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Hyperion Financial Management: Zero …

Ranzal & Associates Weblog Oracle / Hyperion Experts

Hyperion Finan Fi nancial cial Managem Management: ent: Zero View and Default View Settings April 7, 2010 in HFM HFM | | Tags: HFM HFM,, Oracle Oracle,, Hyperion Hyperion,, Financial Data Management, Management , Oracle Hyperion, Hyperion, ZeroView,, Hyperion Financial Management, ZeroView Management , fi financial nancial intell intelligence igence | | by jch by jchiimbol bolo o One of the most common areas of confusion in Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) has been the Scenario Sc enario appli app licat cation ion setting for for the Default View and Zero View. Peering Pe ering back bac k into the histo history ry of Hyperion Hyper ion Solutions, you will find this setting has existed in all the Consolidation products, such as Hyperion Enterprise’s “missin “missing g values” values” setting under Categories. Ca tegories. They are not new feature featuress and are a fundamental to HFM. HF M.


There are two ZeroVi Zero View ew settings settings in HFM. The ZeroView  ZeroVie wForNonadj is a setting which applies to the Curr ency> Value Value dimension. dimension. The second sec ond is is the ZeroViewForAdj which applies a setting to the Value dimension member. The derived data that results from the ZeroView settings commonly appears in HFM as a slightly grey numeric value, as opposed to a black display found with standard data. Before we explain what it does, let’s talk about why we need it. Part Pa rt of Hyperion Hyper ion Financial Financial Management’s financial financial intelli intelligence gence is its Account Acco unt Type Types. s. These types typ es help to manage data flowing through the chart of accounts and support variance reporting. Revenue Expense ……/hyperion-financial-…


01/09/2010 Asset Liability Balance Flow GroupLabel Currency BalanceRecurring

Hyperion Financial Management: Zero …

The Revenue, Expense and Flow Account types are referred to as “flow” accounts and tend to support Profit and Loss reporting re porting.. As such, they are supported by the View View dimension dimension.. The View View dimension dimension allows allows data d ata to  be vi viewed, keyed keyed or loaded loaded as YTD YTD or Periodi Periodicc amoun amounts. ts. Data Data entered entered as periodi periodicc sales sales of $1000 to all all months would allow users to view December as Periodic $1000 or YTD $12,000. Example Example 1:

The ZeroView setting informs the HFM Scenario how to handle data for a flow account when no data is loaded to a Period. P eriod. No data is not a zero; itit is is a blank, non-existent non-existent value. value. Example Example 2:

If data was loaded from your source system for Jan as $1000, how should HFM calculate Feb? There are two options o ptions using the ZeroView Zero View settings which which are YTD or Periodic. P eriodic. The first first option is the YTD setting setting for  for  the ZeroViewForNonadjs  attribute. Choosing the ZeroView setting as YTD, HFM will fill the period following with a derived value as zero YTD. Example 3 ZeroView as YTD:

Recall that Flow accounts can be viewed viewed as Periodic or YTD, what does Feb Fe b look like like as Periodic? P eriodic? If there there is $1000 $100 0 YTD in in Jan and zero YTD in in Feb, Feb , there must have have been bee n a change change in periodic per iodic activity. activity. Therefore, Therefore , the Feb Periodic value would be $-1000 to arrive at YTD zero. Example 4 ZeroView as YTD:




Hyperion Financial Management: Zero …

The second opti op tion on is to set the ZeroView settings settings as Periodic. This This setting addresses addr esses the same properties of  flow flow type acco a ccounts. unts. In this this instance, the following following period will will have have a zero app a ppli lied ed as a s a Periodic Pe riodic zero, which is is the activity. activity. This This setting is common common on the Budget and Foreca For ecast st Scenarios. Sc enarios. The data resul res ultt is is the entry flows flows through all the periods because the YTD value is derived from the Periodic activity. Example 5 ZeroView as Periodic:

Example 6 ZeroView as Periodic:

How does do es one determin de terminee which setting set ting is correct corre ct for their appli app licat cation? ion? Typically, Typically, we analyze analyze how the data load file file is is constructed const ructed.. For Fo r example, for flow flow accounts acco unts that may may be adjusted ad justed to zero, are ar e they inclu include ded d in the file? file? Does Doe s a periodic per iodic version of the file file supply zero items as the year year-- to-da to- date te negative negative offset? The most most common common setting is is to set the ZeroView Zero View as YTD for Actual data loads. oads . A good example why we would set the ZeroView to YTD in Actual would be if data was re-classed monthto-mon to- month th or a new account acco unt is is used. In the example example below, a different different account is is used in Feb compared to the data dat a suppli supp lied ed in Jan. The ZeroView setting se tting as YTD will will automatically automatically assum ass umee the Feb Fe b amount is is to be b e YTD zero. Example 7 ZeroView as YTD:

If the Scenario was set to Periodic for the ZeroView, the application would have incorrect results for Feb as 2000. 200 0. The data would fl flow through all the Periods, and a nd in this this case, case , the Sales  account should be zero for  Feb. Feb . The origin original al account would would require a -100 - 1000 0 Periodi Pe riodicc or “0″ YTD entries entries to cl c lear the value value in Feb on account Sales . Example 8 ZeroView as Periodic:

The ZeroViewForAdjs setting applies to how HFM Journal entries will function for missing data and how they affect future periods. For Journal adjustments adjustments we see the same impact impact on the data da ta within within the
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