ZD220-3 Operation _ Maintenance 使用说明书(英文)

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FOREWORD The Zoomlion ZD220-3 bulldozer is an improved bulldozer according to D85-18 technology introduced from Japan Komatsu with our producing experience of twenty years more and the market demand home and abroad. ZD220-3 bulldozer adopts the advanced drive system, hydraulic pilot control system and is equipped with the advance electronic monitoring system that gives comfortable controlling environment, high productivity and beautiful configuration. It can be equipped with centralized lubrication system, automatic track tension system and centralized pressure test system according to the user’s requirement, which shortens the time of maintenance and service greatly and improves the productivity. Since the bulldozer adopts the Cummins diesel engine manufactured by Chongqing Automotive Engine Plant. All things involved in operation, maintenance and service of the diesel engine should be carried out according to the specified in the Operation Manual of Diesel Engine issued by CQAEP.


CAUTION Before operation, please read the Operation and Maintenance Manual carefully and continue studying the Manual until proper operation is completely reinforced into personal habit, and please pay more attention to the following items: ※ The breaking-in and running-in for a new machine must be strictly executed according to the rules of the Operation and Maintenance Manual. ※ The maintenance of a new machine within the initial 100 hours service should be carried out according to the following points: 1) After running the machine for the first 50 hours, clean the strainer and filter element in steering clutch case, filter elements in transmission case and working equipment. 2) After running the machine for the first 100 hours, clean the steering strainer again and replace filter elements (including the steering filter element, transmission filter element and working equipment filter element). ※ Be sure to take effective steps to protect the electronic monitor from damp and water, otherwise the electronic units constituting into the monitor will be damaged. The above-mentioned requirements must be observed strictly, otherwise the machined will be damaged, which will cause the machine to fail to operate normally and the service life of the machine to be reduced greatly. The users should be responsible for all the consequences arising from their wrong operation and maintenance.


CONTENTS ChapterⅠ Structure and control


SectionⅠ Structure and main specificationsּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 1 SectionⅡ Control devicesּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 2 ChapterⅡ Operation


SectionⅠ Check before starting ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 12 SectionⅡ Methods and procedure of operation ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ ChapterⅢ Dozing operation

14 21

SectionⅠ Operation of blade and ripper ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 21 SectionⅡ Dozing operation ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 21 SectionⅢ Adjustment of bladeּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 22 SectionⅣ Methods of lengthening service life of machineּּּּּּּּ 23 ChapterⅣ Maintenance and service SectionⅠ Precautions for maintenanceּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ

25 25

SectionⅡ List of maintenance and positions of oil filler and oil 26 dipstickּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ SectionⅢ Maintenanceּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 28 SectionⅣ Adjustment of each componentּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 42 ChapterⅤ Troubleshooting


SectionⅠ Engine ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 46 SectionⅡ Electrical system ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 47 SectionⅢ Chassis ּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ ChapterⅥ Transportation and storage

48 49

SectionⅠ Transportationּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ 49 SectionⅡ Storageּ ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ



List: Kind and capacity of fuel, coolant and




1. Lift cylinder of blade

2. Fuel tank

3. Track

4. Sprocket

5. Track frame

6. Blade arm

7. Idler

8. Blade

Fig.1-1 Structure of the whole machine

II. OVERALL DIMENSIONS AND MAIN SPECIFICATIONS 1. Overall dimensions of the ZD220-3 bulldozer (Fig.1-2; unit: mm)

Fig.1-2 Overall dimensions of the whole machine



Note: Dimensions in Fig.1-2 are of the bulldozer equipped with straight-tilt blade; Dimensions in brackets ( ) are those of the bulldozer equipped with angle blade. 2. Main specifications of the whole machine see the following table: Main specifications of the whole machine Item (unit)

Main specifications

Overall weight (kg)


Max. Travel speed(km/h)

Forward (F)


Reverse (R)


Item (unit)


Main specifications


NT855-C280(third generation)

Rated power


Max. torque



1. Fuel control lever

2. Transmission control lock lever

3. Steering control lever

4. Brake pedal

5. Decelerator pedal

6. Brake lock control lever

7. Blade control lever

8. Ripper control lever

9. Working equipment lock lever

Fig.1-3 Layout of control devices

II. FUNCTIONS OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE 1. Fuel control lever (Fig.1-4) The control lever is used to control the speed and output power of engine. L ——Idling position H ——High speed position 2. Transmission control leverⅠ(Fig.1-5) Fig.1-4 Positions of fuel control lever 2


The machine can gain 3 forward speeds and 3 reverse speeds through the transmission control leverⅠ. You can change to the desired speed easily by moving the transmission control leverⅠ. (F is for forward gear, R is for reverse gear, N is for neutral) 3. Steering control leverⅡ(Fig.1-5) Pull one of control levers to the half stroke, the vehicle will make a large turn to the side slowly. Pull the lever to the end of its stroke, the vehicle will make a pivot turn. 4. Brake pedal (Fig.1-6)

Fig.1-5 Transmission and steering control lever Depress the cross-section part of the two pedals at the same time, both the left and right brakes act at the same time. Pull one of steering control lever to the half stroke and depress the brake pedal at the same side, the vehicle will

Fig.1-6 Brake pedal

make a pivot turn to the same side.

Notice: Don’t rest your feet on the brake pedals when it is not necessary to brake the machine. 5. Decelerator pedal (Fig.1-7) It’s used to decelerate engine speed. When the vehicle arriving at the top of a slop or when dumping earth at the edge of a cliff, the vehicle will speed up

Fig.1-7 Decelerator pedal

because of sudden loss of load, thus may cause danger. At this time, slow down the vehicle by depressing the decelerator pedal. 6. Brake lock lever (Fig.1-8) It is used to lock the brake pedal when parking the vehicle. When depress the brake pedal, set the lever in “ Lock ” position to lock the brake. When depress the brake pedal, set the lever in “ FREE ” position, the brake is released. Notice: Be sure to lock the brake pedal after parking the vehicle. 7. Transmission control lock lever (Fig.1-9) It’s used to lock the transmission control lever when parking the vehicle. Notice: When parking the vehicle for some time, be sure to set the transmission control lever in “ NEUTRAL ” (Free) position, and set the lock lever in “ Lock ” position. 3


Fig.1-8 Brake lock lever

Fig.1-9 Transmission control lock lever

8. Working equipment lock knob (Fig.1-10) When pushing the knob forward, the working equipment control lever is locked. When pushing the knob backward, the working equipment control lever is at free state. Notice: When parking or repairing the vehicle, lower the blade and set the working equipment lock knob in “ Lock ” position. Fig.1-10 Working equipment lock knob 9. Blade control lever (Fig.1-11) Usually the blade control lever is in “ HOLD ” position ②. When pull the control lever to position ①, the blade will be raised (Fig.1-12), push to position ③, the blade will be lowered, further to position ④, the blade will be kept in “ FLOAT ” state. Notice: When the control lever is at the position ④, must pull it back by hand because it can not return to the “HOLD” position automatically. When operating the straight tilt blade, if the control lever is moved to position A, the blade will tilt to right; to position B, tilt to left (Fig.1-13). Notice: 1) When the blade is at the position ①, ② or ③, the blade can be tilted. 2) Positions A and B are only suitable for the straight-tilt blade. 3) When the tilt cylinder reaches the end of its stroke, be sure to move the control lever back to the “ HOLD ” position ② at once. 4) When the blade is in the highest or lowest position, don’t operate the blade to

Fig.1-11 Blade control lever 4

Fig.1-12 Blade raise and lower

Fig.1-13 Blade tilt


10.Ripper control lever (Fig.1-14) The control lever is always in “ HOLD ” position ②. When move the control lever to position ①, the ripper will be raised (Fig.1- 15); to position ③, the ripper will be lowered. When pushing the knob forward (Fig.1-16), the ripper control lever is locked. When pulling the knob backward, the ripper control lever is at free state, and the ripper can be operated to raise or lower. Notice: When parking or repairing the vehicle, be sure to lower the ripper and set the lock knob in “ LOCK ” position.

Fig.1-14 Ripper control lever

Fig.1-15 Ripper raise and lower

Fig.1-16 Ripper control lock lever

III. ELECTRONIC MONITOR (FIG.1-17) Main functions of electronic monitor are as the following: 1. Self-checking of gauges

Fig.1-17 Electronic monitor Before starting the engine, when the starting switch is turn to the “ ON ” position, all the indicator and pilot lamp will be light, and the buzzer will sound. After 3 seconds, the pilot lamp becomes off, the buzzer stops giving alarm and the indicator continuously operates normally, through which the monitor indicator system and warning system are self-checking. 5


2. Indicator of coolant temperature and pilot lamp (Fig.1-18) If the water temperature is normal, the green range of indicator will be light, if the water temperature excesses the limit, the red range of the indicator will be light. At this time, the pilot lamp is flickering, and the buzzer sounds to give out alarming. On this situation, stop working and run the engine at idling speed until the green range of the indicator becomes light. 3. Oil temperature indicator and pilot lamp of torque converter (Fig.1-19) If the oil temperature is normal, the green range of indicator will be light; if the oil temperature excesses the limit, the red range of the indicator will be light. At this time, the pilot lamp is flickering, and the buzzer sounds to giving out warning. On this condition, stop working and run the engine at idling until the green range of the indicator becomes light.

