Xstore 170 TG PDF

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Item and Pricing Configuration 5-5


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup

instead of an item ID during a sale transaction, the system s ystem automatically lists the corresponding dimensions from the database tables and prompts the user to make selections. By using this process, the system narrows the scope of the search, and ultimately,, allows the user to add the item with matching dimensions to the transaction. ultimately In addition to using a style ID to identify a specific item ID in a sale transaction, setting up the item dimensions in the database is also used to display the item grid in Item Lookup functions. Style setup types is based a “Dimension “ Dimension System”. dimension system is a generic of dimension andonvalues with which one or A more styles can be associated as group a means of specifying how items of a style are differentiated.

Deals at the Color Level If you create deals in Customer Engagement Cloud Services that are at the Color level, you must choose a dimension (i.e. dimension1, dimension2, or dimension3) for Color styles. This is required because Customer and it must be the same across all styles. Engagement Cloud Services needs to know which dimension is Color for the purpose of creating deals to that level. For example, if you choose to set up Color as dimension1, then all styles must be set up using dimension1 as Color in order for deals at the Color level to work as expected.

Customer Engagement Cloud Services Changes Required In addition, you will need to make changes to the Xstore X store Point of Service promotion export file in Customer Engagement Cloud Services: Edit the XstorePromotionExport.bsh.java  file located in the srv/relateservices-deploy/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/config/xslt  directory. Change Line #191: From: colortest.itemTestType  =  ʺCOLORʺ ; To: colortest.itemTestType  =  ʺDIMENSIONx ʺ ;  (where x = Xstore Point of  Service attribute  used  for item Color: 1  –  3

X=whatever the client decides to use for the Color attribute (1-3 only) i.e. DIMENSION1, DIMENSION2, DIMENSION3) Refer to the Customer Engagement Cloud Services documentation for more information.

Setup Overview 1.

Define a style: -

A style style has a uniq unique ue style style ID ID tha thatt is stored stored in in the item item_id _id colu column mn of the the itm_item table and an item_lvlcode value of STYLE.


Each style ID is llinked inked to a dimension dimension syste system m in the dimen dimension_s sion_system ystem column column of the itm_item table.

For detailed information, see “itm_item Table Setup”. Setup”. 2.

Define the style dimension types and values: -

In the itm_item_dimension_type  table, define the types of dimensions associated with the dimension system and choose sequences and sort orders for

the dimensions. For detailed information, see “itm_item_dimension_type Table Setup” Setup”..

5-6  5-6 Technical Guide


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup


In the itm_item_dimension_value  table, define all possible values for each dimension in the dimension system and choose an order for the dimension values so they are displayed properly.

For detailed information, see “itm_item_dimension_value Table Setup”. Setup”. 3.

Associate items with a style: -

In the itm_item table, use the parent_item_id column to associate the style_id

with an item. For detailed information, see “itm_item Table Setup”. Setup”. -

In the itm_item_dimension  table, associate the item with the dimensions.

For detailed information, see “itm_item_dimension Table Setup” Setup”.. 4.

Configure item grid lookup options in SystemConfig.xml: For detailed information, see “Style: Item Grid SystemConfig.xml Setup”. Setup”.

How to Set Up Item/Style-level Prompting and Grid The following information is required to trigger item/style-level item/style-level prompting and to populate the item grid in Item Lookup.

itm_item Table Setup Table


it itm_ m_it item em

Cont Contai ains ns ite item m info inform rmat atio ion n to the the low lowes estt me merc rcha hand ndis isee leve levell fo forr whic which h inventory and sales records are retained within the retail store.

DataLoaderConfig.xml DataLoaderConfi g.xml Records

Table Detail: itm_item Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field


uniquely identify the style or item.


indicate w wh hether this iiss a style level or an item level.

For a style Id, value=STYLE For an item Id, value=ITEM

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-7


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup Table Detail: itm_item (continued) Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field

pare parent nt__ite tem_ m_iid

asso ssocia ciate aan n ite item m ID ID w wiith a st style yle ID.

