Yogas in Vedic Astrology

February 11, 2017 | Author: AdityaKumar | Category: N/A
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Yogas Yogas in i n Vedic Astrology There are various yogas considered in Vedic or Hindu astrology. Important yogas are given below: Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga : There are 5 mahapurusha yoga. Ruchaka yoga: In a kendra ars is in its own sign or in e!altation. Result: "rave# arrogant# victorious. Bhadra yoga: In a kendra ercury is in its own sign or in e!altation. Result: Intellectual# learned# rich# good in commerce and communication. Hamsa yoga: In a kendra $upiter is in its own sign or in e!altation. Result: %eligious# very &ortunate# wealthy# righteousness# com&orts# devotion etc. Malavaya yoga: In a kendra Venus is in its own sign or in e!altation. Result: 'ealthy# loves li&e# sometimes sel&(indulgent# good marriage# strong sense o& )ustice. Shasya yoga: In a kendra *aturn is in its own sign or in e!altation. This yoga makes power&ul# strict# positi on o& authority. The native is liked by all# e+uivalent to a king or a minister and is tough( hearted. Parivartana Yoga :A parivartana yoga occurs when planet A is in the sign o& planet "# and planet " is in the sign o& planet A. Dainya yoga: This yoga occurs when one o& the planets participating in the yoga is lord o& the si!th# eighth or twel&th house. These are dushtana houses that generally have an un&avourable in&luence. In most cases# the lord o& the si!th# eighth or twel&th house will be strengthened by the bene&ic in&luence o& the other planet. However# the other planet involved in this yoga is always damaged. Kahala yoga: I& ,- and -/or $upiter0 are in an angular position# w.r.t each other and i& the -agna -ord is strong# this yoga is &ormed. I& ,- and 12- are together/or i& the -ord o& 3 aspects ,th -ord0# and the 4th -ord is in owne!altation sign# this yoga is &ormed. This yoga makes native learned# beauti&ul  handsome in appearance# disciplined# obedient to superiors# en)oying li&e# obstinate# adventurous# heading town councils# senses under control# good moral character  Kartari Yoga:This group o& yoga6s is caused by planets being placed around a certain house andor planet. The most generally occurring 7artari yoga is when two bene&ics or mali&ics enclose a planet or a house. Sunapha Yoga: 8lanets in the second house /other then the *un0 calculated &rom the oon 9 richness# &inancial bene&its. The e&&ects o& this are stronger i& bene&ics are situated in the second house calculated &rom the oon. *hould there be one or more male&ics in this second house &rom the oon# the e&&ect will be limited# or there will be no e&&ect at all. Anapha Yoga: 8lanets in the twel&th house /other then the *un0 calculated &rom the oon ( religious. This e&&ect increases i&  there are bene&ics in the twel&th house calculated &rom the oon# but should it concern one or more male&ics# the e&&ect is limited or non(e&&ective. In 7ennedys horoscope# *aturn is in the eleventh house# which is the twel&th house calculated &rom the oon. He was not known to be a particularly religious man. Durudhura Yoga: 8lanets /other then the *un0 in both the twel&th and the second house calculated &rom the oon ( rich and high morals /especially i& it concerns bene&icial planets0. Kemadruma Yoga: There are no planets in either the twel&th or the second house calculated &rom the oon. ;ther planets do not support the &unctions o& the oon. The person will &eel lonely and lead a rather di&&icult li&e. There are many ways in which this di&&icult yoga can be neutralised. An e!ample: should the oon be in either a kendra or a trikona house# in con)unction with another planet or being aspected by $upiter this yoga will be greatly neutralised. eshi Yoga: 'hen a planet /other then the oon0 is in the second house calculated &rom the *un# it &orms a veshi yoga. This yoga gives riches and status# at least when this yoga is &ormed by bene&ics. I& it is &ormed by male&ics it can lead to all kinds o& problems. oshi Yoga: This occurs when a planet /other then the oon0 is placed in the twel&th house calculated &rom the *un. This yoga supports spiritual development and intelligence# at least when it is &ormed by a bene&ic. A male&ic in the twel&th house calculated &rom the *un will give us problems. !"hayachari Yoga Yoga: There is a planet /other then the oon0 in both the second and the twel&th house calculated &rom the *un. This brings good &ortune in many areas# but again only i& it involves bene&ics. ale&ics will create trouble. This yoga makes native talkative# intelligent# strong# taking care o& his relatives# &avours &rom # 11 5# . The combination o& any one o& these houses combined with the 1st house ruler would bring wealth to the individual. Actually any combination o& these houses would create =hana Yoga# but the1st house combination is the strongest. Ra#a Yoga : The lords o& a kendra and a trikona house are in con)unction# mutually aspected or in reception. This is a combination o& good &ortune /trikona house0 and action /kendra house0# so take advantage o& it. I would like to point out that a ra)a yoga could be &ormed by one planet# and also by two planets. ipareeta Ra#a Yoga Yoga : Viparita means 6inverted# contrary# reversed?. Vipareeta %a)a Yoga Yoga is &ormed when the planet ruling a dusthana /4#@#1>0 house is placed in another dusthana house. This yoga tends to cause an une!pected rise in li&e due to an un&ortunate event or problem. $eecha Bhanga : eecha means debilitated and bhanga means reversal. Here are the main ways in which which debility can be modi&ied# or cancelled. This may not be considered a yoga per say# but it is very important to consider in chart interpretation. 1. I& the ruler o& the sign occupied by the debilitated debilitate d planet is in a kendra position &rom the oon or the -agna. >.

