Zan Special Report by David D'Angelo

May 5, 2017 | Author: manuelCHINASKY | Category: N/A
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Zan Perrion, David D Angelo, Interviu...


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An “Interviews With Dating Gurus” Special Report…

“How To Get A Woman To FANTASIZE About You…” Tips From The “Zan” Monthly Interview David DeAngelo ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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“How To Get A Woman To FANTASIZE About You…” This month I had the pleasure of interviewing a friend of mine who goes by the name of Zan… and he shared some KILLER insights on becoming the kind of man who sparks attraction in women naturally. Zan has been fascinated for some time now by “naturals”… those guys we all know who seem to have a natural something about them that attracts women. He was fortunate to figure out what this “something” was at a young age… but that didn’t stop him from continuing to perfect his game, and learn more and more about what really makes a woman want a man. These days he’s practically UNSTOPPABLE… and in our interview he explained what YOU need to do to reach that same level of success… and become the type of man that women FANTASIZE about… Let’s get right into it...

1. Be Authentic, Not “Approval-Seeking” One great idea Zan shared is that most men have lost the notion of MASCULINITY... we’ve become conditioned to believe that it’s not “OK” to be a guy who LOVES women… and lets them know it. Instead, most guys are lead to believe that they need to mask their desires, and hide their natural inclinations… because they’re afraid if they don’t they will come across as needy… But Zan says you CAN be direct about being attracted to a woman – IF you come from the right place. Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 3 ::: Zan himself is VERY DIRECT with a woman when he first meets her. He’ll often walk right up to her and say, “Wow, you’re dazzling. Who are you, and why aren’t you my girlfriend?” Now, if you look at what he says on the surface it may sound “over the top”… and you might think he’s being too complimentary… But the big point to get here is that you can pull off giving a compliment like this – and make a HUGE impact on a woman – IF you’re coming from a place of AUTHENTICITY rather than neediness. Because Zan has a fun, playful attitude that REEKS of confidence… and because he’s genuine and sincere, women are swept away by his bold and direct approach. Now… if he said the exact same words while coming from a place of neediness, or trying to “impress” a woman and gain her approval, you can bet he would get a totally different response. Women would pick up on it and think “There’s something wrong here… this just doesn’t feel right.” But… when you have the attitude of “I have my act together… and I’m not desperate… but hey… you have my attention and I’m confident enough to let you know it,” you can say just about ANYTHING and women will respond positively. Approaching a woman and telling her you are attracted to her in this way is VERY different from going up to her and telling her how beautiful she is and how you would do anything to be with her… and it’s also very powerful. Next time you see a woman that you find attractive, let her know it in a playful, confident, and non-approval seeking way. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the reaction you get.

2. Take Her On An Adventure Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 4 ::: Zan shared another point that I thought was simply GOLDEN. He said a woman doesn’t want to BE the adventure… she wants to be TAKEN on one. She wants to be taken along your path… she doesn’t want to BECOME your path. She doesn’t want to be the SOLE PURPOSE in a man’s life, but she wants to be with a man who HAS a purpose. Get the point? Women are attracted to men who have lives that are BIGGER than the women in them... who don’t put ALL their attention on her. Zan says this is one of the key traits of the natural. He has a purpose that ISN’T her. He’s going somewhere important, a destination that HE chose… and he’d love it if she came along, but he’s going there with or without her. This is a CRUCIAL mindset… and one of the biggest things that separates the “naturals” from every other guy out there. The more you can incorporate it and make it a part of who you are, the more you’ll find women are COMPELLED to join you on your path.

3. The Greatest Aphrodisiac Here’s another fascinating point Zan shared… For centuries, the men who were great with women all recognized one thing… and it’s this: HONESTY IS THE GREATEST APHRODISIAC. This means 2 things: Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Never play with a woman’s emotions. Be upfront with your intentions… if she’s looking for a boyfriend and you’re looking for some short term fun, let her know. You’ll be surprised how attracted she’ll be to your honesty… even if it’s not exactly what she wants to hear.


Never defend yourself from having a reputation as a player. Be comfortable with your love of women.

