Year 1 English Scheme of Work for First Term
Short Description
A weekly scheme of work that integrates requirements from the English national curriculum with the Nigerian...
Year 1 English Scheme of Work GRAMMAR
First Term READING
Alphabet: Capital letters and lower case letters. Alphabetical order
A short story identifying and comparing two characters.
Write letters of the alphabet in order.
Introducing and talking about myself: My name is/I’m John and I….
CVC a sounds eg can, pan, bag, sad
Collins Grammar Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Greetings for different times of the day (adults and children)
A passage involving greeting adults and children.
Write sentences with greetings: with capitalization and full stop
Greeting and asking another’s name: ‘what’s your name?’
CVC e sounds pen, leg, net
Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Common Nouns & Proper Nouns
CVC short i sounds being, bin, sit
Doing Words: Verbs
Write sentences using naming words (objects, places, names, etc.) Capitalization & full stop Draw a picture of your friend’s face and label it.
Asking Permission: May I…. May we…..
Comprehension passage: identify naming words in a selected passage. A poem: listen, read and discuss for meaning
Making Requests: Can I… Can we…. Can you….
CVC short o sounds pot, cot, lot Recite a poem and talk about it
Singular and Plural (s, and es)
Read a story (beginning, middle and end)
Write a sequence of sentences with illustrations to form a story.
Re-telling a story to a classmate
Plural Nouns(s, es, ies and ves)
Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Using articles (a, an, the) with nouns
Read and explain the features of a recipe
Write a simple recipe in numbered steps: e.g. how to make a cup of tea.
Talking about what I do every morning: ‘when I wake up….’
CVC long i: words meet, seat, beat
Letts English; Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Describing Words: colours, numbers and shapes, character and quality
Read, understand and answer questions from a traditional rhyme.
Write sentences to describe nouns using colours, numbers, character and quality
Recite a selected range of traditional rhymes.
CVC ai, rain, pain, train
Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Comma and Question Marks
Read and discuss a fiction and identify the different characters in the story
Write sentences with capital letters, comma and full stop
Asking and answering questions about a character from a story
CVC ay tray, lay,
Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Sequence words (first, soon, now, then)
Read a short narrative and discuss the moral of the story
Write sequence sentences to form short narratives using: first, soon, now and then.
-ing words ie sleeping, cooking, eating etc
Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
Animals and their young ones: sheep, lamb, cat, kitten,
Read a given text and explain clearly the understanding of what is read.
Write descriptive sentences about “My Self
Practice sentences with an exclamation and show the exclamation mark on the board: e.g. ‘I love ice cream!’ Describe animals and their young from pictures
Words that begin with bl, cl, fl, gl, pl and sl.
Collins Grammar and Punctuation, Collins Phonics and Spelling
dog, puppy, pig, piglet, cow, calf, goose, gosling, etc. 12 13
Words with contraction: can’t, I’m, she’s, he’s Examination
Read and perform a simple poem
Read write and perform a simple poem
Recite a poem about animals or birds.
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