Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter Manual & Artbook.pdf

May 9, 2018 | Author: dingus | Category: Leisure
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CO N TE N T S s s










1 BUTTERFLY HEALTH BAR  These insect shaped gems represent Yooka and Laylee’s overall health. Guess what you have to munch to fill ‘em up?

Welcome friendsss to Trowzer’s latest expert handbook! Totally original material. I’ve Pre-sssigned this onE. Why not gift it To a loved One?

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2 QUILL COUNT You’ll need these golden trinkets to purchase new moves and progress through your adventure. There are 200 in each fully-expanded world – so get searching!

3  GHOST WRITERS There are five Ghost Writers hidden on every world and each requires a different tactic in order to collect them. Capture all five and receive a Pagie!

Yooka-Laylee. Developed by P laytonic Games Ltd © 2015 - 2017. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

4 POWER BAR  This special meter slowly depletes when you use Yooka and L aylee’s most special of special moves. To fill it up you’ll need to collect tasty Butterfly energy. Yep, that’s right – those flying moth cousins refill both health AND energy.

5 PAGIE COUNT Pagies are the absolute most important collectible in the game – and you’ll need ‘em to progress through Capital B’s lair and unlock new worlds.

6 OTHER COLLECTIBLES You’ll need a whole host of extra trinkets, including play coins and mollycools, to unlock all of the game’s secrets.

A CORPORATE CONUNDRUM… A flurry of excitement filled the factory floor. Everyone had assembled, from the top-tier boss characters to the tea minion from sector C. it was finally here; merger day.  The ingenious tech firm Quack corp had joined the diabolical corporation Hivory towerS. together they were about to launch their most devious scheme yet, all under the leadership of cunning bizzness executive capital b. “Everything has been prepared to your exact specification,” Dr. Quack squawked from inside his futuristic bio-suit. “Our workforce couldn’t be more motivated.” “Very good, Doctor,” Capital B remarked. “are we ready to synergise our break-through anti-profit marginalisation technology?” “Yes sir!” the doctor exclaimed, his wheels accelerating him towards an ominous stack of whirling machinery. “I’ve prepared the Noveliser 64, my most i ngenious invention… We can use it to steal all the dusty, old books in the world… and leave us as the only player in the market!” Capital b marked his approval: “An equally ruthless and dynamic strategy, doctor… I like it. Prepare the device immediately!” The assembled employees twinged with excitement as the noveliser 64 flicked to life, already summoning dusty physical media from lands afar. Little did they know, one book was about to severely damage their bottom end…

Somewhere close by, in the serene surroundings of Shipwreck Creek, best friends Yooka and Laylee were relaxing in their pirate ship abode: a mysterious shipwreck that was about to reveal its biggest secret… “Ah, this is the life... I think this old shipwreck finally feels like home,” said Yooka, sipping from his colourful cocktail glass. “That’ll be my vibrant paint job,” retorted Laylee, lifting her sunglasses. “Really brings the place to life, doesn’t it?” “It’s about time we renovated this place,” added Yooka, taking another sip. “Most of the rooms haven’t be en touched since we moved in. Who k nows what’s hiding under the floorboards!” The big-nosed bat responded: “Insects mainly… delicious, they were. Oh, and some old book I’ ve been using as a drinks coaster.” “Whoa, pirate treasure! I bet that’s worth loads,” the lizard gasped. “It looks antique!” Laylee sensed a profiteering opportunity. “Really? Do you reckon we should flog it? I’ll split you 80/20 in my favour...” Suddenly, awoken by the call of Hivory Towers’ mischievous device, Laylee’s ‘drinks coaster’ burst with a powerful glow that forced the bat back behind her novelty shades. “Hey, my profit book! It’s being sucked away!” She cried. Yooka jumped to attention: “Laylee… I think that book is a bit more special than you thought...” Laylee yelped with excitement. It felt like she and her friend were about to embark on another of their crazy adventures. “Quick, after it! It’s worth eve n more now it’s a flying book! C’mon, Yooka!’

A decent effort, this. unfortunately They couldn’t afford my ssscript treatment…a real tearjerker, it was.





To unlock new moves Yooka and Laylee must first hand over their Quills to the serpent salesman, Trowzer! The scaley seller is located inside each Grand Tome and will add new moves to his stock with each world you unlock. Purchase them in any order that you like! Or hold on to your Quills… They’ll surely appreciate in value.

Keep hold of your spare change: Rextro’s awesome arcade games are ready and waiting for your high scores!

