ZET 9 Astrology Software - User Guide

March 14, 2017 | Author: Alberto Lupo | Category: N/A
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ZET 9 Astrology Software - User Guide...


Version 9 User Guide Last updated: 9 August 2014 Blue color for new ZET 9 (in comparison with ZET 8) features

Introduction Astrological feature list 1) For beginners: · · · · · · · · · · ·

Tooltip help for every chart feature Interactive astrological interpretation of objects on the chart (planets, houses, Zodiac signs, etc) Extended computer-generated interpretations of natal (birth) and transit (astrological forecast) charts HTML-based help system Open library of interpretation texts, with a convenient system for cataloging texts, and the ability to select texts for a particular type of chart Sabian symbols Recall previously created charts instantly from the History log Forecast up to 10 years ahead using a transit comparison with the natal chart, presented in graphical form Facilities for an interactive space photo-album and mythological art gallery I-Ching Oracle with multimedia facilities Insonation of interpretation texts by speech synthesizer

2) For the professional astrologer: ·

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Radix charts; single and dual charts (transits, synastry, various kinds of directions and progressions: solar, lunar, embolismic lunation, phase progressed, profected, ...); any scale of progression and direction (including converse); Primary Directions (with real movement of planets); Primary Directions using an oblique ascension at calculation direction angle between promissor and signifocator, are considered correct traditional method; Davison relationship chart; composite chart; coalescent chart; harmonic charts; Uranian 90 degree dial charts; Traditional Charts: some kinds of traditional (square) cards in the European medieval style and in several Indian styles. Complex charts: up to 7 planet rings in one chart wheel Fixed charts: any previously-calculated chart can be included in a complex chart Multibot charts allowing to create several data sets in one chart (the data set is pair "initial, background"). Thus there is a possibility to place on a chart simultaneously a several natals and a several adhered to everyone natal derivative charts. In particular, it is possible, for example, to look aspects of planets of a progression of one natal to planets of another natal, aspects of a progression of several events to one natal, etc. [more] Option of topocentric, geocentric, heliocentric, horizontal and other systems of coordinates; several kinds of sidereal ajanamsa Right (3-dimension) displaying of Placidus house cusps at natal chart, at celestial sphere, at geographical map (ACG)


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Interactive adjustment of chart properties (colors, dimensions, objects displayed, etc); control of various operating parameters Astrological tables: Lunar days (and Moon Rises and Sets, New moons, Full moons), Sunrises and Sunsets, Planetary Hours, Ingresses of the Moon and planets, perigee and apogee of the Moon Parallels, contraparallels, antiscia, and contrantiscia Interactive dynamics of time. Examine, for example, change of birth time resulting from the synchronous change of a progression chart Acceptance of centi-seconds of time and geographical coordinates Horary Wizard, allowing to automate some stages of construction and the analysis horary charts: a choice of significators and derivative houses, definition of conditions of realisation of aspects etc. 'Pick and turn' technology for interactive chart adjustment using the chart wheel's planet glyphs, with immediate recalculation of planet positions and aspects Parameters of planetary orbits and elements of rotation displayable on the chart Utilize asteroids, stars, nebulae, eclipses Support for hypothetical planets of the Uranian school and others; it's even possible to define your own planets Arabic parts (Pars), user-definable 27 systems of houses Krusinski house system Interactive dynamics of geographical location. Examine, for example, places for relocation Graphic diagrams of planet movement and aspects formed: select radix, transit, progression, or directions for any period of time from 3 days to 120 years, using any subset of planets and houses, in harmonics of 360, 90, 60, 45, 30 degrees Run second ZET instance with a chart, selected from Data Base or History log Database facilities with embedded photos High-quality output to laser and inkjet printers using TrueType fonts and more features are added regularly

Astronomical functions · · ·


Complete calculation of the orbits of planets; full astronomical data on all the planets Accuracy of calculation to 1 arc-second Calculates the exact positions of major asteroids between 1500 to 2150. Includes data for 11000+ other known and designated asteroids, with exact calculation between 1998-2002, and the option of exact calculation for any date using additional ephemeris files obtainable over the Internet. Possibility to calculate and display at the same time all known asteroids and comets (more then 300000) Includes 9100 stars (Yale Bright Star Catalog), and 200000 with the optional Hipparcos Catalog . Adjusts for precession and stellar proper motions

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3D Space tableau showing the solar system, planets' satellites, asteroids, orbits, and background stars; zoomable, with animation and the option of an astronomical photo-gallery 3D Celestial Sphere planetarium, showing stars, planets, astrological relationships, and horizontal, equatorial, ecliptical systems of coordinates; zoomable, with animation, and interactive information Calculation of periods of Algol fixed star brightness minima (operation displying and calendar)

Astro*carto*graphy · ·

Zoomable interactive World map, with city names, boundaries, and location marking; option of using a detailed topographic map (ZET Geo) Map on the Earh globe


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Atlases of 14000 cities (World Atlas) and 200000 cities (World Atlas II, e.g. 4255 for United Kingdom): coordinates can be edited, and new places added. Additional special Big Atlases available e.g. Atlas for Russia contains approx. 200000 names Names of cities, counties (regions) and countries on the map Planets on the zenith projected on the map Various projections of the grid of astrological houses on the geographical map Projection of aspects between planets and angular cusps, showing lines on the Earth where these are salient Combination of InMundo and Angular projections Prime Vertical and Vertex-AntiVertex axes projections Geodetic projection of a celestial object (star, planet, asteroid) onto the geographical map (with some projective systems) Lines of ecliptical and equatorial longitude from the symbolic projection of a celestial object on the Earth Local Space projection - lines of geographical azimuthal direction to planets Symbolic projection of cities to the zodiac Select any subset of planets for projection Parans - ACG line crossings List of Parans for the latitude of a choosen city, within a selected orb. The list can include stars Use Astro*carto*graphy not just on single charts (natal, radix), but with any dual chart

And there is a lot of other things.

Versions of ZET 9 ZET 9 is available in three versions with different functionality, and naturally, cost:

· Lite - personal 'freeware' version for casting individual horoscopes, compatibility horoscopes and creating a 3 day astrological forecast; print facilities disabled; all astronomical features are available, · Pro - the base Professional edition adds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Support for 20 predefined types of dual charts (progressed, directed, planet return, etc) and the facility for user-defined dual charts Primary Directions (with obliquity accention) Horary Wizard Moon void of course recognation Rectification of birth time functions Print-out and copying of the interpretation Uranian charts Interpretation in HTML Web document format, with integrated graphics Automatic saving of interpretation documents as files with unique names Graphical Aspects Diagram (progressions, directions, mundane) and ephemerides Sidereal and Draconic Zodiacs Horizontal and Equatorial coordinate systems World Atlas II with 200000 cities with time changes tables Geographical Atlas Editor Possibility to use up to 99 objects (planets, Arabic parts, asteroids, virtual objects)

· Geo - the complete Professional edition, with additional features: 1. 2.

Complex charts and Fixed charts Composite and coalescent charts


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Multibot charts Configuration Manager Hotkeys Manager Possibility to specify the time and location with 0.01 sec accuracy Solar and Lunar eclipses for any period, displayable on Chart, Map and Sky tableaux Astro*carto*graphy and cyclo*carto*graphy Geographical map with precision coastlines (one arc-second or 30 meters/pixel accuracy), rivers, and administrative boundaries Topographical relief map (1 kilometer/pixel resolution) Google Maps Big Atlases of the coordinates of settlements and geographical features for individual countries Password protected access

Terms of purchase of ZET 9 Pro and Geo can be found on the ZET Web site at www.zaytsev.com.

Minimum system requirements · · · ·

OS Windows XP/Vista/7 512 MB RAM Screen resolution 800x600, High Color (16-bit) 37 MB of free disk space (ZET Lite)


Your First Horoscope You have just run ZET for the first time. Naturally, you want to see your own horoscope. This is what to do: · Click the "Data" button on the Toolbar. (If the Toolbar is invisible, select "Horoscope" from the main menu, then "Event Data..." - or hit F3). Notice how you get a popup hint when you pause the mouse pointer over a button - this help tooltip is available for most tableau objects and icons. This brings up a window for you to enter birth details. It is the Event Data window - the place where you will most often input dates, times, and places for creating ('casting' or 'erecting', as astrologers say) horoscope charts. A blinking vertical line shows which entryfield your typed text will go into.

· Click in the top field and type your name, and if you want, surname. (It is ok to enter something else, or nothing at all). Press the Tab key to move to the next field (right), or click with the mouse where you see the gender. · Indicate your gender by selecting from list or pressing on one of the keys: M, F, -. (This is advised for the horoscope reading). Press the Tab key to move to the next field below, or click with the mouse where you see the date. · Don't delete the existing date; simply overtype it with your date of birth, in the order: day.month.year. If you were born on, say, the 4th of July, 1976 type the digits 04071976. The keyboard cursor keys move the insertion point left and right. ZET will not allow you to leave the date entryfield unless the date is valid. When you are ready, press the Tab key to go to the time field, which is across from the date. · Enter your time of birth in this format hours:minutes:seconds using the 24-hour clock. If you do not remember the time precisely yourself, and Mom has told you that it seems it was during the daytime, enter it as 12:00:00. (There is no need to type the colon characters - just press the Space bar). · Click the "Open Atlas" button. The Atlas window appears, from which you can quickly obtain the geographical coordinates (and other required data) of the city where you were born.


Select "World Atlas" and "All" from the middle and the right drop-down lists respectively. Then click in the left field at the top of the window and type the first letters of the name of a city, for example, liverp. In the cities list the blue highlighting bar should jump to the Atlas entry for Liverpool, England. If not (say you see instead 'Liverpool, New York, USA'), use the cursor keys to look thru the Atlas for your city. If your place of birth is not in the Atlas, you can try looking in the larger atlas: select your country from the top-right drop-down list, then select "World Atlas II" from the middle list. If this does not contain your place of birth either, for now choose the nearest large town - you can edit the Atlas later. To select a city, double-click on the highlighted line, or press the Enter key. The Atlas window is closed, and you revert to the Event Data window, in which you can see that your selected city, its latitude (North or South of the equator) and longitude (West or East of Greenwich), and any time difference (if applicable - in the field labelled "GMT") have all been entered automatically for you. Time difference - or Time Zone - is the number of hours by which local civil time at a place is ahead of (or behind) Greenwich Mean Time, which is the basis of calculations. For more information about this topic, see Your Location. NOTE: Time Zones are in European format, not American format. Easterly locations are indicated with a '+' sign, those west of the Greenwich meridian with '-'. TIP: If next time you want this city, there is no need to use the Atlas. Cities that were selected for previous calculations will be recognised if you type their first letters directly in the City field. Or, make your selection from the drop-down list. (This list is called the Operational Atlas). · Click the Execute button to cast the natal chart:


· If you want to read the computer interpretation of your horoscope, click the Text button on the Toolbar or select "Horoscope" from the main menu and then "Interpretation..." item to invoke the "Interpretation Setup" wizard:


Make appropriate settings in this window: kind of interpretation (e.g. "For the displayed Natal Chart"), the output format (e.g. "Plain text"), the order (e.g. "Collate in house order") and others. Also you can select the collection of interpretaion sourses (books) from which the citations will be extracted: click "Library" button and proceed. · Select Click "OK" button and your horoscope will appear. Read it:



Elements of the Main Window The main window of the program contains the following elements: · · · ·

Main Menu, Toolbar, Tableau, Status Bar.

Main menu

The main menu contains control items, invoked from drop-down submenus. The main menu can be optionally displayed or dispensed with, depending on the "Main menu" setting in General Settings. If the main menu is not displayed, you can use the Toolbar and 'hot-keys'. The Toolbar

The Toolbar panel contains several buttons, which invoke operations directly or via a submenu. The appearance of the Toolbar depends on the current tableau (Chart, Cosmos, Sky, etc). The buttons have popup hints, which appear when the mouse pointer is paused over them. The Toolbar can be optionally displayed or removed, depending on the "Toolbar" setting in General Settings. It can also be set to work in auto-hide mode, i.e. to appear only when the mouse pointer is moved to the upper border of the window. The popup menu of the Toolbar allows to invoce a Wizard of Toolbar's mode, allowing to disply only buttons you wish and hide others, specify an order of buttons on the Toolbar, choose small or large button size. The buttons have a popup hints. If all buttons can't located on the Toolbar, then appears additional button with a menu of other (not located) buttons.

There is additional popup toolbar appears when move a mouse pointer to right-top corner of the tableau. The set of buttons on this toolbar depends of current tableau (natal chart, geographical map, celestial sphere, ets.):


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The tableau is the main information part of the window. The program has the following tableaux. All the tableaux are connected thru having the same 'current time', i.e. the time and date of the Event Data window. · · · · · ·

Chart (astrological, natal), Cosmos (astro-planetarium), Sky (celestial sphere), Constellations (press Alt+F2 keys to view), Geographical Map, Static picture (press space-bar to view a picture from Mandala folder).

Select the desired tableau using the main menu, or the Toolbar buttons, or hot-keys. Ordinarily ZET 9 displays one tableau at a time. You can, however, view multiple connected tableaux by starting new instances of the program, and synchronizing them to operate in Joint mode, so that they share the current time (see Event Data). Chart, Cosmos, and Geographical Map tableaux have their own popup menus of options. Status bar

The Status bar is located at the bottom of the window, and is used for displaying important settings, and for operational messages. Items on the Status bar which have info tooltips also function as control buttons (from left to right): · · · · · ·

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Current configuration indicator/button - the name of the current configuration which forms the basis for current settings. If this field is clicked with the mouse, the General Configuration menu is displayed. Aspects control information indicator/button - the ring(s) of the chart currently selected for aspecting, and the orb table currently in use. When clicked with the mouse, the orb table window is displayed. Current program message - messages are displayed for 5 seconds. This example shows a hint message, which appears when mouse moved on Jupiter glyph. Time Zone Table indicator - green: TZ table enabled, yellow: exists but disabled, red - not exists. See Event Data. Star precession indicator/button - see Stars. Also here is the indicator of planet displacement (for Horary). Real-time Clock indicator/button - click with the mouse to switch ON (or OFF) the 'real-time clock' mode. When activated, tableaux are dynamically updated in real-time using the system time and date, and the current location of the event data, i.e. real-time tableaux for anywhere in the world. Click right mouse button to invoce a real-time clock settings window to set an interval of recalculation: 1, 10, 60 seconds, appliyng of core or background data, and others. Repository of shortcuts buttons - charts can be saved here for rapid retrieval using the Chart tableau's "Create Shortcut" popup menu option, and restored using the repository popup menu or by drag-and-drop onto the Chart tableau. You can save up to 6 chart shortcuts. Asc/Age indicator/button - a dual-purpose indicator. In Asc mode, it displays the real-time ascendant at the user's location. In Age mode, it displays the time difference between the natal or event data and the current system date/time (for single charts), and the time difference between the core and background data (for dual charts). Click the indicator with the mouse to toggle between Asc and Age modes. Current universal (GMT) time indicator.

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Horoscope Chart The horoscope Chart tableau is displayed by default when ZET starts. You can redisplay the tableau at any time by: · ·

clicking the "Horoscope Chart" Toolbar button, or selecting "Tableau" | "Chart" from the main menu

This topic describes the main features of the Chart tableau, and the concept of data sets used to create different types (single, dual, and multiple) of horoscope chart. To read about the procedure for entering birth and/or life event details and casting an astrological chart see Event Data.

The Chart tableau is interactive - the graphical display is the human/computer interface. Glyphs and texts are sensitive to mouse actions: pausing the mouse pointer over them, left- and right-clicks, double-clicks... experiment!

Adjustment of the chart graphic The contents of the tableau and their dimensions and sizes can be customized to suit personal preferences, work flow, hardware capability, etc. Adjustment is done thru the various tabs of the Chart Settings window.

Interactive features 12 | P a g e

The Dynamic Tooltips: Position the mouse pointer over any element of the chart, and you will see a small yellow window appear nearby with the item's description (its name, or some other information). (Their color may be different if you have customized the Windows Desktop). You can disable these 'info tooltips' if you prefer, and set the length of time it takes for them to appear and disappear. The 360° Protractor: Click the mouse inside the ring of planets (i.e. on the central disc with criss-crossing aspect lines), and hold down the mouse button. A graduated 360 degree dial appears in the center of the wheel. Drag with the mouse in a circular motion to rotate the dial to any degree of the Zodiac. Rotating the Chart: Move the mouse pointer over the inner border of the multicolored Zodiac ring, and wait a moment for the mouse pointer to become a circle with arrowheads. Press, and hold pressed, the main mouse button and move the mouse. The chart wheel rotates and the tableau is fully updated as you rotate the wheel: displayed time, planet positions, aspects formed, and other time-dependent information. This action causes the 'current time', i.e. the time of the implied event, to change, and the Event Data window contains the new time. With dual untied charts (see below) it is possible to rotate either inner or outer wheel, i.e. place the mouse pointer on the outer border of the Zodiac ring and drag it. As you drag observe the planet positions list to verify that you are dragging the intended wheel. You can also drag the glyphs of the main planets (Sun thru Pluto) in the same way, and with identical effect. Observe that when Sol is dragged the time changes in increments of one day, and when Luna is dragged, the time changes in increments of one hour. Zooming and Shifting: Click the mouse on the large bullet at the right side of the Toolbar (tooltip: "Zoom In (Pg Up)") to magnify the wheel. Magnification up to 8x is possible. To revert to lower magnification, click the adjacent button with the point ("Zoom Out (Pg Dn)"). The chart wheel can be shifted to view any magnified portion by holding down the Shift key and clicking and dragging the tableau with the mouse. Viewing the dynamics of an aspect: Left-click on an aspect line in the central region of the wheel to display the Dynamics Diagram for the aspect. This window shows the progress of the aspect as it develops over time, which is frequently more complex than expected. NOTE: declination aspects (shown on the wheel as arcs) must clicked on in the middle of the arc for their Dynamics Diagrams. See also the planet popup menu below. Viewing the Sabian Symbols: Position the mouse pointer on the outermost edge of the wheel so that a white rectangle appears under the stem of the pointer shape, and press and hold the main mouse button - a blue line appears as a radius-vector on the wheel, and the Degree Overview window is displayed. You can drag this 'arm' with the mouse to rotate it to any degree. The Degree Overview window contains the Sabian symbol interpretation of the degree of the Zodiac and other relevant data for the degree (the properties of the window are customizable) . Popup Menus: The Chart tableau has several popup menus, depending on where the mouse pointer is placed. Right-click on a planet glyph for a popup menu of information and options for the planet: · · · ·

Planet identifier - planet name and its zodiacal longitude, V: - the apparent current speed of the planet expressed as degrees traveled in a day, and the percentage of the average speed that this represents, Aspects Grid - displays a window of aspects for the planet. This is a slice of the full Aspects Grid, A list of the planet's aspects - selecting one of these displays the aspect's Dynamics Diagram window,

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Degree Overview - displays the Degree Overview window, Interpretation - displays a window with an astrological interpretation of the planet's situation by sign, house and aspect. NOTE: Interactive interpretations are taken from the Operational Bookshelf. General interpretation of the horoscope is performed using the Executive Bookshelf (by default, "Main"). See Library of Interpretation Texts, View - displays a picture of the planet. NOTE: this option is enabled only if image files of the planet are available, Astronomical Data - displays a panel of information about the planet. Click the two buttons at lower-left to switch pages. The button at lower-right closes the panel, Position/Speed Diagram - opens a window showing graphically the velocity of the planet. The diagram displays the planet's speed in relation to its zodiacal position. The times of notable astrological events (sign ingresses, stations) are also shown. Right-click in the window for a popup menu to view past or future motion (relative to the time of the current chart), and to show more or less information ("Period" menu item).

Right-click on a house number or cusp number for a popup menu similar to the planets popup menu just described. (NOTE: the Aspects Grid displays aspects to a house cusp only if the house cusp has been selected for inclusion in the Aspects Grid - see Chart Settings - Aspects). The popup menu includes these additional items: ·


Renumber Houses - this feature for horary is best described by example. If you want to interpret the theme of say the 5th house in more detail, invoke this command after placing the mouse pointer on the line or label for the 5th house cusp, or the label of V House. The wheel is rotated so that the 5th house cusp is positioned at the normal 1st house cusp position (i.e. 5th house becomes 1st house), Restore House Numbers - rotates the chart back to its normal orientation and house numbering.

Right-click on a Zodiac symbol in the zodiac ring of the wheel for a popup menu for that Sign: · ·

Description - to read an astrological description of the Sign, Look - to view a picture of the Sign from the mythological picture gallery (NOTE: this option is enabled only if image files are available).

Clicking on an aspect symbol or line effects the following (declination aspect lines should be clicked centrally): · ·

left-click displays the aspect's Dynamics Diagram, right-click displays an astrological interpretation of the aspect.

Double-click in the Chart tableau to display the Chart Settings window. From this multi-tabbed window you can select many different options for the chart, and immediately view their effects. Right-click in the tableau to display the Chart tableau menu with the following options (click the links for more information): · · · · · · · ·

Chart Settings... to adjust the chart, Event Data... to create a new chart, Database... to store and retrieve charts, History... to operate with the log of previously-cast horoscopes, Interpretation... to derive an interpretation of a chart, Apects Grid to display the aspectarian, Aspect Direction... to set rings for aspecting in multi-ring charts (enabled only for multi-ring charts), Print... the chart tableau,

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Orb Adjustment... to adjust orbs of aspects globally. Drag the displayed slider using the mouse or the Left- and Right-arrow cursor keys to temporarily alter orbs between 50% and 200% of their current values. (The current orb table is not affected). Click and drag the slider panel to move it. Right-click on the panel to close it and revert to set orbs, Default Delimiters to tidy the information blocks at right of the tableau (enabled only if the "Delimiter" option in Chart Settings has been set). Create Shortcut to place the current chart in the Shortcuts Respository. The Repository is on the Status bar of the main window, Save As Fixed to save the current chart as a Fixed chart - it is added to the list of available charts in the Chart Type Selector window. Fixed charts can be reused, e.g. for aspects, but their underlying event data is not available (in some cases it may be fictitious). See Complex and Fixed Charts, Reference Date to display reference time information for dual and complex charts.

1-data Charts The basic charts of astrology use just one set of time, date, and place data for their erection. Examples of such 1-data charts are the natal chart of a person, and the horary chart, which is erected for a particular moment deemed to be significant, e.g. the intiation of a business enterprise. Different rules apply to their construction and interpretation according to their purpose. 1-data charts are referred to in this User Guide as single charts.

2-data Charts A significant part of astrology involves interpreting two sets of event data in relation to each other. Sometimes the requirement is simply to compare two events directly, e.g. a synastry comparison of two people (nativities), or a transit chart, which considers the effect of planets at some date on a natal chart (rules of interpretation are different). A number of prognostic techniques, however, require symbolic transformation of the event data for some time and place after (and occasionally before) a birth, as a prerequisite to comparing it with birth data. These are the variously designated progressions, directions, etc, and the resultant chart is interpreted both on its own terms and in relation to the birth chart. 2-data charts are referred to in this User Guide as dual charts. When working with two sets of birth or event data, ZET distinguishes them as Core and Background (these are ZET's terms). The background data set typically undergoes transformation in prognostic techniques. You can think of the core data set as central to an issue and to the chart wheel since, to erect a horoscope for a nativity or an event, some basic data must be entered, and ZET displays the result on its inner chart wheel. Dual charts on the other hand involve comparing some fixed baseline (main, central) data - typically a nativity - in a context (against a background) which is up for selection - for example, a prospective marriage partner, or the start date of a project. This background data is displayed astrologically on the outer wheel. To see how these fit together in different types of chart, consider the table: TYPE OF CHART CORE DATA Natal

Birth (or event) data


Birth data


Time and location of event

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Data of the first partner

Data of the second partner


Birth data

Transformed time and location of event


Birth data

Transformed time and location of event


Birth data

Recurrence of celestial position


Birth data of two or more people


Time and place of a question

The distinction between core and background data is astrological and terminological. ZET has no in-built preference - the facilities for operating with core data can also be applied to the background data. ZET can display up to 7 charts resulting from multiple techniques on the wheel, using a separate ring for each set of planets - see Complex Charts. However, at most two dynamic data sets (core and background data) underlie these charts. Other non-adjustable 'fixed charts' can also be included, but they are static. See Prognostic Charts for information about the techniques available in ZET.

N-data Charts More recently astrologers have devised techniques which allow more than two sets of astrological event data to be reduced to a single chart. The resultant chart may or may not be real, i.e. describe a set of positions that the planets could in reality adopt. Such charts, however, allow scope for the interpretation of otherwise intractable many-factored situations. Examples are the Davison relationship chart, and the (Hand) composite chart. In ZET these N-data charts are erected via the Database window, not the Event Data window.

Animation To interactively adjust event data, and to animate the chart wheel, see Dynamics of Time and Dynamics of Location, but note: If the chart type is single, the dynamics of time and location use the core data. If the chart type is dual untied (e.g. transit, synastry), it is possible to animate either the core data or the background data in relation to the other data. If the chart type is dual connected (e.g. progressed, directed, return), the dynamics operate as follows: · ·

when changing the core data -> both core and background data sets are changed, and the background chart is automatically recalculated, when changing the background data -> only meaningful as a change of time (or place) of the event, for example, annual solar return.

Glyph Editor The glyphs of planets, etc can be customized. When ZET glyphs are used, typing Alt+F accesses the builtin Glyph Editor for creating and editing astrological symbols. This operates in a manner similar to other icon editors, for example, for creating Windows desktop icons. Alternatively, the main glyphs can be obtained from an astrologically-enabled TrueType (continuously scalable) font - several can be

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downloaded from the ZET Web site. ZET glyphs will still be used for minor bodies. ZET does not have facilities for editing TrueType fonts.

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Prognostic Charts Prognostic charts are dual charts which require natal (core) data and later life (background) data. Different procedures can be used to symbolically reduce the later life data to extract key astrological information when the charts are compared.

Transit This is a method of forecasting based on comparing a birth chart with another chart for a later, real moment in time. No symbolic procedure is applied to the background data. The planetary aspects between the two charts are usually of prime importance, though by no means the only significant factor.

Progressed Progressions are a group of related prognostic techniques involving the symbolic transformation of the movement of the planets over the period of interest. A common variant is a chart constructed so that 1 day's actual movement represents 1 year of life. Thus, for example, constructing a chart for the 21st day of life will show events which should take place in the 21st year of life, both counted both from the moment of birth. This particular method is referred to as 'Secondary Progression'. ZET has the following types of progressed chart predefined ready for use (and their symbolic transformation factors): · · · · · ·

Secondary Progressed: 1 day = 1 year Tertiary Progressed: 1 day = 1 sidereal lunar month Minor Progressed: 1 sidereal lunar month = 1 tropical year Regressed: 1 day = -1 year Lunar Return Progressed: 1 sidereal lunar month = 1 year Embolismic Lunation Progressed: 1 synodic month = 1 year

Users have the option of defining their own types of progressed chart (see below). There are three methods of computing house cusps in progressed charts - ZET supports all of them: · · ·

One degree of MC per year, in which the progressed Midheaven advances at a rate of about 1 degree for one day per year, and which wrongly mixes up the method of progressions with directions, Solar Arc from MC, in which progressed Midheaven travels at the speed of the Sun, and the other cusps are calculated from the MC. This method also suffers as previously, Fast (Real) Houses, i.e. the motion of progressed houses corresponds in scale to progressed time. The program author considers this to be the most correct method.

Directed Directions are alternative prognostication methods based on the daily rotation of the Earth on its axis - also called 'Primary Directions'. The basic technique is to consider the passage of 1 degree of celestial Right Ascension across a fixed geographical meridian of place as equivalent to 1 year of life. The general principle is that all the events which take place during the life of a person are unwrapped in the 6 hours immediately following birth. The zodiacal positions of the planets, with the exception of the Moon, Mercury, and to some extent Venus, remain practically constant. ZET has the following types of directed chart predefined:

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Equatorial Directed: 1 degree = 1 year - describes a symbolic conformity between the daily rotation of the Earth (considered at the equator) and the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun (on the ecliptic). Zodiacal Directed: 1 degree = 1 year - as above, but in a simplified form where 1 year of life corresponds to 1 degree of ecliptic movement. Solar Arc Directed Equatorially: the angle equivalent to 1 year of life is equal to the daily change of Right Ascension of the Sun. Solar Arc Directed Zodiacally: the angle equivalent to 1 year of life is equal to the daily change of ecliptical longitude of the Sun. Persian Directed: 1 degree = 1 year - houses are motionless. Prophected: 30 degrees of ecliptic = 1 year. Naibod Directed: 59'08" = 1 year. Primary Directed (natural): the kind Equatorial Direction with time rate 1 degree of right ascension (RA) of the MC = 1 tropical year, or one sidereal day = 360 tropical years, and with additional real movement of planets. Primary Directed (classic): the kind Equatorial Direction using an oblique ascension at calculation direction angle between promissor and signifocator.

Users have the option of defining their own types of equatorially and zodiacally directed charts.

Solar Return Also known as a 'solar revolution' or simply 'return' chart. The method is similar to transits, but the background chart is constructed for the moment when the Sun returns to its natal position in subsequent years. It is used in ZET for the annual forecast. The minor solar return chart is similar, but is calculated for the moment of appearance of the Sun in the same degree of each sign of the Zodiac that it has in the sign of the natal chart.

Lunar Return Also known as a 'lunar revolution', or simply 'lunar' chart. The method is similar to transits, but the background chart is constructed for the moment when the Moon successively returns to its natal position. It is used in ZET for the monthly forecast.

Other return charts By extension of the solar and lunar return methods, a planet return chart can be constructed for any of the planets from Mercury thru Pluto, e.g. Saturn return. Selection of the planet is as follows: · ·

Open Chart Type Selector window and check the item "Saturn Return", If there is no the "Saturn Return" item, then open the "Dual Chart Editor" ("Settings" toolbar button) and activate this item. Then proceed to the first point.

The Terrar chart is a return chart constructed for the daily 'return' of the time of birth of the nativity, i.e. return of the meridian to the midheaven degree of the natal chart (MC return). To generate a sequence of successive and preceding return charts, use either the dedicated buttons on the dynamics of Time control panel, or the Event Data window (tooltip label: "Return").

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Embolismic Lunation Also known as a '(lunar) phase return(ing)', 'phase lunar', or 'phase revolution' chart. In this method a chart is constructed for the moment when the angular distance (the planetary arc) between the natal Moon and Sun reoccurs. Returns of the Sun and Moon to their mutual natal aspect occur every 29.5 days (1 synodic month). On the basis of the embolismic lunation chart, the events and conditions of the next 29.5 days in the native's life are predicted.

Embolismic Lunation Progressed Also known as 'phase progressed'. This is a version of embolismic lunation based on forecasting a year in the life of a native after birth from the return of the Sun and the Moon to mutual natal aspect, such that the first embolismic lunation after birth corresponds to the native at age one year (i.e. it gives the forecast for the 2nd year of life)... and the 25th embolismic lunation gives the forecast for age 25 until the 26th birthday, etc. The period of recurrence of the Lunar phase is termed the synodic month. One tropical year contains 12.368267 lunar synodic months.

Lunar Return Progressed This prognostic technique combines features of progressions and returns. The essence of the technique consists in constructing an astrological chart at the moment of return of the Moon to its natal position (see lunar return), and equating each return of the Moon to one year of the native's life. So, for the description of the basic tendencies of the 33rd year of life, it is necessary to construct a chart for the 32nd return of the Moon after the nativity. The principle underlying the lunar return progression is similar to the embolismic lunation progressed chart. The period of the return of the Moon to the natal position (recurrence of zodiac longitude) is known as the sidereal month, and is 27 days, 7 hours and 41 minutes. One year contains 13.368228 lunar sidereal months.

Creating a prognostic chart To erect a prognostic chart: 1. 2. 3.


Open the Event Data window, Enter the nativity details, by inputting birth data or by selecting from the Database, Set the background data, i.e. input the time and place of the current context of interest, typically 'now'. Click the "Background Data form" button in the dialog to input this data. Specify the real, actual time of the event; ZET will make the required technical adjustment automatically according to the prognostic method which is selected. To revert to the core data, click the "Core Data form" button. NOTE: At start-up ZET loads the Background data form automatically with the current time at Your Location, so for many prognostic chart calculations this step can be omitted, Click the "Chart Type" button to display the Chart Type Selector window:

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Select the chart type from the main list e.g. Synastry,

You can drag-and-drop items in the Selector window to change the chart order. You can also change the default chart order in the Dual Chart Editor window. If you choose a Solar Return, Lunar Return, Embolismic Lunation, Minor Solar Return, Terrar or Planet Return chart, then the window (and the Dynamics of Time window) contains buttons, for casting the next or previous return.

return control

The initial return chart is calculated for the return just previous to the background data time.

Reference date To create a prognostic chart, you entered the (background) date of interest and ZET applied the required symbolic transformation. But what is the date that the transformation yielded? To see these dates, invoke the Chart tableau popup menu and select the "Reference Date" item. The following window is displayed:

The Reference Date window displays the date and time for the charts arrived at by application of prognostic techniques. The numbers at left are the ring number of the current chart. To utilise the reference dates, select an item and right click to display the window's popup menu, and select Copy Reference Date. The date can be pasted into an Event Data form, Dynamics of Time control panel, etc. For return charts the option exists to display their reference dates in the planets list header. If this is required, checkmark the option "Ref. data of Return in Header" on the Chart Settings - Format tab.

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Even more types of prognostic chart The above are the main types of dual chart which ZET can produce. You can see a complete list of them by selecting a "Chart Editor" item of Selector's popup menu, or clicking the "Setings" button on a toolbar and selecting

"Dual Chart Editor" menu item.

In the Dual Chart Editor window you can select those chart types which you want listed in the Chart Type Selector window for your convenience. You can also create your own types of dual chart here.

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Synastry Synastry is an astrological technique for gauging the compatibility of two people, typically as marriage partners. To cast a synastry chart you would do the following: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.


Enter the nativity details (see Event Data) of one partner, by inputting new birth data or by selecting from the Database, Click the "Background data form" button in the Event Data window, and input the birth data of the second partner as above. Do not omit to set the gender of the persons, as this is utilized in the computer-generated reading of the synastry, Click the "Chart Type" button to bring up the Chart Type Selector window, Checkmark Synastry in the list of chart types, Click the "Execute" button of the Event Data window to erect the chart, If you have synastry interpretation texts available, you can now click the "Texts" button on the Toolbar, or select "Horoscope" | "Interpretation" from the main menu, to display the Interpretation Setup window:

Complete the settings as shown above, and click "OK". You will then see something like this:

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Diana, Princess of Wales 1 July 1961 19:45 (GMT+1) Sandringham, England (52n50 0e30)

Charles, Prince 14 November 1948 21:14 (GMT) London, England (51n30 0w10)

* Diana's Moon Square Charles's Sun ( 92.6°) Essentially, Diana, this is an aspect of mutual interference: ego conflicts, differences of opinion, personality clashes, problems in co-operation and difficulties in marriage are probable. However, these problems are not insurmountable providing many other positive indicators are present. * Diana's Uranus Square Charles's Sun ( 89.1°) At the beginning of this relationship Charles, probably found you fascinating, exciting and magnetically attractive. Your unique qualities and original concepts certainly had an effect on his personality. However, in time, and after many shocks to his system, Charles, may come to view you as unpredictable, often unreliable, freedom loving, somewhat eccentric and too independent by half. Likewise, you may regard

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him as bossy, demanding, restrictive and uncooperative, lacking vision and a sense of adventure. * Diana's Venus Opposition Charles's Sun (178.0°) An excellent mutual aspect, Diana, - sexual attraction, romance and possibly marriage is indicated. There is a strong emotional rapport; you enjoy each other's company, share common interests and have lots of fun together. As a couple you should be socially popular and have lots of friends. However, some disagreements are probable and on these occasions Charles, regards you as frivolous, extravagant, emotional, lazy and out for a good time. In response, you argue that he is uncaring, arrogant, bossy and lacks sensitivity. Nevertheless, these differences are soon resolved. * Diana's Mars Trine Charles's Moon (121.2°) This aspect, Diana, helps to energise and emotionally stimulate your relationship - strong sexual attraction should mature into a rewarding and mutually fulfilling sex-life. Your high level of compatibility suggests that you get on well together in the home. You certainly make a good team and co-operate effectively in any domestic, social, sports and financial activities. * Diana's North Node Trine Charles's Moon (117.7°) An emotionally satisfying social life is suggested by this aspect, Diana,. It is probable that your home is used as the focus of all activity. * Diana's Pluto Sextile Charles's Mercury ( 60.9°) With this combination, Diana, it is likely that you will have a transformative effect upon Charles's mind. You bring him into contact with revolutionary concepts of life that he finds intellectually fascinating. This is an association that can irrevocably change Charles's mental view of life - politics, social reform, scientific work, spiritual development, depth psychology, occult work and life-after-death issues are just some of the possible areas of mental diversion. You gain through Charles's ability to formulate and structure your ideas and beliefs regarding social, political or domestic reform. As a couple you are probably involved in many self-improvement projects. * Diana's Jupiter Square Charles's Mercury ( 88.1°) With this aspect Diana, it is probable your religious, ideological or social views may be in conflict with Charles's philosophical ideals. This situation may create some mental or moral confusion and an occasional lack of mutual understanding. However, this should not prove too much of a handicap in your relationship providing that you both exercise a degree of kindness and tolerance for each other's personal ideals. * Diana's Sun Trine Charles's Mercury (117.3°) This combination of planets is very favourable for intellectual friendship and mutual co-operation. You tend to stimulates Charles's mind and encourages new ideas, and in return he provides inspiration for your creative projects. This is a very helpful aspect for any kind of relationship because any differences of opinion are discussed and soon resolved through plain common sense. * Diana's Mars Trine Charles's Jupiter (118.2°) This in an excellent aspect, Diana, because it indicates that, as a couple, you are likely to achieve prosperity or increased social status. This will be attained through mutual co-operation and intelligent constructive effort. You find Charles's philosophical, religious or social ideals attractive and it is probable that you channel a great deal of your energy into a joint social enterprise or some educational self-improvement project. There may be a mutual love of sport or some other outdoor pursuit.

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Davison Chart The Davison chart (also known as 'relationship chart') is one of a number of techniques for assessing the compatibility of people, and the characteristics of a group dynamic. It can be used an alternative - or an addition - to synastry, but it has wider application. For example, Davison charts are typically cast for two men. The characteristic of the Davison chart is that it is not theoretically limited in the number of nativities that can be subsumed into one chart. Davison charts can utilize a variety of methods for the technical averaging of the birth details of the individuals. The method used in ZET results in a chart which can be progressed, transited, etc (unlike the better-known composite chart). To erect a Davison chart: 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Open the Database window, In the left pane, select the table that contains the natal data for the members of the group, In the right pane, right-click the mouse on an individual line to display the database popup menu, and select the "Mark for combined Chart" item. Alternatively, right-click on the gray cell at the left of the line of data. (If you mark a line in error, right-click again on the cell to unmark it), Repeat the previous step to mark all nativities of the group in the same way, Right-click in the database table for the database popup menu for the final time, and select "Cast Davison Chart".

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Composite Chart Composite charts are not available in the Lite or Pro versions of ZET.

The composite chart (also known as the 'Hand composite' and 'composite midpoint' chart) is one of a number of techniques for assessing the compatibility of people, and the characteristics of a group dynamic. The technical details of this chart type are as follows: 1) The longitude of a planet is calculated as the average of the longitudes of the same planet in the nativities of the members of the group; or as a midpoint by short arc between the same planets in the case of two individuals. 2) The composite MC is derived as the average of all the midheaven degrees. 3) The other cusps are calculated after according the MC a place where the group or couple is actually or nominally located, supposing they have a place in common. Composite charts can be created only as a fixed chart type. To erect a composite chart: 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Open the Database window, In the left pane, select the page that contains the natal data for the members of the group, In the right pane, right-click the mouse on an individual line to display the database popup menu, and select the "Mark for combined Chart" item. Alternatively, make a right-click on the gray cell at the left of the line of data. (If you mark a line in error, right-click again on the cell to unmark it), Repeat the previous step to mark all the nativities of the group in the same way, Right-click in the database table for the database popup menu for the final time, and select "Cast Composite Chart".

Interpretation of composite chart: · · · ·

· · · ·

Open a Libruary of Interpretation Texts. Create new Bookshelf with e.g "Composite" name. Appoint it by Executive and Operational. Create interpretation texts with PCI markup mode (see "Marking-up of Prognostic Charts Interpretation") with themes: - Planets of composite in Houses of composite (file name: "PCI T.P'H' .....txt") - Planets of composite in Zodiac Signs (PCI T.P'S .....txt) - Houses of composite in Zodiac Signs (PCI T.H'S .....txt) here "...." is any name. Acitvate these texts in "Composite" bookshelf, deativate others. Praee "Text" button ("Interpretation Setup") on ZET toolbar. Check on "Interpret as" option and select "Transit". Click "Execute" button.

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Coalescent Horoscopes (Adapted from an Information Special on the subject by David Dukelow of Astro Communications Services, Inc.) Coalescent charts, which were invented recently by Lawrence Grinnell (Eytan), are similar to composite charts except that they are based on harmonics rather than midpoints. The harmonic used is based on the relative positions of the planets in the individuals natal charts. A different harmonic is used for each planet, for the Nodes of the Moon, and for the Midheaven. These charts show unusual sensitivity to transits, and they hold a great deal of information about the dynamics involved in a relationship between two people, or for a person and an event. Here is some basic information about them.

How the Planets positions are calculated Find the shortest arc between the positions of a planet [or function] in the natal charts of two people. Divide this angle into 360 degrees. This gives the harmonic. Next, multiply the position of either planet by the harmonic. Subtract 360 from this number as many times as needed to get a number in the 0 to 360 degree range. This number is the coalescent position, and it is the same regardless of which of the two planets is used. If, however, the shortest arc [between the two natal positions] passes over 0 degrees Aries, you must add 360 to the position beyond 0 Aries when you determine the angle between the two positions. (If you choose to multiply this planets position by the harmonic, you must also add 360 to the position.) With this method both the angle between the two positions and the positions themselves enter into the calculation of the coalescent positions. There are as many coalescent positions as there are functions in a chart. The coalescent Midheaven is calculated in the same way and the house cusps are forced from this Midheaven position. NOTE: If the respective positions are less than a degree apart, then the coalescent position is take as the midpoint between them. EXAMPLE: Sun in one chart at 12 deg Taurus and the Sun in the other chart at 27 deg Gemini. They are exactly 45 deg apart. 360/45 = 8. Convert the Suns position at 12 deg Taurus to degrees of longitude: 42 degrees. Multiply this by 8, 42 X 8 = 336, or 6 deg of Pisces. The other Sun position is 27 deg of Gemini or 87 degrees of longitude. 8 X 87 = 696. 696 360 = 336, the same figure as for the other position. If the two planets straddle 0 deg Aries, then 360 must be added to the position on the far side of 0 deg Aries. 15 degrees Pisces to 3 degrees Cancer means that 360 must be added to the longitude of the Cancer position. (93+360) 345 = 108. 360/108 = 3.333333. 3.333333 X 345 = 1150 (3 X 360) = 70, or 10 degrees of Gemini as the harmonic position. (Also, (93 + 360) X 3.333333 = 1510. 1510 (4 X 360) = 70 as for the other position.

House Cusps 29 | P a g e

It was found that the most logical House System to use with this synastry technique is the Meridian House system. The houses are free of location, which solves the cumbersome problem of how to calculate a location for a synastry chart. In the Meridian system the East and West points are significant and transits to them are felt.

Caution About Cusps If cusps are less than 12 degrees apart, the accuracy of the birth times for the natal charts becomes significantly important. Where there is a suspicion that one or both charts are not accurate, the house positions are apt to be unreliable.

Other factors Declinations: Set to zero. Nodes: Use like any other factor in the charts. Zodiac: Use what you like because the principle will still work, but the aspects can change dramatically from one zodiac to another. Interpretation: Much like any synastry chart except that transits seem to be very active. These charts seem to describe something essential and perhaps spiritual about the relationship.

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Horary Horary astrology examines a chart erected for the moment of 'birth' of an idea, question, or other event. There are special rules for the interpretation of charts in Horary Astrology. A horary is constructed as a single chart, so in principle you can use the Natal chart type. However, you should click "Horary" button in the Event Data window, because then ZET will take account of additional settings available for horary charts. In the Horary mode: · · · ·

displied "Harary" sign in the planet table header, the chart becomes single, if it was dual or complex, the "Here and Now" button do not clears the "name" field of the Event Data window, this chart will be saved in the History log as "Horary" type.

There are two particularly useful options, both selected in the Chart Settings window (double-click in a blank area of the Chart tableau): · ·

Chart Settings - Data tab: Show Septener only restricts the planets on the chart to the set used by tradional astrologers, Chart Settings - Aspects tab, Aspects group: Converging only restricts the aspects displayed to those which have not yet reached perfection.

With the Manager of Configurations you can define a configuration, which will selected automatically for the "Horary" type chart. There is a predefined configuration named "Horary". There are several tools in ZET specially for horary: In a horary astrology used a method of "derived houses". ZET can renumber houses, to do that: · · ·

open Chart Settings, the Format tab, check on "1st House cusp" option, point mouse cursor to then house line or house number on a chart, which you can assign as first, invoke a popup menu (by right mouse click) and select "Renumber houses" item.

To return to normal state execute "Restore numeration" menu item. In a horary astrology also used a method of "reposition" of planets, i.e. replacing of planets pair of a chart ring, which are in reception. To do that: · · ·

Capture planet by left mouse button (will appears additional icon with a planet glyph), grug it in a Zodiac sign you wish and grop. Do same with other planet. You can make it shortly by selecting a menu item of the reception of planets label:

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With this will appears a special glyph in the status bar. If you click it, then repositon will be cancelled.

Click "Tools" button on a toolbar, select Horary Wizard. It helps you to evaluate the radicality of horary chart and recognize a criterion of consummation of the question.

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Uranian Chart The Uranian (Hamburg) School of Astrology has some specific requirements for the presentation of the horoscope chart, its objects, and methods: · · · ·

Special fictitious planets Midpoints Aspects of conjunction between planets and midpoints Harmonics

The required features of the Uranian Chart are implemented in the predefined Uranian configuration; to deploy it, select the "URANIAN" option from the "General Configuration" button on the Toolbar, or the "Control" | "Configuration" main menu. The Uranian configuration includes: · · · · ·

Eight fictitious planets, Special points which are realized in ZET as Arabic Parts, namely Vernal Point, MC and Ascendant (they are on the predefined "Parts" page that ships with ZET - take care not to delete them), Modes of calculating midpoints, and displaying midpoint trees, Dial form of chart, Use of 4th harmonic calculations (90-degree dial),

The required orbs of Uranian aspects are also predefined by the Uranian configuration in the Chart Settings - Aspects tab, i.e. Orb for midpoints data entryfield. They default to 5 degrees of arc.

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The tableau settings for the Uranian chart, and a description of the operation of the Pointer control panel, are in the Chart Settings - Wheel section.

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Complex and Fixed Charts Complex and fixed charts are not available in the Lite or Pro versions of ZET.

