Yehuda Berg_The 72 Names of GOD.pdf

August 31, 2017 | Author: batuhan06 | Category: Anger, Soul, Spirituality, Creator Deity, Forgiveness
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Program guidebook


Welcome to the 72 Names of God audio program guidebook. Here you’ll find the combinations of three Hebrew letters that make up the Names. You’ll also find the affirmations that accompany each Name, including those presented and discussed in the audio program. Using these affirmations is a wonderful way to reveal the power of the 72 Names. It’s best to follow the same sequence used in the audio portion: Begin by setting aside 10 or 15 minutes in a quiet space, where you won’t be disturbed. Then, from right to left, scan the letters of the Name you’ve chosen. Now close your eyes for a moment and visualize the letters. Try to see them in your mind’s eye as clearly as possible. Imagine them in black against a white background. To complete the meditation, open your eyes and read the affirmation on the page. You can follow this procedure with all of the 72 Names. But to determine the areas of your life in which specific Names can be of most immediate help, complete the self-assessment questionnaire that follows.




All the 72 Names are powerful, and all of them can hugely improve your life. These questions will help you find the ones that are most important for you at this moment.The questionnaire is a snapshot of your spiritual self today. Your responses are bound to change over time, so it’s a good idea to complete the questionnaire again every month or so. This questionnaire will be of greatest benefit when you respond quickly and intuitively to each question — don’t take more than a few seconds for each item. When you’re done, look for the questions you marked “Strongly agree” or “Generally agree.” These are the areas for which you should be using the Names and their accompanying Affirmations right now. To do this, turn to page 11 of this guidebook. Find the Affirmations that correspond to the questions you marked “Strongly agree” or “Generally agree.” Then follow the meditation sequence described on page 2.


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1. Good often goes unrewarded. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

2. Once people have “gone bad,” there’s not much hope that they can turn themselves around. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

3. Physical reality cannot be influenced by human consciousness. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

4. Negative thoughts are a natural part of human nature. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

5. Health and healing are primarily physical processes. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

6. Dreams are interesting but not very significant. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

7. A certain amount of chaos and confusion are inherent parts of life. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

8. I often feel anxious and stressed, and there doesn’t seem to be much I can do about it. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

9. Angels are about as real as the Tooth Fairy. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

10. “Looks can kill” is just an expression. Strongly agree

Generally agree

11. There’s no such thing as a “haunted house.” Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

12. People can “love too much.” Be careful who you give your love to. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree



13.The concept of creating “heaven on earth” is just “pie in the sky.” Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

14. World peace is a noble dream, but there’s not much I can do toward bringing it about. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

15. Life is inevitably “full of surprises.” I don’t feel that I can see ahead to what’s going to happen. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

16.When I feel depressed, I just have to wait for it to pass. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

17.The need to be first — to outdo friends and colleagues — is a constant presence in my life. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

18. Conceiving and giving birth to children is a purely biomechanical process. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

19. Prayers often go unanswered. Strongly agree

Generally agree

20. I have some habits that I really don’t like, but I don’t think I can break them. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

21. Plagues took place in the Bible and during the Middle Ages, but they don’t happen in the modern world. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

22. I seem to attract people who end up being bad for me. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

23. I would be hesitant to share my interest in the 72 Names with other people. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

THE 72



24. Although I don’t like to admit it, I often feel envious of other people. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

25. I sometimes find it difficult to say what I really believe. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

26. We live in a three-dimensional world. Strongly agree

Generally agree

27. Even though I know I should be a giving and sharing person, I find it very difficult. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

28. Finding the right spouse is mostly a matter of luck. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

29. There are some people who I deeply dislike, or maybe even hate. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

30. I would like to fully express the love I feel for the people in my life, but something prevents me from being able to do that. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

31. In life, there’s not a solution for every problem. Some obstacles just can’t be overcome. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

32. As I look back at my life, I feel like I’ve made the same mistake again and again. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

33. When things go wrong, I often wonder, “What did I do to deserve this?” Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree



34. I think of myself as a self-made person.The success I’ve had has come from my own abilities and hard work. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

35. Sexuality is a physical drive and need, like breathing and eating. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

36. I know it’s irrational, but sometimes I feel almost paralyzed by fear. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

37. We can never really know the long-term consequences of our actions. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

38. Self-interest is the basis of all happiness. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

39. Sometimes things happen that are just plain bad. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

40. Sometimes I have to speak to an important individual or to a group of people, but I really don’t know what to say. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

41. I sometimes feel like I wish someone would just tell me what to do, because I’m finding it difficult to make decisions on my own. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

42. I wish I could see the deeper truth about what’s going on in my life, but I get lost in the everyday details. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

