Yr 3 Yfc Church and Sacraments (2009 Edition)
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Church and Sacraments (2009 Edition) CFC Youth for Christ Year 3 Manual...
CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST 3‐Year Pastoral Formation Track Year 3
2009 Edition
CFC Youth for Christ
YFC Church and Sacraments TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: THE CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS, GUIDELINES, AND DYNAMICS A. Rationale B. Overview C. Objectives D. Suggested Schedule E. Guidelines and Reminders in Conducting the Activity ‐ General Guidelines ‐ Description/Roles of Service Team ‐ Materials and Program Needs F. Speakers’ Profile Chapter 2: THE SESSIONS A. Talk 1 – Church and Sacraments B. Talk 1.A. – The Sacrament of Reconciliation C. Talk 1.B. – The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist D. Talk 2 – YFC and the Church APPENDICES A. Sample Games (Before First Talk) B. Guide to a Good Confession C. An Aid to an Examination of Conscience
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CFC Youth for Christ
THE CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS, GUIDELINES AND DYNAMICS A. RATIONALE CFC Youth for Christ is a young community of believers, a ministry of Couples for Christ, filled with the vibrancy and conviction of the Spirit, eager to be sent to do one thing – Spread the Love of Christ. Thus, we create a venue for the young to learn and enrich their faith. One of which is the YFC Youth Camp wherein we value the teachings of the Church – life of Christ, the sacraments and the basic teachings of the Catholic faith. As we journey in YFC, we continue to deepen and nurture our faith. We acknowledge the Church as a great blessing to our community. Thus, we continue to be one in fulfilling Christ’s great commission ‐ proclaiming the good news to the whole world.
B. OVERVIEW In YFC, we have our 3‐Year Pastoral Formation Track to nourish and to sustain our members. It is divided into 4 areas of growth (self, family, community life and societal). Part of the community life formation is the Covenant Orientation and 100% FREE, and on the third year, the Church and Sacraments.
YFC believes that our members should understand and appreciate the church, the basic teachings and our life as Catholics, as well as living out our faith through service in the bigger community – CHURCH. The Church and Sacraments is an activity that deepens our understanding of the Church and its teachings and allows us to experience the sacraments. It also helps us appreciate the life and mission of our local parish. This module features exciting games and activities for the youth to better appreciate the Church and the sacraments. The Church and Sacraments is given on the third year of the youth’s YFC membership. It is conducted on a cluster level (for Community Based) and sector level (for Campus and High School Based). It is initiated by the Couple Coordinators of the area together with their youth heads.
CFC Youth for Christ
C. OBJECTIVES At the end of the activity, the YFC members will be able to: 1. Understand and appreciate our being part of the CHURCH; 2. Have a deeper understanding of the SACRAMENTS and live out our faith through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist; 3. Share our faith by living out and enriching our roles in the CHURCH.
D. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES The Church and Sacraments is a whole‐day activity; below is the suggested schedule: 09:00am Arrival & Registration 09:30 Teaching of Songs 09:45 Opening Worship 10:00 Ice Breaker 10:30 Session 1: Overview of the Church and Sacraments 11:00 Session 1A: Sacrament of Reconciliation Activity: EXAMEN 12:00 LUNCH 01:00pm Session 2: YFC and the CHURCH 02:00 Field Trip 02:30 Session 2B: Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist 03:00 Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 04:00 Home Sweet Home
1. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. This is a whole‐day activity conducted to Youth for Christ members on their third year as YFC. 2. It is conducted on a cluster level (for Community Based) and sector level (for Campus and High School Based). It is initiated by the Couple Coordinators of the area together with their youth heads. 3. Preparations should be made at least 3 months before the activity. The cluster couple coordinator as the church liaison should coordinate with the priest for the activity and should set an appointment to discuss the main points of the session before the activity.
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4. At the end of the activity, a stipend and/or thank you card or token should be given to the priest as a sign of gratitude.
