YFC Household Leaders Handbook

May 4, 2017 | Author: Francis Carmelle Tiu Duero | Category: N/A
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Household Leader’s Handbook CFC Youth for Christ Edited 2000

___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Sector ___________________________________ Unit/Campus/School & Year

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Table of Contents Commitment of Household Leader.................................................................................page 3 Household Leader’s Prayer.............................................................................................page 3 What is a Household?......................................................................................................page 4 Definition.........................................................................................................................page 4 Mechanics........................................................................................................................page 4 The Household Leader.....................................................................................................page 5 Attitudes of Household Leaders......................................................................................page 6 Roles and responsibilities of the Household Head/Leaders............................................page 6

One-Year Track Month 1/Meeting 1..................page 8 Month 2/Meeting 1..................page 10 Month 3/Meeting 1..................page 13 Month 4/Meeting 1..................page 16 Month 5/Meeting 1..................page 18 Month 6/Meeting 1..................page 20 Month 7/Meeting 1..................page 23 Month 8/Meeting 1..................page 24 Month 9/Meeting 1..................page 26 Month 10/Meeting 1................page 27 Month 11/Meeting 1................page 28 Month 12/Meeting 1................page 29

Meeting 2....................page 9 Meeting 2....................page 11 Meeting 2....................page 14 Meeting 2....................page 16 Meeting 2....................page 18 Meeting 2....................page 21 Meeting 2....................page * Meeting 2....................page 24 Meeting 2....................page 26 Meeting 2....................page 27 Meeting 2....................page 28 Meeting 2....................page 29

Important phone numbers..............................................................................................page 31 Household headers report sheet.....................................................................................page 32 Gallery............................................................................................................................page 33 Baby pix.........................................................................................................................page 34 Credits............................................................................................................................page 35 *Not available

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Covenant of a Household Leader 1. I will care for my household members by communicating with my household members regularly, informing then of all YFC activities and making their concerns my own. 2. I will bring my household members to the Lord by teaching them to apply Christ’s words in their personal lives – their families, friends, school, love lie, and prating for them always. 3. I will teach my household members to love – their fellow household members, their brothers and sisters in YFC, their families and friends and all those around them 4. I will attend all activities of YFC that are applicable to me especially the regular household leader’s training. 5. I will be a witness for the Lord Jesus by being pure and righteous, faithful to my studies, loyal to my brothers and sisters in YFC, my family and especially my parents.

Household Leader’s Prayer “Lord

you have searched me and you know me. You know every thing I do… Find out if there is any unrighteousness in me and guide me in the everlasting way. ” (Psalm 139: 1-2, 24) Lord Jesus, I thank you for choosing me to serve you By caring for your people You know me, My guilt, my sin and my pain. I realize that I am most unworthy yet you fall me, And so I ask for you grace. Forgive my sinfulness and my stubbornness. Take my heart of stone and turn it into flesh. Teach me to love. When I lack patients, genuine concern and courage, Let your love and strength bridge the gap. Help me love with your love and wisdom, And bless those I will care for that they too may love. Fill me, teach me, guide me and give me strength. Amen

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


What is a Household? Definition • • • •

The household is the most basic, concrete tangible expression of God’s love in Youth for Christ. It is a support group by nature and its main purpose is to foster a venue for growth in Christian maturity. It is where YFC members experience being cared for and learn to care and give love. It is a Christian group where YFC members can have a sense of belonging, be themselves, simply because they are accepted for who they are – sons and daughters of God.

Mechanics 1.

A household is composed of: • 5-7 brothers and 5-7 sisters • Two household leaders, a brother and a sister lead them. The brother’s main responsibility is to care for the men of the group. Aside from this he takes on the role as father or “older brother” of the whole group. Only he is referred to as the “Household Head.” The sister will act as the partner of the Household Head and her main responsibility is to care for the women of the group. • Aside for the two household leaders, another male – female pair will be added to the group to act as assistant household leaders.

Note: Having a team of leaders makes it easier to pass on Christian culture to members of the household. (e.g. worship, positive speech, honor and respect etc…) 2.

Forming a Household • Before members are grouped (e.g. during camps) the service team in charge of grouping participants should take note of common characteristics of different people. (e.g. where they’re from, interests, age, etc…) • It is important to take not of those who naturally bond.

