
March 31, 2018 | Author: DDASDSADAS | Category: Bird Migration, Air Pollution, Desert, Dust, Pollution
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YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

1 – 20. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz 1. Some people prefer hearing ---- stories to new ones, probably because they find brand-new tales confusing. A) constant

B) prone

C) complex

D) familiar

5. The potato disaster ---- in Ireland in the 1840s and this famine killed about a million people. A) put out

B) broke out

C) ran out

D) cut off

E) called off

E) innovative 6. Marine biologists are trying to ---- why healthy sea creatures have been dying suddenly along coastal areas around the world. 2. Bats may ----- the most sophisticated wings in the animal kingdom which allow them to fly fast and pursue insects during flight. A) provide

B) implement

C) possess

D) diminish

A) make up

B) break into

C) turn down

D) figure out

E) give in

E) occur 7. Winston Churchill was known as a great leader, yet now he is also known ---- being curious---- alien life and the universe.

3. The ice in the Arctic sea has shown a ---steady decline, whereas the one in the south changed dramatically. A) negligibly

B) diligently

C) similarly

D) suspiciously

A) for / about

B) with / into

C) by / from

D) on / under

E) up / above

E) relatively 8. In order to curb the effects of global warming, the increase ---- Earth's temperature needs to be stabilized ---- no more than 3.6 degrees F. 4. Scientists say the amount of ---- in the Pacific Ocean is on the rise just like heavily polluted Chinese rivers. A) contributions

B) components

C) contaminants

D) appraisals

A) on / at

B) against / on

C) of / to

D) from / for

E) in / at

E) branches


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

9. Currently an endangered species of antelope ------ in great numbers due to a disease in Mongolia, and there ------ "catastrophic consequences" for the fauna.


The story of humanity ---- with our earliest ancestors, who ---- in Africa around 7 million years ago. A) began / appeared

A) was dying / should be

B) has begun / had appeared

B) dies / were

C) would begin / will appear

C) had died / are

D) begins / appears

D) is dying / could be

E) will begin / appear

E) has died / would have been

13. 10.

Earth’s gravity ---- life possible by enabling vital human activities, yet a weaker or a stronger one ------ much lower chances of survival. A) had made / may mean

---- people mature and gain more experience, they gradually learn strategies to cope with their emotions. A) Even if

B) As

C) Unless

D) Lest

E) Whereas

B) makes / would mean C) is making / meant D) can make / had meant E) will have made / is meaning 14.


----- the benefits of individual skills with those of living in an even larger group, many animal species ----- their chances of survival.

---- reptiles generally prey on smaller animals, few reptiles such as the iguana are planteaters. A) Before

B) When

C) After

D) Since

E) While

A) To have combined / increase B) To combine / had increased C) Having combined / would have increased D) To be combined / increased


What are we going to do when our vital supplies ---- fish dry up?

E) Combining / can increase A) such as

B) but for

C) as regards

D) without

E) due to


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017


Scientists estimate ants first evolved about 120 million years ago ---- the ants at that time weren't as prevalent as they are today A) because

B) but

C) so that

D) if

E) as though


Young children ----- have been exposed to a second language have an advantage when they learn the sounds of that language later in life. A) who

B) when

C) which

D) what

E) whether


Engineers have improved infrastructures to deal with lightning ----- a better and more detailed understanding of lightning. A) in terms of

B) rather than

C) on behalf of

D) such as

E) thanks to


---- the rampant deforestation is to be stopped, the governments must address land rights, and recognise the customary rights of indigenous peoples over their land. A) Although

B) Only if

C) If

D) As

E) Just as


The fragmentation of the remaining forest in South-East Asia has become ---- severe ---the loss of many more species of plants and animals has become inevitable. A) such / that

B) either/or

C) so / that

D) such / as

E) whether / or


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

21 – 25. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.


Raymond B. Cattell’s (21) ---- contributions to

A) in

B) within

C) off

D) through

E) by

psychology are undeniable. He held a hereditarian view of intelligence, (22) ---- that intelligence is largely determined (23) ---- genetics. He (24) ---- that individuals with higher IQs tended to have fewer children than individuals with lower IQs. Therefore, he suggested that it would be better for more intelligent people to be encouraged to have more children, and that less intelligent individuals have (25) ----.

