Pasos a seguir para la introducción al programa ZMAP...
ZMAP QUICK TUTORIAL 1) Launch matlab. 2) Go to the zmap directory and type ’zmap’. Zmap starts. If not find the problem! 3) lic on ’data import filters’ in the menu. hoose ’"#II columns...’ and clic on ’import’ $) In the %indo%& locate you earth'uae catalo( file endin( %ith .map). hoose either cat*IG+*,2*-.mat or cat*/0I*3*-.mat. hose files are attached to the email I sent you. ou ou also ha4e them in ascii the same names but endin( %ith .map). ) " %indo% called ’General +arameters’ opens. ou can define the be(innin( and endin( date& the ma(nitude and depth ran(e& and decide to plot all bi( e4ents %ith 567 for e8ample. 9o not touch the ’bin len(th’. :e need to find out %hat does e8actly this parameter. he IG+ is complet abo4e 56$ and the /0I abo4e . If you %ant to do serious statistics& do not consider e4ents of lar(er ma(nitudes. 7) ou obtain a seismicity map. ou ou can add 4olcanoes or fault doin( ;4erlay6
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