Note: Discussion groupings during Youth Camps should eventually end up as Households. It will be easier to establish commitment among the members, if they enjoy the company of their fellow household members because of their natural bond. The spiritual bond they will have in Christ after the camp will further cement their relationships and their commitment. • Households (right at the start of their being YFC members – that is during the camp) will have to be grouped according to the factors listed earlier.

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


• Leaders and their assistants assign household leaders and their assistants from among the active members of the group. • Potential household heads should undergo YFC’s Household Heads Training program before the camp. This will also serve as their facilitators training for the camp. • Those who will facilitate and care for the members at the camp (which will be the entry point into YFC) will automatically become the household leaders of the group. • Finding leaders who fit the general character of the members is highly encouraged. This will make it easier for the household head to relate to his members.

The Household Leader Attitudes of Household Leaders 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Humility – willing to learn Has genuine interest and concern for their members Good example in their personal life (practice what they preach) Lead their members as opposed to simply doing what they demand They are not performers.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Household Head 1. 2. 3.


Inform members of all activities Plan activities Cares and pastors his/her members • Regular calls and visits • Is available for counseling at all times • Finds opportunities for his/her members to serve. Attends all Household Head activities and training

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook

One-Year Track


CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


What Now? This one year household activities track is meant to help you facilitate a deliberate followup program for your new Youth for Christ. It is supposed to help you and your group get used to the rhythm and environment of the support group system we have in the YFC household. A year of exposure in the ministry of caring for people will teach you to come up with your own household activities for the second year. By then many of your members will be tapped as household leaders themselves. Aside for the suggested activities listed below, you are encouraged to bring your members to camps, Praisefests, Club Praise parties and other YFC activities in order to expose then to service and immerse them in the life and mission of YFC. Note: The Household Head may substitute other activities that are more relevant to the group, especially if special concerns arise. Consult with your unit head for such changes. It is important to note however that the topics listed in this handbook are the basic programs every YFC member should go through in his/her first year of membership. If you so choose to substitute these activities with other more relevant ones, you should make sure to re-schedule the meeting topics.

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Month 1

Place Youth Camp Picture Here


The Youth Camp

Household Basic Info Name of Household: _______________________________ Members’ Name ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Contact numbers ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Thoughts during the camp _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Date of next meeting: ______________________________ Venue: ______________________________


Expectations Meeting

GOAL The goal is to strengthen relationships within the household in order to create the right support group environment. SCHEDULE 80 minutes: Fellowship activity (Movie, bowling etc…) 55 minutes: Discussion 5 minutes: Closing Prayer DYNAMICS 1. 2.

This meeting will be a fellowship meeting. As such, the meeting should be held in a public place (e.g. the mall, a restaurant, after a movie, a bowling alley etc…) After the fellowship activity there should be time for discussion (e.g. over a snack/meal) • • • • • •

Begin with a prayer Share what they can expect from the household (will be together for about a year, will be a support group A place where they can share their burdens and joys – encourage the group to come up with a name for the household) Find out the expectations of the members from the household Agree on a regular household meeting schedule Make sure everyone knows where and when the next meeting will be. End with a short prayer.

Note: Place a group picture and the name that the group will adopt for itself in this page. Write down the agreed schedule of regular household meetings. Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet is included in this handbook.


CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Month 2 MEETING 1: GOAL 1. 2.

Covenant 1: Loving God

To instill among the household members the value of loving God as part of our YFC covenant and as a response to God’s personal love for each of us. To give the household members basic methods and ways to express love for God.

SCHEDULE (The suggested schedule below includes the minimum. You may choose to extend the time to accommodate more and/or longer sharings and time for informal fellowship or a time for lingering) 30 minutes: 10 minutes: 20 minutes: 20 minutes: 40 minutes:

Gathering Teaching of songs Worship Talk: “Loving, Honouring, and Serving God” Household sharings/Closing Prayer

DYNAMICS 1. 2. 3.


