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How Did You Trade Today?

Are You Still Struggling With Your Forex Trading? Here is a Simple and Easy Way to Make Profitable Trades Everyday You will be amazed at the Simplicity of this System Z-WINNER is designed to trade the American Session

No more waking up in the middle of the night to t rade the London Session

DISCLAIMER The material provided below is for educational purposes only. Forex trading carries a high level of risk. If you decide to trade do not invest more than you can easily afford to lose. Seek  advice from a Registered Professional before you trade.  All World Rights reserved. This is a copyright copyright material ©. Reproduction of this material in any way, shape or form, including duplication or delivery via post or the internet or any other means, is strictly prohibited.  All world Rights Reserved. Copyright © November 2009 Dr. Zain Agha

Here is an easy and a very simple Forex Trading System called the "Z-WINNER" It is based on just one i ndicator that has been there for ages but not many people know how to use it profitably. I will show you how I trade it profitably and you too can do so. I have also made a Template for the MT4 Trade Station. I have received replies to my question and that is that most traders use MT4 Trading Platform. Having a Template that signals through Arrows to Buy or to Sell is a great help. I have therefore made a Template that will give you Buy and Sell Signals through Up or Down Arrows. All you need to do is to trade in that direction and keep making money almost everyday. Z-WINNER will catch all the Big Moves when its a Trending Day and provide you with more than 100 pips or so on most Major Pairs. You can trade all the Major Pairs. I have made the system so easy that any child of 12 or over can also trade it easily, but the law says that you must be at least 18 to trade currencies. Well what I mean to say is that I have made it extremely easy for anyone to just watch the arrows and take the trade in that direction. No more waking up in the middle of the night to trade the London Session. Have a peaceful nights sleep and get up at 7 in the morning and have a look at your Charts. Look at all the Major Pairs. From time to time you will continue receiving Signals on all Major Pairs. You can receive your first Entry Signal anytime between 7 and 10.00 in the morning. As I mentioned earlier, Z-WINNER is an extremely Profitable System when the Market is Trending. You can get trending days for weeks and then suddenly the Trend stops and Ranging Days start, they are there for a few days and then the Markets either Retrace and start Trending in the opposite direction or continue Trending in the same direction. It is therefore important to trade everyday without fail and you will soon start to feel as if you have become Psychic and you will know which way the markets will go. The days when the markets are Ranging, you will not make that much profit but you will still make some. What I do is make a note of the Support and Resistance and keep taking the trades in the Major Trend Direction. I make sure that I get at least a few pips. I don't allow my trades to hit my Stop Loss. If the trades are going against me, I will take a small loss and get out quick. I don't wait for the stop loss to get hit. At least I try not to but you never know. In some cases I can get stopped out. OK lets come back to how we trade and how you can trade too. The Indicator I use is the Commodity Channel Index (CCI). It was Developed by Donald Lambert. The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) measures the variation of a security's price from its statistical mean. High values show that prices are unusually high compared to average prices whereas low values indicate that prices are unusually low.



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The CCI is a versatile indicator capable of producing a wide array of buy and sell signals. However, there are three basic methods of interpreting the CCI: 1) Looking for divergences. A divergence occurs when the i nstrument's prices are making new highs while t he CCI is failing to surpass its previous highs or when the instrument's prices are making new lows while the CCI is failing to surpass its previous lows. These classic divergences are usually followed by a correction in the instrument's price. 2) Trend line breaks can also be used to generate signals. Trend lines can be drawn connecting the peaks and troughs of the CCI. From oversold levels, an advance above -100 and trend line breakout could be considered bullish. From overbought levels, a decline below +100 and a trend line break could be considered bearish. 3) As an overbought/oversold indicator. The CCI typically oscillates between ±100. To use the CCI as an overbought/oversold indicator, readings above +100 imply an overbought condition (and a pending price correction) while readings below -100 imply an oversold condition (and a pending rally). But I use the CCI differently. What I do is to look for the CCI crossing the 50 mark from above or from under. When the CCI crosses the 50 level from below I buy and when it crosses the 50 level from above I Sell. As most of the Indicators are not reliable, you cannot guarantee that the CCI will always provide you profitable trades. So we have to use Filters to avoid False Signals. What I have found is that the CCI is most reliable during the US Session and to filter out the false Signals, I have provided a Template as an added filter that gives the Buy and Sell Arrows. These arrows act as confirmatory secondary signals. OK, the theory out of the way, lets explain you through the charts: THE SETUP:

