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A seminal work on yoga by one of its greatest teachers...
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Yogasanagalu (translation project) On this page an intro to the project with links _ The ongoing translation of the Yogasanagalu _ Some notes and comments that have come up from the blog posts _ A post with some suggestions on how to practice the sequences in the Yogasanagalu.
Intro to the project rishnamachar!a wrote his book Yoga "akaranda in #$%& in the annada language' the Tamil edition was published in #$%(. rishnamachar!a)s Yogasanagalu was first published in the annada language in #$' the %rd edition was published in #$*+ . ,attabhi -ois wrote his book' Yoga "l' in annada in #$/(' and it was published in #$0+' but was not published in 1nglish until #$$$ Yogasanagalu along with rishnamachar!a)s other book Yoga "akaranda 2downloadable 31415' was originall! written in "!sore while rishnamachar!a was teaching at the "!sore ,alace and while Sri ,attabhi -ois was his student.
YOGASANAGALU T. KRISHNAMACHARYA Introduction I did not attempt a detailed review of all ancient yoga treatises since it will
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make this book very long and perhaps cause boredom to the readers. Please forgive. This writing is mainly based on the following tets! Patanjalayogasutra "athayogapradipika #ajayogaratnakara Yogakuranti $panishads related to yoga %earning&s from my 'uru and selfeperience
About the Second Edition This is the second edition. dded additional tet to one section. I trust that by reading this* readers and practitioners will be able to overcome their doubts. +ith the a strong conviction* and re,uest that teachers will be able to teach essence of yoga Itosuggest their students.
T. -rishnamacharya
Third Edition There may be many forms of Yoga* but the most important yoga is the one that serves not to lose one&s harma of self or harma of the nation. This was said by /hagavatpatanjai (in Patanjali yogasutras). 0nly these two will show the way for people&s life. Patanjali has eplained that the benefits of yoga are mainly these two and can etend from this world into the brighter world. "e also suggested that they are under the control of god* prana and mind. In addition* those who eat satwik food and practice yama* niyama* asana* pranayama* pratyahara* dharana* dhyana and samadhi under the guidance of a guru may be rewarded. It has been said that in addition to the four objectives of man 1 dharma* artha* kama and moksha* four additional objectives 1 god* mind* prana and food are e,ually important. The 2aharaja of our -arnataka state* his highness 3ri -rishna #ajendra* an enthusiastic yoga advocate having practiced this Patanjala ashtanga yoga for many years under his guru and now wishing that his subjects also benefit from this practice has generously started 4) 2aharaja 3anksrit Patha 3hala 5) 6aganmohana Palace 3riyogashala 7) /angalore 3anskrit Patha 3hala 8) 2ysore $niverisity 8) 9hitradurga 3riyogashala and to help with the practice yoga ordered the publication and propagation of :Yogamakaranda;*
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:Yogasanagalu; and :Yoganjali; volumes in -annada. These volumes have been printed in 4) /angalore 'overnment Press 5) $niversity Publications* 2ysore and 7) Private Press. ccording to the command of his highness* the first book :Yogamakaranda; has been translated to Tamil and published from 2adurai* Tamilnadu. The author of all these books is also the yoga teacher for his highness. In order to publish the 7rd edition of the book :Yogasanagalu; and to help men* women* youth* old and patients practice appropriately* I used a new set of photos and epanded and altered many the topics regarding the practice. bout 7< years ago* our 2aharaja took interest in propagating yoga and as a conse,uence that action* a healthy lifestyle is growing in if many countries. /efore this* itof was not available in foreign countries. =ven some books were available* it was not in this practical format. I want to epress deep gratitude and thanks to the officials of the 2ysore $niversity which is renowned in all of -arnataka. 2adras
B0T=! This =nglish translation is of the 4@.
/l 1ीन} )agni deepanam*
िना@ ि%श)ि{ः )nadi vishuddihi* #lood vessels are purifiied
1estroys all diseases
%e"ual energy under control
!ndigestion is eliminated
&hose who pranayama along with yoganga sadhana will achieve F F )hatayoga lashanam* 5 this is e"plained clearly in +atayogapradipia, =, >K. )one must not forget that the practice must be as per the shastra*.
