Your Feet Are Your Fortune

January 6, 2017 | Author: Indrek Pehk | Category: N/A
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Better health maintenance through sokushindo, the do-it-yourself Chinese foot massage therapy

YO-MO KUAN Translated by DAVIS BARRAGIM Shintaro Abe Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party and former Foreign Minister of Japan

"Soon after I met M r . Yo-MO Koan, the author o f fhis book, I had 0

him administer f o o t reflexoiogy massages using the sokushindo method. Since then, no matter how busy I may b e, I make a point o f receiving his foot massages based on this technique.

"I earnestly hope that many others will a!so Senefii from ihe easi!y mastered methods described herein, with their focus on the importance o f the soles o f the fee: and the nerves concentrated in them. "






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Your Feet Hold the Key to Recovery. ...........B........21 0

\Vhy Is Sokushindo 50 Amazingly Effective?

(1) Foot Massage Can Cure Illnesses of All Kindse.22 %Thepossibilities may surprise you Publisher's Note: The therapeutic massage instructions and information presented in this book are intended to benefit a s many people a s posible. Since there are certain exceptions concerning who may apply the therapy, however, before applying the sokushindo method you should seek the advice of your personal medical doctor. YOUR FEET ARE 170UR FORTUNE Copyright 0 1985 by Bunka Sosaku Shuppan Co., Ltd. All rights reseived. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includi~g photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Translation of: Ashi no Yogore (Chindenbutsu) ga Manbyo no Genin datta (First edition. 1986 in Japan. 0 Yo-MO Kuan) Translated by DAVIS BARRAGER Cover design by Chikama Design Office Published by Bunka Sosaku Shuppar. Co., Ltd. 1-4-2 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan Printed in Japan ISBN-4-938500-94-9COO00 Y1500E

% A case in point: A quick cure m The publicjgz~reuihose rc.cove,y enabled him to go abroad

Heuduches, eye aches, buck crches, dkrrheu, vuyiow. chronic pains A t ~ p i cdemultitis ~ n c bronckio! i nsikmcc relieved ir one ?norlth c Eye pain cured with one treatment and chronic oppendiciti~s[in one month m U'ater-on-the-kner relieved in two months, wnlking ohility

restored in three months

% A simple principle, not a miracle

(2) The Secret to Health is Hidden in the Soles of Your Feet ...........................................................29

%Why they contain your "second heart" @

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