Time Frame: 15 Minutes and 1 Hr whichever you prefer Instrument : All Major Pairs Trading Time : US Session 7:00 to 17:00 Eastern Time Indicators: CCI 14 Period, Delete +100 and -100 Horizontal lines and add +50 Horizontal line instead. Moving Averages : 3SMA and 9SMA The above is for all Trading Platforms and we also have a Z-WINNER Template for the MT4 Platform. I have tried to make a small video to show you how to setup your charts.

Good try. Sorry I am not good at videos. OK here is how you setup your charts. First open a 15 Minutes EUR/USD or any other chart.



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Add the 14 Period CCI as shown in the following chart: Make sure to remove the +100 and the -100 Horizontal Lines and add +50 horizontal line instead.

Now add 2 Simple Moving Averages, the 3SMA and the 9SMA as shown in the chart below



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In addition you will also get a Template to trade on the MT4 Platform.


Here is an example chart showing how the Z-WINNER System is traded. As I mentioned earlier, its a very simple and easy system to trade, we look for the CCI to cross the +50 li ne (marked in red) either from above or below. In the following example chart, the CCI crossed the +50 line from below ( Blue Arrow) giving us a Buy Signal and as soon as the next candle opened, we went long at 1.4926. We also got entry confirmation by the 2 SMA crossovers a little earlier. Before we start our trading in the morning, we must make a note of the time of News Releases. Once we are in the Market, we keep our eyes on any Economic Data being released that might affect our trading. You must have the webpage of www.forexfactory.com open a few minutes before the News Release by your side and keep your eyes on the numbers being released. If the numbers are favourable then stay in the Market until you get the Exit Signal. If the numbers come out against you then exit immediately and take whatever profit you already have. If you are an experienced trader then its better to reverse your trade as you will see in some of my charts later on. You can make profit both ways. STOP LOSS

Always place your Stop Loss 2 pips above the most recent Swing High if you are Short and if you are Long then place your Stop 2 pips below the most recent Swing Low. It is very rare that you would get stopped out but it is wise to place your stops for reasons beyond your control such as Power Failure or Computer Crash, an Earthquake, Bomb Blast, or Sudden Change in the Market. We never know what is in store for us. Once you are in the Market and the trade is going nicely in your favour, stay in the trade until you see the Exit Signal marked with a red circle on the chart below or just before the end of the US Session at 17:00 Eastern Time. We get our Exit signal when we see the CCI crossing the +50 line from the opposite side. Please see the chart below. We got in the market at 09:15 ET and we exit at 15:30 ET at 1.5026, making 98 pips Net Profit.



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The above scenario was just a straight forward Trending Trade. Here is another example of Trades taken during Ranging Market conditions. When there are no news or when the Traders are undecided, the Market moves within a Range. The chart below shows that our first trade went as far as 40 pips in Profit in our favour, yet we made a loss of  2 pips brokers spread. This is because we were trading 100% mechanically. This type of situation calls for some discretion on the Traders side. Because Z-WINNER is completely Mechanical, we missed at l east 30 pips profit. T his type of situations arise from time to time. Its better to use some discreetion on your part. Anyway its a good example of Reversals. We had 2 Reverse trades and each of them made in excess of 30 pips. Those of you who are experienced traders would take advantage of this type of situation.



