Zapata - January 2015 PDF

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Zapata Alonso: Removing the Defender! Concept: There is a motif that will help us to find the key winning moves, sometimes amazing ones. Once we reach to positions of initiative or attack, the priority is to identify which piece or pieces are defending our opponent’s weaknesses. weaknesses. We need to check if it would be possible to neutralize the piece that defends our enemy’s position, enemy’s  position, and prevents our plan of assault, through captures, attacks, obstructions or by deflections. If we are able to nullify such defenders, our chances to succeed in our attack increase. In synthesis, what we must do is to identify and to neutralize the opponent’s defender.

This is a powerful strategic and tactical resource which could facilitate our  judgment of dynamic positions positions in a more forcefully way, particularly in the competitive practice where the finding of movements and plans is the basis for success. The procedure is as follow: Identify a defender, and imagine what would  position look like if such a defender would would not be there. there. Then, how should we remove it? Trying to capture it, obstructing it, or deflecting it? Following these questions will help us dramatically to improve our tactical skills and to play in a more consistent way according to the needs of the position. Ideally, under scenarios where we have the initiative or an attack, we can use this resource to find a weakness or occult themes of brilliant assaults. Sometimes, even intuitively, chess masters and experienced chess  players use this method find solutions and unexpected plans. It is what we call "radar”.. "radar”

"In chess often the question is more important than the answer." For the following diagram, imagine what would happen if we play Kd6 and if white would not have available the move Qa3. Soon we could reach the conclusion that the mate from black would be unstoppable after c5. In this way we could discover discover quickly the winning move.

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + + + +0 9+ pk+ p zk+ + 0 9P+ + +L+0 9+ +p+ +P0 9 +pm K z p +0 9+ P z +P+ 0 9 + + + w q0 q0 9w Q + + + 0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play and wins. 1…Qg1!! Brilliant deflecting move! 2.Qg1 Kd6!  Followed by c5. Unstoppable mate! 0:1. Ugoltsev : Ashin, 1976

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + + + +0 9+ + +pm kp0 9 +n+ +p+0 9z pNz pNz p s n + 0 9 +Pz pP+ +0 pP+ 9+ q wP+ z P 0 9 r t + + z P0 P0 9t R +Q+Lm K 0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play. In this example we do something similar than in the previous one, deflecting the defender (the queen) away from the control of the square f3!

FIDE Surveys – Zapata Alonso



1...Qe1! There is no defense against Qf2, and if white captures the black queen in e1, then  Nf3! 0:1.

XIIIIIIIIY 9K+k+ + +0 9z P + + + 0 9 + +R+ +0 9+ +n+ + 0 9 + +n+ +0 9+ + + + 0 9 + + + v L0 L0 9+ + + + 0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play.  Obstructing one of the defenders, black wins brilliantly! 1...Nd6!! 0:1.

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + r t + m k0 k0 9+ R tP+pz pp0 9p+ +q+ +0 9+p+ + + 0 9 + p z + +0 9w Q + + z PP0 9P+ P+m K0 K0 9+ +++z xiiiiiiiiy White to play. 

XIIIIIIIIY 9r+ + +rm k0 k0 9+p+ +p+p0 9p+ N s z Pq+0 Pq+0 9+ + +R+ 0 9 +0 9++++Q+ + +P0 9 P z + + m K0 K0 9+ + + + 0 xiiiiiiiiy White to play. What is the major black weakness, and who is the defender of it? 1.Rg5! Playing against the restricted position of the Black king, against the weakness at f7 and against the defender Qg6. Therefore, we should focus on those objectives! 1...Qf6 2.Qd4! Deviating the queen which is defending the square f7! Of course, not 2.Qe5??,  because of the immediate black response 2...Qe5 – +. +. 2...Rg6 3.Rg6 1:0.

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + + + +0 9+ + + + 0 9 +p+0 9+++++p+p0 9 + + +kz P0 P0 9z p + + z P 0 9 +q+ z P m K0 K0 9+ + +Q+ 0 xiiiiiiiiy

Brilliant example of neutralizing the defender. 1.Rc8! Rc8 1...Qd7 2.Qf8+ – . 2.Qe7!! Winning in all variations. 2.Qe7!! h6 (2...Rg8 3.d8Q+ – ; 2...Qe7 3.dc8Q+ – ) 3.Qe6+ – - 1:0. 