24. A) noted B) was noting C) is noting D) will note E) has noted

21. A) inexplicable B) perceived C) substantial D) irreversible E) cognitive

25. A) most

B) more

C) any

D) fewer

E) less 22. A) to argue B) arguing C) being argued D) to have argued E) be argued


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

26 – 30. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.


A black hole is a place in space (26) ---- gravity pulls so

A) invisible

B) invincible

C) visible

D) bright

E) radiant

much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. (27) ---- no light can get out, people can't see black holes. Namely, they are (28) ----. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close (29) ---- black holes act differently from other stars. The big question is “when did this all happen?” Scientists think most of the black holes formed when the universe


(30) ---- long ago. Then, through time the number of them has kept adding up.

A) from

B) upon

C) under

D) above

E) to

26. A) which

B) that

C) where

D) what

E) of which 30. A) had begun B) began C) begins D) was beginning E) will begin 27. A) Although

B) As if

C) While

D) Since

E) Just as


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

31. – 40. sorularda verilen cümleyi tamamlayabilecek seçeneği bulunuz. 31. Although genes are known to influence behavior and intelligence, ----.

A) genetically identical does not mean exactly the same B) it also causes a substantial amount of controversy among the scholars

33. -------, as it has a high resistance to oxidation and therefore a long shelf life.

A) Coconut oil turns to liquid when heated to certain temperatures B) Coconut oil is highly preferred in foods and beverages as source of cheap oil C) Many people still have doubts and hesitate to use coconut oil and palm oil

C) they are definitely not the entire reason for the correlation between the two

D) Semi-solid at room temperature, palm oil and coconut oil are among the world’s most versatile raw materials

D) some changes are more prevalent in less developed parts of the world

E) Coconut oil is rarely exploited as an ingredient in the cosmetics industry

E) these approaches may have been more appropriate decades earlier

32. ---- that carried a number of vital instruments and remained in orbit for more than 12.

34. After it loses one of its arms during hunting or an attack, ----.

A) Scientists will carry out an undersea exploration of some sort

A) the marine mammals cannot survive such dramatic changes any longer

B) Explorer I was a relatively small spacecraft

B) an octopus can regenerate the organ in a relatively brief period of time

C) As they have long worked on space projects D) The danger of desertification due to climate change persists E) A probe can be designed to explore the solar system in general and Mars in particular

C) the main reason for this loss was still unknown D) their dependence on other little sea creatures is often disregarded E) a whale was captured by the local fishermen and exhibited for days


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

35. While the ceratopsian pattern found in Northern Mexico is currently rare and mostly fragmented, ----.

A) isolation is key to this kind of evolutionary divergence B) every new species helps outline this grand evolutionary pattern C) there is an evident potential to discover more and better preserved specimens in the near future D) North America saw a decrease in horned dinosaur species E) it’s one of several mysterious species uncovered across northern Mexico

36. ----, new genetic and archaeological data of the region indicate that this event may have taken place much earlier.

A) Because the Tibetan Plateau is a cold and arid place with half the oxygen present at sea level B) Though scientists had long thought no one set foot on the Tibetan plateau until 15,000 years ago C) Just as the word organic is historical, dating to the 1st century D) Once the modern part of the Tibetan genome reflects a mixed genetic heritage

37. Cancer injections are not designed to prevent cancer from starting, ----. A) instead, they provide patients’ immune system with intellegence on what the cancer cell looks like B) in that cancerous cells do not look different enough from normal cells C) yet human cells are covered in so-called self-proteins that serve as markers for the immune system D) thus, earlier cancer vaccine efforts may have failed E) so cancer-specific proteins spark a strong response from immune molecules

38. ----, they can easily understand where events are taking place.

A) Although there are many reasons to study geography B) As rivers are easy examples of how geography can impact history C) While early people had an easy way of transporting goods D) If people develop a map of their community and the world E) Unless geographical features have had an equally strong impact on history

E) While it's the most significant wave of migration that shaped the modern Tibetan gene pool


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

39. Venus with its dense atmosphere that traps solar radiation is extremely hot, ----. A) for the Earth is habitable thanks to the equilibrium of incoming and outgoing radiation B) so the oceans, land and atmosphere release heat in the form of IR thermal radiation

41. - 46. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

41. One of the main scientific goals of the Mars Science Laboratory is to study the climate and geology of Mars.

C) also, UV radiation has a shorter wavelength and a higher energy level than visible light

A) Mars'ın iklim ve jeolojisini incelemek, Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının en temel görevlerinden birisidir.

