Zip Unzip

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Compress / Gzip files in .Net 2.0 using C# (System.IO.Compression) using System.IO.Compression; public class Compress { string _folderpath=""; public string folderpath { get { return _folderpath; } set { _folderpath = value; } } public void compressfolder() { DirectoryInfo dir=new DirectoryInfo(_folderpath); foreach (FileInfo fl in dir.GetFiles()) { //Open the file as a FileStream object. FileStream infile = new FileStream(fl.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); byte[] buffer = new byte[infile.Length]; // Read the file to ensure it is readable. int count = infile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (count != buffer.Length) { infile.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Test Failed: Unable to read data from file"); return; } infile.Close(); Stream fs = File.Create(_folderpath + Path.ChangeExtension(fl.Name + fl.Extension , ".gz")); // Use the newly created stream for the compressed data. GZipStream gZip = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Compress, true); Console.WriteLine("Compression"); gZip.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // Close the stream. gZip.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Original size: {0}, Compressed size: {1}", buffer.Length, fs.Length); Console.Read(); } } } the class can used as below

Compress cm = new Compress(); cm.folderpath = @"e:\gsp\"; cm.compressfolder();

UnZip files in .Net C# using SharpZipLib Open Source Library System.IO.Compression Namespace in C# .Net provides GZipStream and DeflateStream classes to compress and de-compress gzip files and Deflated files respectively.

But our scope is to de-compress or U NZIP files using .Net C#. C# in native does not provides classes to compress (zip) or de-compress (unzip) .zip files.

#ziplib (SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib) open source library helps us to zip an d un-zip .zip files, which is written entirely in C# for the .NET platform. It is free, C# source code included!

The required of .net version"ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" file can be downloaded from and can referenced to the required project.

The sample code for unzip .zip files in .Net C# using #ziplib (SharpZipLib) is below

Namespace used:

using System.IO; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; public static bool UnZipFile(string InputPathOfZipFile) { bool ret = true; try { if (File.Exists(InputPathOfZipFile)) { string baseDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(InputPathOfZipFile); using (ZipInputStream ZipStream = new ZipInputStream(File.OpenRead(InputPathOfZipFile))) { ZipEntry theEntry; while ((theEntry = ZipStream.GetNextEntry()) != null) { if (theEntry.IsFile) { if (theEntry.Name != "") { string strNewFile = @"" + baseDirectory + @"\" + theEntry.Name; if (File.Exists(strNewFile)) { continue; } using (FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(strNewFile)) { int size = 2048;

byte[] data = new byte[2048]; while (true) { size = ZipStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if (size > 0) streamWriter.Write(data , 0, size); else break; } streamWriter.Close(); } } } else if (theEntry.IsDirectory) { string strNewDirectory = @"" + baseDirectory + @"\" + theEntry.Name; if (!Directory.Exists(strNewDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strNewDir ectory); } } } ZipStream.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ret = false; } return ret; } The "UnZipFile" function can be used as

UnZipFile(@"C:\"); The above "UnZipFile" function can be used to unzip .zip files. "UnZipFile" function is self explanatory. Required file to be extracted is given to "ZipInputStream" class, which provides all entries (files/folder) found in .zip file. Each entry is checked, new folders are created for directory entry and files are created using "FileStream" for file entries. Thus required .zip files are extracted.

The files and folder unzipped are extracted to same folder as that of input file.

#ziplib also compresses and de-compresses GZip, Tar and BZip2 formats.

Thanks for the #ziplib developers and its maintainer, who has given a great piece of library.

Upload and Compressed file


By using the code you can upload file and then compressed it. It Retrieve file i nformation and upload to server.

