November 13, 2018 | Author: Jess CalliopeX | Category: Role Playing Games, Leisure
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A Silly Slutty X-rated RPG game for playing in Instant Messengers. Written by CalliopeX: Cumaddictjess.tumblr.com. All...




XRPG TABLE OF CONTENTS pg. I. Introduction pg. 2. Creating a Character pg. 5. Leveling up pg. 7. Encounters pg. 9. Magic and Spellcasting Mana Costs and Spell Tiers pg. 10. Alteration Enchanting pg. 11. Invocation pg. 12. Purification pg. 13. Summoning

Written by CalliopeX (cumaddictjess.tumblr.com) Illustrations by CalmDraws (calmdraws.tumblr.com)

INTRODUCTION The XRPG, an adult role-playing game designed to be played easily over a long period of time via any Instant messaging program with a decent number of likeminded people. Unlike traditional tabletop RPGs, there is no party system. It’s the tale of a single adventurer who has for one reason or another delved into this land of monsters. All you need to play is the following: The GM, or Game Master. The GM Determines the creatures a player might face and the world they are placed within. They try to keep a reign on people abusing the rules or cheating and are expected to be able to help newer players with the standard procedures & rules. The Players. The game was initially designed by and for at least one promiscuous player of traditionally the female sex. However, the rules do not prevent a man from also taking up the mantle of adventure as long as they are open to the various sexual encounters that might happen to them. Due to the nature of having sex with many different creatures, it is recommended to keep an open mind to the people that might volunteer for the role - being picky won’t necessarily help you in this game! The Creatures. Naturally: the GM cannot run an infinite number of encounters, so other players will need to set encounters for the adventurers. Traditionally this role is for people of the male sex but obviously if there is a lesbian or male player then it is recommended to have some suitable creatures for them to fuck. It is important to mention that it is not the goal of the creatures to defeat the adventurer–at least rules wise. The creatures are an obstacle that must be overcome not a group of bullies. The Game consists of a series of encounters contrasted with off-time from adventuring. For example: our player is a slutty elf named Awyn. She departs from her home camp to travel through the woods for a while. She may or may not find a creature on her way through the woods or a creature may find her. Depending on the circumstances of that encounter at the decision of either the creature, player, or the GM, they roll a dice to decide who the victor is of the carnal predicament. If Awyn is defeated the creature then proceeds to ravage her for a time until she passes out and wakes up back at camp. Alternatively, if Awyn is the victor, she gets to fuck the creature; upon which causing it to orgasm will reward her with XP. Then she may carry on or return to camp to recoup lost energy. It is important to add that an encounter won’t always be won by “defeating” the creature’s roll. Sometimes it is presented in a manner of “surviving” whereas even if Awyn defeats the roll of a Minotaur, she is not in control of the situation and is merely able to survive the beast’s massive dong. Advantage and Disadvantage: Borrowed from the rules of Dungeons and Dragons is the rule of advantage. If an action is said to have advantage, the player or creature gets to roll their dice twice and choose the result they prefer. Likewise, if they are said to have disadvantage then they instead roll two dice and must pick the lower roll as their value.

