impurity, selfishness and darkness that work tirelessly


to lower our consciousness. These forces challenge us and give us the opportunity to rise above our reactive, ego-driven nature and act from our soul. Precept – “Mitzvah,” which is a spiritual deed that connects us to the Light, either by the act of doing, or by abstaining from doing. Repentance (Teshuva) - The process of sincere inner reflection and change. Through this process we can uproot negative seeds we have planted in the past by feeling the pain of our negative actions, visualizing how we commit to changing in this area moving forward and sending Light to any person or place we may have negatively impacted. In doing this, we transform what was once negative energy into positive energy and re-write our destiny. Righteous – Sometimes refers to the wholly righteous; souls who reached a level of complete affinity with the Light of the Creator. This term can also refer to the righteous parts within our own soul; the unique sparks of the Light within. Ruach – The second level of our soul. This level connects to our words and speech. Samael – The name of the Angel of Death, who represents the energy of finite consciousness, endings and limitation. Do not pronounce this name aloud. Instead you can say “Samakel” or “Samech-Mem.” Serpent – Refers to the original manifestation of the Other Side, or Satan. The first time the opponent is mentioned in the Bible it is mentioned in the form of a serpent who convinced Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Shechinah – The Creator’s revelation to us in this world. Also known as the protective mother and the female (or vessel) aspect of the Creator (Malchut). Tiferet (Central Column) – The Sefirah that translates literally as “beauty.” The energy of this Sefirah is balance; kindness and judgment, sharing and receiving. Tzitzit/Talit – The prayer shawl that is wrapped around one who prays. It is one of the physical instruments we use to subdue the evil inclination and to draw down surrounding Light (the Light of our potential) during prayer. Torah – Refers to the Old Testament, the Torah Scroll, and the Zohar (soul of the Torah). The Kabbalists teach that Torah is a code for the universal spiritual laws governing our world. Torah study is a code for any type of spiritual action; actions stemming from an understanding of cause and effect, and a Desire to Receive for the Sake of Sharing. Torah for its own sake (Lishma) – Doing positive and spiritual actions without expecting a physical reward or benefit in return. The motivation is to be in affinity


with the Light of the Creator; to reveal Light for yourself and the world. Torah not for its own sake (Lo Lishma) – Doing positive and spiritual actions with expectations of receiving physical rewards and benefits in return. Wicked – Sometimes refers to the wholly wicked; souls who are completely disconnected from the Light. This term can also refer to the wicked (selfish) parts within our own soul. World to Come – Refers to a state of lasting, inner fulfilment of the soul. This state can be experienced while we are in this world, but in its full capacity only after the soul leaves the body. This term can also refer to the level of Binah, as opposed to this world, which is Malchut. Yesod – This Sefira translates literally as “foundation.” This Sefira sits under eight Sefirot, like a great reservoir or funnel feeding spiritual Light in a balanced way into our physical world (Malchut, the 10th Sefira). Yesod is the Sefirah that unites Zeir Anpin and Malchut. This Sefira also contains the energy of blessings, abundance and creation. Yisrael – Refers to the people of the world who consciously desire to connect to the Light of the Creator and their own soul. Also, people who are actively working to transform their Desire to Receive for the Self Alone into a Desire to Receive for the Sake of Sharing. Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei – The most powerful name of God, called the Tetragrammaton. This name represents mercy, unity and peace. This name also represents the unification of our physical world and the upper spiritual worlds. Zeir Anpin – Comprises the six Sefirot (Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod and Yesod). This realm represents ‘masculine’ energy; giving, potential, fulfillment, the sun. It can also be known as the process or the cause. There are many times throughout the Zohar when we read about people physically traveling; moving from one place to another. The kabbalists explain every story involving a physical journey is really a code for the journey a certain soul or group of souls are embarking on; moving from one level to another. For example, when the Zohar speaks about friends traveling along a road or climbing up a mountain, this is a code for the transformation and elevation their souls are experiencing, such as overcoming a challenge and or revealing new Light. Every time we read about physical journeys in the Zohar, our souls also have the opportunity to elevate as well. The same holds true for names of people and places. Each person and place is a conduit to specific forms of Light. For example, anytime the Zohar speaks about


Moses, we are not just connecting to the physical character Moses; we are connecting to all the attributes and the energy Moses represented during his lifetime; activating and strengthening these attributes within ourselves. Every Rabbi that is referred to in the Zohar is a spiritual master with unique virtues. Every time different Rabbis are mentioned, we connect our souls to the energy of mastery over certain virtues. We plug ourselves into an outlet of infinite energy. Even if we are completely confused by the story or teaching we are reading about, having certainty in our soul’s ability to elevate through our study is enough to activate this elevation itself. The kabbalists teach that having a consciousness of certainty is always more powerful than any intellectual understanding, and this is particularly true when it comes to reaping the benefits of the Zohar.