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Here is the worst scenario you can expect. Calls for some discretion from you the Trader. The first trade went to 41 pips in Profit in our favour, yet we made only 6 pips profit trading on a Mechanical basis. When you go more than 30 pips in profit, its best to place a stop at 30 pips in Profit so that if the market retraces, you can get at least 30 pips profit and when you see the market going back where it was originaly going, you can get in the Market again and make some more profit. This is what I plan to do in my Trading Room that I am going to start in January 2010. You can follow my trades if you join the Trading Room.



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Enough of the worst scenarios. Here is some Sunshine: From time to time we do get some very very good trades. I call them Trader's Dream. Look at the chart below. On the first day of the week I made more than $1500.00 trading just one pair. Some days I trade 3 to 4 pairs if I am not in a rush and have plenty of free time to monitor all t he pairs at the same time. You too can Monetize if you can trade more than one pair at the same time. Try Demo Trading 4 pairs at the same time to get some practice first. OK, here is the chart, just have a look at it. Isn't it Great.



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The following is a tricky one. You must always bear in mind that every pair has an average daily range. The average daily range for EUR/USD is about 150 pips. Today before we started our trading I noticed that this pair had already done 185 pips during the European Session and now it was retracing back. So there was a remote chance of it going further down. Naturally it will either retrace back or trade just within a range. At 8:00 ET I got the Buy Signal and I went Long at 1.4653. Normally I do not put the Stop loss, I would either reverse or exit when I see the trades going against me. But there is always this possibility that the Market could continue another 50 pips or so. Because of this reason I placed my Stop Loss 2 pips below the low of the day at 1.4623 and decided to stay long until the end of the US Session. As you can see in the chart below I made 67 pips profit. So please remember to check the range before you take your entry. Make a list of the average daily range of  all the major pairs and keep it handy by your computer and always check before you place your first trade, how much has the pair already done. We take the daily range from 17:01 ET to 17:00 ET the next day. (24 hours) Look at the chart below. You will notice that the CCI crossed the 50 line t hree times and then came back up. Because it was already decided not to go short but to stay long and if the market continues down we would allow ourselves to get Stopped Out. Because the Pair had already ranged 185 pips, it had very remote chance to go further down.



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Now you know how to trade on the VT Trader or similar Trading Platforms. ========================================================================= Lets now learn about trading on the MT4 Platform. More than 90% of our Members use MT4 Trade Station so here we go. Together with this Manual you would also have received a file called Zwinner.rar Double click on it and the file will open into a folder called Zwinner. Make a folder on your desktop, MT4 Files then extract the Unzipped Zwinner folder into this folder you have made on the desktop. Now you will see 3 files extracted into your MT4 Files desktop folder. They are: 1) ZWinnerAlert.mq4 ... copy or move this file to your MT4/Experts/Indicator folder. 2) zwinner sound alert.tpl ... copy or move this file to your MT4/Templates Folder. Now open your MT4 Charts and right click on each of them, a window will open, look for templates, click on it and there you will see the zwinner.tpl file. Select this file. The zwinner template will be installed on your charts, just watch the Arrows up and down all over. You need to take the Entry Signal from the CCI which will come just after you get the Arrows. Sometimes the arrows come after the CCI Crossover. If the arrow has not appeared even though CCI has crossed the 50 level, please wait for the arrow to appear. Here is a chart showing the Template:



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Here is another example. I have placed 2 Red Vertical Lines, one at the Entry and the other at the exit. Please note that we wait for the appearance of the Arrows before we take our entry or exit. You will notice in the following chart that we get the CCI crossover just before the appearance of the Arrow. We wait for the arrow t o appear before we take the trade. You will also notice that there are several arrows in between, we ignore them all. The only arrows we are concerned with are the ones appearing just before or just after the CCI line crossing the 50 level.

Here is another chart showing where to enter and where to exit. Make sure you get Signals from both the CCI and the arrow before you take the trade or exit and ignore all the arrows in between.