Find a place where you can have worship, and where members will be free and confident to share personal areas of their lives. (e.g. inside a private room, a house, a class room that is not in use, etc…) The first 30 minutes will be used as gathering time where members can have informal conversations while waiting for the other members. The worship will follow the following format: • Half and hour teaching one or two new songs currently being sung in YFC. • After teaching the song the household head should give an exhortation to worship. It may be a story, or passage from the Bible that will excite and encourage the members for worship. • Worship will follow the regular two fast and one slow format. Make sure all the members know the songs that will be sung. Try to include the new song learned. • After the last song, spend time to thank the Lord together as a group. • Follow the format”…(short petition of member/household head)… for this we praise and thank you Lord” • Worship should be kept short and sweet. As much as possible, the suggested time frame given above must be kept. • The household Head closes the worship with a general prayer for the group After the worship, spend time to ask how your members are doing, just in case some of them have something to say before the actual discussion

CFC Youth for Christ

5. 6. • 7. • •

Household Heads Handbook


The household head gives the assigned talk for the meeting. (Make sure you read the outline and prepare for the talk before hand). Discussions should be based on the starters given for the talk. Try as much as possible to have everyone share within the allowable time. Encourage members to share their comments as long as these comments are positive and up lifting. End the time of sharing by praying for the concerns of each member You may do this by letting the group pray in a circle. This way each one is being prayed-over and is able to pray over another. All these prayers can be done simultaneously. After the prayer, make sure everyone knows where and when the next meeting will be.

Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet” is included in this handbook.



Discussion on Spiritual Gifts/Prayer time

To instill among the household members the value of practicing the spiritual gifts received during the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as part of the YFC way of life. To help members grow in their prayer life.

SCHEDULE (The suggested schedule below includes the minimum. You may choose to extend the time to accommodate more and/or longer sharings and time for informal fellowship or a time for lingering) 30 minutes: 10 minutes: 20 minutes: 30 minutes: 15 minutes: 15 minutes: 1. 2.

Gathering Teaching of songs Worship Household sharing Talk: Spiritual Gifts Short discussion on the talk (questions, sharings and Closing Prayer)

This meeting will follow the regular household format. A place where you can have worship, and where members can freely share personal areas of their lives, will be ideal. The first 30 minutes is time for fellowship. While waiting for the others to arrive and get settled, members can just go around and get to meet and know

CFC Youth for Christ

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Household Heads Handbook


the others. Worship will follow the same format used during the household meetings. After the worship as a way to start the meeting, you may spend time to ask how your members are doing or follow up the concerns shared in the previous meeting. After the “updates” ask members to share what they are experiencing during their personal prayer time. After the last sharing introduce the “Spiritual Gifts” as another form of worship that they can use. The household gives the assigned talk, in this case the “Spiritual Gifts”. Have a short discussion based on the discussion starters given. Try as much as possible to have everyone share within the time allowable. End the time of sharing by praying for the concerns of the members.

After the prayer, make sure to announce the date and venue of the next meeting. Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet” is included in this handbook.


Month 3

CFC Youth for Christ


Household Heads Handbook


Covenant 2: Loving Neighbor

To instill among the household members the value of loving God as part of our YFC covenant and as a response to God’s personal love for each of us. To give the household members basic methods and ways to express love for God through loving their neighbor.

SCHEDULE (The suggested schedule below includes the minimum. You may choose to extend the time to accommodate more and/or longer sharings and time for informal fellowship or a time for lingering) 30 minutes: 10 minutes: 20 minutes: 20 minutes: 20 minutes: 40 minutes:

Gathering Teaching of songs Worship Members’ Updates Talk: “Loving, Honouring, and Serving God” Sharings/Closing Prayer

DYNAMICS 1. 2. 3.

This meeting will follow the regular household format. A place where you can have worship, and where members can freely share personal areas of their lives, will be ideal. The first 30 minutes is a time for fellowship. While waiting for the others to arrive and get settled, members can just go around and get to meet and know the others. The meeting will follow the basic format used during the “Covenant 1 meeting” (Meeting 2 – Month 1) except that there will be a time for listening to the Lord or for prophecy within the worship. • During the exhortation before the worship the household head should encourage his members to practice the gifts of the spirit by praying and singing in tongues and/or by speaking words of prophesy from the Lord. • The last (slow – worshipful e.g. “Salvation Belongs to Our God”, “Spirit of the Living God”) song should flow into a time of singing in the spirit. • After singing in the spirit ask the members to share any inspired reading from the scripture (the Bible) or messages they believe the Lord is speaking to their hearts for the whole group.