2. DESCRIPTION/ROLES OF THE SERVICE TEAM a. Team Head • Preferably the male cluster couple coordinator and youth head (brother) who lead will the whole activity. They attend to the logistical preparations, program, and coordination with the whole team. b. Assistant Team Head • Preferably the female cluster couple coordinator and youth head (sister) who leads the administration and coordination together with the team head for the activity. c. Music Ministry • Prepares the musical instruments, songs for the worship and reflection for the activity. d. Registration Team • Provide registration and the materials that will be used for the participants for the activity. e. Worship Leader
3. MATERIALS & PROGRAM NEEDS a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Venue – church and the church hall/any room available PA System Tables & Chairs Band Set Up Registration Sheets Hand outs on Guidelines to a Good Confessions (see Appendix) Stipend for Priest
F. SPEAKERS PROFILE For Sessions 1, 1.A, and 2 1. He / She must be a Youth Head (Sector Head, Core Group, Top Area Leaders, Provincial Youth Head, Program Heads) with a deep understanding and passion about the Catholic Church. 2. He / She must be actively participating and living out the Catholic faith. For Sessions 2.B (The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist) 1. Preferably given by the Parish Priest 2. In his absence, the Team leader shall give this session
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CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS TALK ONE OF THE YFC CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS SESSION DYNAMICS AND TALK OUTLINE OBJECTIVES At the end of the session the YFC members will be able to: 1. Understand and appreciate our being part of the CHURCH; 2. Have a deeper understanding of the SACRAMENTS and live out our faith through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. DYNAMICS 1. The talk will start with an ice breaker or a game, to settle everyone down 2. Suggested Games are Role Playing or ABCD (see Appendix) 3. After the game, the session proper will start, to be followed by a deeper talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation 4. After that, there will be an EXAMEN activity 5. Suggested Schedule is as follow: 00:00 – 00:30 Game: Role Playing 00:30 – 01:00 Session 1: Overview of the CHURCH and 7 SACRAMENTS 01:00 – 01:30 Session 1.a: Sacrament of Reconciliation 01:30 – 02:00 EXAMEN 6. The activity is further explained in the succeeding part of the talk outline SPEAKER’S PROFILE 1. He / She must be a Youth Head (Sector Youth Head/PYH/MV/FTW. Area Heads) with a deep understanding and passion about the Catholic Church. 2. He / She must be actively participating and living out the Catholic faith. TALK OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION As part of Couples for Christ’s (expanded) vision statement as “one with the Catholic Church…”,1 we have to work hand in hand with the church. We should be a blessing to the church as the church is a blessing to our community. As YFC, we profess our love for GOD as being part of the CHURCH. We are to live out our faith through the SACRAMENTS. 1
CFC Expanded Vision Statement: “Moved by the Holy Spirit, one with the Catholic Church, blessed to witness to Christ love and service, Couples for Christ is a united global community of family evangelizers that sets the world on fire with the fullness of Christ’s transforming love.”
CFC Youth for Christ
II. WHAT IS THE CHURCH? “you are my rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it…” (Matthew 16:18‐19) The Church started with twelve disciples led by Peter who was the first Pope of the Catholic Church2. As the years passed, it expanded and grown covering the whole world through missionaries spreading the good news. As the scripture says, “I tell you, Peter: you are my rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it…” (Matthew 16:18‐19), Peter, together with other disciples built the first church as a sacred place of worship. It started as a “house church” where, after Jesus resurrected, small groups of people began to meet in an upper room to pray (Acts 1:12‐13). As they grew in number, Christians became a threat to the government leaders and were treated badly. But it didn’t stop them from worshipping Jesus and encouraging one another to continue to spread the good news. As we continue to grow, there is a need to establish bigger churches. These are the structures we see in different places where Christians gather to pray. More than the church being a structure, as people of God, we ourselves are the church. We are a community of those who, led by the priest, gather around the Holy Eucharist and worship God. As believers, we become the body of Christ as we take part in the call to be bearers of the good news. III. SIGNS OF GRACE (SACRAMENTS)3 As we take part in the body of Christ, God fulfills His promise to us through the sacraments as signs of grace. The word sacrament comes from the Greek word “sacros” meaning “sacred”. These are the signs of grace. 7 SACRAMENTS (reiterate the definition for recall) a. Baptism We were baptized in order to be saved. (John 3:5). The original sin is forgiven. We become children of God and members of the church.