Structure of the zohar When Rav Shimon Bar Yochai uncovered the concealed aspect of the Torah in the Zohar he wrote it side by side with the Written Torah in order to prove that the Torah and Kabbalah are two sides of the same coin. The Torah exposes the outer clothing and the Kabbalah exposes the unseen inner structure. This is similar to the interrelationship between the soul and the body. The Torah reveals the words of the Creator and Kabbalah teaches what He intends to achieve by those words. When we highlighted the great attributes of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai we mentioned that the most powerful means of connecting with Rav Shimon is through the study of the Zohar. It is therefore imperative that one should understand the structure and the various parts of the Zohar. The Zohar is principally made up of four segments (which contain more detailed inner partitions):

1. The Zohar corresponding to the portions of Torah (Volumes 1-2 in the English Set). 2. The New Zohar (Zohar Chadash) corresponding to the portions of the Torah and the five (Not printed in English yet). 3. The Hashmatot of the Zohar (Not printed in English yet). 4. The Tikkunium of the Zohar (Not printed in English yet)

The Zohar on the Portions of the Torah (Volumes 1-22)

1. The first part of the Zohar has an introduction called The Introduction to the Zohar. 2. Subsequently, the Zohar is sub-divided according to the order of the portions of the Torah. The Zohar is essentially a commentary on the verses of the Torah. The Zohar deals with all the portions apart from Mas’ey, Devarim, Re’eh, Ki-Tavo, Nitsavim and VeZot Habracha.

1. Volumes 1-22 of the Zohar are segmented as follows: A. RA’AYA MEHEMNA (The Faithful Shepherd) i. Homiletic interpretations scattered throughout the entire Zohar are called by this name. Those were given to Rav Shimon and his students by Moshe our teacher, who is “the Faithful Shepherd,” and who revealed himself to Rav Shimon in the cave at Peki’in. The Ra’aya Mehemna in essence explains the commandments according to the inner secrets. B. MIDRASH HA-NE’ELAM (The Commentary of the Concealed) The various segments of the Midrash Ha- Ne’elam are scattered in many


places throughout the Zohar. And they sometimes appear in Hebrew and sometimes in Aramaic. This is what Rav Moshe Zechut wrote in his commentary Mikdash Melech on Portion Vayira: i. I will give the reason for the praise of the name of this Midrash, which he has named Ne’elam (Hebrew: concealed). It is because most of what it deals with is about the soul from Briya, where the Supernal Garden of Eden is found. And he has written in the Pardes that the Midrash is related to Briya, so the revealed Midrash is the secret of the external aspects, while the Midrash Ha Ne’elam is the secret of the internal aspects, which are the souls. And this commentary is based upon the soul. Thus its name is well fit Midrash Ha Ne’elam C. THE HEICHALOT (Chambers) i. The chambers appear in the Zohar, portion Beresheet (Gensis) II, Volume 2, Sec.1. onwards. There, the seven chambers of the Garden of Eden are explained. ii. In Portion Pikudei, Volume 13, sec 471 onwards, the seven chambers of Holiness are discussed. And from sec. 836 onwards, the seven chambers of “the evil side” are explained. D. RAZA DERAZIN (The Inner Secrets) It appears in the middle of Portion Yitro, Vol. 10, Sec 68 owards. It discusses all the secrets of the Wisdom of the face reading and of palmistry. E. SABA DE MISHPATIM (Laws of Seniority) The Saba De Mishpatim appears in the middle of Portion Mishpatim, Vol. 10, Sec. 14. i. In it all the laws of Correction (Tikkune), and all the secrets of reincarnation are explained. F. IDRA DEBEI MISHKANA (The Assembly within the Tabernacle)
This appears in the end of Portion Mishpatim, Vol. 10, Sec. 520 onwards. In this section all the Spiritual Faces (vessels) are explained. G. SIFRA DE TSNI’UTA (The Book of Modesty)
This appears at the end of Portion Terumah, Volume 11. It discusses the main principles of the Wisdom of Kabbalah. We shall quote here a portion to elucidate. (Sections1-3): i. He asks: “What is Sifra de Tsn’iuta?” Rav Shimon said: “Five chapters are included in this great chamber and they fill the whole world.” Rav Yehuda said; “If those include all the Wisdom, then they must be better than all the rest, and one does not need to learn all the rest, and one does not need to learn any further.” H. THE IDRA RABBA (The Great Assembly) The article upon the Idra Rabba (the Great Assembly) appears in the middle of Portion Nasso, Vol 17. Rav Shimon and his nine students gathered, and together they revealed all the secrets of Kabbalah, and the inner spiritual essence of the Torah in a greater detail than the way it appears in Sifra de Tsn’iuta.