UNLOCKING AND EXPANDING WORLDS Yooka and Laylee must unlock the Grand Tome worlds to uncover the many hidden Pagies within. Each Grand Tome requires a certain number of Pagies to unlock. However, players can also choose to spend their Pagies to expand already unlocked worlds, making them larger and full of extra challenges. The choice is yours!

You can access both singleplayer and multiplayer (up to four players) versions of Rextro’s arcade from the YookaLaylee main menu. There are up to eight unique competitive games to discover in Story Mode, but you’ll need to find Rextro’s missing Play Coins before he lets you power them up!

CO-OP Yooka-Laylee’s Story Mode offers an additional player the opportunity to join the fun as the Bee Team! By pressing start on a second controller, a co-op partner can help the insect horde e nact their revenge on Capital B for disgracing their noble, honey-harvesting race. The Bee Team can help Yooka and Laylee by grabbing quills, collecting and storing butterflies, stopping traps and more!

 VENDI’S TONICS Having trouble breathing underwater? There’s a Tonic for that! Visit Vendi in each Grand Tome world to equip a gameplaymodifying tonic, with effects ranging from extra health to more powerful moves! Each tonic must be unlocked before you can use it, but stop your complaining: that’s all part of the fun.

In the ssspirit of fairness, they decided not to include Trowzer’s incredible high scores. Deemed Unbeatable, they Were!

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Yooka is the easy-going, adventure-craving half of the buddy-duo. With his surprisingly dexterous tongue and ability to absorb the properties of his meals (glowing in the dark, bursting in to flames and stomping around as super-heavy metal Yooka), the lizard brings much more to the table than just a bigger set of legs for Laylee.

The vending machine with the big face is in charge of Hivory Towers’ Tonic stash, special modifiers that Yooka and Laylee can unlock and equip in order to alter their moves – for good or bad!



Energetic, quick-witted and occasionally unhinged, Laylee is the proverbial devil on Yooka’s shoulder, barking orders and insults in equal measure. Using her suite of sonar moves and deceivingly-strong wings, the purple playmate is also well equipped for the coming adventure.

This forgotten veteran of the rails longs for the ‘good old days’, when the only goal was a high score and minecart mini-games ruled the roost. Yooka and Laylee have pulled old Kartos out of retirement for one more adventure. Hoo-wee!



The serpent salesman claims to be the most skilled and knowledgeable character in the game, though Laylee suspects he’s little more than a dodgy dealer. During their adventure, Yooka and Laylee can purchase advanced manoeuvres from Trowzer ’s travelling moves shop.

CAPITAL B  Cunning bizzness executive Capital B is the CEO of diabolical corporation Hivory towers, which has recently joined forces with ingenious tech firm Quack Corp. Together, they ’re about to launch their most devious scheme yet: To absorb all of the world’s books and take over the world!

A hapless scientist who’s experienced more than her share of tentacle – erm ‘technical’ issues, Dr. Puzz will use her D.N.Ray to transform Yooka and Laylee into a plethora of crazy critters and help them on their adventure.

 DR. QUACK  The former partner of Dr. Puzz, Quack’s increasingly wild experiments lead him down the path of corruption. Now fully clad in a not-so-hitech ‘biosuit’, the ‘good’ doctor uses his scientific expertise to power up Hivory Towers’ Corplet employees.

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BASIC MOVES The buddy-duo can traverse the environment using the jump and attack buttons. When swimming, the jump and attack buttons allow Yooka to ascend or descend. Viewing mode can be activated (when using a controller) by clicking the left control stick, while the d-pad activates a host of emotes!

This once-serene waterway is littered with the mysterious remains of a freshly-redecorated pirate ship. Nobody kno ws how it got there. Well, apart from us of course, but that’s a story for another game...

REPTILE ROLL With this move Yooka and Laylee can traverse slippery surfaces! Avoid obstacles using the jump button, reaching greater heights whilst stationary.

HIVORY TOWERS The ingenious tech firm Quack Corp has been taken over by rival Hivory towers - and it’s up to no good! With the power of Dr. Quack’s Noveliser 64, the diabolical corporation plans to absorb all the world’s books… And transform them into pure profit!

 SONAR SHOT Laylee warms her vocal cords to fire powerful sonar rings, activating Sonar Totems and stunning enemies!

 SLURP SHOT Berry Bushes can be gobbled up by Yooka, allowing him to fire projectiles at targets! When using a controller, click the left stick to enter aim mode.

As you can sssee Trowzer taught the ssstar duo everything they know. Sssome Say they’re lucky I’m not a bossss Character In this game!

 THE GRAND TOMES These captive books are magical gateways to new worlds, filled with the escaped Pagies from the all-powerful One Book. Using the power of their collected Pagies, Yooka and Laylee can unlock and expand the Grand Tome worlds.