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http://www.catholic.org/encyclopedia/view.php?id=950# http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/resource.php?n=647#
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b. Reconciliation (John 20:22‐23) All of us need the sacrament of penance, because all of us are sinners. (1John1:8‐9). We cannot say that there is no need to confess our sins to the priest, and that we can confess our sins straight to God (Matthew 16:19). Penance remits all sins, and gives us the sanctifying grace. c. Holy Eucharist (Mark 14:22‐24) We receive the body and blood of Christ. We are in communion with the Church and we receive eternal life. d. Confirmation (Acts 2:1‐4 and Acts 19:6) We receive the Holy Spirit and become soldier of Christ. e. Marriage (Matthew 19:5) Covenant of love between a man and a woman. f. Holy Order (Luke 22:19‐20) When we receive the vocation from the Lord we should have the courage to abandon everything and follow him g. Anointing on the sick They will lay their hands on the sick, who will recover (Mark 16:18). It confers the sacramental grace on the sick person.
Among the 7 sacraments, we will focus on two sacraments, the sacrament of Reconciliation and the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. As YFC, these sacraments play a vital role in our spiritual life, and it is a call for us to live it out. As we grow in our faith, let us continue to deepen our understanding of the two sacraments.
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THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION TALK ONE (A) OF THE YFC CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS TALK OUTLINE I. OVERVIEW OF THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION This sacrament is known by many names like sacrament of forgiveness, the sacrament of Confession, and the sacrament of Conversion. (John 20:22‐23) All of us need the sacrament of penance, because all of us are sinners. (1John1:8‐9). We cannot say that there is no need to confess our sins to the priest, and that we can confess our sins straight to God (Matthew 16:19). Penance remits all sins, and gives us the sanctifying grace. II. GUIDE FOR A GOOD CONFESSION (based on the www.catholic.org) 1. A basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11‐31) and acknowledging our sins with true sorrow before his representative, the priest. 2. REMEMBER, if you need help–especially if you have been away for some time– simply ask the priest and he will help you by "walking" you through the steps to make a good confession. 3. BEFORE CONFESSION, let us be truly sorry for our sins. The essential act of Penance, on the part of the penitent, is contrition, a clear and decisive rejection of the sin committed, together with a resolution not to commit it again, out of the love one has for God. The resolution to avoid committing these sins in the future (amendment) is a sure sign that our sorrow is genuine and authentic. This does not mean that a promise never to fall again into sin is necessary. A resolution to try to avoid the near occasions of sin suffices for true repentance. God's grace in cooperation with the intention to correct our life will give us the strength to resist and overcome temptation in the future. 4. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE, recall your sins. Calmly ask yourself what have done with full knowledge and full consent against God’s commandments (Ten Commandments). When was my last good confession? (Refer to the Guide for a Good Confession Booklet‐See Appendix) 5. AFTER CONFESSION, give thanks to God for forgiving you again. If you recall some serious sin you forgot to tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with the others, but be sure to confess it in your next Confession.
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6. DO YOUR ASSIGNED PENANCE Resolve to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation often. We Catholics are fortunate to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the ordinary way for us to have our sins forgiven. This sacrament is a powerful help to get rid of our weaknesses, grow in holiness, and lead a balanced and honest life. III. EXAMEN PRAYER A. Sensitivity to the 5 moments (based From the Jesuits Way of Prayer) Do the Examination of Consciousness by slowly going through the five steps below. Spend more time on the steps and points below that address your present needs and concerns. 1. Moments of Grace Perspective • Beg ardently for the grace of God. • Say this prayer: My Lord Jesus, I beg that I may more and more see myself, know myself, and understand myself as your very own spirit sees me, knows me, and understands me. 2. Moments of Thanksgiving • Look back and review your entire day (or half day), counting the many blessings received. Take time to thank the Lord from the Heart. • As you do this, listen intently to Him telling you repeatedly – “You are most precious to me. You are mine. I love you very much!” 3. Moments of Discernment • Examine and name your feelings (Are you in a moment of consolation or desolation?) Consolation – relief, comfort, console Desolation ‐ distress, unhappiness, sense of loss, emptiness • Here are some guide questions as you go through this period: Have I been proud or humble; self‐seeking or generous? Have I been thankful, at peace, hopeful, loving, and trusting? Or have I been afraid, angry, sad, hurt, judgmental, discouraged and down? • It is very important that you do not deny any of these feelings, but simply own them and relish them and even look for feeling pattern that may be present. • Do these feeling patterns reveal anything about you? • Do they reveal anything about your present relationship with yourself, with others, and with the Lord? • What do you feel is the Lord saying to you and where is He leading you now?