 Neutralizing the defender: remember that in chess we could detect objectives

Sutta : Sutei, 1953

imagining ideal positions. When we are  pressuring the opponent, when we have the

FIDE Surveys – Zapata Alonso

White to play. 



initiative or the attack, the priority is to identify the defender (or defenders). 1.Qg2! The defender is the Black queen. Now White threatens f3! 1...Qe2 2.f3 Qf3 3.Qh3# 1:0. Vidmar : Euwe Karlsbad 1929

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + + +k+0 9+ + +pv l 0 9 p z N s + z p0 p0 9z p + + z p 0 9 + + w q +0 9w Q + + +P0 9Pz Pr+ + +0 Pr+ 9+ +Rt R +K0 xiiiiiiiiy White to play. 34.Re8 Bf8 34...Kh7 35.Qd3+ – . 35.Rf8! Eliminating the defender! 35...Kf8 36.Nf5 36…Kg8 36… Kg8 37.Qf8! (The vulnerable square is f8!) 37...Kf8 38.Rd8# 1:0.

XIIIIIIIIY 9r+l+ + m k0 k0 9+ +n+ w qp0 9 + + +p+0 9z p + t Rn+ 0 Rn+ 9 pL+ p zL+ + w Q0 Q0 9+ + +P+ 0 9Pz PP+ +Pz PP+ P0 P0 9+ + t R +K0 xiiiiiiiiy White to play. 

A typical example of eliminating the defenders. FIDE Surveys – Zapata Alonso

1.Rf5! Think frequently about plans and positions excluding the defenders and you will be surprised to discover many hidden  possibilities previously unknown for for you! 1...gf5 2.Re8 Nf8 3.Rf8! Qf8 4.Qd4 4.Qd4 Qg7 5.Qd8. 1:0. Hennings : Walter, 1964

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + v l +k+0 9+ +l+ + 0 9 p z + z pPm K0 9z p z p z p + 0 9P+P+ + +0 9+P+ v L + 0 9 +L+ + +0 9+ + + + 0 xiiiiiiiiy White to play. How could we find a brilliant move here? When analyzing this position we notice that White's major threat is g7, followed  by Bh7, but it would would be stopped with f5. If we could avoid that Black plays f5, g7 would be the decisive move! 1.Bg5!! A splendid move which halt f5 and make unstoppable g7! 1...fg5 2.g7 1:0. Stahlberg : Keres, 1936

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + + +k+0 9z p +L+pz p 0 9 + + + +0 9+ + w q +p0 9Q+ nP+ n sP+ +0 9z P +r+ + 0 9 + + +Pz P0 P0 9+R+ + +K0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play. 3


This is an eloquent example of visualizing the weakness. Usually here the chess master feels that the conditions for a successful attack are given! 27...Nf3!! The defender is the pawn at g2. Therefore, we have to remove it! 28.gf3 Rd2 0:1.

XIIIIIIIIY 9 rq+L+ r tq+L+ m k0 k0 9+ p z w Q z pp0 9pv l +lt r +0 9+ + +p+ 0 9+P z+++v Lz 9 P+0 0 9 + + z P z P0 P0 9+ +Rt R m K 0 xiiiiiiiiy White to play.

Duras : N.N., 1910

XIIIIIIIIY 9 +k+q+ +0 9z p +r+p+ 0 9P+ + + +0 9w Q + + +L0 9 + + + +0 9m Kp+ r Kp+ t + 0 9 + + + +0 9+ + + t R 0 xiiiiiiiiy White to play.  An instructive example of deflecting the defenders. 1.Rc1 The ability to identify the defenders and to neutralize them is an important tactical resource which could help us to obtain creative victories. It is an ability that we can develop with practice. 1...Kb8 2.Qb4! Ka8 3.Bf3!! Removing the first defender. 3...Rf3 4.Qe4!! And now, removing the second defender! 4...Qe4 5.Rc8# 1:0.  FIDE Surveys – Zapata Alonso

This is an interesting diagram to understand the method of neutralizing the defenders. The Be6 defends Black's king at g8 and and Rf6 protects protects f8. If we could could remove or deflect both pieces we could have a successful attack. How to do it? 1.Rd7!! Bd7 2.Bh6!! 1:0. 