For the style ID, value=NULL For the item ID, value=

Note: Specifying NULL on the style's ID will allow the system to prompt for the various values attached to the items under the style. Specifying a value here will cause no prompt to appear, and this value will be applied explicitly when filtering the items in the style. dimens dim ension ion_sy _syste stem m

specif specify y the gen genera erall dim dimens ension ion structure an item belongs to.

Note: The dimension system information is stored on the STYLE level, not on an ITEM level.

Note: Other fields in the itm_item table should also be populated as

needed. Only the style-specific fields are shown here. For more Overview” for  for information about the itm_item table. See “Item Setup Overview” more information.

itm_item_dimension_type Table Setup Table


itm_item_dimension_ type

Contains the types of dimensions associated with a dimension system.

DataLoaderConfig.xml DataLoaderConfi g.xml Records

RecordType name="ITEM_DIMENSION_TYPE">

Table Detail: itm_item_dimension_type Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field


specify the general dimension structure an item belongs to. For example, MENS_TSHIRTS.


5-8  5-8 Technical Guide


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup

Table Tab le Detail: itm_item_dimension_typ itm_item_dimension_type e (continued) Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field


specify the code values  belonging to a dimensio dimension n system. For example, COLOR, SIZE, etc.


specify the number that correlates this dimension type with one of the values associated with an item in the itm_item_dimension table.



For example, dimension COLOR and sequence 1 in this record means that dimension1 in itm_item_dimension for an item using this dimension system is the color of that item. sort_order

determine the row/column/page order represented in the grid view of inventories for that style. The lowest value is the row

dimension, next-highest value is the the column dimension, and highest value is the page dimension. Also, when selling an item by style, this value determines the order in which the system prompts for dimension values. If not specified, the order will be arbitrary; however, the default will be the way in which the data was retrieved from the database. description



define a text description for a dimension code used for display. If this description is not defined, the system displays the dimension code value. define the message displayed to the user when prompting for values for this dimension type when selling an item by style. This value can be a literal value or a translation key. If not specified, a default message will  be used. specify the organization level code based on the customer's store structure. Ex: STORE, DISTRICT, REGION, CHAIN, etc. (to be defined by clients) Default value set to *

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-9


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup Table Tab le Detail: itm_item_dimension_typ itm_item_dimension_type e (continued) Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field


specify the value for the organization level code. Ex: for store 123, the org_code will be STORE and the org_value will be 123

Default value set to *

itm_item_dimension_value Table Setup Table


itm_item_dimension_ value

Contains all possible values associated with each dimension within a dimension system.

DataLoaderConfig.xml DataLoaderConfi g.xml Records

Table Detail: itm_item_dimension_value Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field


specify the general dimension structure an item belongs to.

specify the code values  belonging to a dimensio dimension n system. This is a coded value. For example, COLOR, SIZE, etc.

specify the specific values associated with a dimension for


dimension REQUIRED


acoded dimension This isRED, a value. system. For example, BLUE, etc. for the dimension COLOR.

5-10  Technical Guide 5-10


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup

Table Detail: itm_item_dimension_value (continued) Attribute

Used to...

DataLoader Field


determine the order in which dimension values appear in the item grid. Values sorted in ascending order appear:

 - Top to bottom for rows  - Left to right for columns  - First to last for page When selling an item by style, this determines the order in which dimension values appear in the prompt list. If not specified, the order will be arbitrary; however, the default will be the way in which the data was retrieved from the database. description

define a text description of the value code. If this description is not defined, the system displays the value code itself.


specify the organization level code based on the customer's store structure. Ex: STORE, DISTRICT, REGION, CHAIN, etc. (to be defined by clients)

Default value set to * org_value

specify the value for the organization level code. Ex: for store 123, the org_code will be STORE and the org_value will be 123

Default value set to *

itm_item_dimension Table Setup Table


itm_i itm _item tem_d _dime imensi nsion on

Sto Stores res the spe speci cific fic dimen dimensio sions ns ass associ ociat ated ed with with sp speci ecific fic items items..