4. Indicator and pilot lamp of hydraulic oil temperature (Fig.1-20) Fig.1-18 Display of coolant temperature Fig.1-19 Display of torque converter oil temperature Functions of the indicator and pilot lamp are same as that of the above-mentioned item 3. 5. Indicator and pilot lamp of fuel level (Fig.1- 21)

Fig.1-20 Display of hydraulic oil temperature

Fig.1-21 Display of fuel level

The indicator is used to indicate the fuel level in fuel tank. When the engine is running, if the fuel is enough, the green range will be light. If only the red range is light, it indicates the fuel in the fuel tank is less than 80L. At the same time, the pilot lamp flickers to indicate it’s necessary to refill the fuel. 6. Indicator and pilot lamp of battery capacity (Fig.1-22) When the starting key is turned to “ ON ” position, if the green range of indicator be light, it indicate the battery capacity is enough; if only the red range is light, it indicate battery capacity is not Fig.1-22 Display of battery capacity 6


enough, at this time it is necessary to charge the battery. 7. Battery charging pilot lamp (Fig.1- 23) After starting the engine, if the battery charging indicator becomes light, it indicates the operation of charging system is normal. Notice: When the engine is running, if the charging indicator is not light or is flashing, or charging indicator is light when the engine stops running, it indicates: (a) The generator is in trouble; (b) The R terminal of generator is defective in connection.

Fig.1-23 Charging pilot lamp Fig.1-24 Pilot lamp of air cleaner element 8. Pilot lamp of air cleaner element (Fig.1- 24) If the air cleaner element is clogged with dust, the pilot lamp will flicker, and the buzzer will sound to give off a warning. At this time, it is necessary to clean or replace air cleaner element. 9. Safety starting signal lamp (Fig.1-25)

Fig.1-25 Starting signal lamp

Fig.1-26 Pilot lamp of engine oil pressure

Fig.1-27 Timer

When the engine is not be started and the control lever is in neutral position, the pilot lamp should be light. If the lamp isn’t light, it indicates: a. The switch of neutral position is in trouble; b. The adjustment of the switch of neutral is defective. After starting the engine, if the pilot lamp go out, it indicates that operation of safety relay is normal. If the pilot lamp doesn’t go out, it indicates that: a. The generator is in trouble, or the wire connection is defective; b. The safety relay is in trouble. 10. Pilot lamp of engine oil pressure (Fig.1-26) During the engine is running, if the engine oil pressure is abnormal, the green pilot lamp will be light; if oil pressure is lower than the lowest limit, the red pilot lamp will be light, and the buzzer will sound. At this time, it is necessary to stop the engine at once. 11. Timer (Fig.1-27) The timer indicates the total work hours of the machine. When the engine is running (even if the vehicle does not travel), the timer will rotate.


1. Starting switch (Fig.1-28) “OFF”: This position is to insert and take out the starting key. When the starting key is in this position, all the circuits are cut off. “ON”: When the starting key is rotated to this position, the circuits are on.

Fig.1-28 Starting switch 7


“START”: When the key is rotated to this position, the starting motor will drive the engine. After the engine has been started, release the key at once, and the key will go back to “ON” position automatically. “HEAT”: This position is used to start the engine in low temperature. After completing the preheating, release the key and the key will go back to “OFF” position automatically. Then, turn the key to “START” position at once. 2. Horn button (Fig.1-29)

Fig.1-29 Horn button

Fig.1-30 Dome lamp switch

When pressing down the button, the horn will sound. 3. Dome lamp switch of cab (Fig.1-30) When the switch is turned to “ ON ” position, dome lamp will become light. 4. Switches in cab (Fig.1- 31) These switches are used to control the following devices: ① Rear working lamp ② Dome lamp ③ Electrical fan Fig.1-31 Switches in the cab ④ Rear washer ⑤ Front washer Each switch is also used to water the door and window, therefore each switch has the following 3 functions: A. Watering of door and window (Fig.1- 32)(optional) B. Wiping of door and window (Fig.1- 33) C. Washing of door and window (watering and wiping) (Fig.1- 34)

Fig.1-32 Watering switch of door and window 8

Fig.1-33 Wiping switch of door and window

Fig.1-34 Washing switch of door and window


5. Lock of door (Fig.1- 35) When the door is opened, the lock will lock the door in the “OPEN” position. 1) When the door forces and press the lock ①, the door is locked at “OPEN” position. 2) After pressing in the button ② on the lock, the door is free at once. 6. Fuse box

(Fig.1- 36, Fig.1- 37)

Fig.1-35 Lock of door

Fuse wire is used to prevent the electric units or wires from being destroyed. If fuse gathers rust or be covered with a layer of white powder, replace it at once. Notice: When replacing fuse, adopt fuse with the same capacity. When replacing fuse, it’s necessary to turn off the starting switch.

Fig.1-36 Fuse box Ⅰ

Fig.1-37 Fuse boxⅡ

As for arrangement of fuses and current capacities of electrical parts, referring to the following tables: Fuse boxⅠ

Fuse boxⅡ


Capacity of fuse



Capacity of fuse





Washer of front window


Starting switch


Washer of rear window




Dome lamp of cab


Horn button


Cab 1


Cigar lighter


Cab 2


Cassette recorder



7. Air conditioner A. Appearance of control panel (Fig.1-38)

Fig.1-38 Appearance of control panel B. Operation method ON: on; ▽ △: Temperature setting (lower, raise); : warm; : cool; : wind speed; OFF: off Press the key “ON”, the power supply will be turned on, and the power supply pilot lamp will become light; press the key “OFF”, the power supply will be cut off. Press the key “ ” or “ ”, the air conditioner will begin cooling or heating. Press the key “ ”, the wind speed will be alternated among the three speeds: high, medium and low. Press the keys “▽ △”, the temperature is set within 10℃~30℃. C. Main functions: a. After turning on the starting switch, press the key “ON”, the setting temperature is set at 20℃ automatically by digital tube. After 3 seconds, the air conditioner displays the ambient temperature, and the power supply pilot lamp becomes light, and all of output control circuits have no output. b. Press the key “ ▽ △ ” to adjust the setting temperature. The setting indoor temperature range is 10℃~30℃. The temperature resolution is 1℃ when adjusting the setting temperature. After 3 seconds, the air conditioner will display the ambient temperature again. c. Press the key “ ”, the heating function will be turned on (off) when the indoor temperature is 1.5℃ lower (higher) than the setting temperature. When the air conditioner system is in the heating state, the heating lamp and the pilot lamp of blower will be light, but the cooling lamp goes out. Only when the air outlet fan is opened, can the warm key function. The warm key and cool key cannot function at the same time. d. Press the key “ ”, the cooling system will be turned on (off) when the indoor temperature is 1.5℃ higher (lower) than the setting temperature. When the air conditioner system is in the cooling state, the cooling lamp and the pilot lamp of blower will be light, but the heating lamp goes out. Only when the air outlet fan is 10


opened, can the cool key function. e. Press the key “ ”, the wind speed will be alternated among the high speed, medium speed and low speed. The defaulted working state is high speed. f. Press the key OFF to cut off the power supply and all of outputs. D. It has the following two functions during the running-in and the operation and maintenance of a new machine: a. “Forced cooling”. When setting the temperature at 10℃, i.e. the lowest setting temperature, keep pressing the cool key for 5 seconds without release, the air conditioner system will go into the forced cooling state; otherwise, the digital tube will display “L0”. Press the key △ or ▽ to release from the forced cooling. b. Forced heating: when setting the temperature at 30℃, i.e. the highest setting temperature, keep pressing the warm key for 5 seconds without release, the air conditioner system will go into the forced heating state; otherwise the digital tube will display “HI”. Press the key △ or ▽ to release from the forced heating. E. Precautions of operating the air conditioner. ① Cooing with the air conditioner, it’s necessary to refresh the operator’s cab usually. When cooling with the air conditioner, smoking in the operator’s cab is bad to the operator’s eye. ② When cooling with the air conditioner, be sure to stop circulation of hot water. If the hot water circulate in the heater, it is just like there is a thermos bottle in the operator’s cab and it will lower the cooling efficiency. Be sure to set the heating control switch into the “ OFF ” position. If not use the air conditioner to heat for a long period, it’s necessary to shut off the water inlet and outlet valve. ③ Take care not to be too cold in operator’s cab. When the temperature of the operator’s cab is lower 5-6 ℃ than the outdoor temperature, the operator can feel cold as soon as he enters the cab. Too low temperature in the operator’s cab is harmful to the health. So it’s necessary to set the temperature in the operator’s cab at a proper value. 8. Operator’s seat (Fig.1-39) Adjust the operator’s seat according to the following methods for meeting the comfortability of operator to the great extent. Fig.1-39 Operator’s seat A. Height adjusting: Clockwise turn the knob (2), the seat is lowered, oppositely, the seat is raised. The adjustable amount is 50mm. B. Forward / backward adjusting Pull out the control lever (3) to adjust the seat to the desired position and release the control lever. The forward / backward adjustable amount is 160mm (8 steps). C. Adjusting the seat according to the operator’s weight



Clockwise turn the knob (4) to suit for the light operator to ride, oppositely suit for the heavy operator to ride. Therefore, adjust the seat according to the weight to gain the comfortability. D. Adjusting the tilt Pull the knob (5) up to adjust the tilt of the back to the desired position, then release the knob. 9. Fan in the operator’s cab The operator’s cab is equipped with 24V direct current electric fan. When not using the air conditioner, the fan can supply a comfortable working environment for the operator.



CHAPTERⅡ OPERATION SECTIONⅠ CHECK BEFORE STARTING Notice: Be sure to do the check before starting. Don’t look down on it for the safety of personnel and machine.

I. CHECKING ITEMS BEFORE STARTING 1. Check for any leakage of oil or water Look around of the vehicle, check for any leakage of oil or water and abnormal phenomena, especially for the sealing of hose connector, hydraulic cylinder, final drive, track roller, carrier roller floating sealing and water tank. If any leakage and abnormal phenomena is found, it is necessary to repair. 2. Check the bolts and nuts Check for the tightness of bolts, nuts that are easy to become loose, retighten them when necessary, especially for the bolts of air cleaner, carrier roller support and track shoe. 3. Check the circuit Check for the damage of wire, short circuit and the looseness of terminals. 4. Check coolant level 1) After screw off the cover ① of water tank (Fig.2-1), check whether the level is at the specified height (Fig.2-2). If necessary, fill water. 2) Refilling of the coolant is proceeded after stopping the engine. At first, fill up the water tank (until the water overflows out of the tank), then, start the engine. Check after idling for 5 minutes. If the level is lower than the specified high (Fig.2-2), refill the coolant. Notice: 1) Once the water quantity refilled is much more than the normal, check for any leakage of water. If this is the case, repair at once. 2) When checking the coolant level, don’t only depend on the level monitor. 3) When the coolant temperature is over-hot, it is necessary to screw loose the cover ① slowly to release the internal pressure of the tank before open the cover so as to prevent hot water spurting out and hurt personnel.