Zukertort : Blackburne London 1883

XIIIIIIIIY 9 +r+ + k0 k m0 9z pl+ q pl+ w +P0 9 p z +p+ +0 9+ + + + 0 9 + Pp+ P zp+ 9+P+ R t ++0 0 9Pv Lrw Lrw Q +Pz P0 P0 9+ + +Rm K 0 xiiiiiiiiy In the following diagram, observe that Black's king is in a difficult position. We suspect that there should be a tactical motif. Here we get a special feeling that something could be exploited if we use our initiative. Observe the main weakness and its defender! 27.d5 e5



27...Rb2 28.Qb2 e5 29.Re4+ –  Re8  Re8 30.Rf5+ –   Identifying the guardian Qe7 and the weakness e5 it is easy eas y to think and to calculate on how to disturb the defender e7. 28.Qb4! Playing against the piece which support the defense. In this way we can intensify the attack! 28...R8c5 It also loses: 28...Qb4 29.Be5 Kh7 30.Rh3 Kg6 31.Rg3 Kh6 32.Rf6 Kh5 (32...Kh7 33.Rf7 Kh6 34.Bf4 Kh5 35.Rh7#)  33.Rf5 Kh6 34.Bf4 Kh7 35.Rh5#; 28...R2c5 29.Re4 followed by Re5. 29.Rf8! Kh7 29...Qf8 30.Be5 Kh7 31.Qe4 Kh6 32.Rh3 Kg5 33.Rg3+ – . 30.Qe4 Kg7 31.Be5 Kf8 32.Bg7 Kg8 33.Qe7 1:0. Karpov : Gik Moscow 1968

XIIIIIIIIY 9r+ + +k+0 9z pp+l+p+p0 pp+l+p+p0 9 + pp+ p zp+ Q0 Q w0 9+ + n s PR0 P zR0 9 + +P+ +0 9+L+ +q+ 0 9P+P+N+ +0 9+K+ + + 0 xiiiiiiiiy In this position the main defender of Black's king is the knight at e5, which  protects the square f7. If we could deflect it, what would happen? 24.g6! Ng6 24...fg6 25.Qh7 Kf8 26.Qh8 Ke7 27.Rh7  Nf7 28.Qa8 Qe2 29.Qb7± 29.Qb7±.. 25.Qh7 Kf8 26.Rf5!+ –   Unexpected move, activating the hidden  bishop at b3! 26...Qb3 27.ab3 ef5 28.Nf4 Rd8 28...Nf4 29.Qh8 Ke7 30.Qa8 fe4 31.Qb7 f5 32.Qa7± 32.Qa7±. 29.Qh6+  –   . FIDE Surveys – Zapata Alonso

The continuation is easy. 29...Ke8 30.Ng6 fg6 31.Qg6 Ke7 32.Qg5 Ke8 33.ef5 Rc8 34.Qg8 Ke7 35.Qg7 Kd8 36.f6 1:0.  Lowcki : Tartakower Jurata 1937

XIIIIIIIIY 9 + + r t k0 k m0 9+p+ + pp0 p zp0 9 q w + + +0 9+ +Pz p R t 0 9 + + + +0 9+ + + + 0 9Pz P + +Pz P0 P0 9+ + Q w +K0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play. Objective: The queen! How to win? Notice that the defender of the 8th file is the queen. Is there a winning method to exploit White's 8th file weakness and the hanging rook at g5? 32...Qb5 33.Kg1 Qc5 34.Kh1 Qc4 35.Kg1 Qd4 36.Kh1 Qe4 37.Qc1 37.Qd1 Qf4 – +. +. 37...Qd3 38.Kg1 Qd4 39.Kh1 Qd2! Fulfilling the objective of attacking simultaneously the defender of the 8th file and the hanging rook at g5! 0:1. Bunyan : Growl, 1933

XIIIIIIIIY 9Q+ + nk+0 n sk+0 9+pw q +pz p 0 9 + p z L v p0 p z0 9+L+P+ + 0 9 + + + +0 9+ P z +l+ 0 9P+ + Prz P zrz P0 P0 9+ + RK+ R tK+ 0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play. White threatens Qf8, followed by Re8, supported by Bb5. If Black could stop that 5


threat at least for a tempo, its own threat against White would be Rh2 and mate would be unstoppable. 1...Qc4!! Deflecting the piece which would support Re8! 2.Bc4 Rh2 0:1.

XIIIIIIIIY 9 k m +r+ +0 9z ppz p + z p 0 9 + w q z pP+0 9+ + + + 0 9 + z pr+Pz P0 9+ + + + 0 9Pz PP+ w Q +0 9+K+ t R +R0 xiiiiiiiiy Black to play. 

Observe the defender Qf2 and play against it! 2...Qh2! Directly against the guardian (Qf2), there is nothing to do against the multiple and decisive threats. 0:1. 

FIDE Surveys – Zapata Alonso


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