CREATING A CHARACTER There are only a few things to consider when creating a character. The first thing is Attributes: each attribute is decided by a value multiplied by player level. For example: a level 10 character has an endurance scaling of 1.15. They would at their level have a perfect 11.5 Endurance. There are five attributes: Athleticism, Charisma, Endurance, Sorcery, and Willpower. Per level you gain a total of five points spread across these attributes. For players, no attribute can be increased more than 1.25 per level and no attribute can be increased less than 0.75. Athleticism – Physical strength and defence. Ability to lift heavy objects and survive physical trauma. Charisma – Interpersonal skill. Ability to flirt and charm people/creatures with your words and body. Endurance – Length of energy, responsible for the Stamina resource. How much energy a body can expend before fatigue kicks in and they lose consciousness or lucidity. Sorcery – Magical energy and ability. Modifier for spellcasting and Mana pool. Important to note that a mage without mana is also subject to the loss of consciousness. Willpower – Ability to resist magic and charismatic temptations. Determines the resolve resource that indicates how close one is to being broken mentally. Also needed to be decided is the player’s school of magic or if they wish to forgo magic entirely as a handicap. There are five schools of magic: Alteration: or the school specializing in the changing of the environment around them, bending the world to their will. Enchanting: the school specializing in charms and Illusions that confuse and control those around them. Invocation: the school that specializes in bringing the raw power of the elements to bare on those that oppose them. Summoning: the school that specializes in communicating and requesting aid from those plains beyond our own; signing contracts with devils and demons to meet their ends. Purification: the holy school of cleansing the world in the name of the gods, various holy and nature magics are found here and the priestess servants of the gods use them to clean the world of beasts.

Now that we have our attribute spread and schools of magic, the rest becomes flavour for how you wish your character to be. Think about the individual’s appearance, body proportions, race, and other details. Race has no rule limiting bearing on your character. While an elf may traditionally favour having high mana, low athletics and durability nothing stops you from deciding that *your* elf is of the athletic sort. There are three races typical to the setting that you can pick from. The omnipresent Human of many denominations, darker skinned from the deserts and hot zone to the olive skin of a subtropical zone or the pale skinned and often fair haired folks from the north. There are as many kinds of humans as there are trees in the forest. No fantasy setting is complete without Elves of some kind. Elves can be divided into many different categories though most fantasy games limit this to around 3-4. You can play as any kind of elf you desire; from the fair skinned regal looking High Elf to the tanned dark haired and tattooed Wood Elf. From the violet-blue skin of a Night Elf to the blueish-black colours of a Drow or Dark Elf. Anything is an option. The third suggested race type is the demon-like Azaeli. These bipeds are characterized by demonic attributes from horns to cloven feet and a wide array of skin tones. Similar to the Draenei of Azeroth, the Tieflings of Dungeons and Dragons or, the Castanic people of Arborea. Azaeli can appear like any of these other species depending on heritage. Even though these three are the only ones named in the book you can play any race you can think of depending on the GM.

LEVELING UP Characters level up by gaining XP from defeated foes. At each level, the amount of cumulative XP required to reach the next level is increased according to the scale on the next page. Each level you gain points in every attribute according to your stat growth and one point to be spent on perks as detailed later in the book. Mana, Stamina and Resolve: The three resources are determined by Sorcery, Endurance and Willpower respectively and are consumed by both performing actions and during an attrition contest between the player and a creature. The amount of each resource a player has is their current attribute value multiplied by 10. For Example: a level 10 Player with a stat growth of 1 Sorcery would have 100 Mana. Level Dice At certain levels the dice that is added onto rolls for contest and tests is increased. From level 1 to 9 it is a D4, from Level 10 to 20 it is a D10, From Level 21 to 40 it is a D20, From Level 41 to 60 it is a D30, From Level 61 to Level 99 it is D50 and anything beyond Level 99 uses a D100. (plus relevant attribute) Attributes For every level your character gains they should have stats in the five attributes so that the sum of all five attributes divided by five is equal to the character’s level. Ath+Cha+End+Sor+Wil = Level Perks 5 You gain one perk point spendable on the perk trees. Each trait must be purchased consecutively until the Perk is achieved. Trees can be purchased out of order but you must purchase within the tree in Ascending order.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

XP 83 92 102 114 126 140 155 172 191 212 236 262 290 322 358 397 441 489 543 603 669 743 824 915 1,016 1,128 1,252 1,389 1,542 1,712 1,900 2,109 2,341 2,599