I& the ruler o& the sign where the debilitated planet is e! e!alted alted is in a kendra position &rom the oon or -agna.


I& the ruler o& the sign occupied by the debilitated planet aspects the planet.

,. I& the planet who would be e!alted in the sign occupied by the debilitated planet is in a kendra kendra &rom the oon or  the -agna.


I& the debilitated debilitate d planet is e!alted in the avamsha.

4. The dispositor o& the debilitated debilitate d planet gives greater relie& to the debilitated debilitated planet when the dispositor is well  placed. $eecha Bhanga Ra#a Yoga Yoga :  %a)a yoga is only when the debilitated planet occupies a kendra# otherwise it?s debility is merely removed. Yoga karaka : A Yoga karaka is when one single planet &orms %a)a Yoga by itsel&. It rules two di&&erent houses# one is a triconal and one is a 7endra. The &irst house can serve as either in the combination. In both Taurus and -ibra ascendants *aturn is the Yoga Yoga 7araka. In Taurus Taurus ascendant *aturn rules the th /trinal0 house# and the 12th /kendra0 house. Cor -ibra ascendants *aturn rules both the ,th /7endra0 and the 5th /trinal0. ;ther ascendants that have a Yoga 7araka are Dapricorn and A+uarius. They both have Venus as the Yoga 7araka. 'ith Dapricorn Ascendant Venus rules the5th and the 12th. A+uarius ascendant Venus rules the ,th and th. Cor Dancer and -eo ascendants ars is the Yoga 7araka. Dancer ascendant will have ars rule the 5th and the 12th. -eo ascendants will have ars rule the ,th and the th. o other ascendants will have a single planet rule both a kendra and a trine. These are the only ascendants to have a Yoga 7araka. A Yoga 7araka  planet will be a planet that that brings great great bene&it to the chart# even even though it may be a natural natural male&ic male&ic planet. Adhi Yoga: There must be at least two# but pre&erably more# bene&ics in the si!th# seventh and eighth house calculated &rom the ascendant  oon. This yoga gives high status# rank# prosperous# en)oying pleasures# &amous# having conveyances# good wi&e# obedient sons# no diseases and dangers# long li&e# de&eating enemies. %hamara Yoga : I& a person is born in day in the bright hal& o& the month /*hukal 8aksh0# and the Ascendant -ord is in his e!altation sign# with the $upiter in an angular position /or power&ul aspect o& $upiter on Ascendant -ord0# this yoga is &ormed. The person having this yoga in the horoscope becomes -ong(lived# wealthy# happy# serving in &ields re+uiring courage# virtuous deeds# pro&ound scholar# well(read# pro&essor o& vedas# aristocratic. Pushkala Yoga : I& the -ord o& the sign occupied by oon in con)unction with Ascendant -ord posited in the house o& a very &riendly planet or in an angle and strong bene&ics aspect the Ascendant -ord# this yoga is &ormed. This yoga grants %oyal &amily# wealth and makes him &amous# blessed with power# authority# en)oying all com&orts o& li&e# sweet speech# respected by rulers#
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