43. A lot of what happens in my life seems to be beyond my control. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

44.There are some things I really feel guilty about, and I wish I could get rid of that feeling. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree



45. I want to be financially successful, but I don’t want to become a person who’s preoccupied with making money. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

46. I’d like to believe that joy and fulfillment can come into my life — but I really have my doubts. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

47. I’m very concerned about the future of the world — especially about the political situation and the environment. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

48. I tend to feel very distant from people who don’t agree with me. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

49. There are times when I feel really happy, but it never seems to last. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

50. I used to have more hope for my life. Now I tend to settle for less. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

51. I find it hard to forgive others, and I also find it hard to ask for forgiveness. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

52. Spiritually, I’m not a very intense person. I find it hard to become passionate about spiritual matters like prayer and transformation. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

53. When I trust people, I often feel that they let me down. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

54. I think death is like turning off a light.There’s just darkness — forever. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

55. I could be accomplishing a lot more with my time — but procrastination is a big problem for me. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree



56. When I get really angry, I say things that I regret later on. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

57. I’d like to believe my life has some great purpose, but I’ve never been able to figure out what it is. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

58. It’s hard for me to let go of anger, grief, and other painful feelings from the past. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

59. Sometimes I act against my own best interests. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

60. When I meet a new person or start a new project, I feel happy and optimistic. But often I become very disappointed. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

61. I’m concerned about being exposed to unhealthy air, water, and food. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

62.The most important thing in my life is the well-being of my children. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

63. I know that a lot of people have helped me during my life — but gratitude is not something that I feel very often. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

64. I tend to put myself down a lot. Strongly agree

Generally agree

65. I’m very uncomfortable with the Biblical idea of God as an angry old man with a long beard. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

66. When things go wrong, I have a tendency to feel sorry for myself. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly disagree

THE 72



67. Impatience is a problem for me. I’m not comfortable with “delayed gratification.” Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly Disagree

68. Sometimes I really miss certain people who have passed on. I wish I’d been more open and honest with them about my feelings while they were here. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly Disagree

69. I wish my goals and objectives were clearer. I don’t really see where I want to go. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly Disagree

70. Sometimes my life seems full of amazing coincidences, and other times it seems completely random and chaotic. I don’t know what to make of it all. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly Disagree

71. I wish I could take control of my future, but I feel that it’s largely out of my hands. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly Disagree

72. There are things I deeply regret. I really wish I could do them over. Strongly agree

Generally agree

Generally disagree

Strongly Disagree


7 2 N A M ES A F F I R M AT I O N S

1.Time Travel With these three letters, I can replay my past and reshape my future. Instead of beating myself up over my mistakes, with this sacred Name I press a cosmic “delete” key. I can erase the effects of my negative actions instantly and forever. 2. Recapturing the Sparks I came into this world with sparks of the Creator’s in my being. There may have been times when fear, anger, or selfishness have obscured the light within me — but through the power of this Name those lost sparks can blaze anew. 3. Miracle Making I forgive those who hurt me during the day. I am free from selfishness, feelings of victimization, anger, and self-pity. By rejecting these negative temptations, I am also free to invoke this Name and thereby ignite the power of miracles and wonders in my life. 4. Eliminating Negative Thoughts I can banish undesirable thoughts of any kind, in any area of my life. In the space that is then opened, a gentle radiance of spiritual Light floods my heart. 5. Healing The power of this name brings me energy of healing at the deepest and most profound levels of my being. Illness of any sort — physical, mental or emotional — is actually a teacher. It can not touch me. It is only come to help me transform my being and consciousness.



6. Dream State I experience the world through my senses. And I know that my senses are limited. What I don’t see (or feel, hear, or touch) can hurt me or help me. These letters are like night vision goggles. As I meditate on them, I can finally see where I am in order to get where I want to go. 7. DNA of the Soul I know that darkness and Light can’t exist in the same place at the same time. In the same way, positive and negative forces can’t co-exist within myself. By using this name to end the destructive presences in my life, I create an opening for the Light to fill — and the more negativity there is, the larger that positive opening will be. 8. Defusing Negative Energy and Stress When I feel stress in my life, I know it’s really the Light within calling upon me to reveal it in the outer world. I recognize the pressure I’m feeling as a source of positive energy. Rather than feeling paralyzed by it, I use it to reveal the Light. 9. Angelic Influences I am connected to the vast metaphysical network of angels. Through my commitment to change and to grow, I have the power to remove negative angels and their chaotic influence — and, in turn, to bring positive angels into every area of my life. 10. Looks Can Kill: Protection from the Evil Eye I am protected from the angry and envious glances of anyone who wishes me harm. 11. Banishing the Remnants of Evil In my physical environment as well as in my soul, the 72 Names banish darkness and replace it with Light.Through the power of this Name, any and all negative energy is eliminated from my physical surroundings. 12. Unconditional Love I know that “like attracts like.” Therefore hidden agendas are banished from my life, and especially from my sharing love with other people in my life.