DataLoaderConfig.xml DataLoaderConfi g.xml Records

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-11


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup

Table Detail: itm_item_dimension Attribute

Used to...


uniquely identify the item.

DataLoader Field



dime dimens nsiion1

defi defin ne tth he v val alu ue ffo or tth he fir first st dimension. If present, this should correspond to one of the coded values in itm_item_dimension_value.


dime dimens nsiion2

defi defin ne tth he v val alu ue fo for tth he ssec eco ond dimension. If present, this should correspond to one of the coded values in itm_item_dimension_value.


dime dimens nsiion3

defi defin ne tth he v vaalue lue ffor or the the tth hir ird d dimension. If present, this should correspond to one of the coded values in itm_item_dimension_value.



specify the organization level code  based on the customer's sto store re structure. Ex: STORE, DISTRICT, REGION, CHAIN, etc. (to be defined  by clients)

Default value set to * org_ org_v value lue

spec speciify the value for for th thee o orrgani ganizzatio ion n level code. Ex: for store 123, the org_code will be STORE and the org_value will be 123

Default value set to *

Note: *If provided, these fields can be sent in with the following fields on the ITEM record as well:

Style: Item Grid SystemConfig.xml Setup Set up the following configuration option for item lookup grid functionality in SystemConfig.xml


ItemLookup dtype  dtype=" ="Default Default"> "> 30 30 true true true true true true true true true true true true MILE MILE 12 12 false false

-   LoadGrid - Determines whether or not the system displays the first item grid page for the item lookup screen. *

When true, the first item grid p page age for tthe he item item iiss display displayed ed on the lookup screen.


When When false false,, the the item item grid grid page page for for the the item item iiss not disp display layed. ed.

Xstore Point of Service Example - Entering a Style ID During a Sale Once the tables and configuration option are set up as described above, the functionality works as follows: 1.

During a sale transaction the associate will be prompted to scan/enter an item ID.


At the prompt for an item ID, the associate enters the itm_item.item_id  for the style item.


Xstore Point of Service will iterate through a series of prompts, one for each dimension, until the specific item within the style is identified. The list of valid values to select for a given dimension is the union of all itm_item_dimension.value  values for every item within the style.


Once the specific item within the style is identified, the line item is added to the sale.

Xstore Point of Service Example - Item Lookup By Style Using the Item Grid 1.

When the associate selects the Item Lookup menu option, Xstore Point of Service displays the Item Lookup form.


The associate enters the itm_item.item_id  for the style item and Xstore Point of Service displays the item detail screen.

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-13


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup


The Style Grid tab shows the style dimension information.

Figure 5-1: Style Grid Tab Example

itm_item table Setup Example





parent_  item_id

dimension_  system


Tee Shirt

Tee Shirt





Blue S Tee Shirt

Blue S Tee Shirt





Blue M Tee Shirt

Blue M Tee Shirt





Blue L Tee

Blue L Tee






Red S Tee Shirt

Red S Tee Shirt





grid example. Note: Not all table values are shown  for the  grid

itm_item_dimension_type itm_item_dimension_ty pe Setup Example dimension_system


















5-14  Technical Guide 5-14


Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup

itm_item_dimension_value itm_item_dimension_val ue Setup Example dimension_system








































Note: Not all table values are shown  for the  grid  grid example.

itm_item_dimension Setup Example item_id




















grid example. Note: Not all table values are shown  for the  grid

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-15


Item Cross Reference Database Setup

Item Cross Reference Database Setup Set up the itm_item_cross_reference table to allow for item lookup by a manufacturer’s manufacturer’s UPC and other types of alternate IDs. There must be an item or non physical item record for each Item ID specified in this table. For information about this table and the Dataloader record used to populate it, see the Xstore Point of  Service Database Dictionary  and the Xstore Point of  Service Host Interface Guide.