A complex chart is a ZET chart which contains more then two rings of planets - up to 7 rings can be mounted concentrically. For example, a chart displaying the natal, progressed and transiting planet positions for a life event of a nativity:

The wheel can be accompanied by a listing of planets' data, according to the Planets List options specified on the Chart Settings - Data tab - you can elect to list every rings' planets, or a subset i.e. the core (inner) ring and up to two different rings chosen using the Direction of Aspects window. To highlight the rings selected in the Direction of Aspects window for aspect analysis, selected rings are shown (by default) pale blue and unselected rings white. In the planets list, selected rings' data is displayed in black, unselected rings' data in light-gray. All these colors are user-definable on the Color tab. In the chart shown, aspects between the natal (#1) and progressed (#2) rings have been selected in the Direction of Aspects window. Usually rings #2 thru #7 of a complex chart derive from one event, and are calculated using the same date, specified as the background event data. Complex charts, however, can combine charts of other events, or more simply other charts, with those of nativities, e.g. a triple chart containing male and female nativities, and a transit marriage chart. To use additional charts, and to include ones calculated for some date(s) different from either core or background event data, requires 'Fixed' charts (ZET's terminology).

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A Fixed chart is fixed in respect of the coordinates of planets and houses in the chart, the coordinates being fixed when the chart is erected and saved. These charts are thus independent of core or background event data. One can therefore explore further the astrological situation of marriage partners mentioned above by including say a coalescent chart of the nativies as ring #4, a chart of their first encounter as ring #5, and so on.

Working with Complex Charts To erect a complex chart, open the Chart Type Selector window, and from the list of available chart types checkmark the boxes for the charts you wish to include. You can check several check-boxes by pressing Shift key with mouse clicking on check-box, or double mouse clicking on the item caption (right of check-box). The chart is created immediately. To change the order of rings in a complex chart (except for the first, inner ring), drag and drop items in the Selector list into the desired order with the mouse. To restore the list (and chart) to the initial order, simply click open the Dual Chart Editor window using the button in the Chart Type Selector window, and close it again. Complex charts are recorded in, and retrieved from, the History log in the same way as normal single and dual type charts.

Working with Fixed Charts Available fixed charts are displayed in the Chart Type Selector window at the end of the list after in-built types, and are designated with a hash (#) sign. They are inserted in complex charts as described above. To save a ring of the currently erected chart as a fixed chart: ·

Right-click in the Chart tableau to display the popup menu, and select the "Save As Fixed" item,


From the submenu list of rings, choose the ring you want saving.

Alternatively type the Alt+n hot-key, where n is a number from 1 to 7, to save the nth chart ring as a fixed chart. If the action was successful, a confirmation message window is displayed, and a new entry is added to the Selector's list of chart types. To view the details of a fixed chart, select it in the to invoke the pop-up menu:

Selector window, right-click its line with the mouse

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Select last menu item "Fixed..." to display the following window:

If the fixed chart derived from core and/or background event data, these are shown in the upper and lower of the two large panes of the window respectively. Click the Restore button to erect the chart on the tableau. Fixed charts not corresponding to real planetary positions (e.g. coalescent charts) lack source event details, and cannot be restored in the same way. To delete a fixed chart, click its list entry in the Chart Type Selector window, right-click to display its information window, and click the Delete button.

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Multibot Multibot chart allows to create several data sets in one chart (the data set is pair "core, background"). Thus there is a possibility to place on a chart simultaneously a several natals and a several derivative charts adhered to everyone natals. In particular, it is possible, for example, to look aspects of planets of a progression of one natal to planets of another natal, aspects of a progression of several events to one natal, etc. The multibot chart with progressions to natas may looks as:

There are two data sets, two progressed charts, i.e. 4 planets rings: · · · ·

natal of Vladimir Putin progression of this natal to current date natal of Ludmila Putin progression of this natal to current date

With "Aspect Direction" function (Alt+A keys) established aspecting between natals (1st and 3rt rings), aspected rings colored by blue. Click by mouse to any cell of "Aspect Direction" table, you may get aspecting with any planets rings. The Multibot mode established by

button in Event Data window:

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Herewith: · ·

created second data set (a copy of first) and appears a buttons to reset these data sets for display in "Event Data" window. appears buttons of multibot mode control: multiwheel chart, synchronize core data, synchronize background data

The multiwheel chart mode means several separated charts on a screen, where every chart correspods its own data set. The size and position of each chart (for multiwheel) adjusted separatelly (by mouse). Established sizes and positions are saved (separatelly for each wheels count: 2, 3, ..., 7). Other settings of these charts are same.

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The time synchronization mode for core datas of multibot may used e.g. for charts of progressions of several events to one natal in process of birth time changing by rectification. A buttons to reset of data sets have a popup menu allowes: · · ·

add a data set (up to 7) delete specified data set remove specified data seo to first place

Adding and removing of data set simultaneously displyed on current chart. The Chart Type Selector applied for every data set separatelly.

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Event Data The Event Data window is where you input time and location details for creating astrological charts and interlinked tableaux. To open the Event Data window: · · · ·

click the "Event Data" Toolbar button, select "Horoscope" | "Event Data..." from the main menu, right-click in an empty region of the Chart tableau and select "Event Data..." from the popup menu, type the hot-key 'B'.

The window title is either Core data or Background data, because the same form serves to input details for some types of horoscope which utilise two data-sets (for more information see Core and Background data). Beginners will mostly use the Core data form.

Inputting event details Input or select the following data to erect a horoscope: ·

Input name of the native, or brief description of the event (this field is optional), press Tab key.


Select a gender (sex) from drop-down list, e.g. press any keys: -, M, or F, press Tab key.


Input date and (local civil) time of the event. Just press a sequence of digital keys, the separators will inserted automatically. Do not use Del or BackSpace. Press Tab key after every field. NOTE: the default date format is European style (day.month.year). To set it to US style (month/day/year) switch the Date Format setting on the Misc. tab of the General Settings window. NOTE: to enter the date of an event B.C. (Before Christ), type the letter B after the year. Pre-Gregorian calendar dates are adjusted for automatically, according to the accepted rules of astronomy, i.e. Monday, 24 September 1582 in the Julian calendar is followed by Tuesday, 5 October 1582 (Tuesday) in the Gregorian calendar. The date of adoption of the Gregorian calendar by different countries is a matter for historical research.


Normally skip next field: difference between local civil and Greenwich (Universal) time as a Time Zone. This field will fillfulled automatically when you selects a city from Atlas. But you can

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fillfull it manually, if you know this value. NOTE: Time Zones are displayed in European style, not US style: locations East use a + sign, those West use a - sign. ·

Select location: (city) name, country, area, state, etc. To do that enter a city name (or just several first letters of name) and click the Atlas button. Opens a window containing a world gazetter of place names, together with their geographical coordinates and time zones. From there any entry can be selected and its details automatically inserted into the form. Or you can select city from the drop-down city names list (the "operational atlas", this is a history of your selections from Atlas).


Fillfull a latitude and longitude of the location of the event. Normally these fields are completed automatically by selecting a city from Atlas.


Click "Additional comments" button to open a subsidiary text window into which additional comments, such as the reliability of the supplied natal data, biographic details, photos, etc may be entered. (In the Database window, these are displayed in a separate pane).

ATTENTION: Watch for Time Zone Table indicator (colored rectangle right of Time Zones field) which informs about TZ calculation mode. The colors of indicator means: · · ·

green - TZ table established and allows for calculation yellow - the calculation of TZ table disabled red - TZ table does not established

If there is not green color, it indicates that this information is not available in the Atlas and that the Time Zone may not be correct. In this situation you can input the Time Zone value manually. But any case you should check settings: invoke popup menu of TZ field:

There are following items: · · · · ·

Lookup Time Zone Table - when unchecked allows the time zone data to be entered manually from the keyboard. Normal operation is with this setting checked, so that time zones are set from the Atlas, with allowed overrides as described next. List of Time Changes Tables, switches the window to display the list of world time zones to select manually (nornmally no need to use). Open table [code] name, to view a selected Time Zone Table, listing historical civil time changes which occurred in a time zone. Normally the name of TZ table should be present. Delete selection of TZ table, (nornmally no need to use) clear selection of TZ table. Open Time Zone Abbreviations, opens a window with a comprehensive list of time zones, their names and abbreviations. A time zone can be selected here (if "Lookup Time Zone Table"

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unchecked) for the event data by double-clicking an item with the mouse. This setting will override the time zone set by Atlas look-up (normally used for selecting LMT or LAT in special cases). Also to complete the event data you can load it from Data Base. Click "Open Database" button to open the Database window of stored chart details, from which an item can be selected for automatic loading into the currently displayed form (core or background data).

Selecting the type of chart If you wish to get a natal (single) chart, then skip this chapter and proceed to "Erecting the chart" (see below). A Horary is constructed as a single chart, but for the moment of 'birth' of an idea, question, or event. Selecting the horary chart type will cause ZET to take account of additional special settings available for horary charts. After selecting the horary chart type clicking button, proceed to the section Erecting the chart below. The L button serves for obtaining the chart of a relocation (the births time, but any place). To cast a chart of relocation (local chart): 1) Establish your natal data. 2) Press the button L and choose the relocation city from the atlas (see the button to the right of the city name field). That's all, the chart of relocation will appear on the screen. When saving this chart in the history of calculations the entered data about local will remain. To check correctness of a relocation: press and release the button L, coordinates of house cusps will change thus, but coordinates of planets shouldn't changes. To get a Cosmogram click button. A chart named Cosmogram (in contrast to Horoscope), if birth (event) time is unknown. In this case the houses does not indicates on a chart, in a field of birth place indicates "cosmogram", etc. To make the chart type selection, use "Chart Type Selector" tool. To invoke the Chart Type Selector you can: · · · ·

click the button in the Event Data window (in this case the Chart Selector appears as "glued" to the bottom of the Evant Data window), or click the button on the Toolbar, or select "Control" | "Chart Type Selector..." from the main menu, or type the F4 hot-key.

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Here it is necessary to set a desired type of double chart by checking an appropriate check-box by mouse or "space bar" key. To get a complex (more then two rings) chart you can check several check-boxes by pressing Shift key with mouse clicking on check-box, or double mouse clicking on the item caption (right of check-box). The following types are predefined (NOTE: only transit and synastry types of dual charts are available in ZET Lite): · Transit - shows the influence of the current celestial situation on a natal chart, · Synastry - shows the interaction of two natal charts, · Equatorial Directed (1 degree = 1 year) - describes a symbolic conformity between the daily rotation of the Earth (equator) and the annual rotation of the Earth around of the Sun (ecliptic), · Zodiacal Directed (1 degree per year) - as above, but in a simplified form, · Secondary Progressed (1 day = 1 year), · Solar Arc Directed (Equatorially based), · Solar Arc Directed (Zodiacally based), · Solar Return - calculated for the moment of return of the Sun to its natal position (used for annual forecasts), · Lunar Return - calculated for the moment of return of the Moon to its natal position (used for monthly forecasts), · Planet Return - calculated for the recurrence at a zodiacal longitude of one of the main planets. To select the planet, first select this chart type, then right-click on the item to display the popup menu of planets, · Minor Solar Return - calculated for the moment of return of the Sun to its degree of sign in each sign of the Zodiac, · Terrar - birth time return, · Embolismic Lunation - calculated for the moment of recurrence of the natal Sun-Moon phase angle (used in medical astrology), · Embolismic Lunation Progressed - Embolismic Lunation chart progressed at 1 synodic month for each year (synodic month: the period of recurrence of a Moon phase; 1 tropical year consists of 12.368267 synodic moon months), · Lunar Return Progressed - Lunar Return chart progressed at 1 sidereal month for each year (sidereal month: the period to the recurrence of the Moon at a zodiac longitude; 1 year consists of 13.368228 sidereal moon months), · Persian Directed (1 degree = 1 year) - houses are motionless, · Profected (30 degrees = 1 year) · Regressed (1 day = 1 year) - a converse secondary progressed chart, used in pre-natal astrology, · Tertiary Progressed (1 day = 1 month), · Minor Progressed (1 month = 1 year),

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· Naibod Directed (59°0' = 1 year), · Primary Directed To expand or reduce this list you can use the Dual Chart Editor. Invoke a popup menu of Chart Type Selector and select the "Chart Editor" item:

See the following for more information about chart types: Prognostic Charts, Synastry, Horary, Complex Charts. To create the multibot chart, use

"Add data set" button (left of "Execute" button).

After that you can input event data for the second (outer) chart of the pair (i.e. the Background data).

To input the background data-set, use the buttons "Core Data form", "Background Data form" to switch the Event Data window betweeen the core and background data entry modes. The window titlebar indicates which form is currently displayed.

Erecting the chart After entering the above data, click the Execute button to create the chart. If the name field in the Core data is not empty and saving mode is established in the History settings, the newly created chart is entered into a historical log of calculations, from which it can be quickly recast. Any case you can save the chart to History by pressing Alt+S keys. Click the "History" button on the Toolbar to open the History log window. The chart is ready. To close the Event Data window, click its Close button.

Data entry assistance The buttons adjacent the data entryfields assist in speeding up data input into the Event Data window in some situations: "Now" button inserts the current (system) date and time into these two fields of the form, "Here" button inserts your present location (see Your Location) into the form. "Here and Now" button combines the functions of the "Now" and "Here" buttons. Also the chart calculted and the Event window closed. "Get from Reference date" button obtains a date and time for the background data from the Reference Date window. This feature is available for some types of prognostic chart only.

Other functions The buttons at the top of the dialog window have the following functions:

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"Copy" (leftmost top) copies the data currently on the form to the Windows clipboard (buffer). The data can be pasted, for example, into a text editor or an ee-mail mail program, etc where it appears as semicolonsemicolon delimited plain text. "Paste" inserts the contents of the Windows clipboard (buffer), if it has a compatible format, into the currently displayed (core or background data) form. Compatible data is created by ZET in other parts of the program, e.g. the Search for Event window, aspects' Dynamics Diagrams. "Reset set form" button reinitialises the displayed form. "Save to Database '[name]'" saves the data on the currently displayed form to the currently selected database page, named in the button's tooltip info. "Switch Core and Background data" button exchanges the core and background datasets, i.e. the Core data is transferred to the Background form, and vice versa.

"Return" buttons (may be absent from your version of ZET) - after selecting a Return chart, the drop-down drop down list below allows the selection of a planet planet for which a planetary return (i.e. recurrence at a zodiacal longitude) is to be calculated. The return will be calculated for a date just prior to the date on the Background data form. Click the arrow buttons which appear at right when the chart has been b een cast to display the next return chart. Repeated clicking on the arrow buttons generates successive return charts for the planet, forwards or backwards in time. "Joint mode" button - puts the instance of ZET into a special broadcasting/listening mode for other instances of ZET, which are also running with Joint mode enabled. In this mode, changes to the current event data made in one copy of the program are channeled to the other instances, where they are interpreted as commands to update the event det details. ails. This make it possible to synchronize all instances to update their tableaux, etc. NOTE the Cosmos, Sky, Geographical Map, and Constellations tableaux utilize the data on the Core data NOTE: form (never the Background data).

History of Calculation A History log facility is available to record the details of charts which have been calculated. The log is incremental, and retains details of previous ZET sessions. Saving charts to the History log can be done manually or automatically by: · · ·

typing Alt+S from m the Chart tableau, or selecting the popup menu item "Save current chart" in the History window, or checking the option "Automatically save charts in History" in the General Settings window (General tab) - charts are then then recorded automatically whe when n "Execute" is performed in the Event Data window.

Only named charts can be recorded in the History log. If you want the chart to be logged, you must input the name of the native, or caption the event, in the Event Data window. To open the History of calculations calculations window: ·

select the "Horoscope" | "History..." main menu item, or

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· ·

click the "History" button on the Toolbar, or type the hot-key 'H'.

To erect a chart from the History window: · · ·

double-click a log entry in the left pane, or press the "Enter" key when the item is highlighted, or select the "Cast Chart" option from the popup menu of the left pane.

The chart is recreated on the Chart tableau using the event data. If specified in the Configuration Manager (available in ZET Geo only), the chart includes the orginal configuration's features: house system, orb table, etc.

The left panel of the window lists the charts in the log, most recently cast charts first. Entries are identified by the chart type (natal, transit, complex, and so on) and the name of the native (caption for the event). Records may also be marked with a flag to highlight their importance, etc. This is set by clicking in the flag column of the item to flag or unflag it. Flagged records will not be deleted automatically if the log overflows its reserved space (set on the General Settings, Misc. tab). Flagged records are promoted to the top of the list if the log is sorted on the flag field. The right panel contains the details of the currently selected log item: · · · ·

· ·

Date when the record was logged Sequence number of the record Name of the configuration with which the chart was created The primary core data set (e.g. radix): 1. Name 2. Date, time, GMT offset 3. Name of the location (city) 4. Geographical coordinates of the location List of chart types comprising this record The secondary (background) data set: 1. Name or caption of the event

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2. 3. 4.

Date, time, GMT offset Name of the location (city) Geographical coordinates of the location

A popup menu is invoked by right-clicking in the left pane of the History window:

· · · · · ·


· · ·


Cast Chart - erects the chart from the selected record. If selection is made using the menu or by double-clicking the item listing with the mouse, then the History log window is closed after the chart has been recreated. If selection is made using the Enter key, the window remains open, Utilize First Data - copies the (Core) event data from the record to the fields of the Event Data window without erecting the chart (the Event Data window should be open), Utilize Second Data - as above, but for the Background data, Delete - displays a confirmation dialog citing the item to be deleted. You may delete several records at once if they are selected together. Deletion can also be performed using the 'Del' key, Find Name - displays a find string dialog to find a chart with the specified name at the History log (felpful, if a log is huge), Open new window - opens a new ZET instance (runs second ZET application) with selected chart,

Sort by [column]... - sorts the log using as a key the column in which the mouse pointer was positioned when the menu was invoked. Sorting can also be performed by clicking the column header. The sorted column is marked by small black triangle in the table's header. Sorting the marked colomm leads to invers the order of sorting, Save current chart - adds a log record for the current chart on the Chart tableau. Insertions can also be performed using the Alt+S key combination, Refresh record time - when checked, then while select (cast) the chart from the History log, then time of record is updated by current time (top right of window), Run ZET with this chart - if checked by , then this chart will be casted (erected) automatically, when ZET starts next time,

Columns... - invokes the Columns Wizard to select a set of History log columns to disply,

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· ·

Data Panel - if checked, then allows to disply the left panel of History log to disply additional data of the selected record, Setup... - invokes the setup window with additional options:


There are options to automatically save charts in the Hisrory log and to set the limit of records count (size of log). If the limit option is not checked, then the number of records is not limited. Should the log overflow, the last (oldest) record is deleted to accommodate the next insertion. Flagged records are not deleted.


Backup / Restore... - invokes the Backup Wizard window, intended �� backup your data for possibility to restore it in case of loss or desrtroy these data.

The History log is stored in the History.log file in the ZET folder. Backup this file time to time to safe your data in case of computer damage.

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Database Details of births and other events can be saved in ZET's database. The database supports hierarchic folders as well as discrete collections of data (tables), which are the basis of rectification (by condensation) and for erecting Davison, composite and coalescent charts. The Database window is opened in any of the following ways: · · · · ·

selecting "Horoscope" | "Database..." from the main menu, clicking the "Database" Toolbar button, right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting the "Database..." popup menu item, clicking the "Open Database" button in the Event Data window, typing the hot-key 'D'.

The database window is made up of three resizeable panes. The left pane lists the available data collections - the table currently selected for database operations is highlighted in gray. Click an item in this list to make a database table current. The pane at upper right lists the records in the selected table. The pane below at lower right displays comments, etc for the highlighted record which were input in the Comment window of the Event Data window. Each database record occupies one line and consists of the following data: • name of the native, or identification of the event, • date of the event (gregorian style), • time of the event (local civil), • the difference (dT) between local and Greenwich time (column 'GMT') at the location, • location name of the event (a city), • geographical latitude and longitude of the location,

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• the native's gender (Male or Female), or "-" for an event, • optional comment. The column widths of the table can be resized by clicking and dragging the column separators in the header line. Following a nativity record, there may be records of the native's life events. Life event records identified by a minus symbol ('-') at the start of the line (i.e. at the beginning of the name field) are considered special. They are treated as attaching to the native's record, and are not separated from the native's data when sorting the database. They are also required for Rectification.

Photos in the database To include a photo in the database record, insert in the comment field a link to an image file as follows: PHOTO: Queen Elizabeth II.jpg The photo is displayed at the left of the comment field. It is recommended that images for the database are stored in the [ZET]\DBase\Photo folder, as they can be referenced simply by file name. Images can be stored anywhere, but it is then necessary to specify their path in full, e.g. PHOTO: C:\FILES\President\PutinVV.jpg. Links to several images can be included. When the record is opened the first photo is displayed. To view successive images, click the image with the mouse, or press the Space bar (the selection focus should be on the database record).

Data operations Clicking a record in the table selects it for further operations. Shift+click selects a contiguous group of records. To erect a chart from the table, double-click a record, or press Enter for the current record. Right-clicking a database line displays a popup menu of operations: Utilize casts the radix chart for the selected record. If the Database was opened from the Event Data window, this option first copies the details to the Core data or Background data, depending on the input mode of the Event Data window. To add a record for the currently erected chart, or to replace an existing record with the current chart data, first select the desired table from the left pane, click the mouse in the right pane on the line below which the new item should appear, and select Insert from Chart or Replace from Chart from the popup menu. These menu options are enabled only when the Event Data window contains valid data input by the user or loaded by ZET from a chart on the tableau, and the database table has not been set to read-only. Edit Item... edits a record in place by special mode of the Event Data window.

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Cut, Copy and Paste allow you to move records between database tables; copy and save records as text for sending to other ZET users; and to populate the database with data you have received. These operations use the Windows Clipboard, so data can be transferred from and to other programs. The exchange format is semicolon delimited plain text. Find Name... performs a search of the names in the table. Enter a string of characters in the Find Name dialog, and click "OK". You can continue to click "OK" to find other matching records. The search is not case-sensitive. NOTE: searching commences at the current record and proceeds to the last record of the table. Open Chart in New Window opens a new ZET instance (runs second ZET application) with selected chart.

The Quick View menu option allows you to review rapidly the charts in the table. When selected (menu item is checkmarked) charts are displayed on the Chart tableau as soon as they are selected in the table. You can select randomly using the mouse, or sequentially using the up- and down-arrow cursor keys. Sort by ... sort the records in the table by submenu specified field. Other way to sort the records in the table: position the mouse pointer over the column (property) which is to serve as the sort key and click it. Records whose name field begin with a minus (-) character are not sorted (they attach to the record preceding whose name does not begin with a minus character). You can sort it individually by "drug and drop" of leftmost cell by mouse (pressing left mouse button). Latitude and Longitude when checked displays these data in the Location column together with city name. Literal data format when checked displays e.g. "April 21, 1926" except "4/21/1926".

Combined charts: There are three methods which can be utilized to determine the astrological compatibility of a couple or of group: the Davison chart, the Composite chart and the Coalescent chart. These methods are reductive, i.e. they take n nativity datasets as input (where n > 1), and output a single chart. To cast one of these charts: 1. 2. 3.

Highlight a record in the table, and from the popup menu select "Mark for combined Chart". Marked records are indicated by a bar ( | ) in the gray cell at the left of the line. Alternatively you can right-click the gray cell directly. Repeat the above step for as many records as desired. (Unmarking a record is performed the same way as marking). From the popup menu, select Cast this Chart, where 'this' is one of the above-mentioned chart types.

Spherical mean - when checked, then mean value calculated by spherical trigonometry formulas (only for mean of two charts, no more). In other case used arithmetical formulas.

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Rectify... performs a rectification on a group of selected records. See the Rectification topic for details.

Database operations The ZET database is hierarchic, and is similar in organization to a file system, in which folders can contain items and other folders. The top-level folder is called DBase. Users can create or delete folders and tables as required, with the exception of the '!Default' table in the DBase folder, which is ZET's repository of last resort for database operations, and cannot be deleted. Clicking an item in the left pane selects it for further operations. Shift+click selects a contiguous group of items. Right-clicking in the left pane of the Database window displays a popup menu of database operations: Searching is performed using the Search Database... menu option. This opens the Searching for a Chart window into which you enter astrological search criteria. The Daily Watch... item opens the Daily Watch window for automated transit testing of the charts in the table. The menu options to add, delete, and rename tables and folders in a database are self-explantory. You cannot delete or rename the '!Default' table. You cannot delete a collection if it contains items. The Read-only menu option sets a table or folder as read-only, and protects it from changes, i.e. additions, deletions, edits. Protected items are marked by a paper-clip icon. Import / Export... synchronizes the contents of the Database with database files on disk. Use this command if you wish to add new data files in other formats to the database. The menu item runs an application ZET DBase Convertor (which can be obtained from the Downloads page on the ZET website).

Tables and folders are stored on disk in the directory [ZET]\DBase\. Tables are stored in files and have the name .zbs. Backup / Restore... - invokes the Backup Wizard window, intended backup your data for possibility to restore it in case of loss or desrtroy these data.

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Atlas The Atlas is used to pick locations and automatically transfer their geographical coordinates and time zones to the Event Data window. ZET makes use of several Atlases (depending on the version of ZET that you have): · · · ·

World Atlas, with data on 14 000 cities world-wide, World Atlas II, with data on 200 000 cities world-wide. (This atlas is not used for displaying cities on the Geographical Map), Big Atlases of coordinates of settlements for separate countries (e.g. Russian Atlas contains more then 200 000 items), An Operational atlas - a session-based list of cities recently selected by the user from the other Atlases. This list is available from a drop-down listbox in the Horoscope Wizard and in the Event Data window, and provides instant access to your most frequently used cities.

The Atlas window (World and Big Atlases) is accessed from the Event Data window by clicking the "Open Atlas" button, and from the popup menu of the Geographical Map tableau. (It is also available in the ZET Location window).

The Atlas window contains a toolbar with the following items: · · · · · ·

"Copy the coordinates of this place to the event data" button "Find on Geographical Map" button "Request from www.astro.com" button "City Name" entryfield for inputting place names to be looked-up in the Atlas Drop-down "List of Atlases" for selecting a particular available gazetteer Drop-down "Country Filter" list-box at right, allowing you to search the whole Atlas or only for cities in a selected country (or US state).

The Status bar (bottom of window) shows the highlighted item descriptor (7186), the full name of the city and region (Liverpool, England), the current local time (20.01.1973 19:30:00), the time zone (GMT+00:00:00), a regional code (UKEN), and the name of the Time Zone Table (ENGLAND) of the highlighted location.

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Selecting a city from the Atlas If a city was previously selected from the Atlas, you do not need to reopen the Atlas window. In the Event Data window and the Horoscope Wizard, click the down-arrow at right of the location input field, and select the city from the listbox. In all other cases, you will need to open the Atlas to find the location (exceptionally the Geographical Map). To search the Atlas for a city, set the keyboard input focus to the City Name entryfield (at left) and type in the initial characters of the location. ZET immediately performs an incremental search of the Atlas, and repositions the displayed list of cities on the first one that matches the typed input. When using World Atlas II, the Country Filter listbox (at right) should first be set to display the the country (or US state) of interest - this reduces the number of items which must be searched thru. This pre-filtering facility is also helpful with World Atlas I. To select an item from the Atlas: · · ·

double-click the highlighted line in the list, or click the "Copy the coordinates of this place to the event data" button on Atlas window toolbar, or press Enter key.

The data is transferred intelligently to the destination window. The procedure automatically sets the difference in time (delta T) between Local and Greenwich Mean Time, according to the selected location's associated time zone mentioned in the Atlas. If the automatic completion of the time zone is not desired, the desired setting must be made explicitly in the Event Data window. NOTE: Time Zones are specified in European style, not US style: easterly locations have + sign, western ones use -.

Requesting from the Internet If the required location is not in the Atlas, or you are in doubt as to the correct Time Zone, all is not lost. You can have ZET request the information from the AstroDienst Web site, which has its own public location search facility. Follow the steps below (it is assumed you have Internet access): 1. 2.

Input the city name (entryfield at left), e.g. Liverpool. Click the "Request from www.astro.com" button. The following dialog window is displayed, with the query to the AstroDienst Web site properly composed to access the URL at www.astro.com similar to that shown:

3. 4.

Click the OK button. After a pause, a Web page is opened and if the search was successful it will contain one or more items similar to this: 1. Liverpool, ENG(UK): 53n25, 2w55, England

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Click the Liverpool link to obtain the Time Zone. Your Web browser will display a page similar to this:


The screenshot shows that today (30 March 2006) the Time Zone in Liverpool is 1 hour east (Daylight Saving time operating).

If all else fails, consider obtaining coordinates directly from the Geographical Map.

Locating a city on the Map To find the location of a city on the Geographical Map, highlight the city in the Atlas window and click the "Find on Geographical Map" button. Any open windows are closed, the Geographical Map tableau is displayed, and the location is highlighted with an animated 'pulse'. The mouse pointer is repositioned to the located city.

The Atlas window Menu Right-click in the Atlas window to invoke the pop-up menu. Menu items (all versions of ZET) include the following: ·

Utilize selection

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· · ·

Find on Geographical Map Edit the Operational Atlas... Copy

The first two items were described above. Edit the Operational Atlas... - opens the Operational Atlas for editing. The Operational atlas is available in the Horoscope Wizard and Event Data, and is added to automatically whenever the user selects data from the other Atlases. This Atlas can be edited - see details below. Copy - inserts city data into the Windows Clipboard as a text string, e.g. after selecting this item for Liverpool, the Clipboard contains: Liverpool;England;53 25'00"N;2 55'00"W The Atlas popup menu of ZET Pro and Geo contains further options, described in the Atlas Editor topic.

Adding a city to the Operational Atlas If the city or settlement you need is absent from the main Atlases you can add it manually using the Atlas Editor if you know the city data (ZET Pro and Geo). You can also add and delete cities in the Operational Atlas, which is stored in plain text format in the file OperAtlas.txt. To edit the atlas: 1.

From the Atlas window popup menu, select Edit the Operational Atlas.... The atlas is opened in a window for text editing. It contains lines of text similar to the following: Lansing, USMI: 42 43'57"N, 84 33'20"W, US-MI041 Berkeley, USCA: 37n52, 122w16, US-CA Brooklyn, USNY: 40n38, 73w56, US-NY001 Chicago, USIL: 41n51, 87w39, US-IL001 The format of each line of data (city) is: , : , ,

2. 3.

You can insert your city data at any position in the list. You will need to know its region code and the name of the Time Zone table; you can obtain these from one of the main Atlases by checking the entry for a near-by city. When you have finished editing, save the atlas file.

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Atlas Editor The Atlas window menu in ZET Pro and Geo contains additional functions for editing the main Atlases. (These functions are not implemented for World Atlas II).

Atlas exchange format The World Atlas (and the Big Atlases) are in the [ZET]\ATLAS folder. Each one consists of 6 files: Xc.dat - list of locations and other data, Xe.dat - list of English names, Xr.dat - list of Russian (national) names, Xoe.dat - English sorted order reference list, Xor.dat - Russian sorted order reference list, Xp.dat - search pointer list, where X is an internal name of the Atlas - 'City' for the World Atlas, 'RU' for the Russian Big Atlas, etc. This structure was developed for accelerated performance from various functions of the atlas and minimisation of size. The internal format used by atlases can be converted to, and from, a text interchange format. An Atlas in the interchange format is a single file X.txt, where X is the name of the Atlas. Here is a short fragment from an interchange format Atlas: C Code Latitude Longitude Reg AD TB SZ - ----- ---------- ----------- ---- -- -- -P;PPL ;61°13'05"N;149°54'01"W;USAK; ;Es;03;Anchorage;;;; P;PPL ;17°32'00"S;149°34'00"W;PF ; ;(A;33;Papeete;;;; P;PPL ;54°19'00"N;130°19'00"W;CABC; ;-T;03;Prince Rupert;;;; C Code - feature class and code, see PUBLIC NIMA GNS FEATURE DESIGNATION REFERENCE, Latitude and Longitude, Reg - region code, see Country Codes and codes of regions (states, provinces), AD - ADM code (not used), TB - code of time zone table, see correspondence of code and table name in the file ZET\Zones\index.dat.

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SZ - encoding of the city name display position and the relative city size. First digit: 0 - name located top-right from the city mark on the Geographical Map 1 - bottom-right 2 - bottom-left 3 - top-left Second digit: 1 - biggest city ... 7 - smallest settlement 8 - synonym 9 - deleted (temporary) English name, Russian name - optional, inaccessible in English version, skip - not used, Dimension - number of city inhabitants, or height of mountain (optional).

Atlas Editor functions Add exchange file to current Atlas - used for bulk insertion of additional cities into the Atlas. You need to have prepared a list of cities in interchange format. Convert Atlas to exchange format - used for bulk editing of the Atlas. Selecting this menu option displays a confirmation message: "Convert Atlas to exchange file ATLAS\City.txt?". If you select "Yes", the file City.txt is created. Satisfactory completion is indicated by the message "Well Done". Create Atlas from exchange file - creates 6 internal format Atlas files from a specified interchange format file. A File selector dialog is opened for selecting the file to process. Existing Atlas files are overwritten by the new Atlas. Add New Record... - for adding a single city to the Atlas. The following dialog is displayed:

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Complete the fields (they are described above), and click OK. You can obtain the required TBL code from the Atlas by inspecting the data for an existing near-by city in the same administrative area. Delete Record... - if you're sure!, Edit Record... - for editing a single city in the Atlas. The following dialog is displayed:

Complete the fields (they are described above), and click OK. The procedure may take some time, while ZET reoptimises the Atlas files. Convert ZET 6 exchange file to ZET 7 format - obsolete.

Creating a Big Atlas The Big Atlases are accessible only in the Geo version of ZET. The Atlas window menu includes functions for creating a new Big Atlas from files in NIMA format. Let's consider as an example creating the Big Atlas for Australia. To do this: 1.

Download from NIMA at http://www.nima.mil/gns/html/, or via FTP from ftp://ftp.nima.mil/pub/gns_data/ the as.zip file for Australia, extract the as.txt file, copy it to the [ZET]\ATLAS\ folder and rename it there as AU.tmp. ZET country codes may differ from NIMA ones,


Open the URL at http://gnswww.nga.mil/geonames/GNS/index.jsp, select "ADM1 Codes" menu item, input "AS" as Australia country code and obtain the admin. codes list for Australia: 3. AS 00 Australia (general) 1 - Americas/Western Europe 4. AS 01 Australian Capital Territory 1 - Americas/Western Europe 5. AS 02 New South Wales 1 - Americas/Western Europe 6. AS 03 Northern Territory 1 - Americas/Western Europe 7. AS 04 Queensland 1 - Americas/Western Europe 8. AS 05 South Australia 1 - Americas/Western Europe 9. AS 06 Tasmania 1 - Americas/Western Europe 10. AS 07 Victoria 1 - Americas/Western Europe 11. AS 08 Western Australia 1 - Americas/Western Europe

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12. Open the [ZET]\Zones\index.dat file and copy this part for Australia: 13. !LAUST-ACT 14. !MAUST-BH 15. !NAUST-LHI 16. !OAUST-NSW 17. !PAUST-NT 18. !QAUST-QLD 19. !SAUST-SA 20. !TAUST-TAS 21. !UAUST-VIC 22. !VAUST-WA The first two characters constitute the Time Zone table code, 23. Use these sources to create the following text: 24. 01 AUAC !L Australian Capital Territory 25. 02 AUNS !O New South Wales 26. 03 AUNT !P Northern Territory 27. 04 AUQL !Q Queensland 28. 05 AUSA !S South Australia 29. 06 AUTA !T Tasmania 30. 07 AUVI !U Victoria 31. 08 AUWA !V Western Australia Note: if you wish you may not write letters codes, but leave these digital codes, e.g. AU01 except AUAC. Save it as AUmerk.txt file in the [ZET]\ATLAS\ folder. This file will used to create ZET Atlas region codes and links to the Time Zone tables via NIMA administrative codes. 32. Open the ZET Atlas window, invoke the popup menu and: 33. Select "Transliteration Algorithm..." | "None". (The other items are used only in the Russian version of ZET for the automatic transliteration of English names to Russian), 34. Select "All Names" | "Populated Places Only" to extract only cities from the gazetteer, or the "All Names" submenu option to use all objects, 35. Select "Create New Atlas from NIMA file", and in the File selector dialog select the AU.tmp file, 36. After several minutes the Australian Big Atlas will be created, 37. Restart ZET, 38. Open the Atlas window, click in the Atlases list, select the "AU Australia" item, and examine the gazetter entries, 39. In the Geographical Map tableau zoom in on Australia, open the Geographical Map Settings window, select the "AU Australia" item, checkmark on the option "Cities from Big Atlas", and examine the map.

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Horoscope Readings A comprehensive interpretation - astrological 'reading' - can be obtained for the different types of horoscope chart. (Specific interpretations of planets, houses, aspects, etc are available interactively by right-clicking glyphs on the chart wheel and selecting "Interpretation" and "Description" from the popup menus). NOTE: interpretations are subject to appropriate texts being available. The comprehensive Interpretation Setup window is opened by: · · ·

selecting "Horoscope" | "Interpretation..." from the main menu, or clicking the "Texts" Toolbar button, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Interpretation..." from the popup menu.

Selection of reading The Interpretation Setup window has settings for obtaining different readings based on the chart on the Chart tableau. This allows you to obtain readings relevant to the current natal data, without first having to erect derivative charts: ·

For the displayed [Type] Chart - creates a reading for the type of chart currently erected on the Chart tableau,

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Interpret as: (for special cases only) button and adjacent listbox - creates a natal reading, or a prognostication of the type selected from the drop-down listbox, i.e. Natal, Transit, Directed, Progressed, Solar Return or Lunar Return. The core (inner wheel) data is treated as the nativity. The background event data is taken from the computer's clock and the ZET Location setting. In the case of a Transit reading, the transit aspects currently in orb are considered, Prognostication for: button and entryfields - creates a transits reading of the situation for the period and the start date input into the selection fields under the option. The core (inner wheel) data is treated as a nativity. This option is similar to selecting a transit reading from the Aspects Diagram window. Prognostication for period (special): same as above, but has additional settings using button.

The Library button accesses the Library of Interpretation Texts used in the composing the reading. This allows you to select and deselect texts on an ad hoc basis. The Library is described in detail below. Click the OK button to create the reading for the horoscope. After a brief pause the interpretation is displayed in a window for you to read, and (in the Pro and Geo versions of ZET) to save to a file, or print. The structure and format of the interpretation depends on the type of reading and the settings selected. For example, if you select "In house order" then the natal horoscope reading consists of 12 sections based on the astrological houses of the chart, that is, areas of life. By default, each section by house covers in detail the following chart features: · · · ·

Sabian symbol of the house cusp's Zodiac degree, House Cusp in a Zodiac Sign, Sun + Ascendant (for the 1st house), And for each planet in a house:

· · · · · ·

Sabian symbol of the planet's Zodiac degree, Planet in House, Planet in Sign, Planet in House and Sign, Aspects of the planet (with planets and house cusps), Conjunctions of the planet with stars,


Ruler of House in Houses.

Users can specify the texts used for horoscope readings - see Library of Interpretation Texts below. Readings can also be created by planet rather than by house.

Formatting and output options There are several options for controlling the formatting and the output of the interpretation document: · · · ·

Plain text - the reading is presented on-screen in a window in plain text format. Right-clicking in the window displays a popup menu - the "Font" option opens a Font selector allowing you to set a font of your choice for the text, Web document - the reading is presented on-screen as a fully formatted HTML Web page in your default Web browser, In house order - the reading is collated in house order, i.e. I House, II House, etc, In planet order - the reading is collated in planet order, i.e. Sun, Moon, Mercury, etc.

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· · · · ·

Size of Diagram - specified a desired width of aspect diagram for Prognostification as Web documet. Include citations - when checked ON, references to the Library sources used to compile the reading are included in the document, "Show UNI markup" - when checked ON, the markup codes for universal interpretation are included in the document (for testing purposes), Include chart image - when checked ON, the Chart tableau graphic is included in the reading. This options is for Web documents only (the prognostic diagram included always), Name of Interpretation File - this option is enabled only if the General Settings (General tab) option "Save Interpretations to ZET's Reports folder" has been enabled. It allows interpretations to be saved using customised names.

When you select the Web document output option, a copy of the reading is filed automatically in the [ZET]\Wrk folder under the name Interp.html. You can use your Web browser to save the reading using a different name. If you select the plain text output option, the reading is not automatically saved. To save the plain text reading, invoke the popup menu in the interpretation text window, and select one of the following options: · · ·

Save - saves the interpretation to a file named Interp.txt, Save As... - opens a File selector dialog, allowing you to save the reading to a folder and file of your choice, Copy - copies to the Clipboard text that has been selected in the window. This text can be Pasted into another program or window.

To automate the saving of interpretations with 'smart' naming, the option Save Interpretations to ZET's Reports folder on the General tab of the General Settings window must first be enabled. This enables the Interpretation Setup option for selecting the name of the interpretation file which will be saved to the [ZET]\Reports folder. For each interpretation ZET suggests a file name based on the type of chart and the name of the event data, but you can enter a file name of your choice. [[[Need to document the 2 buttons at right - the second enabled only for Synastry (and other dual?) charts.]]]

The Library of Interpretation Texts The Library of Interpretation Texts window can be opened by: · · ·

clicking the "Library" button in the Interpretation Setup window, or typing the Alt+L hot-key, or selecting "Settings" | "Library of Interpretations Texts..." from the main menu.

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The Library is easy to understand if we follow thru the analogy: ·





Interpretation - a generated document containing an astrological description of a horoscope. It is compiled by looking in the books that are available in a section of the library, and extracting the relevant references. Theme - a particular area of the horoscope focussed on during interpretation. Themes include planets in signs of the Zodiac, planets in houses, aspects of planets, etc. A reading can include several themes. Book - a text (file) containing detailed descriptions of a theme, marked-up according to certain rules. For example, a book on the theme 'Aspects of planets' consists of sections describing all the combinations of planets and types of aspect between them. There can be several books on one theme, e.g. texts by different authors. Bookshelf - a set of books intended for producing the reading. A Bookshelf is the collection of books used for a given interpretation, selected from all the books in the library. Different bookshelves could be used for a general individual horoscope, the horoscope of the child, synastry, etc. Library - the entire collection of Books stored in the [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Txt folder.

The ZET library of Interpretation Texts is a system which allows you to: · · · · ·

select between versions of interpretation texts of a given type, and simultaneously use several texts of one type (i.e. Theme), create different configurations of interpretation texts (i.e. Bookshelves), examine and edit library texts (i.e. Books), facilitate and control correct sectoring and markup of texts, and more.

Interpretation texts are stored on disk in the folder [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Txt. This folder is scanned by ZET at start-up, and files are analysed to determine how they should be classified in the Library catalog. It is essential that interpretation text files are marked-up according to the specific rules detailed below if they are to be recognized and handled correctly. ZET automatically maintains a catalog of available interpretation texts. This catalog is kept in the file LibrContent.txt in the ZET installation folder. The contents of this catalog file will normally vary for different users, depending on the files they have available in addition to those supplied with ZET.

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Bookshelves Bookshelves are listed in the left pane of the Library window. They are selected by clicking them with the mouse. There are two Bookshelves of special significance: the Executive and Operational bookshelves. The Executive bookshelf refers to the one selected for creating the comprehensive interpretation document. The name of the Executive Bookshelf is displayed in the title bar of the Interpretation Setup window. The Operational bookshelf is used for producing the selective interpretation of individual objects in the chart (planets, aspects, etc). The Operational bookshelf usually contains a much greater set of books than the current Bookshelf. The Executive and Operational Bookshelves can be selected from any of those available. By default the Executive Bookshelf is set to 'Main', and the Operational Bookshelf to 'Operational'. A bookshelf contains only those books which have been assigned to it: these are designated by a the general list of books. The names of omitted books are displayed with the icon.

icon in

To include a book in a Bookshelf (or to exclude it): double-click the name of a book in the catalog listing; or press the Enter key when the book has been selected (gray background box); or use the "Include Book in current Bookshelf" menu option from the popup menu to toggle the selection.

Book menu Right-clicking a book in the Catalog in the right pane displays a popup menu of options: · · · · · · · · ·

Include Book in current Bookshelf assigns (or removes) the highlighted book to the currently selected bookshelf, Include all Book in current Bookshelf assigns all books in the library to the currently selected bookshelf, Clear Bookshelf - removes all books from the bookshelf, Include all current Theme in Bookshelf assigns all books with the same theme as the highlighted book to the bookshelf, Exclude current Theme from Bookshelf removes books with the same theme as the highlighted book from the bookshelf, Verify and Edit Book... - opens the special internal book text editor, allows to verify the markup syntax of selected book and edit it, Open File "name"... - loads the named file containing the book into the default Windows text editor, Verify All Books - opens the Master of Library Verification to perform a syntax check on all books in the library. Errors are notified with short diagnostic messages, Show All - fully expands the catalog listing of the library's books,

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· ·

Scan Library - refreshes the list of library books without restart ZET, if you have just created or obtained new texts, Import English Books - includes in the catalog books that are present in the English sub-folder. This option is for use with other user-interface languages.

Bookshelf menu Right-clicking a bookshelf in the left pane displays a popup menu with these options: · · · · ·

New Bookshelf... - creates a new bookshelf after you have supplied a name for it in the dialog displayed and clicked "OK", Rename Bookshelf... - renames the highlighted bookshelf, after you have supplied a name for it in the dialog displayed and clicked "OK", Delete - displays a Confirmation dialog to confirm deletion of the highlighted bookshelf. You cannot delete the Executive or Operational bookshelves, Appoint as Executive - makes the highlighted bookshelf the Executive bookshelf. Any bookshelf may be selected as Executive, i.e. for the comprehensive interpretation, Appoint as Operational - makes the highlighted bookshelf the Operational bookshelf. Any bookshelf may be selected as Operational, i.e. for specific interpretations.

The following section describes the syntax for marking-up texts for the Library. If you are a professional astrologer, you can modify available texts to create your own interpretations, create different versions of texts, etc.

Marking-up interpretation texts The marking-up means placing of special codes in the text for automatic extraction of fappropriated citations. There are some types of marking-up: · · ·

Simple marking-up (see below) Marking-up of Universal Interpretation, designed for texts with complex astrological formulas Marking-up of Prognostic Charts Interpretation, designed for texts of any types of prognostic charts, including not supported by simple marking-up.

Simple Marking-up All files (i.e. Books) must commence with two required header lines. Below, for example, is the start of the file Engl. Planet_Aspects.txt: // AP Planet Aspects // Aspects of Natal Planets [02.000.03] You always can say just what you mean. Almost always right-on when it

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comes to questions of feelings, you take an active interest in psychology, different cultures, and history. You can find support from all sides when it comes to any sort of mental activity -- writing, speaking, and all forms of communication. [02.180.03] It may be hard to find support for your ideas, and arguments may arise with those who oppose or challenge your way of thinking. You could find yourself thinking and presenting ideas that are out of place or don't go along with the current mood. Since you don't always pay attention to your own moods and feelings, some of your ideas may not even feel right to you. You could say things that upset or challenge those around you. You may be great at argument. ... [02.120.10] You have natural psychological ability, in particular when working with the public. You can handle emotional and personal issues (vulnerable areas) where angels fear to tread. People sense this about you and trust you with sensitive matters, inner worries, and questions of personal identity. You have a real mission and a sense of purpose.