Die Level Xp D4 35 2,884 D4 36 3,202 D4 37 3,554 D4 38 3,945 D4 39 4,379 D4 40 4,860 D4 41 5,395 D4 42 5,989 D4 43 6,647 D10 44 7,378 D10 45 8,190 D10 46 9,091 D10 47 10,091 D10 48 11,201 D10 49 12,433 D10 50 13,801 D10 51 15,319 D10 52 17,004 D10 53 18,874 D20 54 20,951 D20 55 23,255 D20 56 25,813 D20 57 28,653 D20 58 31,804 D20 59 35,303 D20 60 39,186 D20 61 43,497 D20 62 48,281 D20 63 53,592 D20 64 59,488 D20 65 66,031 D20 66 73,295 D20 67 81,357 D20 68 90,306

Die D20 D20 D20 D20 D20 D20 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D30 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50

Level 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

Xp 100,240 111,266 123,506 137,091 152,171 168,910 187,490 208,114 231,007 256,417 284,623 315,932 350,684 389,260 432,078 479,607 532,364 590,924 655,925 728,077 808,165 897,064 995,741 1,105,272 1,226,852 1,361,806 1,511,604 1,677,881 1,862,448 2,067,317 2,294,722 2,547,141 2,827,327 3,138,332

Die Level XP D50 103 3,483,549 D50 104 3,866,739 D50 105 4,292,081 D50 106 4,764,210 D50 107 5,288,273 D50 108 5,869,983 D50 109 6,515,681 D50 110 7,232,406 D50 111 D50 TOTAL 81,008,764 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D50 D100 D100 D100

D? D100 D100 D100 D100 D100 D100 D100 D100 D100

TYPICAL ENCOUNTERS When journeying across a world like this, it is impossible not to come across a wide variety of creatures. Thieves, monsters, military patrols, all included. The world is full of a massive range of creatures. An Encounter occurs when either the creature or the player decides they want to interact with one another. Most encounters need a resolution in order to determine a victor and thus award XP or not. Some encounters involving magic or abilities might even require two or three! Encounter resolution is divided into three main types. Attrition: This is when the player is pitted against an opponent that seeks to wear them down, like a group of weaker/smaller creatures or a writhing mass of tentacles. Attrition is a direct comparison of resources, depending on the type of encounter it can primarily consume either Stamina, Mana or Resolve. If one party runs out of resolve before the other then they are declared the loser while the other gains XP. Examples of a stamina attrition is the aforementioned mass of tentacles. Something such as an elemental requires a magic barrier in order to not injure the one they are fucking would be mana attrition and the Ilithids are best know for inflicting Resolve attrition through their mind-flay ability.

Contest: This is when the stat of a creature is in direct competition with that of the players. The two have a roll-off and the higher result of the Level Die + Relevant characteristic is declared the winner. Typically, there are four main contests that occur, Sorcery vs Sorcery when two Magic-users engage in a magic duel. Athletics vs Athletics when there is a combat of physical ability or someone is just trying to survive the ordeal another is putting them through. I.e, fighting another human being vs being impaled by a minotaur. Charisma vs Charisma where a character is attempting to trick/wile/flirt your way through someone’s guard to bed them and Charisma vs Willpower when someone is trying to entice or invite another to fuck them through an erotic display or other means that ought to be resisted. Test This is generally for magic or alchemical concoctions. The most common is Willpower vs spell DC (Difficulty Check, an arbitrary number given to mark the effectiveness of a spell). The person cast against must use willpower, or sometimes Sorcery to deflect or ignore the effects a spell or potion may have on them. Typically failing one of these isn’t an instant loss of an encounter but it can result in one.