D) while Venus is boiling hot due to incoming solar radiation absorbed by the oceans, the land and the atmosphere

B) Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının hedefleri arasında Mars'ın iklimi ile jeolojisini etüt etmek de bulunmaktadır.

E) whereas, the moon, having no atmosphere, is about minus 50 degrees celcius on its dark side

C) Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının temel bilimsel hedeflerinden biri Mars'ın iklimi ve jeolojisini incelemektir. D) Mars'ın iklimini ve jeolojisini etüt ederek Mars'ta hayat olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmak Mars Bilim Laboratuvarı'nın temel hedeflerinden biridir. E) Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının hedeflerinden birisi Mars'ın iklimini incelemek, diğeri ise jeolojisini etüt etmektir.

40. Most nature reserves, -----, have special environmental value.

A) which should be well-preserved for future generations B) unless they protect unique ecosystems, water reserves, and endangered species C) whether governments and companies place special attention on it D) yet people are in favour of conserving them and contributing money E) if people made use of economic advantages

42. A black hole is a region in space exhibiting such a strong gravitational effect that nothing, not even light, can escape from inside it. A) Kara delik, hiçbir şeyin, ışığın bile, içinden kaçamayacağı çok güçlü bir yer çekimi etkisi sergileyen, uzayda bir bölgedir. B) Kara delik güçlü yer çekimi sayesinde parçacıkların ve ışık gibi elektromanyetik radyasyonların içinden çıkmasına izin vermez. C) Işığın bile içinden çıkamadığı kara delik, güçlü bir yerçekimine sahip olan bir uzay bölgesidir. D) Kara delik, ışık gibi elektromanyetik radyasyonların içinden çıkamadığı güçlü bir yer çekimi alanıdır. E) Uzayda bulunan kara delik, ışığın bile içinde hapsolduğu güçlü yer çekimi etkileri sergiler.


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

43. Technology, the collection of techniques, skills, methods, is used in the production of goods or services. A) Teknoloji mal veya hizmetlerin üretiminde kullanılan tekniklerin, becerilerin, yöntemlerin ve işlemlerin derlenmesidir. B) Tekniklerin, becerilerin, yöntemlerin bütünü olan ve teknoloji, mal veya hizmetlerin üretiminde kullanılır. C) Teknoloji, tekniklerin gelişmesiyle birlikte hizmet sektöründe ve mal üretiminde kullanılmaktadır. D) Mal veya hizmetlerin üretiminde kullanılan teknoloji tekniklerin, becerilerin, yöntemlerin ve işlemlerin toplamıdır. E) İnsanlar teknolojiyi yalnızca mal ve hizmetlerin üretiminde değil aynı zamanda tekniklerin, becerilerin, yöntemlerin derlenmesinde de kullanırlar.

45. Scientists have come up with a new theory as to the reasons of the extinction of the dinosaurs that allegedly took place some 150 millions ago. A) Bilim insanları, sözde yaklaşık 150 milyon yıl önce meydana gelmiş olan, dinozorların yok olma nedenlerine dair yeni bir teori ile ortaya çıktılar. B) Bilim insanları, 150 milyon yıl önce meydana gelmiş olan dinozorların yok olma nedenleri ile alakalı bir kanıt buldular. C) Bilim insanları, sözde aşağı yukarı 150 milyon yıl önce meydana gelmiş olan dinozorların yok olma nedenleri ile alakalı yeni bir teori ile ortaya çıktılar. D) Aşağı yukarı 150 milyon yıl önce meydana gelmiş olan dinozorların neden yok olduğuna dair yeni bir teori bilim insanları tarafından ortaya atıldı. E) Bilim insanları, 150 milyon yıl önce meydana gelmiş olan dinozorların yok olması ile alakalı yeni bir teori ile açıkladıla

44. When surfaces in contact move relatively to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into thermal energy. A) Kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjiye dönüştürmek için yüzeyler birbirine temas etmelidirler. B) İki yüzey arasındaki sürtünme kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjisine dönüştürerek yüzeylerin hareket etmesini sağlar. C) Temas halinde olan yüzeyler birbirine göreceli olarak hareket ettiğinde, iki yüzey arasındaki sürtünme kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjiye çevirir. D) Temas halinde olan yüzeyler birbirine göreceli hareket ettiği için iki yüzey arasındaki sürtünme kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjiye çevirir. E) Temas halindeki yüzeyler sayesinde kinetik enerji termal enerjiye kolayca dönüştürülür.