In the header the first two lines are obligatory. Notice that these lines begin with the two characters //. A code in the first line defines the type of text, i.e. the Theme. The second line specifies the text that will be used as the citation of this book. Other lines beginning with // are considered as textual annotations (comments), and are skipped over when the text is used. The thematic header category codes, their names, and their sectoring schema are as follows (these reside in the file [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\LibrType.txt, which should be consulted for the full list): PS Planet in Sign [P.S] PH Planet in House [P.H] PHS Planet in House and Sign [P.H.S] AP Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] SA Sun + Ascendant [S.S] SD Sun in Decades [S.D] HS House in Sign [C.S] RHH Rules of House in House [uHH.hHH] ST Fixed Stars [Star] DG Sabian Symbols TR Transit - Aspects to Natal Planet [P.A.P] TRH Transit via Natal House [P.H] SHH Solar House in Radix House [C.H] SPP Aspects of Solar Planet [P.A.P] SPH Planet in Solar House [P.H] LHH Lunar House in Radix House [C.H] LPPL Aspects of Lunar Planet [P.A.P]

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LPPR Aspects "Planet of Lunar - Planet of Radix" [P.A.P] LPH Lunar Planet in Lunar House [P.H] SNPH Synastry: Planet in House [P.H] SNPP Synstry: Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] MS Moon in Zodiac Sign [S] MD Days of Moon [DD] TY Totem of Year [YY] TM Totem of Month [MM] TD Totem of Day [DD] P Planet - overview [P] S Sign - overview [S] H House - overview [H] ALAN Planet as Anareta and Alcocoden MID Planet in Midpoint [P.P.P] DIR Equatorial Direction, Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] PRO Progression, Aspects of Planet [P.A.P] Texts consist of a heading (see above), and a set of clauses which are parsed by ZET when it compiles the interpretation, selecting for inclusion those which accord with certain conditions. Each clause starts with a sub-heading code, which contains sectoring information identifiable by ZET, and is followed directly by the text of the clause. Consider the example shown above. Here the code of the main heading 'AP' signifies the theme 'Aspects of planets'. The associated sectoring schema, which describes the format of the sub-heading code required to identify the text clauses contained in the Book, is given as [P.A.P], where 'P' encodes a planet, and 'A' encodes an aspect or a numeric circle divisor (in degrees).

P The code for a planet can be a numeric descriptor; a 2-letter identifier; or for Arabic Parts, a 3-letter code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


CHI AS MC for kre ...

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto North Node South Node Black Moon (Lilith) White Moon (Selena) Proserpine Chiron Ascendant (in some texts are same as planets) Midheaven Pars Fortuna Cross of Destiny Other user-defined codes for Pars

To encode an asteroid, use 'A' followed by the asteroid number in the Catalog, e.g. A3 is Juno.

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A Aspects are encoded either as a numeric descriptor; or a 3-letter identifier; or a number signifying the aspect's angular distance. If the latter option is used, the number must be composed of three digits (integer degrees). For example, an aspect with an angle of 22.5 degrees should be encoded as 023, and an aspect of 11.25 degrees as 011. The following are the currently recognized descriptors, identifiers, and aspect angles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

CNJ Conjunction SSX Semisextile Semiquintile Novile SSQ Semisquare SXT Sextile Quintile SQR Square Sesquiquintile TRI Trine SQQ Sesquiquadrate Biquintile Quincunx OPP Opposition P Parallel P^ Contraparallel

0 30 36 40 45 60 72 90 108 120 135 144 150 180

S Signs of the zodiac are encoded as a numeric descriptor; or 2-letter identifier, as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

H House numbers are encoded by their usual (arabic) numerals (1... 12).

C House cusps are encoded by taking the house number codes and adding 100 to the values (i.e. yielding 101, 102... 112).

Stars, etc

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To use stars in interpretation texts, the BS number of the star in ZET's Star Catalog should be used in the sectoring data. Codes beginning with M are treated as references to an object in ZET's catalog of Nebulae,Galaxies.

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The Book Text Editor You can open Internal Book Text Editor with popup menu of The Library of Interpretation Texts window:

The Editor assigned to create and edit the interpretation texts. It have a function to performs a check on the markup syntax of the book. Also it performs to check realization of the astro-formula (markup) for current chart (in case of Unversal Interpretation chart type). The Editor contains a field for viewing and editing a text and a field for diagnostic errors message. The buttins: · Verify - check on the markup syntax of all pages (citations) of the book. The result of checkind displys right of "Close" button: OK, if there is no errors detected, or ERROR, if an error detected. In the last case the process of verifying stopped and opens a page with erroneous markup, and full diagnostic message displayd in a bottom field of window. In this case you can fix a bug (by editing a text in this window), click "Save" button, and again "Verify" to continue of verifying. · Stop - the button becoms visibled afrer you press a "Verify" button and allows to stop verifying if it need (some texts may require a siginificant count of time to verify). · > - verify the markup syntax of current page (formula) and, if syntax OK, check it's realization for current chart with result of YES or NO. · Save - save changing of the text. · Undo - undo (cancel) last changing (before you save the text).

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· Close - close the editor window. In the header of window displays a file name, the number of current page, and first markup line. The left scroll bar - for view the current page, the right one - for select a page. No need to close existing window of the Editor to open new text (book) for verifying.

The Master of Library Verification You can invoke The Master of Library Verification by "Verify All Books..." item of popup menu of Libary:

The Master allows to check on the markup syntax of all Library's books and get a list errors, if it exists. Buttons: · Start - starts verifying of looks. The process attended by indication of current book and count of books by progress bar.

If the errors found while verification, then a message "ERRORS DETECTED" appears. · Stop - stopped veryfication process, if you want it.

· View error list - displays a list of books, which have an error on mark up. 74 | P a g e

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Universal Interpretation The automatic interpretation of charts based on the Library of Interpretation Texts relies on thematic sets of citations which describe simple astrological situations, e.g. planet X in sign Y (what the planet in this sign means); aspects between planets (what this aspect of these planets means), and so on. The interpreter compiles (assembles) all the citations relevant to the situation existing in the chart without taking into account what is specific in a chart. For more precise synthesis of an interpretation of a given chart, it is necessary to go beyond the simple schema just described (i.e. '[P.S]', '[P.A.P]'). A truly "universal interpretation" facility requires that any astrological situation, no matter how specific or complex, be describable to the interpreter. This is achieved by describing its conditions using astroformulae, i.e. the formula description language. The markup of a book for universal interpretation differs from the markup of books about specific astrological themes. For example, a book for universal interpretation may be formatted as follows: // UNI Universal interpretation // Sergey Wronsky. Astrology and profession. > > The Sun in Aries and birth at sunrise to noon: ............... > The Sun in Scorpio and in any aspect with Pluto or with retrograde Mars: ................ The salient differences are as follows: · · · ·

A UNI code in the header line indicates a book for universal interpretation. A section between > immediately following the header lines defines any macros and variables used in the formulae governing the citations in the book. A citation has its own header lines, bounded by >, which contain an astroformula description in the special formula description language. The citation can comprise wholly or partly of links to different books, whose text is also markedup for universal interpretation. For example the sentence: > means that when the condition 'H1.Cnc' is true, the text in the file H1_Cnc.txt will be processed. The included file should be marked-up in the same way as UNI text, but should have the INC header code. In this example the text should be as follows: // INC Included // if Asc in Cancer //

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> Yes! If it is the case that the Ascendant is in Cancer and the Sun is in Scorpio, then "Yes!" appears in the output interpretation document. It is convenient to create texts for universal interpretation using the "Edit Book" facility available from the popup menu of the Library of Interpretation Texts. The editing window includes functionality for checking the markup syntax of the edited text.

Prognostic Charts Interpretation The file name of text "Prognostic Charts Interpretation" type, should be formatted as following: PCI .[].txt where : T - Transit S - Solar Return L - Lunar Return P - Progression D - Equatorial Direction E - Solar Arc Direction (Equ.) Z - Zodiacal Direction A - Solar Arc Direction (Zod.) z - Persian Direction R - Primary Direction r - Planet Return s - Solar Minor t - Terrar F - Embolismic Lunation f - Embolismic Lunation Progr'd l - Lunar Return Progressed : P'AP' - aspect between planets of prognostic chart P'AP - aspect between planets of prognostic chart and natal chart P'S - planets of prognostic chart in signs P'H' - planets of prognostic chart in houses of prognostic chart P'H - planets of prognostic chart in houses of radix PH' - planets of radix in houses of prognostic chart H'S - houses ofprognostic chart (cusps) in signs H'H - houses of prognostic chart (cusps) in houses of radix HH' - houses of radix (cusps) in houses of prognostic chart - optional additional identification of the file. Samples of file names:

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PCI S.P'AP'.txt - Solar Return: aspects of planets "Solar - Solar" PCI rME.P'AP.txt - Return of Mercury: aspects of planets "Return - Radix" PCI P.H'H minor.txt - Minor Progression: houses (cusps) of progression in houses of radix (this book should select in library only for interpretation of Minor Progression). The marking-up of "Prognostic Charts Interpretation" book is same as a Simple Marking-up, except of first line, where th code PCI must be specified. For example, a book for Prognostic Charts Interpretation may be formatted as follows: // PCI // Houses of Radix in Houses of Solar Retun // [101. 1] Ascendant of radix in the 1st solar house ... ... [102.10] 2nd house of radix in the 10th solar house ... ... The file name of this book should be PCI S.HH'.txt It is convenient to create texts for Prognostic Charts Interpretation using the "Edit Book" facility available from the popup menu of the Library of Interpretation Texts. The editing window includes functionality for checking the markup syntax of the edited text.

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Chart Settings - Format The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Format tab contains options for configuring the Chart tableau. The Chart Settings - Format tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau,

Then by clicking the

"Format" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'F' key.

East of Wheel This panel allows you to set the 'East Point' (horizon) of the chart wheel (see also the Direction of Houses setting on the Wheel tab). · · · ·

I House cusp - selects the cusp of the first house of the core data (inner wheel). In many houses systems, but not all, this coincides with the Ascendant, Ascendant - selects the Ascendant of the core data (i.e. inner wheel). This is the most common setting, Background Asc - selects the Ascendant of the background data (e.g. outer wheel of dual charts), Degree - selects the degree of the Zodiac entered in the adjacent entryfield (whole numbers only). This anchors the 'East Point' of the wheel to a constant degree of zodiacal longitude (e.g. when set to '0', to the First Point of Aries), for situations in which houses are not important, or if it is required to pin the chart wheel prior to rotating the chart.

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Event data The options in this panel allow you to select alternative display formats for the event (birth) details at top left of the Chart tableau.

Tableau Backdrop The settings here select a general framework for coloring the elements of the Chart tableau. ·

· · ·

Black - sets a black backdrop. Alternative colors are used, as defined for a black background. By default white is used for zodiac signs and inner ring planets, blue for outer ring planets. The defaults can be overridden by selecting your own colors for planets and aspects for use with a black tableau background, White - sets a white backdrop. Chart elements are colored as for the Color background option. By default black is used for inner ring planets, blue for outer ring planets. The defaults can be overriden by selecting your own colors as for the Color option, Color - enables coloring of tableau elements to be fully adjusted using the Planets tab, orb tables, and Color tab settings, Dark - used with the Color setting. When checked, dark colored aspect lines are shown as white. Also some other colored elements depend on this setting. To set the colors of specific tableau elements, use the Chart Settings - Color tab.

Tableau Objects ·

Systems text Displays the Zodiac type, house system, and coordinates systems used to cast the chart (for reference).


Firdaria Displays the Firdaria (both planetary period and subperiod) for the current chart. Calculation of firdaria requires both core and background data. To enable the option the background (event) date should be later then the core (birth) date.


Sun Days Sun days are counted from the first sunrise after the Spring equinox, the next Sun day beginning at the subsequent Sun rise.


Moon Days Moon days are counted from the New Moon, the next Moon day beginning at the subsequent Moon rise. The "12�" checkbox (at right) specifies that the next Moon day begins when the Moon has traveled another 12 degrees from its longitude at the last New Moon (not utilized for the Moon Days calendar).

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Moon Houses The Moon's location in a special house system involving 28 lunar phases and calculated using a special table.


Moon Mansions The Mansions of the Moon (Lunar Mansions) are a subdivision of the Moon's journey through one complete circuit of 360 degrees, each Mansion representing one day's average travel of the Moon (12� 51' 25.2", or roughly 13 degrees), beginning apparently at the point of the Spring Equinox, or 0� Aries. In Hindu astrology the Mansions are called Asterisms, and are indexed from the beginning of the Hindu Zodiac. When checked, this option displays at top left of the tableau the glyph of the Mansion in which the Moon is located. There are further options affecting Moon Mansions on the Chart Settings - Wheel tab - Belt page.


Planetary Hours, Tattvas Planetary Hours are a twelve-fold division of the daytime between sunrise and sunset, and a comparable division for night. A planet favorably aspected suggests that action be initiated during that planet's hour; or if unfavorably aspected, that one should wait for others to act. When checked, this option displays on the tableau at top left the glyph of the planet ruler of the hour. Tattvas are 24-minute periods of time. The cycle of 5 tattvas begins at Sun rise and lasts 2 hours. This setting also displays the tattva's glyph. Both glyphs are mouse sensitive.


Lords of Day and Year Lord (Ruler) of Day: Sun is the Lord of Sunday, Moon is the Lord of Monday, and so on. The day begins at Sun rise.

Lord (Ruler) of Year: a cycle of 7 years, a year begining at the first sunrise after the Spring equinox. The Lord of Year is calculated by dividing the year number by 7, and using the remainder to index into a list of rulers, where 0 = Mars, 1 = Sun, 2 = Venus, 3 = Mercury, 4 = Moon, 5 = Saturn, 6 = Jupiter.


Asteroid names Displays (right checkbox) asteroids' names on the chart wheel instead of their glyphs. Asteroids' names in Planets List (middle checkbox) includes their names in the planets list on the Chart tableau. Objects' names in Planets List (left checkbox) includes the names of all objects in the planets list.


Midpoint trees Displays midpoint trees at right of the Chart tableau. The number of trees displayed in a row is adjustable on the Chart Settings - Size tab.

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Show midpoint on wheel Midpoints of planets displays in the chart wheel. You can edit a midpoint's graphical image by ZET's glyph editor (see Settings). Glyph's code: 254. This point on chart wheel is mouse sensitive with popup hint. The interpretation of midpoint invoked by clicking the right mouse button, if the corresponding interpretation text is activated.


Aspect patterns Displays a list of aspect patterns, e.g. Grand Cross, Kite, and so on. When the mouse pointer is paused over an item in the list, the corresponding pattern is highlighted on the chart wheel. Rightclicking the mouse on the item displays an interpretation of the pattern (in the Library the Operational bookshelf should include text(s) on the 'Aspect configurations' theme).


Receptions Displays the receptions of pairs of planets by sign, exaltation, term, face, etc.


Chain of Disposition Displays chain(s) of planets' dispositors, e.g.

For example, Pluto in Sagittarius is disposited by its ruler - Jupiter; Jupiter in Pisces is disposited by its ruler - Neptune; Neptune in Capricorn is disposited by Saturn, and so on. The settings on the Chart Settings - Rulers tab are used to determine chains of disposition.


Chain of Detriment This option is similar to the chain of disposition, but utilizes detriments set on the Rulers tab.


Delimiters Inserts horizontal rules between the information blocks at right of the tableau. The rules can be repositioned, and the information blocks individually scrolled up and down. If an information block has more data than is visible, this is indicated by small vertical arrows adjacent the upper and/or lower delimiter. To move the delimiters, click and drag a rule with the mouse, or use the keys: - Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Dn to select a delimiter (indicated by a bullet point), - Shift+Up, Shift+Dn to move the selected delimiter. If an upper rule is hidden (e.g. by another information block, or under the screen border), it can be

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diaplayed by using the Default delimiters option of the Chart tableau popup menu. To scroll an information block, drag the information block with the mouse, or use the keys: - Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Dn to select delimiter (indicated by a bullet point), - Up, Dn to scroll the block above the selected rule.


Aspect Table Displays for Aspect Table to leftmost bottom corner of main window (printing out with a chart).

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Chart Settings - Wheel The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Wheel tab contains settings for customizing the chart wheel. The Chart Settings - Wheel tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Wheel" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'W' key.

The Wheel page have several tabs: · · · · ·

Wheel Belt Mode Miscellanea Local Space


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To display a horoscope wheel on the Chart tableau the Chart Wheel panel checkbox must be checked ON. ·

Show planet degree Displays the planet's longitude within a sign as an ordinal number (i.e. 1st, 2nd, ... 30th degree) next to the planet's glyph on the chart wheel. The font size for displaying the planet degree is set on the Chart Settings - Font tab. (Planet glyph info tooltips continue to display longitudes in full). The rightmost checkbox allows display both Degrees and Minutes near planet glyphs.


Indicate retrograde planets Posts the symbol R next to glyphs on the wheel of planets which are in retrograde motion.


Use circular glyph shifting When the right box is checked, planet glyphs are displayed as if on a ring, and displaced laterally to avoid collisions. If unchecked, collisions of glyphs are avoided by moving glyphs radially away from the center of the wheel as necessary. "Radial shifting only" (left box) prevents circular glyph shifting, at the expense of glyphs of different chart rings in complex charts possibly overlapping.


Colored planets When checked, displays the planets using the colors individually set for them on the Chart Settings - Planets tab. When unchecked, displays the planets uniformly in the color specified on the Chart Settings - Color tab for Inner ring planets and for Outer ring planets. The "Colored planets in Tables" (left box) option allows to paint planet's glyphs in tables with individual color. The "Paint planet by nearest aspect's color" (right box) option paints planet's glyphs in a chart wheel by color of existing coinside aspect with minimal orb.


Zodiac sectors When checked, sectors the chart wheel according to the zodiac signs. The color of the sectoring lines is set with the "Planet rings borders" option on the Chart Settings - Color tab.


Emphasized angles When the right box is checked, cusps of angular houses are highlighted using bold lines. The "Show angles only" (left box) option removes intermediate house cusp lines from the wheel, and displays only the cusp lines of the angular houses.


Extended house lines When the right box is checked, the lines of house cusps are extended beyond the zodiac ring.

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The length of the extension is controlled by the "Outer ring of wheel" slider on the Chart Settings - Size tab. The "Additional elements" (left box) option decorates the extended cusps of the Ascendant and MC to enhance their visibility.


Cusp numbers Enumerates the house cusps (in Roman numerals) on the wheel: left checkbox for the outer ring houses of dual charts, right checkbox for single charts and the inner ring houses of dual charts.


House numbers Enumerates the houses on the wheel (numbers are centered in the house sector): left checkbox for the outer ring houses of dual charts, right checkbox for single charts and the inner ring houses of dual charts.


Cusp degrees If the "Cusp numbers" option has been selected (see above option), this setting displays the longitude of the cusp (as an ordinal degree) next to the cusp number.


Lunar phases and eclipses The three checkboxes control the display of information about the last and next New and Full moons (and eclipses, if relevant) on the tableau. The right box displays glyphs for events proximate in time to the event data on the chart wheel. These glyphs are mouse-sensitive - pause the mouse over them for tooltip info, i.e. date, longitude, etc. If the left box is checked, only glyphs for the prenatal syzygy are displayed on the wheel. When the middle box is checked, eclipse details are displayed as text at bottom left of the tableau.


Algol Minina Control to display the periods of Algol star brightness minima. Algol, the eye of Medusa Gorgona (beta Percei) is a variable star with a period of 3 days, the periods of brighness minima (+- 3.5 hours from extremum) considers unfavourable. Displays the times of previouse and next minima of Algol.


Moon Void Displays when, and for how long, the Moon is next 'void-of-course', i.e. does not perfect an aspect with any planet before its ingress into the following zodiac sign. The right box when checked displays the arc traveled by the Moon during this period by highlighting a segment of the inner boundary ring of the chart wheel. (This segment has an info tooltip).

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"Moon Void, Text" (left box) setting displays the time and duration of the void-of-course period at bottom left of the Chart tableau. If the Moon is void-of-course for the current (core) event data, the text is bold. When this option is selected, the Mundane Aspects of the Moon calendar (see Astrological Tables) for the month of the event data is calculated automatically and saved in the [ZET]\MoonAsp folder, as it is used to calculate the void-of-course period. (See below for setting up the procedure). NOTE. If you change the type of Zodiac, or aspects' orbs, or select a different orb table, you should delete the contents of the MoonAsp folder before recalculating the calendars.


Moon Void Calculation Setup Clicking this button displays a dialog for inputting the dates (years) between which the Mundane Aspects of the Moon calendar will be automatically calculated if the event data falls in this range. The Files button opens a Moon Mundane Aspects Files selector dialog - you can use this to delete, etc calendar files. If the chart date (core data) falls outside this range, the calendar is not calculated, and void-of-course information is not displayed.


Hightlight Planets When this option is selected, then moving a mouse over planet glyphs of coordinate table leads to hightlight corresponding planet in a chart wheel.


Direction of Houses This panel allows you to select on which side of the chart wheel the 'East Point' is located, and the direction in which houses are numbered round the wheel: o Anticlockwise - locates the East Point of the wheel (normally the Ascendant) conventionally at the left of the wheel, and houses are numbered in an anti-clockwise direction. o Clockwise - locates the East Point of the wheel on the right (as used by some astrologers), and houses are numbered from this point in a clockwise direction.


Show Houses in Helio Chart Use it if you exactly know you need it.


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Second Zodiac Belt Checkmark the box to display a second belt of zodiac signs in the chart wheel in addition to the main zodiac belt, e.g. Sidereal in addition to Tropical, or Tropical in addition to Sidereal. Also 10or 8-signs Zodiac, tropical or sidereal. The position of a planet in the second zodiac is displayed in parentheses in the chart wheel info tooltip, and on the status line, whenever the mouse pointer is paused over the planet glyph. o 12-signs Zodiac displays sidereal zodiac ring, if checked the "Sidereal" option (the box right of "Second Zodiac..." caption). o 10-signs Zodiac contains: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. o 8-signs Zodiac contains: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius. o For the "Alphabet" belt used [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Alphabet.txt file. If you wish you can modify it to display any set of characters. Also you can specify an alphabet as set of images, e.g. Hebrew letters, see [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\AlphabetIvrit.txt file and image files in [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\AL\ folder. o I-Ching Hexagram displays a ring of hexagrams begining from ASC (or Aries in case of Cosmogram). The first hexagram depends of rulers of 1..6 houses (or rulers of first 6 signs: Aries etc.)


Location of Zodiac It's possible to choose a Zodiac ring location on a chart: o Inner, o in the middle, o Outer, o as Background image, used with Colored Tableau Backdrop and big size Zodiac signs of True Type font:

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Display belt of Terms - displays the sequence of Terms as a belt on the chart wheel. The system of Terms selected on a Data, Systems tab.


Display belt of Decans - displays the sequence of Decans as a belt on the chart wheel. The system of Decans selected on a Data, Systems tab.


Moon Mansions When checked ON, displays a ring of Mansions of the Moon on the chart wheel. See also Moon Mansions (Chart Settings, Data tab, System page).


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Standard Chart ·

3D-House Chart - right, with accounting of latitude, displying of house cusps of Placidus (and other projection house systems) and planets on the chart wheel. o Declination Rings - additional elements of "3D-House Chart", tree ciecled of latitude: 90, 0, +90. o Mundane Planet Projection - the lines of mundane projection displays for planets for which the "Mundane projection" option is setted on the Planets page.

Compass When the Horizontal system of coordinates is used (see Chart Settings - Zodiac tab), selecting this option converts the chart wheel graphic into a Local Space chart:

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See also Local Space Astrology.

Uranian Chart The options on this panel are used in Uranian astrology: ·

Dial - when checked, substitutes the Uranian 90° harmonic dial for the traditional horoscope wheel.


Pointer - when checked, displays the special pointer (red arrow) for selecting and viewing midpoint pictures. The pointer is rotated by clicking and dragging with the mouse anywhere along its length, or by using the Pointer's Tool (see below).


MP Tree - when the pointer is enabled, this option displays the midpoints trees found by the pointer in its current orientation as a list in the center of the dial. The list can be scrolled using the Up and Down arrow cursor keys or with the mouse by clicking the black arrows at top and bottom right in the list.

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Pointer's Tool button - click to open the Pointer control panel. The panel is also opened using the Alt+U hot-key.


Planets buttons advance the pointer clockwise and anticlockwise to the next planet of the currently aspecting ring. The aspecting ring is selected using the Direction of Aspects (Alt+A) window. Degrees buttons move the pointer in increments of one degree. Minutes buttons move the pointer by one arc-minute.

o o o

"Move Pointer" button is a toggle which, when clicked down, results in the pointer being automatically positioned according to a formula. Formulae are selected from the list at the bottom of the dialog. The value of the formula, and the position of the pointer, is given at right of the button. Formulae are based on the schema of Uranian astrology, where 'A'...'D' represents any planet: § § § § § §

A+B - sum A-B - difference A/B - half-sum A+B-C - sensitive point (A+B)/(C/D) - midpoint of sum and half-sum (A/B)/(C/D) - double half-sum.

The letters under the planet glyphs in the formula selection box refer to the chart ring type in which the planet is located, the innermost ring is N (natal) second e.g. T (transit) etc. If a single chart is under consideration, ring typs are not shown. To use the schema, you must instantiate each parameter by selecting a planet for it. To select a planet: 7. Click the mouse on a 'A'...'D' place-holder (or a planet glyph, if the formula was previously instantiated). ZET's Status bar displays the prompt: "Select a planet on the wheel". 8. Indicate the planet from the chart ring you require by clicking its glyph with the mouse. The selected planet is substituted into the formula. If a chart is not single, the planet's ring number is also displayed. 9. Repeat the above steps for all parameters of the formulae. Formulae are recalculated dynamically when the event data changes.

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Traditional chart There are several types of traditional (square) charts: ·

European - houses displyed with triangles, 1st house left, next - anticlock wize,


South Indian Regular

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South Indian Irregular


North Indian (diamond chart)

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East Indian (Sun chart) - signs anticlock wize, 1st top, without frame,


East Indian with fraame - signs anticlock wize, 1st top, in frame.

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Planet Stroke This option displays lines, which connects planet's glyph with appropriate planet's marker at a chart. Planet Marker These options allow the use of index marks on the inside of the planet ring(s) of the chart wheel to indicate the exact position of planets. This may be found useful with dual/complex charts where one of the Use circular glyph shifting options has been set (see Wheel tab). The options are: o o o

No index marks, Circle index marks, Line index marks.

The Length of Marker slider allows you to adjust the length of the marker, if you have selected the "Line" option above. The colors of the index marks can be set individually for the core and background planet data sets on the Color tab. Central Point In a center of a chart draws a circle with defined size, e.g. size 0 - absence of a circle, size 1 - a point. The colors of ring and it's contour specified at "Colors" page. Ellipse If not standard monitor's ratio, then sometime a ring of chart looks as ellipse. To avoid it you can set some ellipticity ratio. You can find it experimentally, e.g. for my second monitor it need ratio 1.04.

Local Space

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This function is not availabel in Lite version.

The "Local Space Map" function as a variant of the Local Space Astrology for nearest surroundings, e.g. apartment, city, and so on. The function bases at the image of an apartment's draft (or city map). See Local Space Map of Astrocartography chapter. The "Local Space Map" flag switches on displaying of the appropriate map. In the "Image file" field it need to specify the path to the image-file of chart. The "Consider Magnetic Declination" option should checked on if you use the magnetic compass for orientation. The compass points in the directions of the horizontal component of the magnetic field where the compass is located, and not to any single point. Knowing the magnetic declination angle between true north and the horizontal trace of the magnetic field for your location allows you to correct your compass for the magnetic field in your area. A mile or two away the magnetic declination may be considerably different, requiring a different correction. To get a value of magnetic declination click the "Calculate" button and follow NGDC on-line magnetic declination calculator where you can enter your location (or zip code for the USA). Remember: east declination is positive, west negative.

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Chart Settings - Data The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Data tab contains settings for customizing the information displayed at the right of the Chart tableau. Some other general options are also set on this tab. The Chart Settings - Data tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Data" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'D' key.

The Data tab have several pages: · · · · · ·

Table Additional Systems Hints Almutens Doriphoros


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Show Planets list (left checkbox) displays the core event data planets of all charts; the background event data planets of dual charts; and, for complex charts, the planets data for the pair of rings selected in the Direction of Aspects window. I.e. one, two, or three columns of data may be displayed,


Full planet list (right checkbox) applies to complex charts only, and extends the listing to display a column of planets' data for every ring of the complex chart.


Header of Table checkbox - when checked, displays the headers of planet table.


Format - select from the drop-down list box the display format for zodiacal positions (longitudes) of objects in the list. Formats which contain a # symbol use astrological degree-of-sign representation. The formats available are: 12 10 12°10'04" 12°10'03.93" 342.168° 342°10' 13° 12.1678

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"Almuten Figuris - displays the Almuten of the chart on the tableau at bottom left. To calculate the "Almuten Figuris" by Ibn Ezra, it need to take five points od horoscope (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Parts of Fortune differ for day and night, Prenatal Syzygy, i.e. Moon's position in last new moon or full moon before birth). Then for every of these five points make calculation, similar as for house almuten: the ruler of point's sign gets 5, exaltant 4, triplisity by Dorotean 3, term ruler by Egiptian 2, face ruler 1. Then calculats a sum for every planets of septener. Then a ruler of day gets 7, and a ruler of hour 6. Then every planet gets points for location in houses: in 1st house 12, in 2nd house 6, in 3rd house 3, in 4th house 9, in 5th house 7, in 6th house 1, in 7th house 10, in 8th house 4, in 9th house 5, in 10th house 11, in 11th house 8, in 12th house 2. The planet the maximum count of points is the "Almuten Figuris". To calculate the Almuten Figuris correctly, should be selected following options in the Chart Settings: triplisity by Dorotean, terms by Egiptian. To display a detailed description of calculation of the "Almuten Figuris", click by mouse to the planet-almuten glyph on a chart.


Statistics (right checkbox) - displays summaries of the element, quadruplicity, house and hemisphere distributions of the planets.

The categories are shown symbolically - pausing the mouse pointer over a symbol displays an info tooltip for each item. The numbers under each symbol show counts of planets in each sector.


In percentage terms (left checkbox) - presents the statistics as percentages of the total planets in each category.

The popup menu of statistics panel have following items: o o


Consider Asc and MC - check to inculude for calculation also Asc and MC. Interpret - show the reading of statistic. Should be activated the "Elements, Qualities, Hemispheres" text of the "Universal Interpretation" chapter of the operational bookshelf of the Library.

Graphical Affetic - displays affetic value as colored lines (if checked) or as digital representation (if unchecked) left of each listed planet. The "Affetic" option should be checked in the "Additional data" table.

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Left or right mouse click to affetics data invokes the windows with additional data. Right - for current planet, left - for all planets.


Reference date of Returns in Header - displays for return charts the time and date of computed planet returns in the planets list header. When unchecked, the header displays the background event data, and the Reference Date window must be opened to view the planet return details.

Additional data Checkboxes - when checked, displays additional columns of planets data. The set of data may be differ for source (inner chart, lefft check box) and background (outer chart, right checkbox) data. The options, colored by purple, used independently of checkboxes, mentioned above. Select the data to be displayed from the listboxes (hightlighting are captions of headers, if "Header of Table" option checked): · · · ·

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

A Affetic - displays Lilly's Affetic index for each of the main planets. Place the mouse pointer on the affetic value and click to view a description of the affetic. The rules and factors for Lilly's affetic are defined in the file [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Affetic.txt, Q Quadruplicity, Element R Rulership D Degrees Characters - includes in the planets list the symbols for the Royal (Rex) degree (!) and the Destructive degree (?) if a planet falls in one of these degrees. The Rex degrees (according the Babilonian ritual calendar) are: 18 Aries, 9 Gemini, 7 Leo, 25 Virgo, 13 Scorpio, 11 Capricorn, and 30 Aquarius. The Destruct degrees are: 23 Aries, 13 Gemini, 10 Leo, 1 Libra, 19 Scorpio, 19 Capricorn, and 4 Pisces. R Ruler - allows to disply in the planets table a ruler(s) in sign, where the planet located E Exaltation - allows to disply in the planets table an exaltant in signs, where the planet located T Triplicity Ruler (see below) t Term Ruler (see below) f Decan Ruler (see below) d Degree Ruler (see below) D Detriment - allows to disply in the planets table a planet in detriment in signs, where the planet located F Fall - allows to disply in the planets table a planet in fall, in signs, where the planet located N Novenarium (see below) U Duodenariam (see below) H Sect, Hayz (see below) A Almuten of House (see below) M.M Moon Mansion - glyph of the Mansion of the Moon in which the object is located L Star Lord - planet-ruler of Nakshatra (Moon Mansion) by Jyotish. Used only for systems of 27 Nakshatras (see Systems, Moon Mansions) L' Sub-lord - the planet-rulers of Nakshatras subdivisions L'' Prati-sub, L''' Sookshma-sub - the planet-rulers of nested levels subdivisions. Used only for systems of 27 Nakshatras and for similar type of current zodiac and mode of Moon Mansion. B Baresma (by P.P.Globa - Russian astrologer)

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· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Lng Longitude - the coordinate is always ecliptical in the tropical zodiac Lat Latitude RA Right Ascension Dcl Declination HA Hour Angle Azi Azimuth Alt Altitude MP Mundane Position Placidian - the value of planet's position in a Mundane Zodiac HD Degree in House - houses are considered to comprise 30 unequal intervals (house degrees), which are derived from the size of houses in adjacent quadrants TD Degree of transiting planet - the House Degree in which a transiting planet (of the outer chart ring) falls V% Speed (% of average) - speed of the object as a percentage of its average speed (for planets), or speed in degrees per day for asteroids and other objects V Speed (deg./day) - speed of the object in degrees per day Vd Speed by Declination RE From Earth - distance from the Earth in Astronomical Units, or for the Moon in kilometers RS From Sun - distance from the Earth in Astronomical Units HLng Helio Longitude HLat Helio Latitude

Novenarium and Duodenariam When these flags checked, then displayed the Zodiak sign, in which the planet is located in 9th (Novenarium) and 12th harmonic (Duodenariam of Medieval and Hindu mode). The Arabic mode of Duodenariam (right check-box) displayed in the table below. Novenarium Table:

Duodenariam Table (Arabic style):

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THE CONSIDERATIONS OF GUIDO BONATUS, from William Lilly's translation of Anima Astrologiae: 87. The 87th is to Consider, Novenarium Lunae, which is a thing much to be heeded, for it often hinders the Astrologer from discovering the truth, and leads him into error, not knowing the cause that makes him deceive. 89. The 89th is to Consider, The Duodenariam Lunae, a thing that is observable in many cases, even more than divers things that we have said; for there is greatest danger of mistakes in abstruse considerations, and such as Astrologers rather sloth than ignorance, do not regard; whereby they often fall into disgrace and contempt of the rabble, rather than take a little pains.

Sect, Hize The Sect is an ancient astrological concept in which the seven traditional "planets" (including the Sun, the Moon and the five starry planets) are assigned to two different categories: diurnal or nocturnal sect. Diurnal planets are more comfortable and powerful when they appear in charts in which the Sun is above the horizon. They include: Sun Jupiter Saturn Nocturnal planets are more comfortable and powerful when they appear in charts in which the Sun is below the horizon, or at night. They are: Moon Venus Mars Mercury, a hermaphroditic and very adaptable planet, possesses no inherent sect. Mercury changes its sect orientation depending upon whether it is oriental of the Sun (that is, positioned so that it rises before the Sun rises and sets before the Sun sets), in which case it is diurnal in sect; or occidental (that is, rising after the Sun rises and setting after the Sun sets), in which case it is of nocturnal sect. As can be seen by the example of Mercury, which is more obscured by being occidental, sect is a form of astrological polarity, much as the distinction between masculine and feminine planets. Since some planets were seen to be stronger in a positive or masculine environment, and others were seen to be more effective in a negative or feminine environment, whether a planet is in sect in any given chart was of particular importance to Hellenistic astrologers, who gave sect greater weight than any other astrological factor.

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Medieval astrology became even more complex in its treatment of sect--although the factor itself became considerably less important. The Arab astrologers of the Middle Ages, defined three forms of sect: 1. 2.


a planet is in sect when it is in a chart where the Sun's position corresponds to its sect (such as Jupiter in a day chart, or when the Sun is above the horizon; or Mars in a night chart, when the Sun is below the horizon); a planet can still be in some sect if its sign polarity corresponds with its inherent sect (the idea being that Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius were masculine or diurnal signs, whereas Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces were feminine or nocturnal signs.) Therefore Venus in Virgo is in sect by sign because Virgo is a negative, or feminine, or nocturnal sign; a planet might yet have some shred of sect dignity if it is in the hemisphere of the chart corresponding to its inherent sect--for example, if Jupiter is in the same hemisphere as the Sun, whether or not the Sun is above the horizon, or if Venus is in the hemisphere opposite the Sun, whether or not the Sun is below the horizon.

Planets satisfying all three of these sect conditions were said to be Hayz, but it is not clear how Hayz strength compares to strength from essential dignities.

Almuten of house This option displays in the planets list the glyph of the planet-almuten of houses (for houses that have been selected on the Chart Settings - Houses tab for the planets list). It's possible two variants of house almuten description: 1) as a ruler of sign on a house cusp, 2) by Alcabitius. Desired variant selected on a Almutens tab.


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Complex Chart Planet Filter - this facility, activated by setting the checkbox, allows you to specify separate subsets of the planets for each ring of complex charts. The filter is particularly relevant to astro*carto*graphy, and allows for example the Cyclo*carto*graphy technique of David Meadows to be realized, i.e. combining natal ACG lines with a display of lines for the progressed planets Sun thru Mars, and the transiting planets Jupiter...Pluto. Each column of the filter table (2...7) corresponds to a ring of the complex chart. Click the mouse in a cell to switch the filter flag. Activated planets are indicated by the checkmark symbol.


Stationary planet velocity fraction - the "Stationary planet velocity fraction" entryfield allows setting a threshold velocity below which a planet will be treated as stationary. Stationary planets are displayed in the planets list with a superscript s adjacent the glyph. The threshold is defined as a decimal fraction of the planet's average speed. By default it is 0.1 (10%), but you can input any other value.


Degree Overview - the Degree Overview window is opened by selecting the menu item from the popup menus of planet glyphs and cusp numbers on the chart wheel. It can also be opened by pausing the mouse pointer over the outer rim of the chart wheel, and clicking the mouse when the pointer icon changes to a page icon.



Graphic pane - adds a sub-pane in the window with a graphic representation of the zodiac degree and the objects located in the degree. (NOTE: when unchecked, and the "Degree of House" option is checked, the resulting window comprises the titlebar only), Zodiac degree - displays interpretation text for the degree, drawn from the Sabian Symbols theme of the Operational bookshelf of the Library. If the theme is not selected on the Operational bookshelf, no text is displayed.

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o o o

Degree of House - not used in the English version due to non-availability of appropriate interpretation texts. Include citations - inserts a text caption after the interpretation text citation. Auto-closing window - when checked ON, the Degree Overview window closes when the mouse button press which invoked it is released.

The Degree Overview window can display activated Arabic Parts, all items from the Catalog of Asteroids (if the "Current Date" regime setting is selected), and stars (according to the specified star filter).


Ruler of Triplicity Ruler of Triplicity - includes in the planets list the glyph of the planet-ruler of the element triplicity in which the planet falls. The "Method of calculating triplicity ruler" listbox allows you to select between three versions of the Ruler of Triplicity: Dorotean, Morin, Ptolemy. The definitions of these are in the corresponding .trr files: Dorotean.trr // Day Night Participating Fire Sun Jupiter Saturn Earth Venus Moon Mars Air Saturn Mercury Jupiter Water Venus Mars Moon

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Morin.trr // Day Night Participating Fire Sun Mars Jupiter Earth Mercury Saturn Venus Air Saturn Venus Mercury Water Jupiter Moon Mars Ptolemy.trr // Day Night Fire Sun Jupiter Earth Venus Moon Air Saturn Mercury Water Mars Mars E.g. Sun in Pisces, nocturnal nativity: in this case, the ruler of the water triplicity by Dorotean and Ptolemy is Mars, and by Morin the Moon. The planets list line for the Sun will include the glyph for Mars (or the Moon). The participating ruler is not used.

Ruler of Term Ruler of Term includes in the planets list the glyph of the planet-ruler of the term in which the planet is located. The signs of the zodiac are considered divided into 5-7 intervals - terms of some value. These divisions may depends of day or night chart. The "Method of calculating term ruler" list box allows you to select between several versions of the Ruler of Term: Bonatti's, Egyptian's, Ptolemy's, Lilly's and others. The definitions are in the corresponding .ter files. E.g. if the Sun's longitude is 12°10'04" Pisces, the ruler of the term in which the Sun is located is Jupiter (in all versions).

Ruler of Decan Ruler of Decan includes in the planets list the glyph of the planet-ruler of the decan or face (Lilly) in which the planet falls. Zodiac signs are considered divided into 3 equal intervals (decan or face) of 10 degrees. There are several systems of Decan Rulers: 1.

The first decan of Aries is ruled by Mars, the second by the Sun, and so on according to the Magus Star sequence (Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter). The description of this system is (5,1,4,3,2,7,6) and contained in "Chaldean.dec" file. E.g. longitude of Uranus is 26°47'50" Leo. This is the 15th decan of the Zodiac. To calculate the number of the planet-ruler from the Magus Star sequence, use the formula: i = (n-1) mod 7 + 1, where n = number of decan, mod - remainder after dividing. So i = 1, and in this example Uranus is located in the decan (face) of Mars.


Some modern astrologers expands this seguence with highest planets: Uranus, Neptun, Pluto. So the circle sequence is (5,1,4,3,2,7,6,10,1,9,8,2,7,6). It contained in "Modern.dec" file.

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The so called "Avestian astrology" sometimes used the Proserpita and Chiron except Saturn and Jupiter, so the rulers seguence is (5,1,4,3,2,7,6,10,1,9,8,2,15,16) and located in " Avesta.dec" file.


In the system, described by Manilius, first decan of every three signs of each Element ruled by 1st sign of this Element (according sign sequence from Aries), second decan 2nd sign, third - 3rd sign. So the Aries (Mars) is ruler of first decans of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. the Leo (Sun) is rules of it's second decans, and the Sagittarius (Jupiter) is rules of it's third decans. The description of this system located in "Manilius.dec": 5. // Ari 6. 5,1,6, 7. // Tau 8. 4,3,7, 9. // Gem 10. 3,4,7, 11. // Can 12. 2,5,6, 13. // Leo 14. 5,1,6, 15. // Vir 16. 4,3,7, 17. // Lib 18. 3,4,7, 19. // Sco 20. 2,5,6, 21. // Sgr 22. 5,1,6, 23. // Cap 24. 4,3,7, 25. // Aqr 26. 3,4,7, 27. // Psc 28. 2,5,6 29. The Indian system of decan rulers:

The description of this system located in "Hindu.dec" file: // Ari 5,1,6,

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// Tau 4,3,7, // Gem 3,4,7, // Cnc 2,5,6, // Leo 1,6,5, // Vir 3,7,4, // Lib 4,7,3, // Sco 5,6,2, // Sgr 6,5,1, // Cap 7,4,3, // Aqr 7,3,4, // Psc 6,2,5 This system also may be modified with highest planets, see "HinduM.dec" file.

Ruler of Degree Ruler of Degree includes in the planets list the glyph of planet-ruler of the degree in which the planet is located. There are several systems of Degree Rulers: 1.



First degree of Aries is ruled by Mars, the second by the Sun, and so on upto 30th degree of Pisces according to the Magus Star sequence. E.g. the longitude of Mars is 19°22'26" Taurus. This is the 50th degree of the Zodiac. To calculate the number of the planet-ruler from the Magus Star sequence, use the formula: i = (n-1) mod 7 + 1, where n = number of decan, mod - remainder after dividing. So i = 1, and in this example Mars located in its own degree. The description of this system is (5,1,4,3,2,7,6) and located in "Classic.dgr" file. Some astrologers in the even cycles of this sequence replays planets by highest: Venus by Neptune, Merqury by Uranus and so on. See "Modern.dgr" file: (5,1,4,3,2,7,6,10,1,9,8,2,7,6) and "Avesta.dgr" file: (5,1,4,3,2,7,6,10,1,9,8,2,15,16). Note: 15 - Proserpina, 16 - Chiron. Other system described as follows:

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See Degrees.dgr: (5,4,3,2,1,3,4,5,6,7,7,6) and DegreesM.dgr: (5,4,3,2,1,3,4,10,6,7,8,9). 4.

The Hellenistic astrology system takes into account day or night chart with different rulers. This described as follows:

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See Paul.dgr: *Day (1,6,4,2,7,3,5) *Night (6,1,2,4,3,7,5)

Moon Mansions The Mansions of the Moon (Lunar Mansions) are a subdivision of the Moon's journey through one complete circuit of 360 degrees, each Mansion representing one day's average travel of the Moon (12° 51' 25.2", or roughly 13 degrees), beginning apparently at the point of the Spring Equinox, or 0° Aries. In Hindu astrology the Mansions are called Asterisms, and are indexed from the beginning of the Hindu Zodiac.

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The drop-down listbox allows selection of a system of mansions. Predefined systems include: 28 Tropical - 28 equal mansions segmenting the ecliptic from the vernal equinox of the tropical zodiac, 28 Sidereal - 28 equal mansions segmenting the ecliptic from 0° Aries in the sidereal zodiac, 27 Sidereal - 27 equal mansions segmenting the ecliptic from 0° Aries in the sidereal zodiac. It is also possible to define other Moon Mansions Systems. The Mansions of the Moon displyed · ·

on the left top corner of chart, when the "Moon Mansions" checkbox (Chert Settings, Format tab) checked on the additional ring of chart, when the "Moon Mansions" checkbox (Chart Settings, Wheel tab, Belt page) checked

Duodenariam, Arabic mode See above

Septener planets only Restricts the usage of planets in calculations and for chart display to the traditionally-known Septener set of planets, e.g. for horary.

Geodetic houses Selects the Geodetic system of houses, e.g. for mundane charts. Houses are calculated by latitude and longitude only, and time is not used.

Via Combusta Select a variant of Via Combusta description: · · ·

15 Libra - 15 Scorpio. 25 Libra - 6 Scorpio. +-10 of Antares (fixed star).

Prenatal Syzygy (Full Moon) The "Prenatal syzygy" point calculated by following rule: If prenatal syzygy is New Moon, then get it's degree. Else (Full Moon), use one of three variants: · ·

Moon (on a moment of prenatan Full Moon), Degree of luminary over horizon on a moment of Foll Moon,

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Degree of luminary, which is highest (upper) in radix.

Hayz, arabic mode Additional option to described above (Table, Additional data, "Sect, Hayz"). Solar Events Orbs Allows to set of "Combast" and "Under Solar Beams" for septener planets.