Upon starting the game, all players begin with a single spell. Upon obtaining a spell book or knowledge from a source about casting one you can decide to train yourself in mastery of the spell. Depending on if it is in your mastery or not will decide how quickly you learn the spell. A spell within the school of magic you specialize in will take one level worth of perk points to master, a spell without the school will take three levels of perk points. Mana Cost: All spells cost a certain amount of mana to cast. For most spells this cost is equal to the average roll on the dice added times 10. Other spells have either a fixed cost or it is a multiplier of the level the spell is targeting or opposed by. This is generally a 5x multiple. Spell Tiers: Spell strength is determined by its tier. Mechanically speaking a tier is determined by the size of the dice that is rolled either, additionally, or as the attack the spell produces. Every step up the scale of the die corresponds with another spell tier. Magic missile spells have a slightly different naming system to that of the majority of spells. Die Size Spell Tier Missile Tier

1d4 Petty Bolt

1d10 Minor Blast

1d20 Lesser Wave

1d30 Greater Surge

1d40 Grand Storm

1d50 Legendary Tempest

T-II 55 150

T-III 105 250

T-IV 155 400

T-V 205 500

T-VI 255 555

Typical Mana costs. Standard Spell Creature based spell

T-1 25 25

SPELL LISTS Alteration Strengthen Body Cost: Standard Adds a magic die to defensive rolls against a physical attack, or bonus to a physical feat. “Magically charge your body with extra energy to weather an assault or complete a feat of athletics.” Augment Mind Cost: Standard Adds a magic die to defensive rolls against a psychic attack. “Fortify your mind with a magic influx to defend from probing attacks against it.” Fatigue Cost: Standard Deals stamina damage equal to 10 x roll “Drain your opponent of stamina, rendering them exhausted to any follow-up.” Ice Path Cost: Standard Lower the target’s athletic score while within the area. “Coat the floor with ice causing your opponent to slip and slide while it magically remains normal terrain for you.” Mend Cost: Standard Return stamina to yourself equal to your roll x 15 “Channel magical energy to quickly reshape your body to its normal state and repair some damage.” Morph Cost 5 X Target Give target one body based perk. “Channel magic into editing a physical characteristic on the target’s body.” Poison Splash Cost Standard Deals stamina damage equal to 7.5 X roll. Continues to deal damage after caster is incapacitated. “Douse your opponent in a toxin that either causes physical damage or drains the energy from their veins. This effect stays in effect without concentration.” Wild Shape Cost 5 X Target Shapeshift into the body and stats of one animal that you have previously encountered. “Reform your body temporarily into that of a beast, drawing the details from memory requires meeting the animal at least three times.”

Enchanting Blink Cost 5 X Opponent or 4 X own level. Evade one attack with a short teleport. “Step into an alternate dimension for fifteen seconds and instantaneously re-appear within a short distance of where you stepped out from.” Charm Cost Standard Adds a magic die onto a single flirt or allure type roll. “Magically enhance your appeal and affect the target’s mind to find you even more irresistible than usual.”

Dispel Cost Standard Removes a magical buff or de-buff, must be cast with equal level of the spell targeted. “Create a field of magic energy that counteracts and nullifies a previously planted spell and dissolves it.” Dominate Cost Standard Instant charm incapacitation, spell modifier must double out opponent’s willpower. “Enter your targets mind and warp it. ruin them to anyone else and render them nothing but a puppet to you. An advanced spell to pull off properly.” Barrier Cost Standard Adds a magical die to physical and sorcery defence. “Create a magical barrier to protect against physical and magical attacks.” Illusion Cost Standard Adds a magical die to deceit rolls based on location or appearance or to defence against physical attacks. “Create an Illusory image either around you or someplace nearby and try to fool your enemies or confuse them.” Illusory Assault Cost Standard Adds a magical die to physical Attack. “Create a set of tangible illusions and attack your opponent from all angles. Forcing them to guess which one is actually you.” Afterimage Cost 5 X Creature Negates the damage of one attack “Create an afterimage once attacked and step out of the way so that the attack passes harmlessly through your illusion.”