Fig.2-1 Water filler of water tank

Fig.2-2 Water level of water tank



5. Check oil level in engine oil pan (Fig.2- 3) 1) Pull out the oil-stick to read the oil level in the side marked with “ENGINE STOPPED” after the engine has been stopped. 2) When the engine is idling, first confirm the pointer of the engine oil pressure gauge and water temperature gauge stay within the normal range, then pull out the oil-stick G to read the oil level in the side marked with “ENGINE IDLING”. 3) If it is necessary to Refill engine oil, open the oil filler F and fill the oil. Notice: a. According to ambient temperature, select the engine oil referring to the appended table “Kind and capacity of fuel, coolant and lubricant ”. When checking oil level, park the vehicle on the flat ground. b. When refilling oil, the oil level should lower than the level marked “ H ”. c. When checking oil level, don’t only depend Fig.2-3 Oil filler of engine oil pan on the engine oil level monitor. 6. Check fuel level 1) Screw off the cap of fuel tank and pull out the oil-stick to check oil level. 2) After finished working very time, fill the fuel through the screen.

Fig.2-4 Oil filler of fuel tank

Fig.2-5 Oil filler cap of fuel tank

Notice: 1) When proceeding dozing, it is necessary to fill enough fuel for preventing air from entering into fuel piping. 2) If the breather ① (Fig.2- 5) of fuel tank cap is clogged, the fuel in the tank will be stopped flowing into the engine. Therefore, the breather should be often checked and cleaned. 3) When filling the fuel, don’t make the fuel overflow out of the tank for preventing fire. 7. Check the oil level in steering clutch case (including transmission and torque converter) (Fig.2-6) Check the oil level with oil-stick. If necessary, fill 14

Fig.2-6 Oil filler of steering case


the oil through the oil filler F. Notice: 1) According to ambient temperature, select the lubricating oil referring to the appended table “Kind and capacity of fuel, coolant and lubricant ”. 2) When checking the oil level, it is necessary to stop the engine. 3) Operating on the slope more than 20°, the oil level should be in the position H (high). 8. Drain water and sediment in fuel tank (Fig.2-7) Loosening the valve ① on the bottom of fuel tank, open the drain vale to drain water and sediment out of fuel tank .

Fig.2-7 Drain port of fuel tank

Fig.2-8 Travel of brake pedal

9. Check brake pedal travel (Fig.2-8) With engine running, the standard travel of brake pedal is 110~130mm ( the control force is 15Kg ). With engine stopped, the travel is about 75mm. If the brake pedal travel is more than 190mm, it indicates the brake function isn’t enough, adjust it according to the part “ ADJUSTMENT ”.

SECTIONⅡ METHODS AND PROCEDURES OF OPERATION I. CHECK THE POSITION OF EACH CONTROL LEVER BEFORE STARTING 1. Adjust the operator’s seat to make the operator step down the brake pedal ① to the end of the pedal travel with the operator’s back on the back of the seat.(Fig.2-9)

Fig.2-9 Braking lock control

Fig.2-10 Brake lock lever



Fig.2-11 Transmission control lock lever Fig.2-12 Lock lever of blade and ripper control 2. Brake lock lever ② is at the locked position (Fig.2-9, Fig.2-10). 3. Transmission control lever ⑥ is set in the Neutral position (Fig.2-13), Transmission control lock lever ③ is set in the Lock position (Fig.2-11). 4. The blade and ripper should be lowered to the ground, their control levers ⑤,④should be set at lock position (Fig.2-12).

II. STARTING THE ENGINE 1. Pull the fuel control lever ⑦ to idling position (Fig.2-13). 2. Turn the starting key to start position (Fig.2-14). 3. After starting the engine up, loose the starting key, the key will go back to On position automatically. Fig.2-13 Fuel control lever (Fig.2-15) Notice: a. If engine fails to start, repeat the starting procedure after an interval of 2minutes. Don’t leave the key in “ Start ” position for more than 20 seconds. b. Starting in cold weather is according to “ Operation in cold weather ”. c. When starting the engine after using up the fuel, fill enough fuel and fill the element of fuel filter up with fuel to drain out the air from fuel system before starting the engine.

Fig.2-14 Key to Start position

Fig.2-15 Key to On position

III. CHECK AFTER STARTING THE ENGINE After starting the engine, the following checks should be carried out: 1.Running the engine at low speed until the pilot lamp of engine oil pressure becomes green. 2. Pull the fuel control lever and idle the engine at the medium speed for 5minutes (Fig.2-16). 16


Notice: Don’t run the engine at idling or high speed for more than 20 minutes. If it is necessary to idle the engine, increase the load of the engine now and then or the engine speed to the medium speed. 3. After preheating the engine, check each indicator and pilot lamp for normal operation. Notice: Be sure to run the engine with light load continuously until the green range of the engine water Fig.2-16 Fuel lever in temperature indicator becomes light. medium speed position 4. Check the color of exhaust gas and abnormal noise or vibration of engine. Notice: 1) Before warming up the engine, avoid the sudden speeding-up. 2) If oil pressure pilot lamp of engine flashes up and the buzzer begins to sound intermittently, it is necessary to stop the engine at once and check for the trouble.

IV. OPERATION OF TRAVELLING THE BULLDOZER Before travelling, check the ambient for safety. 1. Push the working equipment control lock knob backward (Fig.2-17). 2. Pull the control levers of blade and ripper to lift the blade and ripper up 40~50cm above the ground (Fig.2-18).

Fig.2-17 Working equipment control lock knob

Fig.2-18 Positions Raise of work equipment

3. Depress the medium crossed part of left and right brake pedal ① and set the brake lock lever ③ in the position Free, then release the brake pedal (Fig.2-19). 4. Fig.2-19 Brake pedal, decelerator pedal and brake lock leverRelease the transmission control lock lever (Fig.2-20), and pull the transmission control lock lever to the position Free.

Fig.2-19 Brake pedal, decelerator pedal and brake lock

Fig.2-20 Transmission control lock lever



5. Depress the decelerator pedal ② to decrease the engine speed so as to start the vehicle without shock (Fig.2-19). 6. Set the transmission control lever ① to the desired position for travelling the vehicle. Pull the fuel control lever ② to speed up the engine (Fig.2-21). 7. Gear shifting Operate the transmission control lever Fig.2-21 Fuel and transmission control lever ① to change to any traveling speed without stopping the machine (Fig.2-22). After speeding down the vehicle, carry out the forward/reverse gear shifting to prevent the shock. Depress the decelerator pedal ② to speed down the engine, and set the transmission control lever ① to the desired forward /reverse speed positions. Then, release the decelerator pedal to speed up the engine. 8. Turning Fig.2-22 Speed changing and turning A. Making a large turn to the left (right): Pull the left (right) steering lever ③ to its half stroke, the vehicle will make a large turn to left (right) (Fig.2-22, Fig.2-23). B. Making a small turn to the left (right): Pull the left (right) steering lever to the end of its stroke, the left (right) steering clutch disengages and the brake functions, the vehicle will make a small turn to left (right) (Fig.2-22, Fig.2-24).

Fig.2-23 Make a large turn to the left (right)

Fig.2-24 Make a small turn to the left (right)

V. PARKING 1. Push the fuel control lever to the idling position to decrease the engine speed. 2. Push the transmission control lever to the Neutral (N) position. 3. Depress the medium crossed part of left and right brake pedal, the machine will be stopped, and pull the brake lock lever to the lock position.



4. Lock the transmission control lock lever. 5. Push the control levers of blade and ripper to the Lower position for lowering the blade and ripper to the ground (Fig.2-25). 6. Push the working equipment control lock knob forward to Lock position. Notice: Park the vehicle on the hard flat ground and avoid parking on the danger place as far as possible. 7. Stopping the engine 1) Idling the engine for 5 minutes to cool it.

Fig.2-25 Blade and ripper control

2) Turn the key ① to OFF position to stop the engine, and then pull out the key

(Fig.2-26, Fig.2-27). Fig.2-26 Starting key

Fig.2-27 Starting key positions

3) If stop the engine suddenly before it is cooled down, the service-life of engine will be shortened greatly. Don’t make the engine stopped suddenly except an emergency.

VI. OPERATION IN SPECIAL WEATHER 1. Precautions in cold weather: When temperature is low, it is difficult to start up the engine and the cooling water is like to freeze and it isn’t good to the machine. Therefore, adopt proper precautions to protect the machine. (1) Select the oil and water according to the appended table of “ Kind and capacity of fuel, coolant and lubricating oil ”. (2) When the ambient temperature is lower than 0℃, add the anti-freeze to prevent the coolant from being frozen according to the lowest temperature. As for the mixture ratio of water and anti-freeze and operation method, refer to “ Maintenance when necessary: Clean the inner of cooling system ”. (3) During winter evening, the water without the anti-freeze should be drained out to prevent the spare parts from being damaged because of freezing.



Note: not to forget to drain out the water in oil cooler. (4) It’s necessary to use the standard anti-freeze, be sure never to make antifreeze with methyl alcohol or ethanol, otherwise it will cause trouble of engine. (5) Before adding the mixed anti-freezing solution, clean the cooling system thoroughly. (6) When the weather becomes warmer, drain out the anti-freezing solution (except the permanent anti-freezing solution) and clean the cooling system, and then replace with the clean water. (7) Anti-freeze is flammable, be careful of fire. (8) Especial note: Clean up the snow or water on the piston rod of hydraulic cylinder, or it will wear out the oil seal of cylinder. (9) When the temperature drops down, the capacity of battery will drop down and the charge capacity will reduce and the electrolyte will freeze. Keep the charge rate of battery near 100% and insulated it to protect it to stand though the lower temperature. The following list is the variation of specific gravity of electrolyte with charge rate.


