You Left Me On Read - Akhira

May 16, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  you left me on read                            akhira                

  you left me on read   Copyright © 2023 by akhira       independently published ISBN: 9798868403378         All rights reserved.     


the first text              



      i wish you could see the stupid smiles i get when we're texting    



      have you ever looked at someone and thought, "damn, could you just love me back already?"


      i sorta, kinda, maybe, might, slightly, possibly, like you  


      she likes him he likes her it's obvious to everyone except them


      truth is, i didn't expect to get this attached to you


      my love language is when people's words align with their actions  


      i wanna spend the rest of my sunsets with you


      have you ever looked at someone and hope they stay in your life forever?  



      it is actually really sweet when someone stays up late to talk to you  


      i'm bad with words, i hope you're good in reading eyes



      meeting you was the best part my 2023  



      to be honest, you're the only one i've ever spent this much time and effort on  


      it was you from the moment we met


      i always see stuff and think "oh you'd like this" i hope that you see stuff and think that i would like them too  


      one of the most bittersweet feelings has to be when you realize how much you're going to miss a moment while you're still living it  



      you might not know this but i'd go out of my way just to make sure you are okay  


      the first time i met you it wasn't love at first sight my love for you formed gradually. your personality, your voice, your hair, your eyes, your humor, the way you looked away and smiled, gradually it all came clear to me you were exactly what i was looking for


      but there's just something about you that made me like you ever since the day i met you. there was something about you that made me go absolutely crazy


      plot twist: he likes you back    


      i’ve waited all my life to find someone like you



      i didn’t choose you, my heart did


      no matter how much i say i love you, i always love you more than that


      my heart breaks a little every time when i hear your name


      we will beat this distance, i promise


      i don't remember how but between texting, calling and facetimes i fell in love with you


      you’re my world and you don’t even know it


      moments with you, that’s when i wish i could stop time


      yes, you aren’t here right now, but you are never off of my mind


      i fell in love with your soul before i could even touch your skin


      2023 was a hard year but it was easier with you by my side


      i still remember how we started talking


      do you ever look at someone and just pray you never lose them?


      maybe one day we will meet again and start over


      i have a feeling that i’m going to love you forever



the unsent texts            


      i felt special, until i realized you talk to everybody like that    



      you only realize how much you love somebody when one day they don't text you back anymore  



      as soon as i wake up i check up phone, hoping there’s a message from you but there never is



      i feel so stupid when i text you and you never reply back



      most painful thing ever is having feelings for someone you can't be with



      you don't deserve someone who comes back, you deserve someone who never leaves


      the dumbest thing ever is when you both love each other but aren't together



      i have been staying awake at nights, wondering if i should text you



      my heart broke the day i saw you looked at her the way i look at you


      how do you look at someone you love more than life itself and know it's time to say goodbye and let them go?


      if you break someone and they still wish you the best, you've lost the greatest thing for you


      just remember that some people will be worth a second chance


      i wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone



      a break from someone will either make you realize how much you truly miss them or how much peace you have without them  



      i wake up i think about you i’m out with friends i think about you i listen to music i think about you i’m with family i think about you anything i do i think about you



      i wanna go back to the time when you still cared about me



      i’m reading old messages and wondering when you stopped loving me



      can't you tell i haven't slept very well since the last time that we spoke?


      losing you isn't what hurt, it was knowing that losing me didn't hurt you


      the hardest person to get over is the one you never had


      if hurting me doesn't hurt you, don't ever tell me you love me



      you had me with your words, you lost me with your actions


      being loved is the minimum make sure you are also being respected, prioritized, supported, understood



      the best thing i did was learn to stop fighting for someone who was okay with losing me  



      sorry you weren't giving me enough attention to fuel my obsession with you, now you're just normal


      my toxic trait is; i know how to love but i don't know how to believe i'm loved


      you walked away and all i did was watch you, because no matter how hard i tried to make you stay, you still left




the last text                      


      sometimes i feel this urge to pick up my phone to text you even though the last time we spoke you made it clear you no longer want me in your life why does it still hurt? why does you no longer wanting me hurt so much?


      the worst feeling is when you find out you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did and you look so stupid for caring too much


      i still remember the first time i told my friends about you


      sometimes i just wish you were here so i could tell you how much i need you and how hard everyday has been without you


      i miss the fun we used to have together


      if you break someone's heart and they still still talk to you with the same excitement and respect. believe me, they really love you


      do you ever miss someone but never let them know because you have this feeling that they are doing just fine without you anyways?



      psychological fact; being unable to get someone off your mind indicates that you are also on that person's mind as well



      the worst feeling isn't being lonely, it's being forgotten by someone you'd never forget    


      just so you know, i still care we may not have spoken to each other in a while, but that doesn't mean if my phone lit up with your name tonight, my heart wouldn't skip a beat like it used to it would


    do you ever lay in bed and realize how not okay you are without them?

      i once begged someone to love me the way i loved them and that's the saddest thing i've ever done

      you keep hurting me, but i keep on loving you

      people don't abandon people they love people abandon people they were using..

      always remember, someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you

      i don't hate you, i'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be

      if they miss you, they'll call if they want you, they'll say it if they care, they'll show it. and if not, they aren't worth your time

      i know my worth, losing me will never sit right with you

      i can't force you to appreciate me but you gonna feel it when i'm gone

      you're gonna miss that person that didn't want anything from you but time and affection

      i don't hate you, i've just lost all respect for you and have nothing to say to you anymore


      how did i get played by someone who wanted me first?

      let go of the illusion that it could have been any different

      thank you for all the days that you made me feel loved and appreciated

    someone who overtexts is also someone who overloves

      no response is a response and it's a powerful one, remember that

      why are you crying over someone who won't even text you back fast?

      you didn't reply but i got your message

      i want that "have you seen the way he looks at her" kind of love

      i loved you even when i was losing you


      imagine someone saying "can we fix this, i can't lose you".

      it hurts losing a bond with someone you thought you'd have it with forever

      i miss how it used to be between us

      it hurts to walk away from someone you care about, but if they aren't treating you right, i can assure you it hurts more to stay

      it sucks when the only person who can make you feel better is also the reason why you always cry


      i wonder if you even realize how confused you make me feel?

      after you, falling in love and falling asleep are both so hard to do

      after all this time, after all this heartbreak, after all these tears after everything we have been through.   i'm still hoping it's you.

      and even "after all this time", you will always be my "always"

      sadly, the only way some people will learn to appreciate you is by losing you

      some people just want the attention of having you without the responsibility of being committed to you. read that twice.

      some people are great at giving you just enough hope to keep you holding on to nothing


      i'm not going to complain about you not texting me back, if i’m not worth your attention then ok that's when i start to lose interest

      my last relationship taught me one thing, that i never want to feel like i'm begging for someone's love, ever.

      toxic is when they can't let you go, but can't treat you right either

      i keep myself busy with the things that i do, but everytime i pause, i still think of you...

      i just miss you in a quite desperate way


      call me in the middle of the night and tell me you can't sleep without me

      eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be

      you have no idea how badly i want your name to light up on my phone

      why does my happiness depend on your attention?

      one of the best feelings is finally losing feelings and your attachment to someone that isn't good for you

        why hurt someone whose only intention was to love you?

      stop holding onto people just because you have history together


      biggest lesson learnt this year is probably to not give so much of myself to people who will not do the same for me


      don’t text me back in the afterlife

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