Women respect men who are upfront about who they are and where they’re coming from. Try it out for yourself…

4. Real Men Are Rare Zan also shared that every man who wants to improve his success with women must go through a process of getting rid of LIMITING BELIEFS. It’s these beliefs that hold us back more than anything else. At one of Zan’s seminars, a guy approached him and complained “Women never like me… I’m just too short”. Zan told him, “The only thing you’re short on is the will to erase your self-limiting beliefs.” Zan says that the guys in history that enjoyed incredible success with women weren’t good looking… and they weren’t rich… but they were willing to question their limiting beliefs and look at things in different ways. I spent a lot of my early life looking at attractive women and thinking “Wow, if I could get one of THOSE… that sure would be cool… they’re so rare and valuable…” Well, I love looking at things from perspectives no one has considered before… and when I looked at this from the WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE… I realized something INCREDIBLE…

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 6 ::: Real men… men who have their lives together, both inside and out… are FAR MORE RARE than attractive women. When I saw this, I had a HUGE perspective shift… I went from a scarcity to an abundance mindset… and things have never been the same since. It’s amazing how everything changes once you make a shift on the inside…

5. Focus On What REALLY Matters You know, one of my favorite “opening lines” is simply “Hey”. The reason I like it so much is because if you’re just starting out and you say “hey”, you realize that the words you use make very little difference… The words aren’t the most important piece… it’s the way you’re looking at her… your body language… your tone of voice… and your mindset. It’s THOSE things that are creating the impact, NOT the words. And when you reach the next level and you’ve mastered all that OTHER stuff… once you have a solid foundation… that’s when specific words make more of a difference. You may be with a woman… and you’ll realize that at this particular moment, with this particular woman, if I said THIS it will be absolute magic. But until you have all that other stuff handled, “hey” is the best opener you can use…

6. Make Fun Of Yourself – In The Right Way Zan also said that naturals never take anything, including women, too seriously…

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 7 ::: They make fun of everything… even themselves. He says that the great seducers throughout time have recognized the value of self-deprecating humor… and what he means by this is poking a little fun at YOURSELF. When a woman says she wants a man with a sense of humor, she doesn’t mean she wants a guy who tells great jokes. She means a guy who can see the humor in EVERYTHING… and has the confidence to find it even when it means finding the humor in HIMSELF. Most men aren’t secure enough to do this, but great naturals from Errol Flynn to Casanova to George Clooney make fun of themselves all the time… in just the right way… Obviously if an insecure guy said, “Yeah, you’d never like me… I’m just a dumb ass” he’d miss the mark COMPLETELY. But if you already have your inner game handled to a large degree, a little humor directed at yourself shows a woman that you’re an incredibly confident guy. Zan made the point that this also helps you to avoid coming across as “TOO SMOOTH”… You have to show a woman a little vulnerability… that there’s a human side to you. Most women feel vulnerable… so if you don’t show some vulnerability as well… she’ll feel driven to REJECT YOU to prove the point that “Hey, you’re an imperfect person just like me”. This is why many guys who are great with women CONSCIOUSLY inject a hint of vulnerability into their interactions with women. They CHOOSE to be less than perfect… When someone asked Cary Grant how he’s so successful with women, he said, “I’ll tell women that I can’t get it up”.

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 8 ::: Obviously you don’t have to go THAT far… but I think you get the point. Women need to understand that although you’re great with women, you have a human, imperfect side to you as well. And the combination of a confident vibe, along with a willingness to admit your imperfections, is like STEROIDS for attraction. Trust me on this one.

7. Make Boring Things EXCITING Zan agreed with me on an important point… The ability to make another person FEEL something… whether it’s passion, or laughter, or surprise… is a POWERFUL skill to have. This is true of life in general… and it’s particularly true when it comes to women. Let’s say you’re down having a couple of drinks at happy hour with friends… and you meet an attractive woman in a business suit who’s obviously very successful. After a few minutes of conversation, she mentions that she just got a promotion… and you shoot back with, “Don’t give me that. I bet you stand around the water cooler chatting with your friends… I don’t know if I’d even hire you myself…” If you do it in the right way, you not only create what I call “sexual tension” but you also send the message that “I’ve got pretty high self-esteem, because I’m going to mess with you, you ‘powerful woman’…” It sounds like a normal conversation on the surface, but on another level it’s a very SEXUAL form of communication. Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 9 ::: The ability to take normal, mundane conversation topics and spin them into fun, flirty conversation not only lets a woman know she’ll NEVER have a dull moment with you… but also makes her curious to spend more time with you… so do this as often as you can.