Temperature of fluid rate

























Note: If the electrolyte level is low, add the distilled water before operation in the morning to prevent the electrolyte from being frozen during the night. 2. Starting the engine in cold weather 1) Push the fuel control lever to the idling position. 2) Turn the starting key to “Heat” position (Fig.2-28). 3) After warming up the engine, turn the key to “Starting” position for starting the engine (Fig.2-29).

Fig.2-28 Key in “Heat” position

Fig.2-29 Key in “Start” position

4) After releasing the starting key, the starting key will go back to “On” position 20


automatically (Fig.2-30). Note: If the engine fails to start up, repeat the procedures of 2), 3), 4) after 2 minutes. 3. Operation on a slope 1) When descending a slope, make a large turn to the left (right) (Fig.2-31). Pull the right (left) steering control lever to its half stroke, the vehicle will make a large turn to the left (right).

Fig.2-31 Make a large left turn

Fig.2-30 Key in “On” position

Fig.2-32 Make a small left turn

2) When descending a slope, make a small turn to the left (right) (Fig.2-32). Pull the left (right) steering control lever to the end of its stroke, the vehicle will make a small turn to the left (right). Precautions: a) Don’t park the vehicle on the slope except the special condition. If it is necessary to park on a slope, park the vehicle with the vehicle head down the slope, and lock the brake pedal. If the slope is steeper, insert the blade into the earth to prevent the vehicle from sliding down. b) When the vehicle is traveling on a slope, the longitudinal slope should not be above 30°, don’t reverse the machine when climbing a slope. c) It’s necessary to travel at lower speed in a straight way, don’t travel transversely or turn on a slope. d) Don’t shift the gear or climb over an obstacle on a steep slope. e) To start traveling on a steep slope, firstly depress the brake pedal (left and right), then, loosen the brake pedal slowly at the same time as moving the transmission control lever to the 1st gear. f) When descending a slope, set the transmission control lever in the lower speed



position and make the engine function as brake. If there is dangerous of over-speeding of engine, decrease the speed with the brake pedal. g) Operating on a slope, there should be enough fuel in fuel tank. Or, the engine may stop because of lack of oil due to the tilting of the machine body. If the engine stops, the brake effect will decrease. h) Operating on a slope over 20°, the engine oil of every part must be to the highest level. 4. Travelling in water 1) Before traveling in the water, first check the water depth and earthiness condition below the water to avoid the trouble because of over-deep water level and earth sinking with load. 2) The water level should not be more than the center of idler (Fig.2-33).

Fig.2-33 Schematic drawing of idler center 3) If operating in the sea or the corrosive water, the vehicle should be cleaned up with the clean water after finished operation. 5. Travelling in the desert When travelling in the desert or place full of dust, make the vehicle sealed well as far as possibly, and the air cleaner must be cleaned up in time.



CHAPTER Ⅲ DOZING OPERATION It is very important for prolonging the service life and relieving the operator’s fatigue as well as promoting the productivity to choose suitable machine and the adjusting and operating method of the blade according to the operating object. There are two types of blades: straight-tilt blade and angle blade. Select the proper type of blade according to different operating object and terrain. The optimum bulldozing distance is within 70m. For long bulldozing distance it is more economical to use scraper machinery to do the job.

SECTIONⅠOPERATION OF BLADE AND RIPPER For the operation of blade and ripper, refer to the part “SECTIONⅡCONTROL DEVICES” in CHAPTERⅠ.


Fig.3-1 Cutting the hard or frozen soil

Fig.3-2 Leveling operation

When cutting hard or frozen soil, machine with straight-tilt blade or angle blade will dig efficiently. If the ground is extremely hard, using a ripper will increase the working efficiency.

II. LEVELING OPERATION (FIG.3-2) Level the uneven ground after dozing and digging according to the following procedure: (a) With the blade full of earth, the machine travels forward at low speed to level the uneven ground by filling or scrapping. (b) The machine travels backward slowly dragging the blade to level the uneven ground with the blade in floating position. Notice: In stony area, never drag the blade to level the uneven ground, otherwise it will damage the blade.

Fig.3-3 Dozing earth to one side



III. DOZING EARTH TO ONE SIDE (FIG.3-3) Adopt angle blade when the earth is dozed to only one side. Never dig the tree roots with the end bit of the blade. Notice: During dozing forward, avoid sudden acceleration, sudden brake and sudden turning as far as possible.



1. The adjustment of turning angle for the angle blade The blade can be adjusted to turn left (or right) horizontally at an angle of 25°.(Fig.3-4) 1) Lift the blade to 400~500mm above the ground level, and place one wooden block under the U-frame. 2) Pull out the pins ① on both sides, remove the push arm ② from the U-frame.(Fig.3-5) 3) To angle the blade, fit the push arm ② to the desired bracket, (There are three brackets on each side of the frame) and insert pins ①.

Fig.3-4 Adjustment of turning angle for the angle blade

Fig.3-5 Angle blade

Notice: Take care that blade will move freely after removing the push arm. 2. The adjustment of the tilting amount for the angle blade Max. Tilting amount of the blade: 500mm (Fig.3-6) 1) Lift the blade 400~500mm above the ground level and place a block under the U-frame. 2) Loosen the set bolts ①, turn the two braces on both sides to elongate and shorten their lengths by inserting a steel bar into the hole ② of the brace on each side. 3) Tilt the blade to the desired height and tighten the set bolt ① (Fig.3-7).

Fig.3-6 Tilting height of the angle blade 24

Fig.3-7 Adjustment of blade brace


Notice: 1) The length L (Fig.3-7) of the brace is normally 1338mm, and the tilting amount of the blade should be within 500mm. 2) Never intend to tilt the blade more than 500mm, otherwise unexpected consequences will occur. 3) To turn brace with an adjusting bar, first make the blade away from ground level, then, tilt it. 3. Adjustment of the shims Standard thickness of the shims between the blade lift cylinder piston rod and cover is 4mm (Fig.3-8). Remove part of shims to adjust the clearance between the spherical surfaces of the cylinder piston Fig.3-8 Adjustment of the shims rod end and cover. Proper clearance is 0.2~0.6mm.

II. ADJUSTMENT OF STRAIGHT-TILT BLADE 1. Tilting of the straight-tilt blade Operate the blade control lever to tilt the blade 425mm. When necessary, change the length (L) (Fig.3-9) of the left brace to tilt the blade to 500mm further. Notice: Fig.3-9 Brace of straight-tilt blade 1) Normally the length (L) (Fig.3-9) of the brace is 1287mm, and the tilting amount of the blade is within 500mm. 2) Never try to tilt the blade more than 500mm, otherwise unexpected damage will occur. 2. Adjustment of the shims Adjust the thickness of the shim to make the axial clearance (A) (in position as shown by arrows Fig.3-10) of spherical joints is not more than 1mm. a) Remove shim ① and tighten bolt ② to eliminate the clearance of the spherical joint. (Fig.3-11) b) Measure the clearance (A) and remove the bolt ②. c) Fit the shim ① whose thickness is (A+1) mm and tighten bolt ②.

Fig.3-10 Spherical joint of straight-tilt blade

Fig.3-11Shims of the spherical joint

Notice: Make sure the spherical joint can turn freely after turning tight the bolt.



SECTIONⅣ METHOD OF PROLONGING THE SERVICE LIFE OF THE MACHINE The service life of the machine, especially the service life of the undercarriage, depends on the method of operation and maintenance to great extent. So remember the following points in your mind: 1. Select proper machine with proper crawler according to soil conditions. 2. During operation, don’t slip the track as far as possible. If the track is slipping, reduce the load until the track stop slipping. 3. Avoid sudden travelling, sudden acceleration and unnecessary travelling at high speed, sudden brake and sudden turning as far as possible. 4. Always drive the machine to travel on straight line. Don’t always turn to one side. It would better to turn to both sides alternatively and turn with max. turning radius. 5. During dozing, if a slope with a small decline to left or right occurs on working surface, drive the machine backwards to flat ground, then, doze the earth to make the working surface flat and continue operating again. Don’t go on operating on a slope. 6. Never try to make the machine handle or lash against hard obstacles or obstacles that is difficult to deal with or let the machine travel across them. Otherwise idler or sprocket will be off ground. (Fig.3-12) 7. When operating on a slope, the machine should push earth downward from the top of the hill. Never travel across a slope transversely. When ascending a hill, don’t reverse the machine. (Fig.3-13) 8. Before operating, get rid of huge stone or other obstacles in working site.

Fig.3-12 Schematic drawing of operation on hard surface


Fig.3-13 Schematic drawing of operation on a slope


CHAPTER Ⅳ MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE SECTIONⅠ SAFETY OPERATION PRECAUTIONS Proper maintenance and service is very important. It can prolong the service life of machine, avoid accident and personal injury, promote operation efficiency, and increase economical benefit. The operator and serviceman must observe to the following items besides reading the contents and relative requirements of SAFETY HINTS. 1. Only when the serviceman and maintainer have understand the structure, performance, assembling and disassembling procedure, technical requirements of the machine and precautions very well, can they do the maintenance and service. Never do maintenance and service blindly. 2. If the maintenance and service is difficult for you to do, you’d better consult the manufacturer. 3. Generally, the daily maintenance is carried out before starting the engine and after finishing operation every day. To maintain the machine, park the machine on flat ground, lower the blade and ripper to ground level, set the locking device in LOCK position, then carry out the maintenance. 4. To carry out maintenance with engine running, it is required that there should be two persons to carry out the job cooperatively, one in cab, the other carry out maintenance. Take care not to touch any moving components. 5. Before maintenance, clean and wash the nearby area around the points to be maintained, especially thoroughly clean the nearby area of oil filler, filter, oil fitting, case cover to prevent dust from getting into oil. 6. Remember the pressure in hydraulic circuits is very high. When refilling, draining oil or checking and maintenance, first release the pressure in them. The method to release pressure is as follows: Lower the blade and ripper onto ground and stop the engine, move the control levers of the hydraulic system to each position 2 to 3 times, then loosen the filler cap or pipe joint slowly. 7. To replace engine oil, first starting the machine to raise the oil temperature to 30℃~40℃, then drain the oil. 8. Always use clean oil and grease. Do not inspect or replace oil in dust area, otherwise dust will enter into oil. 9. Don’t handle electrical system in rain. 10. When checking or adding cooling water, take care not to be injured by hot water spilt out. 11. Bleed the air from the oil circuit after replacing engine oil filter element or strainer. 12. Do not refill oil without the strainer near to the oil filler. 13. Before service gear boxes, empty your pocket. Take care not to drop wrench, nut or other things into cases so as to cause unnecessary trouble. 14. Make the oil far away fire. Don’t illuminate with fire or flame instead of lamp. 15. To replace O-ring, gasket or other sealing parts, thoroughly clean the parts surface and install them carefully.





