Yogi and Avayogi in Vedic Astrology

May 7, 2017 | Author: Manu Kumar | Category: N/A
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Yogi Avayogi technique Introduction: Among the most brilliant extensions and applications of the principles of classical jyotish were those researched and published by Seshadri Iyer of Bangalore, India. Iyer’s work has been extensively taught in the West by Hart deFouw who has verified the validity of these principles through years of applying them in his own practice. After studying these principles, I too, have used them with my clients and have come to rely on their validity and accuracy. Among many wide-ranging and useful topics, Iyer put forward a methodology for examining prosperity in a chart that is quick and easy to pinpoint and evaluate. Although embedded in a larger context that requires more study and experience, the points detailed below should give an astrologer good insight into the prosperity promised in a chart and when the promised prosperity may be more likely to deliver the goods. Because these principles are taken from a more holistic and complex context, however, there may be instances when the simple applications described below do not fully reflect the true experience. Therefore please enjoy applying these techniques with the knowledge that it is not yet the total story. Calculation of the Yogi Point: Iyer was inspired by some Nadi methods that were available to him to define and calculate specific planetary yogas that were correlated with prosperity. The basis of these yogas involved identifying the “yogi point”. Although the calculation of this point is available in many computer programs, it is important that every jyotishi understands the basis for the computer calculation and is capable of calculating it independently. To find this point one simply adds (for a particular chart) the longitude of the Sun, the Moon and a constant of 93 degrees 20 minutes. The resultant sum will be the longitude known as the yogi point. It has been my experience that many aspiring students need practice at calculations, and I, therefore, will provide an example in great detail, including how one reduces the resulting sums to find the correct longitudes. (For those who find these operations simple and obvious, this section can be quickly skimmed.) Suppose in a given chart, the Sun is at 14 degrees 22 minutes of Pisces and the Moon is at 5 degrees and 45 minutes of Gemini. One could proceed with the calculation in two different ways. My preferred method is the Indian way of expressing the longitude of the Sun as 11 signs 14 degrees 22 minutes (11 signs have been completed when a planet is placed in Pisces and the Sun in this case is 14 degrees 22 minutes into the sign of Pisces.) This can be a point of confusion as there will be some that will think of Pisces as the 12th sign but in fact, only 11 signs have actually been completed). The longitude of the Moon placed in Gemini can be expressed as 2 signs 5 degrees and 45 minutes (here again, placement in Gemini means 2 signs are completed plus the 5 degrees and 45 minutes into Gemini that the Moon has traversed). To this one must also add the constant of 93 degrees 20 minutes which in this way of handling the calculation is most easily expressed as 3 signs (30 degrees x 3 = 90 degrees) 3 degrees and 20 minutes. Adding these three longitudes we arrive at 16 signs 22 degrees and 87 minutes. 11s 14 degrees 22 minutes 02s 05 degrees 45 minutes 03s 03 degrees 20 minutes 16 s 22 degrees 87 minutes Expunging 60 minutes from the last column and adding it to the degree column as one degree (60 minutes = one degree) , we get 16 signs 23 degrees and 27 minutes.

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Whenever the sign portion of the answer exceeds 12, we subtract 12 (360 degrees) and our final figure is 4 signs 23 degrees and 27 minutes. 16s

22 degrees 87 minutes +1 degree

-60 minutes

16 s 23 degrees 27 minutes -12s 04s 23 degrees 27 minutes


Leo 23 degrees 27 minutes

This places the yogi point in the sign of Leo at 23 degrees and 27 minutes. An alternate method is to convert everything to degrees with 0 degrees of Aries as the starting point and add the longitudes directly, divide the sum by 30 degrees and arrive at the same answer. Calculation of the Avayogi Point: As relative creation exists in duality, the existence of the yogi point implies that an opposite energy must exist as well. Iyer called this the avayogi point and this calculation does not seem to be generally available in computer programs. It is a simple operation of adding 6 signs 6 degrees and 40 minutes to the yogi point. For the above example, the avayogi point would be calculated by adding 4 signs 23 degrees and 27 minutes to the constant of 6 signs 6 degrees and 40 minutes. 04s 23 degrees 27 minutes 06s 06 degrees 40 minutes 10s 29 degrees 67 minutes The resultant sum is 10 signs 29 degrees and 67 minutes which must be reduced by expunging 60 minutes from the minutes column leaving 7 minutes and then expunging 30 degrees from the degree column (29 degrees plus the 1 degree derived from expunging 60 minutes from the 67 minute total) leaving 0 degrees and a total of 11 signs (10 signs plus the extra sign derived from expunging 30 degrees). This gives an avayogi point located in Pisces at 0 degrees 7 minutes. 10s 29 degrees 67 minutes +1 degree -60 minutes 10s 30 degrees 07 minutes +1s -30 degrees 07 minutes 11s