46. According to the Moore Law put forward by Gordon Moore, the technology that we use even for our daily routines doubles every two years. A) Gordon Moore’un ortaya attığı Moore yasasına göre, günlük rutinlerimiz için kullandığımız teknoloji her iki yılda bir ikiye katlanır. B) Gordon Moore tarafından ortaya atılan Moore yasası, günlük rutinlerimiz için bile kullanılan teknolojiyi her iki yılda bir arttığını iddia eder. C) Gordon Moore’un ortaya attığı Moore yasasına göre, günlük rutinlerimiz için bile kullandığımız teknoloji her iki yılda bir ikiye katlanır. D) Gordon Moore tarafından ortaya atılan Moore yasasına göre, günlük rutinlerimiz için bile kullandığımız teknoloji her iki yılda bir iki kat azalır. E) Gordon Moore tarafından ortaya atılan Moore yasasına göre, günlük rutinlerimiz için bile kullandığımız teknoloji her iki yılda bir ikiye katlanır. 9

YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

47. - 52. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

47. Mühendislik, 21. Yüzyılda kendi başına ayakta kalabilen ender mesleklerden biri, belki de tek meslektir.

A) Engineering is one of the rare occupations or maybe the only one which can stand on its own in the 21th century. B) In the 21th century engineering is one of the rare occupations that can stand by itself. C) 21th century engineering is one of the rare occupations which can stand on its own.

49. Dünya’ nın geleceği, doğal kaynaklarımızı bugün ne kadar verimli kullandığımıza bağlıdır.

A) We mustn’t ignore the the fact that the future of our world relies on the way we use our natural resources today. B) For the future of the world, we must use our natural resources in an efficient manner. C) The future of the world relies on how efficiently we use our natural resources today. D) In future we will have to make a better use of our natural resources than we do today. E) An efficient conservation of our natural resources today will assure a better future.

D) Engineering in the 21th century is one of the challenging occupations or maybe the only one which stands on its own. E) 21th century engineering is a rare occupation which is stil standing.

48. Bakanlık hayvancılığı desteklemediği takdirde, ciddi bir et sıkıntısının olması kaçınılmazdır.

A) Unless the Ministry subsidizes cattle farming, a serious meat shortage is inevitable. B) The cattle farming subsidies decided on by the Ministry have not tackle the meat shortage. C) Although the Ministry decides to subsidize cattle farming a meat shortage cannot be avoided D) Despite the Ministry’s decision to subsidize cattle farming, meat is still in short supply E) A shortage of meat will inevitable force the Ministry to subsidies cattle farming.


50. Matematik çalışmalarının belirli bir düzeye ulaşmasıyla, bu alan astronomi çalışmalarına destek olmaya başlamıştır.

A) When mathematical studies reached a certain level, this discipline began assisting astronomy. B) Mathematical studies used to assist astronomy at a certain level. C) With mathematical studies reaching a certain level, this discipline began supporting astronomical studies. D) Mathematical studies began supporting astronomy when it reached a certain level. E) When mathematical studies reached a certain level, astronomy began supporting it.

YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

51. Bir canlının gelişme sürecinde en dikkate değer yönlerden biri, organizmanın her bir parçasının, büyürken, bir yandan da işlevini sürdürmesidir.

52. Yağ ve kolesterol içeren et, süt, peynir ve yumurta gibi çoğu gıdalar, aynı zamanda yüksek nitelikli proteinleri ve değerli vitaminleri içerir.

A) One of the really fantastic aspects in the development process of living beings is the ability of parts of the organism to continue functioning in the normal way.

A) Meat, milk, cheese, eggs and many other foods, which include fat and cholesterol, also provide high-quality protein as well as all the necessary vitamins.

B) The fact that any part of an organism can function throughout the normal development process of a living being is truly amazing.

B) Fat and cholesterol are contained in many foods including meat, milk cheese and eggs, but also they have some essential vitamins and high-grade proteins.

C) One of the most remarkable aspects in the development process of a living being is that each part of the organism continues to function as it grows. D) The very fact that each part of an organism continues to function as it grows is surely the most fascinating aspect of the development process of a living being. E) Surprisingly enough, each part of an organism continues to function even throughout the development process itself.