The maintenance table sees the following table: No Item Service Check before starting 1

Oil and water leakage



Nuts and bolts

Check and retighten


Electric circuit

Check and retighten


Cooling water level

Check and add


Oil level of engine oil pan

Check and add


Fuel oil level

Check and add


Oil level in steering clutch case

Check and add


Water and sediment in fuel tank

Drain water and sediment


Dust indicator

Check, clean air cleaner element

10 Travels of brake pedals

Check and adjust Initial 250 hours service


Fuel filter

Replace cartridge


Steering clutch case (incl. Replace oil and clean strainer Transmission and torque converter)


Hydraulic tank and filter

Replace oil and filter element


Final drive case

Replace oil


Engine valve clearance

Check and adjust Every 250 hours service


Check and grease the following points


Fan pulley

1 point


Tension pulley and its bracket

2 points


Screw of brace

1 point for straight-tilt blade 2 points for angle blade


Cylinder support shaft

2 points


Cylinder support yoke

4 points


Tilt cylinder ball joint

1 point for straight-tilt blade


Brace ball joint

1 point for straight-tilt blade


Arm ball joint

3 points


Diagonal arm ball joint

2 points

10 Ripper hinge joints

18 points

11 Engine oil pan and oil filter

Drain oil and replace filter element







Transmission oil steering oil filter

Service filter



Replace filter elements

13 Final drive case

Check oil level and replenish oil

14 Hydraulic oil tank

Check oil level and replenish oil

15 Alternator drive belt

Adjust tension

16 Water pump drive belt

Adjust tension

17 Battery electrolyte

Check electrolyte level

18 Fuel tank bottom strainer


Every 500 hours service 1

Fuel filter

Replace filter element


Breather cap



Fan belt

Adjust tension Every 1000 hours service


Check and grease the following points


Universal joint

8 points


Diagonal brace

2 points


Tension rod of idler

2 points


Radiator fin

Check and clean


Steering clutch case

Replace oil, clean strainer element


Final drive case

Replace oil


Hydraulic tank and filter

Replace oil and filter element



Check and grease



Check play of rotor

10 Corrosion resistor

Replace cartridge Every 2000 hours service



Check and grease the following points


Equalizer bar shaft

1 point


Brake pedal

5 points


Breather cap of engine crankcase Clean





Engine valve clearance

Check and adjust


Engine damper

Check or replace Every 4000 hours service


Water pump

Check for pulley looseness and water leak


Fan pulley and tension pulley

Check for looseness



When necessary No




Air cleaner

Clean or replace


Cooling system

Clean interior of the system and replace coolant


Track tension

Check and adjust


Track shoes bolts

Check and tighten


Cutting edge and end bit

Reverse or replace


Air intake heater

Check or replace


II. POSITION OF OIL FILLER AND OIL DIPSTICK (FIG.4-1, 4-2) 1. Water filler of radiator 2. Engine oil filler 3. Engine oil dipstick 4. Oil drain valve of engine oil pan 5. Oil filler of final drive case 6. Drain valve of fuel tank 7. Fuel tank filler

Fig.4-1 Positions of oil filler 8. Steering case filler 9. Hydraulic tank oil filler 10. Oil level inspection window of hydraulic tank 11. Cooling water drain valve 12. Drain valve of hydraulic tank 13. Drain plug of steering case 14. Drain plug of final drive case Fig.-2 Positions of oil filler


INITIAL 250 HOURS SERVICE Carry out the following maintenance after a new machine has been run for initial 250 hours. 1. Fuel filter 2. Steering clutch (Incl. Transmission and torque converter) 3. Hydraulic tank and filter 4. Final drive case



5. Engine valve clearance As for method of replacing and service, details see EVERY 500 HOURS, 1000 HOURS AND 2000 HOURS SERVICES.

II. EVERY 250 HOURS SERVICE 1. Lubrication Grease the lubricator fittings shown by arrows. 1) Fan pulley (Fig.4-3): 1 point 2) Tension pulley and its bracket (Fig.4-4): 2 points

Fig.4-3 Fan pulley

Fig.4-4 Tension pulley and its bracket

3) Screw of brace Straight-tilt blade (Fig.4-5): 1 point; Angle blade (Fig.4-6): 2 points

Fig.4-5 Screw of brace of straight-tilt blade

Fig.4-6 Screw of brace of angle blade

4) Oil cylinder support shaft (Fig.4-7): 2 points; (Fig.4-8):2 points

Fig.4-7 Oil cylinder support Fig.

4-8 Working equipment oil cylinder bracket



5) Oil cylinder support yoke (Fig.4-9): 4 points

Fig.4-9 Oil cylinder support yoke

Fig.4-10 Tilt oil cylinder ball joint

6) Tilt cylinder ball joint for straight-tilt blade (Fig.4-10): 1 point 7) Brace ball joint for straight-tilt blade (Fig.4-11): 1 point

Fig.4-11 Brace ball joint

Fig.4-12 Arm ball joint

8) Arm ball joint for straight-tilt blade (Figs.4-12,4-13): 3 points 9) Diagonal arm ball joint for straight-tilt blade (Fig.4-13): 2 points

Fig.4-13 Diagonal arm ball joint

Fig.4-14 Ripper hinge points

10) Ripper hinge points (Fig. 4-14): (1) upper connecting rod (8 points); (2) piston rod end of cylinder (2 points); (3) lower connecting rod pin (4 points); (4) lower connecting rod shaft (4 points)



2. Engine oil pan and filter 1) Remove the cover plate at the bottom of the machine body (Fig.4-15). 2) Remove the oil drain plug ① and loosen drain valve ② to drain oil, screw them tightly after draining. 3) Turn the cartridges of engine oil filter and by-pass engine oil filter counterclockwise to remove them with filter wrench and discard them. Fig.4-15 Oil drain plug of oil pan 4) Fill up new cartridges of engine oil filter and by-pass engine oil filter with engine oil and coat the packing surfaces with engine oil. Install the cartridges on the filter seats. Make sure the packing surfaces of cartridges contact perfectly with the sealing surfaces of the filter seats, then turn the cartridges 3/4~1 turn by hand. 5) After replacement of filter cartridges, supply engine oil through oil filler F (Fig.4-16). After running the engine at idling speed for a while, check the oil level. 6) Lubricant used depends on ambient temperature. Refer to appended table KIND AND CAPACITY OF FUEL, COOLANT AND LUBRICANT. Fig.4-16 Oil drain plug of oil pan 7) Replace oil every 6 months. 8) Before install cartridge of filter, be sure to fill engine oil in it. 9) Be sure to use genuine brand filter cartridge. 3. Transmission oil filter and steering oil filter 1) Remove the bolt ①, lift cover ②, take out the filter element and valve together with cover ② (Fig.4-17,4-18)

Fig.4-17 Transmission and steering oil filters

Fig.4-18 Structural drawing of oil filter

2) Remove the dish tightening nut ④ of valve, take out the filter element ③ from the filter. Clean interior of the filter body and the detached parts, then install a new element.



Fig.4-19 Oil filler of final drive case Fig.4-20 Hydraulic tank Notice: Be sure to use genuine brand filter element. 4. Final drive case Remove plug G, refill lubricating oil from the plug hole if the oil doesn’t reach the lower edge of the plug hole. (Fig.4-19) Notice: a. The lubricant used depends on ambient temperature. Refer to the appended table KIND AND CAPACITY OF FUEL, COOLANT AND LUBRICANT. b. When maintaining, park the machine on flat ground. 5. Hydraulic tank (Fig.4-20) Put the blade and ripper horizontally on ground and stop the engine, check oil level after 5 minutes. If the oil level lower than the red line in the inspection window G, supply hydraulic oil from oil filler F. Notice: When oil is hot, don’t remove the cap, otherwise there will be a danger that the hot oil will spill out. When removing the cap, turn the cap slowly to release the pressure in tank. The lubricant used depends on ambient temperature. Refer to the appended table KIND AND CAPACITY OF FUEL, COOLANT AND LUBRICANT. Before starting the engine, the routine conventional check should be carried out. 6. Alternator drive belt Press the belt between the alternator and drive belt with a force of about 60N in the direction shown by the arrow in the Fig.4-21. The standard deflection is 10mm. Otherwise adjust the tension. To adjusting, loose the nut tightening the alternator and move the alternator. Notice: a. When the belt can’t be readjusted because of excessive deflection or there is rupture, cut or cracks on it, replace the belt. Be sure to replace the two belts at the same time. b. Check and adjust the tension again after the new belts have been installed and have been used for 1 hour.



c. Never contacts v-belt with the bottom of the v-slot.