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You can trade 4 Pairs at a time

You can have 6 Charts



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or even 8 currency Pairs on your screen and Monitor them

Now You are Armed with a Weapon to Win The World With Z-WINNER. Go Win The World Before you go, I would like to stress and emphasize that there are 2 qualities you must develop in order to become a Successful Trader. The first one is MONEY MANAGEMENT. I have seen many systems developers out there who sell their systems and strategies and no doubt they have great systems, very few of them talk about Money Management. Without Money Management you are DOOMED. Without a proper Money Management, no matter how great and profitable system you possess and trade with, you can never be successful. This is what I learned in my many years of trading and blowing off my account twice during my early days.. I do not want to bore you and go into much details of Money Management here, but I can just give you a basic Money Management Principle: 

If you have an account size of $10,000.00 or over, do not lose more than 2% per trade

If your account size is about $5000.00, do not lose more than 3% per trade

If your account size is about $1000.00, do not lose more than 5% per trade.

This means that do not lose more than $200.00 per trade if you have an account size of $10,000.00 do not lose more than $150..00 if you have an account size of $5000.00 and do not lose more than $50.00 if your account size is of $1000.00



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Before placing your Order, you must calculate how far is the stop loss and what should be your stake if you lost that trade. Don't think of how much you are going to make, think how much are you prepared to lose, safeguard your losses and capital, profits will come automatically. Do not be Greedy, this is very important, do not think of becoming a Millionaire overnight. It takes time and patience, one step at a time will take you to your destination. No matter what size account you have, always trade Mini Lots whenever you are trying out a New System, until you get familiar with that system. Only then increase your lot size gradually, 0.1 lot per week. This means you start off trading 0.1 lot for the first week, 0.2 lots the second week, 0.3 lots the third week and so on. If you lose 3 times in a row, stop trading for the day. The Markets are always there, you can comeback the next day to trade. 

Discipline is very important, just discipline yourself, be your own Supervisor. Supervise yourself. Don't let yourself stray away from the Trading Plan. The second most important quality a Successful Trader Possesses is a "TRADING PLAN" 

Methodically follow a written Forex Trading System.

Each trader should write his or her own plan, taking into account personal trading styles and goals. Using someone else's plan does not reflect your trading characteristics. How do you feel? Did you get a good night's sleep? Do you feel up to the challenge ahead? If you are not emotionally and psychologically ready to do battle in the markets, it is better to take the day off - otherwise, you risk losing your shirt. This is guaranteed to happen if you are angry, hungover, had an argument with your spouse, preoccupied or otherwise distracted from the task at hand. Many traders have a Market Mantra they repeat before the day begins to get them ready...There is a great Video on Luckytips website. Go to the home page http://www.LuckyTips.co.uk and click on Members Login. Then use USER ID = luckyluck and Password = luckyluck and watch those videos everyday before you start your trading. It will prepare you mentally for Profitable Trading. Set risk level. How much should you risk on any one trade? 

Set Goals – Before you enter a trade, set realistic profit targets and risk/reward ratios. Set weekly, monthly and annual profit goals and re-assess them regularly Do your homework – Before the market opens, what is going on around the world? What economic data is due out and when? Check http://www.ForexFactory.com Post a list on the wall in front of you and decide whether you want to trade ahead of an important economic report. For most traders, it is better to wait until the report is released then take necessary action. Set exit rules. If your stop gets hit, it doesn't mean you were wrong or it was your fault. Don't take it personally. Professional traders lose more trades than they win, but by managing money and limiting losses, they still end up making profits. If you get stopped out, don't get disheartened and stop trading, only to find that the next trade was profitable and you missed it . Keep excellent records – All good t raders are also good record keepers. If they win a trade, they want to know exactly why and how. More importantly, they want to know the same when they lose, so they don't repeat unnecessary mistakes. 