Note: The household leaders and assistants will often have to be the first to speak these words of prophesy. They are encouraged to ask the Lord for these messages even before the meeting (even write them down before hand). Initially, members will be hesitant to speak. Some will start to practice these spiritual gifts long after this meeting.

CFC Youth for Christ

4. 5. 6. 7. •

Household Heads Handbook


• After the time for prophecies, the Household Head should lead a general prayer to close the time of worship. • Thanksgiving prayers will be done after discussion. This will also signal the end of the household meeting. After the worship spend time to ask how your members are doing. Follow up the concerns shared during the last meeting. One of the Household Leaders will then give the assigned talk for the meeting. (The talk outline may be secured from your unit head. The one assigned to give the talk should be prepared for the talk). There should be a time for the individual sharing based on the discussion starters of the talk. As much as possible everyone should share. To end the time, pray for the concerns of each member especially those mentioned during the sharing. After the prayer, make sure to announce the venue and date of the next meeting.

Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet” is included in this handbook.



“The Ministry of Encouragement”

To instill among the household members the value of loving God as part of our YFC covenant and as a response to God’s personal love for each of us. To foster a spirit of encouragement within the household.

SCHEDULE (The suggested schedule below includes the minimum. You may choose to extend the time to accommodate more and/or longer sharings and time for informal fellowship or a time for lingering) 30 minutes: 10 minutes: 20 minutes: 20 minutes: 20 minutes: 20 minutes:


Gathering Teaching of songs Worship Members’ Updates Talk: “The Ministry of Encouragement” Sharings/Closing Prayer

CFC Youth for Christ

1. 2.

Household Heads Handbook


Dynamics for this household meeting as well as the worship will follow the format used during the “Covenant 1 meeting” (Meeting 1 – Month 3) After the talk the group should spend time honouring one another for blessings that may have been to each other this last quarter by being in YFC.

Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet” is included in this handbook.


Month 4

CFC Youth for Christ

MEETING 1: GOAL 1. 2. 3.

Household Heads Handbook


Covenant 3: Loving Family

To instill among the household members the value of loving our own families as an expression of our covenant to the Lord in YFC. To help members appreciate the role of the family institution in the plan of God. To help members appreciate and honour their own families.

SCHEDULE This meeting will follow the same schedule used for Meeting 1 – Month 3 (Covenant 2 meeting) DYNAMICS 1. Dynamics will follow the format used for Meeting 1 – Month 3 (Covenant 2 meeting). 2. One of the household leaders or assistants will give the assigned talk. 3. After the talk, the group should plan an activity where they can invite an honour their parents before the group. 4. The household may prepare a meal for their parents and/or guardians Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet is included in this handbook.



Parents Honouring

GOAL 1. To help members heal and strengthen their relationships at home. 2. To foster a sense of family within the group by bringing their respective families together. SCHEDULE 30 minutes: 15 minutes: 45 minutes: 45 minutes: 10 minutes: 5 minutes:

Gathering time/opening prayer Serve meal or snacks Presentation numbers Parents honouring Optional response from parents Family prayer/Closing Prayer

DYNAMICS 1. Try to make the activity special. Ask members to dress up. Have special nametags prepared. Decorate the venue for the activity. (Preparation for this activity will be good bonding for your group).

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


2. Make sure that all parents come to the activity. The activity will lose its meaning if the same faces in the household will be there. 3. Make the activity fun, include group games if you think these will be enjoyed by the household and the parents. 4. Honour the parents by preparing the meals and the venue yourselves. 5. To start the program, the household leader should introduce the household, including himself to the parents and give a brief explanation for the activity. He should set the tome of “honouring” by thanking the parents for being there and for allowing their children to be active in YFC. 6. After the explanation, the household head leads an opening prayer and blesses the food. 7. A few minutes into the meal, present your talents to the parents. Show the parents the effort the group made to be able to express their love. 8. After or in between presentations, each member should get a chance to honour their parents. 9. Encourage the members to make a sincere and simple honouring. 10. After each honouring, each member may give an “honouring token” (e.g. a rose, rosary, etc…) to either his or her parents. 11. After all the members have honoured, give time for the parents to speak, should anyone of them want to make a response. 12. The activity should end with a prayer to strengthen and heal all family relationships. If one of the parents is a CFC leader you may ask him to lead the prayer. You may also invite a CFC leader close to your household to attend this activity and lead the prayer (if none of the parents of your household members can do so). Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet is included in this handbook.