This great revelation of the Idra Rabba brought about the death of three of the students because they completed their correction. The story from the Zohar is quoted in Part 2, Chapter 3. I. THE IDRA ZUTA (The Small Assembly) The Idra Zuta, the Small Assembly, appears in the middle of Portion Ha’azinu, Vol 22. In the Idra Zuta, Rav Shimon revealed, before his death, many secrets that he had not revealed before.


references for continued study Recommended Reading:

1. The Essential Zohar, by Rav Berg 2. Secrets of the Zohar, by Michael Berg 3. Secrets of the Bible, by Michael Berg 4. Secret History of the Zohar, by Michael Berg 5. Introduction to the Zohar, by Rav Berg, Volume 1 of the Zohar

Recommended Articles:

“The Purpose of the Zohar,” Rav Berg: https://www.kabbalah.com/en/master-kabbalists/the-purpose-of-the-zohar “Revealing the Light of Redemption,” Karen Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/concepts/lag-bomer-revealing-the-light-of-redemption “The Strongest Instrument,” Mordechay Balas: https://kabbalah.com/en/master-kabbalists/the-strongest-instrument “The Magic of Kabbalah,” Chaim Soloman: https://kabbalah.com/en/concepts/the-magic-of-kabbalah “Coming Closer to the Flawless Universe,” Rav Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/master-kabbalists/coming-closer-to-the-flawless-universe

Recommended Lectures:

Every lecture below can be found on kabbalah.com with the exception of the first two mediafire video recordings of the Rav Berg “The Power of the Zohar and Hebrew Letters,” Rav Berg: http://www.mediafire.com/file/pqq311yljc3z9sk/Rav_on_Zohar_and_Hebrew_ Letters_1991.mp4 “The Importance/Focus of the Zohar,” Rav Berg: http://www.mediafire.com/file/978a8wapwu4yu14/7_HaRav_explains_the_importance_and_focus_of_The_Zohar.mp4/file “Scanning the Zohar,” Rav Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/3209-insights-from-rav-berg/5855scanning-the-zohar


“Blessings from Spreading the Zohar,” Karen Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/5233-pesach/5327-blessings-fromspreading-the-zohar “The Power of the Zohar,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/5311-lag-bomer/5377-the-power-ofthe-zohar “Seeing The Vision of the Light,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/shabbat-consciousnesslectures/seeingthe-vision-of-the-light “Demystifying the Zohar,” class series by David Ghiyam: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/practical-kabbalah/lesson-19--demystifying-the-zohar“Getting Zohar,” class series by Eitan Yardeni: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/5804-getting-zohar “How to use Zohar,” Elisheva Balas: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/5914-tools-for-change/5788-how-toscan-the-zohar “The Light of the Zohar and the Final Redemption,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/6596-third-meal-consciousness-lectures/6655-vayakhel-the-light-of-the-zohar-and-the-final-redemption “Noach: Entering Today’s Ark of the Zohar,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/4391-shabbat-consciousness-lectures/5345-noach-entering-todays-ark-of-the-zohar “Beha,alotcha: In the Presence of the Zohar,” Eitan Yardeni: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/4579-zohar-class-with-eitanyardeni/4253-behaalotcha-in-the-presence-of-the-zohar “Receiving the Fire of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/5311-lag-bomer/6758-receiving-thefire-of-rav-shimon-bar-yochai “The Assistance of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai to Eliminate Judgement,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/5662-secrets-of-the-bible/5906-lagbomer-the-assistance-of-rav-shimon-bar-yochai-to-eliminate-judgment


“Naso: The Great Revelation of the Idra Rabba,” Michael Berg: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/4389-shabbat-consciousness-lectures/5176-naso-the-great-revelation-of-the-idra-rabbah


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