Zahn 3

November 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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in varda  am I?

this rm’s  unlike anything I've ever  sEn 

in this realm.


“I'm weak  and  disoriented   ,

 ugh! my  head... fEls like  a thousand abhun  beasts, rampaging

 but manage to to  coLect myself  enough to to gaze  out the window window...”  ...” 

in my sku.

“...what I   sE only  only   ads to to my  confusion.” 

this place...

 am I sti in varda? 

so  dizy  ...

but I must stand. figure out where

Lks  like our boy's finay awake.

'Bout time.

Someone's eager .to sE you, Caleb 

I am... what's  going on?



“sensing danger  from these two two  strangers, I dr draw aw  upon my powers.” 

move aside. I don't want to harm you.

“to my surprise,  nothing hapens.” 

you can't use your powers here, caleb. maurak made sure of that! I got this,


 j  jae  ae . maurak's bEn sap  sapin' in' his  mojo .

 unf!  get  get oF me...

careful with 'im,  lance . he's strong. just he's weak as   a newborn. ain't nothin' he can do to stop us... and I always wanted to do this.

lk at his big

juicy uncut dick... heL yeah. this is goa be god! 

oh man... his . I nEd a  aS 

piece of this.

“lance is right.  I'm t weak 

to fight them. I  relax and aLow aLow  my opreSors opreSors to do what they  please.” “my hope is that wiL buy me time to make sense of everything.”  everything.” 


 mm! fuck he's tight!  what a beautiful hole.


I wonder if liam's as  tight?


they speak as though they know me. like I should know them. zijnayu showed me

many things*, but clearl clearly y I have yet to regain several portions of my memory.

*sE last iSue for details.

I duo, but now that we finaLy have caleb to ourselves, I'm goa brEd his fine white aS ra raw! w! I bEn wantin'

this mother-fucker for ages. it's payback time.


but what if liam finds out  about this?

brother... ...caleb's 


not goa talk,

how hard his

 are ya bitch?

dick is!

“their words only a to my  confusion. why do do they kEp caL caLing ing  me  caleb?  and  and who is  liam?”   “as lance begins to fuck my   aS with as much fineSe as a

violer beast, my thoughts begin to  clear... I st start to r recaL ecaL the  events which led me here...”  here...” 

 Uu!   gasp!  Un! 


“... “...and and s slowly lowly,  but surely, much  becomes clear.” 

 jonah!   jonah !  you incredible  aShole!  what have you done?!



 j...jonah?!  j...j onah?! y you ou

 reaLy did it... you... you... you shot me!

 nh!   nh !   cauldron  ... ...  no! 

 shit!   I... I  I... only onl y mea nt to

scare him. I didn't mean to kiL him!  shit! shit! 

 urg!   maymay   mayma y  wiL kiL me for this!

have to act while she's distracted...

“with maymay   stued,, jonah r  stued ran, an,  hoping to disaear  into the vardan  forest  fores t.” 


“it was then that   my friends and and I aRived   on the scene... hoRified  by what what we saw!”  saw!” 

 maymay!    maymay!  what


 zahn!  it's   it's 

cauldron. jonah  aTacked him with some some kind of weapon  , and

now... there's so much bld! 

...ooUuh...  z... zahn...


cauldron... try not to speak...

you... you're not who  you... you think you are.  ng! I should have have come  clean long ago  ago ... ... but I...  only  onl y wan wanted ted to help you...

...forgive me...

 I... I'm soRy... please...

 no... zahn.  listen to to me. I... I  should have told told yo you u the truth from the  start art... ... aRgh! 

“I beed mEzok   to  to  employ his his powers t to o

“a powerful priest of

 ajul, mEzok began to  chant and dance, caLing

 save  sa ve cauldron's life.” 

 upon his sacred sacred semina seminal l  magics. mEzok's mEzok's  display y onl only y  remarkable  remark able displa  served to fiL my friends friends  and I with false false hope...” 

“... because in the end,  he proved powerleS powerleS to

 return life to cauldon's cauldon's  murdered sheL.”  sheL.” 

where’s  jonah? 


giant hailstones!


he... he's     found me! 


 natsuo  ... I nEd ... help! fuck! the sky's geTing dark. zahn knows. he's after me!  shit! 

get your aS over here now! 