· Tooltip info texts - activates the popup panels of information which are displayed when the mouse pointer pauses over sensitive regions of tableaux. (The on-set of the panels, and the duration they remain on screen, are specified on the Misc. tab of the General Settings window).

· Disable tooltip for shifting planets - when shifting (dragging) the planet on a chart wheel to change time, you may wish to hide a planet hint, which may disturb this action.

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· Aspect orbs in tooltip - when checked, aspects are displayed as residual orbs (tooltips, menus, Aspects Grid). When unchecked, aspects are displayed using the zodiacal arc angle (i.e. the difference in longitude) between the planets.

· Decimal format of aspect hint - if checked, shows digital format (ddd.ddd) of aspect value of aspect line hint, independently of coordinates format selected ("Table" page).


Choose one kind of house almutens calculation: · ·


Almuten is a ruler of Sign on a cusp of this House. Almutens by Alcabitius: There are five Essential Dignities for any degree of the zodiac: rulership (+5), exaltation (+4), triplicity (+3), term (+2), and face (+1). Take a particular house cusp, find the planet which rules each of the five essential dignities of the position, and assign points to the planet. The planet with the highest points value is the Almuten. For example: for 8°15' Aries, Mars is the ruler (+5); the Sun is exaltated (+4) and rules the triplicity (+3) and face (+1) = +8; and Venus rules the term (+2). Therefore the Sun is the Almuten of the degree. Almutens by S.V.Shestopalov: see The links of house elements

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Doriphoros, Auriga

There is an option of displaying "Doriphoros" and "Auriga" planets on a chart, and possibility to setup any set of planets, recognised as Doriphoros and Auriga (also used in astro-formulae calculation). Doriphoros (doryphory) the planet rises directly before Sun. Auriga: the planet sets directly before Sun. To select a planet to consider as doriphoros or auriga click it's glyph by mouse. Selected ones are black, unselected are gray.

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Chart Settings - Zodiac The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Zodiac tab contains options for selecting a zodiac, a viewpoint, and the projection method for deriving the coordinates of bodies. Harmonic chart options are also set here. The Chart Settings - Zodiac tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Zodiac" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'Z' key.

Zodiac This panel allows you to set the zodiac. The rings of dual/complex charts use the same zodiac. · · ·

Tropical - western, astronomical Zodiac - 0° is the vernal point, the intersection of equator and ecliptic, Sidereal - eastern, Indian Zodiac - using ayanamsa. This option makes several further settings available (see below), Draconic - origin is the intersection of the ecliptic and the Moon's orbit, i.e. Moon's ascending Node.

Horizon of Inner Chart 117 | P a g e

This setting is for use with the Horizontal and Prime Vertical coordinate systems (see below). When set, the background (outer ring) planets are projected to the core (inner ring) plane, rather than the background plane.

Coordinate System This panel allows you to select between various options for setting the reference plane and obtaining the coordinates of planets, etc: · · · ·

Horizontal - also called Azimuth system. The chart wheel is a projection of the planets onto the terrestrial horizon. 'Signs' and 'houses' are identical, consisting of 12 equal divisions from east thru north, west, and south, Prime Vertical - the chart wheel is a projection of the planets onto a vertical plane defined by the points: east, nadir, west, zenith, Equatorial - the main plane is the celestial equator; the origin is the vernal point, Ecliptical - the standard astrological system, using the ecliptic.

Center of System This panel allows you to select betweeen various options for setting the effective location of the center of the chart wheel, i.e. the viewpoint for the chart: · · ·

Topocentric - referenced to the current location on the surface of the Earth (real position of native), Geocentric - referenced to the center of Earth. This is the most commonly used choice in astrology, Heliocentric - referenced to the center of the Sun, the Earth then appearing in the horoscope as a planet. (This option affects only the natal chart and Aspects Grid; the Sky tableau, for example, remains geocentric).

Harmonic Chart This panel allows you to create a harmonic chart for any number by selecting a harmonic factor. Commonly-used factors are predefined in the drop-down list - the chart is created instantly. This is a specialist astrological tool. ·

· ·

Selecting the "-User-defined-" option in the drop-down list makes available an entryfield adjacent the list box to input a factor. The harmonic factor entered here does not have to be an integer, it can be decimal e.g. 3.1415... The harmonic chart is automatically computed on typing in this field. Retain 1H Planets List - when checkmarked, the real (i.e. 1st harmonic) coordinates of planets are displayed in the planets list and in planets' info tooltips. When unchecked the planets' listing and tooltips display coordinates calculated for the selected harmonic factor. Equal Asc Houses - when checked, the natal ascendant is included in the calculation, and the harmonic chart is erected using an Equal House system based on the harmonic ascendant. The wheel retains the 'East Point' of the 1st harmonic (natal) chart. When unchecked, the wheel retains the natal house longitudes, i.e. only planets' positions are adjusted according to the harmonic calculation. There is a special operational dialog for inputting the harmonic, which can be invoked with the Alt+H hot-key - the chart is redrawn synchronously. If the harmonic number have more than one digit, enter it quickly, with no more 0.5 second intervals.

Sidereal Ayanamsa This panel is displayed only if the Sidereal zodiac type has been selected in the Zodiac panel.

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· · ·

Type of Ayanamsa The drop-down list allows selection of different methods of calculating the ayanamsa. It is possible to select one of several predefined types of ayanamsas: - Lahiri, - Fagan, - Raman, - Krishnamurti, or to define a custom one. If the "-User-defined-" option is selected, two further entryfields become available: Ayanamsa 2000.0 - input your preferred value for Epoch 2000.0, Speed of Precession ("/year) - input the rate of precession, in arc-seconds per year, True Precession - when checked, the speed of precession is set to an established astronomical value. Uncheck this setting to input a different speed of precession.

Ignore nutation This option is displayed if the Sidereal or Draconic zodiac is selected. When unchecked (the default), calculation of the sidereal ayanamsa factors in the longitudinal nutation of the ecliptic (short-term oscillations of the Earth's orbit). Some astrologers, however, do not take nutation into account; in this case the option may be checkmarked.

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Chart Settings - Planets The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Planets tab has options for displaying planets and other bodies on the chart wheel, in the planets listing, and in the aspectarian. (See also the "Complex Chart Planet Filter" on the Miscellanea tab). The Planets tab always contains the main planets. It lists specific asteroids, virtual objects, and Arabic Parts which you have activated in their respective windows. When activated, they are given default use/display settings on the Planets tab. If you want to change those settings you can do so here. The Chart Settings - Planets tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Planets" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'P' key.

The series of columns at left apply to planets of the core event data; the columns at right to the planets of the background data. Left-click with the mouse in a cell of the grid to set (check on) the following display options: · ·

Chart - displays the planet on the inner ring of the wheel (i.e. for the core data) and includes it in the planets list, Aspects - includes the inner ring planet in aspect lines in the wheel,

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· · ·

· · · · · ·

Grid - includes the inner ring planet in the Aspects Grid, Orbits - displays on the wheel the longitudes of some orbital elements of the planet (main planets only), i.e. apsid line (perihelion - aphelion), nodes, Color - opens a Color Picker dialog to select a specific color for the the inner ring planet. The selected color applies to the White and Colored tableau backdrop options (see Format tab), unless the tableau backdrop has been set to black, when the selected color applies only to that option, Chart(B) - displays the planet on the outer ring of the wheel (i.e. for the background data) and includes it in the planets list, Aspects(B) - includes the outer ring planet in aspect lines in the wheel, Grid(B) - includes the outer-ring planet in the Aspects Grid. DC (Diurnal circle of planet) - displyed at "Spherical Houses" mode, see Chart Settings - Wheel Mode, MP (Mundane position of the inner ring planet) - same, MP2 (Mundane position of the outer rings planet) - same.

The table has a popup menu (shown in the screenshot above) which allow planet selections and their asociated settings to be saved and restored.

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Chart Settings - Houses The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Houses tab has options for selecting the house system and house cusps for use on the chart wheel and in the aspectarian. The Chart Settings - Houses tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Houses" button at the top of the window, or typing the H key.

The series of columns at left apply to the houses of the core event data; the columns at right to the background data. To display houses on the chart wheel, click the button(s) at the top of the window Show inner ring house cusps on wheel and/or correspondingly for the outer (background event data) ring. The background data's listbox and button is enabled only when a dual or complex chart has been selected. To select a house system, simply click in the adjacent drop-down list boxes (independent selections for core and background data). If you select a system in which angular cusps (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) differ from the Ascendant and Midheaven (e.g. 'I House - Asc Sign'), then options for the true Asc and MC are added to the table, as shown above at right pan. Left-click with the mouse in a cell of the grid to set (after which the cell will contain | ), or to unset (cell will then contain _ ) the following properties:

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· · · · · ·

Chart - lists the cusp of the inner ring house (i.e. for the core data) in the planets listing at right of the Chart tableau, Aspects - includes the inner ring cusps in aspect lines in the wheel. To display aspects the "To Houses" setting on the Aspects tab must also be selected, Grid - includes the inner ring house cusp in the aspectarian, Chart(B) - lists the cusp of the outer ring house (i.e. for the background data) in the planets list, Aspects(B) - includes the outer ring cusps in aspect lines in the wheel. To display aspects the "To Houses" setting on the Aspects tab must also be selected, Grid(B) - includes the outer ring house cusp in the aspectarian,

The 'Custom Asc' house option

allows you to create an equal house system with a custom 1st House cusp, which can be static or dynamic. After selecting this option from the listbox, click the "Set I House cusp" button to display the following dialog:

· · ·

Mouse movable - not realized yet, Degree - input a zodiacal longitude degree in the entryfield to set a static I House cusp, Object - input the name of a planet or other body in the entryfield to set a dynamic I House cusp. If the object is an asteroid, virtual object, or Arabic Part it must have been activated, i.e. it must be available on the Chart Settings - Planets tab.

Additional features and settings To set a default house system for high latitudes click

button. Will appears a page:

Check "Hight Latitude Houses" option and select a desired house system from drop-down list. To compare house systems, open the General House Table by selecting "Tables" | "General House Table" from the main menu, or clicking the "Tables" Toolbar button and selecting the "General House Table" item. The table lists the longitudes of the cusps, and the houses into which the planets fall, according to the 28 available house systems in ZET.

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To customize further the display of cusps on the wheel, see the various settings on the Wheel tab.

Chart Settings - Aspects The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Aspects tab contains options for setting and using aspects. The Chart Settings - Aspects tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Aspects" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'A' key.

The Aspects page have the following tabs: · · ·

Aspects Orb Anticia


Aspect Filter 124 | P a g e

This panel allows you to set criteria for choosing which astrological aspects (longitude aspects) will be utilized: · · · · · · · ·


Major, Minor - selects either or both classes of aspect. The classification of an aspect as Major or Minor is user-definable - see Orb Tables section below, From Planets, From Houses, To Planets, To Houses - selects aspects according to the entities involved. NOTE: the "From Houses" checkbox is enabled only on dual charts, Glyph labels - displays aspect glyphs on aspect lines shown inside the chart wheel. For clarity aspect glyphs of oppositions are not displayed, irrespective of this setting, Converging only - selects only aspects that are applying (i.e. closing), Planets only mobile - when checked, the assessment of whether an aspect is applying or separating from a house cusp or pars, considers only the movement of the planet, and treats the cusp or pars as stationary. (See also previous option), Highlight when close - highlights (emboldens) aspects which are closer than 30% of the calculated maximum allowed orb, Opposing Nodes - displays an opposition aspect line between the North and South Nodes of the Moon inside the chart wheel, Corresponding signs only (right checkbox) - adds the additional requirement on aspects that are notional multiples of 30 degrees, that their planets must be located in corresponding zodiac signs; otherwise the aspect is not considered valid, e.g. when checked, an 'opposition' between planets in Taurus and Libra would be disallowed. NOTE: orb tables apply to this option, Full Sign Orb (left checkbox) - applicable to aspects which are multiples of 30 degrees, this option dispenses with orb tables, and allows aspects to hold insofar as signs correspond, i.e. the aspect is between the signs, not between the bodies concerned. For example, if one planet is in Aries and the other in Cancer, a square aspect will be deemed to hold between them.

Autoselect Orb Table This panel allows you to set orb tables to be applied automatically in different types of chart. Autoselect Orb Table (F8) - when checked, the specified orb tables for single and dual/complex charts will be automatically utilized for calculating aspects when those types of chart are erected. If you wish to apply an alternative orb table to a particular chart, you must uncheck this setting first. The function key F8 toggles autoselection mode directly. · ·

Single Chart - select the orb table from the drop-down list for determining aspects in single charts (by default, "Natal"), For differing rings - select the orb table from the drop-down list for determining aspects between the different rings of dual and complex charts (by default, "Transit").

· Parallels of Declination - calculates and displays aspects of parallel and contraparallel,

Orb Tables Orb tables contain the properties of the (longitudinal) aspects: angles, orbs of influence, colors and line styles, names, symbols, etc. They are fully customizable. To access the orb tables: · ·

click the Orb Tables (F2) button on the Aspects tab of the Chart Settings window, type the function key F2 at any time,

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click the Status bar on the 2nd item from left, when in the Chart tableau.

The Orbs of Aspects window has two panes, with a moveable divider. The left pane lists available orb tables - clicking on a table name selects it and makes it current. NOTE: If you get the message "This page has been auto-selected for the type of chart", you must uncheck the Autoselect Orb Table checkbox on the Aspects tab before you can select a different orb table. The right pane displays the selected orb table, each line containing the data for one aspect. The numeric columns indicate the orb to be used for the body (or bodies) designated in the table header. The main planets are specified individually. Other bodies, such as asteroids, Arabic Parts, etc are specified as a class. The columns labeled 'm0' ... 'm4' set star aspect orbs according to the apparent brightness of the star (m0 star magnitude 0, m4 - star magnitude 4). The column labeled 'Factor' specifies a factor for Kefer's affetic. Clicking the mouse in the orb table has the following actions in specific cells (for more information see the popup menu options below): • aspect glyph - disables/enables the aspect. Disabled aspects have the glyph crossed out, • column #3 - sets an aspect as major or minor. Major aspects are indicated with the M character, • line color sample - opens a Color picker dialog for setting the main color for depicting the aspect, • numeric cells - allows orbs to be edited in-place. (Type Return when done). Right-clicking in the table displays a popup menu (only options relevant to a particular cell will be available): ·

Orb depends on the aspect - standard option displays a table of dimensions (in the right margin of the window), whose rows - aspects: gliph, value on degrees, color and shape of the line on the chart, orb for each planet (see screenshot above). Orbis predetermined dimension for a given pair of planets will be calculated according to option "Calculation orb" (Chart Settings - Aspecting - Orb) to the largest, at the lower, on average.

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· · ·

· ·

Orb depends on the planet - the orb does not depend on dimension, and defined by a pair of planets, involved in the aspect. For each pair may have its own aspect. In this convergent and divergent aspects are configured separately, see below. Converging aspects - (only for option "Orb depends on the planet") displays a table for convergent aspects. Divergent aspects - (only for option "Orb depends on the planet") displays a table for divergent aspects. New Aspect... - displays the Aspect window. See the "Edit Aspect..." option below. When you click "Apply" or "OK" the new aspect is inserted into the table, Edit Aspect... - displays the following window: Click on the Symbol square to display the Glyph Editor, and select a symbol from its inventory. Click on the color fields to display the Choose Color dialog where you can mix, select and save colors. The left color field sets the color for Color and White backdrops (see Format tab). The right color field sets the color for Black backdrops. You can select the line style from the available list. If the default options do not meet your requirements, you can customize the last 4 items by editing the file AspLineTmp.txt in any text editor: // Aspect Lines Template // x - black pixel // . - white pixel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... xxxxxxxxxxxx...x... xxxxxxx... xxx.. Editing can be done with ZET running - clicking the "Apply" button immediately updates the Chart tableau.

· · · · ·

· ·

Set Color - allows you to set the main color for the aspect (i.e. for chart tableaux with White or Color backdrops), Edit Orb... - allows you to change the value of the aspect's orb. (Type Return when done), Edit Orb... (Star Aspects) - allows you to set orbs for aspects where one of the bodies is a star. You can define five different orbs for aspects with stars, depending on the brightness (apparent visual magnitude, m0 thru m4) of the star, Edit Aspect Factor - used in calculating Kefer's affetics, Set as Major/Minor - allows you define which aspects are classed as major and minor aspects. Major aspects are designated by the symbol M. Aspects not explicitly marked as major aspects are treated as minor aspects. Click in the column to the left of the colored line cell to set this option, Enable/Disable Aspect - allows you to dispense with the aspect on the chart, the Aspect Grid, etc without deleting its definition. Disabled aspects are signified by a crossed-out aspect glyph. Click in the leftmost (gray) cell of the table to set this option, Delete Aspect - deletes the aspect under the mouse pointer when the menu was invoked.

The following menu options are available in the left pane:

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· · ·

New Orb Table... - creates a new orb table. The new table is a clone of the currently selected table, Rename Orb Table... - allows you to rename the orb table. It is not advised to rename the supplied Natal and Transit orb tables. Delete Orb Table... - deletes the currently selected orb table. Care! This is a non-reversible operation.

Block Editing

The block is selected group of table's cells, contains orb's value. To perform a block editing: 1. 2. 3.

Select a block in a table, to do that: pressing 'Shift' key, click the right bottom cell, then release Shift and click top left cell. Also you can select whole rows or/and columns clicking first column or first row of table (with and without Shift key). Invoke popup menu by right mouse click, select "Block Editing" item. The Block Editing wizard will appears. Choose function of orbs changing you want in this block, input desired value of changing and click "OK".

Direction of Aspects The Direction of Aspects window enables you to select rings in dual and complex charts for aspect analysis. The ring(s) currently in use are indicated on the Status bar (field #2 from left). The Direction of Aspects window is opened by: · ·

right-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau to display the popup menu, and selecting the "Aspect Direction..." item, typing the preassigned Alt+A hot-key (the main window should be active).

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The icon indicates the ring(s) of the chart selected for the aspectarian and the display of aspect lines on the chart wheel. In the above example, the aspect direction has been set for aspects between the planets of the 1st (innermost) and 3rd rings of the chart, the chart containing 5 rings altogether. Click with the mouse in the matrix to select rings for aspecting. A single ring can be selected if desired. Keyboard numeric keys 1 ... 7 move the selector icon to the specified cell in the row. The predefined hot-keys F5, F6, and F7 set the row and column of the direction matrix to (1,1), (2,2), and (1,2) respectively. If the matrix becomes displaced in the window, use the arrow cursor keys to restore it. The ring(s) selected for aspecting can have different color backgrounds. See Chart Settings - Color tab, the options Selected ring(s) for aspects and Unselected rings for aspects. When the columns of the Planets List have been restricted (option on the Chart Settings - Data tab), the selected rings' planets data is displayed in addition to the core planets data. Planets List colors can also be adjusted in the Color tab, i.e. the options Main text and Planets List - Core Data and Planets List - Background Data. The direction of aspects is significant for midpoint tree diagrams. The selected row indicates the chart ring whose planetary midpoints are being investigated. The selected column indicates the ring whose planets may or may not fall on the midpoints of the planets selected by the row indicator. The popup menu of the "Direction of Aspects" contains the following items: · ·

Aspect 1x1 direction for dual chart. If this option is enabled, then going from a single to a double chart (by "dual chart selector" or other way) will not automatic switching to 1x2 aspectation direction. Always show house numbering for 2nd ring. If this option is enabled, and the option "Outer ring House number" (Chart Settings, Wheel), the numbers of houses an external chart will be displayed regardless of the "House numbers" option. So only external chart's houses numbers will be displayed.


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· Reduce orb of divergent aspects option allows to reduce orbs of divergenting aspects at some value relativelly the nominal orb value. This consider all aspects. E.g. if the nominal orb of some aspect, defined in the Orb Table, is 1 degree, then, if set 30% reduce value, you get 42 minutes orb of divergent aspect (60*30/100 = 18; 60-18 = 42).

· Dual Chart Aspect Dynamics - In considering how the mutual aspects in a dual chart develop over time, some techniques require that one set of planets be treated as fixed (in time) and the other set as mobile. · ·

Fixed outer wheel - immobilizes the outer wheel, for example, during rectification of a natal chart, so that the sensitivity of the initial (core natal) data can be investigated, Fixed inner wheel - immobilizes the inner wheel, for example, when investigating transiting planets in the outer (background data) wheel.

· Multiple Dynamics Diagrams - when checked, allows multiple aspects' Dynamics Diagram windows to be displayed and monitored - they all update appropriately if the event data changes. When unchecked, only one Dynamics Diagram window is allowed.

· Orb Calculation This panel allows you to select the method of determining orbs in situations where the orb table values are different for the two bodies involved: · · ·

Maximum - utilizes the higher of the two orbs indicated, Minimum - utilizes the lower of the two orbs indicated, Average - utilizes the half-sum average value of the two planets' orbs.

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Option is only available in the "Orb depends on the aspect" (see Chart Settings - Aspecting - Aspects - Orb Tables (Orbs of Aspects) - the popup menu). · Orb for midpoints - this entryfield allows you to set an orb value for midpoints.

· Parallels of Declinztions - allows to specify an orb value for the parallels aspects.

· Anticia - allows to specify an orb value of antiscia.


· · ·

Draw Anticia Aspects - if checked, displays on chart the arcs of anticia and (if leftmost checkbox checked) contra-anticia aspects, Draw Anticia of Planet - if checked, displays the planets' glyphs at the outer ring of chart in position of planets' anticia, Anticia Filter - allows to select a set of planets (separatelly for natal and transiting planets), which uses for anticia aspectation, the selecting fillulled by mouse,

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Anticia Axes - antiscion, reflection over the axis: o 0 Cancer - 0 Capricorn (0 Aries - 0 Libra for contrantiscion), o Ascendant - Descendant, o MC - IC. For Aspect Diagram - allows to select any set of anticion axes.

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Chart Settings - Stars The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Stars tab contains options for selecting and displaying stars from the Star Catalog, and nebulae and galaxies, on the Chart tableau. The Chart Settings - Stars tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Stars" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'S' key.

On Wheel The options on this panel control the display of stars in the ring surrounding the chart wheel. (The position of the ring of stars in relation to the chart wheel is set on the Size tab). · · · ·

All stars - displays in the ring of stars all stars which meet the conditions set on the Star Filter panel (see below), Conjunct with planets - displays in the ring of stars only those which are conjoined with planets, Hide stars - hides the ring of stars, Star names - displays star names in the ring of stars on the wheel, in addition to star glyphs (named stars only),

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Aspects to stars - displays star-planet aspects (other than conjunctions) in the central region of the wheel.

Star Filter The options on this panel allow you to limit the stars used and displayed to those matching a criterion: · · · ·

Stars brighter then mag. - sets a brightness limit on stars to be used in charts. Specify the minimum brightness in the entryfield adjacent (-1, 0 = brightest, ..., 6 = just visible), Named stars only - indicates that only those stars with proper names in the Star Catalog should be used, Selected stars only - indicates that only stars marked in the Star Catalog as 'selected' should be used, Include nebulae - includes items listed in the window of Nebulae, Galaxies in the chart.

In Planet List ·

Conjunct with planets - displays in the planets list the names of stars which are conjoined with the (natal) planets.

Orb of nebulae ·

Specify in the entryfield an orb for planet-nebulae conjunctions.

Orbs of stars ·

This button opens the current orb table, so you can customize the orbs of stars according to their apparent magnitude, i.e. the m0, m1, ..., m4 columns of the table.

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Chart Settings - Size The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Size tab contains options for setting the dimensions and position of the chart wheel, and the width of the information column at right of the tableau. (To show or hide these components of the tableau, see the options on the Wheel and Data tabs). The Chart Settings - Size tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Size" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'I' key.

The scrollbars can be set using the mouse by dragging the slider control, or by clicking at the desired position on the slider track. The sliders can also be moved in small increments with the right- and leftcursor keys. Changes are immediate. Select sizes and proportions ad lib. ·

Chart wheel horizontal position, and


Chart wheel vertical position - you can also position the chart wheel with the mouse: press and hold the Shift key, click the main mouse button in the central (aspect) region of the wheel, and drag the wheel to its new position while holding the mouse button,


Inner ring of wheel - alters the size of the inner disc, in which aspects lines, etc are displayed,


Width of zodiac - alters the width of the zodiac belt of the wheel,

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Outer ring of zodiac - alters the outer diameter of the wheel,


Outer ring of wheel - alters the size of the (imaginary) ring in which cusp numbers are displayed,


Overall size of chart wheel - scales the chart wheel in proportion. You can also resize the wheel using the mouse: press the Shift key, and while holding it down, click the main mouse button in the zodiac belt, and drag it while holding the mouse button down to achieve the desired scaling,


Star sphere - adjusts the distance of the ring of stars from the center of the wheel (if star display has been set),


Planets List position - alters the space allocation given to the planets listing and related information blocks at the right side of the tableau. You can also set this allocation using the mouse (after unchecking the Auto-adjust width option): press the Shift key, and while holding it down, click the main mouse button in the planets listing, and drag it, while holding the mouse button down,


Auto-adjust width - when checked, the Planets List is displayed flush right on the tableau. When unchecked, the data is allowed to flow off the right side of the tableau. NOTE: checking this option slows down the program,


Midpoint trees colums - sets the number of midpoint trees that will be displayed in one row of the midpoint trees listing (see also the Midpoint trees option on the Format tab).

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Chart Settings - Color The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Color tab lists chart tableau elements whose color is user-definable. (Planet glyph colors are set on the Planets tab. Aspect colors are set in the orb tables). The Chart Settings - Color tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Color" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'C' key.

Select a line from the list as desired. Double click on it with the mouse, or press the Enter key, to display a Color selector dialog. Set the colors of chart elements as required. Changes are applied immediately, but may not always be visible, e.g. if they apply to dual charts. The tab has a popup-menu with two items: · · ·

Save Chart Palette... - saves the current set of colors to a .plt type palette file in the [ZET]\Wrk folder, Open Chart Palette... - opens a File selector dialog allowing you to restore the set of colors in a previously saved .plt palette file. Colors of Zodiac Signs - invokes a panel of settings of Colors of Zodiac Signs:

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There are following options here: · ·

Individual Zodiac Glyph Color - when unchecked, then for all Zodiac glyphs used one color, setted in "Color" tab, when checked - then color of each glyph setted in color dialog, which invoked by mouse click to left cell of colors table. Individual Zodiac Sector Color - when unchecked, then for all Zodiac sectors of each element used one color, setted in "Color" tab, when checked - then color of each sector setted in color dialog, which invoked by mouse click to right cell of colors table.

The colors table have a popup menu, which allows to save created palette to any file (e.g. RainbowPalette.plt), restore it from this file, and also cancel (undo) last action of restoring from file.

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Chart Settings - Font The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Font tab contains options for selecting fonts for chart elements, for on-screen display and for printing. The Chart Settings - Font tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Font" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'T' key.

The three buttons vertically at the right of the window allow you to select fonts for textual information: · · ·

Planets List Font - used in the Chart tableau for the list of planet positions. By default it is Courier New 10 point. (Text colors can be set on the Chart Settings - Color tab), Text Font - used for Chart tableau header information, and the reference matter (system of houses, etc.) displayed at top-left of the tableau. This font is also used for the info tooltips. Small Font - used for planets' degrees on glyphs (select by checking the Degrees of planets option on the Format tab), and for asteroid and star names on the chart wheel. It is also used in parts of the Aspects Grid. By default this is Arial Narrow 6 point.

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When checked, ZET utilizes an internal bitmapped font for the astrological glyphs - planets, aspects, etc. ·

ZET Font button - opens a File selector dialog, allowing you to load and use alternative glyphs, if they are available. Glyphs are stored in sets in .fnt font files. ZET glyph fonts are described fully in the Glyph Editor topic.


Large Glyphs - allows individual setting of glyph size for planet, zodiac and aspect glyphs. When checked, large (32x32) glyphs are used; otherwise small (16x16) glyphs are used.

TrueType Font When checked, ZET uses astrologically-enabled TrueType fonts (e.g. WinstarTT) in place of its bitmap fonts for astrological glyphs. ·

TrueType Font - opens a File selector dialog, allowing you to load a suitable TrueType font file. See "Setup True Type font layout" below.


Size of Glyphs - allows individual setting of the (point) size of glyphs for planets, zodiac and aspect glyphs.

How to install TrueType fonts If you cannot see TrueType glyphs on-screen or on chart print-outs, ensure that the font has been installed correctly. The procedure to install a TrueType font manually is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Open the Windows Control panel ("Start" button), Open the "Fonts" item, which is a folder view of installed fonts, From the "File" menu, select "Install font...", In the dialog for adding fonts, navigate to the ZET installation folder, From the list of fonts shown, select "WinstarTT (TrueType)", etc, Click the "OK" button.

Printer ·

TrueType Fonts - selects use of TrueType fonts for print-outs of the chart wheel,


Glyph Size Factor - scales the size of planet and asteroid glyphs on print-outs. The Chart factor adjusts sizes for the Chart tableau print-out. The Table factor adjusts sizes for print-out of the Aspects Grid,


Ellipse - sets an ellipsoidal correction factor. The default setting is 1.0 (i.e. circular). If printing deforms the chart wheel graphic, try adjusting this value up or down.

Setup True Type font layout To choose a font and setup a layout, you can use a True Type Fonts Wizard, which invoked by "Browse" button (right of font name field).

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The layout of WinstarTT font is default. To setup layouts of other fonts: · · · · ·

Choose desired font from a list of enabled system fonts (right top drop-down list) Click "Create" button. Will created a template for layout of this font, the name of template, same as font name, will added to the list of layouts (left top) Fill a template of layout. To do that: for all astrological glyphs, listed in the left table, find appropriate glyph in right table and "drag" it by mouse to appropriate line of left table If there is no desires glyph, then will used ZET's own font glyph Click "Save" button.

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Chart Settings - Rulers The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Rulers tab has options for user-defined rulers of signs, and allows alternative sets to be utilized. The Chart Settings - Rulers tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Rulers" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'R' key.

On this tab you can select - for each planet - the sign(s) of the Zodiac in which the planet has the following astrological attributes: Ruler (i.e. 'own Sign'), Detriment, Exaltation, and Fall. The different schools of astrology use various systems for the status of planets within Signs. To set (or unset) a ruler, etc double-click with the mouse on a Sign glyph. Alternatively position the mouse pointer over a glyph, right-click to display the popup menu (shown above), and select "Ruler". When a rulership, etc has been set, its status can then be adjusted using the popup menu as follows: · ·

Ruler - sets (and unsets) the rulership, etc attribute. Unselected items are displayed in gray on a white background, Main ruler - sets the planet as the main ruler, etc. The main ruler, etc is displayed in black on a pale blue background,

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Secondary ruler - sets the planet as a secondary ruler for the sign. Secondary rulers, etc are displayed in black on a white background.

Rulership sets can saved and retrieved using the "Save Rulers..." and "Open Rulers..." menu options, which display a File selector dialog for .rul rulers files. The display of sign rulers, etc on the Chart tableau (planets list) is controlled with the Symbols checkbox on the Data tab (Affetic panel). The main rulers are used to determine the Chain of Disposition and Chain of Detriment (see Format tab).

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Chart Settings - Gauquelin Sectors The Chart Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for calculating and displaying horoscope charts. The Gauquelin Sectors tab calculates and displays the sector numbers for individual planets. The Chart Settings - Gauquelin Sectors tab is opened by first: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Chart Settings" from the main menu, or clicking the "Options" Toolbar button and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the menu, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau and selecting "Chart Settings..." from the popup menu, or double-clicking in an empty region of the Chart tableau.

Then by clicking the

"Gauquelin Sectors" button at the top of the window, or typing the 'G' key.

This is the 'house' system used by the Gauquelins and their epigones and critics in statistical investigations of astrology. Basically, it is identical to the Placidus house system, i.e. subdivision of the diurnal and nocturnal arcs of ecliptic points or planets. There are a couple of differences, though. - Up to 36 'sectors' (or house cusps) are used instead of 12 houses. - The sectors are counted in a clockwise direction. - There are so-called plus (+) and minus (�) zones. The plus zones are the sectors that turned out to be significant in statistical investigations, e.g. many top sportsmen turned out to have their Mars in a plus zone. The plus sectors are the sectors 36 to 3, 9 to 12, 19 to 21, 28 to 30.

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- More sophisticated algorithms are used to calculate the exact house position of a planet (see swisseph.doc chapters 6.4 and 6.5). Several options are available for setting technical features of the Gauquelin sector calculation. After activating the Gauquelin Sectors checkbox, selecting a planet from the drop-down list box results in the display of the planet's sector at top right of the panel. In the example shown above, Mercury is located in the 5th sector.

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Rectification - 'Condensations' method Rectification is the deriving of an exact time for a nativity whose time of a birth is unknown. One approach to the problem is the astrological analysis of charts for events which have already occurred in the native's life. The technique described here is referred to as the 'condensations' method. In outline the method is as follows: 1.

Some important events (the more, the better) in a native's life are chosen,


For each event various prognostic charts (transit, progression, direction, etc) are created,


The prognostic charts are examined, and the numbers of hits of planets in each degree of the external Zodiac circle are collated. Harmonics of 30 degrees are used. This means that multiple 30° aspects of promissors (planets in the external circle) to natal planets and points are considered,


A histogram of the density of distribution of planets in this interval is calculated,


It is expected that peaks in the histogram should coincide with the major points of the natal chart (Asc, MC, the planetary rulers of the Asc and MC, and also, probably, other planets). The prognostic charts for the event should demonstrate closer aspectual concurrence than a chart for an arbitrary nearby moment of time,


A native's time of birth is selected which best illustrates such a concurrence.

To see how this works, let's see ZET's Rectification Wizard in use on the example horoscope of Princess Diana.

1) Create the Database The life events data is prepared for rectification as a set of records in the Database. It is possible to utilize a contiguous group of records for a native in one database page, or to create a separate database of them. The first record of the group should be the native's birth data. This should be followed by the data of life events. The life event records must have a minus sign (-) as the first character in their Name field. To start the Rectification Wizard, select the entire group of records by clicking the first record to select it then, while holding down the Shift key, clicking the last record so the whole group is highlighted (see screenshot). Then, right-click to display the Database window popup menu, and select "Rectify...":

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Click "Yes" in the message box to confirm that you want to proceed.

2) Select the Prognostic Methods In the Rectification Wizard's window it is possible to choose the desired prognostic techniques for the analysis from the list of available methods at right (the list comprises the available Dual Chart types). For each method, you can also select a set of planets to be taken into account. For example, for Transit one might elect to use only slow-moving planets, Jupiter thru Pluto; for directions - everything; for progressions - only the fast-moving planets, Sun thru Mars. To select a planet, click the mouse on its glyph in the Planet Set line containing the list of available planets and points. To include the Asc and MC in the list of moving points, these need to be defined as the corresponding Arabic Parts with the formulae H1 and H10 respectively.

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Click the "Next" button when you are ready to proceed.

3) Set the rectification interval The sourced time of birth is 19:45. Let's explore the range +-45 minutes around this value, i.e. set the start time for searching as 19:00, and the interval as 90 minutes.

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Click the "Calculate" button...

4) Create the Histogram of Hit-Density Clicking the "Calculate" button executes the analysis. It may be necessary to wait a few minutes until the histogram-growing activities on the panel have ceased. The date/time entryfield at the top of the window will contain the final search time.

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The left pane contains a hit-Density Histogram created for one point in time. Symbols for the natal planets, Asc and MC are displayed at the top of the histogram, their exact positions being marked by vertical lines. Asc, MC and their rulers are colored black, the other planets are light gray. This histogram is examined by the Wizard to calculate how closely sensitive natal points coincide with the peaks of the graph (the coincidence factor). The right pane is a diagram of the coincidence factor history, i.e. charting the dependence of the factor on alternative candidate birth times. The peaks of this diagram show the moments in time when the coincidence factor is maximal. Select the peak nearest to the source time using the scroll-bar at right of the pane - this will be 19:42. The red index cursor can also be positioned by clicking in the list of times at left. For any time, the coincidence factor is displayed at top-right of the window. The Condensations method of rectification is but one of several auxiliary tools for the astrologer - but in the final analysis, it does not follow to think of the data derived with it as true. An alternative rectification method available in ZET is Trutina Hermetis.

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Rectification - Trutina Hermetis Rectification is the deriving of an exact time for a nativity whose time of a birth is unknown. One approach to the problem is the astrological analysis of the pre-natal epoch. The Pre-Natal Epoch is a very ancient concept. Known as the Trutine of Hermes, or the Trutina Hermetis, and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, it is cited in the 51st Centiloquy of Ptolemy�s Tetrabiblos, but is now generally considered to have been written in the 10th century by the Arabic astrologer Ja�far Ahmet ibn Yusuf ibn Ibrahim al-daya. Simply put, the Trutine is the relationship between a normal period of gestation (approximately nine months before birth) and the moment of birth, depending on the Moon and the lunar rhythm. This sets up a correlation between the chart for the moment of conception and the chart for the moment of first breath, when the physical body separates from the body of the mother. The Trutina Hermetis method of rectification is based on the assumption that the positions of the Ascendant and the Moon in the conception chart and the birth chart are interconnected by a rule: the Moon at birth is on the horizon axis of the conception horoscope, and the Moon at conception is located on the horizontal axis of the radix. In classical form the Trutina Hermetis says: · · · ·

When the radix Moon is waxing Moon and above the horizon, the period of pregnancy was less than 273 days, and the Moon in the prenatal epoch chart is conjunct the Ascendant of the radix. When the radix Moon is waning Moon and above horizon, the pregnancy was more than 273 days, and the prenatal Moon has the same coordinate as the Descendant of the radix. When the radix Moon is under the horizon and waxing, pregnancy was more than 273 days, and prenatal Moon incorporates the radix Ascendant. When the radix Moon is under the horizon and waning, pregnancy last less than 273 days, and the prenatal Moon conjoins the Descendant of the radix.

To see how this works in ZET, let's consider Trutina Hermetis using the example of the horoscope of Princess Diana. Sourced time of birth is 19:45. Let's check it using Trutina Hermetis: 1. 2.

Erect Diana's natal chart. Click the "Tools" Toolbar button or selecte the "Tools" main menu item, then select the "Rectify by 'Trutina Hermetis'" option. The Trutina Hermetis window is displayed.


Click the

Calculate button at top-left. You should now see:

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The Trutina gives 19:40. As the 'Condensations' method of rectification gave 19:42, which is between 19:45 and 19:40, the time 19:42 is acceptable.

Trutina Hermetis toolbar The toolbar buttons are as follows: · · · · · ·


"Calculate" - executes the rectification on the current (core) event data, "Hide Prenatal Chart" - deletes the ring of prenatal planets, which is erected on the chart as an additional ring. To replace the chart, repeat the calculation, "Save in History" - records the rectified chart in the History log "Restore Radix" - replaces the rectified chart (also Event Data, and inner ring planets) with the original source chart, "Mean Pregnancy Term [calendar months]" - enables you to set the term for natives born prematurely, "Options" - displays a submenu with the options: o Prenatal City same as Radix one - set this option if applicable. If not then uncheck it, open the "Event Data" window and in a background (not natal) data setup a prenatal city. o True Horizon - selects the use of the true horizon in the calculation. The resulting difference in rectified birth time may not be insignificant. NOTE: the result is also affected by the setting "Adjust for ellipsoidal Earth" on the General Settings, General tab, "Debug" - internal use only.

[Parts adapted from The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #105, Oct/Nov 2002. Download now.]

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Published in The Mountain Astrologer, issue #101, Oct/Nov 2002

The Pre-Natal Epoch by Darrelyn Gunzburg Editor's Note: This work previously appeared in The FAA Journal, March 1989, and Under Capricorn: An Anthology of Australian Astrology (Adelaide, Australia: FAA Board of Examiners, 1990) and is published here in a slightly shortened version with minor editorial changes. This material was also presented in a lecture at UAC 1998.

The Pre-Natal Epoch is a very ancient concept. Known as the Trutine of Hermes, or the Trutina Hermetis, and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, it is cited in the 51st Centiloquy of Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos 1 but is now generally considered to have been written in the 10th century by the Arabic astrologer Ja’far Ahmet ibn Yusuf ibn Ibrahim al-daya. 2 The Trutine of Hermes, as cited in Ptolemy, is: Make the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth the ascending sign at the conception; and consider that in which she may be posited at the conception, or the opposite one, as the sign ascending at the birth. Simply put, the Trutine is the relationship between a normal period of gestation (approximately nine months before birth) and the moment of birth, depending on the Moon and the lunar rhythm. This sets up a correlation between the chart for the moment of conception and the chart for the moment of first breath, as the physical body separates from the body of the mother. This technique originated from a time when the firstborn child of a family, especially a son, had the right to succeed or to inherit property or title, to the exclusion of all other claimants. Therefore, it was imperative, not only for the monarch of the day but also for the noble, wealthy, and privileged classes of Europe and the Middle East, to know whether they were going to have offspring and whether the child would be male or female. This could be determined either by reading the chart for when sexual intercourse has taken place or by setting up a chart for the best time for it to take place in order to produce offspring. Thus, two of the required tools in the astrologer’s toolkit were (1) to be able to read the horary chart of the sexual event as to whether or not it would bear fruit and, better still, (2) to elect a chart for copulation from which a child of either gender would ensue, nine to ten months later. Hence, the Trutine of Hermes was

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a method of determining the fecundity of the action, the length of pregnancy, and the resulting gender. Although the success rate of this principle is not tabulated, we do know that the method was absolutely part of the toolkit of the medieval and ancient astrologer. Robert Zoller 3 tells us that the oldest extant exposition of the subject appears to be that of Vettius Valens in his Anthologiarum Libri, written between 154–174 C.E. Three astrologers from the Arab world also dealt with this: Haly (998–1061); Zael, one of the most important astrologers of the 9th century; and Achaiat (possibly al-Khayyat), c. 770–835 (all three are mentioned by Bonatti). The doctrine appears in 11th-century astrologer Al-Biruni's Elements of the Art of Astrology. The 13thcentury astrologer Guido Bonatti gives detailed instructions for electing such charts in his Liber Astronomiae, Tractatus Tertius, col. 445: "On the Generating and Conceiving of Sons and Daughters." Bonatti, in turn, influenced the works of John Dee, Pico della Mirandola, and Johannes Shoener. Before the Palatine Library was destroyed in 1620, it contained at least two books on the subject. Why Link the Ascendant and the Moon? In ancient and medieval astrology, the individual was thought to be represented by the Ascendant; the ruler of the Ascendant and the rest of the chart indicated the physical reality that surrounded a person and acted upon him or her 4 - a very different concept from the more psychologically inclined attitude of today which sees the whole chart as a blueprint for personal behaviour. The ancient and medieval astrologers could describe the capabilities of a person's soul and mental capacities in terms of the Moon and Mercury, but everything else to do with the person's character was limited to circumstantial factors. Hence, the Ascendant was the most significant consideration for determining the character and capabilities of an individual. And since the Moon was the beat of time used to measure birth (the Pre Natal Epoch is based on the cycles of the Moon and takes 8-10 lunations for childbirth, not 9 solar months. Hence the Moon, rather than the Sun, becomes the beat of time used to measure childbirth) it became extremely important to link these two measures in order to gain the best outcome. What Bonatti refers to as De Mora Infantis in Utero Matri ("On the Period of the Infant in the Mother’s Belly") is sometimes called conception; however, the word "conception" is the sticking point in all this, because fertilisation does not necessarily take place at the time of copulation. Zoller suggests that ancient texts that referred to “conception” actually meant "coitus," since it is almost impossible to ascertain the true moment of conception. He states that "the ancients, not knowing about true conception, confused it with coitus, assuming that the actual

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fertilisation took place at the time of insemination.” 5 Therefore, references by Ptolemy and others to “the conception figure” or “the moment of conception” are, in fact, references to the moment of insemination or coitus. But Pre-Natal Epoch charts are more than this. They are the charts for sexual moments which are incredibly successful in producing a child. They are the charts for physical endeavours which cause fertilisation to occur. They are the charts for the beginnings of a journey which has, as its outcome, the birth of a human being. Modern Use In modern times, the Trutine of Hermes, or Pre-Natal Epoch, has been more frequently used to look backwards in time than to look forwards — that is, more to rectify the birth time 6 than to ascertain fruitfulness of sexual union. I believe that we are on shaky territory if we limit the Pre-Natal Epoch to its sole guise of fine-tuning the natal birth time since, as stated above, fertilisation of the egg cannot be fully pinpointed. So, what if we free the Pre-Natal Epoch is freed from the shackles of having to be a rectification device? What if we allow it to become a piece of information in its own right? A chart which describes the potential of a sexual action that is ultimately successful in producing a child must surely show the seeds of actions which ripen in the womb to become formed behaviour patterns. If we take this stance, then the Pre-Natal Epoch might be telling us something quite different. It may be showing us the drive behind the natal chart, the unmanifest energies, latent potentials, or raw resources of the psyche prior to the birth process — the "underbelly" of the natal chart which, if acknowledged consciously, can help us to understand many inner drives not necessarily shown by the natal chart. Since the Pre-Natal Epoch is based on the cycles of the Moon, we can carry the model even further and say that, just as the natal chart shows us the externally driven Solar Hero’s journey (no matter how yin the chart might be), the Pre- Natal Epoch may show us the lunar, or internal side of ourselves — the feminine, interior, or spiritual side. This article proposes that the Pre-Natal Epoch chart can be delineated as an authentic chart in its own right, rather than a theoretical concept or rectification device, a chart which can be read in actuality for behavioral patterns which is as intimately connected with the natal chart as yin is to yang. The Pre-Natal Epoch chart can thus show us the shape and form of the incoming energy — what is potentially there, as opposed to what is physically there in the natal chart — and give us valuable information about a person that is not necessarily apparent from the natal chart. It can also tell us how aspects may have improved or degraded

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during the time in the womb — the decisions an individual has made in the womb about the expression of those aspects. The Mathematics Mathematically, the relationship is: The sign and degree of the natal Moon must be the same sign and degree as the Pre-Natal Epoch (PNE) Ascendant; the sign and degree of the natal Ascendant must be the same sign and degree as the PNE Moon or its opposite sign (see Diagram **wherever**). A chart is constructed for the time when the Moon was in the exact degree of the natal Ascendant nine to ten months before birth. The resulting chart must have its Ascendant at the same degree and minute as the natal Moon, and the sign and degree of the natal Ascendant must be the same or opposite sign and degree as the Pre-Natal Epoch Moon. The method I use is as follows: 1. Calculate the 8–10 lunar returns before birth, with the Moon set to the degree of the natal Ascendant. 2. Look through the options offered to find the exact degree of the PNE Ascendant as the degree of the natal Moon. When counting back nine to ten months, there are always two possibilities for the Pre-Natal Epoch chart. Both of these will have the Moon in the exact degree of the natal Ascendant. However, in the process of adjusting the Ascendant to the degree of the natal Moon, one chart will become more obviously correct as the PNE Moon maintains its relationship by sign and degree to the natal Ascendant. Note: Freeing the Pre-Natal Epoch from having to be a rectification device means that the natal Ascendant does not have to correspond exactly to the Moon of the PNE chart but should at least be within 3° of it. Besides the above, I do not reverse the latitude of birth to account for any hemisphere change.