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PAGIES Pagies are the escaped inhabitants of the allpowerful one book. you’ll need them to progress through Capital B’s lair and unlock new worlds.

Health and Power extenders are well hidden in Each grand tome world. If you manage to find one of these elusive trinkets, you’ll be rewarded with bigger bars! (and the most annoying character voices in the game)

 QUILLS You’ll need these golden trinkets to purchase new moves and progress through your adventure. There are 200 in each fully-expanded world – so get searching!

 GHOST WRITERS These colourful ghouls once wrote the magic Grand Tome book worlds within which Yooka and Laylee will explore. Each Ghost Writer can be captured for a reward – but you’ll need to use different tactics to secure each!

MOLLYCOOLS Keep an ion the horizon for these molecular goodies – we’re absolutely positive they’ll be of interest to Dr.Puzz and her amazing D. N.Ray!

PLAY COINS Rextro needs these pixelated collectibles to power his fun-filled arcade machines. Note: no extra monetary transactions are required… promise!

KARTOS GEMS These sparkly jewels inhabit Kartos’s minecart tracks and he just loves to stuff them in his cart. Collect enough of them and he’ ll reward you with a Pagie!

PIRATE TREASURE What is this treasure? Why is it hidden on each level? What do you get for collecting it? Some questions are more fun unanswered…


Why messs Around ssearching For these when you can get a cracking deal from Trowzer? All ‘legally acquired’, of Courssse.


Welcome to the art of Yooka-Laylee, a chance for us to share never-before-seen concept art and offer a small insight into the method behind the madness! Creating Yooka-Laylee has been an amazing experience for the Playtonic art team, allowing us to get back to our roots and build exactly the kind of game we’ve all so passionately wanted to. Of course none of this would have been possible without the enormous amount of support and backing we’ve been so grateful to receive and for this we thank each and every one of you!

 YOOKA & LAYLEE Yooka started Life as a tiger, But a great cat was ultimately deemed ‘too heroic’ to fit the Underdog mandate set out for the Character. Obviously a lizard that can breathe fire, spit ice, and turn to metal is a clear underdog.

The Playtonic Team

Laylee had many iterations before the iconic, and so mewhat controversial big red nose was settled on. Having lived her whole life with said big red nose perhaps this explains her temperament a little.



A literal Vending machine ready to dish out tonics, born from the classic design philosop hy of take an inanimate object and stick some googly eyes on it and you’ve got yourself a character.

The King of the Track – or ‘God of Ore’, as Laylee calls him – was born from the idea of a character who missed the glory days of 3D platformers just as much as many fans do. Depending on who you talk to, Kartos is either named after an infamous magazine typo or the age-old convention of sticking ‘os’ on the end of st uff.

 DR PUZZ  A design created by veteran games artist Ed Bryan as part of a Kickstarter stretch goal, it was a no brainer the character Ed should design for us would be a master of transformations. An unfortunate mishap with her own tech has left Dr. Puzz half person, half seafood platter. The question is, which half is the original?

KNIGHTS OF HAMALOT Starting Life as a more conventional and traditi onal bunch of knights before some good old Anthropomorphism Came into play, transforming them into a treasure hunting herd of Hogs

CORPLETS Variety is apparently the spice of life - Dr Quack certainly thinks so and has taken the standard Blue corplets seen in Hivory towers and performed a series of ho rrific and evil experiments on them resulting in a variety of corporate henchmen that all blend in perfectly with their environments in each of the grand tomes.

 DR QUACK  A Selection of early ideas, many that lent elements to the final Design for our crazy Genius scientist and inventor literally kept alive by one of his own wacky inventions. Quack by name, Quack by nature.

REXTRO 64US Rextro started life as the idea of being an ultimate fanboy gamer, before evolving into the polygonal proprietor of an arcade, a left over from a Nostalgia fuelled golden age of 90’s gaming goodness.

CAPITAL B  A Businessman that uses lots of buzz words could only mean one thing surely - A giant bee in a swish hand made suit with an immaculate monogrammed cape, a Monocle and a cane - obvious really.

 TROWZER  the post-it note origins of serpent salesman Trowzer

CORPLET SECURITY  Technology’s great isn’t it? Well it’s great until it isn’t. technology often doesn’t work quite as well as planned or hoped. You would hop e that your state of the art security bots could perhaps see a little further than a few feet in front of them, and you’d definitely hope that there are no plans for these guys in the future of driver-less cars.

 TRIBALSTACK TROPICS Some development concept sketches created to help establish the style of some of the key elements of the Tri balstack tropics level

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