Month 5 MEETING 1:

Covenant 4: Loving Our Country

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


GOAL: To instill among the household members the value of loving our country and the environment we live in as an expression of our covenant to the Lord in YFC. SCHEDULE: This meeting will follow the same schedule used for Meeting 1 – Month 3 (Covenant 2 meeting)

DYNAMICS 5. Dynamics will follow the format used for Meeting 1 – Month 3 (Covenant 2 meeting). 6. One of the household leaders or assistants will give the assigned talk. Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet is included in this handbook.


Group Sharing

GOAL 3. To support the members of the household on the YFC covenant/beliefs the household has discussed in the last 5 months. 4. To further strengthen the household bonds by sharing in each one’s struggles and victories. SCHEDULE (The suggested schedule below includes the minimum. You may choose to extend the time to accommodate more and /or longer sharings and time for informal fellowship of a time for lingering). 30 minutes: Gathering 10 minutes: Teaching of songs 20 minutes: Worship 45 minutes: Group sharing 15 minutes: Announcements/Closing Prayer DYNAMICS 13. Dynamics for this household meeting and the worship will follow the basic format used during the “Covenant 2 meeting” (Meeting 1 – Month 3) 14. To begin the group sharing the Household Head may have to give his own personal sharing to encourage others to do the same. 15. Encourage your members to share personal areas of their life by assuring them about the confidentiality of the discussions. 16. After the sharing the Household Head summarizes the sharings and gives a word of encouragement. 17. The meeting ends with a group prayer. This is the time when members voice out their petitions and thanksgiving prayers.

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


18. The prayer ends with the group in a circle praying for the person right beside them All are prayed-over personally Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet is included in this handbook.


Month 6 MEETING 1: •


Refer to the Discovery Recollection manual of YFC

CFC Youth for Christ

• • •

Household Heads Handbook


The Household Head should organize the recollection in consultation with his/her unit head. (This recollection may be organized as a joint activity with other households). As much as possible the Household Head should be the team leader of the recollection. The other household leaders will take on the role of service team. Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Head sheet is included in this handbook.


DISCOVERY RECOLLECTION Action Plan Recollection Date: Venue:

______________________________ ______________________________

Recollection Speakers: Talk 1: ____________________ Talk 2: ____________________ Talk 3: ____________________ Talk 4: ____________________

Phone #: ____________________ Phone #: ____________________ Phone #: ____________________ Phone #: ____________________

Place Discovery Recollection

Picture Here

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook



Special Prayer intentions for my Household Members: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Notes Regarding the Household:

Meeting 2:


This session follows the “BASIC GROUP SHARING HOUSEHOLD MEETING FORMAT” shown in Meeting 2 – Month 5 Note: Be sure to write down what happened and include it in your Household Head report. A copy of the “Household Heads report sheet” is included in this handbook.


Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Your own reflections regarding the Discovery Recollection _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Month 7: Understanding who we are Meeting 1:

Discussion: “Our identity as a son/daughter of God” (Separate sessions)

This session will follow the “BASIC TEACHING HOUSEHOLD MEETING FORMAT” shown in Meeting 1 – Month 5

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Confirmed? : ______

Other details _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ • •

After the talk the men will have separate discussion from the women A copy of the talk outline may be secured from your unit head.

Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Confirmed? : ______

NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Things learned at the Household meeting:


One of the Household leaders may give the talk

Meeting 1: •

Discussion: “The Heart of a Winner”

This session will follow the “BASIC TEACHING HOUSEHOLD MEETING FORMAT” shown in Meeting 1 – Month 5

Action Plan

CFC Youth for Christ

Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

Household Heads Handbook

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


Confirmed? : ______

NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Meeting 2:

Household Gimmick

GOAL To further strengthen relationships within the household and create the right support group environment. SCHEDULE 70 minutes: Fellowship activity (Movie, bowling etc…) 45 minutes: Discussion 5 minutes: Closing Prayer DYNAMICS 1. This session will be a fellowship meeting. As such the meeting should be held in a public place (e.g. the mall, a restaurant, after a movie, a bowling alley etc…) 2. After the fellowship activity, the group should have time for discussion (e.g. over a snack/meal) • • • • •

Begin with a prayer Discussion topic will be “up-dates”. The Household Head may share a little first in order to encourage the members to share. End with a summary of the sharings and a word of encouragement for all. End the session by praying for each one’s concerns.