By following the below mentioned instruction and adhearing to it strictly, I am sure you will have many many profitable trades and a very few losing ones. But bear in mind you will lose some trades. No problem. This is part of the game. Its always better to trade in a group. You will know what others are doing. Donate 10% of your Profits to Charity for whatever you give will come back to you multiplied many folds. Please keep me informed about your progress and feel free to ask any questions you may have. Purchasing this Trading Strategy entitles you to a Lifetime Support. You can reach me at: [email protected] I wish you all the best and a very Successful year 2009/2010. Please register on t he Z-WINNER Members Forum at http://zwinner.forumotion.com If you have any questions please ask in the Forum. Either myself or someone else will answer your question. I shall also be posting my views and reviews from time to time. If there are any updates, its the Forum where you will find them. So remember to visit the Forum everyday. Please Note: Please do not post any charts and any question that would reveal the system. The Forum can be visited by anyone, so not revealing the system is in your own interest. I am limiting the sale of Z-WINNER to just a select few. You can approach me directly at [email protected] U.S. Government Required Disclaimer Forex, futures, stock, and options trading is not appropriate for everyone. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using the "Z-WINNER Forex Trading System" or the information in this Manual will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses.




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From time to time please visit this page as I shall be updating the Z-WINNER regularly. I have amended the CCI to also have 2 more levels at 30 and 70 as shown in the following charts. This is to filter out false signals. You may notice that once we are in a Trade, sometimes the CCI keeps cris crossing the 50 level. Some of our members have asked what to do in that case. Well my answer is to plot additional CCI Levels at 30 and 70. I call this Safety Zone. As long as the CCI is within this Zone, you need not worry to exit or Reverse. Sometimes you would notice that the Market is moving within a Range and not trending at all. In such a situation you can change your time frame from 15 minutes to 5 minutes as shown in the charts below: Here is the 15 Minutes Chart. You can notice that the Market is not trending at all. Its Range Bound. In that case we can change the time frame to 5 Minutes.

Here is the 5 Minutes Chart. You will notice that when the Market is Range Bound, you will get quite a few opportunities to trade the Support and Resistance, taking small Profits.



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UPDATES The Profitability of our trades depends on our Exit Strategy I have made it very easy for you to find out when to enter the Markets but our present Exit Strategy is not that profitable. You may have noticed that we have been giving away our profits by not exiting earlier instead we wait for the CCI to come back to the 50 level. There is nothing wrong with this type of Exit Strategy, but we are giving back most of the profits we earned because we are trading the Z-WINNER purely Mechanically. I think we must use our Human Discretion in deciding when to exit. There are three different methods we can adopt to exit the Markets with most of the Profits by not being greedy. We loose all our profits if we stay in the market too long because of our greed. With the help of the charts I shall explain how to use our discretion to decide when to exit with most of the profits. The first method is to exit as soon as we see that we are 100 pips up in profit. Remember that the average Daily Range of EUR/USD is 150 pi ps, so you may also need to calculate where we are presently and how far can the Market go further. The second method is to observe the Market what its doing. I have found through experience that the markets would move at a regular pace during the first hour of the Session Open and then it slows down. Just before the Market is about to retrace, it slows down and comes to a standstill for a minute or so, also by this time the CCI starts turning back, this is the time we can exit. Check  the chart below. You will notice that the Market Paused at 1.5042 and the CCI is pointing back. 1.5042 thus became the Resistance level and the market did not make much progress.

Another method is to watch the CCI and the candles at the same time. If the CCI has turned back and the the candle is coming down then that is also a good exit point. Look at the chart below.



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UPDATE 13th November 2009 Quite a few of our Z-WINNER Members have requested to have a Sound Alert whenever there is a Signal to enter the Market. So I have now designed a new Template that will give you a Sound Alert whenever an Arrow shows up. But you must make sure that you are also receiving a Signal from the CCI too before you take your Entry in the Market. What you can do is to upload the Z-WINNER Template on all of the Major Pairs on your MT4 Trade Station and whenever you hear an Audio Alert, open the charts and observe which pair is giving you the Signal. Wait for the CCI Signal too before you enter the Markets. Please see the chart below.

