Year 3 English Assessment

July 8, 2018 | Author: Prince Lun | Category: Rectangle, Nature
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Malaysian Year 3 English Assessment...


SJKC TAH KANG  Year 3 English Assessment Assessment October 201 !a"er 1 Name : Class

Date : :

A. #ea$ an$ ans%er the &'estion( 10)

Mother Teresa had dark eyes and a kind face. 'he li(ed in )ndia for many years. 'he was a nun. 'he hel&ed the &oor and the sick. 'he took care of the sick and !a(e food to the &oor. Mother Teresa is rememered ecause she was a kind &erson.

1. How is Mother Teresa looked like? A. Dark eyes and a kind face. B. Blue eyes and lack lon! hair. C. Beautiful eyes and cute face. D. "on! hair and !reen eyes.

#.$hat is Mother Teresa%s occu&ation? A. Nurse B. Doctor C. Teacher D. Nun

*. $here did mother Teresa li(ed? A. Malaysia B. )ndia C. +n!land

,. How did Mother Teresa Hel&s the &eo&le? A . !i(e the &oor money B. take the sick &eo&le &eo&le home C. took care of of the sick sick and !a(e !a(e food to the &oor. D. scold away the &oor &eo&le -. $hy do &eo&le rememer Mother Teresa? A .'he is eautiful. B. 'he can cook (ery well. C. 'he was a kind &erson. D. 'he was (ery rich.

*+ #ea$ the stor,( Ans%ers the &'estions -10 )+ )NT+4+'T)N5 6ACT' • • •

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An ostrich has only two toes No two !iraffes ha(e the same &atterns on their skin. en!uins cannot fold their win!s to their odies like other irds. orcu&ines ha(e more than *78777 9uills on their ack. The !iant tortoise is (ery i! and hea(y and it can li(e u& to 1-7 years. An ele&hant fla&s its ears to kee& cool. Ti!ers use their tails to communicate with other ti!ers. "ions are ecellent swimmiers.

. $hy do ele&hants fla& their ears? A/ to chase away flies. B/ to walk faster. C/ to kee& cool. D/ to slee& soundly. 0. $hat animal uses it tail to communicate? A/ lions B/ ti!ers C/ en!uins D/ +le&hants 2. $hich animal cannot fold its win!s? A/ &en!uins B/ lions C/ orcu&ines D/ 3strich

;. $hich animals can li(es for many  years? A/Tortoise B/ Ti!er C/ en!uin D/ "ion 17.
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