Item Vendor Database Setup Set up the itm_vendor table and the com_address  table to define the vendor information. For information about these tables and the Dataloader record useds to populate them, see the Xstore Point of  Service Database Dictionary and the Xstore Point of   Service Host Interface Guide.

5-16  Technical Guide 5-16


Attached Item Database Setup

Attached Item Database Setup Set up the itm_attached_items table to create a relationship between items for the purpose of automatically adding an “attached” item to a transaction when an item with an itm_item.attached_items_flag  of true is sold. When selling an item that has at least one attached item: -

If there there is is one attached attached item, item, display display a promp promptt to ask ask if the aattache ttached d item item should should  be added to the transaction (when (when

itm_attached_items.prompt_to_add_flag  is set to true).


If there there are two two or or more attached attached items, items, prompt prompt with with the the list list of attached attached items (when itm_attached_items.prompt_to_add_flag  is set to true): *

The user can sele select ct one one or or more more items items from the list (multi-se (multi-select lect list). list).


All sele selected cted items will automatica automatically lly be added added to the sale transa transaction ction along with the original item that was sold.


Attached Attached item funct functional ionality ity does not apply apply to retur returns, ns, order orders, s, and and speci special al orders.


The attach attached ed item icon

displays displays next to an attac attached hed item on the Vie View w Por Port. t.

For information about this table and the Dataloader record used to populate it, see the Xstore Point of  Service Database Dictionary and the Xstore Point of  Service Host Interface  Guide.

Attached Items Setup in SystemConfig.xml The following configuration options for attached items functionality are found in SystemConfig.xml . For more information about item messaging, refer to Chapte Chapterr 6, “Item Messaging Configuration”. Configuration”. true true true true true true _associatedItemMsgTitle _associatedItemMsgTitle _messageAssocItemAdded _messageAssocItemAdded

-   EnableAttachedItems - This configuration option turns on/off the attached item functionality. *

When When true, true, att attach ached ed item item fu funct nction ionali ality ty is is enabl enabled. ed.


When When false false,, attac attache hed d item item funct function ionali ality ty is is disab disabled led..

-   NotifyItemAdded - Determines whether or not the system displays a prompt whenever an attached item is added to the retail transaction. *

When true, a prompt prompt iiss displaye displayed d whe whenev never er an attac attached hed item item is is added added to th thee retail transaction.

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-17


Substitute Item Setup


When false, false, no prompt prompt is displayed displayed when an at attache tached d item item is added to the the retail transaction.

-   AddWithMessage - Determines whether or not the system notifies the associate  by displaying the message in the instruction area of the sale screen whenever an attached item is added to the retail transaction. *

If true, true, a notificati notification on message message is display displayed ed in the instruc instruction tion area area of the sale sale screen whenever an attached item is added to the retail transaction.


If false, false, a notificati notification on message message is is not displ displayed ayed in the instru instruction ction area of the sale screen when an attached item is added to the retail transaction.

-   MessageTitle - If AddWithMessage is true, the text attached to this value in the translations.properties  file will be displayed in the message title. See Configuration” for  for more information about item Chapter 6, “Item Messaging Configuration” messaging setup. -   MessageKey - If AddWithMessage is true, the text attached to this value in the translations.properties  file will be displayed as the message. See Chapter 6, “Item Messaging Configuration” Configuration” for  for more information about item messaging setup.

Substitute Item Setup Set up the itm_substitute_items  table to create a relationship between items for the purpose of identifying items that may be substituted or offered in place of another item. For substitute items to be displayed in item lookup, the following conditions must be met: -   itm_item.substitute_available_flag must be true (1). -

In SystemConfig.xml , Store/System/ItemLookup/LoadSubstitute Store/System/ItemLookup/LoadSubstitute must be set to true. See “Item Lookup Configuration in SystemConfig.xml” SystemConfig.xml”..