C) Most of the high-quality protein and vitaminrich foods like meat, milk, cheese and eggs also have fat and cholesterol. D) Many high-quality proteins and useful vitamins are mostly include in such foods as meat, milk, cheese and eggs also have fat cholesterol E) Most foods such as meat, milk, cheese and eggs including fat and cholesterol also contain high-quality proteins and valuable vitamins.


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

53. - 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


As one can conclude from the passage, ----.

A) a sailor is likely to wait for help for quite a long time

Sailing seems to be nice to sailors but it is full of dangers, boredom and problems for those who do it as life-long profession. Sailors face a number of problems

B) people suddenly decide to become sailors just for fun

during their voyages. These problems mostly appear in oceans. They sometimes have to sail through

C) sailors need merely experience and knowledge of bad weather

unexpectedly bad weather, or have to fix their equipment by themselves. Because they are in the

D) something on the ship always breaks down unexpectedly

middle of the ocean and the nearest help is often thousands of miles away. They mostly seem to be content with their profession, and generally it is

E) problems arise only during a long-distance voyage

believed that they think so because they are used to it. Their job may seem attractive to those who like sailing and being alone, yet, it is of course very difficult for ordinary people.


The main point the author wants to make is ----.

A) that the job of sailors are both interesting and enjoyable B) that sailing is a difficult and dangerous job though it seems enjoyable C) the difficulties of the daily tasks on ships D) that sailing is really dangerous and may involve a number of accidents E) how unpredictable the weather is at sea



According to the passage, one positive side of being a sailor is ----.

A) that they learn a lot of cultural things to have fun B) described as their ability to cope with bad weather and the crew simultaneously C) that they can learn to do things without the help of others D) is that they may enjoy the sea when they are alone E) that they will certainly like your job after you start it

YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

56. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


One can understand from the passage that the researchers have ----.

Every year, winds over the Sahara Desert sweep up A) compared mineral dust particles from present with the ones from 5,000 years ago

huge plumes of mineral dust, transporting hundreds of teragrams across North Africa and over the Atlantic Ocean. Such dust can be blown for thousands of

B) found out a compelling fact about North African climate by simulating the past climatic conditions of the last 23,000 years

kilometers and settle in areas as far away as Florida and the Bahamas. The Sahara has been known as the leading source of windblown dust to the Earth's atmosphere. However, Professor David McGee and his team from Yale University have reported that the African plume was far less dusty 5,000 years ago, containing merely half the amount of dust that is transported today. To reach accurate findings, the researchers have reconstructed the African dust plume

C) ridiculed the substantial rise in sea temperatures and its effects on the world's climatic changes D) discovered a dramatic decrease in sea temperatures to be the main cause of dust formation and drought in North Africa

over the last 23,000 years and observed a dramatic reduction in dust. McGee state that this weakened plume may have allowed more sunlight to reach the ocean, increasing its temperature by 0.15 degrees Celsius which is a slight but significant spike that likely triggered precipitation over North Africa, where climate at the time used to be interestingly far more temperate and hospitable than it is today. This link between

E) monitored other continents' precipitation rates in order to conduct a meticulous study

reduction in dust and expansion of intense rain into the Sahara could present crucial understanding of not only past but also future climates.


It is clearly stated in the passage that ----. A) massive dust plumes blown from Florida and the Bahamas can reach far away locations


What could be the best title for the passage?

A) Huge Reduction in African Dust Plume B) Profound Analysis into Climate Zones

B) the accumulation of dust in the Sahara Desert reached to an unprecedented rate in the past C) dust plumes are more common in North Africa and the Atlantic Ocean than in Florida and the Bahamas

C) Dust Plume Effects on Sea Temperatures D) Wind Patterns of the Sahara Desert E) Temperate Climate of North Africa

D) the Sahara Desert is considered as the second source of mineral dust nowadays E) the African plume has turned out to have much less amount of dust thousand years ago


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

59. - 61. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


It is implied in the passage that air pollution ----.