I have also changed the CCI Band into a Broad Strip so that to filter out the False Signals. Please note how the CCI Band protected us by taking the false Signal when the blue Up Arrow showed up. How To Install The New Z-WINNER Template

There are 2 files. Install the "Zwinner Sound Alert.tpl" in the MT4/template folder



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and install the "Z-WINNER Alert.mq4" in the Experts/indicator folder. Download the Z-WINNER Files Here

EXIT STRATEGY Update 19th November 2009

To Maximize our Profits, we need to use our Discretion to decide when to exit We have a Marvelous System that shows us when to enter the Market and so far it has always been correct, but we cannot just leave it to our Mechanical System to Signal us when to exit. When the Market is Trending we get great Exit Signals just at the right time. But when the Market is Ranging or moving within a Range, thats when the Mechanical System's Exit Signals are at the weakest and most Vulnerable. We lose a lot of pips which we have already earned. We do not wish to give away what we have already earned. So here is a wonderful Exit Strategy for all of us to benefit from. Look at the chart below: I will discuss about a short trade and the opposite will be true for the Long Trades. When you see the Red Candles being formed, keep an eye on the CCI too. Observe its curves., When you see the Blue Candle being formed and as long as the CCI Curve is round, its OK but if you see a sharp V formation, this is the signal to get out. Either a News has come out or a big Buy Order has been placed by a Bank or some Large Corporation. This is the time to get out immediately. Study the Chart below in detail. It explains you with the help of the Arrows.

The US Session Verses the London Session Update 21st November 2009

Every Currency Pair has an average Daily Range. EUR/USD has an average daily range of 150 pips. We have observed many times that once there has been a move of about 120 to 130 pips during the London Session, the Market generally Reverses back during the US Session. This is not hard and fast rule. But it happens most of the t ime. Therefore you can safely trade in the oposite direction once the Market has reversed. You must always use your stop loss, one or two pips below/above the most recent Swing Low/High as the case may be. Always keep an eye on the News Releases also. This can affect your trading too. Look at the charts below:



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Some Suggestions Update 18th December 2009

Here are some additional Trading Strategies. The first trade you take when you see an up or down arrow telling you to get ready for a trade and after the arrow you will get the signal from the CCI.



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At the open of the next candle if you see t he CCI emerging from the Band at 70, you go Long and if the CCI emerges down from the 30 level, you go Short.

How to Find out if its going to be a Ranging Day or a Trending Day First look at the Daily charts and plot a 55 period Simple Moving Average and look at the chart. If the candles are above this Moving Average line and the line is also pointing up then its an Uptrend and if the candles are below the 55 SMA and the SMA is also pointing down then its a DownTrend. The more the inclination of the 55 SMA the stronger the trend. If the SMA line is flat, the market is Ranging, not in a Trend. Look at the EUR/USD Daily Chart below:

Always a night before plan your trades. Make a note of the Major Pairs that are Trending and try to trade them only in the direction of the trend. Each Pair has an average Daily Range. Normally during the early London Session, the market will head in the direction of the Trend, unless there are some adverse Economic News Releases; If the market has moved more or less as much as its Daily Average Range then during the US Session the market will reverse in the other direction. This is not a Hard and Fast Rule, but it does happen most of the time. Therefore be prepared not to get caught up in the wrong direction. Also its better to gain a litt le rather than give it away what you have already earned. I suggest, once you see your trade in 15 or 20 pips profit, you place your stop at 10 pips profit and keep trailing by 5 pips. If its a Trending day then the market will continue in that direction and if you get st opped out, then look for re-entry and if its a Ranging Day, then look out for the Support and Resistence trading. Keep taking 10 pips profit. You will get 4 to 6 entry signals during the Ranging Days.



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