An ite tem m mus mustt eexi xist st in tthe he itm_substitute_items  table where the primary_item_id  is the item_id of the item looked up.

For information about this table and the Dataloader record used to populate it, see the Xstore Point of  Service Database Dictionary and the Xstore Point of  Service Host Interface  Guide.

Similar Item Setup Similar items are items with the same Style ID. For similar items to be displayed in item lookup, the following conditions must be met: •

In SystemConfig.xml , Store/System/ItemLookup/LoadSimilar Store/System/ItemLookup/LoadSimilar must be set to tru true. e.

30 30 true true true true true true true true true true

5-18  Technical Guide 5-18


Item Prompting Database Setup

LoadGrid dtype  dtype=" ="Boolean Boolean"> ">true true MILE MILE 12 12 false false

The itm_item.parent_item_id  for the item is the Style ID.

Item Prompting Database Setup Set up the itm_item_prompt_properties  table to prompt for additional information as an item is sold. For information about this table and the Dataloader record used to populate it, see the Xstore Point of  Service Database Dictionary and the Xstore Point of   Service Host Interface Guide.

Item Lookup Configuration in SystemConfig.xml The following configuration options found in SystemConfig.xml  pertain to item lookup functionality.

30 30 true true true true true true true true true true true true MILE MILE 12 12 false false

-   PriceHistoryDays - Number of days for which the system retrieves price history data for the lookup item to be displayed on the item lookup screen. -   LoadUpcs - Determines whether or not the system displays all UPC numbers for this item. *

When When true, true, the the system system dis displa plays ys all all UPC UPC numbe numbers rs for for this this item. item.


When When false, false, the the syste system m does does not displ display ay al alll UPC number numberss for this this item. item.

-   LoadSimilar - Determines whether or not the system displays all items with the same style as the current item.

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-19


Item Lookup Configuration in SystemConfig.xml


When true, the system system displays displays all all items items with with the same style as the current current item.


When When false, false, the the syste system m does does not disp display lay iitem temss with with the same same sstyl tylee as the the current item.

-   LoadSubstitute - Determines whether or not the system displays all substitute items for the current item. * *

When true, the system system displays displays all all su substitu bstitute te items items for the the current current item. item. When When false false,, the the syste system m does does not not di displ splay ay su subst bstitu itute te item items. s.

-   LoadPriceHistory - Determines whether or not the system displays the price history of the current item. *

When When true, true, the the pric pricee hi histo story ry of the the curre current nt it item em iiss displ displaye ayed. d.


When When false, false, the the price price hist history ory of the curr current ent item item iiss not di displ splaye ayed. d.

-   LoadSalesHistory - Determines whether or not the system displays the sales history of the current item. *

When When true, true, the the sa sale less history history of th thee curre current nt it item em iiss displa displaye yed. d.


When When false, false, the the sales sales h hist istory ory of the the curre current nt it item em is not not di displ splay ayed. ed.

-   LoadGrid - Determines whether or not the system displays the first item grid page for the item lookup screen. *

When true, the first item grid p page age for tthe he item item iiss display displayed ed on the llookup ookup screen.


When When false false,, the the item item grid grid page page for for the the item item iiss not disp display layed. ed.

Note: See “Style: Item Dimensions/Grid Setup” for Setup” for more information

about setting up an item grid.

-   LocatorDistanceUnit - Determines the unit of measure that will be used for distance when using item lookup: MILE or KILOMETER. -   SalesHistoryWeeks - Indicates how many weeks of sales history will be displayed when an item lookup is done in the replenishment module. Sales history information is displayed in the Sales History tab. -   ShowAdvancedSearchForm - Determines whether or not Xstore Point of Service will use advanced search criteria to find and view items in Item Lookup.