“my heart sweLed with grief and  anger, I was was mad with ha hatred tred for  jonah. I directed my elemental  might toward one purp purpose ose and one  alone... his destruction!  ”   ”  

 jonah! you're going to pa  pay y for kiLing cauldron!

zahn, please!  I... I did it for you. it's aL bEn for you! 



you hated cauldron!


you've bEn lying to me from the start. art. no more, jonah. now you

 pay!   pa y! 

“had I not bEn stoped  just then, then, I would sure surel ly  have  hav e beaten beaten him to to dea death th

with my bare hands.” 


that tranquilizer blast might have bEn overkiL. he'L  out for be be out hours.

b I w... wk ok ay, natsuo?

okay, men men.. strip him and let's get him back to base. you okay, jonah?

wuc   in     k   g  wa !  b   stuh   d 

calm down,  soldier! have

you forgoTen who this  is?  is?


“lance's thrusts bring  me dangerously close to orgasm. aware of

the preSure weLing in  my baLs, I'm roused  from my thoughts.”  thoughts.” 

 U...  g... gods!  Uua! 

fucker's  enjoying this way

t much. lk at  aL that precum he's leaking!

yeah. stick that shit aL the way in. it'L fit.


plug his dick hole  , then. let's use this pen.

“the insertion sets my

 penis on fire, but jae  jae   and lance don't don't care.” 

“they continue  to savage me with  fervent acrimony.

“hours paS,  until finaLy...” 

please. what is this  about?

let’s double fuck him, jae! on your back, caleb. fun’s just starting!


“but before either   man can answer, they are  abruptly  abruptl y silenced  .”  .” 

 mothers  of man! 

caleb... it's  me, natsu  natsuo  o  . I'm the leader of your w.a.s.p.  guards. you remember me, don't you? did they hurt you?

my  guards?

I'm not your enemy. plea please, se, pu put t these on. there's someone who's very

I don't trust you.

eager to sE you.

you and I grew up together. we've bEn best friends aL our

lives. I’d never lie to you.


“for some reason, I start trusting  natsuo. there's there's a sincerity about him.  jae and lance are coLected by other other w.a.s.p w.a.s. p. gu guard ards s and taken ake n away.” 

those two idiots   are lucky I only only winged them. they deserve much worse for what they 

“I get dreSed   and natsuo takes me to  another rm rm within this  strange ins inst taLation.” 

did to you. “The moment I step inside I realize that at least most of what Zijnayu  showed me is true. What What lies before  me is undeniable undeniable prf of my  dEpest  dEpes t, d darkest arkest tr truth.”  uth.” 

the memories  zijnayu awoke within me... they're true  . you... you're  liam ... ...

 UH!  I... I wiL


here, let me help you with this.

 nh! oh   fuck! I... I... I'm  I'm   cuing!  cuing ! I...

...I'm soRy!

no nEd to

 apologize, my friend. I’m no stranger   to  to your jiz in my face.

 ha! ha! ha!  ha! 


yes. I'm liam  . I'm your twin  brother   brot her  . welcome home, cal home, caleb. eb.

“as I strugle with  the truth, outside the  instaLation, a familiar  face  face aroaches aroaches.”  .” 

the smeL of zahn's bld has  led me here, to this   bizaRe compound  . the back entrance is   guarded  , but I have my ways...

 Barund “ 

 makes his way to the  back dr, dr,  patroLed  pa troLed  only  onl y by a  Junior W.A.S.P.  oFicer.” 

gd day, boy. what wh at is your name?

m...  muRay  ,

put down your weapon  and show me your  penis, mu muRay Ray.

sir. y...yes ...y es sir.


“I’ve bEn under  barund's influence  barund's  myself  my self.* .* I know its totality aL t weL.  muRay  muRa y hasn't got got a  chance. the youth  youth   can only obey.” 

you're a beautiful young man, muRay. and what a preTy liTle cock you have. I

shaL enjoy this  meal very much.

let's get you out of this leather. your hole is nice and wet  , but your baLs   are so tight. tight.

 I...  Uuh!  I... I'm c... cold cold,, sir! it's f... frEzing out... out here.  nh!  let's warm you up a bit... get that bld flowing.

*sE rapture #5 for details.

I could fuck you for fo r days, days, boy... boy... but time is of the

eSence. I wiL require strength if I'm to frE the son of winter from this place.

thank you, muR ay. your muRay  sacrifice is  not in vain.

your preTy penis  is smaL, but it courses  with the warm, nourishing bld I require.