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4. Moments of Healing • Seek the Lord’s gift of reconciliation by asking for his loving mercy and forgiveness • In what areas in your life do you need to experience God’s healing touch? • Name and clarify these areas. • When ready, present them to the Lord and beg him to heal you. Take time to feel much the Lord’s healing and reconciling touch 5. Moments of Mission • Look ahead and anticipate the coming events and activities for the day. • End by asking that you be more sensitive and present to the Lord and to the experiences that are about to unfold, responding to Him and to those whom you will meet with a humble and generous heart. B. Shortened EXAMEN We make EXAMEN a habit by doing this shortened type everyday. We can spend 3 – 5 minutes in this prayer. This will help us to make our prayer short and sweet yet showing our gratitude to the Lord for our daily blessings and graces, asking for mercy and allowing the Spirit to strengthen us in our everyday endeavors. 1. Father, I thank you… (at least 3 things) 2. Jesus, I’m sorry… (at least 3 things) 3. Holy Spirit, I hope… (at least 3 things)
ACTIVITY DYNAMICS: (EXAMEN) 1. The Speaker leads the group into a reflective prayer 2. Play a reflection song. Profile of Song: About God knowing us and everything about us. Suggested songs: ‐ You Know Better than I (from the Motion Picture “Joseph the Dreamer” ‐ Who I am? 3. The Speaker will guide them through the examination of conscience as stated in the talk outline. (Refer also to the Appendix – An Aid to an Examination of Conscience) 4. This activity will last for 10‐15 minutes. 5. After the EXAMEN, the Speaker encourages the participants to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation in their own time.
CFC Youth for Christ
THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST TALK ONE (B) OF THE YFC CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS SESSION DYNAMICS AND TALK OUTLINE DYNAMICS: 1. Field Trip in and out of the Church 2. Talk Proper SEQUENCE OF THE TOUR in the CHURCH 1. The participants will go to the church grounds. 2. The priest will give a brief history of the parish. 3. The priest the will explain every structure inside the church (baptismal area, confession box, etc.) 4. The priest will then bring them to the sacristi and give a brief orientation on things/ symbols we use in the Holy Eucharist. (chalice, etc). The aim of this is for the participants to know more things about the sacrament and the church, things that they don’t normally learn outside. 5. Give the Overview of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. (it can be given by the Priest or the Team Leader) 6. End with the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist. I. OVERVIEW OF THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST A. What is the Holy Eucharist? (according to Cathecism for Filipino Catholics, p.481) The Holy Eucharist is instituted by Christ. He prepared for it in the many fellowship meals he shared during His life here on earth, established during the last supper, and confirmed it as the Risen Christ in His Easter meal appearances to His disciples. It is a celebration with Christ by us, the whole Christian community. It is both a sacrifice and sacred meal. Christ himself is really present in the celebration, most especially under the signs of bread and wine. It is a foretaste of heaven. B. Two main parts of the Holy Eucharist 1. Liturgy of the Word Together as one with the church, we come as a family to hear the Words of God.“He came down with them and stood on a level place, with
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a great crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people, who came to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases.” (Luke 6:17‐18) We live not on bread alone but also on the life and words of God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. (Mt 4:4) Thus, all of those words spoken to us by the Lord are our spirit and life. (Jn 6:63) 2. Liturgy of the Eucharist We celebrate the passion and death of our Lord Jesus, by whom we are saved, through the miracle of bread and wine turning into His body and blood. The miracle that is Jesus Christ. This is our response to God’s word. To be one with Him and the church, in celebration and communion. C. Four Sections of the Holy Eucharist Note: The priest can give this in the instructional mass as we go through celebration of the Holy Eucharist The Mass can be roughly divided into 4 sections which can be summed up in one word each: 1. Come ‐ We come together in Mass as one Body, gathering before our Lord • Entrance Procession, Entrance Hymn/Song or Gathering Hymn, Veneration of the Altar, Greeting of the priest, Penitential Rite, Gloria Opening Prayer 2. Listen ‐ Listening to the Bible readings, the Word of our Lord and Homily • Liturgy of the Word, Responsorial Psalm, Alleluia, Homily 3. Do ‐ Praying and participating in the Eucharist, becoming One with Him • Profession of Faith, General Intercessions, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Preparation of the Gifts, Offertory Hymn/Song, Washing of Hands, Prayer Over the Gifts, Preface Dialogue, Eucharistic Prayer, Consecration, Memorial Acclamation, Intercessions, Final Doxology, Amen, The Lord 's Prayer, Doxology, Sign of Peace, Breaking of the Bread, Lamb of God, Holy Communion, Communion Song, Prayer After Communion 4. Go ‐ The send off where we bring this message to all the world • Concluding Rite