THANK YOU LORD!!! (The blessings I have received through my household:

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Month 9: FAMILY Meeting 1:

Discussion: “Perfect Moments”

This session will follow the “BASIC TEACHING HOUSEHOLD MEETING FORMAT” shown in Meeting 2 – Month 5 1. 2.

Discussion topic will be regarding their “special” – perfect moments/memories with their parents and family. The Household Head should start the discussion by sharing his own personal struggles and victories in his family.

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Other details _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Meeting 2:

Household Gimmick (optional Parent’s Honoring Night)

• This session will follow the “BASIC HOUSEHOLD GIMMICK FORMAT” found in Meeting 2 – Month 8 • Should the household decide to hold another Parent’s Night, the format in Meeting 1 – Month 4 should be used. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Month 10: LOVE LIFE Meeting 1:

Separate men and women discussions: Past, present and future relationships

This session will follow the “BASIC GROUP SHARING HOUSEHOLD MEETING FORMAT” shown in Meeting 2 – Month 5 • •

After the worship, the brothers and sisters of the household should separate for discussion The topic to be discussed will be “Love Life”

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Confirmed? : ______

NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Meeting 2:

Brothers’/Sisters’ night out

GOAL 1. 2.

To strengthen the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood in the household. To address the particular concerns of men and women especially on areas in their Love Life.

DYNAMICS 7. This activity will basically follow the regular “gimmick” format except that it should be planned as an overnight activity, hence a venue for this purpose should be provided, 8. The household head may invite a speaker if he chooses to have a men’s or women’s forum. Action Plan Meeting Place: ___________________________ Date of Meeting: ___________________________ Speaker (if applicable):___________________________ Other details: _________________________________________________________________

Month 11 Meeting 1:

Discussion: “Empowered Living”

This session will follow the “BASIC TEACHING HOUSEHOLD MEETING FORMAT” shown in Meeting 2 – Month 3 Note: The Household Head should assign one of the members to lead the worship

Action Plan

CFC Youth for Christ

Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

Meeting 2:

Household Heads Handbook

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


Confirmed? : ______

Household Gimmick

This session will follow the “BASIC TEACHING HOUSEHOLD GIMMICK FORMAT” shown in Meeting 2 – Month 6

Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Confirmed? : ______


Month 12 Meeting 1:

Discussion: “Empowered Living”

This session will follow the “BASIC TEACHING HOUSEHOLD GIMMICK FORMAT” shown in Meeting 1 – Month 3

Action Plan Date of Meeting:


CFC Youth for Christ

Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

Meeting 2: • • • • • •

Household Heads Handbook

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


Confirmed? : ______

Household Retreat: Your Personal Mission Statement

Refer to retreat manual for details During the retreat, the Household Head should prepare members in the event that household groupings will be changed the following year. The Household Head should encourage a sense of mission to prepare them on their duty as new Household Heads. There should be a time for honoring especially if there will be big changes regarding the structure and/or Household groupings. The Household Head should organize this is consultation with his unit head. (The recollection may be a organized as a joint activity with other households). As far as possible, the Household Head should be the team leader of the recollection. The other Household leaders will take on the role of service team.

Action Plan Date of Meeting: Venue of Meeting: Worship leader: Speaker:

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Confirmed? : ______

(Make a detailed plan on a separate sheet regarding arrangements for transportation, food etc.) Notes

WHAT HAPPENED? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


_________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Thoughts/reflections _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


Important phone numbers Cc/parent/campus Support Group Name ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Phone # ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Cluster/Unit Heads/Campus EXECOM Name ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Phone # ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Others Name ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Phone # ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


HOUSEHOLD HEAD’ REPORT SHEET PLAN Name of Household: ____________________________________ Household leaders: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ MEMBERS: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Was there (if not state reason) _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

SO…WHAT HAPPENED (summary) _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


_______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _

CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook


CFC Youth for Christ

Household Heads Handbook

CREDITS Without the help of the following people this YFC Leader’s Handbook would not exist. Much thanks goes to them for taking the time to re-type the book. pages 1 – 5..............................................................Dean Mary pages 6 – 19............................................................Pamela Lopez pages 20 – 35..........................................................Aaron Sauddin


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