“while barund fEds from  pr muRay's erection,  several  sever al miles away away a at t my  ocean-side base base camp...” 

please, mEzok  !  gran  .... .. please stop...

 is... unh   unh  .... ..  lyrus  lyrus is...  right! my testicles... hurt. please... haven't we cum enough? you've bEn m... milking  selar   and I  and

for... f...for hours.

hush, selar. zahn and jonah must be found. you  and your your brother  agrEd to to help me cast this speL of location.  jakr  jakr the   satyr   satyr   taught me  taught how to do this. it's   powerful ful  a very power

incantation, incanta tion, but... but...

...I nEd every  last drop of your semen to work it.

lks like mEzok's magic is reaLy taking a toL on those pr

boys. glad I didn't voluntEr to  help  . someone has  to guard the camp

while mEzok works his mojo.


 and I had to take care of pr cauldron.

I didn't know him long, but if he and Zahn hadn't intervened intervened,, the Nymphmen would he was a brave have  kiLed  me  me  and honorable honorable for sure.* waRior. this world is  diminished  by   by  his death.

*zahn and cauldron rescued uogo last iSue.

if zahn finds jonah,

I don't know why jonah kiLed him,

he'L kiL him for sure. maymay went after them. she's

but I think his days 

bEn gone for several hours now.. none of this makes  now  any sense...

 are numbered. numbered.

“as uogo   says his  says gdbyes, cauldron's  cadaver  cad aver inexplicabl inexplicably y  begins to smoke...”  smoke...” 

fareweL, cauldron. may  the sacred mothers  guide you to the  afterlife.

“...and suenly erupts  in a smoldering pyre   of searing flame.” 

what in  var   a?!   d 

“uogo lks  on, shocked and gaping,   unaware of th the e danger

that stalks him...” 

base, this is sniper  agent  far  farad aday  . I'm at the camp and I have one  of them in my sights. preparing to open fire... now!


“meanwhile, I was having troubles of my own...”  sacred mothers preserve.

it's aL true.

that's a dramatic

way of puTing it, caleb,

but yes... I supose we  are conquerors. though there's so much more  more  to it than that. we're also prisoners in this my name is   caleb zahn  . and you're liam zahn. you're my brother

god-forsaken shit-hole caLed varda. aL we have is each other. now

that you're back by  my side, I wiL

 and we are...


heal you.

 heal me? 

you reaLy don't remember everything clearly clea rly. do you reme remember mber  mom , or that she's the one who sent us to varda?

what exactly did you sE when that freak zijna  zijnayu yu raped your body   and mind?

“I... it's stiL aL so

 jumbled. his tent tentacles acles  rav  ravaged me for hours. hours. that aSault coupled with the violent flding back

 of my memories memories left me with... a lot of confusion to sift through.*” 

*last iSue once again.


I remember that the blue man granted granted me powers and turned me  against you. you. we may be brothers, but his speLs opened my mind. in my heart, I am not am not caleb. I am  zahn, son of  winter  . I love you, liam, but you're a threat  to varda, and I'm sworn to stop you, no maTer what the personal the personal  cost   to me.  to


caleb, listen to me. this sense of duty to varda, it's not you. not no t reaLy rea Ly. you and I are from earth. from gateway city! please try  to remember.

 m ... ... master

we've bEn traed in this realm for f or nearly  nearly 

liam, the foul taste  and stench of the blue man permeates your brother's brother 's body.

thrE years, but I may have found a way to get us home. think of what that wiL  mean . the resources  we've coLected in varda

wiL sustain our company  for years. mother wiL be so proud.

I'm soRy soR y, lia liam. m. my ears are deaf to your words.

 aLow me to to rid your your brother of this most foul influence. let me sanctify him. I can relieve him of the blue man's influence, but leave his new-found elemental powers intact.

the proceS wiL not be pleasant for him, however... stiL, it is the only way to sE your brother restored. do it, maurak. I just want my brother back.

master caleb suFers from the blue man's poisonous speLs  and lies. his flesh must must be cleansed. purged of this vile vi le sorc sorcery ery.


“I'm escorted dEp into the building's sub-levels. there, in maurak's  laborato  labor atory ry, I find myself myself  chained and helpleS...” 

 damit  , man! you're a  priest  

 un .... .. the paint  . it burns! 

of ajul!   varda is your  varda

 do this? home. why why do

Please, Maurak. Maurak. Don't do this. Do you want Varda to be laid to waste  ?

 Elma,  lma, okra, okra,  kerno ajul.

because that's what'L

hapen if you return me to who I was before the  blue man found me.