9. Make Her Pleasure Your Mission Zan has another powerful belief that is VERY different from other men out there… and women can sense it… It’s this: Zan truly believes that every woman is lacking passion in her life… and it’s HIS MISSION to give it back to her. Nice. To get a better idea of what he’s talking about when he says this… and a better idea of the type of guy Zan is in general… check out the movie “Don Juan DeMarco” with Johnny Depp. And be sure to listen to Zan’s interview several times, and begin incorporating these beliefs into your life immediately. Don’t be surprised if women start responding to you in an entirely new way. I’ll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D. P.S. If you enjoyed this interview, I highly recommend you check out my Sexual Communication product. You can learn all about it here:

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Sexual Communication Women are VERY “fluent” in the language of Sexual Communication but most men are NOT. The men who ARE fluent in this language have incredible success with women. Some men have been with literally hundreds and hundreds of women... and I’ve met men who have been with ZERO women. The men who have been with more women universally know the language of Sexual Communication well, and those who haven’t been successful with women, do not. Start speaking this hidden language. Your package includes either 6 digitally recorded and edited audio CDs or 3 DVDs of me PERSONALLY teaching you everything I’ve described above, a 47- page, detailed workbook, and a sturdy 3-ring binder to hold your materials. For more details, go here:

P.P.S. And here are some other killer products that will help you take the ideas from this interview to the NEXT LEVEL:

Double Your Dating eBook If you’re looking to increase your success with women DRAMATICALLY, “Double Your Dating” is a MUST READ. It’s JAM PACKED with dozens and dozens of specific strategies for overcoming fear, approaching women, getting phone numbers and email addresses from women quickly, great inexpensive or even free date ideas, and advice on how to take things to a “physical” level smoothly and easily.

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 11 ::: For more details, go here:

Attraction Isn’t A Choice eBook As a man, the most important skill you will ever discover is how to trigger SEXUAL ATTRACTION inside of a woman… and this eBook shows you exactly how to do it. You’ll learn the secrets of the guys who have INCREDIBLE and consistent success with women, and the hidden primal “triggers” you can use to make women feel that irresistible, “gutlevel” attraction for you... every time! You’ll get the 169 page, downloadable eBook, plus a FREE bonus eBook, “How To Change Yourself”. For more details, go here:

Power Sexuality When a man has Sexual Confidence a woman can just FEEL that he is a stud in the bedroom… and she instinctively knows that she has finally met someone who can unlock the wild sexual being inside of her. This program is designed to help men overcome the same sexual issues that held me back from success with women for many years… the very personal stuff Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 12 ::: that doesn’t just “disappear” on its own… and can affect you your entire life unless you take action to get rid of it. In it, you’ll also learn the REAL SECRETS to driving a woman wild with pleasure and excitement... from how to build sexual tension and chemistry to the exact steps to take to give a woman an experience far more pleasurable than she ever dreamed possible. This program will give you a SEXUAL POWER over women that very few men will ever experience... and you need to get it. 8 audio CDs or 4 digitally recorded and edited DVDs. For more details, go here:

Mastery With Women And Dating My new Mastery program is the ultimate A-Z guide to dating success. In it you’ll discover strategies and techniques for every aspect of attracting women… from how to use body language and eye contact to make a woman notice you, to killer word-for-word opening lines for DOZENS of unique situations. Best of all, you’ll learn the exact steps you need to transform yourself into the type of man who consistently attracts desirable women as a regular part of your life… with no special “efforts” on your part. This power packed program contains over 20 hours of raw material and features guest appearances from guys who are some of the best in the world with women and dating. It contains either 20 CDs or 10 DVDs and a 160 page quick-reference workbook to guide you along. If you’re serious about taking your success with women to the next level, it’s an ABSOLUTE MUST. Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 13 ::: For more details, go here:

Advanced Dating Techniques In this program you’re going to learn the core technologies for meeting, dating, and attracting women. This material requires no special skills or previous experience. You’ll be using the materials that you learn IMMEDIATELY and seeing better results INSTANTLY with women. I guarantee it. The contents of this program were taped live over a special 3-day event I did that was specifically designed to systematically teach all aspects of my theories, models, and techniques. Over 12 full hours of digitally recorded material on 11 Audio CDs, an accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aides, a detailed track listing for quick access, plus a sturdy 3-ring binder to hold your materials. For more details, go here:

Cocky Comedy Cocky Comedy is the single most effective way to spark attraction in a woman, FAST. It’s no coincidence that every “natural” I’ve ever met has been a master of Cocky Comedy, whether they knew Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 14 ::: it by name or not. This program will show you how to make this powerful skill a permanent and natural part of your personality, quickly and easily. It’s filled with literally HUNDREDS of wordfor-word lines you can start using TONIGHT to attract women… from tips on starting conversations, building attraction and sexual tension fast, making phone conversations exciting, to how to drive a women crazy in the bedroom, you’ll learn something for every situation. This program contains over 6 full hours of material on 6 CDs or 3 DVDs, plus a workbook and a sturdy 3-ring binder to hold your materials. For more details, go here:

Body Language In my new Body Language program I will show you how to use your body to communicate your sexual attractiveness to women INSTANTLY---in a way that most men will never figure out. This program is packed with extensive “live on-stage” demonstrations to show you the specific moves and techniques you can use to let a woman know that YOU are the most desirable man in the room. You’ll also learn easy ways to read a woman’s body language and know EXACTLY what she is thinking and feeling... so YOU know exactly when she is interested... and when you should make a move. This intensive training program comes on 4 digitally recorded and edited DVDs and like all of my programs, comes with a “no questions asked” 100% money-back guarantee. For more details, go here:

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Approaching Women Mastering the ability to approach women and start conversations will DRAMATICALLY increase the amount of women you meet... getting you more dates and often more options than you know what to do with. In this program you’ll get DOZENS of proven word-for-word lines and techniques for approaching women in every situation you could possibly think of... and also learn simple formulas for creating your own KILLER stuff “on the spot”. More importantly, I’ll show you simple ways to CRUSH nervousness and anxiety... and develop the FEARLESS confidence to approach a woman in any situation and get her number FAST. If you’re serious about improving your success with women quickly, this program is a MUST. Over 6 full hours on 3 DVDs or 6 Audio CDs. For more details, go here:

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Deep Inner Game A guy’s inner game is the single most important factor in his success with women... and also the most difficult to fix. In this program, my co-trainer Dr. Paul and I set out to change that. Dr. Paul is a world-renowned psychiatrist who specializes in helping men get over their inner game problems... and together we’ll show you how to upgrade your brain with the latest in “dating” and “confidence” software. Fear, anxiety, depression, nervousness, loneliness, anger and frustration will quickly become a thing of the past--- you’ll learn how to ban all of them from your system QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY using Dr. Paul’s patented system. Dr. Paul has a unique knack for tackling deep psychological problems in a way that is effective, humorous and easy-to-understand... and if you’re like the rest of the guys who have gone through this program, you’ll be AMAZED at just how powerful his system is. There is a very good chance that this program contains EXACTLY what you need to take your life to the next level... and if you’ve tried EVERYTHING and can’t get a grip on what your problem is and how to solve it... then this program is especially for YOU. Over 15 full hours on 7 DVDs and 2 CDs. For more details, go here:

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Bars & Clubs In my new program “Meeting Women In Bars & Clubs” my amazing friends and I will give you the proven, step-by-step strategies to master the bar and club scene and meet and date some of the hottest women in the entire world. You’ll also learn clever ways to get on the list and past the velvet ropes of the most exclusive venues in your town. If you’re serious about competing in this arena—-and reaping the rewards—-you owe it to yourself to get it now. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned pro, this program will INSTANTLY make you better... and give you an unbeatable advantage over every other man who tries to compete. I personally guarantee it. Over 6 full hours on 4 DVDs or 8 CDs. For more details, go here:

Meeting Women Online These days there are literally MILLIONS of attractive, single women online... and lucky for you most guys have NO IDEA how to attract them and get dates. In my new “Meeting Women Online” program, you’ll learn the proven tactics my friends and I use to meet DOZENS of women on the web each and every month... and how to systemize it in a way that makes it almost TOO EASY to meet the women you want. Whether you’re looking for a surefire Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

::: 18 ::: way to meet a lot of women fast, or find a high quality woman to settle down with, the web is the best place to do it, and this program will make it easy for you. Over 9 full hours on 5 DVDs or 10 CDs. For more details, go here:

On Being A Man Have you ever asked a “natural” how they get women? Most don’t really seem to know. It certainly isn’t “lines” or “techniques”… as they don’t need them. This program is designed to help you transform yourself into a man who attracts women “naturally”... without “effort” or “hard work”. Upon going through it, you will stop worrying about success with women… or even thinking about how it happens for you… as it will just be a natural part of your life as a man. The skills to make this happen are locked inside of you, and have been your whole life. It’s time to get them out... and start actually getting the dream women you want. 7 audio CDs or 4 digitally recorded and edited DVDs. For more details, go here:

Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report – Zan Interview ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

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