Fig.4-21 Adjustment of engine belts 7. Water pump drive belt (Fig.4-21) The method of check and adjustment is as same as alternator drive belt. 8. Battery electrolyte If the electrolyte level is lower than the prescribed level (10~12mm above the electrode plate), supply distilled water (Fig.4-23). Should any of electrolyte be spilled out and its capacity decrease, have it replenished with electrolyte of the same concentration. Before check electrolyte level, clean the air vent hole on the battery cover. Notice: a. Don’t use metal funnel when supplying electrolyte. b. Don’t bring spark or fire to the vicinity of the battery so as to avoid gas explosion. c. Should any electrolyte be splashed onto the skin or clothes, wash it immediately with plenty of water. 9. Fuel tank bottom strainer (Fig.4-22) Close valve ①, remove the cap ②, take out the strainer element from the strainer case, clean it and the case. Fig.4-22 Bottom of the fuel tank


Carry out EVERY 250 HOURS SERVICE at the same time. 1. Fuel filter 1) Close the valve ① at the bottom of fuel tank (see Fig.4-22). 2) Remove the fuel filter cartridge ③ with filter wrench (Fig.4-23). 3) Fill the new filter cartridge up with clean fuel oil and coat a thin layer of engine oil on the sealing surface. 4) Install cartridge, turn it tight by hand until the sealing surface of sealing gasket contacts with the filter seat. Then turning it 1/2~3/4 turn further (Take care not to turn it too tight).



Notice: Be sure to use genuine brand filter cartridge.

Fig.4-23 Fuel filter

Fig.4-24 Breather cap of steering case

2. Breather cap Remove the breather cap, wash the dust accumulated inside it with fuel oil. 1) Steering clutch (Fig.4-24): 1 point 2) Final drive (Fig.4-25): 2 points 3. Fan belt Check v-belt. Replace it on the following cases: 1) If the v-belt contacts with the slot bottom of the pulley. 2) If there are cracks or peelings on the v-belt. Notice: As for replacing method, refer to “ Adjustment Fig.4-25 Breather cap of final drive of fan belt”. If an automatic tension device is mounted, the adjustment of the fan belt is unnecessary.

IV. EVERY 1000 HOURS SERVICE Be sure to carry out EVERY 250 AND 500 HOURS SERVICE at the same time. 1. Lubrication Force the grease into the lubricator fitting shown by the arrows. 1) Universal joint (Fig.4-26): 8 points 2) Diagonal brace(Fig.4-27): 2 points 3) Idler tension rod (Fig.4-28): 2 points

Fig.4-26 Universal joint


Fig.4-27 Diagonal brace


Fig.4-28 Idler tension rod Fig.4-29 Radiator grill 2. Radiator fins (Fig.4-29) Loosen the bolt of radiator grill ① and open it, blow away the dust, mud or dead leaves and other dirt on the fins with compressed air. Also can use water or steam instead of compressed air. Notice: Check radiator rubber pipe for cracks or brittleness. Replace it when necessary. Check the clamps of rubber pipe for loosening. 3. Steering clutch case (Incl. transmission and torque converter) 1) Remove the drain plug ① at the bottom of the machine body to drain oil. (Fig.4-30)

Fig.4-31 Oil drain plug of torque converter Fig.4-30 Bottom of the machine body 2) Remove the cover at the bottom of the machine body oil drain plug ② of torque converter and to drain oil (Fig.4-31). After draining, tighten the drain plugs ① and ②. 3) Remove the left floor plate, bolt ①, cover ②, steering clutch strainer ⑤ and magnet ⑥. (Fig.4-32, 4-33)

Fig.4-32 Left floor of machine body

Fig.4-33 Strainer of steering clutch

4) Clean the interior of the strainer case, strainer and the other detached parts, then reinstall



them into original positions. If the strainer is damaged, replace it with a new one. 5) After replacing the transmission and steering filters elements (refer to EVERY 250 HOURS SERVICE), refill specified amount of engine oil from the oil filler F (Fig.4-34). Lubricant used depends on the ambient temperature. Refer to the appended table KIND AND CAPACITY OF FUEL, COOLANT AND LUBRICANT.

Fig.4-34 Oil filler

Fig.4-35 Final drive

4. Final drive case (Fig.4-35) 1) Remove the oil plugs G of oil filler from both sides of the machine body, then, remove the oil drain plug P to drain oil, retighten the plug P after draining oil. 2) Refill a specified amount of engine oil from oil filler F (Refer to EVERY 250 HOURS SERVICE). Notice: Lubricant used depends on the ambient temperature. Refer to the appended table KIND AND CAPACITY OF FUEL, COOLANT AND LUBRICANT. 5. Hydraulic tank and oil filter 1) Remove the drain plug ① at the bottom of the tank and loosen the drain valve ② to drain Fig.4-36 Drain plug and valve of oil. Then retighten the plug ① and the drain Hydraulic oil tank valve ② after draining (Fig.4-36). 2) Remove bolt ③, cover ④ and filter element ⑤ (Fig.4-37). 3) Clean the interior of the filter and the detached parts, then mount a new element. 4) Fill with a specified amount of hydraulic oil through the oil filler F (Fig.4-38). (Refer to EVERY 250 HOURS SERVICE)

Fig.4-37 Oil filter of hydraulic oil tank


Fig.4-38 Oil filler of hydraulic oil tank


Notice: a. Lubricant used depends on the ambient temperature. Refer to the appended table KIND AND CAPACITY OF FUEL, COOLANT AND LUBRICANT. b. Be sure to use genuine brand filter element. 6. Undercarriage Park the machine on flat ground, and check the oil level of track rollers, carrier rollers and idlers one by one (Fig.4-39).

Fig.4-39 Track

Fig.4-40 Corrosion resistor

1) Loosen the sealing plug ① slowly and see if the oil is oozing through the screw thread. If it is so, it is the proof that oil is plenty. So, immediately retighten the plug. 2) If oil doesn’t ooze out even if the plug has been removed away, it is the proof that oil level is low. At this time, ask the local distributor of the Company to make necessary repair. 7. Rotor play of turbocharger Please contact with local distributor of our company for necessary check or repair. 8. Corrosion resistor (water filter element) (Fig.4-40) 1) Close water inlet valve and outlet valve of corrosion resistor. 2) Turn the cartridge of the corrosion resistor counterclockwise to remove it with filter wrench. 3) Replace with a new cartridge with engine oil coated on the sealing surface. 4) When installing the cartridge, turns it further by 1/2~3/4 turn after the sealing surface touches the cover (Be careful not to tighten it excessively). 5) After replacement, open the valves. Notice: Be sure to use genuine brand cartridge.

V. EVERY 2000 HOURS SERVICE Carry out the EVERY 250 HOURS, 500 HOURS AND 1000 HOURS SERVICE at the same time. 1. Lubrication Fill the grease to the lubricator fittings shown by the arrows. 1) Equalizer bar shaft (Fig.4-41): 1 point 2) Brake pedal shaft (Fig.4-42): 5 points



Fig.4-41 Equalizer bar shaft 2. Turbocharger

Fig.4-42 Brake pedal shaft

Excessive black carbon and greasy filth adhering to the impeller may deteriorate the proper performance of the turbocharger. Sometimes they may damage the turbocharger. Please contact with the local distributor of our company for necessary check or cleaning. Notice: Be careful not to use steel brush or the like so as to avoid damaging the surface of the impeller. 3. Valve clearance Please contact with the local distributor of our company to check the valve clearance because this job requires special tools. 4. Engine vibration damper Note: The engine is equipped with viscous vibration damper. Check damper for bump, run-out and any reduction of damp fluid. Estimate the thickness of the damper with eyes to check it for distortion or deformation of front cover plate, or feel both sides of the damper around it with finger to check if there any distortion or deformation. If this is the case, contact with local distributor of our company for necessary check and replacement.

VI. EVERY 4000 HOURS SERVICE Notice: Carry out EVERY 250 HOURS, 500 HOURS, 1000 HOURS and 2000 HOURS SERVICE at the same time. 1. Water pump Check pulley for looseness, grease or water for leak. If so, contact with local distributor of our company for repairing or replacing the water pump. 2. Fan pulley and tension pulley Check pulleys for looseness and grease leakage. If there is any looseness, contact with local distributor of our company for repair or replacement of pulley assembly.

VII. SERVICE WHEN NECESSARY Check and service the following items in time according to actual conditions.



1. Air cleaner 1) Check: Clean air cleaner element whenever the pilot light of monitor air cleaner element flickers. Before cleaning, stop the engine. 2) Clean or replace outer filter element a. Remove the wing nut ① and outer filter element (Fig.4-43, 4-45).

Fig.4-43 Air cleaner

b. Clean interior of air cleaner case. c. Clean and check outer filter element (As for cleaning method, refer to “Method for cleaning outer filter element”). After each cleaning operation of outer filter element, tear off a letter code card (Fig.4-44) on the inner filter element. Install the cleaned outer filter element and removed parts.