5-20  Technical Guide 5-20


Kit Item Setup

Kit Item Setup A Kit item is composed of other items (component items) found in the Xstore Point of Service database. •   Kit items are set up in the itm_item table, just like any other item. •   Component items that make up a Kit must be valid items in the itm_item table, and must also be set up in the itm_kit_component  table. The itm_kit_component  table maps the kit component items to their parent Kit item in the itm_item table. Note: Kits can be sold so ld through layaway, layaway, send sale, remote ssend, end, and

special order, but not through distributed orders.

When a Kit is added to a sale, the component items are displayed in rows below, below, and part of, the parent kit line item. Component items are displayed as the quantity included in the Kit line item, along with the component item description. The lines that identify the kit components are not line items themselves and cannot be changed: they are provided as a visual reminder of what items make up the Kit. The Kit item itself cannot prompt for price and cannot contain any components that are set to prompt for price. Taxes and discounts applied to the Kit ignore the component items of the Kit. In addition, any deals available for the component items individually will not be taken into account in deal calculations for the kit. Once a Kit is sold and its transaction has been persisted, the record of the Kit being sold and what components made up the Kit resides in the database. The trl_kit_component_mod  table contains the collection of all kit component modifiers for all persisted Kit sale line items. (As such, it can be thought of as a child of the trl_sale_lineitm  table). The kit component modifier records each belong to a sale line item that represents the sale or return of a Kit item. The kit component modifier records contain: •

th thee item item IID D of tthe he kit kit com compo pone nent nt ite item, m,

th thee exte extend nded ed qu quan anti tity ty1 of the kit component item,

and the component component item's item's descrip description tion at the the time of tthe he sale. Note: Refer to the Xstore Point of Service Database Dictionary for

more information about the trl_kit_component_mod table.

1.This value will always be the number of component items per Kit times the number of Kits sold and is i s not affected  by the LinkComponentQtyToKitQty setting in SystemConfig.xml

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-21


Kit Item Setup

Database Setup for Kits 1.

Set up the parent Kit item in the itm_item table. For information about this table and the Dataloader record used to populate it, see the Xstore Point of  Service Database  Dictionary and the Xstore Point of  Service Host Interface Guide.


Set up the kit component items in the itm_kit_component  table. For information about this table and the Dataloader record used to populate it, see the Xstore Point of   Service Database Dictionary and the Xstore Point of  Service Host Interface Guide. Note: A kit component whose begin and end dates do not include the

current day of business will not be included in the kit. This will not affect the sale/availability of the kit itself, just the components that make up the kit.

System Config Setup for Kits SystemConfig.xml  settings control the maximum number of component items to

display, whether the quantity displayed for a kit component line is a reflection of the display, quantity of the parent kit line item's quantity or is the number of the component items per kit, how the kit items are inventoried, and Xstore Point of Service behavior when a kit is returned. true true true true 5 5 NumKitComponentsToDisplay> true true

-   PromptKitComponentsAtReturn - Determines whether or not Xstore X store Point of Service will display a prompt containing a list of the kit components. If set to true,return. this allows the user confirmwith that the the return, entire kit present before accepting the The user mayto continue or is cancel if all the kit components are not present. Note: Proceeding with the return is a secured option that requires the

user to have the RETURN_KIT privilege.


When set to true , the prompt is displayed. displayed.


When set to false , the prompt is not displayed displayed and system will will route directly to the Xstore Point of Service return process. The security privilege of RETURN_KIT will not be considered.

Note: Returns of items that are also components in one or more kits

are processed without consideration of their kit membership.

5-22  Technical Guide 5-22


Kit Item Setup

-   LinkComponentQtyToKitQty - Determines whether or not the quantity of the kit component rows on the virtual and real receipts are linked to the quantity of the kit item. *

When true , the component item item quantity quantity displayed displayed will will be multiplied by the quantity of the parent kit line item. For example, if there are 3 kits sold, component items are multiplied by 3. That is, they display the total number of items in all kits.