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YFC AND THE CHURCH TALK TWO OF THE YFC CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS TALK OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION We have heard a lot about the importance of the Church and the Sacraments. We also have seen in a different light the significance of participating in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and humbly coming to Reconciliation. Now, it is time to realize our part on the Parish. II. PARISH TO YFC The Parish is a blessing to us because it… a. Symbolizes God’s great love for us. In spite our sinfulness and rebelliousness, God still give us a place where we can dwell in His presence and a place where we can always be go back and be with Him. b. Gives us pastoral nourishment. The Parish Church is the highest source of pastoral nourishment. It is a place where we can hear and understand the good news of the Lord. c. Gives us opportunity to receive the sacraments. The Parish Church is the only venue where we can receive the sacraments. This is gives us a deeper appreciation of the importance of the 7 sacraments. d. Makes us aware of the wider church. It helps us grow in fellowship with the other youth ministries. It makes us realize that we can also serve with youth in the other communities. It also helps us nurture relationship with the priest. III. YFC TO PARISH The Lord blessed us so much by giving us His Church. It is also a blessing that the Lord called us in serving the Church. We have to respond to that calling. As Philippians 4:9 says, “ Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace be with you.” We have to serve the parish church… A. As an individual “I have called you by name..” Isaiah 45:4. The Lord called each and everyone of us by our name. Our calling is individual. We can serve individually by actively participating in the following activities:
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1. 2. 3. 4.
Parish Day Celebrations Holy week/ Advent (Dawn Mass) Church Anniversaries Feasts/ Holiday of Obligation
B. As a YFC Community (as a whole body of YFC) Though our calling is individual, we can also serve the Lord as a whole community. As Galatians 6:10 says, “While we have the opportunity, we should do good to all” We can serve as a whole body of YFC by serving in the following activities: 1. YFC Choir 2. Adopt a Parish (per chapter)‐ giving and painting the church, etc 3. Sponsor a youth mass 4. Participate actively in church activities; interact with other youth communities and organizations *Note: To initiate the parish linkage, the cluster couple coordinator should identify the needs of the parish and take part in whatever they can be of help IV. PARISH AND YFC Couples for Christ’s vision states that we are “one with the Catholic Church…” We have to work hand in hand with our parish. We should become a blessing as the church is a blessing to our YFC community. We are to take an active part in the activities as well as to the different programs of the church. 1. WE INVOLVE and COLLABORATE a. We don’t just attend activities but we involve ourselves in the program that we can be of help to others especially those who are in need • Participate in outreach programs of the church (e.g. sponsorship programs, home for the aged, visit the sick, feeding programs, etc). • Regular parish schedules (Holy week, Dawn Mass (Misa de Gallo), etc.) b. We collaborate with the other youth organizations • Working together on international/national level activities of the parish/diocese/church 2. WE INITIATE and BUILD a. We bridge the Parish to YFC activities/advocacies • 100% FREE • Work with the Poor
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• Conferences and Formation/ Leadership Trainings b. We build and deepen our relationship with the Clergy. V. CONCLUSION ‘Moved by the Spirit, one with the Catholic Church …”. We acknowledge the call of the Lord to work together in His mission to be witnesses of the Good news. We may have different charismas, and different ways of fulfilling it, but we have one Spirit guiding and blessing us in reaching our goal. Let us appreciate and actively participate in the activities of the Church. Practicing by heart the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist will surely deepen our faith and strengthen our relationship to one another and to God. As we go back to our mission areas, let us continue to share the good news and be witnesses of Christ to others.