A recently released UNICEF report titled "Clear the Air A) requires long-term measures taken merely by the governments of South Asian countries

for Children” states that some 300 million children are exposed to heavily toxic air, while two billion live in areas where pollution exceeds minimum air quality

B) is at tolerable rates according to the strict standards of World Health Organization

guidelines set by the World Health Organization. South Asia has the largest number of children living in such areas, around 620 million, followed by Africa and then East Asia and Pacific region. According to this report, among these children around 600,000 under the age of five die globally due to air pollution. Besides being a major factor contributing in the deaths of these children, air pollution also threatens the future of millions more every day. Pollutants don't only harm

C) is supposed to be regarded as more life threatening in Africa, the East Asia and Pacific Region than in the other regions D) claims not only children's lives but also their overall wellbeing and future quality of life E) is triggered by numerous contributors among which the most detrimental is toxic outdoor air

children's developing lungs but they can actually cross the blood-brain barrier and permanently damage their developing brains and, thus, their futures. While the air is poisoned by vehicle emissions, fossil fuels, dust, burning waste and other airborne pollutants, indoor air pollution, typically caused by burning coal and wood for cooking and heating also impair children's health. The UNICEF report urged all governments worldwide to adapt measures such as cutting back on fossil fuel combustion as well as investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. 61. 59.

According to the UNICEF report, ----. A) almost 620 million children die each year because of being subjected to extremely toxic air B) vehicle emissions, fossil fuels and other toxic gasses might restrain air pollution worldwide C) household air pollution cannot be ignored as it endangers mortality rates in children D) air pollutants cause temporary but severe deterioration of children's brain cells while damaging their lungs E) few children around the world are at risk and live in minimum air quality


One of the strategies to prevent mortality in children is to ----.

A) switch to alternative energy sources that are environmentally-friendly B) restructure residential areas particularly in South Asia, East Asia and Pacific region C) implement educational programmes supervised by the World Health Organization D) encourage fossil fuel consumption to offset the effects of air pollution E) elevate the quality of air and minimize the toxic effects of burning coal by means of employing indoor filtering units

YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

62. - 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


It can be inferred from the text that ----.

A) birds are able to reach the breeding grounds in a single day despite the increasing temperatures

According to the research by Edinburgh University, birds have begun to reach their summer breeding grounds on average about one day earlier per degree

B) the timing of the arrival to the breeding ground is of vital importance to their survival

of increasing global temperatures. It is likely to benefit scientists in terms of predicting how different species may respond to future environmental change, and the

C) long-distance migrating birds have advantage over the short-distance migrating birds

study looks at hundreds of species across five continents. Reaching their summer breeding grounds

D) the adaptation of various migrating birds to the changing conditions varies significantly

at the wrong time - even by a few days - may cause birds to miss out on maximum availability of vital

E) the changing temperatures might serve to the interest of most migrant birds to a great extent

resources such as food and nesting places. Late arrival to breeding grounds may, in turn, affect the timing of offspring hatching and their chances of survival. Besides, long-distance migrants, which are shown to be less responsive to rising temperatures, may suffer most as other birds gain advantage by arriving at breeding grounds ahead of them. Concisely, the study examines how various species, which take flight in response to cues such as changing seasonal temperatures and food availability, have altered their behaviour over time and with increasing temperatures.


According to the text, the study regarding the birds ----.

A) reveals their breeding, feeding, and nesting habits in the course of migration between continents B) shows the profound influence which the unstable global temperatures have on the migrating birds C) presents the exact reasons why they migrate across the specific locations in five continents D) holds clues pertaining to the habits of bird species in their summer breeding grounds


The text is mainly about ----.

A) how the behaviours of migrant birds are affected at certain times of the year B) what the specific motives behind the migration of the birds are C) what the study offers to the would-be researchers in the field D) when the birds in question opt for the exact migration season E) in what way the migrant birds have tendency to shift their habits in time

E) deals only with the ways one species reacts to the possible environmental chance


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

65. - 67. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


One can understand from the passage that ----.

The Department of Justice has issued official A) both the government and manufacturers address the gun use vigorously

guidelines for the manufacture of smart guns weapons that have technology to allow only the owners

B) guns can be rendered safer, however, the related technology is yet to be developed

to use them. Ordered by President Obama, the guidelines aim to “shape the future of gun safety technology”. In order to prevent thousands of deaths

C) President Obama desires to set the guidelines since he wants to do a final good deed

from misuse of guns, guns could be equipped with technology, such as fingerprint scanners, enabling only the owner to use them. However, although Obama’s

D) gun deaths can be reduced by using technology to prevent unauthorized people from using guns

initiative is undoubtedly with good intention, institutions like The National Rifle Association – which had previously boycotted Smith & Wesson’s pledge to

E) producing guns is a fruitful sector for manufacturers, and the new guidelines will enhance this

explore smart gun technology – have sneered that Obama’s aim is to claim a win before his days in office end. Likewise, the Congress had also refused to fight the gun deaths among the nation. The technology is available. A shotgun that blocked firing by anyone without the shooter’s radio-frequency identity ring was already developed in 2000. Yet, what is not available is emancipation from the politics and threats of the gun lobby who, apparently, do not want to lose their share of the market that is more lucrative without the standards that the guidelines mean to bring.