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Astrological Tables Selecting "Tables" from the main menu or clicking the "Astrological Tables", displays the following submenu:

"Tables" Toolbar button, and selecting

· Mundane Aspects of the Moon · Moon Days Log · Moon Apogees and Perigees · Planet Nodes and Apsides · Sunrise and Sunset · Ingresses of Planet · Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits

Mundane Aspects of the Moon The Mundane Aspects of the Moon window lists aspects and ingresses of the Moon for the calendar month indicated by the entryfields at the top of the window. The data is required for calculating the periods in which the Moon is 'void-of-course', i.e. when it does not make any major aspects before ingress into the next sign of the Zodiac. In horary astrology, such periods are considered times when it is possible to answer the asked question by "from this nothing will turn out". For example, if now on June 25th, 2005, 15:18 the Moon is still not void of course, this period will begin at 18:22 and will end on the 26th at 6:03. The period of the Void Moon depends on whether the traditional septener or the complement of 10 planets is used. For example, by septener the Moon is void-of-course, because the last aspect before ingress into Pisces was the trine to Jupiter on June 24th. For (de/)selecting septener, use the checkbox Septener only at the top of the window. To create the table for a paricular month, set the month and year at the top of the window, and press the "Calculate" button at top-left. The result is saved in the file [ZET]\MoonAsp\yyyy_mm.dat (where yyyy and mm are the year and month of calculation respectively). If a data file exists for the month and year entered, it is loaded automatically into the window, and calculation is not performed. (You should understand the implications for void-of-course calculations of settings on the Chart Settings - Wheel topic).

Moon Days Log Selecting this option displays the Moon Days Log window of Moon rises and phases:

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Terminology: the day of the Lunar month (Lunar day, Moon day, or Day of the Moon) commences with the Rising of the Moon, or the instant of New Moon; and ends at the next Rising of the Moon, or the following New Moon (whichever comes first). The first and last Moon Days can thus be very short. The lunar month can contain 29 or 30 Lunar days. The calculation of the Moon Days Log is essentially dependent on the geographical position of the observer. · Create - creates the Log, and a file with the name MoonXXXX.wrk in the [ZET]\Wrk folder, with the dates and times of Moon days, risings, and phases for the calendar year specified by the Year entryfield, · Open... - displays a File selector dialog onto the [ZET]\Wrk folder, allowing you to select a previously created Moon Days Log file for retrieval, · Clear - clears the contents of the window.

Moon Apogees and Perigees The Moon Apogees and Perigees window is similar to the Moon Day Log window, except that its operation creates and displays a log file MapXXXX.wrk of the times in the calendar Year XXXX when the Moon is in apogee (maximum distance from the Earth) or in perigee (minimum distance from the Earth) during revolutions of its orbit. The point of last apogee of the Moon prior to the current date is called the Astral Black Moon. Abnormally close points of perigee are considered significant in horary astrology.

Planet Nodes and Apsides Selecting this option displays the Planet Nodes and Apsides window:

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The window lists some of the orbital elements of the main planets, i.e. the parameters and their values used to establish celestial body's orbit in position, shape and size, and the position of the body in its orbit at a given time. The data displayed is for the current event time. The buttons at bottom of the window select some display variants of the data, as follows: · Mean, True and True Bar. - switch between mean, true, and true barycentric coordinates, · 2nd Focus - alternates between listing the aphelion value (the default with the button up), and the second focus of the orbit (when the button is clicked down), · Helio and Geo - switch between using heliocentric and geocentric values, · N.Pole - when checked, includes the polar vector of the orbit in the list.

Sunrise and Sunset The Sunrise and Sunset window is similar to the Moon Day Log window, except that its operation creates and displays a log file SunXXXX.wrk of the times of sunrises and sunsets for the calendar Year XXXX, together with durations of daytime (Dhour column) and night magic hours (Nhour column). The following table lists the planet-rulers of these magic hours: Day

Sun Fri Wed Mon Sat Thu Tue Night






11 10








12 11



Mercury 3



































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Mercury 10










10 9








11 10








12 11










10 9




Ingress of Planet Selecting this menu option presents a further submenu listing the planets Moon thru Pluto. Selecting a planet (say, Uranus) displays a window similar to the Moon Day Log window, except that its operation creates and displays a log file with the name, say IngresUranus1900_150.txt of dates and times when the selected planet enters a new Zodiac sign during the period specified (in this case 150 years). Use the Period entryfield to set the range of calendar years for calculation, and the Begin entryfield to set the starting year. When the Retro button is checked, the log also includes dates and times when the planet is 'on station', and an indication of its subsequent retrograde and direct motion. When the Decl button is checked, the log file contains declination movement information, rather than longitude movement data, i.e. specifically dates and times when the planet crosses the ecliptic. If the Retro button is also checked with this option, the log includes dates and times of maximum and minimum declination. Here is part of the above-mentioned log of Ingresses of Planet Uranus: Time Zone: +00:00 System: Ecliptic Geocentric Ingressions of planet Uranus for 1900 - 2049 year 3.06.2002 0:10 R 28°50' 8"Aqr 4.11.2002 6:27 D 24°54'30"Aqr 10.03.2003 20:54 > Psc 7.06.2003 6:59 R 2°49'14"Psc 15.09.2003 3:46 > Aqr 8.11.2003 12:43 D 28°53'42"Aqr 30.12.2003 9:07 > Psc 10.06.2004 15:48 R 6°47'46"Psc 11.11.2004 19:12 D 2°52'20"Psc The Retro option was ON, and the Decl option was OFF when creating this log.

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Aspects Grid The aspectarian is opened by first: · · ·

selecting "Tables" | "Aspects Grid" from the main menu, or clicking the "Tables" Toolbar button, and selecting the "Aspects Grid" menu item, or right-clicking in the Chart tableau to display its popup menu, and selecting the "Aspects Grid" item.

A resticted aspectarian, for one planet only, is available by right-clicking a planet glyph or cusp number on the chart wheel to display the object's popup menu, and selecting the "Aspects Grid" item.

Astrological aspects are indicated by: · · ·

Astrological symbol for the aspect, Carets, indicating an applying (>...= 13.5 degrees, or greater, then 1st sign, - 3rd siign gives a ruled, if it's lenght in this house >= 13.5 degrees. Lilith (Black Moon), except a house, where it located, always is an element of 8th house. The couple of houses is linked, if any planet - the element of one house is in aspect with any planet - the element of other house, or if a planet - the element of one house at the same tome is the element of other house. The link considers as congruous (harmonic, positive), if the aspect is sextille or trine, and negative (disharmonic), if the aspect is square or opposition. The conjunction considered as negative, if one of it's plenets is the element of 6th, 8th or 12th house. In other case the conjunction is positive. Same refers to the links of planets by house location and rulership. When a planet have a dual rulership of house, then while accounting of of count of links, this rulership considers only ones. E.g. if a house contain Capricorn and Aquarius signs, and Saturn is retrograde and rules of Capricorn and Aquarius, then second link is not considered. Bif if Satun located in this house, then it considers twice.

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The count of links of couple of houses - is an oveeral count of links of the elements constituent of these houses. The count oof house links displyed in "House Elements Links" table, invokes from "Tables" menu. This table have a popup menu, and using it you may invoke additional tables: - a list of aspects with signs for each planet in which house it located and what houses it rules, - a "Houses, Planets, Rulers" window with a list of houses, planets in houses and rulers of houses, and a list of planets, houses, in which these planets located or is the rules.

SPBAA; 6.10.1989 ;19:59:59;+03:00:00;Sankt-Peterburg, Russia;59^57'00"N; 30^18'00"E;;; In the cells of "House Element Links" table writed separatelly the sums of harmonic (+) disharmonic (-) links of appropriate couple of houses. If the overal sum is positive, then cells background color id red, if negative, then blue. You may select a cell (by mouse click, double click or from popup menu), with this in other tables will selects the houses of this couple. On a screenshot above selected a couple of houses 2-7, which have 3 harmonic links and 1 disharmonic. Considered planets are selected in aspects, and also Jupiter D2-A7 and Moon A2-D7.

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Planets on Midpoints The Planets on Midpoints window is opened by selecting the "Tables" main menu item or clicking the "Tables" Toolbar button, and then selecting the "Planets on Midpoints" menu option. The window displays a list of the conjunctions between planets and the zodiacal longitude midpoints of all pairs of objects on the chart (planets, pars, etc). For example: Planets in Midpoints 20 July 2001 Fr 11:06:55 Mercury = Mars Mercury = Neptune Mars = Lilit Jupiter = Moon Neptune = Saturn Pluto = Venus Pluto = Uranus Node = Sun Node = Mercury Pars Fortuna = Moon Pars Fortuna = Moon

+0:00 53°25'N / Neptune / Pluto / Pars Fortuna / Saturn / Pars Fortuna / Saturn / Pars Fortuna / Venus / Jupiter / Mars / Pluto

2°55'W 0°33'56" 0°34' 8" 0°19' 8" 0°17'34" 0°27'10" 0°52' 4" 0°44' 3" 0°44'37" 0° 5' 8" 0°38'31" 0°29'33"

For each item listed the following data is given: - name of the planet on the midpoint - names of planet-pairs forming the midpoint - angular separation between planet and midpoint. Planets on midpoints can also be displayed in graphic form on the Chart tableau. The following settings are applicable: · ·

Chart Settings - Format, Tableau Objects, Midpoints trees checkbox - when checked displays trees in the tableau at right, Chart Settings - Size, Midpoint trees columns slider - sets the number of trees in one row of the information block,

The 'plantation' of Chart tableau midpoint trees is mouse-sensitive.

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Tabular Ephemeris An ephemeris (plural, ephemerides) is a table of the celestial coordinates of an orbiting body computed for regular intervals of time.

To create a Tabular Ephemeris: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

Click the "Tools" Toolbar button or select "Tools" from the main menu, then select the "Tabular Ephemeris..." menu option. In the Numeric Format panel, select the desired data format. d = a numeral, mm = arc-minute, ss = arcsecond, SGN = zodiac sign. Select the coordinates to be computed by clicking items in the list adjacent. Select items to be computed by clicking in the Planets box. Set the Begin and End entryfields to the limiting dates of the ephemeris. Set the Step entryfield to the desired period between successive positions - by default this is 24 hours. As the ephemeris is computed for GMT/Universal Time, optionally use the GMT entryfield to input a compensating Time Zone for your location (NOTE: use '+' for locations east of the Greenwich meridian, '-' for locations west of Greenwich). Optionally to have ephemeris dates in astronomical Julian Date format, check the JD box. Click Create to generate the ephemeris. ZET displays a progress-bar while it is busy. When done, it displays the message "Created file Ephermerides.txt". Click "OK".

The tabular ephemeris file is held in the file [ZET]\Ephemerides.txt in the ZET installation folder. If it is desired to retain a created ephemeris, this file should be renamed. The file can be opened in any text editing application. The data format is tab-separated columns of plain text.

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Primary Directions Classic

What is Primary Direction? - we ask the Astrologer. The Master shows on model of heavenly sphere which holds in a hand, and speaks:

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Here the heavenly sphere in horizontal system of coordinates, a celestial globe, outside view. This is a sky for birth of Jean Baptiste Morin de Villefranche, Morinus, Johannes; 23.02.1656; 8:30; +0:18:52; Beujolais, France; 45N59; 4E43; M;;

We see points: south, east, zenith. And also circles: horizon, prime vertical, meridian. ecliptic, equator. We see stars and constellations.

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We see the constant daily motion of hea heavenly venly sphere caused by rotation of the Earth around it's axis, "axis mundi", it is so-called so called primary motion. While this movement the planets rises, sets, culminates and antianti culminates. Now lets fix position of planets (natal) on heavenly sphere and consider, how directing planets will move concerning natal (many methods of the astrological forecast are based on this approach).

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The directing planets are marked here by red flags. It is possible to compare, for example, coordinates of planets in ecliptic, ecliptic, then equality of eclictical coordinates of natal and directing planets will be considered as their conjunction. But thus it can appear that planets have an equal longitude, but are in different houses, for example, one over horizon (in 12th house), an another other under horizon (in the 1st house). Classical variant is other: positions of planets are considered relatively house cusps, and in so-called so called quadrant systems of houses in which the horizon is first and seventh house, the tenth and the fourth is a meridian. merid ian. The system of Placidian houses, for example, concerns such systems. Let's leave on heavenly sphere only Saturn and Mercury. Then for some moment of time we will get this picture:

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Here are shown: - Houses of Placidus as it looks on heavenly sphere, instead of on a flat chart, - Daily parallels of Saturn and Mercury: circles on which these planets make an apparent motion on heavenly sphere because of rotation of the Earth,, - A line of mundane projection of Saturn, coinciding the Mercury with the same line. The mundane projection of a planet is a line passing through a planet and located proportionally next house cusps. The numerical characteristic of mundane projection of planet is it's mundane position. Equality of mundane positions means conjunction of planets (mundane). In this picture we can see that directing Saturn has come to conjunction with natal Mercury.

What is the forecast by Primary Direction? Degrees of turn of heavenly sphere are put in conformity with the years of native's life. The arch of turn is measured on equator (a right ascension). Various "keys" ("timings") of direction are thus used, for example, a key of Ptolemy are: 1 degree of right ascension corresponds to 1 year. For example, directing Saturn has passed before conjunction with natal Mercury of 9 degrees and 25 minutes, it corresponds to 9 years and 5 months of native's life. I.e. for this time the event corresponded with symbolism of these planets is predicted for this chart.

How ZET do that? 173 | P a g e

Check up, whether is available the "Primary Direction" type in the list of types of charts (the "Chart Types" window). If isn't present then open the "Dual Chart Editor" and create this chart type:

Click "Tables" button, choose "Primary Directions" menu item. You will see:

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Input appropriate parameters and click "Calculate" button. In the left field there will be a desirable table with the list of aspects of directed planets with natal, arcs of direction which there has passed directed planet to aspect with natal one, and the date corresponding to this arc. Click by right mouse button to some line of table. Will appears a menu:

Choose "Cast aspect's chart" menu item. If a "Horoscope Chart" tableau established, you will see about following (do not forgot to cast a dual chart with "Primary Direction" type and switch on a "Mundane aspects" option in a Chart Settings, Aspects, also you may open the "Aspect List" window):

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If the "Sky" tableau established, you will see:

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Lines of mundane projections and daily parallels of planets we will name circumstances of direction. To switching-off displaying of these lines choose "Delete circumstances of direction" menu item.

What is "Secondary motion"? This is own movement of a planet on it orbit around the Sun or the Earth (for the Moon). The option "Secondary motion" in a "Primary direction" window should be checked. The possibility of switching-off of this option is available only for check of corresponding algorithms of calculation and for comparison with sources, where this motion is not considered. Secondary motion leads to that an arch of direction for quickly moving planet is reduced. The secondary motion is directed backward of primary one, i.e. secondary motion slows down a planet apparent motion in the sky. This effect is swept most up, naturally, for the Moon.

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The example of Bob Makransky Lets calculate the Primary Direction Classic in ZET 9 with a sample of prince Charls chart, described in a book of Bob Makransky. Primary Directions.

Speculum of this chart (by program): Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Pluto Asc MC

L 232.42 30.44 216.96 196.38 260.95 269.89 155.27 89.93 194.13 136.56 125.50 13.44

D -18.38 11.24 -12.16 -4.76 -24.06 -23.38 10.92 23.65 -4.17 23.07 18.90 5.31

RA 230.01 28.48 215.20 195.79 260.07 269.87 157.62 89.92 193.59 141.48 127.87 12.37

MD 37.64 -16.11 22.84 3.42 67.70 77.50 -34.74 -77.56 1.22 -50.89 -115.50 0.

SA 114.69 104.47 105.71 96.00 124.15 122.92 75.96 123.40 95.25 57.62 -115.50 96.71

MD/SA 0.32822 -0.15419 0.21602 0.03566 0.54531 0.63047 -0.45742 -0.62848 0.01281 -0.88316 1. 0.

PMP 119.54 283.88 109.44 93.21 139.08 146.74 48.83 326.56 91.15 10.52 0. 270.

Lets use Placidus house system. In a "Sky sphere" tableau the cusps of Placidus houses looks as:

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The sphere displyed in horizontal system, "external" view mode. Following points and lines are there: Z - zenith, P - axis of mundo (north pole of equator), E - east point, N - north point. Following circles are there: horizon (E-N), equator (crosses a horizon in E point), prime vertical (Z-E), meridian (Z-P-N). The line of 1st and 7th house cusps (Asc � Dsc), horizon, displyed by hysgine. 10th and 4th (MC � IC), by blue. Other cusps by light blue. The geographical latitude circles displied by dotted lines. If the declination of some celestial body are greater, then a geographical latitude of current place, then its position in Placudus are not specified (or specified by any special manner). The Placidian primary direction based on a concept of objects mundane position (promissors and significators), i.e. coordinate of object on an equator line. The mundane position of 1st house cusp always equal 0, 2nd - 30 degrees, 10th - 270 and so on. It calculated by formula: MP = (n-1)*30, where n - house number.

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The mundane position of celestial body calculates by appropriate formulae, accordingly its house position. On a screenshot bottom displyed the Placidian projections of natal Saturn and directed Moon, and its mundane positiona (red).

This chart build for a trine of directed Moon and natal Saturn. There are details of appropriate calculation (by program): Placidean Direction RAMC: 12.3688 Promissor: RAp: 28.4772 Significator: RAs: 157.6241 MPs: 48.8325 SAs 75.9586 MDs -34.7447 Aspect: -120.0000 MPap = MPs + Aspect MPap: -71.1675 RAap: 0.2093 ADap: 14.4683 R: 12.3688 T: -1 V: 1 Arc = RAp - R + T*RAap*(90+V*ADap) Arc: -5.7517 = 5°45' 6"

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Firdar Firdar (Fidaria) are periods of life that fall under governorship of the planets as chronocrators (givers of life). A medieval technique attributed to the Persians, this and several similar methods of assigning planetary periods were used in various predictions. Diurnal nativities begin with the Sun and nocturnal nativities begin with the Moon. The planetary periods follow the order: Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, North Node, South Node. Apart from the inclusion of the nodes this is the order by which planets are assigned to the dignity of face. The periods of rulership are as follows: Sun - 10 years Venus - 8 years Mercury - 13 years Moon - 9 years Saturn - 11 years Jupiter - 12 years Mars - 7 years North Node - 3 years South Node - 2 years Thus a diurnal birth will recognise the Sun as the firdaria for the first 10 years of life after which rulership will pass to Venus on the 11th birthday and then to Mercury on the 19th birthday. A nocturnal birth will recognise the Moon as the firdaria for the first 9 years after birth, with rulership passing to Saturn on the 10th birthday, and so forth. During its period of rulership the firdaria is claimed to have a heightened influence upon the native. Corruptions of the term including fridaries and alphradar are also found.

Firdar (Chaldean mode) This variant differs from Persian that the rulerer of the first period is the planet-ruler of a sign on an ascendant, and duration of the first period (and its the first subperiod) is reduced proportionally to position of a planet-ruler of an ascendant in this sign.

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Aspect Dynamics Dynamic Diagrams are a precision display of an aspect's development in time. An aspect's Dynamics Diagram window is opened by: · · ·

right-clicking a planet glyph on the chart wheel to display its popup menu, and selecting an aspect listed on its menu, placing the mouse pointer on an aspect line in the center of the chart wheel, and clicking when the aspects's info tooltip appears (for declination aspects, near the midpoint of the arc), selecting the "Dynamics Diagram" item from popup menus, e.g. in the Aspects Grid, the Aspects Diagram, etc.

Multiple Dynamics Diagram windows can be opened if this option is selected on the Chart Settings - Data tab.

The window depicts a diagram (graph) of the separation of the aspecting bodies relative to perfection, charted against time. Its significant features are: o o o o o o

The title bar names the aspect, the aspecting bodies, and their current distance apart, The vertical red line marks the current (event data) date and time, The blue line shows how the separation of the bodies changes over time: when it approaches the time line, the bodies are applying; when it recedes from the time line, the bodies are separating, The aspect reaches perfection (i.e. exactness) when the blue line crosses the central axis - this moment is highlighted by the red arrowed marker, The time of perfection, and the positions of the planets at this moment, are shown at the bottom of the window, When the mouse pointer is moved over the window, the Status bar at the bottom of the window shows the date and time at the pointer (X: readout), and the distance from perfection (Y: readout).

In the example shown, we quickly see that the trine between Pluto and the Node was exact about 7 weeks ago, when Pluto was at 17°0'34" Leo and the Node at the same degree of Aries. We also see that that the planets are separating at present, having receded to about 1.5 degrees apart. How will the aspect develop further? Let's see... · · ·

The lower horizontal scrollbar shifts the time window left and right, i.e. backwards and forwards in time, The upper horizontal scrollbar zooms in and out in the time domain, The vertical scrollbar magnifies the 'field of view', i.e. it zooms in and out on the aspect.

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You can adjust the window to any desired size using the standard window decorations. You can use the sliders on the Dynamics of Time panel to 'scrub' the current time marker.

Menu options Right-click in the window for a popup menu, as shown: · ·

Set Time to Exact - makes the time and date of perfection the current event-data time, and updates the Chart tableau and other open window to this time, Interpretation - displays an astrological interpretation of the aspect.

The aspect details line at the bottom of the window has its own popup menu: ·

Copy Date and Time - copies the time and date of perfection to the clipboard, e.g. for pasting into the Dynamics of Time control panel, the Event Data window, etc.

Typing Ctrl+C copies the window graphic to the Windows Clipboard as an image. All open Dynamics Diagram windows redraw when the current event data time changes, e.g. under animation.

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Calendar-Forecast The Calendar-Forecast portrays graphically the transit situation for a calendar year or month. The graphic is constructed for a native whose chart is currently on the tableau. To create a Calendar-Forecast: 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Create a chart for the native, Click the "Tools" Toolbar button or select "Tools" from the main menu, then select the "Calendar-Forecast" menu option, In the Calendar-Forecast window set the period of the forecast - year or month (ignore the item not relevant) using the entryfield or the drop-down list of months. You may also set the time zone (by default this is copied automatically from the Event Data for the nativity), Click either the "Create for Year" or the "Create for Month" button to generate the graphic; a confirmation dialog with the nativity data will appear, Click "Yes", and after a few seconds the Calendar-Forecast is displayed.

The calendar's columns represent months (in the annual forecast), or days (in the monthly forecast). From top to bottom there are 12 horizontal bands, each strip representing a theme or area of life (astrological house). The bands consist of zones of different color: red - harmonious (favorable) astrological influence of planets, black aggressive (unfavorable), yellow - neutral or polysemantic. The height of a zone indicates the relative strength of the influence. Click and drag the mouse over the graphic to display a hairline cursor. The window title bar displays the day (or hour) at the cursor position. The astrological houses or themes of life are as follows: 1


person, own will, relation to life, reaction to an environment



money, material means, earnings, expenditure, energy



thinking, dialog, processing and transfer of information, study, local trips



house, environment, external and internal conditions, parents



conscious self-expression, children, creativity, games, love



health, body care, diet, clothes, work, routine work and service



relations with other people, partners (including conjugal)



public finance, joint money, insurance, taxes, parapsychology



philosophy, religion, higher education, distant trips, foreigners



public status, professional reputation, career, ambition



collective self-expression, friends, hopes, prospects



unconscious emotional reactions, leaving a reality, solitude

"Copy (Ctrl+C)" button - copies the calendar graphic to the Windows Clipboard, for pasting into a graphic editor program. "Save (Ctrl+S)" button - saves the calendar graphic to the file [ZET]\Wrk\calendar.gif. "Set Colors" button - displays a menu from which you can set the colors of the different zones.

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Prognistic Graph For the Lite version of ZET is available only 3 days transit diagram.

The Prognostic Graph displays summary influence of astrological factors to a native during some period of time.

The green graphic's curve displays the harmonious influence, the red one - the tense. The vertical graphic's scale is relative value of influence. The graph calculation method is to summarize the strength of aspects between moving (transiting, directed, progressed) planets and natal planets and cusps. The formula for calculation of aspect's strength is: - if the aspect is conjunction and aspecting (moving) planet is Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, then aspect's strength equal to it's factor (see Orb Tables rightmost column) with minus sign, - in other case the aspect's strength equal to it's factor. To get the Prognostic Graph: 1. 2.

Cast the natal chart. For more detailed diagram include all major and minor aspects (see Chart Settings, Aspects).

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Invoke the window of graphic's settings ("Misc." button, "Prognostic Graph" menu item):


Setup: - desired period of calculation e.g. 10 years, - the begin of period e.g. 1999 year, - the mode of prognostic method e.g. "Primary Direction", - the set of directed planets, natal planets and natal cusps, taking part in aspectation, - input the name of file, in which will saved the result of calculation e.g. "Putin PD 1999-10". Click "Create" button.


The purpose of other controls of this window described in Aspect Diagram, here used same, a little modified window. The result of calculation possible to view both as Prognostic Graph and as Aspect Diagram, the file format is same.

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Aspects Diagram This function is not available in the Lite version of ZET.

The Aspects Diagram is a graphical listing of aspects taking place concurrently over a selected period of time. You can see their durations and instants of exactness, and obtain interpretations of individual aspects and of the whole period. Suppose you want to view the prognostic for some natal chart as transit in January 2011, i.e. to find out what aspects existed (natal-transit aspects) during that month. Follow these steps: 1.

Open the Movement of Planets dialog by clicking the "Tools" Toolbar button or selecting "Tools" from the main menu, then selecting the "Aspects Diagram..." menu option. Set the dialog as shown:

The example shows the Transiting box with the 4 innermost planets selected. (It includes glyphs for several other unselected bodies - do not be concerned if these are not in your box, as the contents depend on whatever asteroids, virtual planets and object, etc you have selected for use in charts). The name of the file for saving the result to has been input as 'temp', but you can use any name of your choice. 2.

Click Create and wait while the blue progress-bar indicates on-going calculation. You can cancel the calculation at any time by clicking the button with the red diagonal cross, if, for example, you have selected too many planets, or fast-moving planets and a large time period.


When the calculation has completed, the Aspects Diagram window will be displayed:

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The Aspects Diagram collates aspects by planet. For each planet, a colored horizontal line shows the duration of an aspect while in orb with another body. Colors correspond with the aspect colors used in the Chart tableau (they can be set in the orb tables). Exactness of aspect is indicated by little circles. The length of lines depends on the selected orb table (Chart Settings - Aspects tab). For this screenshot 1-degree orbs were used. Pausing the mouse pointer on an aspect line displays the following information: · ·

Window title bar - names of the planets and the aspect, Status line - start date and time, date(s) and time(s) of exactness, and end date and time.

This information can be displayed in a separate Aspect Data window, if it is more convenient:

The first line in this window displays the time when the aspect starts. The next line shows indented the time of aspect exactness; there may be several such lines, if the planet makes loops. The last line shows the aspect's end time. Left-clicking and dragging the mouse in the diagram displays a vertical blue cursor line which reads out dates and times - displayed in the window title bar. Left clicking on colored strip of any aspect invokes the interpretation of this aspect of with an indication of the validity period of time and the exact of aspect. Desired font size of the text interpretation can be set as follows: · · · · ·

on a chart's wheel invoke a popup menu of any planet (by right-click), choose "Interpretation", invoke a popup menu of window which appears, choose "Font...", choose appropriate font size in a window which appears.

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Settings The settings for creating Aspects Diagrams are similar to those for creating a Graphic Ephemeris. The following are specific to Aspects Diagrams: Planets in House - when checked, the Diagram shows the sojourn of the selected planets in houses of the natal chart, from ingress to egress. This option is available only when the Mode implies different radix and event data, i.e. Transit, Progression, or one of the Directions. Cusps checkboxes - allows the selection of individual cusps as targets of aspects from planets. As with Planets in Houses, it requires that the selected period refer to a radix of a different date from the date of interest. Aspects Diagrams are created using the current orb table - you should check that these orbs are as you require them.

Popup menu Right-click in the window to invoke a popup menu:

The menu functions are as follows: · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Aspect Labels - switches the display of legends identifying the aspects, Thin Lines - switches the format of aspects between bars (the default) and thin lines, Mark Exact - displays index markers on the aspect bars indicating when the aspects are exact, Aspect Data Window - see above, Copy Image - to the Windows Clipboard, Interpretation Pane - displays an interpretation pane in the lower part of the window. The size of the pane is adjustable. When displayed, clicking an aspect displays its interpretation in the pane (subject to the availability of appropriate texts). The Operational Bookshelf is used (see Horoscope Readings), Dynamics Diagram - see Aspect Dynamics. Save as HTML with MAP-segments - displays a File Save dialog to create an HTML Web-format file with a mouse-sensitive copy of the diagram, All-period reading - compiles and displays a comprehensive interpretation of all the aspects in the period, Cast chart for specified time - casts a chart on the date and time specified by position of the mouse cursor when calling this menu. Scale x 1 - selects the default initial size of diagram, Scale x 10 - magnifies the diagram 10 times for detailed viewing. For example (with the "Aspect Labels" menu option checkedmarked):

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Other functions To reopen an previously created diagram, click the and click the "View Diagram" button.

"File..." button, select a diagram file in the Open dialog,

To filter (reduce) the diagram data, set appropriate parameters in the Movement of Planets window. For example, deselect the glyphs of Pholus and Lennon to cut these asteroids from the diagram; or set the period to "1 month" and specify one month's display in the diagram. To set the parameters of the dialog from a previously created diagram, click the Diagram" button. To get a full list of aspects in the diagram, click the might include: Mundane aspects Begin: 1.01.2003 Neptune Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Uranus Jupiter

0 180 180 120 120 90 180 120 60 60

"Full list of aspects" button. A fragment of such a list

Period: 1 year Time: GMT+1 Orb Begin of Aspect Lennon 1.0 11.01.2003 1:00 Neptune 1.0 10.02.2003 13:00 Neptune 1.0 28.05.2003 1:00 Uranus 1.0 18.06.2003 1:00 Pluto 1.0 27.06.2003 1:00 Pholus 1.0 27.06.2003 13:00 Uranus 1.0 26.08.2003 13:00 Lennon 1.0 19.09.2003 13:00 Lennon 1.0 19.10.2003 1:00 Saturn 1.0 27.10.2003 1:00

To get an abbreviated list of the diagram's aspects, click the fragment of such a list might include: Mundane aspects Begin: 1.01.2003 Neptune Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter

0 180 180 120 120 90 180 120

"Take parameters of

End of Aspect 15.01.2003 1:00 22.02.2003 13:00 9.06.2003 1:00 1.07.2003 13:00 6.07.2003 1:00 6.07.2003 1:00 3.09.2003 1:00 25.09.2003 1:00 26.10.2003 13:00 7.11.2003 1:00

Exact Aspect 13.01.2003 0:51 16.02.2003 10:13 3.06.2003 3:54 25.06.2003 0:35 1.07.2003 13:46 1.07.2003 16:28 30.08.2003 5:37 22.09.2003 8:10 22.10.2003 16:21 1.11.2003 18:12

"Abbreviated list of aspects" button. A

Period: 1 year Lennon Neptune Neptune Uranus Pluto Pholus Uranus Lennon

Time: GMT+1 Aspect Exact 13.01.2003 0:51 16.02.2003 10:13 3.06.2003 3:54 25.06.2003 0:35 1.07.2003 13:46 1.07.2003 16:28 30.08.2003 5:37 22.09.2003 8:10

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Uranus Jupiter

60 Lennon 60 Saturn

22.10.2003 16:21 1.11.2003 18:12

All asteroids There is "All asteroids of catalog" option, allows for transits and actual aspects to consider all asteroids, contains in catalog of asteroids, or specified number of first asteroids of catalog, or any set of asteroids, listed in "aselected.txt" file. If press

"All asteroids of catalog" button, then following panel opens:

Along with main "All asteroids of catalog" option there are: · · · ·

"Asteroid-asteroid aspects" option, if checked, then in the "actual aspects" mode considered all mutual of all asteroids of catalog, "First N asteroids" option, if checked, then considered a number of first asteroids of catalog, specified in a rightmost field, "Use list of selected asteroids" option, if checked, then considered only asteroids, listed in "aselected.txt" file, this file contains the asteroids names, one name by string, "OK" button used to close this panel.

The button at the sane time is the indicator of "All asteroids of catalog" option: if pressed (down), then the option is on, if unpressed (up), then off. You may open the "All asteroids of catalog" panel without pressing this button, but just click it by right mouse button. Note: the result displayed at tabulated (not graphical) formats only.

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Graphic Ephemeris The Graphic Ephemeris in ZET is more than a visual ephemeris. With options to include radix planets and houses, and directed and progressed planets, and to fold the display by harmonic factors, it is a true astrologers tool for determining moments of astrological interest. A Graphic Ephemeris is prepared by clicking the "Tools" Toolbar button or selecting "Tools" from the main menu, then selecting the "Graphic Ephemeris..." menu item. After completing the settings described below, a window is displayed with a graphic similar to this:

The Graphic Ephemeris window can be resized as desired. The time scale is at left. The wavy lines sweeping down the chart represent movements of the planets. Vertical green and gray lines (if present) indicate the positions of radix planets and house cusps. The chart is color-banded intelligently depending on the selected mode of representation. For example, for actual movement of planets thru the Zodiac, the bands indicate the cycle of sign quadruplicity. If house cusps are included, banding is by house, as shown above - angular houses (1,4,7,10) are tinted light-blue, succedent houses (2,5,8,11) in yellow, and cadent houses (3,6,9,12) white. If a harmonic factor is selected, banding is done in a comparable way. The screenshot above (created in Transit mode) makes it evident, for example, when and where planet ingresses into signs and houses take place; and when transiting planets conjoin natal planets. To check other aspects, click and drag the mouse in the diagram to display the Aspect Measure tool. The Aspect Measure is graduated with astrological aspects from the current orb table, and automatically scales to the diagram size. By sliding the 'conjunction' index mark (at the pointer position) along a planet's path, it is possible to determine dates and times for aspects for further astrological investigation, e.g. by erecting the aspect's Dynamics Diagram.

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Period - select from the drop-down listbox one of the pre-defined periods: 3 days, 1 month, 1 year, 10, 30, 60, 120 years. Input a start date for the ephemeris in the entryfields below the Period listbox. Mode of diagram - select Transit, Progression, Direction, etc from the drop-down list. For a standard planetary ephermeris in graphic form, select "Transit", then proceed to selection of planets. When you select Progression or Direction, a drop-down listbox becomes available below the Mode listbox, which allows you to select the specific type of progression or direction. Planet selection boxes - the lower box is always labeled 'Natal'. The upper box is labeled according to the Mode selected. To select an object, left-click a glyph in a selection box of planets and houses. Click again to de-select the object. Selected objects are shown in black (by default) or colored - if the glyph is gray, the object is not selected. You can select any set of planets for both charts. To color a planet for the diagram, right-click its glyph to display a Color picker dialog, and select a color. Planets in Houses - checkmark the box to include house cusps on the diagram. When the box is checked, the horizontal axis of the diagram is labeled with Zodiac signs and houses, and visual banding follows the sequence of houses. Harmonic factor - select from the drop-down listbox one of: 360°, 90°, 60°, 45°, or 30°. ·

Harmonic 360° creates a diagram with the Zodiac extending conventionally across it. Planets' positions are depicted in 0-360° of celestial longitude. This representation shows aspects of conjunction clearly they occur at the times and zodiacal longitudes where lines of planet movement intersect. Other aspects are not so apparent, but...

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Harmonic 90° produces a diagram with a horizontal axis of 0°... 90°, and in which planets' coordinates have been divided by 4, i.e. the Zodiac has been folded. With this type of representation, intersections of lines indicate aspects of conjunction and/or square and/or opposition. Similarly, Harmonic 45° folds planets' longitudes by a factor of 8. In addition to the properties of the harmonic 90° setting, line intersections on the diagram now also indicate the possible locations of semisquare and sesquiquadrate aspects, and so on.

Examples This example shows how to create a Graphic Ephemeris of annual transits for a nativity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Enter the nativity details into the Event Data window, and erect the native's chart, Open the Graphic Ephemeris dialog. For Period, select "1 year", Set the start month and year, For the Mode option, select "Transit", In the Transiting box, click to select all the planets except the Moon. (Since the Moon is fast-moving, selecting transits of the Moon for 1 year would generate too many aspects and block up the diagram), In the Natal box, select all the planets, In the Harmonic setting, select "360°", Click the "Create" button. A blue progress-bar shows the state of computation. When it is finished, the graphic ephemeris is automatically displayed in a new window.

To create a standard ephemeris for the planets in graphic form: set the desired Period and the start date, and select "Mundane Aspects" mode. Select the planets from the Actual selection box. A Harmonic setting is optional. Similar diagrams of planetary movement are built using the available options in an analogous way.

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Astronomical Data The Astronomical Data window is opened by selecting "Tables" from main menu or by clicking the "Tables" Toolbar button, then selecting the "Astronomical Data" menu item.

The header panel contains the following general information for the current time: · · · · · · ·

Julian date equivalent of the current event time and date (Universal Date and Time), local sidereal time, Ephemeris amendment (dT), Sidereal Ayanamsa (SA) - the difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs, if a sidereal zodiac has been selected, Average obliquity of the ecliptic (Eo) - the inclination of the Earth's rotational axis, which also determines the maximum value of declination of the ecliptic, Equatorial inclination of nutation (dE), Equatorial longitude of nutation (dF).

The astronomical data for planets and other bodies is as follows (unless the display has been customized - see popup menu options below): · · · · · · · ·

Ecliptical geocentric longitude, Ecliptical geocentric latitude, Equatorial right ascension, Declination, Hour angle, Altitude, Horizontal azimuth (i.e. bearing), Distance from the Earth (in kilometers for the Moon and Lilith; otherwise in Astronomical Units),

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· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Angular speed (ecliptical geocentric) in degrees per day, Maximum angular speed, Angular speed as a percentage of maximum, Angular diameter (apparent visible size) in arc-minutes, Inclination of the planet orbit to the ecliptic (i) Eccentricity of orbit (eks), Semimajor axis of orbit in a.u. (A), Longitude of the Ascending Node of the orbit (O), Perihelion of orbit (P), Ecliptical heliocentric longitude (l) Ecliptical heliocentric latitude (b), Radius-vector planet - Sun in a.u. (R), Rectangular ecliptical heliocentric coordinates in a.u. (X, Y, Z), Longitude of the north pole of the orbit, Latitude of the north pole of the orbit.

Click the right mouse button in the table to display a popup menu with the following options: · · · ·

Decimal format - sets a decimal-fraction degree format for displaying the table data (rather than degrees, arc-minutes, arc-seconds where appropriate), Save As... - opens a file Save dialog, allowing you to save the table to a plain text file. The planet data section of the file consists of tab-separated items. The suggested folder and file name is [ZET]\Wrk\Astro.txt, Copy Cell - copies the data of the cell under the mouse pointer when the menu was invoked to the Clipboard. Columns... - opens the Column Manager dialog. You can select which columns will be displayed by marking the checkboxes in the list of column headers. To rearrange the order of columns in the table, click the pair of buttons at right to move the highlighted item up or down the list.

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Cosmos The Cosmos tableau is displayed by selecting "Tableau" | "Cosmos" from the main menu, or by clicking the "Cosmos" Toolbar button. The tableau presents a 3D view of the Solar system as it would be seen from a point in space. Planets, their orbits, and background stars are visible. The view is authentic - objects are drawn to scale and in their correct position for the select moment in time.

When the tableau is first displayed (or redisplayed), it uses the current event-data date and time. This is updated if you use Dynamics of Time or Location operations in the tableau. However, if you select Motion for the tableau (see section below), this will not affect the event-data. Pausing the mouse pointer over any object in the tableau (planet, star, asteroid) displays its name or designation in a popup info tooltip. To orient the observer, at top-right the tableau has an X/Y/Z-axis vector for the system of rectangular ecliptical coordinates used in the tableau. At top-left is displayed the distance in Astronomical Units (au) from the central object of the tableau to the observer, and the rectangular ecliptical coordinates of the observer relative to this object. To reposition the viewpoint click in the tableau and drag the mouse with the button held down, or use the four arrow buttons at the right of the Toolbar (keep pressed for continuous rotation). Vertical X-axis movement rotates the angle of sight, horizontal Z-axis movement relocates the viewpoint around the system.

You can also use the cursor (arrow) keys on the keyboard: · · · ·

press the arrow keys alone for smooth movement, press the Ctrl key together with the arrow keys for faster movement, press the Alt key together with the arrow keys for fastest movement. press the Shift key together with the arrow keys for very slow movement.

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To approach or withdraw from the central object, click the "Approach (Home)" bullet button or the "Recede (End)" point button on the Toolbar,

or use the Home and End keys. You can obtain faster movement by pressing Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End, or Alt+Home and Alt+End. For very slow movement use the Shift+Home and Shift+End key combinations. The Approach/Recede facility differs from the telescopic Zoom In/Out option. The former simulates smooth actual movement thru real space, the latter is the equivalent of stepping the zoom level in a telescopic view of the object. These functions differ in the type of perspective they create. To operate the telescopic Zoom function click the "Zoom In (PgUp)" bullet and "Zoom Out (PgDn)" point buttons located on the Toolbar,

or use the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys. Sometimes extremely slow movements are needed (e.g. to view eclipses). In this case set the "Speed of Movement" divider to a different factor:

Pull down the red bar to reduce the speed by a factor of 10, 100 or 1000. You can increase and decrease the imaged brightness of stars using the "Star Brightness" buttons:

The Cosmos tableau can be animated (see Dynamics of Time). Right-click the mouse for a popup menu. (Some menu options may be unavailable, depending on the object under the mouse pointer). TIP: to ensure menu options are correctly enabled for the object, wait until the tooltip name or designation is displayed before clicking.

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Jump The Jump option transitions (teleports!) the observer within the system to the chosen planet or star. After jumping, the selected object will be at the center of the tableau. If you teleport too far from the Sun, you can get lost among the stars. If that happens use the "Return to Sun" menu option.

Astronomical Data This option displays a window of astronomical data on a planet and star. The planet data window consists of two pages:

The first page displays current coordinates of the planet and times of events: rising, setting, upper and lower meridian transit (3 out of 4 of these points are always displayed, depending on the horizontal planet location). The second page displays the planet's orbital parameters and distance from the Sun and Earth. The star data window depends on the observer's location in the system. If it is in the Solar System, the 1st and 2nd of the pages below are used; if it is in a different star system, the 3rd page is shown:

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The first page displays the current coordinates of the star and times of events: rising, setting, upper and lower meridian transit (3 out of 4 these points are always displayed, depending of star's horizontal location). The second page displays some star parameters: - Brightness (apparent magnitude) - Distance from the Sun (in parsecs) - Spectrum - Bright Star and Hipparcos Input Catalog numbers (if available). The third page displays other parameters: - Absolute magnitude, defined as how bright a star would appear if it were exactly 10 parsecs (about 33 light years) away from the Earth. - Luminosity, (Sun = 1) - Spectrum - Radius, in Sun radii - Distance from the observer - Radiation, luminosity energy forces on the observer (the Sun at 1 au = 1) - Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates (angular and rectangular) - Catalog numbers.

Show... The "Show..." option opens a new window containing an image of the selected object from an astronomical photo-album, if an appropriate file is available. The option has no effect if no graphics files are found. If there are several images for the object, you can select one from the submenu list.

Label You can display an object's name permanently on the tableau - point the mouse at an object (a tooltip with its name should appear), click the right mouse button and select this menu item. To delete the label, repeat the procedure.

On the Internet This item is enabled if the mouse is pointed at an asteroid (the "All Asteroids" option in Cosmos Settings must also be enabled - see below). Selecting this menu item, e.g. for asteroid "Amber", displays the following window:

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Select a URL link and click "OK" to connect to a Web site with a description of this asteroid (the name of the asteroid is inserted automatically). You can modify the list of link templates, by editing the Asteroids\link.txt file.

Satellites This option opens the Satellites window, which contains data on the planets (as satellites of the Sun), or on the moons of planets (after Jumping to a planet):

The data includes: · · · · · · · · · · ·

Distance from the central body (semimajor axis of the orbit) Period of revolution Eccentricity Inclination of orbit Longitude of Node Longitude of Pericenter Longitude in orbit Diameter Inclination of Equator to the orbital plane Period of rotation Mass

Right-clicking the mouse in the Satellites data table displays a further popup menu:

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· · · · ·

Find "[object]" - searches for the chosen satellite. If the object is known, the tableau is reoriented if necessary to display it (the observer may be relocated in the process!), and it is highlighted by a 'flash' in the tableau. The mouse pointer is relocated to it, with its name displayed on an info tooltip, Show Orbit - toggles on/off the display of a satellite's orbit on the tableau. If an orbit has been selected for display, the second column of the Satellites table contains a ® symbol, Show Scheme - displays the scheme of a satellite orbit. Schemes for display are indicated by a © symbol in the Satellites table. The scheme consists of the apsid lines and nodes of an orbit; the X/Y/Zindicator of rectangular coordinates is transferred to the center of the system, All Orbits - displays the orbits of all satellites, Hide Orbits - removes orbits from the tableau display.

Find... This option opens the Find Object window. See Searching for Objects.

Motion The "Motion" menu item displays a dialog with the option of activating permanent motion of the Cosmos tableau:

Input the desired speed and click OK (the dialog will be closed). To stop the animation press the Esc key or click the tableau with the mouse.

Cosmos Settings Display settings for the Cosmos tableau are available on its popup menu (right-click in the tableau). They are also available by selecting "Settings" from the main menu or clicking the "Settings" Toolbar button, then selecting the "Cosmos Settings" menu item.

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· · · · · · · · · · · ·

Show grid of planetographical coordinates - superimposes a geographical grid of parallels and meridians onto planets' disks, Show surface image - creates photo-realistic images (textures) of planet surfaces. The planet's surface image, and the grid of planetographical coordinates, are visible only if the size of the planet on screen is sufficiently large to render them, Show distance and observer coordinates - displays the data at top-left of the tableau, Show X/Y/Z space vectors - displays the orientation axes of the observer in space, Shade night hemispheres - includes night shadowing on the planet surface images due to solar illumination of the planet, No Clouds - switches between two kinds of available texture for Earth's and Venus's surfaces: with clouds or without clouds, Planet symbols - displays the glyphs of planets at their locations on the tableau, Absolute magnitude - uses stars' absolute magnitude for their display, in place of their visual magnitude, Hipparcos Star Catalog - displays stars from the Hipparcos catalog (200 000 stars). Note, this option may severely slow down the performance of your computer, Star names - displays names of all named stars, Planet names - displays names of all planets (or satellites of central object), Show labels - displays the names of objects, which marked by "Label" option (see "Label" item of popup menu).

And also:

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· · · · ·

All asteroids - if the Catalog of Asteroids has been calculated (filled with asteroids coordinates), this option displays all asteroids on the tableau as a cloudy 'bagel' of asteroids, Prompting: if not checked allows not show a prompt (the name of asteroid) when positioned by mouse (the name displayed only in window header), use with large quantity of asteroids and low computer power, Lighting: set size asteroids mark, Asteroid Distance Filter: allows to display only asteroids, approaching to specified planet near then specified value, Bottom of window displays data of nearest asteroid.