CFC Youth for Christ
SUGGESTED GAMES (BEFORE FIRST TALK) GAME: Role Playing (option 1) 1. The game master will divide the participants in small groups 2. The game master will then assign each group 1 sacrament 3. Each team will then be tasked to interpret the sacrament through a short skit/play GAME: ABCD (option 2) 1. All participants will participate in the game 2. The game master will give a question (repeat it twice before the players can go to the options) 3. The participants will go to the letter/answer of their choice 4. The participant who gets the most correct answers win Sample Questions: 1. ____________are signs of grace instituted by Christ. (Answer: A) a) Sacraments b) Crucifixion c) Salvation 2. ____________ is the entry rite into Christianity. The first sacrament we receive in which our original sin is removed. (Answer: A) a) Baptism b) Appointing c) Forgiveness 3. ____________This sacrament can give increase and deepening of baptismal grace. (Answer: A) a) Confirmation b) Affirmation c) Reformation 4. ____________It is the highest form of worship. (Answer A) a) Holy Eucharist b) Holy Place c) Holy Bible 5. ____________In this Sacrament our sins after baptism are forgiven. (Answer A) a) Reconciliation or Penance b) Guilt feeling c) Making Up 6. ____________It is where a special grace is conferred during illness or old age. (Answer: A) a) Anointing of the sick b) Anointing of the sad people
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c) Anointing of the happy 7. ___________it is the sacrament we receive if we enter into religious life like priesthood. (Answer: A) a) Holy Order b) Assumption c) Resurrection 8. ___________Also known as marriage. (Answer: A) a) Holy Matrimony b) Engagement Party c) Courtship 9. In the Holy Eucharist, one is preserved from _______sins (Answer: A) a) Grave b) Venial c) Bad 10. The Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation reconcile us with ______& ________ (Answer: C) a) Family and friends b) Me and You c) God and Church Note: the Service team can also use other trivia questions about the Parish
CFC Youth for Christ
GUIDE FOR A GOOD CONFESSION The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the "prodigal son" and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest. (www.catholic.org) Five Steps to Making a Good Confession (www.internetpadre.com) 1. A good confession will always begin by a thorough and sincere examination of conscience. Pray to God the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, for His light and grace to assist you to recall your sins. 2. Be sorry for your sins. Friends love what their friends love. If I am a friend of God, I will love what God loves (virtue and grace), and avoid what God detests (sin). Make a firm resolution not to sin again and to avoid that which causes you to commit sin. 3. Enter the confessional and begin with the words, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, it has been (state how long it has been since your last confession). These are my sins…" Tell all your sins to the priest according to their kind as well as the number of times you can recall committing each of them (this applies especially to the confession of mortal sins). A good confession will be integral (it must include all grave sins committed since one’s last confession); it must be clear (there must be no disguising of sins but an honest recounting of one’s sins); and it must be truthful (we have a Christian duty to make a just appraisal of our moral situation as it stands objectively before God). When you have finished telling your sins to the priest, indicate this by saying, "For these and all my sins, I am sorry." 4. Listen to the spiritual advice of the priest. Do not take offense if the priest offers words of counsel. One of the functions of the priest in the confessional is that of spiritual director. The priest may offer words of counsel to help you overcome the sins you have committed. Accept the penance imposed by the confessor. This penance, which usually takes the form of prayers or acts of charity, is a sign of your willingness to make up to God for the sins you have committed, and will assist you to discover the remedy to begin a new life. 5. The priest will ask that you recite an Act of Contrition. This beautiful prayer expresses what should be in the mind and heart of an authentic penitent: sorrow for one’s sins, a firm purpose of amendment, and the promise to avoid sin in the future. The penitent’s proper disposition now secured, the priest pronounces God’s judgment of mercy: "God the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son, has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through
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the ministry of the Church, may God grant you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins: In the Name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." The penitent now leaves the confessional, his sins completely forgiven, with the opportunity to begin anew on his pilgrimage of faith. Through the Sacrament of Penance, Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, has made His appearance, restoring back to His flock, that which was lost.