13. Heaven on Earth Through my own thoughts, feelings, and actions, I have the power to bring transformation to my life, and through me to the whole world. This is the true meaning of paradise. 14. Farewell to Arms Conflict and anger no longer have any place in my life. In any disagreement or dispute, I am able to find a peaceful and permanent solution. 15. Long-Range Vision I have the power of clear vision and foresight in every part of my life. I see the full-grown tree in the newly planted seed. I grasp the cause and effect relationship that governs all reality. My life choices and actions are motivated by ultimate results, not momentary illusions. 16. Dumping Depression Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Though there may be times when I feel tired and confused, I always have the power to reconnect with my inner strength and to cross the finish line of my inner transformation. 17. Great Escape No form of negativity or chaos can force me to act against my own best interests. I know that connection with the Light is the ultimate in self-interest, and I am able to resist anything and everything that tries to lead me in another direction. 18. Fertility I will bring life into the world — and that’s only the beginning. With the power of this Name, I know that my child will have a great soul that will be a great joy to me, and a great blessing to all humanity. 19. Dialing God All my prayers are heard and answered.



20.Victory Over Addictions No form of negativity or chaos can force me to act against my own best interests. I know that connection with the Light is the ultimate in self-interest, and I am able to resist anything and everything that tries to lead me in another direction. 21. Eradicate Plague I am immune to all the many forms of plague that are now stalking the world. Physically, emotionally and spiritually, I am protected. 22. Stop Fatal Attraction I am a strong, positive person. I am committed to following a proactive spiritual path, and I will not let my commitment be undermined by negative people. It’s nothing personal — but negative people have no place in my life. 23. Sharing the Flame I know that everything I do in this world today echoes in the upper world for all eternity — and I accept the great responsibility that this represents. By living in connection with the Light right now, I share the Light with everyone, forever. 24. Jealousy Everything in my life right now is exactly what I need to move forward on my soul’s journey. I recognize this truth, rather than wishing for what others might have. 25. Speak Your Mind Being honest and truthful is not always easy, but I have the power to speak truthfully to anyone, in any situation, at any time. 26. Order from Chaos In every situation, I know that chaos and negativity are illusions and that harmony is always the underlying truth. 27. Silent Partner By meditating on this sequence of letters — and by the act of tithing — I remove the negative presence from my earnings, and I remove its destructive influence from my life.



28. Soul Mate The person I truly need and desire is being revealed to me. With my soul mate, I will learn who I really am, and I will become everything I am meant to be. 29. Removing Hatred I am totally free of hatred for anyone anywhere in the world. 30. Building Bridges I reach out to the people in my life with a sincere intention of giving and sharing. Even if there is good reason for me to be angry or fearful of someone, I build a bridge that connects me not only to that person, but also to the Light. 31. Finish What You Start I always finish what I start — because I know that even the most trivial task is an expression of the great work of my life, which is to reveal the Light. 32. Memories Through the power of this Name, I am free from any destructive effects of my past — and I am free to become a new and better person in the present and the future. 33. Revealing the Dark Side Like a candle in the darkness, I have the power to bring Light and to expand it beyond all limits. 34. Forget Thyself Ego-driven negativity that blocks my connection to the Light is removed. A channel is opened to everything I most deeply desire and to everything the Light most deeply wants for me. 35. Sexual Energy I transform my physical desires — first, so I can share love and energy with my partner. And second, for the higher purpose of allowing the Light to elevate all of creation.



36. Fear(less) Instead of instinctively, robotically reacting to fear, I understand that the fear is a message from the universe letting us know that there’s an opportunity being revealed to expand our Vessel. By slowly embracing the fear, I receive the Light that’s hiding behind the fear. I understand that the Light always hides behind the negative energy. If we run away from the negative energy, we miss the opportunity to let that Light into our lives. 37.The Big Picture This name raises my awareness of the long-term effects of all my actions. I gain vision of the spiritual challenges in every moment before they can become foundations of chaos and crises. 38. Circuitry My higher purpose is the desire for the sake of sharing. It is the foundation of everything that I do. 39. Diamond in the Rough Selflessness. Kind-heartedness. Self-sacrifice. Compassion. Benevolence. All the noble attributes of Moses are aroused by this Name. And to ensure that this goodness does not go to my head, humility stirs in my soul. Infused with these attributes, I can now part the Red Sea of chaos in my life. 40. Speaking the Right Words Negative energy is removed from my words. My speech expresses the Light and the love that fill my soul. 41. Self-Esteem To see the good in others, I see what is best in myself. 42. Revealing the Concealed I can see beyond the illusion of the moment. I can see the future in the present, and I recognize yesterday in today. I make the correct choices in this moment because I know where this moment came from and where it will go.