Surface Designer With the Planet Surface Designer you can create simple (non photo-realistic) surface images for planets displayed as disks in the Cosmos tableau (if the Show surface image option is off). Planets have disks when you 'Jump' to them or when you approach them sufficiently closely. A planet surface image is defined by a primary color for the surface and a set of pots. A pot is defined by the following parameters: · · ·

· · · ·

Area - type of pot, i.e circle or ring, Number - serial number of a pot (from 1 to 256), Longitude and Latitude - the planetographical coordinates of a pot. For a circle, the longitude and latitude of the centre of the pot; for a ring, the latitude at which it is located (in degrees), Radius of a circle or width of a ring (expressed as a decimal fraction of the radius of a planet), Name of a pot (for example, the name of a crater represented by this pot), Color of pot - the region fill color, Color of contour - the pot's border color.

The top two fields of the Surface Designer dialog contain the name of the planet (at left), and the names of files describing the object to the surface designer (at right). To change the colors of a planet, area or contour pot, left-click in the Color panel across from the corresponding label. Create button - effects the creation and addition of new pots with the specified parameters. Change button - secures changes of parameters that define a staining tint or tone to be applied to areas of the object. (If the main color is changed, it is unnecessary to click this button as the color is automatically saved). Delete button - naturally, deletes the current pot. Multiply button - adds pots for 10 circular stains. The parameters of these are derived from the basic image and can be individually altered (excepting that the Radius setting cannot exceed the planet's radius). Files containing planet surface descriptions are stored in the [ZET]\img\ folder, and have the names : p2.img... p10.img, p2.nme... p10.nme.

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Return to Sun If the display is centered on a planet or star, selecting this menu option redraws the tableau with the Sun centrally in view.

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Sky The Sky tableau (planetarium) is displayed by selected "Tableau" | "Sky" from the main menu, or by clicking the "Sky" Toolbar button. The tableau depicts the celestial vault as a globe that can be viewed - as if in a permanent night-time - from inside or outside, or as transparent, or with a terrestrial landscape horizon (shown below). You can superimpose on the starry sphere various coordinate systems: horizontal coordinates (as an actual observer on the Earth at a given latitude and longitude), or equatorial or ecliptical coordinates. You can also display astrological data to reveal houses and 3D aspects. And you can animate the sky.

When the tableau is first displayed (or redisplayed), it uses the current event-data date and time. This is updated if you use Dynamics of Time or Location operations in the tableau. However, if you select Motion for the tableau (see Sky Settings below), this will not affect the event-data. Pausing the mouse pointer over any object in the tableau (planet or star) displays its name or designation in a tooltip. Further information is available with the Data option of the Sky Settings window - see below. To reorient the celestial sphere, click in the tableau and drag the mouse while holding down the mouse button. You can also use the cursor arrow-keys on the keyboard: · · · ·

press the arrow keys alone for smooth movement, press the Ctrl key together with the arrow keys for faster movement, press the Alt key together with the arrow keys for fastest movement. press the Shift key together with the arrow keys for very slow movement.

To magnify the view, click the bullet "Zoom In (PgUp)" and point "Zoom Out (PgDn)" buttons located on the Toolbar, or use the Page Up and Page Down keys. To locate and view a specific constellation, see Constellations. To animate the Sky, see Dynamics of Time.

Celestial Sphere Settings 206 | P a g e

Right-click the mouse in empty space in the tableau to display the Sky Settings window. This dialog can also be opened by selecting the "Settings" main menu item, or by clicking the "Options" Toolbar button, and then selecting the "Celestial Sphere Settings" menu option. Display tab

· · · ·

· · · · · · · · ·

Coordinate System - selects between horizontal, equatorial, and ecliptical coordinate grids. This option applies only to the full sphere, i.e. when the "Landscape" setting is unchecked, Grid - overlays the globe with lines of coordinates. Select the system of grid coordinates using the Horizontal, Equatorial, or Ecliptical buttons, Circle - selects the optional display on the sphere of the equator, the ecliptic, and horizon circles. Houses - displays great circles of houses on the globe. By selecting different house systems on the Chart Settings - Houses tab, you can see how the different systems work and their relationship to astronomical systems of coordinates. The sub-options set the orientation of the great circles: o Equatorial - cusp lines are perpendicular to the celestial equator, o Ecliptical - cusp lines are perpendicular to the ecliptic. Constellations - check the separate items on this panel to display constellations' outlines (figures), their IAU astronomical borders, and their names, Zodiac - displays zodiac glyphs on the ecliptic circle at the transitions to a new astrological sign, Planets - displays the planets on the sphere, Planet glyphs - labels planets on the sphere using their astrological glyphs. (The "Planets" option must be checked), Planet names - labels planets on the sphere using their names. (The "Planets" option must be checked). If the "Planet glyphs" option has also been checked, glyphs are displayed and planet name info tooltips are enabled, Stars - displays stars on the sphere, Star names - labels stars with their proper names from the Star Catalog (named stars only), Nebulae - displays the galaxies and nebulae in ZET's catalog on the sphere, Landscape - displays a terrestial landscape horizon in the tableau. (NOTE: the Coordinate Systems panel options are not available with this setting).

Misc. tab

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In the following list of settings on this panel, the items marked with a star (*) are enabled in the full sphere view only, i.e. when the Landscape option of the Display tab is unchecked. · · · · ·

· · · · · · · · ·

View* - selects the mode of representation on the sphere: from inside, from outside, or transparent, Colors* - selects between a black or white tableau backdrop (the latter is recommended for printing out the tableau graphic), Data - when selected, information about objects picked out by the mouse pointer is displayed on the tableau at top-left, All asteroids - if the Catalog of Asteroids has been calculated (filled with asteroids coordinates), this option displays the asteroids on the tableau, Hipparcos Star Catolog - this option is enabled only if the add-on Hipparcos Catalog has been installed. The setting allows the Hipparcos data to be included in the tableau. If unchecked, the Bright Star Catalog will be used for displaying stars. NOTE: the Hipparcos Catalog is extensive, and its use may slow down your computer unacceptably, Aspects* - displays 3D aspect lines. Unlike the natal horoscope wheel, the aspects displayed here are properly three-dimensional, Star aspects* - includes planet-star aspects in the tableau. (The option "Aspects" must be enabled), Horizon axes* - displays the X/Y/Z reference axes for the globe - west, south, and zenith. The initial origin is the center of the globe, but is relocated if the "Find" option (see below) is used, Star/planet name font size - use the spin buttons to select a display size for star and planet name labels, Constellation name font size - use the spin buttons to select a display size for constellation names text, Minimum star brightness - use the spin buttons to select a value of visual magnitude (m) below which stars will not be displayed. (Note that lower apparent brightness is indicated by a higher numerical value of m), Fix Sun - maintains the Sun in a fixed position on the tableau when rotating or animating the sphere. This setting is useful for examining solar eclipses, when the the Sun is the focus of interest. "3d-aspects" mini-button - (bottom-left of panel) opens a window listing the 3D aspects. The data can be edited, saved, etc, Find - opens the Find Object: window. If the object is known, the globe is rotated to center the object in the tableau, and the horizon axes (see setting, above) are positioned on the object if they are displayed.

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Motion tab

This tab contains settings for animating the image of the celestial sphere. This means that the event data (the current time), and other tableaux reliant on it, are unaffected. (The Dynamics of Time animate the Sky tableau from the point of view of a real Earth observer - when used the event data is updated). You can set the type and the amount of motion separately in the Vertical Axis and the Horizontal Axis. If selecting Linear motion, you need only set the Speed parameter in the entryfield. When selecting Oscillatory, you can set only Amplitude and Period. It is possible to combine linear motion about one axis with oscillatory motion about the other axis. Oscillatory motion promotes a perspective illusion which may assist viewing 3D aspects. To rotate the globe when the "Landscape" is enabled, select Linear motion for both axes. Set the Horizontal Axis, Linear speed to 0 (zero). Set the Vertical Axis, Linear speed to, say, 0.3 and click "Start". Observe the limb of the sphere.

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Stars ZET comes with a database of 9 100 stars which are utilized in creating the Sky tableau and the background of the Cosmos tableau - and which can be applied astrologically. The optional add-in Hipparcos Star Catalog which can be downloaded here allows 200 000 stars to be displayed in the Cosmos and Sky tableaux. Astrological usage of stars in ZET is controlled thru the many options available in the Chart Settings - Stars window. The Cosmos and Sky tableaux have separate settings in their own Settings windows. In contrast to planets, ZET does not automatically update the positions of stars whenever dates or times change for example with new event data, under animation with Dynamics of Time or Location, etc - unless the option to do so has been explicitly set (see General Settings, Misc tab). This feature allows ZET to work efficiently on a wide range of computers. Due to several astronomical phenomena the positional coordinates of the so-called 'fixed' stars tend to drift with time. This is due not only to precession (57 arc-seconds per year), but also to the different movements of individual stars (arc-seconds, and fractions of arc-seconds per year). While in absolute terms the drift is not large, it is nevertheless significant in comparison to the precision of calculation employed in ZET. Since a tableau may use potentially many objects in its display, recalculating stellar coordinates to update them to the Epoch of the event data can take up significant computing resource. The facility exists, therefore, to effect the updating of stars' positions under user control. ZET tracks the accumulated precession, and when the lag, etc becomes significant, the Star precession indicator on the Status bar is activated (see the graphic here). If you pause the mouse pointer over the indicator, a popup tooltip displays the precession, e.g. "Precession has reached 0°0'57 - click to recalculate stars". If you require immediate full correction for precession, click the indicator button. See also: Star Catalog, Planet - Star Conjunctions, Constellations.

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Star Catalog The Star Catalog lists approximately 9 100 stars. Besides appearing in the astronomical tableaux, various userdefined subsets of stars can be included in horoscope charts. The catalog is opened by selecting "Tables" from the main menu or by clicking the button, then selecting the "Star Catalog" menu item.

"Tables" Toolbar

The catalog window lists the following information on each star (you can select which columns of the table get displayed, and their order): · · · · · · · · ·


· ·

Name, (Column 2) - selected stars have a checkmark (tick) entered, (Column 3) - glyph used to display the star on the Chart tableau (by default *), BS - star number in the Yale Bright Stars Catalog, HD - star number in the Henry Draper catalog, Flamsteed-Bayer Code, Comment - star name, with any synonyms and annotations. Normally this column is not displayed in the window - to view and edit the comments use the menu option described below, Magnitude - the apparent stellar magnitude (Brightness), Spectrum - visual color classification, indicating surface temperature. This is the standard astronomical classification, which designates spectral classes in decreasing order of surface temperature with the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M. (These form the first letters of a memorable mnemonic phrase, allowing the order to be recalled easily: "Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me"). Spectral class is subdivided into ten further subclasses by appending a number from 0 to 9 (ranging from hotter to cooler), Coordinates in various systems - ecliptical longitude and latitude, equatorial Right Ascension (R.A.) and declination, horizontal azimuth and altitude. The coordinates are calculated for the current time, with the option of accounting for aberration (see the discussion on the speed of light in the General Settings topic), Distance from the Sun in parsecs, Proper motion - apparent movement of the star in the sky in terms of right ascension (R.A) and declination, and arc-seconds moved per year.

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All the stars of the supplied Bright Star Catalog are available to be utilized astrologically. However, interest may focus on a particular subset of stars, and the Star Filter panel on the Chart Settings - Stars tab allows a subset to be specified by the user in different ways. A completely general way of defining a subset of the Catalog is the 'selection set', which is simply the set of stars which has been explictly selected by the user, e.g. because interpretation texts are available for them. Selection sets can be saved and opened. Stars in the current selection set are indicated by a checkmark in the Star Catalog window. To mark a star as selected, click in column #2 (from left) of its line in the table. To deselect a star, click in this cell for a selected star. Right-clicking in the table displays a popup menu of options: · · · · · · ·

Select Star - selects, and marks as selected, the star under the mouse pointer when the popup menu was invoked, Change the "[name]" Selection Set... - opens a File selector dialog onto the [ZET]\StarSet folder, where you can retrieve a different selection set of stars. The previously loaded '[name]' selection set is saved to the folder first, along with any changes made to the selection set during the session, Edit Glyph... - opens the Glyph Editor for editing or creating a glyph for the star for use on the horoscope chart, Edit Star Name and Comments... - opens a text entryfield where you can add your own anotations and comments on the star. NOTE: text up to the first comma (,) character is considered to be the proper name of the star), Sort by [attribute] - sorts the catalog using the data of the attribute column. The attribute is selected by positioning the mouse over the desired column of the table before invoking the menu option, Comments... - displays the annotation, if present, in a separate window. Columns... - opens the Column Manager window. You can select which columns will be displayed by marking the checkboxes in the list of column headers. To rearrange the order of columns in the table, click the pair of buttons at right to move the highlighted item up or down the list.

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Constellations The Constellations window can be used to search for astronomical constellations on the Sky tableau. The Constellations window is opened by selecting "Tables" from the main menu or by clicking the "Tables" Toolbar, then selecting the "Constellations" menu option.

The left pane lists the 88 astronomical constellations, their standard abbreviations, and their Latin names. The right pane lists the Greek alphabet used to designate stars within a constellations in approximate order of brightness. Right-click the mouse in the table for a popup menu with one choice: "View...". If the menu item is enabled, it indicates that the constellation has a picture which can be displayed by selecting the menu item. Double-click the mouse button in the left (gray) cell of the table to locate a constellation on the Sky tableaux the constellation to be searched for is marked with a � (chevron) in the Constellations table; double-click the chevron to deselect it. In the Sky tableau, the constellation is displayed as the only constellation whose stars are visible. (NOTE: the Sky tableau settings should have "Stars" checked, and "Hipparcos Star Catalog" unchecked). Only one constellation can be searched for at a time.

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Swiss Ephemeris ZET has a Swiss Ephemeris module licensed from Astrodienst. The main Swiss Ephemeris files, distributed in the ZET Lite download, are the following: · · · ·

swdll32.dll - calculation module. This file must be located in either the main ZET folder (installation default), or in Windows' System folder, sepl_18.se1 - planets' ephemeris files for the date range from 1800 to 2399 A.D. This and the files belows should be located in the [ZET]\Swiss folder, semo_18.se1 - Moon ephemeris file for the same date range, seas_18.se1 - Main asteroids ephemeris file (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, Pholus) for the same date range.

You can find a comlete description of the Swiss Ephemeris at www.astro.com. Here is a brief extract about the ephemeris and its component files, by its authors: The core part of Swiss Ephemeris is a compression of the JPL-Ephemeris DE406.� Using a sophisticated mechanism, we succeeded in reducing JPL's 200 MB storage to only 18 MB. The agreement with DE406 is� within 1 milli-arcsecond (0.001�).� Since the inherent uncertainty of the JPL ephemeris for most of its time range is much greater, Swiss Ephemeris should be completely satisfying even for computations demanding very high accuracy. The time range of the JPL ephemeris is 3000 BC to 3000 AD or 6000 years. We have extended this time range to 10'800 years, from 2 Jan 5401 BC to 31 Dec 5399. The details of this extension are described below in section 2.1.5. Each Swiss Ephemeris file covers a period of 600 years; there are 18 planetary files, 18 Moon files and 18 mainasteroid files for the whole time range of 10'800 years. The file names are as follows: Planetary file

Moon file

Main asteroid file

Time range




5401 BC � 4802 BC




4801 BC � 4202 BC




4201 BC � 3602 BC




3601 BC � 3002 BC




3001 BC � 2402 BC




2401 BC � 1802 BC




1801 BC � 1202 BC




1201 BC � 602 BC




601 BC � 2 BC




1 BC � 599 AD




600 AD � 1199 AD




1200 AD � 1799 AD




1800 AD � 2399 AD




2400 AD � 2999 AD

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3000 AD � 3599 AD




3600 AD � 4199 AD




4200 AD � 4799 AD




4800 AD � 5399 AD

You can obtain these files from ftp://ftp.astro.ch/pub/swisseph/ephe/. To download and install additional asteroids files, see Catalog of Asteroids. If you already have astrology software which installed Swiss Ephemeris files, you do not need to retain ZET's copy of them. They can be accessed by ZET if you specify a path to them (see General Settings).

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Heavenly phenomena Here the photo of a surprising ring solar eclipse which in the sky on the night of May 21, 2012 inhabitants of Asia and the western United States well could see:

And here is how it looks on the "Sky" screen of the ZET program:

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ZET allows to see the unusual heavenly occurrences, such as coverings (eclipse) of planets the Moon, covering of stars asteroids, etc. Here, for example, photo of an eclipse of Saturn by Moon (http://www.popastro.com/sections/occ/membersobs.htm):

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On ZET Sky screen the picture of an event looks as:

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Notice that the photo made through a telescope, gives the overturned the image, whereas ZET image - direct, apparently an eye.

Other event: occulting of a star of Pollux (beta Gemini, star size 1.2) by asteroid Pandora (diameter of 66 km, visible diameter 0.04") on April 9, 2002. The eclipse passed a narrow strip through Japan and 4.8 seconds lasted http://uchukan.satsumasendai.jp/data/occult/pandora2002-2.txt Here is ZET screenshot with calculation of this event for some point on eclipse line:

You can see that Pandora and Pollux ecliptical coordinates are coincide to within a second.

And here extremely rare event: an occulting of Jupiter by Mars which will take place on December 2, 2223:

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Also see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occultation

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Geographical Map The Astrocartography features described below are not available in the Lite or Pro versions of ZET.

A geographical map of the Earth is always accessible in ZET as a multi-purpose tableau. It is used for astrocartography and cyclocartography, to display eclipse paths, and to obtain location coordinates for a birth or other event whose location is not available from the Atlas gazetteer. The Geographical Map tableau is displayed by: · · ·

clicking the "Geographical Map" Toolbar button, or selecting "Tableau" | "Map" from the main menu, or clicking the "Find on Geographical Map" button in the Atlas (gazetteer) window.

Apart from the basic depiction of land and sea, the map can display: · · · · · ·

cities, with size marking conformant to city size and the map scaling, city names, with the font size of legends intelligently related to city size and the map scale factor, the current geographical location(s), i.e. of the Event Data, a variety of astrocartographic information, country and region borders, night regions, etc.

If you have ZET Geo a scaled topographical (relief) map of the world is available to you. Here is a fragment of this map at a scale of 1 pixel/kilometer:

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Tooltip information is available for map features. The ZET main window title bar displays details of the current event data. The Status bar at the bottom of the window shows the longitude and latitude at the mouse pointer, and the map scale factor current in use. To pick coordinates for birth or event data, zoom in on the region of interest (see the section below), position the mouse pointer, and click the right mouse button. From the popup menu select "Utilize Coordinates". Note: if you pick coordinates from an empty region (i.e. not from a city location), this operation does not change the time zone in effect. To animate the tableau use the Dynamics of Time and useful primarily for astrocartographical research.

Dynamics of Location control panels. These are

Map Tools The following tools are available at the right of the Toolbar: ·

"Drag" tool - click the Toolbar icon to select, then click and drag with the mouse in the tableau while holding down the mouse button,


"Marquee Zoom" tool - click the Toolbar icon to select, then click in the tableau and drag the mouse while holding down the mouse button to open an elastic rectangular frame on the tableau. When you release the mouse button the map is zoomed to the framed area. (You can set the color of the marquee rectangle on the Color tab of the Geographical Map Settings window),


"Measure" tool - click the Toolbar icon to select, then click in the tableau to set an origin and drag with the mouse. An elastic line is drawn between the origin and the mouse pointer, and the distance between them is displayed on the Status bar (the distance on a spherical Earth and, in brackets, its longitudinal and latitudinal components). It is also possible to measure distances as off a paper map (in millimeters): see Map Settings, Misc. tab.


"Zoom In (PgUp)", "Zoom Out (PgDn)" buttons and zoom indicator - click the upper (bullet) button to zoom in, and the lower (point) button to zoom out. Zooming the map does not deselect the current

222 | P a g e

map tool. Zooming can also be performed using the arrow cursor keys on the keyboard. (You can set the properties of the zoom buttons on the Grid tab of the Geographical Map Settings window), The 'current location' markers indicated by the red spot (core data) or the blue spot (background data) can be repositioned (with Drag, Marquee Zoom, and Measure tools unselected): click on a marker with the mouse and drag it to its new position while holding down the mouse button. The map is capable of 12 zoom levels. These are designated from Scale 32 - 1"/pix (highest magnification = one arc-second per screen pixel) thru Scale 1/64 - 32'/pix (lowest magnification = 32 arc-minutes per screen pixel). The magnification doubles (or halves) at each zoom step. The current map scale factor appears on the Status bar. Here is an example of a zoomed (Scale 8 - 4"/pix) map fragment:

The display of city names is adjusted automatically at each zoom level. The quantity and the style of map legends displayed is adjustable on the Misc. tab of the Geographical Map Settings window.

Introduction to Astrocartography One method of astrocartography calculates points on the Earth at which the planets of the horoscope chart appear conjoined with the chart's angles (i.e. Asc, MC, Desc, IC). Let's consider what this means. Taking first the prime vertical, the locations on the Earth at which 'Sun on MC', 'Mercury on IC', etc will be true (i.e. where these planets appear conjoined with the meridian) will comprise vertical lines on a standard (Mercator) map projection of the Earth's surface - since they connect places of equal longitude. Less evidently, if we draw lines connecting the places in which planets are in major aspect to the Asc-Desc axis, then we will arrive at sinusoids. By mathematical interpolation we can derive loci for the intermediate cusps and houses. From the astrological point of view, we are especially interested in geographical points - and by extension, the latitude - at which two natal planets are simultaneously conjoined with the angles of the horoscope chart. The map depicts these as the intersection of two projection lines. These points of intersection are the so-called parans, and their astrological interpretation is broadly as follows: if you want success, relocate to a place where Jupiter is at MC. If you want to get married, move to where your natal Venus is on the Descendant, and so on. (See the above graphic for an example of these astrolocality lines).

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There are two variations on this technique of astrocartographical projection. The first is concerned with lines covering places at which a planet of interest is precisely on the Ascendant, i.e. where, as seen from the Earth, the planet has the ecliptical longitude of the Ascendant (and similarly, lines involving aspects of the planets and the Descendant, MC and IC). In the second, places on the globe are considered of interest at which the planet crosses the horizon (and similarly, the celestial meridian and prime vertical). While broadly similar, these variant techniques produce somewhat different results when a planet 'has latitude', i.e. its orbit has taken it away from the plane of the ecliptic. ZET caters for both these variants of astrocartography.

Astrocartographic displays · · ·


· ·


· · · · ·

Lines marking places on the Earth where the Sun, Moon and planets are at the zenith, Images of the astrological houses - lines of projection of the great circles of houses onto the surface of the Earth (for more about the circles of houses, see the Sky topic), Lines marking places on the Earth where planets form aspects to angular house cusps, indicating places where, at the given moment, those aspect are operating particularly strongly. Astrological relocation is based on choosing places which, in relation to the planets in the horoscope, favourably satisfy a given criterion. While times of birth are fixed and unalterable, locations can be chosen in relation to a birth chart that are advantageous to some goal, Symbolic projections of cities onto the ecliptic - the geographical coordinates of cities are treated as equatorial coordinates (Right Ascension and declination), and then transformed into ecliptical coordinates. The resulting symbolic projection of the city can be considered as another heavenly object in a natal (or transit, etc) chart, which can participate in aspects and other astrological syntheses, Projections of celestial bodies onto the geographical map (stars, planets, asteroids) - points can be derived indicating places in which planets, asteroids and stars are on the zenith at the time of interest (real horizontal projection), Symbolic projection of stars - stars can be considered as having a symbolic equatorial projection, in which their celestial equatorial coordinates are made conformant with geographical coordinates, and the resulting point considered as a projection of the object onto the Earth. This allows the astrological influence of stellar objects on terrestrial regions to be analysed. (This is the inverse of the symbolic projection of a city onto the ecliptic), Symbolic projection of planets - lines of projection of celestial objects for points considered to have the same zodiacal longitude as a given object (but different zodiacal latitude), a symbolic equatorial projection of these points onto the Earth then being derived. These lines are interpreted as zones of influence of the object(s) in the region. You can choose any set of planets and one star for this, Local Space - lines of geographical azimuth bearings derived from the positions of the planets, The facility to creates astrocartograms not only for planets, but also for any asteroid, virtual object, or pars, Selection of any subset of the 10 planets and other objects of interest, Selection of any pair of angular houses, or all of them, The option to displaying either conjunctions only, or all the major aspects.

Local Space Astrology In the Local Space Astrology method of astrocartography, the celestial coordinates of planets are translated into a system of horizontal coordinates (i.e. bearings) at a given location. While Local Space projections can be depicted on the Geographical Map, the Local Space chart can also be displayed on the Chart tableau. It contains a compass rose to remind you that bearings are being represented:

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To erect a Local Space chart, the following settings are required: · · ·

Chart Settings - Format, East of Wheel, Degree: 180 Chart Settings - Zodiac, Coordinate System: Horizontal Chart Settings - Wheel, "Compass": selected.

The popup menu Click the right mouse button in the tableau for a popup menu of options: · · · ·


Geographical Map Settings... - opens the Geographical Map Settings window, Astro*Carto*Graphy Settings... - opens the A*C*G Settings window, Geographical Atlas... - opens the Atlas window of city names and coordinates, e.g. to pinpoint a particular city on the map, Utilize Coordinates - transfers the coordinates of the location under the mouse pointer to the Event Data (or Your Location) window. The local event (birth) time is not changed. NOTE: if a city is selected when you invoke the popup menu, the time zone and name of the time zone table in the Event Data window is also transferred; otherwise the time zone is not changed and time zone table name field is cleared, Use Place for Relocation - utilizes the Relocation technique, changes the birth location data; the Universal (GMT) birth time is not changed.

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· · · · · · ·

Relocation Reading - displays a window with the interpretation text (if available) for Relocation to the selected point, Parans List: [city] - displays the list of parans for the latitude of the city indicated (pointed to by the mouse) according to an orb. The list includes the parans of stars, Select Star: [star] - this and the next menu item are enabled if the mouse pointer is positioned on the projection of a star on the map. This option retrieves the name and designation of the star into the A*C*G Settings dialog. Star Interpretation: [star] - displays an astrological reading (interpretation) of the specified star (if available), Save Placemark - saves the current map state (position and scale) as a Placemark, Goto Placemark - restores a Placemark from the submenu list, i.e. resets the map to a previously saved state, Local Time Clock - creates a floating panel with the local time for the city pointed to by the mouse. The local time is updated in real-time. You may create several clocks, and they are saved on exit from ZET and will be restored when ZET is restarted. You move a clock by dragging it with the mouse, and close it by right-clicking.

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Geographical Map Settings The Geographical Map Settings window is opened by: · · ·

clicking the "Settings" Toolbar button and selecting the "Geographical Map Settings..." menu item, or selecting "Settings" | "Geographical Map Settings..." from the main menu, or right-clicking in the Geographical Map tableau and selecting "Geographical Map Settings..." from the popup menu.

The Display tab General panel: · · · · ·

Grid - overlays the map with a coordinates grid, Tooltips - enables place-name tooltips for the mouse pointer, Rivers - displays river features, Night regions - when checked, regions of the Earth currently in the Sun's shadow are rendered in a darker tint. The slider control below the checkbox allows you to adjust the tonal value of the night region, Relief (topographical) - activates the topographical map. (This option is available in ZET Geo version only), o Shadows - emphasizes the relief of map terrain, o Measure of Heights - enables the display on the Status bar of the spot height (in meters) of the location at the mouse pointer. NOTE: When you operate in full-screen mode or exit a program, this option is checked off.

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Sea Depths - the color of sea water depends of depth in this point:


Ocean Floor - display the ocen floor without water:

Cities panel allows you to adjust the display of map legends for cities: · · · · · · ·

City names - activates the display of city names on the map, All Names - displays all available city names (deselected by default), City marks - when checked, every location in the Atlas is marked on the map, Highlighted - the checkboxes allow alternative means of highlighting city name legends on the map, Atlas II - displays city names from Atlas II also, if this atlas is available, Big Atlases - displays cities and other features from Big Atlases on the map, if the Big Atlas exists for displaied country, All synonyms - it is not uncommon for a city to have alternative names. Normally these synonyms not displayed on the map. Check this option if you want to include all alternative names,

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Min. Zoom Level - sets the limits of the zoom level when an Atlas II and a Big Atlas's city names are displayed - preferable to a dramatic reduction in performance! It is not recommended to set a value of less then 10.

Boundaries panel allows you to display boundaries on the map according to the following options: · · ·

International and internal, International only, None.

Navigator check-box displays a mini-World map which previews the current frame location. Clicking in the Navigator recenters the tableau to that location. Outline map - displays an outline version of the map for printing. Upgrade Topographical Map button - opens the upgrade control panel, see below.

The Color tab

The options on this tab allow you to change the colors used to render the Geographical Map. You can set colors for oceans, landmasses, coastlines, boundaries, the coordinates grid, and the zoom marquee. To edit a color, click with the mouse on the icon adjacent each option to open a standard Color picker dialog. Color schemes can be saved and retrieved using the Save and Open file buttons. Schemes are stored in the [ZET] folder as .gpl.

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The Grid tab

This tab allows you to set the grid line spacing for the Geographical Map tableau at each of 12 magnification steps. The zoom steps are labelled from "32" (highest magnification) thru "1/64" (least magnification). The grid is not visible unless it has been enabled on the Display tab. The grid step means the distance between grid lines. This distance should be specified in degrees and arcminutes. Click in an entryfield to edit the current setting. You can obtain the degree symbol by typing Alt+0176 (NumLock off), or by cut-and-paste from an adjacent entryfield. To obtain the arc-minute symbol, type the single-quote character '. Click the Apply button to effect your changes.

The Misc. tab

230 | P a g e

Scaling of Measure Tool panel sets the properties of the Measure tool, which is located on the right side of the Toolbar in the Geographical Map tableau. Uncheck the Scaling option to display measured distances in kilometers (km) on the status line of the tableau. Check ON to display measured distances in millimeters (mm) for a paper map with the scaling set in the entryfield. Path to GeoData files panel allows you to select the drive and folder specification for geographical data files. By default this is [ZET]\GeoData. The following files and subfolders may be present, depending on your version of ZET: · · · · · ·

GTOPO30 - folder with topographical map files, Lake - folder with lakes data files, AdminBound.dat - internal boundaries data file, Boundary.dat - international boundaries data file, Rivers.dat - rivers data file, Shoreline.dat - high resolution map file.

This function is helpful if you use several versions of ZET in different folders and allows you to utilize a single common set of the huge geo-files. To set a path click the ... "Browse" button (right of field). The following dialog is displayed:

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Locate the "GeoData" folder which contains the files, and click "OK". Map Legends panel controls the display of city names on the map. Click the spin-buttons to change the settings, or click in the entryfield and type a new value. · · · · ·

Base font size - sets a baseline font scale factor (default 8), Minimum visible font size - reduce to display more cities; increase to display fewer cities (default 7), City size factor - controls how the displayed real size (city circles and legends) of cities is displayed in relation to the code indicating size in the Atlas (default 17). Legends size factor - controls how the legends font size is displayed in relation to the city size and the zoom level (default 12). Bold for capital cities - specifies a zoom level above which capital city names are rendered in a bold font (default 10).

Clicking in the Font entryfield at the base of the panel opens a Fonts dialog allowing you to select a font for the map legends.

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Astro*Carto*Graphy Settings A*C*G is not available in the Lite or Pro versions of ZET.

The A*C*G Settings window is opened by: · · ·

clicking the "Settings" Toolbar button and selecting the "Astro*Carto*Graphy Settings..." menu item, or selecting "Settings" | "Astro*Carto*Graphy Settings..." from the main menu, or right-clicking in the Geographical Map tableau and selecting "Astro*Cartography*Settings..." from the popup menu.

The Planets tab Selection of planets for display in astrocartography is separate from their selection for horoscopes. Selection for A*C*G is made on this tab by clicking to select or deselect planets, asteroid, Arabic Parts, etc in the listbox grid. Selections can also be made by clicking in the gray header and row label cells. ·



Planet positions - displays a projection of the selected planets' positions onto the geographical map. The checkbox at left is enabled for dual charts only, and displays projections of the background data (outer ring) planets. The meridians at these points on the map indicate places at which the planets are on the zenith at the moment of interest (real horizontal projection), Local Space lines - displays lines on the geographical map indicating directions to the selected planets (i.e. direct bearings) from the event data location(s). The checkbox at left is enabled for dual charts only, and displays Local Space lines for the background data (outer ring) planets. Event data circles - displays strips +-1 degree (+-60 miles) wide marking the horizon and the meridian of the current event data locations,

In Mundo panel - the options here select the use of planets on the horizon and/or the meridian. NOTE: when either of these options are selected, the aspects calculated are the conjunctions only: · ·

Horizon - displays lines indicating places where the selected planets are rising or setting on the terrestrial eastern or western horizon, Meridian - displays lines indicating places where the selected planets happen to be transiting the zenith or nadir.

Angles panel - the options here select the use of one or both pairs of the chart's angular cusps for calculating where planets appear in aspect to them:

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· ·

Asc-Dsc - displays lines indicating where the selected planets are in astrological aspect to the Asc-Desc chart axis, MC-IC - displays lines indicating where the selected planets are in astrological aspect to the MC-IC chart axis.

NOTE: the options of the In Mundo and Angles panels are linked. It is not possible to select both "Horizon" and "Asc-Dsc", or "Meridian" and "MC/IC". Aspects panel - select to display: · ·

Conjunctions - the conjunctions only of planets with the items selected on the In Mundo and Angles panels, or Major aspects - all major aspects of planets with the natal chart's angles. NOTE: this option is not available for In Mundo aspects.

Event Data panel - functions as the master-switch for the display of A*C*G planet information on the Geographical Map. (The display of star A*C*G information is controlled from the Stars tab of the A*C*G Settings window - see below). The three options allow you include or exclude from the tableau the lines for individual rings of different chart types: · · ·

Core data (inner) - displays/hides A*C*G data for natal or horary charts, or the inner ring (core data) of dual and complex type charts, Background data - (enabled only when the chart is a dual/complex type) displays/hides A*C*G data for the outer ring (background data) of dual chart types, or for the second aspecting ring of complex type charts, Complex chart - (enabled only when the chart is a complex type) displays/hides A*C*G data for all rings of the chart. The display control of A*C*G information for each ring uses settings on the Complex Chart Planet Filter of the Chart Settings - Miscellanea tab.

Event location(s) - marks the geographical coordinates(s) of the event data on the map: red spot for core data, blue spot for background data,

The Geodetic tab Here you can choose to display alternative symbolic projections of your selected planets. Equatorial - meridian lines drawn where the celestial longitude of planets (in equatorial coordinates) maps to geographical longitude, The Zero Meridian value defines the origin for this correspondence. The default is Greenwich, but you can enter any desired value e.g. the longitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza: 31°08'0.8" East. Ecliptical - great circle lines drawn where the celestial longitude of planets (in equatorial coordinates) maps to geographical longitude. The circles drawn conform to the obliquity of the equator to the ecliptic at the time of the event data. See also Astrocartographical displays.

The Houses tab

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Here you can select to display projections of the astrological houses, i.e. lines of projection of the great circles of the house cusps onto the surface of the Earth. (For celestial circles of houses, see Sky). The checkbox at left is enabled for dual charts only, and displays projections of the background data (outer ring) planets. The Equatorial option displays the lines as perpendicular to the terrestrial equator. The Ecliptical option displays them perpendicular to the ecliptic.

The Stars tab The upper panel controls the mass display of stars on the Map tableau: · · · · ·

Star Projections - check this box to display symbolic or real projections of stars on the geographical map, Equatorial projection - displays a symbolic transformation of the equatorial coordinates of stars to geographical coordinates, Horizontal projection - displays a real projection of stars to geographical coordinates, Star Names - displays star names in addition to star marks, Constellations - displays constellation lines in the terrestrial projection.

The lower panel controls the display of A*C*G lines for a select individual star: · · ·

Star line - displays for one star a line of points having the same zodiac longitude as the given star (but different zodiac latitude). The line is interpreted as a zone of influence of this star on Earth regions. Horizon - displays a line of places where the selected star is rising or setting on the terrestrial eastern or western horizon, Meridian - displays a line indicating where the selected star happens to be transiting the zenith or nadir.

To select a star, position the mouse pointer over a star projection on the Geographical Map, invoke the popup meu (right-button mouse click), and select the item "Select Star [star name]". The star selected is shown by name and designation at the bottom of the Stars tab.

The Color tab

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Use this tab to set the colors and styles of lines of astrolocality, ascension and culmination, and geodetics, for the core and background data planets. Here you can set the mode of coloring - either a common color for all the planets, or individual planet colors. (Individual planet colors are set on the Chart Settings - Planets tab). · ·

To select individual color mode, check ON the required checkboxes, To select common color mode, check OFF the appropriate checkboxes and click the mouse on the color panel to open a Color picker dialog.

Additionally a color it is possible to select the style of A*C*G lines: solid with some thickness, dotted or dashed (use rightmost buttons). The selection boxes are paired. The upper boxes pertains to core data, the lower boxes to background data.

The Parans tab A paran is a point of intersection of two projection lines, e.g. a planet is in paran with a star if they rise, set or culminate at the same time. A paran line is a horizontal line on the map, drawn over the paran point having a latitude equal to the paran. To obtain a list of parans for the latitude of a specific city, within range of the set orb: - position the mouse pointer over the city on the geographical map, - right-click with the mouse to invoke the map's popup menu, - select the "Parans List [city]" menu item. The following is an example of a parans list:

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Parans within 1° of London ... 51n34 Neptune(Set)-Aldebaran(IC) 51n32 Neptune(Set)-Antares(MC) 51n32 Antares(Rise)-Venus(MC) 51n30 London 51n14 Arcturus(Set)-Sun(IC) 51n13 Pluto(Set)-Moon(MC) 51n10 Vega(Set)-Saturn(MC) 50n50 Saturn(Set)-Arcturus(Set) ... Explanation: the line "Antares(Rise)-Venus(MC)" means that at this time there is a paran formed between the star Antares rising and Venus culminating. The Orb entryfield allows you to set a criterion for list inclusion. Setting the Max. North latitude and Max. South latitude entryfields allows you to reduce the list to candidates of interest. In calculating this list, ZET considers selected planets (Planets tab of A*C*G Settings window) and all filtered stars.

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Cyclo*Carto*Graphy C*C*G is not available in the Lite or Pro versions of ZET.

Cyclo*Carto*Graphy, essentially, is the examination of progressed and transiting planets in the context of an astrocartographic map, and is an important extension of the theory. There are 40 C*C*G lines, resulting from consideration of: Progressed Sun Progressed Moon Progressed Mercury Progressed Venus Progressed Mars Transiting Jupiter Transiting Saturn Transiting Uranus Transiting Neptune Transiting Pluto These progressed and transiting lines are calculated in right ascension, and then inserted on the world map (similar to A*C*G lines), and related to the natal chart. When the C*C*G lines are placed on top of the A*C*G lines, the result will be 80 lines on the map. Obviously, the A*C*G and C*C*G lines should be of different colour, e.g. black A*C*G lines and red C*C*G lines. There are many different techniques for finding the temporal influences taking place with Cyclo*Carto*Graphy ...

Enabling C*C*G To enable C*C*G charting, the following settings and operations are required: 1. 2. 3.

Click the "Chart Types" Toolbar button to display the Chart Type Selector window. Select "Complex". Checkmark the "Transit" and "Secondary Progressed" component types:

NOTE: progressed houses are commonly derived from the distance the Sun travels. To effect this setting for the Secondary Progressed chart type: - click the "Open the Dual Chart Editor" button in the Chart Type Selector window, - select the Secondary Progressed chart line in the Dual Chart Editor, and click the "Edit" button, - in the Progressions/Directions Editor window, click the "Configuration" button,

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- select the "Solar Arc from MC" option, - click "OK" 3 times to close all windows. 4.

Open Chart Settings - Miscellanea tab, and set up the planet filter as follows: - check ON the "Complex Chart Planet Filter" flag, - for ring #2 (transit) disable Sun thru Mars (-) and enable Jupiter thru Pluto (|), - for ring #3 (progression) enable Sun thru Mars (|) and disable Jupiter thru Pluto (-):


Open the Chart Settings - Zodiac tab and - check ON the "Horizon of inner chart" option. Open the A*C*G Settings window and set the options on the Planets tab as shown here:


Testing your settings 239 | P a g e

To test that the C*C*G settings have been set up correctly, erect a chart using the core and background data shown in the titlebar of the window in the screenshot below, and compare it with:

For ease of input of this data to the Event Data window, you can copy the following 2 lines sequentially: CCG;22.03.1955 ; 3:00:00;+00:00:00;;52°38'00"N; 1°05'00"W;�;; ;17.02.2006 ;14:53:31;+01:00:00;;48°08'00"N; 11°34'00"E;�;; and paste them into the Core and Background Data forms of the Event Data window by selecting the relevant form and clicking the Paste button.

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Eclipses Eclipses are not available in the Lite or Pro versions of ZET.

The Eclipses finder window is opened by clicking the "Tools" Toolbar button or selecting "Tools" from the main menu, and then selecting the "Eclipses..." menu item:

It is first necessary to find eclipses occurring over a period of time, i.e. to create a list of eclipses. This list is automatically saved, and when the window is next opened, the list is redisplayed. To find eclipses: specify the range of dates to be searched in the From and To entryfields, select the type of eclipse (Solar or Lunar), and click the Search button. The progress bar shows the status of the search. The search can be terminated by clicking the Stop button. The list of eclipses is displayed in the right pane of window. Click an eclipse in the list to display its details in the left pane. The "Map", "Sky" and "Chart" buttons allow the selected eclipse to be viewed in different ZET tableaux: ·

Map - displays the Geographical Map tableau with the line of eclipse shown. The shadow spot of a total eclipse of the Sun is also shown. The map is mouse-sensitive, and if the pointer is placed on the eclipse line, the Status bar displays the magnitude of the eclipse (percentage of the Sun's disk obscured by the Moon) at that location. A popup tooltip displays the kind of eclipse, and the time it begins in the locality. The Eclipses window may be minimized if it is open when the Map tableau is entered,


Sky - displays the Sky tableau showing the Sun or Moon at the eclipse maximum phase. The location of the observer for solar eclipses is at the epicenter of the eclipse,

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Chart - displays the Chart tableau with the chart erected for the time of the eclipse maximum (preexisting location data is not changed).

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Local Space Map Local Space Map is not available in the Lite version of ZET.

The "Local Space Map" function is a variant of Local Space Astrology for nearest surroundings, e.g. apartment, city, and so on.

To draw the Local Space Map you should do following: · · · · · · · · ·

Get a draft of apartment (or map of city) as a BMP-format image file. Setup a horizontal coordinate system (Chart Settings, Zodiak). In case of dual chart to switch off the "Horizon of first chart" option. Specify the path to image file. See "Chart Settings", "Misc.(5)" tab. Switch on a "Local Space Map" option. Locate at the screen a centre of planet's ring to a center of image (the center of apartment or your location in current area) by drug-and-drop a planet wheel or by chart positioning tools at "Size" tab. Get orientation of an image by compass or any other (north-south direction). If you use a magnetic compass, you should check on the "Consider Magnetic Declination" option. Set this orientation of planet's ring on the image. See Chart Settings, Format tab, East of wheel. Input desired degree. Set other desired settings, e.g. size, font, and save it as a configuration (the "Configuration" button, "Save configuration" menu item).

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Search areas of events realization Function of search of areas of realization of event allows to find places on globe, where takes place the astrological event, satisfying to some criterion. The search result will appears as the shaded areas on a geomap, For example:

Function can be applied, for example, for the relocation technic to define of a place favorable for realization of any theme of native's life, places recommended to move on a constant residence or for a some time. Or viceversa, to recognize areas not acceptable for this native. The window "Search areas of events realization" invoiced by appropriate item of popup menu of geomap tableau:

Make the following: 1.

In the field "Search for..." field enter the formula describing demanded criterion. For example, the formula specified in drawing above, means "Venus located in the 1st, 3rd or 5th house, or almuten of the first house located in the 7th, 9th or 11th house".

244 | P a g e

How to write down this formula, read the Astroformula Language chapter. 2.

After you input the formula, check it's correction by clicking the

"Check formula's sintax" button.

In all right, then should appears "��" sign. In other case, will appears a message with diagnostic of error. 3.

For start of process of search press "Search" button. Watch process on the indicator of search and messages under the indicator. If necessary to interrupt search process press the button with a red cross.

4. 5.

Duration of searching with the formula mentioned above, makes approximately 15 seconds on the middle-level computer. You may check off the "Anti-aliasing" option to speed up to 2-3 times. For special purposes may be demanded additional settings. To do that click "Settings" button.

On the appeared panel it is possible to set search area (by default the whole world), and also, to set objects which should pay off in the course of search. These objects may be the Moon in topocentric system (in this system the astronomical coordinates of the Moon considerably depend on geographical coordinates of a place), and also, lots (depending on houses). These objects are activated by clicking or mouse moving in a corresponding field. 6.

Results of calculation can be kept in a file, for this purpose click dialogue.

button and follow standard

Subsequently the data can be restored, for this purpose click button and choose the necessary file. Last kept file is restored automatically when this window opend, and the areas of realization of event appears on a geomap (if the option "Draw on a geomap" checked). A name of a current file is displayed in window heading in square

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Asteroids, Comets ZET supports all known asteroids, comets and other minor planets. The catalog of Asteroids is opened by selecting "Tables" from the main menu or clicking the Toolbar button, and selecting the "Catalog of Asteroids" menu option.


The number of asteroids, etc listed depends on what files have been installed. ZET ships with a handful of asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, Pholus, and the interesting new object 2003 UB313). For extensive application of asteroids, you should download and install the additional asteroids.zip file, which will give you access to 11 047 asteroids. For detailed work with specific asteroids, or for historical investigations, you can make use of Swiss Ephemeris asteroids data. The columns at the left of the table have the following meaning: · · ·

Column #1: activation checkbox - contains a checkmark (tick) if the asteroid has been selected for use (activated). Activating the asteroid means that it will be treated as a planet, i.e. its current coordinates will be calculated, Column #2: the asteroid's glyph (this can be changed), Column #3: flag indicating the method in use to calculate the orbit: o blue flag - main asteroid, calculated using the main Swiss Ephemeris data; o green flag - calculated using additional Swiss Ephemeris files; o red flag - approximation from orbital parameters; o white flag - comet calculated from orbital parameters.

Double-click a line to activate or deactivate an asteriod, or left-click in the column #1 check-box cell. Activation results in automatic display of the asteroid in tableaux. The Chart tableau has specific display settings - see the Chart Settings - Planets tab. The two entryfields at the top of the window are for searching the listing for an asteroid either by catalog number (left field) or name (right field). Searching proceeds as soon as characters are typed into these fields.