0 degrees 07 minutes

= Pisces, 0 degrees 07

minutes Finding the Yogi, Duplicate Yogi and Avayogi: Having the yogi and avayogi points available, the method for finding the yogi, duplicate yogi and avayogi is as follows: The yogi will be the ruler of the nakshatra in which the yogi point is placed. The duplicate yogi will be the ruler of the sign in which the yogi point is placed. The avayogi will be the ruler of the nakshatra in which the avayogi point is placed. All of these are based on

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rulerships according to the vimshottari dasha system only. For the example above, the yogi point falls in the sign of Leo at 23 degrees 27 minutes putting it into the nakshatra of Purva Phalguni ruled by Venus. Therefore, Venus is the yogi of the chart. The Sun would be the duplicate yogi as it is the ruler of the sign in which the yogi point is placed. Jupiter is the ruler of Purva Bhadrapada which spans from 20 degrees of Aquarius through 3 degrees 20 of Pisces. The avayogi point is located at 0 degrees 07 minutes of Pisces making Jupiter the avayogi of the chart. In five instances, the duplicate yogi and the avayogi are the same planet. This fact will color some of the principles detailed below. In two instances, the yogi and the duplicate yogi are the same planet. A shortcut method of finding the avayogi once you know the yogi is by counting 6 inclusively from the yogi planet in vimshottari dasha sequence order. For the above example, Venus would be the starting point as the yogi and counting inclusively in the order of Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu and Jupiter, you would arrive at Jupiter as sixth from Venus. Trinal nakshatras of the yogi and avayogi nakshatra: In this methodology, it is also important to be aware that each planet in the vimshottari dasha scheme rules three nakshatras. For a given chart, the nakshatra containing the actual yogi or avayogi point is the most important. However, results can also be seen when considering the two other trinal nakshatras for each of the respective points. In the example above, the nakshatras of Bharani and Purvashadra can also be indicative of prosperity and the nakshatras of Purnavasu and Vishaka can be obstructive in this regard. Principles of Prosperity: Once these calculations have been accomplished, the intriguing process of applying these points to a given chart can begin. Each principle will be stated below with an illustration so that the methodology is clear. There will not be an attempt at any further analysis of the chart other than to illustrate the principle and comment where necessary on the life experience with respect to prosperity. As with any other set of jyotish principles, good common astrological sense needs to be applied. There is a vast difference between a yogi planet that is in its own sign, vargottama, in a good house and unafflicted and one that is debilitated, in dusthana, combust and afflicted. Another factor to be aware of is that it is often the tendency when introduced to a new principle to immediately examine charts for example in this case, of wealthy individuals and see if these principles apply. A true test of the validity of these principles would be to examine charts where these combinations exist and see if they manifest in prosperity or poverty; however, one should note that there are many significations that can support prosperity and it does not necessarily follow that all people who have wealth will have these particular indicators. Still, it SHOULD be the case that people with the combinations listed below manifest the indicated results in a comfortable majority of the cases (although this is subject to the greater context in which this work is embedded which will be unfolded in future writings.) Finally, it is important to remember that the yogi and avayogi will give results according to their condition or strength. Jyotishis evaluate strength in different ways and in accordance with their own experience and training. It is not my purpose to elaborate on this topic in the context of this paper but it is important to bear in mind that for maximum expression of the prosperity indicators, the yogi and duplicate yogi should be strong and well located. Likewise, for maximum expression of lack of prosperity, the avayogi should be strong and well placed. In this system, the weaker the avayogi, the less it will obstruct prosperity. The charts of private parties listed below have some or all of the birth details withheld to maintain confidentiality. Principle 1: If the ascending degree of the horoscope is placed in the nakshatra of the yogi point, the person will be predisposed towards material prosperity. This will be all the more marked if the yogi is strong and favorably placed for good results.