THE 72


43. Defying Gravity I have the power of mind over matter, which transcends the capabilities of my physical senses. I have the power to create and to enter the universe I desire and deserve. 44. Sweetening Judgment I accept the responsibility for going down the wrong path. But I have the strength to understand that and the courage to change it. I have the power to let the Light enter my life and move me in the correct spiritual direction. 45. Prosperity With these letters, I see clearly that the Light of the Creator is the ultimate source of all prosperity and well-being. Therefore I draw good fortune from the Light — not from the negative forces, which also have the power to bring financial gain and material pleasure, but at a great cost to the buyer! 46. Absolute Certainty When I find myself overcome with feelings of doubts and thoughts of hopelessness, these letters reveal the order that underlies chaos. I know that there’s a cause and effect system that I can connect to. This system overrides the program of negativity and chaos in my life. I become enlightened to the creator’s master plan as it pertains to my purpose in this world and to the problems that I face. 47. Global Transformation I know that peace throughout the world begins with peace in my own heart. I accept that responsibility, and through my own transformation I bring transformation to the world. 48. Unity I live in unity and harmony with all human beings, and through them I am One with the Light. 49. Happiness This Name brings me the greatest of all freedoms: escape from ego-based desires, selfish inclinations, and the “me first” mentality. In their place, I gain life’s true and lasting gifts — family, friendship, fulfillment, and happiness.



50. Enough Is Never Enough Despite how difficult things may seem at a given moment, I see the opportunity that’s hidden in every obstacle — I have the strength to take full advantage of it — and I will never settle for less! 51. No Guilt My love is unconditional. It is its own reward. I remove the labels of “friend” or “enemy” from the people in my life, and I extend my love to everyone. 52. Passion My prayers are heard and answered through connection with the Light. 53. No Agenda Hidden agendas are banished from my life. 54.The Death of Death Through these letters, I meditate with total conviction and certainty upon the absolute demise of the Angel of Death, once and for all! 55.Thought into Action My wishes, my thoughts, and my dreams become the realities of my life. 56. Dispelling Anger I live in unity and harmony with all human beings, and through them I am One with the Light. 57. Listening to Your Soul By listening to the whispers of my own soul, I recognize the Oneness I share with the soul of every human being — and my ultimate potential for complete Oneness with the Creator. I will not let the demands of everyday life distract me from this goal. 58. Letting Go I have the power to avoid getting in my own way. I resist the temptation to secretly wish for my own frustration and failure. I have the strength to let go of the past, to fully enjoy the present, and to create an even brighter future.



59. Umbilical Cord Even when I feel lost in darkness, I know that I am connected to the Light. 60. Freedom I want to be tested, and I know that I will pass every test. 61. Water I know that the teachings of Kabbalah give special importance to the role of water in my life, and to its ability to cleanse all forms of negativity. Through this Name, the water that I drink and that comprises my physical self is purified and becomes a supremely important spiritual tool. 62. Parent — Teacher, Not Preacher By focusing on these letters with all my heart and soul, I reveal the Light of the Creator in my children. 63. Appreciation Just as I am certain that my life will be filled with abundance in the future, I appreciate what I have right now. 64. Casting Yourself in a Favorable Light I see the good person that I really am — and by so doing, I am able to see the goodness that is the essence of every human being. 65. Fear of God I am wise — because I know what to fear. I know that “fear of God” is simply understanding how the universe works, and awe of the Creator’s love and perfection. 66. Accountability Awareness of the divine spark in every person is awakened in my heart. Everyone is a child of the creator. I become wiser in ways of the world. I perceive the cause and effect process attached to my every word and deed, and I know that my sharing acts toward others are always in my own best interest.



67. Great Expectations I know that the truth is hidden over time in order for me to reveal the truth — and now I have the power to do so because I have control over the influence of time in my life. 68. Contacting Departed Souls I know that my loved ones who have left this world are still present in my life. I feel their presence, I rejoice in their love, and by so doing I elevate them in the spiritual realm and bring them closer to God. 69. Lost and Found Even when I feel hopelessly lost, this Name reveals the path I’m seeking. 70. Recognizing Design Beneath Disorder I am a being of certainty. I am certain of the energy of the Light and of the power of these sacred Names. Through them, I am certain that joy and fulfillment will come into my life. 71. Prophecy and Parallel Universes I see the future — and by seeing it, I create it. 72. Spiritual Cleansing By erasing the mistakes I’ve made in the past, I am ready for positive change in the present and the future.



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