Also, if we study yoga sutras 3, @L, @>, R @K etc., along with rimmly said... & think &(m most curious about the breath, , ho slo, hether there are retentions in some postures, i inhale and e2hale are e0ual or the e2hale longer in some postures, i it suggests ive breaths or eight etc.. curious there(s anything on drishti too, there(s hether much on pranayama and pratyahara.... :otsi to look orard to. Savim said... =es >rimmly, there are retentions speciied in many o the %nd and $rd level asanas. The ne2t e pages really sets up the basics or starting a practice. Stay tuned. Satya. 8or no I3m going ith 2rihnamacharya3 #oga $akaranda publihed in %&' in 2annada and %&'9 in amil" here i a freely donloadable edition :,0, ;et3 take Pachimottanaana for example" Interetingly thi eated poture appear in the #ogaanagalu in the middle of the opening tanding e6uence" 2rihnamacharya3 intruction for Pachimattanaana in the #oga $akaranda
3Pascimattanasana or Pascimottanasana )(igure @.=Q S @.?K* This asana has many kramas. H these the irst orm has -? vinyasas. 6ust doing the asana sthiti by sitting in the same spot ithout doing these vinyasas ill not yield the complete beneits mentioned in the yoga sastras. This rule applies to all asanas. The irst three vinyasas are e2actly as or uttanasana. The Ith vinyasa is caturanga dandasana, the th vinyasa is urdhvamukhasvanasana, the ?th vinyasa is adhomukhasvanasana. Practise these olloing the earlier instructions. &n the ?th vinyasa, doing
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puraka kumbhaka, jump and arrive at the Jth vinyasa. That is, rom adhomukhasvanasana sthiti, jump orard and move both legs beteen the arms ithout alloing the legs to touch the loor. F2tend the legs out orard and sit don. Practise sitting like this ith the rear part o the body either beteen the to hands or I angulas in ront o the hands. &t is better to learn the abhyasa krama rom a guru. &n this sthiti, push the chest orard, do puraka kumbhaka and gaKe steadily at the tip o the nose. Ater this e2tend both arms out toards the eet 1the legs are already e2tended in ront). Clasp the big toes o the eet tightly ith the irst three ingers 1thumb, inde2, middle) o the hands such that the let hand holds the let big toe and the right hand holds the right big toe. Eo not raise the knees even slightly. Then, pull in the stomach hile doing recaka, loer the head and press the ace don onto the knee. The knees should not rise rom the ground in this sthiti either. This is the @th vinyasa. This is called pascimottanasana. &n the beginning, everybody ill ind it very diicult. The nerves in the back, the thighs and the backs o the knees ill eel as though they are being iercely pulled and this ill be e2tremely painul. The pain ill remain or L days. Ater this, the pulling on the nerves ill release and it ill be possible to do the asana ithout any problem. This pascimottanasana has many orms. Ater irst practising this asana ith the ace pressed onto the knee, practise it ith the chin placed on the knee and then eventually ith it placed $ angulas belo the knee on the cal. &n the -! '9! C+>! D+>%! >>+>< Cnd erie %?+%C! C&! '%! ''! >C! > . '! '>
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I alo found an nline edition of he #oga 7utra ith Fyaa3 commentary and the explanation5glo called tattva* vaicardi of Fachapati $icra ( $itra) 6uoted in length in the text above"
httpG55archive"org5detail5yogaytemofpata??oodu oft
))3 45. B! relaxation of effort or b! a 6mental7 state3 of3balance &ith reference to Ananta
MA postureN results. 4ith these ords the sentence is completed. 4hen eorts cease the posture is completed,so that there is no agitation o the body. Hr the mind*stu comes into a balanced*state ith reerence to Ananta and produces the posture" (Fyaa) :aving tated hat the poture are! he tell hat are
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the mean of attaining them" D"By relaxation of effort or by a JmentalK tate+of+balance ith reference to Ananta" A natural effort utaining the body i not the caue of thi kind of poture hich i to be taught a an aid to yoga" 8or if it caue ere uch! the preaching of it ould beherefore purpoele innatural that iteffort could be naturally perfected" thi doe not accomplih thi kind of poture hich i to be taught and i contrary Jto itK" 8or in o far a thi Jnatural potureK i the caue of an arbitrarily choen poture it i the detroyer of the pecific kind of poture" Lone6uently a man! practiing the pecific poture a taught! hould reort to an effort hich conit in the relaxation of the natural effort" therie the poture taught cannot be accomplihed" r " " " ith Ananta!M the Lhief of 7erpent! ho uphold the globe of the earth upon hi thouand very teadfat hood! Jith himK the mind+tuff come into a balanced tate and produce the poture1" (Fachapati $icra)
Translation of Ananta Ananta i another name for Fihnu (the infinite" limitle one) and often get tranlated a infinity!
ome argue that the meaning of thi utra i to meditate upon the infinite! 7ankara put it like thi!
14hen the mind attains samadhi on that hich stands
pervading all e2istence, the posture is perected, made irm' pCD> 7ankara on the #oga 7utra! revor ;eggett"
A 0amaami tate 12rihnamacharya interpret thi utra differently than other teacher"""1
1here is another interpretation o the ord ananta.
The...meaning comes rom the ord 'ana' hich means to breathe. Ana means preach. or e2ample, prana, apana, vyana, and so on. They all come rom the root ana, to
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breath. So, here ananta reers to the breath. Ananta Samapatti is to ocus your attention on the breath. Anatasamapatti is to ocus your attention on the lie orce hich is the breath"1 p&D+&9 A Brief Introduction to yoga philoophy! baed on the lecture of 7rivata 0amaami
by avid :urit"
En8o! the t&o t!es 9
I3ve been troubled by the meaning of thi! it eem to be a heading but hat are the to types 2rihnamacharya i referring too" In the 6uoted (at length) commentary of Fachapati $icra e find thi line! 1By relaxation of effort or by a JmentalK tate+of+ balance ith reference to Ananta1 I thi then the to type (approache to practice or aana) that 2rihnamacharya i referring too :. ;B! relaxation of effort
A natural eort sustaining the body is not the cause o this kind o posture hich is to be taught as an aid to yoga. "or i its cause ere such, the preaching o it ould be purposeless in that it could be naturally perected. Thereore this natural eort does not accomplish this kind o posture hich is to be taught and is contrary Mto itN. "or in so ar as this Mnatural postureN is the cause o an arbitrarily chosen posture it is the destroyer o the speciic kind o posture. Conse0uently a man, practising the speciic posture as taught, should resort to an eortHtherise hich consists in the rela2ation o the natural eort. the posture 1" Fachapati $icra taught cannot be accomplished :o do e do thi. A 0amaami tated above 1By making the breath smooth 1and long), and by
concentration or ocussing the mind on the breath, the perection o the posture is obtained. Note# +rishnamacharya interprets this sutra dierently
than other teachers. he gives the correct technical
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meaning 1in this conte2t) romn prayatna or 6ivana prayatna, or eort o lie hich is breath. he says that it is the breath that should be made smooth and eortless, not the posture. it is not physicalO it is 1 p>> the breathing
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