 Add below code in HTML page

 Add below Namespaces

Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.IO.Compression Imports System.Diagnostics

 Add below code in Codebehind on Button1 click 

If fileUpload.PostedFile Is Nothing Then Me.lblResult.Text = "No File Selected to Upload." Exit Sub End If

'Retrieve file information and upload to server. Dim strName As String strName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName)

Try fileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(strName)) Me.lblResult.Text = """" + strName + """ was uploaded successfully." Catch ex As Exception Me.lblResult.Text = "An Error Occured While Uploading File." End Try

 Add below code in Codebehind on Button2 click 

If txtZipFileName.Text.Trim() = "" Then

lblResult.Text = "You must enter what you want the name of the zip file to be" 'Change the background color to cue the user to what needs fixed 'txtZipFileName.BackColor = Color.Yellow Exit Sub Else 'Reset the background color 'txtZipFileName.BackColor = Color.White End If 'Launch the zip.exe console app to do the actual zipping Dim i As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirecto ry & "zip.exe") i.CreateNoWindow = True Dim args As String = "" If txtSource.Text.IndexOf(" ") -1 Then 'we got a space in the path so wrap it in double qoutes args += """" & txtSource.Text & """" Else args += txtSource.Text End If

Dim dest As String = txtDestination.Text If dest.EndsWith("\") = False Then dest += "\" End If 'Make sure the zip file name ends with a zip extension If txtZipFileName.Text.ToUpper().EndsWith(".ZIP") = False Then txtZipFileName.Text += ".zip" End If dest += txtZipFileName.Text If dest.IndexOf(" ") -1 Then 'we got a space in the path so wrap it in double qoutes

args += (" " & """") + dest & """" Else args += " " & dest End If i.Arguments = args

'Mark the process window as hidden so that the progress copy window doesn't show i.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(i) p.WaitForExit() Response.Write("Complete")

Compress folders with C# and the SharpZipLib

Introduction This article shall describe an approach that may be used to collect files from multiple locations and zip them up into a single zipped folder. The code contained in the sample project may be useful if one needs to gather up multiple files, zip them up, and then do something with them such as upload the zipped files to a server location for storage or processing. The application uses the SharpZipLib for the basis of the compression function.

Figure 1: Demo User Interface for Folder Compression Project. As was mentioned, the example code is dependent upon the SharpZipLib libraries; these libraries may be downloaded from this location: In addition to handling zip files, the library also handles tar, gzip, and bzip2 compression. The Solution The solution contains a single project. The example is provided in the form of a single Windows Forms project; the project contains a single main form (frmMain); the references are all in the default configuration with the exception being that the SharpZipLib DLL has been added (first item in the reference list). Having downloaded the DLL from the web, the download was installed into the local file system and was adding by using the "Add Reference" dialog's Browse option. All of the code necessary to drive the application is included in the main form's code file.

Figure 2: The Solution Explorer Showing the Project. The Code: Compress Folders - Main Form The Compress Folders project is a Windows Forms project containing a single form. All UI and code required by the project are contained in the single main form (frmMain.cs). The only references added to the project, aside from the defaults, were those necessary to support the use of the SharpZipLib in the project. The imports, namespace, and class declarations are as follows: using using using using using using using using using using

System; System.Collections; System.Text; System.IO; System.ComponentModel; System.Windows.Forms; System.Management; ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Checksums; ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;

namespace CompressFolders { public partial class frmMain : Form { After the class declaration, the next block of code is the default constructor and

empty form load event handler: public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { }

The next block of code is used to handle the browse button's click event. This button is used to display the open file dialog; this dialog is used to capture the path to a folder that the user wants to include in the zipped folder. The code is annotated such that you may review descriptions of what each section of the code is doing by reading though this code block:  ///  /// Select files for subsequent addition to the list of   /// files to be archived  ///  ///  /// private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {  // configure the open file dialog openFileDialog1.Title = "Add File"; openFileDialog1.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"; openFileDialog1.FileName = ""; // return if the user cancels the operation if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } // set a local variable to contain the file name  // captured from the open file dialog string sFilePath; sFilePath = openFileDialog1.FileName; if (sFilePath == "") return; // make sure the file exists before adding  // its path to the list of files to be  // compressed if (System.IO.File.Exists(sFilePath) == false) return; else txtAddFile.Text = sFilePath; }