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Right-click in the listing for a popup menu with the following options: · · ·

· · · · · · ·


Activate "[name]" - method #3 of activating the named asteroid!, Deactivate All - deactivates all active asteroids, Edit Glyph and Name... - opens the Glyph Editor so that you can edit or create a glyph for the asteroid. You can also change (or edit) the asteroid's name using the entryfield at bottomright of the Glyph Editor window, Add in JPL/SSD Format... - allows you to add to the existing asteroid catalog using data from NASA/JPL (see below for details), Add in MPC Format... - allows you to add to the existing asteroid catalog from the regularly-updated Minor Planet Center catalog (see below for details), Add in Bowell Format... - allows you to add to the catalog from the Lowell Observatory database of asteroids (see below for details), Download Ephemeris... - connects you on-line to the Internet archive of the Swiss Ephemeris site www.astro.ch to download additional asteroid ephemerides (see also below), Scan for New Ephemeris Files - this command executes a scan of the [ZET]\Swiss folder to locate and integrate recently downloaded Swiss Ephemeris asteroid data files, Add Comets in JPL Format... - allows you to add comet data from NASA/JPL (see below for details), Add Comets in SkyMay Format... - allows you to add comet data from SkyMap web-site (see below for details),


Filtering - allows to select and display in a catalog (and in "Cosmos" tableau in "All asteroids" mode) any subset of asteroids. For example: 1) sort by orbital period, 2) select (with "Shift" key) asteroids with period more then 20 years, 3) invoke a popup menu and click "Filtering" option. Special function "Filter of asteroids distance" ("Cosmos" tableau, "Settings", "All asteroids" mode), allows to monitor asteroids, which approches to a planet for specified distance. Sort by [attribute] - sorts the asteroids catalog using [attribute] field, i.e. the column in which the mouse pointer was positioned when the popup menu was invoked, Use for Degree Overview - when selected (menu item is checkmarked), all asteroids in the catalog can feature in the Degree Overview window, which will then include a list of all the asteroids with the same ecliptical longitude degree. (If this list is extensive you may need to uncheck the "Auto-closing window" option of the Degree Overview settings group on the Chart Settings - Data tab), English Names Only - displays only the English language designations of asteroids,

· ·

Calculate All and Save - see the section "How to work with all asteroids of the Catalog" below, Load Calculated Data... - ditto,

· ·

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· ·

· ·

Delete "[name]..." - deletes the named asteroid, i.e. the item of the listing that the mouse pointer was over when the menu was invoked. Only the catalog record for the asteroid is deleted, but not its Swiss Ephemeris file, if one exists for it, View - if there is a image associated with the asteroid (i.e. a file in the folder [ZET]\Pictures with the asteroid name, or an index entry to an image file in the catalog file Pictures.txt), the image is displayed in a separate window,

Columns... - opens the Column Manager window. You can select which columns will be displayed by marking the checkboxes in the list of column headers. To rearrange the order of columns in the table, click the pair of buttons at right to move the highlighted item up or down the list, Cell Borders - when selected (menu item is check-marked), the Asteroids catalog listing data is displayed with separator lines.

The asteroid database is contained in the files Aster.dat or Asters.dat. The Swiss Ephemeris asteroid files are in the [ZET]\Swiss folder.

How to work with asteroids Some facilities of ZET make use of all asteroids in the Catalog, independently of their activation status: - displaying all asteroids in the Cosmos and Sky tableau (see the "All Asteroids" options of those tableaux), - Degree Overview option, - Planet - Asteroid Aspects listing. In view of the huge number of asteroids, huge computing time is needed to accurately calculate the celestial positions of all of them. When using orbital parameters, the time required may not be disappointing, but due to the approximations involved, the lack of positional accuracy may be unacceptable. In comparison, asteroids which have accurate Swiss Ephemeris data installed can be computed at a rate of about 100 asteroids per second on a 800 MHz computer. The "Current Date" button sets the following compromise calculation regime: all asteroid positions are recomputed when the event data changes, but only activated asteroids with Swiss Ephemeris data are computed with precision; other asteroids are computed from orbital parameters. To utilize all Swiss Ephemeris asteroids data in computation, irrespective of asteroids' activation status, requires the following regime of pre-calculation: - click the "First date" button, - invoke the Catalog of Asteroids popup menu, and select the Calculate All and Save menu item - the result of calculation will be saved in the Asteroids folder as .GMT file. The file name comprises the current event data's date and time, which is the epoch of calculation, e.g. the file 19491025_181800.GMT contains asteroids data for 25 October 1949 18:18:00 GMT, - if you need asteroid positions for transit analysis, click the "Second date" button, - invoke the popup menu and select Calculate All and Save to calculate positions for the transit (background event data) date, e.g, 9.05.2005 12:00. The file will be saved as 20050509_120000.GMT, - now, by clicking one of these buttons, you can quickly switch from one asteroid data set to another. The file name of the current set in use is displayed in the status lane at the bottom of the Asteroids window. If you need to use some other saved asteroids positions set, apart from these two, invoke the popup menu, select the Load Calculated Data item, and select a set using the File selector dialog. This operation also associates the just-selected set with the button which was down, so that the effect of subsequently clicking down that button will be to switch to that positions set.

248 | P a g e

How to draw asteroid glyphs and edit names 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Position the mouse pointer on the line with the asteroid, and click the right mouse button, Select "Edit Glyph and Name" - the Glyph Editor opens, Draw the desired glyph in the box below the asteroid number, You can input a new name or edit an existing one in the entryfield at the bottom of the window. Naturally it's not acceptable to change standard conventional names, Click Save and Close to save and assign the glyph to the asteroid.

Asteriod glyphs are stored in the file AsterFont.dat.

Adding asteroids in JPL/SSD NASA format a) Adding numbered asteroids 1. 2. 3. 4. Num -----10370 20000


Open a Web browser on http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?sb_elem (Small-Body Orbital Elements) and download the file ELEMENTS_NUMBR.gz (numbered asteroids). Unzip the archive and open the file it contains with a text editor, and copy to the Windows Clipboard one or more lines of data for the asteroids you are adding. From the Asteroids window popup menu select Add in JPL/SSD Format, Numbered. Paste the text into this window after the first two lines. The result, after copying, should look like this: Name ----------------Hylonome Varuna

Epoch a e i w Node M H G Ref ----- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ----------- ----- ---- ----53400 25.1743918 0.25036251 4.14080 6.48862 178.12452 27.5532866 8.00 0.15 JPL 3 53800 42.9507168 0.05151360 17.19078 267.09395 97.31183 96.3122821 3.70 0.15 JPL 8

Click OK. The added asteroids will appear at the end of the table.

b) Adding unnumbered asteroids 1. 2. 3. 4.

Open a Web browser on http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?sb_elem (Small-Body Orbital Elements) and download the file ELEMENTS_UNNUM.gz (unnumbered asteroids). Unzip the archive and open the file it contains with a text editor, and copy to the Windows Clipboard one or more lines of data for the asteroids you are adding. From the Asteroids window popup menu select Add in JPL/SSD Format, Unnumbered. Paste the text into this window after the first two lines. The result, after copying, should look like this:

Designation Epoch a e i w Node M H G Ref ----------- ----- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ----------- ----- ---- ---------2004 XP14 53800 1.0573271 0.15740707 32.92933 275.87993 281.08031 318.5140659 19.30 0.15 JPL 25


Click OK. The added asteroids will appear at the end of the table.

Unnumbered asteroids are assigned a provisional number in the range 200000 - 299999.

Adding asteroids in MPC format The Minor Planet Center database contains all known asteroids, trans-neptunian objects and other minor planets, including officially unnumbered ones, i.e. those whose orbits have not been reliably calculated yet. You can find the newest and most interesting objects here and import them into ZET's asteroids catalog. 1.

Open a Web browser on http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/Ephemerides/Soft00.html and download the file you wish, e.g., Soft00Distant.txt (distant objects), Soft00Unusual.txt (unusual objects).

249 | P a g e

2. 3. 4.

Open this file with a text editor, and copy to the Windows Clipboard one or more lines of data for the asteroids you are adding. From the Asteroids window popup menu select Add with MPC Format. Paste the text into this window after the first two lines. The result, after copying, should look like this:

Num H G Epoch M ------- ----- ----- ----- --------99942 19.2 0.15 K0636 222.27299 K03UV3B -1.2 0.15 K0636 197.63427


w --------126.35561 151.43054

Node -------204.46233 35.86957

i --------3.33122 44.18694

e --------0.1910401 0.4417727

... Name ... ---------------... (99942) Apophis ... 2003 UB313

Click OK. The added asteroids will appear at the end of the table.

Unnumbered asteroids are assigned a provisional number in the range 200000 - 299999.

Add asteroids in E.Bowell format The daily-updated database of the Lowell Observatory (The Asteroid Orbital Elements Database) contains 330 466 orbits (at 4 April 2006 and rising) computed by Edward Bowell. To import asteroids from this database into the catalog of asteroids in ZET: 1. 2. 3. 4. Number -----1 90377


Visit the ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.html Web page, download the file ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.dat.gz (23 MB in size) and uncompress it. Open this file with a text editor, and copy to the Windows Clipboard one or more lines of data for the asteroids you are adding. From the Asteroids window popup menu select Add in Bowell Format.... Paste the text into this window after the first two lines. The result, after copying, should look like this: Name -----------------Ceres Sedna 2006 BG143

Computer H ... M w Node i e ... --------------- ----- ... ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ... E. Bowell 3.34 ... 129.983355 73.231686 80.409695 10.586877 0.08001022 ... E. Bowell 1.6 ... 357.658024 311.544990 144.480776 11.930443 0.84468174 ... MPEC 2006-D50 18.6 ... 356.482891 48.388407 105.778431 1.695114 0.14737715 ...

Click OK. The added asteroids will appear at the end of the table.

Un-numdered asteroids are assigned numbers in the range 200000 - 299999.

Downloading Swiss Ephemerides If an item in the asteroids table contains a red flag, it means the coordinates available for the asteroid are reliable only for the period approximately 1995 to 2005, i.e. they are suitable only for current transit analysis. For application outside this range of dates, special files (ephemerides) are required. (Some ephemerides are supplied in the [ZET]\Swiss folder). Additional files can be downloaded from the Web site www.astro.ch as follows: 1.

With the mouse pointer over the line of data for the asteriod whose ephemeris you require, rightclick and select Download Ephemeris.... The following window appears:

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2. 3. 4. 5.

Connect to the Internet, then click the OK button (or type Enter). There will be short pause while your preferred Web browser opens and connects to the ephemeris files FTP site. Using the Web browser, save the required file to disk on your computer. You should save it to the [ZET]\Swiss folder. From the Asteroids window popup menu, execute "Scan for New Ephemeris Files". If the ephermeris has been integrated successfully, a green triangle will be present in the asteroid line.

Scan for new ephemeris files It's enough to put Swiss Ephemeris files of desired asteroids in the [ZET]\Swiss folder or to specify the path to the Swiss Ephemeris, and then invoke this menu option, for asteroids to appear in the catalog. The "Path to Swiss Ephemeris files" option (see General Settings, Misc. tab), allows ZET to access these files on the computer installed by another program, without it being necessary to copy these files to the [ZET]\Swiss folder. See also Swiss Ephemeris.

Adding Comets in JPL format 1. 2. 3. 4.

Open a Web browser on http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?sb_elem (Small-Body Orbital Elements) and download the file ELEMENTS.COMET (this is a text file). Copy to the Windows Clipboard one or more lines of data for comets you are adding. From the Asteroids window popup menu select Add Comets in JPL Format.... Paste the text into this window after the first two lines. The result, after copying, should look like this:

Num Name ------------------------------------1P/Halley 2P/Encke 3D/Biela


Epoch q e i w Node Tp ----- ----------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- -------49400 0.58597811 0.96714291 162.26269 111.33249 58.42008 19860205 51120 0.33541700 0.84859557 11.86038 186.41178 334.72243 19970523 -9480 0.87907300 0.75129900 13.21640 221.65880 250.66900 18321126

... ... ... ... ...

Click OK. The added comets will appear at the end of the table.

Comets are assigned numbers in the range 700000 - 799999. NOTE: use only data with Epoch corresponds the calculation time. E.g. for Comet Halley: 49400 + 2400000.5 = 2449400.5, using the Time Calculator you'llfind 17.02.1994. So for more accurate calculation for current date it's recommended to use the data in SkyMap format, see below.

Adding Comets in SkyMap format When calculating comet positions it's important to use up-to-date orbital elements. Not only are new comets constantly being discovered, but orbital elements for comets slowly change with time, and can only be used reliably for a few weeks. The organization responsible for coordinating new comet discoveries and producing authoritative orbital elements is the Central Bureau for A stronomical Telegrams. They kindly make these element sets available in a format directly suitable for use by a number of different astronomy programs. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Open a Web browser on http://www.skymap.com/comet_data.htm (SkyMap Software Home Page) and download the latest set of comet element data in SkyMap's data format. Copy to the Windows Clipboard one or more lines of data for comets you are adding. From the Asteroids window popup menu select Add Comets in SkyMap Format.... Paste the text into this window after the first two lines. The result, after copying, should look like this:

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Num Name Tp q e w Node --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- -------- -------71P Clark 2006 06 06.8066 1.562098 0.499849 208.7508 59.6579 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 2006 06 06.9450 0.939142 0.693380 198.7881 69.9066 74P Smirnova-Chernykh 2009 07 30.6433 3.553260 0.148496 87.4094 77.1200


... ... ... ... ...

Click OK. The added comets will appear at the end of the table.

Comets are assigned numbers in the range 700000 - 799999.

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Virtual Planets and Objects ZET supports fictitious objects, including the planets of the Hamburg school of astrologers, and symbolic projections, and allows users to define their own. These 'virtual planets' can feature in horoscope charts, aspects, interpretations, etc. To view the list of objects, click the "Tables" Toolbar button or select "Tables" from the main menu, then select the "Virtual Planets and Objects" menu option.

The leftmost columns of the table have the following meaning: · ·

Column 1: activation checkbox - contains a checkmark (tick) if the object has been selected for use (activated). Click once in the table cell to activate or deactivate the object, Column 2: selected glyph.

Right-click in the window to display a popup menu with the following options: · ·

· · ·


Activate "name" - activates or deactivates the name object. Activating the object means that it will be treated as a planet, i.e. its current coordinates will be calculated,, New... - opens the New Object dialog window in which you enter the computational parameters of a new virtual object. The New Object window is described in detail below. NOTE: there is a limit of 89 on the total number of virtual objects. asteroids, and Arabic Parts that can be added to the routine calculation of planet positions, Add City Projection... - opens the Atlas window so that you can select a terrestrial location for projecting symbolically onto the sky. In the Atlas window, position the mouse pointer over the desired city, and from the Atlas popup menu select "Add City to Virtual Objects", Delete - if required. Some objects are predefined and cannot be deleted or edited, Edit Parameters... - opens a dialog window for editing the computational parameters of the object. This dialog functions identically to the New Object window - see below. For predefined objects, this menu option is enabled only when the mouse pointer is in the glyph cell of the object; it invokes the Glyph Editor, so that the glyph can be edited or replaced, Columns... - opens the Column Manager window. You can select which columns will be displayed by marking the checkboxes in the list of column headers. To rearrange the order of columns in the table, click the pair of buttons at right to move the highlighted item up or down the list.

Activating a virtual object means that it is added to the schedule of calculation. To customize its display settings, use the Chart Settings - Planets tab. The catalog of virtual objects is located in the [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Virtuals.lst file.

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Special Points The Virtual Planets and Objects list contains two special points: · ·

Point of Life - orbital period 84 years, Point of Death - orbital period 108 years, contrary motion, i.e. reverse zodiac sign sequence.

These points begin to move in the natal chart at the time of birth from an initial position of 0 degrees of Aries. These points are displayed in the core natal chart (or ring) only. Their coordinates depend on the background data time.

The New Object window: 'Easy' mode Right click in the Virtual Planets and Objects window to invoke its popup menu. Select the "New..." item. The New Object window is displayed. The same window, but with the title 'Edit Parameters', appears if the "Edit Parameters..." menu item is selected. Let's examine the object Selena (White Moon):

There are two modes of data entry. An 'Easy' mode can be used for objects with simple circular orbits, and omits unnecessary parameters from the dialog. To switch between 'Easy' and 'Full' mode, click the "Toggle easy entry mode" button at upper-right of the window. In this example, the button is down, indicating the dialog is in Easy mode.

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The panel at the top of the window indicates the object type: Geocentric, Heliocentric, Stellar, or Projection. Selena is a geocentric object i.e. an Earth satellite. The Name field contains the name of object, in this case "Selena". This name will be displayed in the data tables, tooltips, and so on. The name can also be used in marking-up interpretation texts, in the formulae of Arabic Parts, etc. Clicking the object's glyph field will display ZET's Glyph Editor window. Here you can choose an existing glyph for the object, or create a new one. The entryfield immediately at right of the glyph field is a code field that is used only for certain objects, e.g. "Sel" indicates that this object (Selena) is an Avestan object (there being other 'white moons' in Avestan astrology with different parameters). The three following fields are the parameters required to compute simple (circular) orbits: - Date: the reference (Epoch) date of the specified longitude (at 0 hour GMT), - Longitude (degrees): longitude of the object at the reference date (in degrees and decimals of a degree), - Period (years): orbital period (in tropical years, with precession). The Upper option is used for virtual heliocentric planets. A heliocentric object may have two points of orbit with the same longitude. If this option is checked ON, the longitude is used for the far point, if checked OFF it is used for the near one. When you have finished inputting or editing the data, click the "OK" or "Apply" button, and the object will appear in the listing and on the chart. The "Apply" button leaves the window open, e.g. for fitting of the object's parameters.

More complex cases: 'Full' mode Some objects have an orbit which differs from circlar and may have an obliquity to the ecliptic. In these cases, the dialog must be used in Full mode. For Proserpine (not the asteroid 26 Proserpina), and after toggling to the correct mode, the Virtual Planets and Objects window looks like this:

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Only astrologers fluent in their mastery of astronomy should attempt to edit the parameters. However, it is possible to exchange the data of virtual objects between ZET users (there are many exotic new objects...). For this purpose, use the Copy and Paste buttons at the bottom of the window. If you click the "Copy" button, then the following line (in this example) will be saved to the Clipboard buffer: ;;103;Pro;Proserpine;;;187.502320;319.538004;63.696644;3.000799;0.08550236;77.926077235;2445375.5;V;

...and here are the parameters of the geo-stationary Inmarsat satellite used for maritime communications. It seems this satellite cannot be used in astrology, but you may nevertheless want to see how it looks on a chart (its azimuth and altitude are constant): ;;253;;Inmarsat AORE;;;109.6;0;180;23.44583;0;0.00028185007989764;2448830.500;E;

Try copying the above line (select it and type Ctrl+C), and inserting it into the listing using the "Paste" button of the New Object window.

Stellar objects Objects of this kind include the Sun's Apex (the projection onto the celestial sphere of the point towards which the Sun is moving), and the Galactic Center. The screenshot below shows the parameters of the recently discovered 'diamond' star, named Lucy. According to some astronomers, it is a giant crystal of carbon, i.e. diamond. Some astrologers are attempting to use it for prognostication:

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If the object's parameters of proper motion and parallax (distance) are unknown, the corresponding entryfields should be set to zero. If the star's magnitude is unknown, it shoud be set to 999.99.

City Projections There is a techique of mundane astrology, in which a city can be brought into symbolic correspondence with a celestial object whose equatorial coordinates equal the geographical coordinates of the city. To create this type of object, select the "Add City Projection..." menu item from the Virtual Planets and Objects window. This opens the Atlas. In the Atlas window, find the city, and from the popup menu of the Atlas, select the "Add City to Virtual Objects" item. The coordinates will be calculated automatically. The data can be edited:

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Arabic Parts The Arabic Parts window lets you select and work with Arabic Parts (Pars). It is opened by clicking the "Tables" Toolbar button or selecting the "Tables" main menu item, then selecting the Arabic Parts menu option. Since Parts must be recomputed whenever the event data changes, it is necessary to limit the number of Parts active in a chart. At present the total number of asteroids, fictitious objects, and Parts is not allowed to exceed 86 in total. To offset this restriction, ZET allows you to create sets ('pages') of Parts. Thus, with the minor inconvenience of switching pages and recasting the chart, you can make use of as many different Parts as you require.

The Arabic Parts window consists of two resizeable panes. The left pane (visible if the "Page List" menu option is checked) contains a list of available pages (i.e. sets of parts), with the current page highlighted. Clicking the mouse in this list selects a page for operations. The right pane lists the Parts, each line consisting of the following information: activation status, glyph, name, the formula used to calculate it, and the code used to refer to it when marking-up interpretation texts. The column widths of the table can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the column separators in the header line. To activate or deactivate a Part for use, double-click a line of the table. Active Parts are checkmarked (ticked). Right-clicking in the table displays a popup menu of options: · · · · · · ·

Activate Pars - activates or deactivates the Part. The display properties of the Part should be adjusted on the Chart Settings - Planets tab, Edit... - see below, Delete - deletes the highlighted Pars, New... - creates a blank row under the highlighted Pars, which you can select and edit to create a new Part, True Asc -or- Cusp of I House - selects between use of the Ascendant or the First House Cusp when calculating Parts. This option caters for house systems in which cusps do not coincide with start of houses but signify positions of greatest influence, e.g. by falling in the center of houses, Use for Degree Overview - if checked, all Parts on the current page will be candidates for the Degree Overview window, regardless of their activation status. See Chart Settings - Data tab, Create PARS.TXT - writes the current values, names and formulas of the Parts of the current table to the file Pars.txt in the [ZET]\Wrk folder, and also opens the file in a text editor window,

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Page List - displays (or hides) the pane listing pages of Parts.

The popup menu of the page list contains: · · ·

New Page - creates a new (empty) page. You are required to name the new Parts page, Rename Page - allows you to rename an existing set of Parts, Delete Page - deletes the current set of Parts after confirming with the user.

Editing Parts The Edit Part dialog is opened by selecting the "Edit" option from the popup menu of the Arabic Parts main pane.

To edit or create a glyph for the Part for use in charts, click the Symbol icon to open the Glyph Editor. After selecting or drawing the symbol, click "OK" to accept the result and exit the Glyph Editor. To name the Pars, click in the Name field and type a name of your choice. To edit or create a Pars Formula, use the following abbreviated designations for chart elements: Planets Sun Sun Lun Moon Mer Mercury Ven Venus Mar Mars Jup Jupiter Sat Saturn Ura Uranus Nep Neptune Plu Pluto Nod North Node SNd South Node Lil Lilith Chi Chiron

Uranian Planets Cup Cupido Had Hades Zeu Zeus Kro Kronos Apo Apollon Adm Admetos Vul Vulkanus Pos Poseidon House cusps H1 ... H12 House rulers D1 ... D12

S - prenatal syzygy Two letters abbreviation allowed: SO, MO, ME, VE, MA, JU, SA, UR, NE, PL, KN, SN, LI, CH. Part's formulae "Dispositor of Planet" (ruler of sign, in which the planet is located), e.g., "D.SO" means "dispositor of Sun", or syzygy, i.e. "D.S" specifies a planet - ruler of sign, in which a prenatal syzygy is licated. Part's formulae "Third of House" (e.g., "T2.H5" - the begin of second third of fifth house, "T3.H10" - the begin of last third of tenth house).

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You can include numeric constants in formulas to represent absolute values. The number should be an integer or decimal fraction, e.g. 242.652, It is possible to use any virtual object (using its name, e.g. Galactic_Center) or asteroid (designated by catalog number, e.g. A10199). Specific points in a planet's orbit can be specified using this syntax: At.Planet, where · · ·

A = orbital element: 'A' - aphelion, 'P' - perihelion, 'N' - north node, 'S' - south node, 'F' - 2nd focus of orbit; t = type of element: 't' - true, 'b' - barycentric; Planet = planet name.

E.g.: A.Sun - aphelion of Sun (mean), Nt.Jup - true north node of Jupiter (geocentric). There is a possibility to use stars in formulas of lots (Arabic Parts), for example, "Widowhood lot": H1 + @Vindemiatriks-NE. The space in a name of a star is replaced with a symbol "_", for example @Ras_Algethi. It is possible to set a star it number in the catalog Bright Star, for example, @4819 (gamma Centauri). At calculation of a lot the precession and own movement of a star is considered. The following operators are available: · · · ·

Addition "+", for example Sun + Lun Subtraction "-", for example Sun - Nod (Draconic Sun) Multiplication "*", for example Sun*2 Midpoint "/", for example Sun / Lun (Solilunar midpoint)

The formula is calculated left to right, all operations having the same priority. E.g. Sun+180*0.1 means that 180 degrees is added to the Sun's longitude (by modulo 360) and the result is multiplied by 0.1. Square brackets [...] in a formula indicate that daytime and night-time are to be distinguished when calculating the value. During daytime, the formula is calculated as-is, i.e. ignoring the square brackets. During night-time, the sign preceding the left bracket is inverted. Example: Pars Fortune is defined by the formula H1+[Lun-Sun]. For daytime births this is equivalent to 'H1+Lun-Sun'. At night-time it evaluates to 'H1-Lun+Sun'. Night-time is defined as the interval between the end of dusk twilight and the start of dawn twilight. The duration of twilight is adjusted on the Risings tab of the General Settings window.

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Code for Interpreter Arabic Parts can be used in Horoscope Reading interpretations. The interpretation texts dealing with Parts should be marked-up using a predefined code to refer to each Parts. The codes must be defined in the page of Arabic Parts to be used in the interpretation. Codes are required be 3 characters long, and lower-case, for example, for, kre. The assignment of specific codes to Parts is at the user's choice. The resulting interpretation texts after marking-up for Parts will look similar to this: · · · ·

[for.AR] Pars Fortuna in Aries ... [for.01] Pars Fortuna in First House ... [for.CNJ.SU] Pars Fortuna Conjunct Sun ... and so on.

To define a Part's Code, select the "Edit" menu option to display the Edit Part window (see above), and input the code in the Code field. Ensure that Parts you have defined and/or activated for calculation are shown on the natal chart by selecting them in Chart Settings, Planets tab.

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Satellites of planets ZET (Geo version) allows to use the satellites of planets. To draw satellites on a chart used a method of projection of planetocentric coordinates of satellite to the Earth center, e.g, the Phobos displayed on a geocentric chart just as it looked from (relatively) Mars center.

To work with satellites use it's catalog. Press Tables button and select Satellites of planets menu item.

The columns of the table have the following meaning:

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Activation checkbox - contains a checkmark if the satellite has been selected for use (activated). Activating the satellite means that it will be treated as a planet, i.e. its current coordinates will be calculated. To check/uncheck it you may click this cell by mouse, or double click this row, or press Enter key. Indicator of the satellite's R-ephemeris exists: o green flag - R-ephemeris exists; o red flag - R-ephemeris not exists; o black text - E-ephemeris exists; o gray text - E-ephemeris not exists; The meaning of other colums is clear with it's headers.

Satellites ephemeris To calculate the satellite's coordinates used special ephemeris, prepared with JPL NASA data. There are two kinds of ephemeris: R - coordinates of satellites, and E - satellite's orbital parameters. The last are not nessessary and used only to draw the orbit of satellite on a "Cosmos" tableau correctly. The ephemeris files located in [ZET]\jpl\ folder, type of files: dat. The format of lafe name: P_N_Ym.dat where: P - a type of ephemeris: 'R' or 'E', N - the name of satellite, Y - the year of begin of date, m - the mark of tabulation step: 'm' - annual ephemeris with 10 minutes step (for R type), '' - 10-years epheneris with 1 day step (for E type). For example: R_Phobos_2010m.dat - the ephemeris of Phobos coordinates for 2010 year, 10-minutes, E_Io_2010.dat - the ephemeris of Io orbital parameters for 2010-2019 years, 1 day step. There are some ephemeris on a ZET site (Downloads, Additional components). You can create any ones which you need yourself.

How to create ephemeris R-ephemeris, e.g, for Phobos for 2010-th year: 1.

Go to HORIZONS Web-interface (JPL NASA):

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2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose Ephemeris Type: change -> OBSERVER Target Body: Lookup the specified body: Phobos Observer Location: Lookup Named Location: @499 (for Mars), Search Time Span: Start=2009-12-31 23:50, Stop=2011-01-01, Step=10 minutes (the begin if table is 1 step (10 minutes) later then the begin of specified year) 6. Table Settings: 1. Astrometric RA & DEC, 20. Obsrv range & rng rate 7. Display/Output: download/save (plain text file) 8. Click "Generate Ephemeris", wait and of calculating and downloading of the "horizon_results(n).txt" file, where n - any number 9. Repeat points above for all years and satellites you wish 10. Find downloaded files (default in "D:\My documents\Downloads" folder) and remove it to "[ZET]\jpl\" folder. 11. In ZET open "Satellites of planets", invoke a popup memu and select "Find new ephemeris" item. After some seconds the "Done" message appears or the list with errors (in case of wrong HORIZON parameters). E-�ephemeris, e.g, for Io at 2010-2019 years: 1.

Go to HORIZONS Web-interface (JPL NASA):

2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose Ephemeris Type: change -> Orbital elements -> ELEMENTS Target Body: Lookup the specified body: Io, Major body Observer Location: Lookup Named Location: @599 (for Jupiter), Search Time Span: Start=2009-12-31, Stop=2020-01-01, Step=1 day (the begin if table is 1 step (1 day) later then the begin of specified year) Table Settings: by default Display/Output: download/save (plain text file)

6. 7.

265 | P a g e


Click "Generate Ephemeris", wait and of calculating and downloading of the "horizon_results(n).txt" file, where n - any number 9. Repeat points above for all years and satellites you wish 10. Find downloaded files (default in "D:\My documents\Downloads" folder) and remove it to "[ZET]\jpl\" folder. 11. In ZET open "Satellites of planets", invoke a popup memu and select "Find new ephemeris" item. After some seconds the "Done" message appears or the list with errors (in case of wrong HORIZON parameters). With "Find new ephemeris" function the program checks the format of "horizon_results(n).txt" files (and any txt files), located in "jpl" folder, renames it i.g. to "R_Phobos_2010m.txt", converts to internal format (creates "R_Phobos_2010m.dat"), removes the source file to "txt" subfolder.

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Astro-formulae Searching for a Chart The Database can be searched for charts that match one or more astrological conditions. As a preliminary step, select the database pages to be searched by clicking an item in the left pane of the Database window (then Shift+click for range selection). When the Database window popup menu option "Search Database..." is selected, the following window is displayed:

The Search for... panel of the dialog is where you input the search criteria, i.e. the conditions to be satisfied. The set of conditions make up a formula. Search formulae can be saved and retrieved using the buttons at the bottom of the window. To see what formulae are available, click the button and select a file of type .crt . The search criteria are formulated in a notation. How to formulate a search is described in detail in Astrological formula description language. As an example, in the above screen-shot it is required to find charts in which the Sun is in Aries, and Mars conjoins Saturn, and Mercury is sextile or trine to Jupiter (all three conditions to be jointly met). After inputting a formula, you can check its correctness by clicking the "Check formula" button. If the search expression is in order (syntactically valid), the message "OK" is displayed. If there is a syntax error, a diagnostic message is displayed with an indication of the place in the text where the error occurred. ATTENTION. The syntax checking ot the formula is not enought. For more reliable verification of this formula use "Check with Astroformula" function, test the formula with some examples.

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To initiate the search, click Execute. The progress of the search operation is shown by the progress bar and window title messages. To cancel a search in progress, click the button with the red cross. To save a formula, click the

button for a File Save dialog.

Records found matching the search criteria are copied to the special database page 'Found', which is created if it does not exist. Checkmark the Insert delimiter flag if you want to separate the charts in the Found page located by different searches.

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Daily Watch The Daily Watch is a facility which can be instructed to recognise transit events in particular charts in the database. When ZET is first started during the day, the Daily Watch checks for the presence of a specified event in the charts of one database table, and if it is found, displays an appropriate message. The transit event data used is the current system time, and the specified (ZET) location (i.e. the 'here and now' of the Event Data window). The event is specified using the astroformula language, e.g. MO'.[0-10].PL means the transiting Moon conjoined with natal Pluto within a 10 degree orb. You may specify searching of any count of events with displaying of appropriate messages for each event. To do that use description similar as Universal Interpratation. The Daily Watch setup window is displayed by invoking the popup menu of the left pane of the Database window, and selecting "Daily Watch...".

Database - displays the name of the database table whose records are being watched. This field is not editable. Set current Database button - allows you to select a database table for the Daily Watch, and which is current now. Search for... panel - contains the astroformula. See Astroformula Language. On guard - when checked activates the Daily Watch. If unchecked, the Watch is stopped. Check transit event button - runs the Watch independently of its activation status. The test is performed using the current background event data as the transit date, Check formula's syntax - checks that the syntax of the astroformula is correct. If the formula is in order, the message "OK" is displayed. Otherwise an error message is displayed with an indication of the place in the text in which the error occurred. ATTENTION. The syntax checking ot the formula is not enought. For more reliable verification of this formula use "Check with Astroformula" function, test the formula with some examples.

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Save - saves the settings of the Daily Watch. Also this button disabed the flag that the Daily Watch works today. Close - closes the Daily Watch window.

Daily Watch Report If any charts found during a Daily Watch, then will appears a window with a list of founded chart, e.g.:

You may choose any chart from a list to display it. To do that click "View Chart" button. After close the window, it's possible to open it again by Alt+9 keys.

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Searching for an Event ZET can search for occurrences of an event that matches one or more astrological conditions. The Search for Event window is opened by selecting "Tools" from the main menu or clicking the Toolbar button, then selecting the "Search for Event..." menu option.


To perform a search you need to make the following settings: ·

Input the search criteria into the Search for... pane, i.e. the conditions to be satisfied. For example, Sun in Aries and at the same time Mars conjoining Saturn. The orbs of conjuction are taken from the orb table for the current chart. The set of conditions make up a formula, e.g. Sun.Ari & Mar.0.Sat expresses the above example criteria. The notation used in formulae is described in detail in Astrological formula description language. Search formulae can be saved and retrieved using the buttons at the bottom of the window. To load a formula from file, click the button and select a file of type .crt .


After inputting a formula, you can check its correctness by clicking the

"Check formula" button.

If the search expression is in order (syntactically valid), the message "OK" is displayed. If there is a syntax error, a diagnostic message is displayed wih an indication of the place in the text where the error occurred. ATTENTION. The syntax checking ot the formula is not enought. For more reliable verification of this formula use "Check with Astroformula" function, test the formula with some examples.

271 | P a g e

To save the formula, click the

button for a File Save dialog.


Specify the Range of search. In this example, it is the XXth century.


Input that searching should proceed In steps of a specific period. In the screenshot it is 24 hours, i.e. calculations while searching will be performed at intervals of one day: 1.01.1900 0:00, 2.01.1900 0:00, 3.01.1900 0:00 ... If the step is too big, in some cases the conditions which would fulfil the criteria for fast planets may be overlooked. E.g. if the orb is narrow and a Mars-Saturn conjunction occurred between 2.04.1998 1:00 and 2.04.1998 15:00, then this particular event will not be found. If the step is too short, then the search will take too long to execute.


To launch the search, click the Execute button. The progress of the search operation is shown by the progress bar, and by messages under the progress bar and in the window title bar. To cancel a search in progress, click the button with the red cross.

An on-going count of events found while searching is displayed under the progress bar. When the search has finished, a window is opened which lists the events' dates. In our example, 5 dates were found: Sun.Ari & Mar.0.Sat 22.03.1946 0:00 30.03.1972 0:00 19.04.1974 0:00 21.03.1996 0:00 1.04.1998 0:00 You can select a line of text in the results window and copy it to the Clipboard using the popup menu option. This text can be input into the Event Data window by using its Paste button.

Searching Dual Chart events A special case is searching for events in the context of dual charts, e.g, searching for aspects of a transiting planet to a natal planet. There are two variants of searching: 1) Quick variant. The method is: · · · · ·

Cast the transit chart, In the Event Data window, click the "Switch Core and Background data" button. This is needed as the time of the core data will be sampled during the search, In the Event Data window, click the "Execute" button, Open the Search for Event window, Input the required formula, e.g. UR.0.SO' (transiting Uranus conjoined with natal Sun). The symbol ' (apostrophe) is significant, and indicates that the planet is in the second (outer) ring of the chart (remember that in this case the natal ring is the outer one),

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· ·

Switch OFF the Background Time flag (it is available for dual or complex charts only), Specify the range and step of scanning, and launch the search.

The advantage of this method is that searches are typically fast. The disadvantage is that this method is applicable only to transits, but not to other types of dual chart. 2) Universal variant. The method is: · · ·

Cast the transit or other dual or complex type chart, Open the Search for Event window, Input the required formula, e.g, UR'.0.SO (transiting Uranus conjoined with natal Sun). The symbol ' (apostrophe) signifies a planet in the second (outer) ring (in this case the transit planets ring is the outer one). In complex charts the apostrophe signifies the outer of the two rings selected for aspecting. Aspecting rings in complex charts are selected in the Direction of Aspects window (Alt+A hot-key, or Chart tableau popup menu),

· ·

Check ON the Background Time flag, Specify the range and step of scanning, and launch the search.

The advantage of this method is that it can be used with any type of dual or complex chart. The disadvantage is its low calculation speed.

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Check with Astroformula The current horoscope on the Chart tableau can be tested to see if it meets one or more astrological conditions. The conditions are specified in a notation, allowing complex conditions to be tested for. The Check with Astroformula window is opened by: · · ·

clicking the "Check formula" button in the Search for Event or Look for a Chart windows, selecting "Tools" | "Check Astroformula..." from the main menu, clicking the "Tools" Toolbar button and selecting the "Check Astroformula..." menu item.

The Search for... pane of the window is where you input the criteria against which the chart is to be checked. How to formulate the search criteria is described in detail in Astrological formula description language. As an example, in the above screen-shot it is required to test if the chart has the Moon is in the 12th house and not in either Scorpio or Capricorn, and that it in 'good' aspect (30, 60, 120, 150 degrees) with a main planet or it is conjoined with Venus or with Jupiter. Formulae can be saved and retrieved using the buttons at the bottom of the panel. Click the a file of type .crt to see what formulae are available.

button and select

After inputting a formula (or after inputting each part, if a complex set of criteria is involved), you can check its correctness by clicking the "Check formula" button. If the expression is in order (syntactically valid), the message "OK" is displayed. If there is a syntax error, a diagnostic message is displayed with an indication of the place in the text in where the error occurred. To save a formula, click the

button for a File Save dialog.

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To test the current chart using the formula, click the Execute button. If the message "Yes" is displayed, then the specified event occurs in the chart. NOTE: The astroformula checking facility establishes only that a particular formula has been composed correctly. It does not guarantee that the formula describes an event which can occur, or that a search conducted with it will find the event. When check a complex formula, may be helpful to know, what value have each expression in a formula, but not only common result. To do that click "Trace" button (bottom left). E.g. the following text appears: @00 = LUN.GOOD.PLN|LUN.0.VEN,JUP = No ---------LUN.H12 = No ^LUN.SCO,CAP = Yes @00 = No


expression in brackets begin of main formula the Moon is not in 12th house the Moon is not in Scorpio or Capricorn value of brackets expression is "No"

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Universal Interpretation The automatic interpretation of charts based on the Library of Interpretation Texts relies on thematic sets of citations which describe simple astrological situations, e.g. planet X in sign Y (what the planet in this sign means); aspects between planets (what this aspect of these planets means), and so on. The interpreter compiles (assembles) all the citations relevant to the situation existing in the chart without taking into account what is specific in a chart. For more precise synthesis of an interpretation of a given chart, it is necessary to go beyond the simple schema just described (i.e. '[P.S]', '[P.A.P]'). A truly "universal interpretation" facility requires that any astrological situation, no matter how specific or complex, be describable to the interpreter. This is achieved by describing its conditions using astroformulae, i.e. the formula description language. The markup of a book for universal interpretation differs from the markup of books about specific astrological themes. For example, a book for universal interpretation may be formatted as follows: // UNI Universal interpretation // Sergey Wronsky. Astrology and profession. > > The Sun in Aries and birth at sunrise to noon: ............... > The Sun in Scorpio and in any aspect with Pluto or with retrograde Mars: ................ The salient differences are as follows: · · · ·

A UNI code in the header line indicates a book for universal interpretation. A section between > immediately following the header lines defines any macros and variables used in the formulae governing the citations in the book. A citation has its own header lines, bounded by >, which contain an astroformula description in the special formula description language. The citation can comprise wholly or partly of links to different books, whose text is also marked-up for universal interpretation. For example the sentence: > means that when the condition 'H1.Cnc' is true, the text in the file H1_Cnc.txt will be processed. The included file should be marked-up in the same way as UNI text, but should have the INC header code. In this example the text should be as follows: // INC Included // if Asc in Cancer // > Yes!

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If it is the case that the Ascendant is in Cancer and the Sun is in Scorpio, then "Yes!" appears in the output interpretation document. It is convenient to create texts for universal interpretation using the "Edit Book" facility available from the popup menu of the Library of Interpretation Texts. The editing window includes functionality for checking the markup syntax of the edited text.

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Astrological formula description language The language for notating astrological formulae applies to a formalized abstract description of the radix chart. Similar descriptions are used in searching the database for a chart which meets certain criteria, in scanning times when searching for a particular moment of time, and for a more exact synthesis of interpretations of a given chart.

Examples Ex. 1. Suppose we want to find charts which satisfy the condition: Sun is in Aries, Mars conjoins Saturn, and Mercury is sextile or trine to Jupiter. The formula is this: Sun.Ari & Mar.0.Sat & Mer.Sxt,Tri.Jup Ex. 2. Direct Mars conjoining Regulus, a conjunction between the Moon and Cupido, and Sun in the 1st house: MAR.d & MAR.REGULUS & LUN.0.Cupido & SUN.H1 Ex. 3. Singleton Saturn in the 7th house together with a void 5th house in a man's chart (sign of childlessness): ^SUN-JUP.H7 & ^URA-PLU.H7 & SAT.H7 & ^SUN-PLU.H5 & Male Ex. 4. Mercury conjoined with two or more planets: // macros (description of set) PP = PL,KN,LI; // use variables x1 := ME.0.SO & ME.0.MO-PP; x2 := ME.0.MO & ME.0.VE-PP; x3 := ME.0.VE & ME.0.MA-PP; x4 := ME.0.MA & ME.0.JU-PP; x5 := ME.0.JU & ME.0.SA-PP; x6 := ME.0.SA & ME.0.UR-PP; x7 := ME.0.UR & ME.0.NE-PP; x8 := ME.0.NE & ME.0.PP; x9 := ME.0.PL & ME.0.KN,LI; x10 := ME.0.KN & ME.0.LI; // main formula x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | x10 // More simple way using numerical variable: PP = SO-PL,KN,LI; n ::= ME.0.PP; n >= 2 Ex. 5. Find all poets in the SADC database: "POET"

Syntax A formula consists of: - macros, - definitions of variables,

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- logical expressions, connected by the logic operators AND, OR, NOT, - strings, - comments. Logic operators are designated by the symbols '&', '|', '^'. Operators "&" and "|" have equal precedence, i.e. they are executed in the formula in left-to-right order as they occur. It's possible to use brackets, e.g. a & (b | (c & d))) means following sequence of operations: x1 = c & d x2 = b | x1 x3 = a & x2 The logical expression may to be as: - the function, - logical variable, - arithmetic expression. The function This is a description of astrology constellation, e.g.: SO.Sco ME.Sqr.MA The result of function is "yes" or "no", if it used in logical expression or in description of logical variable, or number, if it used in description of numeric variable. The logical variable Definition of the logical variable (assign a value): e.g. x6 := ME.0.SA; Syntax of definition of the logical variable: := ; Using the logical variable in a formula: e.g. SO.Lib & x6 Other example: SF := Sun.Ari,Leo,Sgr; Use of the variable: SF & Moon.Psc - means the Sun in a Fire signs and Moon in Pisces. The variable can be designated in the top of formula (or universal interpretation text) and then used any times in formula below. Arithmetic expression Consists of numeric variables and constants, connected by operations of comparison, e.g.: n == 1 The following operations are possible: == - equal, - non-equal, > - greater, < - less,

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>= - greater or equal, = b // calculation of expression (result is True or False). Numeric variable Description of numeric variable (assign a value): e.g. n ::= SO-PL.0.SA; // number of planets, conjuncted with Saturn. Syntax of expression for assign a value to numeric variable: ::= ; Using a numeric variable in the formula: e.g. SO.Lib & n > 2 Operations with sets Subset allocation from the set (/=). For example: PP = SO-PL; p /= PP.asp.H1; // planets in aspect with 1st house cusp n ::= MA.asp.p; // number of planets (among p), having aspect with Mars Macros If the formula contains any repeating long sequence of symbols, the sequence can be designated by a short name, and the name used in the formula. macro := name, the symbol '=', a sequence of symbols, the symbol ';' For example: Planet = SO-KN, CU-PO; Use of a macro: Planet.Sco - means any planet in the sign of Scorpio. Strings A string is a sequence of symbols delimited by the symbol '"', e.g. "astrologer" . The string is applied in searching a given sequence of symbols in a database. Searches are made in all fields of a record, not just in the comment field (all fields are textual). For example, it is possible to specify the string "astrologer" to search for astrologers. The string is not case sensitive, spaces are ignored. Comments The text of a formula may contain comments. A comment is any line beginning with the symbols '//'. For example: // This line is a comment If the formula used in Universal Interpretation, then it's possible to use "outgoing" comments - strings, which always displayed in the interpretation document. The format of "outgoing" comment is: //* *//

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Planets: The following two-letter notations are recognized: SO Sun MO Moon ME Mercury VE Venus MA Mars JU Jupiter SA Saturn UR Uranus NE Neptune PL Pluto KN North Node SN South Node LI Lilith SE Selene PR Proserpine CH Chiron CU Cupido HA Hades ZE Zeus KR Kronos AP Apollon AD Admetos VU Volcanus PO Poseidon The following trigrams are also accepted: 'SUN','LUN','MER','VEN','MAR','JUP','SAT','URA','NEP','PLU', 'NOD','SND','LIL','SEL','PRO','CHI'; Planets can be designated by their names: Sun, Moon, Mercury... The above-mentioned 16 planets can be used to designate an interval, e.g. SUN-PLU. The name of planet form Sun to Pluto can be trimmed to three initial letters, and case (upper or lower) is not significant, i.e. it is possible to write "Mercury" and "mer". The Arabic Part can be specified either by it's name, e.g. "Fortune", or by it's code, e.g. "for" according the Catalog of Arabic Parts. The virtual planet can be specified either by it's name, e.g. "Vertex", or by it's code, e.g. "eqa" (Equatorial Ascendant) according the Catalog of Virtual Planets and Objects. The asteroid can be specified either by it's name, e.g. "Ceres", or by code "AS" plus catalog asteroid's number, e.g. Ceres - AS1 (do not miss with A1 - the almuten of 1st house). All the above objects can be used to specify a set, e.g. "Sun,Ven,Jup". All objects used in a search formula must exist and be available for calculation in ZET before executing the search formula. Signs: 'ARI','TAU','GEM','CNC','LEO','VIR', 'LIB','SCO','SGR','CAP','AQR','PSC';

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It is also possible to use a Sign's name, and to trim it in length. Signs can make an interval and a set, e.g. "ARI-VIR", "TAU,LEO,SCO,AQR". Portions of a Sign are permitted, e.g. "ARI[30]" = 30th degree of Aries (from 29�Ari up to 30�Ari) or, the same, "ARI[29-30]". Portions of the Zodiac are allowed, e.g. "Lib[15]-Sco[15]" = (one definition of) Via Combusta. Aspects: It is permissible to use the following trigram designations: 'CNJ', 'SSX', 'DEC', 'NOV', 'SSQ', 'SXT', 'QNT', 'SQR', 'TRI', 'SQQ', 'QNX', 'OPP'; If an aspect exists in the current orb table, it can be designated numerically by the approximate value of the aspect in degrees (the orb used is that specified for it in the orb table). An aspect can make a set with an orb, as a range of angles in degrees, e.g. "[131-133]" or "[49:39:19-53:20]" (variant of 49�39'19" - 53�20'00") or "[119.9-120.1]". For declination aspects you can use: 'P' - parallel, e.g. "ME.P.MA" = Mercury in parallel with Mars, '^P' contra-parallel, e.g. "MO.^P.VE". For anticia aspects you can use: 'A' - anticion, e.g. "ME.A.MA" = Mercury in anticion with Mars, '^A' - contraanticion, e.g. "MO.^A.VE". In addition it is possible to specify the aspect's dynamics: 'A' - converging, 'S' - receding, 'F' - forward, 'B' back, e.g. "Sun.120AF.Lun" = applying trine, Sun ahead (forward on the Zodiac) of the Moon. Midpoints: Midpoints are specified with the established slash convention: '/', e.g. "MO.MA/VE" = Moon on the midpoint between Mars and Venus. Houses: 'H1', ... 'H12'; A portion of a house selects an interval in units of 1/30 the total extent of the house, e.g. "H1[0-10]" = the first third of the first house. Houses may make an interval and set, e.g. "SO.H1,H10" = Sun (Sol) in the first or tenth house. Cusps: You can operate with cusps, using the same notation as for houses, e.g. "SO.0.H1 | SO.0.H10" = Sun conjoining Asc and/or MC. NOTE: Cusps cannot make an interval or a set, so "SO.0.H1,H10" is not a valid expression. Almutens of House: 'A1', ... 'A12'; The almuten of a house is the ruler of the Sign on the house cusp. Almutens may make a set. Phases in the movement of a planet: 'D' - direct, 'R' - retrograde, 'S' - stationary, 'V' - fast. ' "Step Forward" buttons step thru changes of time by the aggregated sum of the individual time entryfield setting. The absolute numeric value of the total is used, The "Reverse" button changes the sign of the time interval, thus allowing the direction of time to be readily changed from forwards to backwards and vice versa, The left- and right-arrowhead buttons beside each entryfield execute a time step of the unit indicated for the adjacent entryfield, The sliders dynamically adjust the time in proportion to the distance traveled from their central position, in units of seconds, minutes, hours, etc. (Entryfield settings are ignored). The sliders are selfcentering: if the travel is exceeded, the slider button (and mouse pointer) are reset, but if the time has altered, the new time is retained, If a Julian Date has been set and enabled, the JD buttons step the time by the amount specified in the entryfield, If a return chart has been cast, the control panel includes special buttons to step forward and back to the dates of successive or previous Solar, Lunar or planet returns (the buttons are not visible if this chart type has not been cast). The return number adjacent the left button is incremented as returns are found - the return immediately before the event is numbered 0, the one previous is -1, the upcoming return is +1, and so on. NOTE 1: As returns may coincide with retrograde motion, the index displayed is not necessarily an indicator of orbital revolutions. NOTE 2: The date of event (background date) does not change in the control panel when returns are calculated. To see the actual date of the return, open the Reference Date window by selecting "Reference Date" from the chart tableau popup menu.