According to the passage, the guidelines for the production of smart guns ----.


The best title for this passage could be ----.

A) Developing gun safety technology A) are meant to set the standards for gun production with aim to decrease deaths by gun misuse B) are rejoiced by the entire country in that they will start a new era of gun safety technology C) do not seem to be very promising since the required technology is still at its infancy D) are welcomed by the gun lobby for they bear the potential to create new income channels E) have been proposed upon the Congress’s call for a way of dealing with gun-related deaths


B) Guns production and gun lobbying C) Guidelines for effective guns safety D) Why not smart guns in this high-tech era? E) Why can’t we stop deaths caused by guns?

YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

68. - 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


It is stressed in the passage that ----.

A) the research mainly focuses on ascending the tree population in sub-arctic regions

A Yale University study suggests there are more trees in the world than previously estimated. Billions of trees are being cut down every year - estimated three trillion

B) the tropics are hosting most of the tree population of the world

trees left on Earth. Although it’s more than the previous estimate of 400 billion trees worldwide, it’s trillions less

C) previously estimated number of tree remains the same

than there used to be. A researcher team used tree density information from forests around the world along

D) the only aim at mapping tree population precisely is to understand the effects of the climate change

with satellite imagery and super-computer technology to map tree populations worldwide at the squarekilometer level. The results were much higher than

E) The findings of mapping tree populations are quite surprising

expected. According to the research, the highest densities of trees are found in the boreal forests in the sub-arctic regions of Russia, Scandinavia and North America, but the largest forest areas are in the tropics, which are home to about 43 percent of the world's trees population. The information on the population of trees will help scientists to better understand the effects of climate change, the distribution of animal and plant species in the world and how trees shape their environments.


According to the passage, besides tree density information, ----.

A) the team used imageries and advanced progress aiming at mapping the tree population B) the number of trees is decreasing worldwide due to excessive chopping down C) understanding the impact of climate change depends on just strict regulations D) boreal forests are found around the dominant countries along with the air pollution


We can understand from the passage that even the largest forest areas ----.

A) cover less than half of the tree population worldwide B) are estimated to be 400 acres before the current study C) consist of numerous trees beyond expectations D) can be measured by satellite imageries and advanced technologies E) cannot make up for human induced damage

E) shaping the environments of trees is detrimental to animal and plant diversity


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

71. – 75. sorularda paragrafta verilen boşluğa anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

71. Scientists from the University of Michigan in the USA have found that the brain of astronauts changes shape during spaceflight. It is the first study to look into how the brain changes on the journey into space. Researchers looked at MRIs of 26 astronauts who spent time in space. Twelve of the astronauts spent two weeks as Space Shuttle crew members, and 14 spent six months on the International Space Station. ----. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the longer an astronaut spent in space, the bigger the differences in size were.

A) It has long been known that the bigger the brain of a species is the more intelligent they are B) All of them experienced increases and decreases in the size of different parts of the brain C) The astronauts also fixed the problems, which occurred in the space stations D) These findings will help NASA to conduct more research E) Space voyages had a profound effect on the psychology of the astronauts’ families

72. The number of people who die in traffic accidents is so high that measures need to be taken urgently. Actually, deaths can be minimized by several very simple measures. ----. Though this is a very simple safety measure, few people care about it. A) For instance, wearing the seatbelts can save thousands of lives B) Cars should be serviced at least once a year to avoid major expenditure C) Statistics indicate all drivers wear their seatbelts in short distance travel in Sweden D) People with serious eye defects are not given driving licences in Norway E) Speed limit is the fastest speed at which you can travel safely

73. Experts questioned 85 professional female models over the age of 18. They discovered that 81% of them were underweight. Many of the models led a very unhealthy lifestyle to stay underweight so that they could get work from their agencies. ----. They kept their “commercially slim and elegant look” in this way. This is mainly because the models said their agency told them they would not get jobs unless they lost more weight.