When false, false, the component component item quantity quantity will not change change,, re regardle gardless ss of the parent kit line item's quantity. For example if there are 3 kits sold, the component items are unchanged. That is, they display the number of items in each kit.

-   NumKitComponentsToDisplay - The maximum number of kit components to display on the virtual receipt for a kit line item. If there are more kit components than rows available for display, display, then the last row will be used to display a continuation string, such as an ellipsis (...). For example, if NumKitComponentsToDisplay  is set to 5 and a kit has 5 items, then all 5 items will be displayed. However, However, if the kit has 6 items, then 4 items will be displayed and the fifth line will be used for “more...”. Note: The receipt will show all items regardless of this value.

-   InventoryKitComponents - Determines whether or not Xstore Point of Service will inventory the components that make up a kit, or the kit items themselves. *

When set to true, true, the kit components components will be inventori inventoried. ed. Selling Selling and and returning kits will update the inventoried quantity of each of the items included in the kit, but not the kit item itself.


When set to false, false, the kit items items themse themselve lvess wil willl be inventori inventoried. ed. Selli Selling ng and returning kits will update the inventoried quantity for the kit item only. only.

Item and Pricing Configuration 5-23


Item Matrix

Item Matrix Note: A touch-screen or mouse is required to use this feature.

The Item Matrix function displays an item touch grid that can be used during a sale to find and add sale items to the current transaction. This feature is used to provide fast access to a small subset of the item file.

Figure 5-2: Item Matrix Example

Item Matrix Database Setup Note: Although the item matrix is configurable, it is not recommended that you exceed 1,000 items.

Use the following “disallow_matrix_display_flag”  flags to suppress items from appearing in the matrix to ensure that only a subset of items (that is, less than 1000) qualify for the matrix. Note: A hierarchy above the item level (for example, departments or

classes) will not be displayed in the item matrix until items are assigned to it.

To exclude exclude items items ffrom rom appeari appearing ng on the item grid, grid, set set the followi following ng flag flag in the itm_item table to true: itm_item.disallow_matrix_display_flag

5-24  Technical Guide 5-24


Item Images

To exclude exclude leve levels ls in the the merch merch hierarchy hierarchy from appear appearing ing on th thee item grid, set set the following flag in the itm_merch_hierarchy  table to true: itm_merch_hierarchy.disallow_matrix_display_flag

Se Sett u up p tthe he co colo lorr sch schem emee in in tthe he com_code_value table. Categories include the following: ITEM_MATRIX_COLOR_CLASS ITEM_MATRIX_COLOR_SUBCLASS ITEM_MATRIX_COLOR_DEPT ITEM_MATRIX_COLOR_ITEM ITEM_MATRIX_COLOR_SUBDEPT Supported colors include: DEFAULT, BLUE, AQUA, BRONZE, BROWN, GRAY, GREEN, MAROON, ORANGE, ORANGE, PURPLE, RED, TEAL, and YELLOW

Item Matrix System Configuration The following configuration options found in SystemConfig.xml  pertain to item matrix functionality. 4 4 4 4 true true Width - The number of horizontal buttons on the matrix (across). Based on the number

here, buttons will be scaled to fit the screen. Height - The number of vertical buttons on the matrix (down). Based on the number

here, buttons will be scaled to fit the screen CacheEnabled - Determines whether or not cache is enabled for the Item Matrix.

Item Images

Xstore Point of Service provides a method to display multiple sizes of an item image as they correspond to contextual areas of Xstore Point of Service. Using this method, you can specify different sizes of an image to correspond to the display area in Xstore X store Point of Service. For example, you can store a thumbnail sized picture, an item lookup sized picture, and a purchase history sized picture to be used within the specific Xstore Point of Service context. Product images can be called from a file or from an “http address” that will produce the image. Recommended image sizes on 1024x768 resolution: Context Area

Image Size (pixels)

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