Computer dynamics Automatic computer stepping (animation) of time changes is operated with these controls: · · ·

The "Animate" (green light) button both starts and stops computer animation, The "Reverse" button reverses the sign of the time interval, thus allowing the direction of time to be readily changed from forwards to backwards, and vice versa, The rate of time stepping, and the resulting speed of animation of the tableau, can be adjusted by inputting a value into the "Delay [msec]" entryfield, which effects a pause between steps.

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The Dynamics of Time can be operated with the window minimized: see Hot Keys.

Real-time Clock The Real-time Clock is a mode of work when the time of the birth or event data is automatically adjusted according with computer timer, to effect corresponding changes to ZET's various tableaux. You may switch ON/OFF the real time clock mode by following ways: ·

Press "R" key (the focus of input should be in main ZET window), will appears the "Real-time Clock" window. If dual chart established, then you can select core or background time to affected by real time. Click "Turn ON" button.


Move mouse cursor to the Indicator of real-time clock in ZET status line, and double click it by left mouse button.


If the main menu of ZET is established, then select "Control" item and then "Real-time Clock (Core)" or "Real-time Clock (Background)".

The Real-time Clock do not used for core data, if the chart type is not "Horary" and the name of native is specified. Also there is an option, allows to run ZET with Real-time Clock mode, see "Settings", "General Settings", "General" tab, "Start ZET with Real-time Clock running".

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Dynamics of Location In this window you can adjust the current location (geographical coordinates) of the birth or event data in a variety of interactive and systematic ways, to effect corresponding changes to ZET's various tableaux. The Dynamics of Location control panel is opened by: · · ·

clicking the "Dynamics of Location" Toolbar button, selecting "Control" | "Dynamics of Location..." from the main menu, typing the hot-key 'P'.

Facilties are available to change the location by a constant or dynamically variable amount; manually or automatically; singly or repeatedly. The tableau on display, and open windows with relevant data, are updated automatically as the event data changes. (Note that changes to the geographical coordinates may entail changes in time as well as changes of location).

Setting the initial location The geographical location(s) that will be adjusted are shown at the top of the window - current core data is at left, background data (if applicable) at right. These locations are updated after each change that has been made using the Dynamic of Location control buttons. The location(s) can be changed by: · ·

clicking with the mouse in the entryfield, and editing the data directly, clicking the "Here" button, which sets the data to the coordinates of the user's location.

When the Chart tableau has a dual or complex type chart, you can select which data-set's location is to be changed by clicking the "Core Data" and "Background Data" buttons. The currently selected data-set is displayed in the title bar.

Setting a spatial interval If you choose to set a spatial interval for single-stepping the tableau display, or for animating it, the longitude and latitude components of the interval are the aggregate of the intervals set separately in units of degrees, arcminutes and arc-seconds. You can set the individual (sub-)intervals by:

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· ·

clicking on the spin-buttons (up/down arrowheads), typing values into the adjacent numeric entryfields.

Manual dynamics The following controls allow you to both manually single-step thru changes of location and to adjust the change of location interactively, i.e. variably and continuously. To repeat quickly a step using the selected interval, click and hold down the mouse button. · · · ·

The < "Step Back" and > "Step Forward" buttons step the location by the aggregated sum of the individual longitude and latitude entryfield settings. The absolute numeric value of the total is used, The "Reverse" button changes the sign of the coodinates interval, allowing the vector to be readily changed from south and west to north and east, and vice versa, The left- and right-arrowhead buttons beside each entryfield execute a location step of the unit indicated for the adjacent entryfield, The sliders dynamically adjust the location in proportion to the distance traveled from their central position, in units of degree, arc-minute, or arc-second. (Entryfield settings are ignored). The sliders are self-centering: if the travel is exceeded, the slider button (and mouse pointer) are reset, but if the location has altered, the new location is retained.

Computer dynamics Automatic computer stepping (animation) of location changes is operated with these controls: · · ·

The "Animate" (green light) button both starts and stops computer animation, The "Reverse" button reverses the sign of the coodinates interval, thus allowing the vector to be readily changed from south and west to north and east, and vice versa, The rate of location stepping, and the resulting speed of animation of the tableau, can be adjusted by inputting a value into the "Delay [msec]" entryfield, which effects a pause between steps.

The Dynamics of Location can be operated with the window minimized: see Hot Keys. Event data locations can also be easily changed on the Geographical Map tableau.

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Your Location A location-setting dialog appears when ZET is started for the first time. It is not essential to complete it, but if you set ZET's geographical location and time zone it greatly facilitates casting transit charts, etc. After this has been done, you will need to reset it only if you take the computer somewhere else (and in a few cases to correct for clocks changing to and from daylight-saving summer time). The dialog to set your location is opened by: · ·

clicking the "Settings" button on the Toolbar, and selecting "ZET Location..." from the menu, selecting "Settings" | "ZET Location..." from the main menu.

Location data comprises the name of your city or town, its geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), and Time Zone. The latter is often referred to as dT, and is related to local civil and world (GMT or UTC) time by the following equation: Local civil time = GMT + dT. NOTE: ZET uses the '+' sign for longitudes East of the Greenwich meridian, and '-' for Western ones. City data can be obtained directly from ZET's built-in Atlas of coordinates. First ensure that the optional setting Get Time Zone from computer is unchecked, then click the Atlas button. Select a city from the Atlas, and all the required fields of the dialog will be completed for you. If your computer has been set to the Time Zone of the location chosen, you can also enable the setting Get Time Zone from computer. This will ensure that if Windows makes an adjustment for daylight-saving time, it will be seen by ZET, and your location data will be updated automatically. If your location is not in the Atlas, you can obtain the data either from the Geographical Map (its Status bar displays the latitude and longitude of the mouse pointer tip), or from the Internet using the the Astrodienst service at http://www.astro.com. In both cases you must enter the information into the dialog by hand. If your computer has been set to the Time Zone of your location, you can transfer the setting to the dialog by checking the option Get Time Zone from computer; this synchronizes the dT setting to that of Windows. The following message may appear in the dialog box: WARNING: dT differs from computer's Time Zone

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This message notifies you when a discrepancy exists between the setting of dT for ZET's location, and Windows. To set the time zone for Windows, open the Windows Control Panel, then “Date & Time” and select the Time Zone tab. Select the time zone from the drop-down list, and press “OK” to finish. Finally, enable the Get Time Zone from computer setting in the Location dialog.

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Shortcut Keys Keyboard shortcuts are available for accessing the main tableaux, windows, menus, and dialog boxes, and for certain actions. Toolbar shortcuts: B: Event Data window H: History of Calculations window N: Chart tableau K: Cosmos tableau C: Sky tableau G: Geographical Map tableau D: Database window X: Interpretation Setup window Y: Tables menu M: Tools menu T: Dynamics of Time control panel P: Dynamics of Location control panel U: Options menu I: Help menu R: Start/stop real-time clock space bar: hide/display main window

Windows and dialogs shortcuts: A: Aspects Grid (when Chart is displayed), -ORAtlas window (when Geographical Map is displayed) F: Calendar-Forecast window Q: Astronomical Data window W: Catalog of Stars window V: Graphic Ephemeris dialog L: Moon in Sign (influence for health) window Z: Astro-calculator O: Orb adjustment slider F2: Orb table Alt+F2: N-Chart tableau

Actions shortcuts: Ctrl+C - copies the image of the screen or current window to the Clipboard Ctrl+P - opens the Arabic Parts window Ctrl+Z - restores the original time (after its change in dynamics) Ctrl+T - displays the Technology window Alt+A - displays the Aspects Direction window Alt+B - opens the Notebook Alt+C - displays the Configuration menu Alt+P - calculates stars (after precession) Alt+F - opens the Glyph Editor Alt+H - opens the Harmonic factor dialog Alt+N - toggles True Nodes on/off Alt+M - displays a table of stellar magnitudes Alt+S - records the current chart in the History log Alt+U - displays the Uranian chart Pointer tool Alt+number - 0: saves the current chart to the repository of shortcuts 1..7: saves the ring #1...#7 as a fixed chart

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F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 Aspects: F8 F9 F11 F12 -

context-sensitive help Orb table Core data Chart Type Selector window display aspects of inner ring (Direction of Aspects: 1,1) display aspects of outer/second ring (Direction of Aspects: 2,2) display aspects between inner and outer/second rings (Direction of 1,2) toggles Auto-select mode for orb tables General Settings window toggles Full Screen mode on/off Settings dialog for the current tableau, -ORdisplays the popup menu for the current window Ctrl+Alt+S - ZET Message for the current (real) time Esc - closes the current window Alt+F2 - open N-chart tableau Alt+F4 - exits the program Alt+F11 - minimize the program Alt+\ - open "Evolution by Conway" tableau Alt+> - toggles "Converging aspects only" mode on/off Alt+< - toggles "Separating aspects only" mode on/off

Shortcut keys for the Dynamics of Time window: M

- minimize/restore the window (all keys of this window work in its minimized state) space bar - start/stop < > - go one step of time back/forward Arrows left/right - move the slider of the scroll-bar with the input focus to the left/right (with change of time) R - reverse (change the sign of the value of) the time step I - select core data O - select background data (for dual charts) Tab, Shift-Tab - move the input focus between scrollers. Shortcut keys for the Dynamics of Location window are identical.

Shortcut Key Manager It is possible to assign custom shortcut keys to any control element of ZET. Buttons, menu items, lists, individual settings, and so on can be operated and switched directly, bypassing the need to use menus and dialogs. As an example, let's assign a shortcut key for instantly switching between using the ZET font and a Truetype font for glyphs on the chart wheel. 1. 2.

Open the window containing the control element (in this case, the Font page of the Chart Settings window, which contains the mutually exclusive options ZET Font and TrueType Font). Open the Shortcut Key Manager window by selecting it from the "Settings" Toolbar button or by using the menus.

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4. 5.

6. 7.

Find the name of the control element in the Manager's list (the name may be a mnemonic or abbreviation associated with the element). The ZET Font check-box is associated with the Font panel as part of the "ZET Font" grouping. Click this line in the list to select it. From the drop-down list of available hot-keys at bottom left, select one to use e.g. Alt+Z. Click OK. The entry Alt+Z appears in the selected line in the Key column of the window. Note: if you want to cancel the assignment of a shortcut key, select the blank item in the drop-down list. Test the new shortcut key, e.g. Alt+Z. Close the Manager window and the current window.

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Paths of Folders and Files The Paths of Folders and Files function is not available in the Lite version of ZET.

The dialog to set some paths of folders and files is opened by selecting "Settings" | "Path of Folders and Files" from the main menu.

Purpose: possibility to use the same files by several ZET's installations, possibility to locate files to any data medium, including confidential files to removable disk or flash memory. In the table (see a screenshot) enumerated objects (folders and files), which can been located out of it's default ZET folder location. For example, you wish locate some folders and also the file of History of Calculation "CHist.ini" to "ZET Data" folder on "D" drive. To do that create (manually with Windows) the "ZET Data" folder and remove into this folder desired folders and this file. Then, selecting desired string of table, click the "Change" button. In a window which appears, find and choose the "ZET Data" folder:

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If switch on the "Common Path" folder, then changing a path in one string will leads to setting same paths in all other stringa of the table. To safe your settings in the "Paths to Folders and Files" window, click "Save" button. The "Default" button sets default path to this folder (file), this is ZET folder. The default path for "Txt" (interpretation texts) and "Manual" (user's guide) folders is the "[ZET]\Language\English" folder. In the table (see screenshot) the default path signed by empty field.

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Astro Calculator The astro-calculator converts astronomical coordinates from one system to another. The Astro-Calculator is opened by: · ·

clicking the "Tools" Toolbar button, and selecting "Astro Calculator..." from the menu, selecting "Tools" | "Astro Calculator..." from the main menu.

When the astro-calculator is opened it is preloaded with coordinates appropriate to the tableau or current operation of the software. Changing the data in any field results immediately in a corresponding alteration to data in equivalent fields. The astro-calculator is sensitive to the effect of precession on stellar coordinate systems.

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Printing ZET allows you to output horoscope charts on a laser or inkjet printer. When you create interpretations in Web document (HTML) format, the Web browser's facilities for printing are at your disposal. Facilities vary, i.e. print preview, scaling, font selection, etc. Note: printing of interpretation is accessable in ZET Pro or Geo modifications only. You can print the Chart and Geographical Map (A*C*G) tableaux as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Click the "Tools" Toolbar button, or select "Tools" from the main menu, Select the Print Setup... item, In the Print Setup window click on Properties and select the paper size used by the printer. Set the page Orientation to Landscape. Click "OK" to close Print Setup, Click the "Tools" Toolbar button, or select "Tools" from the main menu, Select the Print Chart menu item, Click OK to print.

On some systems (computers) the program can't define the printer, giving out the message "There is no default printer currently selected", in this case use other ways to receive the listing, described below. You can select fonts and/or scaling with the options on the Chart Settings - Fonts tab. You can, of course, use a ZET configuration that you have designed specifically for print-outs. You can print the Cosmos, Sky and N-Chart tableaux by exporting them as GIF files. The procedure starts up the graphics program associated with GIF files and loads it with an image of the tableau. Click the "Tools" Toolbar button or select "Tools" from the main menu, then select the Save as "Static picture" item. The file will be saved in "Mandala" folder. To view it press "Space" button, click right mouse button to invoke a popup menu, and select image file you wish. You can print the Natal chart by following: - click "Tools" button, - select "Save chart image" item, the following window appears:

- choose folder for saving an image file, - specify name of this file, - choose size of image, e,g. 2 (then more, then higher image quality, - you may create a special configuration before with PRINT name, which used only for printing of natal chart (e.g. setup black-and-white palette) and checkon appropriate option, - click "Save" button,

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- open this file by other program, e.g. by Paint or MS Word, - print out this image with appropriate function of this program. You can print out any ZET graphical window (including tableaux) if its menu contains a Copy item on it. The method is: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Select Copy or Copy to Clipboard, or type Ctrl+C, Start up a graphics editing program, for example Windows Paint, In the graphics program, retrieve (Paste) the image from the Clipboard, Print the image from the graphics program.

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General Settings The General Settings window consists of several thematic tabs of options for the operation of the program. The settings are distributed over six tabs: General, Risings, Language, Misc., Character Set and Security. The General Settings window is opened by: · ·

selecting "Settings" | "General Settings..." from the main menu, or clicking "Settings" Toolbar button and selecting "General Settings..." the menu.

General tab

Adjust calculations for speed of light - when checked, the computation of the apparent position of planets and stars includes a factor compensating for the finite speed of light. When unchecked, the calculated coordinates indictate the true positions of planets and stars. Adjust for ellipsoidal Earth - when checked, geographical coordinates of places on the Earth's surface are adjusted by treating the Earth as an ellipsoid. When unchecked, the Earth is treated as a perfect sphere. Transformation to ellipsoidal coordinates makes the results of calculations more accurate for astronomy - it effectively reduces latitudes by a small amount. Most popular astrological software does not adjust for this factor. Use True Nodes - various methods can be used to calculate the position of the Moon's nodes. When this option is unchecked, the position is an averaged value. When checked, true positions are calculated, taking into account fluctuations in the lunar orbit owing to several factors. Lilith (T) as 2nd focus - Lilith or the Dark Moon is either the apogee (aphelion) of the lunar orbital ellipse or, for some people, its empty focal point. As seen from the geocenter, this makes no difference. Both of them are

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located in exactly the same direction. But the definition makes a difference for topocentric ephemerides. This option may be emplemented to the Lilith (True), if you select it from Virtual Planets and Objects list (see menu item under Tables button). Show ZET message when starting - the ZET Message makes daily-updated announcements about the current phase of the Moon, the lunar day, nearest new and full moons, etc. If this option is checked, the message will be displayed at start-up. (It can also also be displayed by clicking the "Tools" button on the Toolbar, and selecting it from the menu). Start with system date/time in Background data - checking this option will enter the date and time of the computer's clock into the Background data-set when starting ZET automatically with a dual chart (see also next option below). This assists creating current transit charts. Start ZET with last chart cast - when checked, ZET searches its History log at start-up for the last computed dual chart, and if one is found, will cast and display the chart. This option works together with the option for setting the date/time from the system clock for automatically displaying current transits. Start ZET with real-time Clock running - when checked, real-time updating of tableaux will be enabled the next time ZET starts. Displayed data, e.g. the Chart tableau, will be recalculated at 1 second intervals. A chart for the current location will then show you the astrological picture for the current moment. For dual charts, you will see, for example, up-to-the-minute transits for a nativity. (The real-time clock can also be activated and deactivated at any time by clicking the Status bar "Real-time Clock" indicator/button). Sound effects - when checked, ZET plays auditory cues during start-up and to indicate erroneous data entry, 'jumps' in the Cosmos tableau, throwing coins for the I-Ching Oracle, etc. Appropriate sound files must be present in the [ZET]\Sounds folder, and a sound-card (or equivalent) is required. Enable the Atlas Editor - when checked, adds the option of the Atlas Editor to the Geographical Map popup menu, so that you can add or edit city data (only for advanced users). Save interpretations to ZET's Reports folder - when checked, interpretation documents are saved to the [ZET]\Report folder with unique file-names (for ease of sending the horoscope readings to different clients). Include signature in interpretation documents - this includes a 'signature' at the end of interpretation documents. The signature is stored in the file [ZET]\Language\English\signature.txt, which you can edit. An example signature: Anatoly Zaytsev: [email protected] http://astrozet.com Sevastopol, Ukraine Phone +38(0692)413033 The signature is inserted at the end of the document automatically. Use PRINT configuration for print out a chart - when checked, then automatically implements a special configuration, named PRINT.ini, for print out a chart. E.g. if you use a dark chart's background on the screen, then for nornal printing of a chart it need to specify a white background at PRINT configuration. You can create this configuration yourself. Automatically save charts in History - when checked, chart data will be recorded in the History log when the "Execute" button of the Event Data window is clicked. When unchecked, saving to the History log is performed only when the Alt+S hot-key is typed. The recording process is accompanied by an animation - the icon is moved to the History icon on the Toolbar. Main Menu - when checked, the main menu is displayed at the top of the main program window. When unchecked, there is no main menu. Toolbar - when checked, the Toolbar is displayed on the top edge of the tableau. When unchecked, there is no Toolbar.

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Auto hide Toolbar - when checked, the Toolbar remains hidden from view until the mouse pointer is moved to the top edge of the tableau. This option is especially useful in Full Screen mode (F11). When unchecked, the Toolbar is set using the "Toolbar" option above. Status Bar - when checked, the Status Bar is displayed on the bottom edge of the tableau. When unchecked, there is no Status Bar. Open Help in new window - when checked, the User Manual is opened in a new browser window. When unchecked, an existing window of the browser is used. Dynamic Interpretation Enabled - when checked, then the content of plain-text interpretation window of an object will updated while changing data (e.g. time) of current chart. E.g. the text of interpretation "planet in house" will changed when planet moves from one house to another.

Risings tab

The Instant of Sunrise and Moonrise panel allows you to define the moment of rising and setting of a heavenly body: · ·


Upper edge corrected for refraction - rising uses the coincidence of the top edge of a planetary disk with the true horizon (sea level), and include compensation for refraction effects. This is the apparent astronomical rising, Disk center corrected for refraction - rising uses the center of the planetary disk, and include a correction for refraction. (Atmospheric refraction results in an apparent raising of the position of a star close to the horizon above its true altitude. The accepted value for refraction at the horizon is 34 arc-minutes). Disk center - rising uses the center of the planetary disk without refraction correction. This is the conventional astrological rising.

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Day/night significant for Arabic Parts - there are two ways of calculating Pars: with or without consideration of daytime or night-time. This setting allows you to select a preferred method. Twilight panel. In some instances when calculating Arabic Parts it is meaningful to take into account twilight. This panel allows you to select a preferred definition of twilight. · · · · ·

Treat Twilight as Day: when checked, twilight is taken into account when calculating Pars. Select one of the following twilight options: Civil Twilight - i.e. Sun 0°-6° below the horizon Nautical Twilight - i.e. Sun 0°-12° below the horizon Astronomical Twilight - i.e. Sun 0°-18° below the horizon User-defined Twilight - when selected, ZET uses the value in the entryfield Sun below the horizon: as setting the limit on twilight duration.

Language tab

The Language panel allows you to select a language for the user interface. Select first a locale from the options in the Language panel. Then select one of the available configurations from the list below, and click the OK button. ZET shuts down and restarts using the selected language and configuration. The button to the right of the "General Configuration" label selects the predefined ENGLISH configuration (from the ENGLISH.dfl file), which is the default English language configuration when ZET is run for the first time.

Miscellaneous tab

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Max. number of History records - sets the size of the History log of previously-computed charts. It is desirable to set this value as large as computer resources allow. When the log overflows, new additions are made by automatically dropping the oldest records from the list. See the History topic for more information. If this value is zero, then the size of list is unlimited (no records are deleted). Pause before showing tooltips - sets an interval (in milliseconds) after which, if the mouse pointer has not moved off an interactive tableau object, an info panel will be displayed. Duration of tooltips display - sets the length time (in milliseconds) that tooltip info panels are displayed. Size of Interpretation Page - sets the number of characters, and thus the page size, of the multi-page window used for displaying interpretations in plain text format. The maximum size is 32000 characters. Stellar Precession panel - allows you to set how ZET recalculates stellar coordinates in one of two ways: ·


Dynamic recalculation (any change of time) - precession is adjusted for automatically whenever a time-dependent calculation is requested or scheduled (e.g. new chart, under Dynamics of Time, at each tick of the real-time clock, etc). When selected, the Star Precession indicator/button on the Status bar displays a red checkmark (tick) on a white background. Recalculation only for changed event data - precession is recomputed only when a new chart is erected, i.e. when inputting new event data, or selecting from the Database or the History log. In this mode of operation, stellar precession is allowed to accumulate. When the amount becomes significant ZET displays the Star Precession indicator and button on the Status Line (red star-burst on a black background), and pausing the mouse pointer over it displays the status of the precession, e.g. "Precession has reached 0-0'57 - click to recalculate stars". If updating of star positions is required, click the indicator button. The indicator is removed from display until precession again becomes relevant.

For more information about this topic see Stars.

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Path to Swiss Ephemeris files - enter a drive letter and folder where Swiss Ephemeris files can be found. If other software (or a different version of ZET) has already installed Swiss Ephemeris data files, ZET can use them if it knows where to find them. This option allows the user to avoid keeping redundent copies of the Swiss Ephemeris on the computer. (ZET's own copies of these files are installed in the [ZET]\Swiss folder). Click the "Browse..." button to open the following window to select a file path:

Click the Test button to confirm correct operation of ZET when sharing Swiss Ephemeris files on a different path. A window containing planets' positions at a test date is displayed: 1.01.1950 12:00 GMT Sun 10^30'52"Cap OK ... If all planets check out OK, click the Apply button to confirm the path to ZET. Degree Symbol - selects either the standard degree symbol (�) or any other symbol of your choice, e.g. ^. Date Format - selects between European style (e.g. 27 February 2006) and American style (e.g. February 27, 2006) of date representation.

Character Set tab

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In most cases you should not need to change the setting of this tab. The normal setting is "Default characters". If (non-English) text is not displaying correctly, you can try to correct the display by selecting an alternative character set. You can input problem characters in the entryfield at top of the window to check how they are displayed when different language character sets are selected.

Security tab

The Geo version of ZET includes protection against unauthorized access. When this is enabled, a password is required to operate the program. To enable or disable secure access, open the General Settings window, Security tab. To set a password, type it into the Input password entryfield, and again into the Confirm password field, and click the Accept button. A message box "Password has been set" confirms that secure access is in place. When secure access is enabled, you will need to enter the password when ZET is run (do not forget it).

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To disable the password protection, click the Security tab of the General Settings window, re-enter the password to obtain access to the tab, ensure the entryfields are void, and click the Accept button. A message box "Password has been cancelled" confirms that secure access has been disabled.

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Glyph Editor The Glyph Editor allows you to edit and create astrological glyphs for the Zodiac signs, aspects, planets, asteroids, stars and any other objects which require symbols for their display.

About symbols & glyphs A symbol is a shape associated with an object. A glyph is the implementation of a symbol as a character in a font. The main astrological symbol set in ZET comprises up to 1000 symbols, as corresponding pairs of large and small glyphs - bitmap images (icons) 16x16 and 32x32 pixels in size. The Glyph Editor can prepare glyphs of both sizes. You can select which size symbols to use on different parts of the chart wheel in the Chart Settings - Font dialog. You can specify colors for displaying glyphs as follows: ·

Planets and other objects - by default inner ring (core) planets are displayed in black, outer ring (background) planets in dark blue. You can select general colors for these planet sets on the Color tab of the Chart Settings window. You can also set a specific color for each planet and body on the Planets tab, and display colorized glyphs by checking ON the "Colored Planets" option on the Wheel tab.


Aspects - aspect glyphs have a color setting in their Orb table definitions.

As supplied, the symbol set has vacant slots for users' symbols. It is possible to augment the repertoire by creating and loading alternative glyph sets, and copying individual glyphs between them and the main symbol set. The glyphs are stored in the files of type (extension) .ZFN (the default set is Font.zfn), which contain both the small (16x16) and large (32x32) versions of the symbols, together with symbols' names. NOTE: It is strongly recommended that additions to the main symbol set are made to both the small and large glyph sets at the same time, to keep the sets of glyphs synchronized. Asteroid and star glyphs are stored separately in the files AsterFont.dat and StarFont.dat. ZET manages these behind the scenes when you assign symbols to asteroids and stars in the Asteroids and Star Catalog windows. In other respects, these glyphs are edited in exactly the same way as the main astrological symbols, except that they are restricted in size to 16x16. See below for more information. Glyph files normally reside in the main ZET installation folder.

The Glyph Editor window The Glyph Editor window is opened by: · · · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Glyph Editor..." from the main menu, or clicking the "Settings" Toolbar button and selecting "Glyph Editor..." from the menu, or typing the hot-key Atl+F in the Chart tableau, or selecting the "Edit..." menu item from the popup menu of windows listing Asteroids, Stars, Arabic Parts, etc.

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The Glyph Editor automatically loads the main astrological symbol set and displays it in the table of glyphs at left. You can switch between small and large glyph sets by clicking the 16x16 and 32x32 radiobuttons. Glyphs occupy specific slots in the table. Click with the mouse on a glyph to display its slot number above the pixel editing pane at top right. This also copies the glyph to the pixel editor, i.e. the box at top-right containing an enlarged view of the glyph.

To edit a symbol: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Left-click the mouse on a glyph in the main list of symbols to load it into the pixel editor at top-right of the dialog box, Draw with the mouse in the pixel editor: click the black or white button to select the drawing mode (opaque or transparent), and click in the pixel editor to set and unset specific pixels. To shift the group of set pixels left or right, or up or down, click any of the four Shift buttons. When finished, click "Save".

To create a new symbol: A new symbol is typically required when editing new aspects, Pars, fictitious objects, or asteroids for display on the different tableaux. 1. 2. 3. 4.

If there is a glyph similar to the one you want to create, you can copy it to a free slot in the font: click an existing glyph, then from the popup menu select "Copy Symbol", Click in an empty location in the listing of glyphs at left where you want the new glyph to reside. The slot number is displayed at the top-right of the dialog, From the popup menu select "Paste" to place the new glyph, Edit the glyph as described above.

To import symbols from a ZFN file: 314 | P a g e


In the Glyph Editor, click the "Second tab" button. A second glyph listing pane is opened at right of the window:

2. 3. 4.

Right click the mouse in the right pane to display the popup menu, and select the "Open Font..." item. Select a .ZFN type file in the file Open dialog. The right pane displays the available glyphs which can be copied. Select the glyph you want to copy from the right pane, and from the popup menu select the "Copy Symbol" menu item. Click the "Second tab" button again or click the left "current tab" button-bar (below the glyph list) to reselect the left pane. In the left pane of the Glyph Editor window, click the right mouse at the location you want the imported glyph to reside, and select "Paste" from the popup menu.

5. 6.

Export/import of single symbols It possible to save (for exchange) single symbols from ZSB-type font files. This file contains the glyph of the symbol in sizes 16x16 and 32x32, and the name of the glyph. This is a one line text file. To export a symbol, invoke the popup menu, select "Save Symbol to File...", and choose a folder and file name in the Save As dialog. To import a symbol, invoke the popup menu, select "Retrieve Symbol from File...", select the symbol file in the file Open dialog.

Asteroid Glyphs When you select the "Edit Glyph and Name..." item from the Catalog of Asteroids popup menu, the following window is displayed:

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The Glyph Editor displays the asteroid symbols in the AsterFont.dat file. The asteroid names are displayed and can be edited in the entryfield at lower left. Asteroids without specific glyphs are automatically assigned a default symbol (*). All painting functions described above are available in the editor for editing the asteroid glyphs. NOTE: asteroid glyphs are supported only at the 16x16 pixels size. Import/export of individual asteroid glyphs is supported thru ZSA-type files.

Star Glyphs When you select the "Edit Glyph..." item from the Star Catalog, popup menu, the following window is displayed:

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The Glyph Editor displays the star symbols in the StarFont.dat file. The star names are displayed and can be edited in the entryfield at lower left. Stars without specific glyphs are automatically assigned a default symbol (*). All painting functions described above are available in the editor for editing the star glyphs. NOTE: star glyphs are supported only at the 16x16 pixels size. Import/export of individual star glyphs is supported thru ZSS-type files. The glyph of a star is imported only if its Bright Star number is the same as the number of the star being edited.

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Searching for Objects The Find Object dialog is displayed when the "Find" feature is selected in the Cosmos tableau (popup menu) or in the Sky tableau (Sky Settings, Misc tab).

To locate a celestial object (e.g. star, planet, or satellite): · ·

type the name of the object in the line at the top of the window, and click Find, -ORif the object is listed in the window, click once with the mouse on it to select it, then click Find.

Note the following when citing objects: · · ·

You can specify the proper name of an object in full or using its initial characters, e.g. Aldebaran or Ald, To locate a star without a proper name, input the * (asterisk) character followed by the BS number from the Star Catalog, e.g. *7066, Galaxies and nebulae can be located using their code in the Nebulae,Galaxies window, e.g. M31 for the Andromeda Nebula.

If the object can be located on the tableau, its position is identified by an animated burst of light, and the mouse pointer is relocated to its position. If necessary, the tableau is redrawn from an appropriate viewpoint to display the object. It can sometimes happen that the object has been located but is hidden from view by the disk of an intervening planet - in these cases it will seem that the object has not been found. To view the object, adjust the tableau viewpoint manually (see Cosmos). The search functions of the Satellites, Atlas and Database windows operate differently to that described here. There are minor differences in searching between the Cosmos and Sky tableau, e.g. Andromeda (the constellation) will be found on the Sky tableau, but not on the Cosmos tableau.

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The I Ching Oracle The I Ching, or as it is also known in English, Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese system of divination. The oracle is one of 64 different hexagrams. Each hexagram is composed of six lines which are either straight (Yang) or broken (Yin). To divine the hexagram, you will need three coins. Old Chinese bronze coins are not necessary - we can use their computer simulation. Question the Oracle not more than once a day. To visit the Oracle, click the "Tools" Toolbar button or select "Tools" from the main menu, then select the "I-Ching Oracle..." item. You will be transported to the Oracle's cave, whose closed door with its Yin-Yang emblem will appear in front of you.

Knock on the door (mouse click) if you see an invitation sign, otherwise you may visit the Oracle later (type Esc). When the door opens, you will be taken to the Pool of Destiny, and the Oracle asks: "What brings you here, Stranger?"

Reflect and meditate on your question. Hold it in your mind. Write the question in the input field when it appears in due course, and press the Enter key.

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Look, your question swims in the stream. When the Oracle says "Throw the coins, Stranger", press and hold down the left mouse button to toss the coins, remaining mindful of your question. When you feel the moment is right, release the mouse button. The red side of the coin is yang, the black side is yin. When the coins fall, depending on the yin and yang combinations, one of the six lines in the hexagram is generated. Cast six lines, and the Oracle will reply. If you are sincere, the answer will point to a new way of considering your issue, providing insight or advice that stimulates your intuition. If it offers a different, non-egoistic perspective that supports greater clarity or objectivity, it has done its job. If it provides you with amazingly accurate advice, it has outdone itself once again! Offer a Thank-you to the Oracle when you have read his answer, and close the window.

Rules of hexagram generation: The yin (black) side of a coin corresponds to 2 points and the yang (red) side to 3 points. The total number from three coins, therefore, will be between 6 and 9. Here are the meanings of these combinations: Value Meaning Line -------------------------------------------6 moving Yin Broken line with point 7 Yang Straight line 8 Yin Broken line 9 moving Yang Straight line with point The main hexagram is read without moving lines, i.e. as if 6 were a 7, and as if 9 were an 8. Then remember to read the line explanations for any moving lines. If there are moving lines, draw a second hexagram by 'ageing' the moving lines, i.e. a moving Yin line (6) becomes a Yang line, and a moving Yang line (9) becomes a Yin line. Read this hexagram concerning the 'future'.

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Art Gallery Any astrological object can be featured in an art gallery of mythological images. ZET can display pictures of the object if JPG format files are available in in the [ZET]\Pictures folder. For example, if there are files Libra.jpg, Aphrodite.jpg, Leda.jpg, the pictures can be invoked as follows: · · ·

Chart tableau: select "View" from the popup menu displayed by right-clicking the Libra glyph or the Venus glyph on the chart wheel, Constellations window: select "View" from the pop-up menu displayed by clicking the "Libra" item in the list of constellations, Catalog of Asteroids window: select "View" from the pop-up menu for the line "Leda" in the table.

ZET looks first for a file corresponding to the name of the requested object. If one is not found, ZET then looks in the dictionary file Pictures.txt in the ZET folder. The format of this plain text file is as this example shows: Planet4; Aphrodite Planet13; Ashtaroth Planet14; Selena Proserpine; Persephone Leda; Leda and the Swan Cygnus; Leda and the Swan Cetus; Andromeda ... At left is the name of the object, followed by a ; (semicolon), followed by the name of a file. "Planet4" is Venus (irrespective of the interface language). Leda is an asteroid, the Swan a constellation (Cygnus). The Andromeda picture also contains an image of the Whale (constellation Cetus). Some versions of ZET do not include files for the picture gallery. You can of course install pictures yourself.

Astronomical Photo-Album In the Cosmos tableau you can view astronomical photos of planets, satellites, galaxies, etc. This feature utilizes available images in JPG format from the [ZET]\Jpg folder. For example, if there is a file Jupiter.jpg the image can be viewed in the Cosmos tableau as follows: 1. 2. 3.

Locate Jupiter using the "Find..." popup menu option, and place the mouse pointer over Jupiter so that its tooltip is displayed. Click the right mouse button to bring up the popup menu. Select "Show". If there are several images of Jupiter, they are presented on a submenu.

Or, if there is a file M31.jpg, this amazing object can be viewed as follows: 1. 2. 3.

Locate M31 using the Find facility of the Cosmos popup menu. Click the right mouse to redisplay the popup menu. Select "Jump".

Some versions of ZET do not include files of astronomical photos. You can find a selection on the ZET website.

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Update ZET via Internet The Update Wizard can be used for easy updating of ZET via the Internet. The Wizard recognizes if there are updates notified on the ZET Web site that have not yet been installed on your computer, and displays the dialog for downloading and installing them.

1) To invoke the Wizard click the

"Help" Toolbar button or select "Help" from the main menu, then select the

"Update ZET..." menu item. The following window is displayed:

At top right there are two buttons for language selection Russian or English. Different updates are produced for different interface languages, e.g. User Guide changes. The Wizard automatically recognises what language your computer is using, but you can set it by clicking these buttons. The "ZET News" button opens the News page on the ZET Web site. This describes the latest updates, and other relevant information, e.g. new releases of additional components for ZET, which are not mandatory and not managed by the Update Wizard. The "Settings" button opens a dialog where you can enter proxy server settings. If you not using a proxy, the parameters should be empty.

2) Ensure an Internet connection is present, and click the "Check" button. ZET will check if new updates are available. After a brief pause, the following window is displayed:

To view a list of the available updates and their file sizes, click the message appears if there updates:

"Size of files" button. The following

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If there is no new updates, the Wizard will tell you.

3) To proceed with updating ZET right away, click the "Download" button. The transfer of the update files to your computer is accompanied by the following status dialog:

To abort the download procedure click the "Stop" button. You can still update ZET at any time later.

4) When downloading has completed, auxiliary files are installed automatically. However, it is not possible to update the ZET 8 executable (the file zet.exe) while ZET is running. Updating will be completed after you exit ZET (the special utility zetupd.exe is used). Will appears the confirmation dialog: "The update will completed after you restart ZET. Do it now?". If you click "Yes" button in the dialog's window, then the program will closed automatically, updating will be completed, and the program will run again automatically, just updated. If you click "No" button (e.g. you want to save your work), then will closed only this dialog. Click "Close" to dismiss the Update Wizard's window.

5) After you close ZET, any remaining updating is completed automatically. When you have restarted ZET, open the About window and check the version number to confirm that the update installed successfully.

If auto-updating doesn't work If the auto-update facility fails to work for any reason, you can download the update files from the ZET Web page whose URL was supplied when you registered the program, and install them manually.

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Manual installation of update files requires that they are unpacked using WinRAR software, or with the ZET UnRAR utility available from the Downloads page of the ZET Web site (Additional Files section). Update files are distributed in archived .RAR type format.

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Evaluation of Geo All Geo functions are accessable for ZET Pro users during 30 evaluation sessions. To switch on the evaluation session of Geo click the "Help" button on a Tools panel and choose the "Evaluation of Geo" menu item. Will appears a window:

Click "OK" to switch on Geo session. When appears a message "Geo session established. Remains Geo sessions: ...", click "Close" button and then explore new appeared Geo functions. The demo session switched off with ZET exit.

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Localizing ZET ZET ships localized for Russian and English speakers. Localizing ZET for other users requires add-on language modules, in which the user interface (UI) texts have been translated into the target language. The process of localization is as follows: 1) Creation the new language module, e.g. French: -- create a French sub-folder in the LANGUAGE folder, -- copy files to the French folder from the English folder, -- copy the Config folder and its files from the English folder to the French folder, -- rename the files ENGLISH.dfl and ENGLISH.ini as FRENCH.dfl and FRENCH.ini, 2) The French language module is ready, but not translated. Translate files are located in the target language folder (French). The set of files should include the following: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Affetic.txt - description of Dignities and Debilities of planets by W.Lilly AffeticPF.txt - same of Part of Fortune AspConfig.txt - description of aspect configurations *Days.txt - names of days of week (i.e. Sunday, Monday, ...) *DaysAb.txt - ditto, abbreviated (i.e. Sun, Mon, ...) *DaysOf.txt - ditto, possessive case (i.e. Sunday's, Monday's, ...) Font.txt - symbol names for the astrological glyphs (optional - may not exist) GreekAlphabet.txt - names of letters of the Greek alphabet. The fixed width line format is: Letter Abbreviation Target-language-name Latin-name *Interface.txt - button captions, menu items, etc LibrType.txt - names of themes of the library interpretation texts *Messages.txt - information messages *Messages2.txt - other information messages MMansions.txt - names of the Moon's Mansions *MonthOf.txt - names of months in possessive case *Months.txt - names of months MoonDaySymbols.txt - symbol texts for Days of the Moon Oracle.txt - text of the I-Ching Oracle Period.lst - list of time periods, used by the Dual Chart Editor and the Dynamics of Time windows *Planets.txt - names of planets Querent.txt - for Horary Wizard Quesited.txt - same Satellites.txt - names of planets and their satellites (for the Cosmos tableau) signature.txt - users can write their own signatures, which will appear under interpretation documents UserPro.lst - the list of types of dual chart. Names of time periods should be same as in Period.lst Virtuals.lst - list of virtual and other objects *Zodiac.txt - names of signs of the Zodiac.

You can begin with the most important files marked * When translating take into account the format of the text, and avoid disturbing it. You need not, of course, translate the entire file in one go, only as much as you need to check how your localization works. 3) Expanded localization The target language folder may contain some other files, which by default are located in the ZET installation folder. These files contain both English and Russian portions of text. Normally, if the chosen language differs from English or Russian, the English parts of these files are used.

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If you wish to use them for another language, then copies of these files should be made in the target language folder, with translations of the Russian parts. These special files are: · · · · · · · ·

AsterFont.dat - list of asteroids names (the list contains only asteroids with Russian names or special glyphs) CodReg.ctm - list of Russian regions (this file is automatically transliterated into English) Constellations.txt - names of constellations. The fixed width line format is: Code; constallation name in possessive case; constallation name Country.atl - list of country names Deepobj.txt - list of galaxies and nebulae degrees.txt - descriptions of degrees of Zodiac Province.dat - list of country region names Stars.lst - list of fixed stars names. The semicolumn delimiter line format is: Number; Russian name; English name Replace (translate) only Russian names

The Geographical Atlas is a special case. The default Atlas contains both Russian and English names of cities. Normally, if the choosen language differs from English or Russian, the English part of the Atlas is used. Only one Atlas can exist in ZET: either Russian + English, or 'target language' + English. It's possible to translate the Russian part of the Atlas - see the Atlas Editor topic. To indicate that the Atlas has been translated, an empty file Atlas.dat should be put into the target language folder. 4) User Guide and Interpretation Texts If the Manual folder is empty, ZET will display the English Manual when help is requested. You can prepare astrological interpretation texts in the target language, having taken them from accessible sources or translated available ones. Place them in the Txt folder. Users can import interpretation texts form the English\Txt folder to the target language folder, so ensure that file names of translated texts differ from the English files. 5) To reset ZET to the new language interface: · · · · · · · · ·

Run ZET Click the "Settings" Toolbar button Open the General Settings window Select the Language tab Select the target Language (i.e. French) from the drop-down list Apply it by clicking the radiobutton Choose the 'FRENCH' configuration from the list below Click the 'OK' button This restarts ZET with the interface language you have selected.

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Import from ZET 7 The Import Wizard in ZET 8 assists carrying over settings and data from ZET 7, if you used this version of ZET and it is installed on your computer. The Wizard is summoned by: · ·

selecting "Settings" | "Import from ZET 7..."from the main menu, or clicking the "Settings" Toolbar button and selecting the "Import from ZET 7..." menu item.

1) When invoking the Import Wizard for the first time, you must specify the path to the ZET 7 installation folder: check the Item #1 radio-button, and click the "OK" button. A Path selector window opens, enabling you to locate the folder. When the ZET 7 installation folder is found, its path is displayed in the status line of the Import window. From now on, when invoking the Import Wizard, you can select items from the list and click "OK". 2) Your location - copies the Location.ini file to your ZET 8 installation. This file contains the name and geographical coordinates of your city and the name of the time zone table which applies to it. 3) Orb Tables - copies all *.asp files from the ZET 7 ASPECTS folder. 4) Databases - copies all *.zbs files from the ZET 7 DBase folder. 5) History - copies the CHist.ini file, containing the History log of charts calculated. 6) Virtual objects - not implemented. If you need to, you can manually copy the required lines of data from the [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\Virtuals.lst file. 7) Library - copies all files of interpretation texts (*.txt) and bookshelf descriptions (*.bib) from the [ZET]\LANGUAGE\English\TXT\ folder.

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8) Correct Book headers - fixes interpretation texts (*.txt files) so that the old codes for Selena (14), Proserpine (15) and Chiron (16) are replaced by "Sel", "Pro" and "CHI", as required by ZET 8. You can at any time independently use Item #8 "Correct Book headers", if you wish to you use interpretation texts marked-up in ZET 7 format in ZET 8. 9) Fonts - imports ZET 7 fonts other than the standard Font16.fnt font (which has an enhanced version in ZET 8). A File selector dialog is displayed, allowing you to select the ZET 7 font for importing. 10) Configurations - selecting this option displays the following window:

Clicking the Open button at left displays a list of existing ZET 7 configurations. Check the ones which you wish to inport, and click OK. It is not recommended to import the predefined "English" and "Uranian" configurations. NOTE: you should adjust the size of the chart wheel after importing configurations. After completing the import, you should exit ZET 8 and restart the program.

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