A) In fact, the study was published in the ‘International Journal of Eating Disorders’ B) Therefore, it is made up of five jury members C) In contrast, these foreign models had been suffering from diseases D) However, the court decided it was wrong to put them under pressure E) In doing so, they skipped meals, stopped eating for days, and used diet pills


YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

74. The truth is that spraying around any private information is risky. You might think that’s overblown. As long as you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about. It’s not that simple. Even if you’ve done nothing illegal or immoral, faced with a database of every photograph and comment you’ve ever shared privately, friendships and business deals could dissolve the world over. And there are plenty of vulnerabilities. Although there are safeguards, data can in theory be hacked, stolen or altered at many points along the way. The system itself is a bit complex. ---- . Whenever you upload text or pictures, they are ferried to these farms by cables.

A) Such an everyday occurrence will send information on unexpected routes

75. Developing a brand new rocket, aerospace Rocket Lab has finally transported a finished vehicle to New Zealand launch pad where it will take first flight. ---- Compared to other major missiles like the Falcon 9 or the Atlas V, it is pretty small and light because it was designed specifically to launch small satellites. That’s a relatively light lift contrasted with the others. But Rocket Lab isn’t interested in competing with major players like SpaceX or the United Launch Alliance. The company wants to capitalize solely on what is called the small satellite revolution, a trend of making space probes as tiny as possible. A) Typically, manufacturers spend years and millions of dollars developing a satellite that’s roughly the size of a bus.

B) The material displayed on the web is stored, often in central server farms

B) But technology has advanced in recent years, so companies have come up with ways to miniaturize their satellites.

C) You can attach it to an email in your Gmail app and send it to your friends

C) In contrast, the government did not support the project

D) Online banking has also been a matter of debate in terms of security

D) The rocket, called the Electron, has been tested on the ground over the last year but has never been flown to space before.

E) Old cameras are the best way of keeping private memories as they are

E) Since they are so compact, multiple probes can be launched on a single rocket

76. – 80. sorularda verilen cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 76. (I) A new space probe has recently been launched to observe the unknown dark planet Pluto. (II) The expenditure of these project was covered by International Space Association. (III) Though the probe will travel faster than a bullet, it will take about six years to reach Pluto. (IV) Then we will have the first pictures of the planet and extensive information about its atmosphere. (V) It will remain in the orbit for about three years and continue sending information about the structure of the planet’s atmosphere. A) I




E) V 19

YÖKDİL – Fen I/2017

77. (I) The odor of a flower can range from sweet like vanilla to fresh. (II) It doesn’t smell good to please

79. (I) Earthquakes are a kind of catastrophes occurring all over the world. (II) At any time you

humans but rather to attract “a specific pollinator” that is, an insect or bird that will carry pollen from one flower to another for reproduction. (III) Different pollinators like different smells. (IV) The actual odor is produced by volatile oils on

may hear news about them with a lot of energy and power or with small tremors that are seldom felt. (III) Besides they are not just seen on land; huge

the hairy stems in the middle of the flower called “osmophores”. (V) For example, bats like fruity

sometimes hard to see enormous waves due to earthquakes but when they reach the coast they grow into large walls of water. (V) Most big cities

odors while butterflies prefer the plants smeeling like rotten meat. A) I




E) V

waves in the ocean can be caused by a kind of underwater earthquake. (IV) In deep waters it is

including Istanbul are not ready for a sudden earthquake, though. A) I

78. (I) We are running out of space in which to discard our garbage, and our current methods of disposing of it are endangering the environment. (II) Recycling, one solution to this problem, is the process of collecting used materials and manufacturing them into new products instead of throwing them away. (III) Recycling is being done worldwide, for example, in Germany it is a usual practice. (IV) In this way the trash in overcrowded landfills can be reduced. (V) Also materials that are used to make new products can be reduced and natural resources can be saved as well. A) I




E) V




E) V

80. (I) People are very interested in the future because they are sure that it will be very different from the past. (II) However, nobody knows how the world will look like in the future. (III) Some say that the progress in science and technology will make life more comfortable and machines will do the hard work for human beings. (IV) There might have been special robots for everybody and people would program them according to their needs. (V) Others speculate that the earth will be very crowded and people from our planet will have to live in space. A) I




E) V



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