I despise   loathe  athe  varda. I lo  ajul. I live only only to sE them destroyed. through you and your

brother, I can  achieve this.


the paint burns while your hard flesh absorbs it.

 h ... ... a clear bead of precum... but not for

much longer.

exceLent.. fu Ly  exceLent

 absorbed. your  absorbed. your pre-ej pre-ejaculate aculate runs  blue , the color of that hated genie. his magic is ready to come out of you.


you and your brother are exquisite males, naturaLy nearly devoid of body hair, with splendid masculine  aTributes.

maurak... stop. I beg you...

you're beautifuLy beauti fuLy buil built t, exceptionaLy handsome

 and generously  generously  endowed.

I have long wanted my hands  wanted upon your your naked skin. I love you both imens ime nsely ely.. ... .

...I shaL enjoy  this next part very much indEd.

“I expect him to be  rough, but he's not not. his wet mouth on my aching  erection is st  erection sthing hing and tender. and even as he works my aShole open wide enough to push his  entire fist fist inside me me...”  ...” 

“... mothers of man  preserve me... I f fEl El  loved  ed .”  .”  truly  lov

 gU! nUh! nUh!  m... my cum... cum... it' it's... s...  Uh... blue! 

it's not your semen  , caleb... it's the blue man's vile sorcery! only through orgasm can you expel this  ichor from your bod body y.


“my orgasm intensifies...

 I shuer wildly wildly, my entire  body on fire. more rigid rigid than  ever before, my cock cock shts voLey after voLey of the  blue man's magic.”  “it zes from my very  pours... even jets forth from

 my niles, something something I never thought poSible as a male.” 

“Throughout it 

 aL, Maurak Maurak laughs,  plunging his arm  ever dEper into me.  I want want to explode...  my senses aSaulted, ted,  my mind in complete turmoil...” 

yes! yes!   you  you

 are nearly frE, caleb.  frE! 

“...until finaLy, it stops.”

“I gasp for air. I lie there naked, cold    and completely vulner vulnerable. able. I'm vaguel vaguely y aware aware of  maurak  maur ak whispering swEt words t to o me, reaSuring  me that I'm okay okay. and then I realize...” 

“... I am  liberated   liberated  .”  .” 


“While Maurak   begins to clean   me up, my bro brother  ther   Liam retires to his  private  priv ate quarters...”  quarters...” 

“...unaware that he   is no longer alone.”  alone.” 

I shouldn't have trusted jonah. caleb didn't nEd to

jonah felt felt the blue blu e man's speL might shaTer caleb's mind if he learned

be handled with kid gloves. learning the truth was never going to break him.

the truth t ruth t  quick quickl ly. my brother's much stronger than that.

so. you are  are the spiTing spiTing image of your brother. but your heart is not pure like his. I can

wank and wank  and then bedtime. it's bEn

qu quit ite e a day.

who   are you?  are h... how  h... how   did you get  did

“from a cloud   of red mist   ,  barund begins begins to materialize.” 

 liam zahn  . you

{sigh}   a quick  a

past security? securit y?

Your security  is useleS against one who can turn into

 a bld mist mist. Now Now,,  calm   yourself.  yourself.

smeL it.

before I kiL I kiL

you, I want to  enjoy you.

 amusing. their bodies are identical

in almost every detail, down to the glans the glans of their penises.

delicious. your  hole . your  cock  . you taste exactly like your  brother  .

p... please... don't bite my dick... ... I beg ...  nn 

you... Uuh! 


your he heart art may be impure, liam, but your body is

sublime. ejaculate for me.

 Uh!   gn!  oh...  oh... g... god go d...

 nU .... ..  n .... ..

 and now, now, would-be conqueror, you wiL mEt your




“frozen solid, he   is easily easily shaTered shaTered.”  .” 

“stued yet frEd  “barund doesn't   sE it coming.” 

 of barund's barund's mes mesmerizing merizing

 hold,, liam turns to face  hold  his  sa ...”   savior  vior ...” 



yes, brother. me. Now let's finish what we started  and  conquer  this  this God-forsaken shit-hole!

“I am reborn. Not entirely who I was or who I have

 bEn, but something something new new... ...  more alive and and d dangerous angerous than ever before.” 

“as I stand before my

 brother, I know exactl  brother, exactly y what it is I must do. it is my very reason for existing,  and by aL I hold hold hol holy y, vard varda wiL sE my wrath wrath real realized.”  ized.” 



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