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Above is the birth chart of Tony Blair ( 6th of May in 1953, at 6.13 AM in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3degreesW13, 55degrees N 57, daylight). The ascending degree is 12 degrees 43 Taurus. The yogi point is 13 degrees 48 Taurus. The Moon is the yogi and it is noteworthy that it is well placed in the 9th house in its own nakshatra (and therefore one of the trinal nakshatras of the yogi point) of Shravana. Venus is the duplicate yogi exalted in the 11th house and in a parivartana yoga with Jupiter who is placed in the ascendant with dig bala. Principle 2: If the ascending degree of the horoscope is placed in the nakshatra of the avayogi point, the person will tend toward material deprivation. This will be more marked if the avayogi is strong and able to give its obstructive results. Please note that in the cases where the avayogi and the duplicate yogi are the same planet, this principle does not apply.

In the chart of this individual, the avayogi nakshatra is Ardra and the ascendant degree falls into this nakshatra. This person though capable of bringing in some good income, has shown a marked propensity towards wild spending and financial irresponsibility, and is currently without resources. Principle 3: If the yogi planet is placed in the ascendant, there is a marked tendency towards material prosperity. This will be more marked if the yogi is strong and well disposed.

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This is the nativity of William Randolph Hearst born April 29th, 1863 at 6:07 AM in San Francisco 122W25, 37N47 standard time. The lagna is 2 degrees 5 minutes Taurus. The yogi planet for the chart is Venus in its own sign in the ascendant. Principle 4: If the avayogi is in the ascendant, there is a marked tendency toward material deprivation. This will be more marked if the avayogi is strong and able to give its obstructive results. The chart given for principle 2 also has the configuration listed in the above principle. The avayogi of the chart is Rahu which is placed in the ascendant. . Principle 5: If the yogi planet is the lord of the ascendant and well placed, the native is pre-disposed toward material prosperity. This principle is somewhat less powerful than the principles involving the yogi listed above.

The birth chart of Jack Nicklaus is shown above. He was born January 21st, 1940 at 3.10 AM in Columbus Ohio 83W00, 39N58, Standard Time. The lagna degree is 1 degree 40 Scorpio. The lagna lord Mars is the yogi of the chart well placed in the 5th house in the company of the 2nd and 5th lord and friend, Jupiter. Principle 6: If the avayogi is the lord of the ascendant, the native will tend toward material deprivation. This will be more marked if the avayogi is strong and able to give its obstructive results. This principle is somewhat less powerful than the avayogi principles listed above.

This person was born into a relatively comfortable family but has had a series of menial jobs and an income level well below the standard of his family and friends. Saturn is the avayogi of the chart. Principle 7: A connection between the yogi and the duplicate yogi by conjunction, mutual aspect etc. creates a powerful yoga for prosperity. If these two planets are also forming other yogas indicating material gains, this association greatly augments the indications of those yogas. The extent of the effect is again

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dependent on the strength of the planets involved and their ability to realize their potential in the chart.

The yogi of the chart is Venus and the duplicate yogi is Mars. They are conjoined in the ascendant, enlivening principle 3 as well as principle 7. Venus is the yogakaraka for this Capricorn ascendant and the duplicate yogi Mars is exalted. Both of these planets form several other yogas for success and prosperity. This person has the experience of abundant financial resources. Conclusion and food for thought: This has been an introduction to some of the basic principles of Iyer’s methods that incline a chart towards prosperity or poverty. Many other factors play into these dynamics including the influence of the yogi, duplicate yogi and avayogi as participants in yoga combinations, their influence by transits, the effects of their dasha periods, their role in divisional chart analysis, etc. For example, consider the situation where the yogi planet is transiting the yogi nakshatra during its dasha. This can be a powerful indication for timing a prosperous period. Consider also the times when, by transit, the duplicate yogi and the yogi reform a yoga combination present in the natal chart. This too may lead to striking material success. These are topics to be presented in more detail for future study and consideration. Initially, the most effective way to gain skills in applying these principles is to find those charts in which they operate cleanly and elegantly. In these cases, the results should be self evident. When you find charts that are not working, put them aside for future study. As more principles are introduced and assimilated, you may find that these problem charts become excellent examples of more subtle and interesting dynamics.

Source: http://www.jupitersweb.com/iyer_point_of_prosperity.htm

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