The next block of code is used to add a file selected by the previous method (Browse button) and add to a list of files to included in the

zipped folder. Again, this section of code is annotated to describe what each part of the code does.  ///  /// Button click event handler used to add files from the browse  /// textbox to the listbox control  ///  ///  /// private void btnAddFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check for content in the text box if (txtAddFile.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Use the browse button to search for " +"the file to be added.", "Missing File Name"); return; }  // Only allow the file to be added if the file is not a duplicate for (int i = 0; i < lstFilePaths.Items.Count; i++) { if (lstFilePaths.Items[i].ToString() == txtAddFile.Text.ToString()) { MessageBox.Show("That file has already been added to the list .", "Duplicate"); return; } }  // Add the file to the listbox list if (txtAddFile.Text != string.Empty) lstFilePaths.Items.Add(txtAddFile.Text.ToString()); // clear the textbox and move the focus back to the textbox txtAddFile.Text = string.Empty; txtAddFile.Focus(); }

The next section of code is the Remove button's click event handler; this method allows the user to remove items from the listbox list after they have been added using the browse button and add button.  ///  /// Button click handler to remove selected items from  /// the listbox  ///  ///  /// private void btnRemoveFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lstFilePaths.Items.Remove(lstFilePaths.SelectedItem); }

catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); } }

Next up is a button event handler that uses the Folder Browser Dialog control to help the user to specify a destination path for the finished zip file.  ///  /// Button click handler used to set the path to  /// the zipped file  ///  ///  /// private void btnSaveBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {  // clear the folder path txtSaveTo.Text = string.Empty;  // Show the FolderBrowserDialog. DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { txtSaveTo.Text = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; } }

The next button click event handler contains the code used to gather up the marked files and zip them up the destination folder set. The code will gather up the identified files, copy the files to a temporary folder inside the destination folder, zip them up, and then remove the temporary folder. This code is also annotated and you may review the notes contained within the code block to read a description of what is happening at each stage in the progress.  ///  /// Collect the files into a common folder location, zip the  /// files up, and delete the copied files and folder  ///  ///  /// private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {  // make sure there are files to zip if (lstFilePaths.Items.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("There are not files queued for the zip operation", "Empty File Set"); return; }

 // make sure there is a destination defined if (txtSaveTo.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("No destination file has been defined.", "Save To Empty"); return; } blUpdate.Visible = true; lblUpdate.Refresh();  // name the zip file whatever the folder is named  // by splitting the file path to get the folder name string[] sTemp = txtSaveTo.Text.Split('\\'); string sZipFileName = sTemp[sTemp.Length - 1].ToString();  // check to see if zipped file already exists  // user may rename it in the text box if it does. FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(txtSaveTo.Text + "\\" + sZipFileName + ".zip"); if (fi.Exists) {  // move it to the folder try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("The file " + sZipFileName + " already exists."); sb.Append("You may rename it in the save to text box."); MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "Existing File Name"); txtSaveTo.Focus(); return; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Rename the file or select a new location.", "File Error"); return; } } // Check for the existence of the target folder and  // create it if it does not exist if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(txtSaveTo.Text +"\\TempZipFile\\")) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(txtSaveTo.Text +"\\TempZipFile\\"); }  // Set up a string to hold the path to the temp folder string sTargetFolderPath = (txtSaveTo.Text + "\\TempZipFile\\");  // Process the files and move each into the target folder for (int i = 0; i < lstFilePaths.Items.Count; i++) { string filePath = lstFilePaths.Items[i].ToString(); FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo(filePath); if (fi2.Exists) {  // move it to the folder try