Invocation Banish Cost Standard Instantly destroy a summoned entity: must double out its Sorcery, must be cast at the same level as the summoned entity. “Overload the spirit with a charge of pure elemental energy and force them back into their original plane or form.” Clarity Cost Standard ÷ 2 Regain mana equal to your roll X 15. “Use a jolt of magic energy to break into the astral plane and channel back a sum of energy greater than what you spent.” Meteor Strike Cost Standard

Instant Magic or Physical attack success, must double out with Sorcery Attack Roll “Bring down a magical meteor to strike the foe and impact the very earth on which they stand.” Maelstrom Cost Standard Instant Will or Stamina Success, must double out with Sorcery Attack Roll “Cast a magical Storm or Cyclone to travel in front of you and toss the opponent or shred their belongings.”

Air Missile Cost Standard Magic Missile vs Stamina. “Blast the target with a continual gust of wind, they must persevere or be knocked flat and winded from the force.” Earth Missile Cost Standard Magic missile vs Athletics “Blast the target with an enchanted boulder, smashing into them to cause physical damage.” Fire Missile Cost Standard Magic missile vs Sorcery “Blast the target with a mote of flame and force a barrier to defend against the heat and fire.” Water Missile Cost Standard Magic Missile vs Will “Surround the target with water and suffocate them, those with no resolve will fall to their knees airless.”

Purification Enrapture Cost 5 x Creature Prevents creature from taking specific actions against you. Cast with Will. “Reach in and force a block in the target’s mind leaving them incapable of conducting normal actions.” Focus Cost Standard Regens roll X 5 Resolve “Meditate briefly and return your resolve, refreshed for the next test.” Fortitude Cost Standard Adds a magical die to defend against psychic attacks. cast with will “Focus on your strength of will and weather the storm of mental punishment.” Lightning Bolt Cost Standard Magic missile cast with will vs sorcery. “Hurl a bolt of lightning and fry your opponent with radiant energy.” Mana Burn Cost Standard Reduce the target’s mana by 10 X roll, cast with will. “Tap into your opponent’s reservoir of mana and burn it away to weaken the power of wizards.” Smite Cost Standard Adds a magical die for physical attacks, cast with willpower. “Your strength of conviction fuels your body and with a surge of holy energy cast your enemy down.” Terrify Cost Standard Reduces target’s resolve by 10 X roll. “Overwhelm your opponent with your determination, make them unsure of themselves by sheer force of will.” Ward Cost Standard Adds a magical die to physical defence. Cast with Will. “Create a holy barrier to protect against outside aggressions from beasts and the unclean.”

Summoning Aether Step Cost 5 x Level Temporarily shift planes and gain the Ethereal trait. “Step out of the boundaries of the mortal plane and become intangible to physical attacks and the similar for a time” Arcane Circle Cost 5 x Summon Level Summon a being from another plane, Demons and similar. Rules dictated by creature summoned. “Using a magical circle specifically inscribed on the ground; call forth a powerful demonic creature and negotiate with it by the rules incorporated in the individual’s arcane bonds.” Call Guardian Cost 5 x Summon Level Summons a being from the terrestrial world. rules dictated by creature. “Using a nature altar call forth an arcane being or beast from the world around you and negotiate it using common sense and logic.” Conjure Cost 5 x Summon Level Creates a being from materials around, undead are the normal choice. Spirits second. The summoned entity is automatically enthralled by you. “Use nearby remains and other items to create a follower to do your bidding.” Create Elemental / Golem Cost 5 x Summon Level Creates a golem or elemental from a nearby element, enthralled by you. “Use a natural formation around you to magically build a magical construct to do your bidding.” Portal Cost 5 x Level of Ally Creates a portal that allows an ally to step through and come to your aid. “Rip a tear in the air in front of you to any location you wish and call an ally through to help you fight.” Sorcerous Shield Cost Standard Summons an arcane shield that adds a magic die to physical and arcane defence. “Create a shield of pure sorcerous energy called forth from another dimension to wield.” Sorcerous Weapon Cost Standard Summons an arcane Weapon that Adds a magic die to physical and arcane Attack. “Create a weapon of pure sorcerous energy called forth from another dimension to wield”

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