Fig.4-44 Outer element of air cleaner

Fig.4-45 Air cleaner element

Notice: a. Replace the outer filter element if it has been cleaned for 6 times or used for a year. At the same time replace the inner filter element. b. If the sealing washer ② or wing nut ① is damaged, replace them (Fig.4-45). c. Check mounting nut of inner filter element for looseness. If loose, retighten it. 3) Replace inner filter element (when the outer filter element has been cleaned 6 times or inner filter element has been damaged). a. First remove the outer filter element, then remove the inner filter element. b. Cover the air inlet. c. Clean the interior of the air cleaner case, then remove the cover of the air inlet. Fit a new inner filter element onto the connector and tighten the nut. Fit outer filter element. Notice: a. Never try to use the cleaned inner filter element. b. Do not replace or clean the filter elements of the air cleaner when engine is running. 4) Method for cleaning the outer filter element a. With compressed air (Fig.4-46)



Direct dry compressed air (less than 0.7MPa) to blow the element from inside along its folds, then direct it from outside along its folds and again from inside, then check the element. When using compressed air, wear safety goggles and other things required for sake of safety. b. With water Rinse element with city water (less than 0.3MPa) along its folds from inside, then from outside and again Fig.4-46 Outer element of air cleaner from inside. Dry and check it c. With detergent To clean the grease, dirt and black carbon on the element, soak and rinse the element in warm water containing neutral detergent, then rinse it with clean water. Dry and check it. Notice: a. Direct dry compressed air (less than 0.7MPa) to blow element from inside to outside repeatedly to quicken drying. Never dry the element by heating. b. It is also very efficient to use warm water (approx.40 ℃) instead of soapsuds. Fig.4-47 Outer element c. After cleaning and drying, if small holes or thinner parts are found on element when it is checked with electric bulb, replace the outer element (Fig.4-47). d. If the outer element is usable, pack and store it in dry place. e. When cleaning outer element, never knock or strike it with other objects. f. Never use the outer element of uneven folds or deformed element, also not use the element of damaged sealing washes. 2. Cleaning interior of cooling system 1) Clean the interior of cooling system, replace coolant and corrosion resistor according to the following table: Table of cleaning the interior of cooling system Type of antifreeze Permanent antifreeze (suitable for all seasons) Non-permanent antifreeze containing ethylene glycol base (suitable for winter) No antifreeze Notice: 42

Interval for cleaning interior of cooling system and replacing coolant Perform once a year (in autumn) or 2000 hours (depends on which one comes first) Perform once 6 months (in spring and autumn)(Drain the antifreeze in spring and add antifreeze into water in winter) Perform once 6 months or 1000 hours (depends on which one comes first)

Time for replacing corrosion resistor Perform when carrying out EVERY 1000 HOURS SERVICE or cleaning interior of cooling system or when replacing coolant


a. Park the machine on flat ground when cleaning the interior of cooling system or replacing coolant. b. Use permanent antifreeze as far as possible. If the permanent antifreeze isn’t available, use the antifreeze containing the ethylene glycol base. c. Be sure to replace cartridge of corrosion resistor (water filter element). d. Be sure to use city water as cooling water. e. Antifreeze is inflammable, so keep it away fire. Cleaning methods: a) Stop the engine, close the water inlet and outlet valves (1) of corrosion resistor (Fig.4-48). b) Turn the radiator cap ② slowly to open it (Fig.4-49).

Fig.4-48 Corrosion resistor

Fig.4-49 radiator water filler

Notice: If the water is very hot, don’t remove the cap to prevent hot water from spilling out. When remove the radiator cap, turn it slowly to release the pressure in radiator. c) Loosen water drain valve ③ on the bottom of radiator and water drain valves on both sides of oil cooler to drain cooling water (Fig.4-50). d) Close water drains valves, then fill clean water (city water) until the water reaches the edge of filler. e) When the water comes to the edge of filler, idle the engine and open the water drains valves. At the same time refill the radiator continuously with clean water. Stop supplying water until the clean water has flowed out of the drain valves Fig.4-50 radiator water drain valve continuously for 10 minutes. Notice: When draining water, adjust the water flowing speed to make the amount of water refilled in equal to that of water drained, and keep the tank always is full of water. f) After cleaning, stop the engine. Open the water drain valves to drain up water. Then close the drain valves. g) Use detergent available on market to clean cooling system. Be sure to adhere to the usage of the detergent. h) After cleaning, drain up water and close drain valves. Then supply clean water



(city water) slowly until the water level come to the edge of the filler. i) When the water level comes to the edge of the filler, idle the engine and open the valves to drain water. At the same time supply clean water to radiator continuously until clean water is seen flowing out from the drain valves. Notice: When draining water, adjust the water speed to make the feeding amount equal to draining amount so as to ensure the radiator is full of water. j) When the water becomes absolutely clean, stop the engine and close all drain valves. k) Replace the cartridge of corrosion resistor and open water inlet and outlet valves. Notice: As for replacement of corrosion resistor, refer to EVERY 1000 HOURS SERVICE. l) Supply water until the water overflow out of the filler. m) After idling engine 5 minutes, run the engine at middle speed for 5 minutes to bleed air accumulated in the cooling system. Notice: When bleeding the air, the radiator cap should be kept open. n) Stop the engine, supply water to specified level after 3 minutes. Then tighten the cap. 3. Track tension 1) Check: Park the machine on flat ground without stepping down the brake, place a rod on the track between the sprocket and idler (Fig.4-51). When the distance between rod and track shoe grouser at the middle span is 20~30mm, the track tension is suitable. 2) Adjust: Fig.4-51 check of track tension a) To increase the track tension, force in grease through grease fitting (Fig.4-52). On the other hand, discharge grease by turning the plug to the opposite one turn to decrease the tension. If the track tension is still small even though the grease is forced in such a quantity that the distance S diminishes to 0mm (Fig.4-53), it indicates the pin bushing has become thin due to excessive wear. Please contact with the local distributor of our company for repair or replacement of track.

Fig.4-52 Adjusting rod of idler

Fig.4-53 Adjusting distance of idler

b) When loosening the plug, do not loosen it more than one turn. Also be careful not to loosen any parts other than the plug.



c) If the plug or other parts are excessive loose, the parts would be liable to fly out under high pressure of grease refilled. If grease can’t be forced in easily, try moving the machine back and forth for a short distance. 4. Check and tighten the shoe bolts If the track shoe bolts become loose, the track shoes would be liable to breakdown. Be sure to retighten loose bolts as soon as the bolts are found to become loose. 1) First, tighten the bolt with a torque of 400±40N.m, then check whether the nuts and track shoes contacts with the touching surface of links tightly. 2) Tighten it further after check, turn it an angle of 120°±10°. 5. Reversing or replacing the cutting edge and end bit (Fig.4-54) When cutting edge and end bit are worn to the vicinity of mounting surface, reverse cutting edge and replace end bit. If the both sides of cutting edge are worn seriously, replace cutting edge. 1) Lift the blade to a proper height, place a block under the push arm to prevent blade from dropping. 2) Remove cutting edge and end bit and clean the Fig.4-54 Replacement of cutting edge and end bit mounting surface. 3) Replace with new end bit and reverse cutting edge (or replace with a new one), and tighten them with the nuts. The tightening torque is 627±78Nm (64±8kgm). 4) After operating for several hours, retighten nuts. 6. Air inlet heater Check air inlet heater before starting operation in every winter. Remove the air inlet heater from the coupling seat of engine air inlet, and check the electrical circuit for normal operation and dirt. When check and replace air inlet heater, replace old seal washer with new one.

SECTION Ⅳ ADJUSTMENT OF EACH COMPONENT I. STEERING BRAKE 1. Check When the brake linings are worn, steering will be difficult due to increased steering pedal travel. When the travel exceeds 190mm (braking fore is reduced), make the following adjustment: a) Standard travel:110~130mm (operating force is 150N when the engine is running at idling speed) (Fig.4-55) b) 75mm (when the engine is stopped) 2. Adjustment

Fig.4-55 Adjustment of pedal travel



a. Remove the rear cover and inspection hole cover (Fig.4-56). b. Tighten adjusting bolt ① with the torque of 50N.m to make the brake linings contact tight with brake drum (step down the brake pedal to confirm the contacting state). c. Turn the adjusting bolt ① 7/6 turns to the opposite direction to make the clearance between the brake Fig.4-56 Steering brake drum and brake band be 0.3mm. d. Be sure to make both pedals travels equal, otherwise braking flexibility of both sides is not identical.

II. IDLER Due to passive rotation of idler for long time, the idler side guide plates, up-and-down guide and guide plate will be worn gradually. Thus causes idler to swing to left or right, or incline to one side, which will cause the track link to slide off idler or idler and track links be worn unequally due to this swing or inclination. Therefore, adjust idler timely to make it rotate normally according to the following procedure: 1. Adjustment of sides clearance: Move the machine 1~2m on flat ground to make track tension evenly, then stop the machine and check clearance A between external cover of idler and track frame (left, right, top and bottom four clearances on each side) (Fig.4-57). If any of four clearances exceeds 4mm, loosen bolt ①, pull out a certain amount of shims ② (Fig.4-57) to adjust the clearance to standard value of 0.5~1.0mm. The thickness of each shim is 0.5~1.0mm. Notice: When loosening bolt ①, be careful not to loosen bolt more than 3 turns.

Fig.4-57 Adjustment of side clearance of track frame

Fig.4-58 Idler

2. Adjustment of the clearance between slide plate and idler brackets: Measure the clearance B (Fig.4-58) between idler bracket ③ and slide plates ④ and clearance C between hanging plate ⑤ of track frame and wear plate ⑥ of track frame. If the sum (B+C) exceeds 5mm, adjust it to 2mm.The method is: take out the necessary amount of shims from shim ⑦ to reduce the thickness of shim ⑦ to required value and add the removed shims to the shim ⑧. The procedure of the adjustment is as follows: Under normal condition, clearance C is zero (C=0mm). 46


1) Measure clearance B, subtract 2mm from the measured value B, the result is the adjusted thickness of shims. For example: when B is 5mm (B=5mm), the thickness of adjusted shims is 3mm (5-2=3mm). 2) The shim ⑦ and ⑧ can be pull out. 3) Loosen the bolt ⑨ (4 bolts on internal and external side) until the force of spring is fully released. 4) Loosen the bolt ①, take careful not to loosen it more than 3 turns. 5) Pry up the hanging plate ⑤ to adjust it with a lever to make the clearance C=0mm. Take out the shim ⑦ whose thickness has been calculated in the step 1). 6) Add the removed shim ⑦ to shim ⑧ (8 positions, internal side and external side of left and right idlers, front and rear of each side). Notice: The total thickness of shim ⑦ and shim ⑧, after adjusting, should be equal to that of before adjusting. The pre-load of spring mounted on guide device would be improper if the total thickness of shim increases or decreases improperly (shim ⑦ and ⑧ are grouped by some 1mm thick shims and 2mm thick shims). 7) Tighten bolt ⑨ of spring seat. 8) The tightening torque of bolt ① is 500~620Nm. Notice: Max. Allowable adjusting amount of hanging plate in the vertical direction is 6mm.