{ fi2.CopyTo(sTargetFolderPath + fi2.Name, true); } catch {  // clean up if the operation failed System.IO.Directory.Delete(sTargetFolderPath); MessageBox.Show("Could not copy files to temp folder.", "File Error"); return; } } } // zip up the files try { lblUpdate.Visible = true; lblUpdate.Refresh(); string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(sTargetFolderPath);  // Zip up the files - From SharpZipLib Demo Code using (ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(txtSaveTo.Text + "\\" +sZipFileName + ".zip"))) { s.SetLevel(9); // 0-9, 9 being the highest compression byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; foreach (string file in filenames) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(file)); entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now; s.PutNextEntry(entry); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(file)) { int sourceBytes; do { sourceBytes = fs.Read(buffer, 0,buffer.Length); s.Write(buffer, 0, sourceBytes); } while (sourceBytes > 0); } } s.Finish(); s.Close(); }  // remove the progress bar lblUpdate.Visible = false; // clean up files by deleting the temp folder and its content System.IO.Directory.Delete(txtSaveTo.Text + "\\TempZipFile\\", true ); // Notify user MessageBox.Show("Zip .Text file " + txtSaveTo+ " created.");

 // empty everything lstFilePaths.Items.Clear(); txtSaveTo.Text = string.Empty; txtAddFile.Text = string.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), "Zip Operation Error "); } }

The only remaining code in the project is that used to terminate the application.  ///  /// Exit the application  ///  ///  /// private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Dispose(); }

That wraps up the description of the code used in this project. Summary: This example demonstrates zipping up a folder using the SharpZipLib; in this example, the interface is provided in the form of a stand alone desktop application. The same approach described in this project could be applied within the context of a large application that may be required to gather up multiple files and zip them into a single zipped folder. As with all things, there are other ways to do this same sort of  thing, however, given the availability of the SharpZipLib, this is a relatively simple process.



File Upload & Compression in ASP.Net

Introduction In this article I am going to look at how to upload a file to the web server and compress it using the compression methods provided in .Net. I will use the open source compression method to compress to a .gz file. The method is available in System.IO.Compression.

Working the Code: Upload & Compression example Let us start off by quickly putting together a simple interface for our web-page. The screen shot below shows the screen that I ended up with:

Figure 1.: File upload and compression Web form Some points to note. The Text-Box followed by the Browse button is the HTML File Upload Control. When you add that to your web page remember to add the RunAt tag in HTML View: This will allow us to work with the control from the server. Let us get to the code side. Double-click on the Upload Button to create an event-handler. For this button, we want to simply upload the file, without compressing it. Make sure to import System.IO and System.IO.Compression at the top for  we'll be using both in the code, and its better not to type System.IO every time one needs to call it. Here is the piece of code that you'd want to include behind this button: If fileUpload.PostedFile Is Nothing Then Me.lblResult.Text = "No File Selected to Upload." Exit Sub End If  'Retrieve file information and upload to server. Dim strName As String strName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName) Try fileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(strName)) Me.lblResult.Text = """" + strName + """ was uploaded successfully." Catch ex As Exception Me.lblResult.Text = "An Error Occured While Uploading File." End Try

What we are doing here is that we read the PostedFile from the HTML control, and save it to our server using Server.MapPath to get our desired destination. That being a simple method let us now look into compression. In the second button's event handler, start off the same way as we did in the first, by checking if the user posted a file or no t. Then proceed to the following:

'A String object reads the file name (locally) Dim strName As String = Path.GetFileName(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName) 'Create a stream object to read the file. Dim myStream As Stream = fileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream 'Allocate space in buffer for use according to length of file. Dim myBuffer(myStream.Length) As Byte 'Read the file using the Stream object and fill the buffer. myStream.Read(myBuffer, 0, myBuffer.Length) myStream.Close() 'Change the extension of the file creating a FileStream object. Dim myCompressedFile As FileStream myCompressedFile = File.Create( _  Server.MapPath(Path.ChangeExtension(strName,"gz"))) 'GZip object that compress the file Dim myStreamZip As New GZipStream(myCompressedFile, CompressionMode.Compress) 'Write Back myStreamZip.Write(myBuffer, 0, myBuffer.Length) myStreamZip.Close() Me.lblResult.Text = """" + strName lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text + " was compressed &uploaded successfully." What we do here is read the file into a stream, change its extension to the appropriate GZ ext, and compress using the GZipStream compression method. The same method, GZipStream, can be used for UnCompressing files, by using CompressionMode.UnCompress. Don't forget to download Sample Visual Studio .NET 2005 project for this tutorial here .

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