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AN AID TO AN EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE When the examination of conscience is made as an immediate preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Penance, it is especially important that the penitent search his own heart regarding the following points: 1. What is my attitude to the Sacrament of Penance? Do I sincerely want to be set free from sin, to turn again to God, to begin a new life, and to enter a deeper friendship with God? Did I forget to mention or deliberately conceal any grave sins in past confessions? Did a sense of shame or embarrassment motivate me to make a bad confession? 2. Is my heart set on God, so that I really love Him above all things and am faithful to His commandments? Or am I m ore concerned about the things of this world? Have I a right intention in what I do? 3. God spoke to us in His Son. Is my faith in God firm and secure? Am I wholehearted in accepting the Church’s teaching? Have I been careful to grow in my understanding of the faith, to hear God’s word, to listen to instructions on the faith, to avoid dangers to faith? Have I practiced any form of superstition in a serious manner? 4. Have I prayed morning and evening? When I pray, do I really raise my mind and heart to God or is it a matter of words only? Do I offer God my difficulties, my joys, and my sorrows? Do I turn to God in time of temptation? Have I love and reverence for God’s holy Name? Have I offended Him in blasphemy, swearing falsely, or taking His Name in vain? Have I shown disrespect for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints? Have I acted in a reverent manner in the House of God? 5. Do I keep Sundays and feast days holy by taking a full part, with attention, reverence, and devotion, in the liturgy, and especially in the Mass? Have I fulfilled the precept of annual confession and of Communion during the Easter season? Have I ever received Holy Communion knowingly in a state of mortal sin? Have I abused the Sacrament of Penance by neglect? Have I been lazy in the fulfillment of my spiritual duties, or by a failure to use the means Jesus Christ instituted for my salvation? Have I a genuine love for my neighbors? Or do I use them for my own ends, or do to them what I would not want done to myself? Have I given grave scandal by words or actions? 6. In my family life, have I contributed to the well‐being and happiness of the rest of family by patience and genuine love? Have I been obedient to parents, showing them proper respect and giving them help in their spiritual and material needs? 7. Do I share my possessions with the less fortunate? Or do I look down on my neighbor, especially the poor, the sick, the elderly, and people of other races?
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8. Does my life reflect the mission I received in Confirmation? Do I share in the apostolic and charitable works of the Church and in the life of my parish? Have I done my duty as a citizen? Have I paid my taxes? Do I share to the best of my ability in the work of promoting justice, morality, and harmony in human relations? 9. In my work or profession, am I just, hard‐working, honest, serving society out of love for others? Have I been faithful to my promises and contracts? 10. Have I obeyed legitimate authority and given it due respect? Have I been truthful and fair, or have I injured others by deceit, calumny, detraction, rash judgment, or violation of a secret? Have I done violence to others by damage to life, reputation, honor or material possessions? Have I been responsible for advising an abortion or procuring one? Have I kept up hatred for others? Am I estranged from others through quarrels, enmity, insults, anger? 11. Have I stolen the property of others? Have I desired it unjustly? Have I damaged it? Have I made restitution of other people’s property and made good their loss? If I have been injured, have I been ready to make peace for the love of Christ and to forgive, or do I harbor hatred and the desire for revenge? 12. Where is my life really leading me? Is the hope of eternal life my inspiration? Have I tried to grow in the life of the Holy Spirit through prayer, reading the Word of God and meditating on it? Do I frequent the Sacraments and practice self‐denial? Have I been anxious to control my vices, my bad inclinations and passions? Have I been proud and boastful, thinking myself better in the sight of God and despising others as less important than myself? Have I imposed my own will on others without respecting their freedom and right? 13. What use have I made of time, health, and strength, of the gifts God has given me to be used like the talents in the Gospel? Do I use them to become more perfect every day? Or have I been lazy and too much given to leisure? Have I been patient in accepting the sorrows and disappointments of life? Have I kept the precepts of fasting and abstinence? 14. Have I kept my senses and my whole body pure and chaste as a temple of the Holy Spirit consecrated for resurrection and glory? Have I dishonored my body by fornication (pre‐ marital sex), homosexual acts, impurity with self (masturbation), unworthy conversation or thoughts, evil desires, and actions? Have I abused myself through drugs and alcohol? Have I indulged in reading, conversation, and entertainments that offend against Christian and human decency? 15. Is my heart firmly set on the true treasures of heaven and the pursuit of authentic holiness? Am I living my life each day as a committed Roman Catholic?
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