III. DECELERATION PEDAL When the fuel control lever is placed at half stroke position with deceleration pedal (clearance A=0) stepped down, if the engine speed is not within the range of 800~850rpm, make the following adjustments (Fig.4-59): 1. Loosen lock nut ①, make adjustment by turning screw ② to make engine speed be 850rpm when stepping down the deceleration pedal (clearance A=0) 2. After adjusting, lock the nut ②. Note: a. Increasing the force of stepping down the pedal to overcome the force of spring will make the Fig.4-59 Deceleration pedal engine run at idling speed. b. To confirm the engine speed precisely, an engine speed gauge is required. Please contact with local distributor of our company.

IV. FAN BELT The fan belt tension is a constant because it is equipped with an automatic tension device and the fan belt tension has nothing to do with elongation of v-belt. So it is unnecessary to adjust the tension unless the belt are damaged. When replacing v-belt, two belts should be replaced at the same time.

V. UNDERCARRIAGE 1. Adjustment and check of track tension



When operating in stony area, the track should be tighter. When operating in clay and sandy soil area, the track should be looser. (As for adjusting and checking method, refer to “MAINTENANCE WHEN NECESSARY”) 2. Measure of the grouser height Take a tightened track shoe, measure the height of grouser (Fig.4-60) a. Standard height of grouser (H): 72mm Fig.4-60 Measure of the grouser height b. Service limit (H): 25mm 3. Measure of the external diameter of track roller (Fig.4-61) Check and measure size “C” and “B” of link, calculate the external diameter of track roller “A”: A=(B-C)×2 a. Standard diameter(A): 222mm b. Service limit (A): 198mm

Fig.4-61 Measure of external diameter of track roller

Fig.4-62 Shank of ripper



VII. ADJUSTMENT OF RIPPING DEPTH OF RIPPER (FIG.4-62) The ripping depth of ripper can be adjusted through the two pin mounting holes on the upper part of the shank. Generally the lower hole are used. To increase the depth of ripping depth, the upper hole is used. To adjust, direct a steel bar with tip at the end against pin ①, then hammer the bar to pull out the pin ②. Thus the mounting position of shank hole is changed.

VIII. REPLACEMENT OF RIPPER SHANK SLEEVE AND TOOTH TIP (FIG.4-74) If the shank sleeve and the tooth tip of ripper shank are worn seriously, replace them. To replace, hammer out the pins as shown by arrows in the Fig.4-62. To prolong the service life of ripper, exchange mounting positions of three shanks sleeves and teeth tips according to wearing degree of three teeth tips.



CHAPTERⅤ TROUBLE-SHOOTING Not all trouble conditions and trouble-shooting methods are included in this chapter, but most of common troubles are included in it.

SECTIONⅠENGINE I. WHEN ENGINE RUNS AT HIGH SPEED, ENGINE OIL PRESSURE PILOT LAMP FLICKERS CONTINUOUSLY: 1. Supply engine oil to specified level. 2. Replace engine filter element 3. Check pipes and joints for oil leakage. 4. Replace pilot lamp.


Add cooling water and check for water leakage. Adjust fan belt tension. Clean interior of cooling system. Clean or repair radiator fins. Replace thermostat. Tighten radiator cap or replace the sealing pad. Replace water level pilot lamp.

III. THE WHITE RANGE OF THE WATER TEMPERATURE INDICATOR IS LIGHT UP: 1. Replace water temperature pilot lamp. 2. Replace thermostat. 3. Replace water temperature sensor.


Refill fuel Check fuel system for air. Rectify or replace oil pump or injector. Check valve clearance. Starting motor speed is low (refer to electrical system).

V. WHITE OR BLUE EXHAUST GAS: 1. Adjust amount of oil in engine oil pan according to regulation. 2. Replace with specified fuel. 3. Check turbocharger for oil leakage.

VI. BLACK EXHAUST GAS: 1. Clean air cleaner element. 2. Replace oil injector. 3. Clean or replace turbocharger.



1. Replace with specified fuel. 2. Check engine for overheating. 3. Replace muffler. 4. Adjust valve clearance.

SECTIONⅡ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM I. LAMPS BECOME DIM WHEN ENGINE RUNS AT HIGH SPEED; LAMPS TWINKLE WHEN ENGINE IS RUNNING: 1. Check terminal for looseness and circuit for cut-off; 2. Adjust alternator belt tension.

II. BATTERY CHARGING PILOT LAMP DOESN ’ T GO OUT WHEN ENGINE IS RUNNING AT HIGH SPEED: 1. Replace alternator; 2. Check and repair electric circuitry.

III. ALTERNATOR SOUNDS ABNORMAL: REPLACE ALTERNATOR. IV. STARTING MOTOR DOESN ’ T RUN WHEN STARTING KEY IS TURNED TO START POSITION: 1. Check and repair electrical circuitry; 2. Charge the battery; 3. Replace starting motor.


VII. STARTING MOTOR HAS DISENGAGED BEFORE THE ENGINE IS STARTED UP: 1. Check and repair circuitry; 2. Charge the battery.




1. Check and repair wiring; 2. Replace intake air pre-heater; 3. Check and repair pre-heater switch.

SECTION Ⅲ CHASSIS I. OIL PRESSURE IN TORQUE CONVERTER DOESN’T RISE (MACHINE CANNOT TRAVELS): 1. Check and repair air leak points of oil pipe and pipe connector; 2. Check, repair or replace gear pump; 3. Replenish transmission with oil; 4. Clean and replace transmission oil filter.

II. HYDRAULIC TORQUE CONVERTER OVERHEATS: 1. Tension or replace fan belt; 2. Refer to the SECTION of ENGINE; 3. Clean or replace oil cooler; 4. Refer to the part “Torque converter oil pressure doesn’t rise”.

III. MACHINE DOESN’T TRAVEL WHEN TRANSMISSION CONTROL LEVER IS SET TO ANY GEAR 1. Replenish steering clutch case with oil; 2. Refer to the part “Torque converter oil pressure doesn’t rise”; 3. Check, repair or replace gear pump; 4. Clean oil filter.




CHAPTER Ⅵ TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE OF BULLDOZER SECTIONⅠTRANSPORTATION When transporting machine, understand and observe traffic rules, road transportation vehicle law and vehicle limit rules etc. When traveling across a bridge or tunnel, check the load limit of the bridge and the space size of the tunnel. When load a machine onto a trailer with a gangplank, observe the following rules: (Fig.6-1).

Fig.6-1 Loading and unloading machine with gangplank 1. Properly apply the brakes on the trailer and insert blocks beneath the tires to ensure that it does not move. 2. Make sure the gangplank has sufficient width, length and thickness to ensure the machine to be safely loaded and unloaded. When necessary, insert a block under it to reinforce. 3. Take aim at the direction of the gangplank, then slowly load or unload the machine. 4. Do not change the traveling direction of the machine while it is travelling on the gangplank. To change the traveling direction of the machine, first back the machine to ground from the gangplank, then change the traveling direction. 5. Make sure loading the machine onto the proper part of the trailer. Hold it securely in place by applying square timber to front and rear track shoe and by fastening machine with chain or wire rope to avoid accident due to on –the-road slipping out. 6. Lower the blade, keep various control levers in the following places: (1) Fuel control lever in IDLING position. Pull out the starting key. (2) Transmission control lever in NEUTRAL position. (3) Blade control lever in HOLD position. (4) Brake lock lever in LOCK position. Notice: a. If the width of blade is more than that of trailer, change the direction of blade or remove the blade and remount it. b. Take anti-rusting measures and coat the part of cylinder piston rod exposed in air with anti-rusting oil for a long distance marine transportation.




BEFORE STORAGE To store the machine for quite a long time, the following measures must be taken to

ensure that it can be returned to operation with minimum service. 1. After every part is cleaned and dried, house the machine in a dry building. Never leave it outdoors. In case it is indispensable to leave it outdoors, lay wood plates on the ground and park the machine on the wood plates and cover it with canvas. 2. Before storage, supply sufficient fuel and lubricant and replace engine oil. 3. Apply a thin coat of lubricant on metal surface (piston rods). 4. As to batteries, remove the terminals and cover it completely and store separately. 5. When the atmospheric temperature is anticipated to drop to below 0℃, add antifreeze in the cooling water beforehand. 6. All control levers and pedals are set as follows: a. Transmission control lever in the NEUTRAL position. b. Fuel control lever in the Low speed position. c. Blade control lever in the HOLD position. d. Brake pedal in FREE position.

II. DURING STORAGE Start the engine and travel the machine for a short distance once a month so that the new oil film will be generated on the surface of every part of the machine and engine. Notice: To operate the working equipment, wipe off the grease on hydraulic cylinder piston rods.

III. AFTER STORAGE After storage (when it is kept without cover or the rust-preventive operation once a month is not made), be sure to do the following treatment before operation. 1. Remove the drain plugs on oil pan and other cases to drain water mixed in them. 2. Remove the block head and lubricate every valves as well as rocker arm, inspect the valve operation. 3. Run the engine at low speed to exhaust air from hydraulic system and carry out the following operation: Each cylinder should be moved back and forth 4-5 times and piston should stop at 100mm far from the stroke end. Next, each hydraulic cylinder should be moved back and forth 3 or 4 times to the stroke end. Note: If the engine operates at high speed or the piston moves to the stroke end at the very beginning, the intruded air may damage piston ring. 4. After the engine is started, run it until it is warmed up successfully.





Fuel tank

Grade 1 light fuel: Winter: -10#~-50# Summer: 0#

Diesel engine oil pan

Steering case Hydraulic tank



GB 252-2000

CF-4 15W/40


Hydraulic drive oil: 6# Grade CD diesel engine oil: 10w/30#


Viscosity grade accords with the standard SAE; the performance grade accord with the API. Q/SH 013.01.022-1991


GB 11122-1997

Track roller (each) Carrier roller (each) Idler (each)

Gearing oil for heavy-duty vehicle: 85W/90

0.28~0.32 0.41~0.53 0.28~0.32

GB 13895-1992

Final drive

Grade CD diesel engine oil: 10W/30#



Bearings and articulating parts

2# or 3# Lithium soap grease


Winter(0 ℃ ):water added with antifreeze Summer: water Or water added with antifreeze for all around year


GB 7324-1987


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